Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky
— Cambridge, 1914
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volumes by T. B. Emeric-David issued at Paris in 1833. In the
inkling of prehistoric antecedents. In both directions pioneer work
scholar but of any and every investigator in the classical field.
priests at Korykos, odd details of his rites at Iasos, a hymn sung in
the quest at home. Year in, year out, the universities of Europe
especially in the poets and the philosophers: it would be tedious to
in Greek and Latin poetry are analysed by C. F. H. Bruchmann
collected and considered in primis by J. Overbeck Griechische
now reduced chaos to cosmos, not merely in the reproduction of
(Theogonie und Goetter Berlin 1894) deals with Zeus in a clear
benefit from the lucid chapters of Dr L. R. Farnell, who in his
account of Zeus in its article on 'Jupiter' (vol. iii pp. 691—708 by
The present volume is the first of two in which I have
Chrysostomos in a memorable sentence declared Zeus to be 'the
more ways than one. In the Classical Review for 1903 and 1904
articles on 1 The European Sky-God,' which appeared in Folk-Lore
in the friendliest fashion put a spoke in my wheel by convincing
customs and myths without a real knowledge of the languages in
of Zeus and marking out my province as explained in the previous
Be that as it may, in this instalment of my book I have traced
the second half of it is, for the history of religion in general, the
in mystic union be identified with their god, and thus in thousands
an undue neglect of anthropological parallels. In defence I might
Mention must here be made of sundry minor points in method
the Achaeans and Thessaly). Greek words and phrases cited in
Volume I, the first dealing in detail with Persons, Places, and
There remains the pleasant task of thanking those that have in
more than once encouraged me to persist in my undertaking. I am
this book has been perused, either in manuscript or in slip, by
and from Mr F. M. Cornford, especially in connexion with Dionysiac
and Indo-European Philology in the Manchester University. Prof.
Babylonia, Syria and Asia Minor. In things Egyptian I have
College. Semitic puzzles have been made plain to me, partly in
In a book of this character, with its constant appeal to the
and Roman Antiquities in the British Museum, has allowed me to
references for me in the Reading Room. In the Department of
the British Museum, has sent me impressions of gems in the Gold
Of the subjects represented in my first volume thirteen coins
cluding the two coloured designs and the restorations attempted in
though working against time ari*d not always in ideal conditions,
Contents of Volume I
(c) - Zeus identified with Aither (sometimes with Aer) in Philosophy
(g) Zeus-like deities in wolf-skin garb...... 96
(b) Dionysiac traits in the Cult of Zeus on Mount Olympos . 104
§ 6. Zeus in relation to the Sun......186—730
i. The Solar Wheel in Greece . . . . . . 197
x. The Fire-drill in relation to Prometheus, the Kyklops,
i. The Ram and the Sun in Egypt. Zeus Ammon . 346
ii. The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia. Zeus Sabdzios . 390
vi! The Golden Lamb in a folk-tale from Epeiros . . 412
x. The Significance of the Ram in the Cults of Zeus . 428
i. The Bull and the Sun in Egypt . . . . . 430
xi. The Bull and the , Sun in Crete . . . . . 467
xviii. The Marriage of the Sun and the Moon in Crete . 521
xxi. The Significance of the Bull in the Cults of Zeus . 633
i. Talos in Crete . . . . . . . . . 719
§ 7. Zeus in relation to the Moon .
§ 8. Zeus in relation to the Stars . . . . 740—775
(c) Zeus in Astronomy and Astrology......754
ii. The Dioskouroi as Stars in Hellenic Literature . . 763
iv. The Dioskouroi identified with the Heavenly Twins in
vi. The Dioskouroi identified with Saint Elmo's Fire in
List of Plates in Volume I
XXIX Mosaic in the orchestra of the theatre at Athens : swastika-
XXXI Bell-Crater in the Hope collection : Herakles in Olympos
XXXV Bronze tympano7i from the Idaean Cave in Crete : Zeus
XXXIX, 1 Bell-krate'r in the Hope collection : preparations for a
reliefs is printed on a transparent overleaf]. in pocket at end
des Lebens der Griechen und R'6?ner in Religion, Kunst und Sitte i—iii Miinchen und
Etruscan, in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum.
Brit. Mus. Cat. Byz. Coins = W. Wroth Catalogue of the Imperial Byzantine Coins in
Thessaly to Aetolia 1883 by P. Gardner; Central Greece 1884 by B. V. Head;
Brit. Mus. Cat. Gems—A. II. Smith A Catalogue of Engraved Gems in the British
and Roman, in the Departments of Antiquities, British Museum London 1911.
Brit. Mus. Cat. Rom. Coins— IL A. Grueber Coins of the Roman Republic in the
Brit. Mus. Marbles — A Description of the Collection of Ancient Marbles in the British
descriptio F. M. Avellinii in earn adnotationes. Lipsiae 1850.
Frazer Golden Bough2—J. G. Frazer The Golden Bough A Study in Magic and Religion.
Part IV. Adonis Attis Osiris Studies in the History of Oriental Religion. Second
antiker Bildwerke in historischer Folge erklart. Bausteine zur Geschichte der
Bd. in. Abth.). Miinchen 1896.
1905—1909, Serie in Text und Tafeln Miinchen 1910—
P. Gardner Cat. Vases Oxford'= Museum Oxoniense. Catalogue of the Greek Vases in
gegeben vom K. K. Militar-Geographischen Institute in Wien. 13 Sheets with
Antiken Bildwerken. In drei Lieferungen. Miinchen, Stuttgart und Tubingen
Gilbert Gr. Gbtterl. — Griechische Gotterlehre in ihren Grundziigen dargestellt von Otto
Gruppe Cult. Myth, orient. Rel. = Die griechischen Cidte und Mythen in ihren Bezieh-
Gruter Lnscr. ant. tot. orb. Rom. — Luscriptiones antiquae totius orbis Romani in absolut-
Ellen Harrison with an Excursus on the Ritual Forms preserved in Greek Tragedy
in Rome by Wolfgang Helbig translated from the German by James F. and Findlay
Wandmalereien in technischer Beziehung von Otto Donner. Leipzig 1868.
Hunter Cat. Coins = Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection University of
ii North Western Greece, Central Greece, Southern Greece, and Asia Minor.
1. CI. xviii. Bd. in. Abth.) Miinchen 1890.
Munzensammlung in Wien aus dem Illustrationsmatetial der Bande i—xi des
Matz—Duhn Ant. Bildtv. in Lio)n—Antike Bildwerke in Ro?n mit Ausschhiss der
iii Das Delphinion in Milet von Georg Kawerau und Albert Rehm unter Mitwirkung
In XII. Priorum Imperatorum Romanorum numismata aurea, argentea, & aerea,
pon. max. in aedibns Vaticanis constituit monimenta linearis picturae exemplis
and Religion in Ancient Times. Elucidated by the Author's own Researches and
iii Die Bildwerke in Stein und Thon bearbeitet von Georg Treu. Textband Tafel-
Henzen. Accedunt Indices rerum ac notarum quae in tribus voluminibus inveniuntur.
Edidit Guilelmus Studemund. ii Procli commentariorum in Rempublicam Platonis
Sitzungsber. d. kais. Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien Phih-hist. Classe = Sitzungsberichte der
Smith... Revised throughout and in part rewritten by G. E. Marindin... London 1899.
and imperial: commenced by the late Seth William Stevenson...revised, in part,
preserved in the Municipal Collections ofRame. The Sculptures of the Museo Capitolino.
The Year's Work in Class. Stud. = The Year's Work in Classical Studies 1906—
Tiryns = Kaiserlich deutsches archaeologisches Institut in Athen. Tiryns. Die Ergebnisse
Verh. d. 40. Philologenversamml. in Gbrlitz = Verhandlungen der vierzigsten Versammhmg
tmd Antiken-Cabinetes in Wien Wien 1871.
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 1: Zeus and the daylight
a whole series of related words in the various languages of the
monly supposed the god of bright day-light. But the frequent use of the word dyaus in
Jupiter,' though he still regards the oak-tree as the primary, not a secondary, element in
than the tree of the sky-father, and that the latter acquired it in the first instance through
is raised that Zeus was at first conceived, not in anthropomorphic
5. 13. 23, Eustath. in II. p. 145, 10 ff., cp. Polyb. 30. 10. 6, Plout. v. Aem. Paul. 28.
now in the Akropolis Museum at Athens, has undeniably black hair, eyebrows, and
erected a chryselephantine statue of Poseidon in the Isthmian temple (Paus. 2. 1. 7 f.).
and round the eyes : this was either a protective coating (G. Treu in Olympia hi. 35 f.
