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Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky — Cambridge, 1914

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The Oasis of Siwah


its close1, both reached their distant goal. Others followed suit,
among whom may be specially mentioned the Prussian general
H. von Minutoli and his party (1820)2, the Englishmen G. A.
Hoskins (1835)3 and Bayle St John (1847)4, the Scot J. Hamilton
(1853)5, and the German G. Rohlfs (1869, 1874)6. But the journey
even now-a-days is seldom undertaken7: the desert is a serious
deterrent8, and the inhabitants have no great love for strangers9.

the mysterious Lake Arashieh ; but the inhabitants of Siwah burnt his boat, and did
their best to rob and murder the explorer—a fate that ultimately overtook him in the
mountains of Syria.

1 F. Cailliaud Voyage d Me'roe', au Fleuve Blanc, au-deld de Fdzoql dans le midi du
Royaume de Senndr, d Syouah et dans cinq autres Oasis, fait dans les annees i8ig, 1820,
1821 et 1822 Paris 1826 i. 86—122. Cp. Jomard Voyage d fOasis du Syouah, d'apres les
mate'riaux recueillis par M. le chevalier Drovetti et par M. Frederic Cailliaud, pendant
leurs 7Joyages dans cette Oasis, en i8ig et en 1821 Paris 1823.

2 H. von Minutoli Reise zum Tempel des Jupiter Amnion in der libyschen Wiiste und
nach Ober-Aegypten in den Jahren 1820 und 1821, herausgegeben von Dr E. H. Toelken,
Berlin 1824, with an Atlas of 38 plates and a map.

3 G. A. Hoskins Visit to the Great Oasis of the Libyan Desert London 1837.

4 Bayle St. John Adventures in the Libyan Desert and the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon
London 1849.

5 J. Hamilton Wanderings in North-Africa London 1856.

6 G. Rohlfs Von Tripolis nach Alexandrien1 Bremen 1871 2Bremen 1882 3Norden
1885 in two vols., id. Drei Monate in der libyschen Wiiste Cassel 1875, W. Jordan
Physische Geographie und Meleorologie der libyschen Wiiste, nach Beobachtungen, aus-
gefuhrt im Winter 1873-74 auf der Rohlfs'schen Expedition, Cassel 1876.

7 L. Robecchi-Bricchetti (1886) ' Notizie sull' oasi di Siuwah' in the Archivio per
Antropologia e la Etnologia 1887 xvii, id., 'Un' Escursione attraverso il deserto Libico
all' Oasi di Siuva 1886 ' in the Bollettino delta Societd Geografica Ltaliana 3. Serie. 2. 1889
pp. 388—399, 468—488 (cp. Bulletin de la SociSti Khediviale de Giographie 3. Serie.
1888—89 pp. 83—118), id. AW oasi di Giove Amnione, viaggio Milan 1900.

H. Burchardt (1893) 'Uber den Besuch der Oase Siwah im Februar d. J.' in the
Verhandl. der Gesellschaftfur Erdkunde zu Berlin xx. 387 f.

W. Jennings-Bramley (1896) ' A Journey to Siwa in September and October 1896'
in the Geographical JournalLondon 1897 x. 597—608.

C. von Griinau (1898) ' Bericht, uber meine Reise nach Siwah' in the Zeitschrift der
Gesellschaft fitr Erdkunde zu Berlin 1899 xxxiv. 271—280. Cp. the Am. Journ. Arch.
1899 iii. 515.

A. Silva White (1898) From Sphinx to Oracle. Through the Libyan Desert to the
Oasis of Jupiter Amnion London 1899.

G. Steindorff (1899—1900) 'Vorlaufiger Bericht uber seine im Winter 1899/1900 nach
der Oase Siwe und nach Nubien unternommenen Reisen' in the Ber. sdchs. Gesellsch. d.
Wiss. Phil.-hist. Classe 1900 pp. 209—239, id. ' Eine archaologische Reise durch die
Libysche Wiiste zur Amonsoase Siwe' in Petermanns Geogr. Mitteilungen 1904 Heft viii
with a map by Dr B. Hassenstein, id. Durch die Libysche Wiiste zur Amonsoase Bielefeld
und Leipzig 1904 (with full bibliography ib. p. 156 f.).

8 Archonides or Andron of Argos, a man who all his life ate plenty of dry salt food
without feeling thirsty or drinking, travelled twice to the Oasis of Amnion on a diet of
dry meal; and Magon of Carthage did so thrice (Aristot. frag. 99 Rose 1494 a 7 ff.).
Their ' record ' remains unbroken !

9 A certain Mr Blunt, who came to Siwah disguised as an Arab, was detected and