Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky — Cambridge, 1914

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626 The Bull and the Sun in Syria

Thus the completed list embraces the mineral, vegetable, and
animal kingdoms :—

Kronos Lead ......Hyacinth ..................Ass

Zeus Silver ......Lily...........................Eagle

Ares Iron ......Violet........................Wolf

Helios Gold ......Rose ........................Lion

Aphrodite Tin .........Pimpernel ..................Dove

Hermes Bronze ...Madder, or Anemone ...Snake

Selene Crystal ...Narcissus ..................Cow

These Byzantine attributions were not mere fancy-flights of
late and irresponsible authors, but a systematised selection from
the customs and cults of the Roman Empire. In particular, there
is reason to think that silver as well as the lily was associated
with Jupiter Dolichenus. The bronze statuette of the god at
Carnuntum was silvered, the points of its thunderbolt being wound
round with silver-foil {supra fig. 486). The triangular bronze plates
from Komlod were partially gilded and silvered1; those from
Traizmauer were silvered2; that from Aalen was gilded3. Five
silver plates dedicated to Iupiter Dolichenus, and probably all
derived from his temple at Heddernheim, have been published by

Cramer anecd. Paris, iii. 113, 4 ff. (cited by Gruppe Gr. Myth. Ret. p. 1491 n. 4)
tovtwp tQv eVra aarepwv evl e/cdcrry inelvo /cat vXac. T(p TZpovcp 6 %aX/cos, rep Att' 6 %puo"6s,


ry "Apei" 6 (ridyjpos, T(p 'HXlcp 6 rjXeKTpos, rfj 'A0po5tr77 Kaaairepos, ry'Ep/xf 6 fx6Xvj38os, rrj
~2ie\rji>rj 6 apyvpos (cp. Pind. frag. 222 Schroeder Atos ttoa.% 6 xPva°s' k.t.X.). 6/xoiws /cat
ot otWot. 7/ Kopibvr] r<£ Kpovcp, 6 derds rep Att ws /3a<rtXet, to twv fwwi' (3ao~iXu<u)Tepov, 6
koXolos rip "Apei did to ra/)a%(35es, T(p HXt'c^ rjyovv t<2 ''AttoXXcovl 6 idpnos, 0 £(TTi yevos
iepaxcov TaxvTaTov, T<p 'B/)^ 0 kvkvos, <hs fiovcriKos, tt\ ^AcppodiTTj 77 irepuTTepa, cos ttovtik-//,
but schol. Pind. fstkm. 4 (5). 2 e/edcrrtj 8e tCov daTepuv vXtj rts avdyercu' Kai'HXlcp fiev 6
Xpvaos, HeXrjvri 5e 6 apyvpos, "Apei aidr/pos, Kpovip fAoXifidos, Att tfXeKTpos, 'Ep/q? KaaaLTepos,
'A^poSirr; xa^K°s (CP- Prokl. in Plat. Tim. i. 43, 5 ff. Diehl with schol. ad toe. i. 460,
22 ff. Diehl, Olympiod. in Aristot. meteor. 3 p. 59 f.) and Orig. c. Cels. 6. 22 r) irpdoTi]
tCov 7rvXu>v /jloXl^Bov, 77 devrepa KaaacTepov, 7) tp'ltt] %aX/cou, 7/ TeTapTr) o-iSrjpov, 7} ire^irTri
Kepaarou vofxiap^aTOS, 7) eKT7) dpyvpov, xpv0~°v ^ v efiSo/xr). ttjv irpcoTrju TiQevTai IZpdvov, t£
pt,o\ij38cp TeKpt,7]pioiJpLej'oi ttjv /3pa5trr??ra tov dtxTepos' ttjv SevTepav 'A0po5tr77S, irapafidXXovTes
avTrj to cpaidpbv re /cat yttaXa/ccV tov naaaiTepoV ttjv TpiTrjv tov Atos tt]v %aX/co/3dr7;j' /cat
OTeppdv ttjv T€TapT7]u 'EppLov, TXTjfiova yap '4pywv airdvTwv /cat xpVlua-tla"rvl/ kal ttoXv'killtjtov
etz>at tov re cLdrjpov /cat tov '^jp/xrjv tt\v irefATTTijv "Apeos tt\v e/e tov KpdfiaTos dvw/xaXov re
/cat iroLKLXrjV enTTjv "ZeXrjVTis tt)v dpyvpdv e[356/j.7]v 'HXtot; ttjv xPw^)vi ^fJ-oifxevoL rds xpoas
avT&v (cp. Eustath. in II. p. 25, 2 ff., p. 1154, 48 ft".). A. Ludwich as an appendix to
his edition (Lipsiae 1877) °f Maximus and Amnion prints certain anecdota astrologica, of
which section 6 rt arjfxaLvec enacrTov tQv fadioov /cat tCov dvTepwv /cat tivcov deairo^ovcnv
includes the vegetables, minerals, and animals appropriate to the seven planets. Of
Zeus we read: p. 120, 19 f. Atos crtros, KpiQ-q, opvfa, SXvpa /cat ra o~Tij<povTa ttjs dirojpas,
p. 121, 8 f. Atos KaaaiTepos, firjpvXXos /cat 7ras Xt#os XevKos, cravdapdxV) delov /cat ra
ToiavTa, p. 122, 1 Zeus dvdpunrovs /cat XeovTas /cat ret nadapd opvea.

1 Supra p. 616.

2 Supra p. 617.

3 Supra p. 619.