Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky — Cambridge, 1914

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Zeus Oromdsdes

or Attis1 or Mithras (?)2, wearing a stellate tiara. We are unusu-
ally well informed about this deity, thanks to the systematic
exploration of the Nemroud Dagh, an outlying spur of Mount
Tauros in the region of the upper Euphrates. Here in 1881 the
engineer K. Sester discovered a remarkable tumulus, which in 1882
and 1883 was investigated by two expeditionary parties, that of
the Germans (O. Puchstein, K. Humann, F. von Luschan)3 and
that of the Turks (Hamdy Bey, Osgan Effendi)4. Their results
may be briefly resumed.

Antiochos i of Kommagene (69—38 B.C. or later), who in his
inscriptions announces himself as ' The great King Antiochos, the
Just God Made Manifest, Friend of the Romans and Friend of the
Greeks5,' resolved to be buried on the highest mountain-peak of
his domain. On the summit of the Nemroud Dagh, at an altitude

1 Ioul. or. 5. 165 b tt]u 8e (sc. M^repa tQp deGiv) rd re dXXa irdvra eirirpexpai aura) (sc.
t(jj"Atti5i) Kal tov acFTepwTov ewideivai wlXov, id. 170 D f. 6 7<xp "Attis ovtos 'exwv TW
KardffTLKTOV tols darpois ridpav exjbrjXov otl tcls irdvTOov tQv deCov els tov ifxcpavrj Koafxov
bpufievas Xrj^eis dpxds eTroiyvaTO Trjs eavrov fiaa CXeias, Sallustius irepi dewv Kal koc/hov 4
epa fxev i) Wrjrrjp tov"Arrets Kal ovpaviovs avrtp diducrLV dvvdpiecs' tovto ydp £o~tlv 6 irlXos.

Imhoof-Blumer Gr. Miinzen p. 226 no. 746 pi. 13, 6, cp. no. 747 (Ankyra in Galatia) ;
id. p. 226 f. nos. 748—750 pi. 13, 7—9, cp. no. 751 (Pessinous), R. Eisler Weltenmantel
und Himmelszelt Miinchen 1910 i. 63 f. fig. 11 ; E. Pernice—F. Winter Der Hildesheimer
Silberfund'Berlin 1901 pi. 5, Reinach Rip. Reliefs i. 159, 2, W. Drexler in Roscher Lex.
Myth. ii. 2741.

2 Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Pontus, etc. p. 84 pi. 19, 3 f., Imhoof-Blumer Monn. gr.
p. 227 pi. E, 16, Waddington—Babelon—Reinach Monn. gr. d'As. Min. i. 136 pi. r8,
5 f., Head Hist, num.2 p. 505 fig. 264.

3 K. Humann and O. Puchstein Reisen in Kleinasien tmd Nordsyrien Berlin 189a
p. 97 ff. with figs, in text and Atlas of 3 maps and 53 pis.

4 O. Hamdy Bey and Osgan Effendi Le Ttimtdus du Nemroud-dagh (Voyage,
Description, Inscriptions avec Plans et Photographies). Constantinople 1883 with
Frontisp., 33 pis., and 2 plans.

5 Humann—Puchstein op. cit. p. 272 i a 1 ff. (= Dittenberger Orient. Gr. inscr. set.
no. 383, 1 ff.), p. 325 1 ff., p. 320 f. r ff., p. 327 1 ff., p. 319 1 ff., p. 303 1 ff., p. 302 1 ff.,
p. 304 1 ff., p. 304 f. 1 ff., p. 283 1 ff., p. 306 f. 1 ff., p. 285 1 ff., p. 307 f. 1 ff., p. 287 1 ff.,
p. 313 1 ff., p. 311 f. 1 ff., p. 356 1 ff. ( = Dittenberger Orient. Gr. inscr. set. nos. 383,
x ff., 384, 1 ff., 385, r ff., 386, r ff., 387, 1 ff., 388, 1 ff., 389, 1 ff., 390, 1 ff., 391,- 1 ff.,
392, 1 ff., 393, 1 ff., 394, 1 ff., 395, 1 ff., 396, 1 ff., 397, 1 ff., 401, 1 ff., 402, 1 ff.), V. W.
Yorke in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1898 xviii. 312 f. no. 14, 1 ff. Samosata ( = Dittenberger
op. cit. no. 404, 1 ff.) : BaatXevs p.eyas 'AvtLoxos Qebs AiKaios ,IZiri(p'ap7)s 't't.Xopajfj.aios Kal
QiXeWriv, cp. Lebas—Waddington Asie Mineure iii no. 136^, iff- Ephesos ( = Ditten-
berger op. cit. no. 405, 1 ff.) BaciAea 'Avt'loxov Qeov | Akcuop 'Eirtcpaprj §ikopwp.aloi> \ Kal
QcXeWrjua, and the slight variant in Humann—Puchstein op. cit. p. 311 i ff. ( = Ditten-
berger op. cit. no. 400, 1 ff.) [Bao-iX]eus p.e[yas~\ | ['AvTiox]os Qebs A[t/ccuos] | ['ETrt^aj^s
<I>i[AeAA?7J'] I [/cat $tAojOw/m?os].

Since a dedication 6e£ Aucaty Midpa has come to light at Kilissi Hissar, i.e. Tyana in
3-Cappadokia (J. H. Mordtmann in the Ath. Mitth. 1885 x. 12 citing Rizo KaTnradoKLKa
113), O. Puchstein in Humann—Puchstein op. cit. p. 341 f. suggests that the divine titles
of Antiochos were a popular designation of Mithras. But F. Cumont in Pauly—Wissowa
Real-Enc. v. 564 shows that the cult-epithets "Ocrtos Kal AUaios, "Ocrios Ai'/ccuos, or "Ocrios