Lord Savile at Lanuvium and now in the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge, came
from Pompeii (listed in Helbig Wandgem. Camp. p. 30 ff., Sogliano Pitt. mur. Camp.
rather than literary. I shall begin by passing it in review.
radiant sky credited with an impersonal life of its own. Dtos in
enough remains to prove that the beard, like the body, was red-brown in colour shaded
1 //. 1. 528 ff., cp. 8. 199 (of Hera). For a similar explanation of earthquakes in
Stos in the sense 'bright' or 'glorious' of goddesses (but not gods, though in frag. h.
We note in passing that in north-eastern Phrygia Zeus was
Another adjective endios occurs in epic verse with the meaning
different dialects should be at different stages in the evolution of the meaning of a given
two bunches of grapes; on the base, a plough of a kind still much used in Anatolia.
Atos with Sir W. M. Ramsay Studies in the History and Art of the Eastern Provinces
4 //. 11. 726 with Eustath. in II. p. 881, 5 /caret [xearnxfipiav. schol. V. ad loc. says
siesta2,' 'to live in the open air3,' 'to grow up into the air4.' But
vet. Kara rrjv /xea7]fj.^pLap and gloss M. deiXcpous (imitated by Antiphilos in Anth. Pal.
e^opTL /cat epde\8LWK0Ta, which G. Kaibel in the Inscr. Gr. Sic. It. p. 174 renders
an inkling of the truth; for in discussing the words eiidios and
to forget the former in the latter. We can hardly expect, therefore,
The remark gains in point, if we may suppose that 'towards Zeus'
/caXetrat <rxVP-a, Eustath. in II. p. 88 [, 9 'ivbioi. t'crws 8e /cat rrapd tov vypbv Ata, 0 iffTiv
compared certain others of more serious tone, in which the poet
Hekabe in the tragedy that Euripides named after her speaks of
In such passages it is difficult to determine whether Zeus is
adding ot 8e "Atos" rod rfXiov, IrAarwi't/cws. Cp. Eustath. in II. p. 962, 64 f. Atos avy&s,
cp. ib. 370 (pdvrjdi. The same title was borne by Apollon in Chios (Hesych. s.v. Qavaios),
'the god of Phanai'; for Strab. 645 in describing Chios mentions ^d^at, Xi/at]v j3advs,
For fifteen hundred years and more, in fact till the decay of
starry midnight ' Sky1.' In Hellenic times the two Spartan kings
' sky5,' a title which in letter, though not in spirit, recalled the
frag. 123 Abel Zeus irpQiTos yevero /c.r.A. : see O. Gruppe in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 2260),
London 1881 i. 106 n. 4, O. Gruppe in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 2255 f.). On a relief at
The precise steps by which men advanced from a belief in
consequence was nothing less than the rise of faith in a personal
winging their way in ominous silence or talking secrets in an un-
feelings2—and would go on to conciliate it by any means in their
blank stretch in our knowledge of Zeus is Gruppe in his masterly handbook [Gr. Myth.
und dem historischen Zeus liegen tiefe Kliifte, die wir in Gedanken zwar leicht iiber-
Religion' in Folk-Lore 1900 xi. 168), W. Wundt Volkerpsychologie Leipzig 1906 ii. 1.
are not in the habit of erecting images, temples, or altars ; indeed,
itself in the Latin language and literature2. To quote but a single
There can be little doubt that in this expressive sentence the
beliefs, in a very striking paper 1 Syncretism in Religion as illustrated in the History of
at least possible that he heard in Persia a name for the sky-god which sounded so much
(Auramazda) does not appear in Greek writers until another century has passed. In
Auramazda appears in later Greek authors as Zeus jxeyiaTos (Xen. Cyr. 5. 1. 29, cp.
2 I have collected the evidence in Folk-Lore 1905 xvi. 260 ff.
Italians in its transitional phase. Behind him is the divine Sky,
god. It may even develop in the opposite direction. Xenophanes
'equal on all sides2' Xenophanes, again in all probability following
Like to mortals neither in form nor yet in thought4.
a sheer assertion of his own will-power expressed in the naive arts
or even divine duties, in proportion as magic is slowly ousted by
So Zeus, in a sense, copied Salmoneus. But it remains to ask
schol. //. 15. 188 f., cp. Athen. 289 A, Eustath. in II. p. 436, riff.); (4) Zeus as life-
already in mid air, clear the net. What is this but rudimentary magic?
Doubtless, said nascent reflexion, Zeus makes his thunder in
or not, was a matter of imitation. In short, the transition from
in which the feelings, the will, and the intellect played successively
from the thing imitated and expressing heaven in terms of earth.
was in some respects higher, because more true, than later anthropomorphism. After
(be it remembered) and provisional in character, has detected two
with logical precision, though in such a matter logic was at best
scarce in Homer and never associated with the Homeric Zeus.
such expurgation has in point of fact failed precisely where failure might have been
used thrice, in h. Ap. 344 and h. Hest. 5 of Zeus (so Hes. 0. d. 51, theog. 457, Moiro ap.
Thirty-six times in the 77. and Od. he is described as vecpek-qyepeTa, a transparent
any particular tribe or town in Crete. That island was a meeting-
free to contend that in some variety of Cretan Doric the word Zeus
word ydvos. The face has in line 2 TTATIKpATGC fANOC altered into ttanKpATGC
{Folk-Lore 1905 xvi. 261). Prof. G. Murray printed irayKpares ydvovs in his restored text
whole think there is sufficient reason for altering the text.' He adds that in a letter
in the Tabula Edaliensis, a Cypriote inscription, which thrice uses
this wras a grove sacred to Zeus in the territory of Aigion6. Hence,
Athena Amarta, Aphrodite and all the gods7. And, when in
1 W. Deecke 'Die griechisch-kyprischen Inschriften' in Collitz-Bechtel Gr. Dial.-
on which the year starts again ' in the same' (evl aury) position as before, and that it was
4 P. Foucart 'Fragment inedit d'un decret de la ligue acheenne' in the Rev. Arch.
on a tablet and set up beside an altar of Hestia in the A mar ion1.
and Kaulonia, in avowed imitation of the Achaeans, erected a
type an enthroned Zeus, who holds an eagle in his right hand
2 Paus. 7. 24. 2 f. O. Jessen in Pauly-Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 1741 would distinguish
5 W. Wroth in the Num. Chron. Fourth Series 1902 ii. 324 ft. pi. 16, 4, G. F. Hill
the early Arcadian coins.' Cp. infra ch. i § 3 (b)). The coin is now in the British
at most survived in a cult-title of dubious significance.
Near the Carian town of Stratonikeia was a village called
W. Wroth in the Num. Chron. Third Series 1900 xx. 286 f. pi. 14, 1.
form of his name in the inscriptions (Hofer loc. cit. 1492, 1 ff.).
Imperial coins of Stratonikeia, both in silver and in bronze
sceptre in one hand, a phidle in the other (fig. 6)7. And the radiate
1 Zeus Uavrj/xepos is found in Bull. Corr. Hell. 1888 xii. 97 no. 12, ib. p. 98 no. 16,
Zeus, occurs in Corp. inscr. Gr. ii no. 2'7i5a, Bull. Corr. Hell. 1887 xi. 29 no. 41, ib. p. 376,
pi. 24, 5, pp. 156, 158 pi. 24, 10. I figure a specimen in my collection.
identical with the ' Entry of the horse' mentioned in a local in-
the 0 short. Nilsson Gr. Feste p. 28 n. 1 cp. Zeus Kv/uuipcos at Bargylia in Karia (Bull.
protection of Zeus Havdfiapos and Hekate (O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii.
8 O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 1494.
or anabasis) of the god in this connexion3, MM. Deschamps and
however, points out that the ' Ascent' is said to take place in
Panamara culminated in the sanctuary on the mountain-top, where
the god, presumably in the procession, was duly dedicated to him8.
mentioned in 1891 xv. 186 no. 130 B, ufif., 188 no. 131, 13.
4 Bull. Corr. Hell. 1891 xv. 178. So O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 1495.
gymnasiarchal duties, in particular the distribution of oil for the
small image of their deity. Crowns of the sort are mentioned in
Heraia at Panamara was a marriage-feast. Such was in all probability the character
Imhoof-Blumer in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1898 xviii. 180 f. pi. 13, 21, G. F. Hill
of Zeus or outside it in the sacred precinct,
not mentioned at all; that slaves were allowed to participate in
Helbig Guide Class. Ant. Rome i. 151 f. no. 221= A. J. B. Wace in the Journ. Hell.
3 The conjecture of Frazer Pausanias hi. 280 f. is, therefore, in part mistaken.
in the Revue Coloniale Internationale 1886 iii. 225 ff., 1887 iv. 353 ff.
