Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Butler, Howard Crosby
Publications of an American Archaeological Expedition to Syria in 1899 - 1900 (Band 2): Architecture and other arts — New York, 1903

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Helios, 354

Helios, bust, 273

Herakles, relief, 274

Hermes, relief, 281

Herod Agrippa I, 324, 337, 338

Herod Antipas, 338

Herod the Great, 311, 322, 324, 333, 338
Herodian style, 312
Hexagon plan, 238
Hexastyle temple, Shehba, 378
Homs, 4, 49, 286, 295
Hood mold, 30, 136, 142, 210, 401, 408
Houses, 69, 78, 80, 84, 114-127, 169-179, 251-


Idumean dynasty, 323, 337, 338, 341
il-Barah, 6, 10, 35, 97, 119, 127, 155,159, 164,

219, 243, 244, 246, 26l, 270, 288

il-Haiyat, kalyb6, 397
il-Haiyat, sculptures, 418
il-Hldjaneh, 295
il-Malikiyeh, 313
il-Matkh, 4

il-Mgharah, 82, 83, 158, 293
il-M’zauwakah, 83
Inclined jambs, 44
Inns, 140, 155

Inscription, Greelc, in mosaic, 288
Inscriptions, 7

Inscriptions, Djebel Shekh Berekat, 47
Inscriptions, Hittite, 47
Inscriptions, Nabatssan, 311, 323, 324
Inscriptions, Palmyrene, 50, 51
Inscriptions, Phenician, 47
Inscriptions, Syriac, 34, 86, 201, 202, 209, 213,
222, 265, 305
Insula, 116, 117
Ionic capital, 3, 41, 74, 174, 201
Ionic, Roman, 399
‘Ireh, 414
ir-Rimeh, 421
Ishruk, 89, 114
Isriyeh, 4, 76
is-Sabkha, 4


Kaddu, sculptor, 323

Kal'at il-Mudik. See Apamea

KaPat Sim'an, 3, 22, 180, 184, 192, 193

Kalybe, 383, 396, 397, 418

Kanatha. See Kanawat

Kanawat, 402, 406, 418

Kasr ‘Allariiz, 249

Kasr il-Benat, 59, 140, 151, 155, 156, 221,

ICasr il-Benat, near Hass, 221

Kasr Zebed, 300

Iyatura, 61, 73, 272

Kefr Ambil, 256, 263

Kefr Binneh, 198

Kefr Finsheh, 46, 236, 276

Kefr Kermin, 58

Kefr Kila, 46, 216

Kefr Mares, 108, 240, 243

Kefr Ruma, 63

Kf6r, 46, 118, 149, 155, 192, 269
Khanasir, 296, 300, 309
Khan Sebil, 263
Khirbit Fa'ris, 108

Khirbit Hasan, 199, 243
Khirbit H&ss, 22, 35, 82, 92, 112, 120, 123,
I25, 157, 178, 278, 287
Khirbit Tezin, mosaic, 288
Khurebat, 46, 214
Kinnesrin. See Chalcis
Kirk Beza, 46, 114, 115, 119, 269
Kokanaya, 104, 109, 146, 173, 174, 179, 213,
243, 269, 271

Ksedjbeli, 131, 135, 138, 148, 150, 218

Ktellata, 64, 105, 270, 277

Kubbeh, 315, 412

Kubbit Babutta, 13, 65

Kurkanya, 5

Kuweik, 4

Kyrillas, architect, 137, 142
Kyris, architect, 142
Kyros, architect, 138, 142


Lake of Antiocli, 3
Latrina, 129, 254
Lava formation, 295
Lebanon, 12
Ledja, 5, II, 12
Lerntean Hydra, relief, 274
Limestone, 15

Lions, sculptured, Si‘, 416 ; Shakka, 416
Loggia, 175, 177, 261, 263
Loopholes, 257
Lunettes, 32, 182, 260


Ma'arrit Betar, 74, 113
Ma'arrit in-Nu‘man, 63, 198
Madafeh, 373
Malchus I, 333
Malchus II, 324

Maleichath, son of Mo'aieru, 334

Ma'ramaya, 90, 91, 172

Marble revetments, 378, 381, 389, 395

Marble tiles, 264

Marcus Aurelius, 59, 347, 351

Marinus, 381

Market, 128, 168

Markianos Kyris, architect, 133, 142

Mar Saba, press, 269

Ma'sarteh, 242

Mausoleums, 14, 103

Medallions, 280

Medusa, relief, 275

Metope, 327

Midjleyya, 35, 96, 105, 106, 127, 154, 237,
264, 270, 288, 293
Mismiyeh, 12
Mo'aieru, 323

Mohammedan invasion, 10, 218, 282

Molding, cable, 333

Moldings, 27, 29, 37, 38, 181, 316

Moldings, base, 369

Moldings, classic, 257

Moldings, hood, 30, 142, 401, 408

Moldings, incised, 30, 193, 199, 204, 208, 227

Mortar, 20, 24, 296, 304, 388

Mosaics, 14, 165, 287-293, 320, 413

Mosque, 51

Mshabbak, 143

Mu'allak, 10, 305

Mushennef, 319, 346

Musicians, relief, 283, 420
Mutules, 326


Nabattean names, 338
Nabattean period, 314
Nabataean sculpture, 414
Nabatsean stele, 323
Nabattean style, 316, 317
Nabatcean tombs, 316, 333
Nabatseans, 321, 322, 323
Naos, 113
Narthex, 97, 181
Native elements, 19
Nela, 346
Nephesh, 326

Niche, 178, 258, 280, 332, 344, 350, 354, 367,
37i. 374, 381, 383, 387
Nike, figure, 273, 417
Nuriyeh, 42, 44, 46, 64, 90, 91, 103, 114
Nymph, figure of, 419
Nymphseum, 383


‘Obaisath, 323

Oblique squares, 330, 336, 408, 415

Octagon plan, 237

Oculus, 248, 373

Odainatli, 325

Odeion, 377

Oil-manufactories, 267, 270
Olive-presses, 268
Opus reticulatum, 49, 296
Order, Composite, 316, 349, 401
Order, Corinthian, 28, 62, 66, 70, 93, 95, 125,
I4L 147, 15°, 154, 182, 211, 316, 345; de-
based, 145, 233; uncut, 106, 113, 123, 132,
138, 141, 143, 147, 151, 159, 173, 208,218
Order, Doric, 27, 41, 61, 65, 78, 80, 99, 109,
122, 316, 326, 336; debased, 258
Order, Ionic, 28, 61, 88, 109, 123, 298, 336,
367; debased, 145, 148, 152, 173, 175, 182,
191, 233 ; Roman, 399
Order, Syrian, 29, 155
Order, Tuscan, 28, 124, 179; debased, 258
Orders, 24, 183, 187, 316, 399
Oriental designs, 183, 317
Oriental details, 324
Oriental influence, 86, 310, 322
Oriental origin, 54
Orientation, 87, 405

Ornament, 16, 27-34, 37, 297, 316-320, 406
Orontes, 3, 16
Otacilia, 402


Painting, 293, 294, 413
Palace, 370

Palace of Hyrcanos, 342
Palace, Shakka, 369
Palace, Shehba, 382
Palm branch, 200
Palm ornament, 80, 82
Palm-tree, 319, 380
Palmyra, 4, 49, 76, 77, 377, 393
Pandocheion, 155, 196
Panels, 32, 264, 302, 345
Parapets, 32, 117, 167, 173, 302
Parotids, 350
Paved courtyard, 346, 348
Pavement, 264, 361