Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky — Cambridge, 1914

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§ 6. Zeus in relation to the Sun......186—730

(a) Direct identifications of Zeus with the Sun . . . 186

(b) Cult-epithets of Zeus that may be solar ..... 195

(c) The Sun as the Eye of Zeus...... . 196

(d) The Sun as a Wheel ." '". . . V. . . 197

i. The Solar Wheel in Greece . . . . . . 197

(a) Ixion . . ,....... 198

(/3) Triptolemos . . . . . . . . 211

(y) Kirke . . . ■■ • • . <•. . . . . . 238

(d) Medeia......... 244

(e) lynx . ......... 253

(£) Isis, Nemesis, Tyche, Fortuna ..... 265

ii. Zeus and the Solar Wheel . . . . . 288

iii. Zeus and the Solar Disk. ...... 291

iv. The Lycian Symbol........ 299

v. The Lycian Symbol and the Kyklops .... 302

vi. The Kyklops of the East and the Kyklops of the West 309
^ii. The Kyklops and Zeus . . . . . . . 317

viii. The Blinding of the Kyklops' Eye . . . . . 321

ix. Prometheus' Theft of Fire...... 323

x. The Fire-drill in relation to Prometheus, the Kyklops,

and Zeus . . v . . . . . ; . 325

xi. The Solar Wheel combined with Animals . . . 330

xii. The Solar Chariot . . . . . . . . 333

xiii. The Solar Wreath ........ 338

(<?) The Sun as the Bird of Zeus . . . . . 341

(/) The Sun and the Ram . . . " . . . . 346

i. The Ram and the Sun in Egypt. Zeus Ammon . 346
(a) Khnemu and Amen ....... 346

(/3) Amen and Zeus Thebaieits ..... 347

(y) Amen and Zeus Ammon ...... 348

(8) Ba'al-hamman and Zeus Amnion . . . . 353

. (e) Zeus Ammon and the Snake . . . . . 358

(£) Zeus of the Oasis a Graeco-Libyan god . . . 361

(77) The youthful Ammon . . . . . . 371

(8) The Oasis of Siwah . . . . . . 376

ii. The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia. Zeus Sabdzios . 390

iii. The Golden or Purple Ram of the Etruscans and Italians 403

iv. The Golden or Purple Lamb of Atreus . . . 405

v. " The Cattle of the Sun...... 409

vi! The Golden Lamb in a folk-tale from Epeiros . . 412

vii. The Golden or Purple Ram of Phrixos . . . 414

viii. Zeus Aktaios or Akraios and his Fleeces . . . 420
'ix] Zeus MeiMchios, Zeus Ktesios, and the Fleece of Zeus 422

x. The Significance of the Ram in the Cults of Zeus . 428