Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky — Cambridge, 1914

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3 9 2 The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia

on the ram's head (pi. xxvii)1. The persistence of the ram as a
footstool is most noteworthy. In the art of the Babylonians,
Hittites, etc2, a god standing on an animal is commonly explained
as a superposition of the later on the earlier form of the same
divine being. Similarly I should conjecture that the Phrygian
Sabdzios was originally conceived as a ram and remained essen-
tially a ram-god.

But, just as the Egyptian ram-god Ammon had sacred snakes,
and was said to have become a snake to win his bride3, so the
Phrygian ram-god Sabdzios had sacred puff adders4 and was him-
self said to have taken their form for the like purpose. Both
animals figure in his myth, which has come down to us with
some rhetorical embellishment in the pages of Clement and other
apologists5. Their accounts, printed in full below, may be thus

1 C. Blinkenberg Archaologische Studien Kopenhagen and Leipzig 1904 p. 90 ff. pi. 2
(to a scale of f-) in the Nationalmuseet at Copenhagen. In the centre stands Sabdzios
wearing Phrygian costume. His right hand holds a pine-cone ; his left, a sceptre tipped
with a votive hand. His right foot rests on a ram's head. Round him are numerous
attributes etc., including the thunderbolt and eagle of Zeus. All these are placed in a
distyle temple, the pediment of which contains the sun-god's chariot between two stars.
The upper angles of the plate are occupied by the Dioskouroi with their horses.

2 See H. Prinz in the Ath. Mitth. 1910 xxxv. 167 f.

3 Supra p. 358 n. 6.

4 Dem. de cor. 259 f. dvrjp de yevbpievos {sc. Aischines) tt) pLrjTpl TeXo6o"rj rds (BL(3Xovs
dveyiyvwanes /cat rdXXa avvecrKevoopov, rty fxev vvktcl vefipi^iov /cat Kparrfpifav, /cat
Kadaipwv tovs TeXov/mevovs KdirofxaTTtov Tip 77-77X4$ /ecu rots iriTvpois, /cat aviaras dwb tov
Kadaptxov neXevwv Xeyeiv " ^<pvyov kclkov, evpov dpLeivov," eirl Tip fxrjdeva iribiroTe ttjXlkovt
oXoXv^ai ae/jLvvvbpieivs..., ev de reus rj/xepais tovs kciXovs dtdaovs dyoov did t&v bdQv, tovs
eaTecpavtofxevovs Tip puxpdOip /cat Trj XetjKrj, tovs 6'0ets tovs irapeias OXifliov /cat virep tt)s
KecpaXrjs aiwpQv, /cat (3o&v exiol aafioi, /cat irropxovpLevos vrjs &ttt)s arr??s vrjs, e^apxos /cat
irpoy]^epilov /cat KLTTO<f>bpos (KiaTO(p6pos, a variant in Harpokr. s.v. KiTTo<pbpos and in schol.
Patm., is adopted by Dindorf and others) /cat XiKvocpbpos /cat Toiavd' virb tGiv ypadicov
Trpocrayopevojuevos, puadbv Xap,(3dvtov to(itlov k'vdpvirTa /cat o~TpeirTOvs /cat verjXaTa, e<p' ols t'ls
ovk dv (is dXrjduis avTov evdai/novicreie /cat tt}v civtov tv%Wi On this passage see Eisele
loc. cit. p. 251 f., and for the adders cp. Theophr. char. 16 /cat edv idy 8<pLv ev Trj oULa,
edv irapeiav, "Zafidfrov /caXetV, edp de iepbv, ivTavOa rjptpov ei/9ds idpvcracrdai, Artemid.
oneirocr. 2. 13 /cat Qeovs irdvTas {sc. dpaKtov bpibfievos arjpLaivei), ols £cttiv iepbs. ctVt de oide '
Zevs 2a/3dj"tos, "HXtos, Aij/XTjTrjp /cat Kopr;, 'E/caT??, 'AckX^ttlos, "Tiptoes,...dptiivai de /cat
irapeTai /cat (pvaaXoi wovrjpoi irdvTes {ib. 4. 56).

5 Clem. Al. protr. 2. 15. 1 ff. p. 13, 2 ff. Stkhlin Arjovs de pLvo-T-qpia [/cat] At6s irpbs
jxr}Tepa ArjpLrjTpa dtppodicrioi avfiirXoKai /cat ptrjvis {ovk old' 6 tl <pio Xonrbv, fxr)Tpbs rj yvvaiKos)
tt)s Arjovs, 77s dr) xdpiv Bpt/^w rrpoaayopevdrjuaL Xeyerai, </cat> iKeT-qp'iai Albs /cat Tro^a
XoXljs /cat /capStouX/ctat /cat dpprjTovpyiai- TavTa oi <i>pvyes TeXio~Kovo~iv "Arrtot /cat Ku/3eX??
/cat Koptifiaaiv • TedpvXrjKaaiv de ibs apa drroaTrdcras 6 Zevs tov Kpiov tovs didvpcovs <p£pwv ev
[xetrois Zppixpe rots koXttols tt)s Arjovs, tl/u,wpiav xpevdi) tt)s /3tatas o~vp,irXoKris eKTivvtiLov, ws
eavTov drjdev eKTepabv. rd atipfioXa tt)s pLvrjaeios tol{>t7]s e/c wepiovcrLas irapa.Tede'vTa old' otl
Kcurjaec yeXcoTa /cat /-it? yeXaaeiovaip vpuv did tovs eXe~yxovs' "e/c TvpLirdvov ^<payov' e/c
KvpL/3dXov 'e'lriov eKepvo<pbpr}aa- vnb tov iraaTov V7r£dvv.v TavTa oi>x v/3pis rd o~vpLj3oXa;
ou %Xeu77 rd pivo~Tr)pia; tl 5' el /cat rd eiriXoiira TrpocrdelTjv; Kvet ixev i) A7]pLr)T7jp, dva.Tpe'&eTO.i
de. i) K6p?7, pLiyvvTai 5' autfts 6 yewr/cras ovroai Zevs tt} <$epe<pdTT7], Trj idia OvyctTpi, jxerd tt)v