I incline to think that we have in this custom the relics of a puberty-rite once
widespread throughout Greece, and that further proof of the practice may be found in the
cutting ' ' tress' < *Kopcr-a. He refers me to F. Solmsen in the Zeitschrift fiir vergleich-
KovpijTes were the young initiates of the tribe (see her cogent article in the Ann. Brit.
believed in the fifth century B.C. that the KouprjTes got their name from their peculiar
in II. p. 165, 8 ff.
to Artemis (Hesych. s.v. Kovpewns) or the Kovpoi had their hair cut and were enrolled in
Phot. lex. s.v. otVt[a]<7T?;pta, Eustath. in 11. p. 907, 19, Favorin. lex. p. 469, 20 f. ; cp.
amount of monumental evidence available. In Minoan art youthful figures, both male
which shows a man's head beardless and bald on top, but with bushy hair behind tied in
on top, but long-haired behind (A. Furtwangler in the Arch. Zeit. 1884 p. 106 ff. pi. 8,
It is probable that the crowds which in Roman times thronged
As a bright sky-god Zeus lived in the aither or * burning sky3.'
The relation of Kcupos to this group of words is dealt with in Append. A.
linguistic phenomenon, is that given in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1891 xv. 186 no. 130 A, 1
It is probable that the crowds which in Roman times thronged
As a bright sky-god Zeus lived in the aither or * burning sky3.'
The relation of Kcupos to this group of words is dealt with in Append. A.
linguistic phenomenon, is that given in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1891 xv. 186 no. 130 A, 1
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 2: Zeus and the burning sky
another he came near to flinging Hypnos ' from ait her' into the
Again in his Chrysippos Euripides wrote an invocation of earth and
and in another fragment described Perseus as—
importance from the fact that it was a cult-title possibly in
Aitherios1'1. Aristotle in his treatise On the Universe links with
was a cult-title at Priene in Karia. A small marble altar found
evxrjv (in fulfilment of) a vow2.
whole range of Greek literature. In particular, it has left its
altar to Zeus: see Die Skulpturen des Pergamon-Museums in Photographien Berlin 1903
son of Oinoe by Aither (Pind. ap. Maxim. liolobol. in Syringem p. 112 b 15 f. Diibner,
Marett by ' animatism '—the primitive view that things in general, including inanimates,
teaching was in a sense zoi'stic. It is therefore of interest to find
ird<rxov, 6 5e xpbvos iv $ ra yivbp.eva, Probus in Verg. eel. 6. 31 p. 355 Lion Pherecydes...
Probably Zrivbs, for Aids, in order to suggest a connexion with tfjv, 'to live' (supra
found to a greater or less degree in all matter. This tension is
famous invocation of Zeus, was in reality invoking the sky6: he
quemquam, qui ita appellatur, in deorum habet numero (sc. Zeno), sed rebus inanimis
= Zenon frag, in Pearson; Chrysippos ap. Philodem. irepl evo~e(Seias 12 = H. Diels
pretation is put upon the phrase by Macrob. Sat. 1. 18. 15, in somn. Scip. 1. 17. 14.
added that it was reasonable to invoke the aer and aither, since in
in which he made mock of Zenon the Stoic6. When, therefore,
suspect a travesty of Stoic teaching. The personage in question
I'm here in Athens, at Patras, in Sicily,
4. 34 p. 91, 18 ff., Serv. in Verg. eel. 10. 27. Herakleitos, a late Stoic, in his quaest.
A last echo of Herakleitos the Ionian is audible in Lyd. de mens. 4. 21 p. 80, 4 top 8e
In the extant fragments of his poem On Evolution he clothes his
The same equation is found many centuries later in Tzetz. alleg. Od. 6. 132 irdvTa rd
Euseb. firaep. ev. 14. 14. 6, where the MSS. have aprjs. Herakleitos the Stoic in his
Ata /j.ev yap \eyei tj)v £eo-t.v /cat tov aldepa cp. the erroneous derivation of Zet^s from fe'w in
4 //. 8. 133, Od. 5. 128, 131, 7. 249, 12. 387. Cp. dpywepawe of Zeus in //. 19. 121,
raiment worn by Helen1, and twice in a slightly different form of
Clasping the earth in close and soft embrace?
4 Prob. in Verg. cel. 6. 31 p. 351 Lion already connects Zeus apyrjs with "A/ryos. See
Akad. iSjy Phil.-hist. Classe pp. 81 —125) was the first to deal in detail with the subject.
10 I called attention to this equation in the Class. Rev. 1904 xviii. 82 n. 3, cp. ib. p. 75,
in Aristoph. ran. 892.
It is usual to suppose that in such passages Euripides was writing
and only identified with aither in the same sense as he is identified
What then was the source of Euripides' teaching in the matter?
(d) Zeus as god of the Blue Sky in Hellenistic Art.
1 See P. Uecharme ' Euripide et Anaxagore' in the Rev. Et. Gr. 1889 h. 234 ff.
7 Io. Diak. in Hes. theog. 950 = Orph. frag. 161 f. Abel.
In a painting from the Casa del naviglio (pi. i. and Frontispiece)1,
nimbus". Wrapped about his knees is a mantle, which varies in
behind it rises a pillar rectangular in section and yellowish grey in
morphic figure of the Olympian ruler deep in the meditations of
1 Helbig Wandgem. Camp. p. 30 f. no. lor. Uncoloured drawings in the Real Museo
Wernicke op. cit. i. 48 f. objects that in the Pompeian painting the arm of Zeus is not
Wieseler Denkm. d. alt. Kunst i. 80 pi. 67, 362: list in Rasche Lex. Num. viii. 333—■
4 Guida del Mus. Napoli^. 94f. no. 289, figured in the Real Museo Borbonico Napoli
city in Italy. Our only further clue is the presence of the pillar
say1, at Tarentum in south Italy. If it could be shown that
Tarentum, made by Lysippos, forty cubits in height. It is note-
Lucilius3 and Strabon4 mention that the statue in
2 Plin. not. hist. 34. 40 talis et Tarenti factus a Lysippo, XL cubitorum. mirum in eo
shows Zeus leaning his left arm on a pillar and holding a phidle in his right hand. Upon
Strabon1 and Pliny2 speak in the next breath of another colossal
In short, the evidence that our painting and bas-relief presuppose
that of the Neapolitan relief. Thus a vase in the Louvre (fig. g)6
now in the British Museum (pi. hi.)7, has the same scene with
reproduced on an ivory casket (s. ix—x): see A. Furtwangler in the Sitzungsber. d. konigl.
4 Cp. what he says about the stag of Kanachos' Apollon in nat. hist. 34. 75.
Walters in a letter dated May 15, 1911 writes—'The following parts of the principal
further details and names. In the centre a four-sided pillar with
over which Oinomaos, faced by Pelops, is in act to pour his
Kunstmyth. Zeus p. 5 f. fig. 1 objects that in this case the word would have been written
Walters in Brit. Mus. Cat. Bronzes p. 361 no. 3008, followed by E. Michon in Daremberg-
Copper coins of Nikaia in Bithynia, struck under Domitian, show a flaming rect-
appropriately complete the group. On the wall in the background
from Apulia, likewise in the British Museum (pi. iv, i)3, again
wood: there is a door in the front of the altar and beneath it the word A IOC {Hunter
Early altars were often inscribed with the name of the deity in the genitive case
equivalent of Aphrodite and Eros in the last design1. It will be
wreath and a flower in his right hand, a spear in his left, while a
Dresden, Orestes stabs Aigisthos in the presence of Elektra (fig. 11)5.
3 J. B. Passeri Picturae Etruscorum in Vasculis Rome 1775 iii pi. 2826°., H. Moses
of Sir John Soane^s Mvtseum London 1876 p. 5 fig., T. Panofka in the Abh. d. berl.
5 G. Treu in the Jahrb. d. kais. detttsch. arch. Inst. 1890 v Arch. Anz. p. 90,
cult of Zeus as conceived in south
colour of the nimbus in accordance
as a dweller in the blue sky, and is
arcosolium in the Roman Catacombs
1 A milder type of pillar-Zeus, with phidle in right hand and sceptre in left, occurs on
altri esempj in un dipinto del Museo borbonico ed in un altro esistente nel cavedio della
On the meaning of gold, silver, red, green, and black nimbi in later art see Mrs H.
haired figure, standing in a blue robe trimmed with carmine and
at Rome, which was designed in the middle of the fifth century
The blue nimbus marked Zeus as a dweller in the blue sky.
