Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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the deceased; in a word, the deceased is identified with Osiris. If Osiris liveth for
ever, the deceased will live for ever ; if Osiris dieth, then will the deceased perish.1

1 The origin of Plutarch’s story of the death of Osiris, and the Egyptian conception of his nature
and attributes, may be gathered from the following very remarkable hymn. (The text is given by
Ledrain, Les Monuments Agyptiens de la BibliotKeque Nationale, Paris, 1879, pll- xxi-xxvii. A French
translation of it was published, with notes, by Chabas, in Revue Archiologique, Paris, 1857, t. xiv.,
p. 65 ff.; and an English version was given in Records of the Rast, ist series, vol. iv., p. 99 ff. The
stele upon which it is found belongs to the early part of the XYIIIth dynasty, by which is meant the
period before the reign of Amenophis IV.; this is proved by the fact that the name of the god Amen
has been cut out of it, an act of vandalism which can only have been perpetrated in the fanatical
reign of Amenophis IV.):—

Uymn to Osiris. “ (i) Hail to thee, Osiris, lord of eternity, king of the gods, thou who hast many names, thou disposer

“ of created things, thou who hast hidden forms in the temples, thou sacred one, thou KA who
“ dwellest in Tattu, thou mighty (2) one in Sekhem, thou lord to whom invocations are made in Anti, thou
“ who art over the offerings in Annu, thou lord who makest inquisition in two-fold right and truth, thou
“ hidden soul, the lord of Qerert, thou who disposest atfairs in the city of the White Wall, thou soul of
“ Ra, thou very body of Ra who restest in (3) Suten-henen, thou to whom adorations are made in the region
“ of Nart, thou who makest the soul to rise, thou lord of the Great House in Khemennu, thou mighty
“ of terror in Shas-hetep, thou lord of eternity, thou chief of Abtu, thou who sittest upon thy throne in
“ Ta-tchesert, thou whose name is established in the mouths of (4) men, thou unformed matter of the
“ world, thou god Tum, thou who providest with food the ka’s who are with the company of the gods,
“ thou perfect khu among khu’s, thou provider of the waters of Nu, thou giver of the wind, thou
“ producer of the wind of the evening from thy nostrils for the satisfaction of thy heart. Thou makest (5)

“ plants to grow at thy desire, thou givest birth to.; to thee are obedient the stars in the

“ heights, and thou openest the mighty gates. Thou art the lord to whom hymns of praise are sung
“ in the southern heaven, and unto thee are adorations paid in the northern heaven. The never setting
“ stars (6) are before'thy face, and they are thy thrones, even as also are those that never rest. An
“ offering cometh to thee by the command of Seb. The company of the gods adoreth thee, the stars
“ of the tuat bow to the earth in adoration before thee, [all] domains pay homage to thee, and the ends
“ of the earth offer entreaty and supplication. When those who are among the holy ones (7) see thee
“ they tremble at thee, and the whole world giveth praise unto thee when it meeteth thy majesty.
“ Thou art a glorious sahu among the sahu’s, upon thee hath dignity been conferred, thy dominion is
“ eternal, O thou beautiful Form of the company of the gods; thou gracious one who art beloved
“ by him that (8) seeth thee. Thou settest thy fear in all the world, and through love for thee all
“ proclaim thy name before that of all other gods. Unto thee are offerings made by all mankind,
“ O thou lord to whom commemorations are made, both in heaven and in earth. Many are the
“ shouts of joy that rise to thee at the Uak* festival, and cries of delight ascend to thee from the
“ (9) whole world with one voice. Thou art the chief and prince of thy brethren, thou art the prince of
“ the company of the gods, thou stablishest right and truth everywhere, thou placest thy son upon thy
“ throne, thou art the object of praise of thy father Seb, and of the love of thy mother Nut. Thou art
“ exceeding mighty, thou overthrowest those who oppose thee, thou art mighty of hand, and thou
“ slaughterest thine (10) enemy. Thou settest thy fear in thy foe, thou removest his boundaries, thy
“ heart is fixed, and thy feet are watchful. Thou art the heir of Seb and the sovereign of all the earth;

* This festival took place on the 17th and 18th days of the month Thoth; see Brugsch, Kalendarische InschHflen,
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