Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Butler, Howard Crosby
Publications of an American Archaeological Expedition to Syria in 1899 - 1900 (Band 2): Architecture and other arts — New York, 1903

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angle. The figures are completely outlined in black and filled in with colors intended
to represent nature. The tiger is executed in alternating stripes of black and orange
shading to buff, the gazelle in soft shades of brown and gray, the color of the marble
cubes decreasing in intensity from the back down the side, so as to give an effect of
rotundity to the figures. The horns of the gazelle are plain black, and the eyes and
nostrils of both beasts are strongly outlined in the same color.

The group on the opposite side of the tree represents a wild ass being devoured
by a lion. This design is disposed upon a line parallel to the south wall of the room,
and was apparently meant to be seen on entering from the adjoining apartment.
The ass, which has been thrown upon its back, is treated in brown, while the figure
of the lion, crouching above its prey, is represented in dark red. ITere again an
effect of roundness is secured by degrees of shading and by disposing the cubes in
concentric curves. The eyes and nostrils of the animals are again accentuated by
black outline. Conventionalized wavy lines of red upon the shoulder of the ass indi-
cate the blood flowing from wounds made by the teeth and claws of the lion. These
lines are repeated below the animal where the blood lies upon the ground.

Opposite the other quadrant of the circle, on the south side, is a bear, running at
full speed, apparently in pursuit of its prey; the color of this figure is a bluish gray,
black being used in outline and for the eye and nostril. Below the bear a sugges-

Mosaic in bath at Serdjilla.

tion of landscape is given in a rock of slate color. In the position corresponding to
this, on the north side, is another gray animal, with spots of a darker shade of the
same color, and a brush at the end of its tail. This may have been intended for a
leopard, though the tail would indicate a lion of some sort. The animal is repre-