On the blue nimbus in Christian art see further O. M. Dalton Byzantine Art and
This occurs in a painting from the Casa dei Dioscuri (pi. vi)1.
looking up to him in an attitude of attention. Behind hovers
An engraved chalcedony of imperial date, now in the Berlin
made for the temple dedicated by Q. Lutatius Catulus in 69 B.C.3
London 1884 ii pi. 10 (coloured). Uncoloured drawings in the Real Museo Borbonico
4 A. Michaelis in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1898 xiii. 192 ff.
almost all, these traits are to be found in an extant relief, the
doubtedly much in common. Both show a seated Zeus half-draped
3 The colossal statue of Nerva seated as Iupiter in the Rotunda of the Vatican
in the Berlin 'Trajan' (Ant. Skulpt. Berlin p. 144 no. 354), a seated emperor of the
Iupiter Capitolinus in the fall of its drapery between the knees
a fifth-century, head. They place the thunderbolt in his right
opponents in the eventful year 69 a.d.1 And we know that
Capitolinus in the temple which Vespasian began to build in
Between its central columns is seen a statue
3 Drawn from a specimen in my possession. See further T. L. Donaldson Architectura
copper coins of Ptolemais in Phoinike struck by Septimius Severus etc., which show Nike
flagration occurred in 80 A.D. and burnt it to the ground1. It was
ordinary issues of this emperor in silver6 and copper7 may have
in the god's right hand. A coin of Neapolis in Samaria, struck
He holds a globe in his right hand, a long sceptre in his left,
on a column behind Tyche, crowning her with a wreath in a tetrastyle temple {Brit.
a sceptre in his left hand, a globe in his right (fig. 15)1. It seems
chair with a globe in one hand and a sceptre in the other2, but
wings is seen in the background behind their throne (fig. 17)4.
human representative (fig. 18)5. Sometimes, as in the case of
The British Museum possesses a very similar specimen, but in poor preservation.
in my collection, tr pot xv cos 1 in and s c.
Probus in my collection, iovi conservat(w2') and vxxt.
of a sarcophagus-lid in the Villa Borghese. The central scene
interpreted as the youthful Apollon and Artemis5. They in turn
of Hadrian in my collection, dac • parthic[o' p • m • tr • p] • cos p p and s • c.
in C. Robert Sark.-Relfs. iii. 1. 40 fig. 33.
a replica in the Capitoline Museum (fig. 21)2, which exhibits Victory
p. 131 Atlas pi. 10, 23. A drawing by Eichler is given in Robert op. cit. iii. 1. 42.
century, found in one of the Roman catacombs (fig. 22)2, shows
in the background, who raises his hands to bless both Master and
on a large globe, occurs in church-mosaics of the fourth, fifth
and sixth centuries1. For example, the right lateral apse in the
1 J. Ciampinus Vetera Monimenta Romse 1747 i. 271ft. pi. 77 (S. Agatha'in Subura
type too in all probability derives from a pagan
globe in his extended right hand, while he sets
identified as the empress' son, who was born in
Ravenna, 547 a.d.), ii. 101 ff. pi. 28 (S. Laurentius in Agro Verano = 6". Lorenzo fnori
536 a, Eustath. in II. p. 570, 9f.). This, however, does not imply that Demetrios was
specimen in my possession.
of the specimen in the British Museum. *
Valentinianus I added a cross on the top of it3. In this form it
We have now passed in review the different conditions under
tig. The illustration is from a first brass of Antoninus Pius in my collection.
7 Ducange Gloss, med. et inf. Lat. ed. 1886 vi. in s.v. ' palla ' cites from Gotefridus
building. Now a ball resting on a pedestal or pillar occurs in
the Etruscan Iupiter (fig. 31)4. Are we then to infer that in the
—otherwise known as Iupiter Terminus—was already in possession
A. Koerte in the Ath. Mitth. 1899 xxiv. 6 ff. pi. 1, 1, A. Dieterich Mutter Erde Leipzig
2 Raoul Rochette op. cit. p. 4041". pi. 75 (a funeral urn in the museum at Volterra):
3 L. A. Milani in the Rendiconti delta Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze
i. 60 f. fig. 227. Cp. J. Six ' Der Agyieus des Mys' in the Ath. Mitth. 1894 xix. 340 ff.
was that which Saturn was said to have swallowed in place of
2 In Roman art the stone of Kronos is figured as a half-egg on the top of a short
(fig. 32)1. Similar in pose and pretension is
the globe is coloured blue in the Pompeian
may perhaps be detected in the practice of giving him a blue or
Zeus with the blue nimbus had his knees enveloped in a
3 E.g. one from Pompeii now at Naples, and another from Sarsina now in the Villa
in my collection. The globe, with three stars above it, rests on an altar inscribed
with black ground from the Casa dei bronzi shows him clad in a
fair-haired Zeus found in the Casa dei Vettii similarly shows
Zeus as wearing a mantle of violet-blue. And this in all probability
Maiandros in the days of M. Antonius the triumvir, was clad in
4 So A. Sogliano in the Mon. d. Line. 1898 viii. 2631". fig. 11 ('le gambe coperte di
region of conjecture. In its origin perhaps the usage was pro-
sky3. Hence in both cases it came to be spangled with golden
triumphed in 201 B.C., was 'dressed according to ancestral custom
assumed that the god was clad in purple.
6 Anaxenor the kithara-playev of Magnesia as a token of high honour was painted in
in a purple garment with golden stars woven into it1'; and, as
In this connexion we may notice a representation of the sky,
40. 8, Iul. Capitol. Gordiani tres 4. 4, Vopisc. Probus 7. 7. 4 f., Serv. in Verg. eel. 10. 27.
Gesellsch. d. Wiss. 1849 p. 63 ff., Matz-Duhn Ant. Bildw. in Rom ii. 185 no. 2711, 429 f.
of Alexander the Great on the obverse of a gold medallion found in Egypt (ib. p. 9 f.
9 G. Wissowa in Pauly-Wissowa Real-Enc. iii. i2 76f.
another in the Villa Medici at Rome5. This conception too was
Saint . Paul (fig. 36)7. Another fourth-century sarcophagus in the
appearing to Isaac ' in the Loggia of the Vatican.
5 O. Jahn in the Ber. sacks. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. 1849 Phil.-hist. Classe pi. 4, Wien.
7 The sarcophagus stands now in the crypt of the Vatican and in such a position that
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 3: Zeus Lýkaios
On the summit of Mount Lykaion in Arkadia was a far-famed
and Lycians of Asia Minor3, while Berard argues for a Phoenician
2 P. Weizsacker in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 2173.
0. Jahn 'Uber Lykoreus' in the Ber. sdchs. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. 1847 Phil.-hist. Classe
and in his Mythologie der griechischen Stdmme Gottingen 1857—186[ ii. 78 ff.' Avkcuos,
Smith in The Encyclopedia Britannico? Edinburgh 1886 xxi. 136 s.v. 'Sacrifice,' Lectures
stantive lyke1. But there is in Greek no such word as *lyke, 'wolf ;
'day-break4,' and its compound arnphi-lyke is used in the Iliad of
1 Adjectives in -cuos naturally derive from a- stems. The only exceptions are words
58 ff., L. Preller in Pauly Real-Enc. iv. 589, P. Welzel De love et Pane dis Arcadicis
C. Albers De diis in locis editis cultis apud Graecos Zutphaniae 1901 p. 33 f.) argues that
T. 7rapct tt\v \vyrjp, 6 ecrrt (TKidp- nai Xv/c60a;s to /xera^i) ckotovs Kal 0wrds, and Eustath. in
numerous relatives in both Greek and Latin1. Indeed, our word
no certain clue to the nature of an ancient deity. Fortunately in
pides of the aither or ' burning sky' in connexion with Zeus4.
'light-circuit' : Fick in the Gbtt. Gel. Anz. 1894 clvi. 240 cp. Hesych. <x/3<r rpoxos),
W. H. Roscher in the Jahrb.f. class. Philol. 1892 xxxviii. 705 supposes that darepoiros
8 H. Usener Gotternamen p. 199. The myths are collected and analysed in Roscher
takes refuge in the precinct, the hunter will not break in along
man and its loss as fatal. This belief is still current in Greece.
and W. Baumlein in the Zeitschrift fur die Alterthtimswissenschaft 1839 vi. 1193, in-
eicrLov €k€i (sr. to the birth-place of Zeus on the mountain in Parrhasia) fiefxoXva/xevop
5 Plout. id. On shadowless ghosts see J. von Negelein in the Archiv f. Rel. 1902
shadowless precinct on Mount Lykaion lies in the connexion
some irrelevant cause. That is what in point of fact they did.
instance, to assert that some bodies when placed in light cast
cast no shadow because they were there ' placed in light6.' This
of human 'e\a<poi that I collected in the Joum. Hell. Stud. 1894 xiv. 133 ff- should be
Olympos as described in the Odyssey1, and was itself called
precinct, would be in thorough keeping with the character of Zeus
he holds a sceptre in one hand, and over the other flies an eagle
cp. Serv. in Verg. Aen. 8. 352, Ylyg.fab. 225 p. 132f. Schmidt. Roscher {Jahrb.f. class.
