Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Butler, Howard Crosby
Publications of an American Archaeological Expedition to Syria in 1899 - 1900 (Band 2): Architecture and other arts — New York, 1903

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above the semicircle of the niche. The raking cornice is a simple cavetto and a
fascia. Below the apex of the gable was a small figure of an eagie, and above it
a small bracket which was probably intended to support another figure. The whole
design of this niche may be taken as a reduced copy of the temple fagades of the
Hauran. The broad arch above the central intercolumniations is particularly sug-
gestive in this regard, and it may be that the heavy cyma recta of this little entablature
may give the key to the design of the crowning nrember of the tenrples, which is
missing in all the existing ruins in the Djebel Hauran.

The one preserved corner pilaster is carried up to the level of the cornice of the
side portal, where it receives a cap. Above this one nray plainly see tlre springers
of an arch, whiclr is good evidence that there was a portico in front of the basilica,
with arches in its antae, or cnd walls, like those at Kanawat. In front of the basilica
are a number of fragments of a beautiful cornice, consisting of a bed mold of dentils
below an egg and dart, a corona supported by slender modillions, and a heavy
cynratium. The face of the corona is carved with perpendicular grooves ; above this
is a delicate bead and reel. The cynratiunr is adorned with anthenrions. It would
seenr as if this cornice could have occupied no otlrer place than in the entablature of
a colonnade ; for it is scarcely possible that so elaborate a crowning feature would
have been placed above the sinrple wall of the fayade.