3 W. H. Roscher 'Die Schattenlosigkeit des Zeus-abatons auf dem Lykaion' in the
7 Fig. 41 is from a specimen in the British Museum, fig. 42 from another in my
Imhoof-Blumer Choix de monn. gr. (1871) pi. 2, 76, id. in the Zeitschr. f. Num. 1876
9 Babelon Monn. gr. rom. ii. 1. 845 ff. pi. 38, 13 describes a specimen in the Luynes
the victory of Epameinondas at Leuktra in 371 B.C. the Arcadian
spread his cloak ; he is human except for his horns and holds in
rom. ii. i. 849 f. pi. 38, 18. F. Imhoof-Blumer publishes a similar specimen in his
Figs. 46—47 and fig. 48 are drawn from two specimens in the British Museum.
is indeed a persistent rumour of human sacrifice in connexion with
104th Olympiad celebrated by the Arcadians in 364 B.C. He interprets xapi of the
head of the Peripatetic school in 322 B.C., says — 'up to the
We have in fact three parallel accounts, which deserve to be studied
a particular pool in that
themselves in the desert
Parrhasium in sacrificio, quod Arcades Iovi Lycaeo humana etiatntum hostia faciebant,
even in his day making
a wolf; but that in the
In conclusion he has
and that in the tenth
Lykaios, and that in
Varro's sources. The sources in question are both satisfactory for
Jacoby in Pauly-Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 846.
in a passage already quoted—' he who tasted the one human
Antheus were given in sundry parts of the Greek world to mythical
8. i). Miiller further conjectures that in Plin. nat. hist. 8. 82 we should read itaque
2 H. W. Stoll in Roscher Lex: Myth. i. 369 f.
found at Halikarnassos3, managed the cult of Poseidon in that
in Arkadia likewise the descendants of Anthos were a priestly clan
in Frag. hist. Gr. iii. 30). Antheias, son of Eumelos, was killed by falling from the car
4 Paus. 2. 32. 8, Bull. Corr. Hell. 1893 xvii. 98 no. 18: see further O. Hofer in
5 See J. Topffer in Pauly-Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 2358 ff.
eponym of Anthedon in Boiotia1, or more probably as a cult-title
' horns' may be those of a bull, not a ram. In that case he
fact that in Attike the hero Anthas stood in intimate relation to
Edonoi, who in order that his land might not remain barren was
Conjecture apart, there is good reason to think that in time of
5 O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. hi. 2491.
by horses with a like intent are cited in the Class. Rev. 1904 xviii. 82, Folk-Lore 1904 xv.
was lost to sight in the wilderness beyond. What happened to
again in Pausanias' account of rain-magic on Mount Lykaion. It
p.eTaLTLos. The excerpt in Euseb. praep. ev. 4. 16. 10 agrees with this verbatim, but is
AvKaioLS are, I think, either a loose expression for ' in the rites of Zeus Lykaios^ or—less
described in the words /caret irepioSov k.t.X. On the other hand M. Mayer in Roscher
that even the Pythian priestess, in forbidding the Lacedaemonians
in connexion with this alleged ' kinship' between the worshippers
the Lycaean games. ' In my opinion,' he continues, ' Lycaon was
further P. Wagler Die Eiche in alter und neuer Zeit Wurzen 1891 i. 34 ff. Acorns figure
down among the Arcadians from antiquity, and probability is in
gods in those days, and are worshipped down to the present
are changed into gods no more, save in the hollow rhetoric which
human flesh, in the ninth year afterwards he changes back into
in II. p. 302, 18 f. Cp. Hes. frag. 136 Flach).
5 Serv. in Verg. Aen. 1. 731, Myth. Vat. 2. 60.
that the flood followed in consequence of the crime13.
in accordance with primitive custom15, must be put to death,
6 Zeus had come in the guise of a working-man (Apollod. 3. 8. 1, Tzetz. in Lyk. Al.
met. 1. 230 ff., Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. n. 128.
13 Apollod. 3. 8. 2, Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 481, interp. Serv. in Verg. eel. 6. 41, Myth.
even, by a further relaxation, a stranger from afar in lieu of his
he must either be slain himself in return or else pay a sufficient
therefore, taken in this dilemma, sought to escape by the expedient
It would seem, then, that the myth of Lykaon has in effect
bloodguiltiness in his service and had to disappear. They might
This belief in were-wolves, which has from time immemorial
R. Campbell Thompson Semitic Magic London 1908 p. 57 n. 1), the Sei'ar in Hadramaut
nowhere else, so far as I am aware, did this superstition stand in
In 1903 Mr K. Kourouniotes trenched the altar and laid bare
tower, probably Turkish in origin. It is with Ae Lids that we are
Vampir u. Werwolf, in Geschichte tend Sage {Aberglaube alter Zeiten iii) Stuttgart
p. 240. On the were-wolf in modern Greece generally consult N. G. Polites irepl
4 K. Kourouniotes in the 'E0. 'Ap%. 1904 pp. 153—214. See also F. H. Marshall in
the illustrations in the 'E0. 'Apx- loc. cit.
The altar of Zeus forms the apex of Ae Lids. It is circular in
covered to a depth of 5 ft with a layer of ashes etc. In this layer
irregular intervals, lying singly or gathered together in small heaps.
in the sacrificial stratum, also two small kotyliskoi, sundry portions
of lamps, chips of roof-tiles—one inscribed qE) in lettering of the
Proof of the sanctity attaching to ashes has come to light at Orchomenos in Boiotia.
easily cross1. The earth here is blackish, but has no bones in it.
supply a less gruesome explanation. In the soil of the precinct
A little lower down than the eastern limit of the precinct
standing in Pausanias' day, but the gilded eagles had gone6.
right hand and extended left. In the former there was once a bolt,
four, statuettes of Hermes were found in or near the precinct requires explanation. Was
beard is pointed ; and his lips are drawn up in the usual archaic -
elbow, and both hands hold attributes. In the left is the lower
1 See the discussion by Miss C. A. Hutton in the Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1896—1897
Stradonitz and H. Winnefeld Bronzen aus Dodona in den kbniglichen Museen zu Berlin
4 'E0. 'Apx. 1904 p. 187 f. figs. 12—14, A. de Ridder in the Rev. Et. Gr. 1906 xix.
son of Hermes, led a colony from Pallantion in Arkadia into Italy,
exactly was the lituos ? In shape it differs but little from that
we have seen—took an oak-branch in hand, when he acted as rain-
Zeus Lykaios seated on a throne with a sceptre in his hand. In
2 E. Saglio in Daremberg-Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 639 ff. A black-figured amphora shows
at Olympia shows him holding in his left hand a broken object, which ends below in a
A fourth figure, more clumsy in style, gives us Zeus standing
have been found in Sicily, which is inscribed AlO^AVKA on one side, T^VTON
these two places; for more than once Arcadians were called in to
Plout. v. Philopoim. 1 (Ekdemos and Demophanes, or Megalophanes, of Megalopolis, in
Lykaios' near Kyrene1. This certainly implies a Cyrenaic cult
see the god enthroned towards the left with a sceptre in his right
before Zeus with a snake in its talons4, sometimes rests on the
specimen in the British Museum.
An eagle above and in contact with a transverse lituos is said to
bronze coins of Amaseia (fig. 6^)z. In view of the fact that the
In one detail the Zeus of these Cyrenaic coins differs from the
pose of Zeus in the Parthenon frieze (fig. 64)1. It is, therefore,
Zeus at Kyrene reclined on his throne in an attitude of unusual
F. Studniczka5 in dealing with the cults of Kyrene observed
comparison is in no way weakened by Mr J. P. Droop's discovery
2 Kedren. hist. comp. 323 c (i. 567 Bekker) avrov 8e wpbs yrjv rjp fiperas Aios in: XevKov
7 Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1907—1908 xiv. 2, 44 ff. See also R. M. Dawkins in the
and tightly swathed in an ornamental himdtion, is seated on his
3 W. Ridgeway in Anthropological Essays presented to Edward Burnett Tylor Oxford
merely put in to fill up the blank space and cannot pass muster as
are in the shapes of a tree and an
and in her right hand presents a
the reliefs in question. I conclude,
p. 23 fig. 18 (Apollon or Aristaios? or Battos ? ? and Kyrene) and in Roscher Lex. Myth.
g6 Zeus-like deities in wolf-skin garb
in the National Museum at Athens reduces the whole scene of the
god stands erect holding a deep bowl or pot in his outstretched
2 J. P. Droop in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1908 xxviii. 176 ff. figs. 1 b—\.
Zeus-like deities in wolf-skin garb 99
the Gauls. Such figures regularly hold a bowl in one hand and
1 J. Overbeck in the fahrb. d. Vereins v. Alterthumsfreund. im Rheinl. 1851 xvii.
now in the Museum at Avignon (Reinach op. cit. p. 141 no. 146, Rep. Stat. ii. 21 no. 8).
8 Mon. d. Inst, ix pis. 15 and 15 a, W. Helbig in the Ann. d. Inst. 1870 xlii. 27,
wolf (Eratosth. ap. Harpokr. s.v. Se/cdfwi', alib.), arguing that in Greece as elsewhere
beardless head wearing a wolf-skin occurs on a copper coin of Sinope (H. Dressel in the
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 4: Zeus und Olympos
series of mountains in Greece and Asia Minor. Of the Arcadian
in Galatia9, unless we should identify it with the Mysian range,
explains the wolf-skin or dog-skin cap of Athena in the Villa Albani (Helbig Guide Class. 5a
Gorgon's head in a skin cap. For a late (s. xii?) relief of a man with a wolf's or dog's
may have been a Phrygian name. Id. Hattiden und Danubier in Griechenland Gottingen
3 Strab. 356, Eustath. in Dionys. per. 409, schol. Ap. Rhod. 1. 598.
7 R. M. Dawkins in the Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1902—1903 ix. 188 ff.
14 Strab. 682 f., Eustath. in II. p. 27, 40 f. 15 Diod. 5. 44.
that culminates in a peak still known as Elymbo1. Soaring to
back, we saw through an opening in the fog, a faint outline of vast
too thin to support human life7. In short, Olympos penetrated
mountains in Attike and Euboia (supra p. 100 nn. 4, 5).
4 H. Holland Travels in the Ionian Isles, Etc. Lon-
But that is a mistake. Maximus Tyrius informs us that 'in
17. 16, Arrian. 1. 11. 1, Ulp. in Dem. de fals. leg. p. 242, cp. Steph. Byz. s.v. Aiov, Dion
temple was pillaged by a band of Aetolians under Skopas in the reign of Philippos v
(Ptolem. 3. 13. 15, Plin. nat. hist. 4. 35); and coins struck there in imperial times show
thunderbolt and sceptre (id. ib. Suppl. ii. 606), standing in a distyle temple (id. ib. iii.
dyaXp^a of Mount Argaios on coins of Kaisareia in Kappadokia (Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins
precisely as they had been left1. Every year victims were led in
Saint Dionysios in the ravine of Litokhoro. Their procession starts
Saint Elias. But his eagle still haunts the height, at least in the
1 Solin. 8. 6 ara est in cacumine Iovi dicata, cuius altaribus si qua de extis inferuntur,
manuscripts, insert litterae in cinere scriptae usque ad {ad usqtie P.) alteram anni ceri-
2 Plout.jfazf. 96 Diibner ap. Philop. in Aristot. met. 1 p. 82 ra yap v^prfKoTara ru>v 6pQv
imperf. 1. 14 in illo autem neque nubes concrescere asseruntur neque aliquid procellosum
part in the next year's procession, because the summit is cloudless and windless).
5 H. Holland Travels in the Ionian Isles, Etc. p. 303, L. Heuzey Le Mont Olympe et
104 Dionysiac traits in the cult of Zeus
A mirror, in his talon grasped, he holds on high exalted,
not wanting0, and it is permissible to suppose that in the far past
a sort of mirror (so Philolaos the Pythagorean in Stob. eel. phys. 1. 25. 3d Wachsmuth
Muses were on mountains or hills. O. Bie in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 3239 ff. shows that
4 '0\u/U7rtd§es (//. 2. 491 and Zenodot. in //. 2. 484), 'QiXijx-Kia hwjxar e%owai (//. 2.
Dionysiac traits in the cult of Zeus 105
2 O. Bie in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 3243 notes that in lies, theog. 79 Kalliope is
is late), though Eustath. in II. pp. 10, 9 f. and 161, 32 ff. cp. II. I. 604 oirl K<x\rj.
io6 Dionysiac traits in the cult of Zeus
too near to which she had ventured. The myth, as preserved for
3 Rutin, recognit. 10. 22 Thaliam Aetnam nympham mutatus in vulturem, ex qua
19. 17, 24, and Steph. Byz. s.v. IIaAi/07; and for Zeus ~ Aitne, Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb.
in Verg. Aen. 3. in).
Dionysiac traits in the cult of Zeus 107
'a mountain-peak,' and means the ' Peak '-men2. In Roman times,
where they lived in exile teaching the Etruscans to worship the
A. F. Pott in the Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung 1858 vii. 241 ff. derived
3 Clem. Al.protr. 2. 19. 1—4 p. 15, iff. Stahlin. Cp. the abbreviated accounts in
see O. Jessen in Pauly-Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 2033 f., Gruppe Gr. Myth. Rel. p. 718 F.
io8 Dionysiac traits in the cult of Zeus
axe and a rhyton or drinking-horn. The rJiyton ends in the forepart
show the Kabeiros with a horn apparently planted in the ground
Agathos Daimon, Tyche, Sosipolis, etc., see K. Wernicke in Pauly-Wissowa Real-Enc.
Mamaea) in the British Museum.
Dionysiac traits in the cult of Zeus iog
axe or hammer inscribed with these three names reduced in each
imperial date from Hierapolis in Phrygia,
tracio' in the Memorie della R. Accademia dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Morali, Sto-
amulet is inscribed casm (= Casmilus) and, in scattered letters, YPe|A {'Tyieia).
no Dionysiac traits in the cult of Zeus
seen in 1893 at Uzumlil, a village near Mag-
in the nude bearded god attacking a
is, in fact, beyond dispute ; and we are free to contend that in
4 Pergamon iii. 2. 20 f. fig. 1, 148 f., pi. 3, Die Skulpturen des Pergamon-Mttseums in
Dionysiac traits in the cult of Zeus 111
warring, lying in ambush, deceiving and confounding each other.
It is altogether a singular recital, but we can hardly be wrong in
quasi-Dionysiac elements appear in the cults of Olympos, and
1 L. Preller in Philologus 1846 i. 349 ff. argues that the reference is to Orphic rites in
further O. Gruppe in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 1082 f. L. Heuzey—H. Daumet Mission
4 Eustath. in Od. p. 1816, 4 ff. Xeyovrcu de, cpaai, /cat MoOcrat Aiopticrov rpocpoi, ui}p,<pai
Myth. Rel. p. 825 n. 4 : ' Die Hyaden sind Erzieherinnen des Bakchos...; in verschollenen
ii2 Dionysiac traits in the cult of Zeus
other. Near it were statues of the Muses and Mnemosyne (Paus. 8. 47. 3).
Polykleitos of Argos, represented Zeus in the guise of Dionysos : he was shod with
in the 'E0. 'Ap%. 1909 p. 244 ff. fig. 1, Svoronos Ath. Nationalnms. p. 493 ff. pis. 181 f.).
(Apollod. 1. i. 6, Zenob. 2. 48, Orph. frag. 109 Abel ap. Herm. in Plat. Phaedr. p. 148,
F. W. Hasluck Cyzicus Cambridge 1910 p. 221 in this connexion remarks that both
25 ff. Cp. the notion that Dionysos, a king of Asia, was the son of Kabeiros (Cic. de nat.
Development in the meaning of Olympos 113
important in the mysteries of Sabdzios4. Twelve
ancient procession to the altar of Zeus7, has in the name of its
Olympos, but in a later chapter, when we shall be taking a more
Olympos in a passage of surpassing beauty:
with Zeus standing between two snakes. The specimen figured is in the Leake collection
8 The evidence is collected and considered by Mackrodt in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii.
ii4 Development in the meaning of Olympos
L. Heuzey, writing in i860 of the villagers from the neighbour-
Others spoke to me of a huge circus in which the ancients held
mountain in //. 1. 532, 13. 243, Od. 20. 103.
Development in the meaning of Olympos 115
in his Antigone makes Kreon, when at Thebes, swear 'by yon
Both poets contrast Olympos in the sense of 'sky' with 'earth3.'
has his station above in a pure place, even that which we truly
The change in meaning from Olympos the ' mountain' to
belief there is abundant evidence15. It is even probable that in
mag. p. 623, 8 f., et. Gud. p. 426, 25 f., schol. D. //. 1. iS, Eustath. in II. pp. 38, 38, 694,
116 Development in the meaning of Olympos
foot of the Macedonian Mount Olympos6, at Pisa near the Elean
vocent, Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 3. 262 Olympi ardua. quod caelum dixere ideo, quia
occurs in //. 1. 497, 5. 750, 8. 394, 16. 364, 19. 128.
' Bergkult' in Hoops Keallex. p. 2551".
coin of Prousa ad Olympum (at Berlin), struck in the reign of Commodus, has for its
The mountain-cults of Zeus may be grouped roughly in chrono-
Argos and in gratitude for his escape built upon it an altar to Zeus
and a leafy precinct to Zeus Patrdios*. On Mount Helikon, near
where Hektor was wont to sacrifice8. Mount Arachnaion in Argolis
in the precinct of Artemidoros at Thera : see F. Hiller von Gaertringen Die Insel Thera
2 See the list given in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 840—847, cp. Farnell Cults of Gr.
The mountain-cults of Zeus may be grouped roughly in chrono-
Argos and in gratitude for his escape built upon it an altar to Zeus
and a leafy precinct to Zeus Patrdios*. On Mount Helikon, near
where Hektor was wont to sacrifice8. Mount Arachnaion in Argolis
in the precinct of Artemidoros at Thera : see F. Hiller von Gaertringen Die Insel Thera
2 See the list given in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 840—847, cp. Farnell Cults of Gr.
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 5: The mountain-cults of Zeus
cult of Zeus required an altar on the summit or as near it as
case in point is furnished by Pergamon. The Akropolis of that
K. Humann on behalf of the Prussian government in 1878, a fairly
Pergamon is still that contained in Baumeister Denkm. ii. 1206—1227 (history, topography,
pi. 36), which in turn utilised the drawing by R. Bohn in Die Ergebnisse der Atisgrab-
square by about 18 feet in height, was mounted by means of a
M. Frankel in Pergamon viii no. 69 supposes that the altar was that of Zeus and Athena
was first recognised by A. Heron de Villefosse in the Comptes rendus de PAcad, des inscr.
Like the altar of Zeus Olympios in the Altis at Olympia, it was
sculptural art at the time when the cult in question was founded.
near Orchomenos in Boiotia, had a precinct and a stone statue of
of Zeus Anchesmios on Mount Anchesmos near Athens10 had altars
2 Append. B Mysia. On altars made of ashes see E. Reisch in Pauly-Wissowa
in Messene ; but the statue of the god, made by the famous Argive
in the moonlight contrasted with the mysterious shadows of its
given him experience in such matters, entrusted him with the task. On receipt
me to fence in the Akropolis." The city granted him permission to fence it in
3 Polyain. 5. r. 1. See further Append. B Sicily. The site of the temple is shown in
in the second century of our era, says that the temple of Zeus
above Glisas in Boiotia, attaining a height of 2434 feet. ' From
by the descendants of the Dioskouroi on Mount Kasion in Egypt5,
Patrdios on the headland of Mount Kenaion : but Seneca in his
of Mount Kynthos in Delos included a small temple, the position
Dion in a spot named after a church of Saint Konstantinos he could trace the foundations
a sceptre in his right hand (fig. 90)1: in place of the rock, which
height. Similarly a coin of Ankyra in Galatia struck by Antoninus
struck in the first century B.C., have the head of Zeus as their
TOM^ITOYN) in my collection.
coppers of Olba in Kilikia, struck probably at the end of the first
Zeus seated or reclining on a mountain in the upper register of
the judgment of Paris (pi. xi)7. In the midst sits Paris himself,
G. F. Hill in the Num. Chron. Third Series 1899 xix. 189 f. no. 3 7 (no. 3 /3 has throne
3 J. T. Bent in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1891 xii. 220 ff., R. Heberdey and A. Wilhelm
In sarcophagus-reliefs etc. representing the judgment of Paris this seated Zeus is
already sent forward to whisper seductive words in the ear of the
Equally essential is the relation of Zeus to the main design in
no. 1807) figured in the Compte-rendu St. Pet. 1861 p. 33 ff. Atlas pi. 3 f., Wien. Vorlegebl.
his feet, a bracelet on his left arm, and an eagle-sceptre in his
in the art of agriculture and sending him forth on his mission of
St Petersburg [infra ch. i § 6 (d) i (/3)), which represents the same scene in a very similar
Stuttgart 1874 pp. 29—98 ' Der Mythus in der Dichtkunst').
a mountain near the Phrygian Kelainai, where Marsyas the flute-
skin flute-case lies behind on the ground. He holds the flutes in
listening to Apollon's strains, another is seated harp in hand
its food in the corner take thought for Marsyas' fate. Confining
1864 pi. 2, 3, and more accurately in the Arch. Zeit. 1869 xxvii pi. j 7, Overbeck Gr.
and Overbeck Gr. Kunst?nyth. Apollon pp. 431, 442 argue that Aphrodite, in whose cult
8 Overbeck op. cit. p. 441 holds that Zeus is present as witness of things in general
near Bovillae about 1650 A.D. and is now in the British Museum
In front of Homer's footstool lies another roll with a mouse at one
named Chronos, 'Time,' who is uplifting a roll in either hand. Since
authorities cited by A. H. Smith in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Sculpture iii. 253 f.
Xpovos and those of the later Ptolemies. F. Hauser in the /ahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst.
draw near with gestures of acclamation. The whole scene takes
a tripod in some poetical contest3 and has celebrated the event by
poet of ancient date been meant, his name—as in the case of 0MHP02—would have been
parallel, viz. an inscribed slab from Teos (middle of 2nd cent. B.C.), now in the Fitzwilliam
arranged in typical attitudes and furnished with conventional attri-
himdtion wrapped about his legs, a sceptre in his right hand, and
the oracles of Zeus. Nay more, in a sense he is Zeus. Enthroned
imagination. It was, as we shall see in due course, a religious
ficance. C. Watzinger, who follows W. Amelung in ascribing the
This identification, first proposed by G. Cuper in 1683, is now commonly accepted.
of the Rhodian school, was successful in a poetical contest, held
also on the akropolis of Rhodes, as was Apollon, in whose sanctuary
originated in Rhodes. The former is at most a probable guess ;
Muses. In short, the whole explanation is hypothetical. And
konios held in the* territory of Priene6. He naturally got a local
expense of topographical accuracy, Mount Helikon is merged in
8 A. H. Smith in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Sculpture iii. 248 : ' It has been generally
of the Archelaos relief to the Marsyas vase from Ruvo. In both
seated to play the kithdra or harp, a third standing with a roil in
head. The emperor in military costume and himself crowned by
, A. P. Oppe in the Journ. Hell. SUid. 1904 xxiv. 214 ff. has not said the last word on the
prove that it was struck in the year 167 A.D. and commemorates
storeyed building; and in the distance, perched upon rocks, appear
standing ritual practice. Those who in
a tooled specimen in the Hunter collection.
Mount Kokkygion, or the ' Cuckoo' Mount, near Hermione, on
Pythagoras made a pilgrimage to Crete, he entered the cave near
considered, is described in The Revelation of S. John the divine as
scattered up and down the mainland of Asia Minor, the islands of
at some unknown date—possibly by the Hittites in the fourteenth
Here in 1907 Prof. Sir W. M. Ramsay
in the left hand and a cup in the right".'
have been repeatedly seen in Phrygia by A. Korte7. The rock-cut
4 A. H. Sayce in the Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archeology 1909 xxxi. 83 ff.
of these rock-cut thrones is, however, one on Mount Sipylos in
walls of rock, about 500 feet high; there is a magnificent echo in it.
projections of the rock. In this way you at last reach the foot of
1 Perrot-Chipiez Hist, de VArtv. 148. ff. figs. 102—-104, W. M. Ramsay in fount.
houses cut in the rock and rising one above the other like the
cutting in the rock, resembling the seat of a large armchair, with
the " throne of Pelops" mentioned by Pausanias in the present
C. Humann, who discovered this throne in the year 1880,
on the upper part of the peak belonged in reality to a colony
Midas to the throne at Delphoi2. Reichel holds that in all these
incarnate. And in the case before us there are good reasons for
is still to be seen in its niche on the mountain-side 300 feet above
'2 W. Reichel Uber vorhellenische Gbtterculte p. 32 f. For the throne of Danaos in the
chapter on the origin of the Olympic games by Mr F. M. Cornford in Miss J. E. Harrison's
these rock-cut thrones with Zeus. High up on the south-eastern
vertical back. In the angle made by this seat and its back another
in a second and higher horizontal surface. The whole arrangement
1 From O. Benndorf Forschtingen in Ephesos Wien 1906 p. 56 f. figs. 19, 20.
theless, in view of the fact that the coin of Antoninus Pius cited
smoothing or polish ; and on their front surface in late and rude
Hekate1. In Rhodes itself, not far from Lartos, there is a rock-
in letters not later than the third century B.C. ; the inscription is a
That doubt hardly arises in connexion with a remarkable series
8 Inscr. Gr. ins. iii no. 350 Zei>s ros /xe- near the figure of a small ladder and 'topes by the
(sc. |3aj/i6s). I prefer to supply Zetis, since Zeus Bopecos occurs in Kilikia (Denkschr.
T/ie'ro10. In this miscellaneous company
i.e. Zeus Stoichaios in the fifth century15,
F. Hiller von Gaertringen ad loc. notes that in the reign of Pheretime a tribe of QyjpaioL
lastly Melichios in the fourth1 and Zeus Melichios in the fourth
square, or irregularly shaped, and hardly more than a foot in
The principal deities worshipped at an early date in this ' agora
cult of Crete9. In this connexion a dedication of hair to the
of the epheboi11. It is likely too that the cult stood in some relation
evvTov see L. Ziehen in the Ath. Mitth. 1899 xxiv. 267 ff.
4 P. Wolters in the Ath. Mitth. 1896 xxi. 255.
9 H. Usener in F. Hiller von Gaertringen Die Inset Thera i. 149 n. 34 compared the
W. Reichel twice visited it in order to verify Milchhofer's report.
mountain-throne, to which in popular belief the story of Xerxes
3 W. Reichel ' Em angeblicher Thron des Xerxes' in the Festschrift fur Otto Benndorf
on the Akropolis at Athens (Dem. in Timocr. 129 with schol.) in the Parthenon (Harpokr.
niche in the Pnyx where Zeus Hypsistos was worshipped1. It seems
Fig. in.
are in proportion3.' But the most interesting feature of this throne,
3 R. Pashley Travels in Crete Cambridge and London 1837 ii. 64 fig. Cp. T. A. B.
1 L. Savignoni and G. de Sanctis in the Mon. d. Line. 1901 xi. 363 ff. figs. 60—61 ;
Recently A. Fick in the Zeitschrift fiir vergieichende Sprachforschung 1911 xliv. 341 ff.
in Crete,' his birth being located first in a cave of Mount Dikte3 (on
pi. 33, 10 a copper of Crete in genere struck by Titus (Paris and Vienna) with a nude
Overbeck Gr. Kunstmyth. Zeus pp. 107, 216 Munztaf. 1, 38, 3, 19, cp. Svoronos in the
M. Schmidt in the Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung 1863 xii. 220), Marcus
Gentianus Hervetus in the Acta Sanctorum edd. Bolland. Februarius iii. 655 Erant
[infra ch. ii § 9 (g)). See further O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1422, W. Drexler
which he is said to have built a city1) and, later2, in a cave high up
yevecnv olvtov yevecrdai fivdoXoyovcnv • rjs eKXeupdeicrrjs iu tois varepov x/xWis diafxeveiv 'in
2 There is evidence that the cult of the Dictaean cave was in time superseded by that
of Zeus r<3 Bidardu on the frontier of Priansos: Lyttos and Priansos are so near to
reliefs: (1) the Caeretan type shows the infant Zeus in the arms of a female seated on a
Mount Messogis (figs. 119, 121)4 were in that respect rivals of Dikte
example is in the British Museum [Ant. Terrakotten pi. 25, cp. pi. 135 a variant of the
I figure two specimens of the second type: (a) fig. 116 (after O. Benndorf in the
the above-mentioned relief from Cervetri (?) acquired by the British Museum in 1891
et medailles Paris 1883 p. 181 fig., E. Babelon in the Rev. Num. 189: ix. 38 f. pi. 4, 4
tale was told of some mountain in the volcanic region known as
pi. 1, 5 coppers struck by Traianus Decius and Valerianus (Paris). In F. Wieseler's
p. 336, F. Imhoof-Blumer in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1888 iii. 290 pi. 9,
books, the new-born Zeus was entrusted to three Cretans to be reared in Phrygia (orac.
Overbeck Gr. Kunstmyth. Zeus p. 337 Miinztaf. 5, 8 a copper struck by Caracalla (in the
to the Corycian Cave in Mount Korykos3. It is not, however,
the same childish figure seated in like manner on a princely seat
2 Mionnet Descr. de nied. ant. v. 260 no. 911, A. von Rauch in the Berliner Blatter
TTPOC • TH • [KAAYKAANfl]. For other specimens see W. Wroth in the Num.
An ivory relief in the Milan Museum (Arch. Zeit. 1846 iv. 217 ff. pi. 38, Ann. Brit.
1844 P- 348 pl- !04> J)> sa-id to be in the Vatican (but see F. Matz in the Ann. d. Inst.
have been born. Pergamon1 certainly, and possibly Mount Ide in
Rhea gave him instead of Zeus at Chaironeia in Boiotia, on a
Greeks to a variety of mountain-tops. The Iliad in a passage of
Vanquished by sleep and love, his wife in his arms13.
the line, and if Propertius is not guilty of confusing Mt Ide in the Troad with Mt Ide in
II Kallim. h. Zeus 4ff., Strab. 348, Paus. 8. 36. 3. Zeus was washed at his birth in
Others named Mount Oche in Euboia, Mount Kithairon in Boiotia,
in their turn were eclipsed by Zeus7. But Eurynome became by
is, therefore, practically certain that in Arkadia Zeus was paired
and culminates in Mount Taleton (7902 feet) above Sparta (pi. xiv).
7 Ap. Rhod. 1. 503 ff., Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 1191 ff., schol. Aristoph. nub. 247.
of its rise from the plain, (it) created in my mind a stronger im-
by Zeus and then, through fear of Hera, hidden away in the Earth
with a great mountain in north-western Africa10, was, according to
1 W. Mure Journal of a Tour in Greece Edinburgh and London 1842 ii. 221.
7 De-Vit Onoinasticon iii. 729 without citing his source. If this was the epigram in
12 Myth. Vat. 1. 204, cp. Rufin. recognit. 10. 21 and 23. In Hyg. fab. 155 Tantalus
recognit. 10. 21), or Plotis (Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 2. 436).
a mountain in Lesbos1 and whose town was situated on an almost
ripped up by a wild boar and buried in Crete,—an assertion which
3 My friend Dr J. Rendel Harris ' The Cretans always Liars' in the Expositor 1906
ecrai yap cu'et. Another explanation of the proverb is given in Athenodoros of Eretria
Porph. v. Pyth. 17, Arnob. adv. nat. 4. 14, 4. 25, Firm. Mat. 7. 6, Serv. in Verg. Aen.
inscription, which is variously recorded'2. In the first century of
grave of Zeus4. Buondelmonti, who visited Mount Juktas in 1415,
same tale to tell. When R. Pashley visited Crete in 1834, he
tov eirl rep rdcpu) beiKvv'ovai koXwvov. The passage is printed in Tzetzes' Allegoriae Iliadis
in saxo parvo ore est, cuius longitudo xlii, latitudo vero iv passuum, in cuius capite
nomine, in quo plura et ampla rura manent. Versus trionem, in radicibus montis
Zeus ;. but it was in vain that I inquired of my host...for any cave
tain with an inscription on it. When I had thus failed in obtaining
mountain is known to all the people in the neighbourhood, although
acquainted with the tomb of Zeus in tending his flock. A good
space is an aperture in the ground, which may perhaps once have
cavern, perhaps a metre in depth, has yielded terra cotta figures of
1 A. Taramelli in the Mon. d. Line. 1899 ix. 350 fig. 23.
Mt Juktas, a long narrow cleft, into which I have crawled and in which I have found
cutting. Mr Taramelli, who notes ' scanty traces of a building in
pale clay exactly resembling those which occur in votive deposits
of Aphendi Kristos [sic], or the Lord Christ, a name which in Crete
connexion with Zeus. A. Soutzo2, writing in 1829, states that
1 Sir Arthur Evans adds in a footnote: 'See Academy, June 20, 1896, p. 513. The
Lasethi is also known as Aphendi Christos. It is, perhaps, worth noting in this con-
1871 i. 27 thinks it possible that 'E^evTTj-povvo, the local name for a high peak in
of the same village in the eparchy Mylopotamo), Zou (in Siteia), Zrjvra (in Arkadia). The
Crete. There is, however, a Zutulana in Mylopotamo, the position of which is approxi-
On Mt Kentro in the eparchy Amario is a field called Zou Kafiiros (N. G. Polites
by A. Papadakes, who in 1879 reports that at Anogeia1 in Mylo-
feminine Di6nex. In that case we should obtain a Greek parallel
Apart from the tomb of Zeus in Crete, the surviving traces of
of Asia Minor5. This peak, known as DHos in ancient times6, now
used at Arachova on Mt Parnassos and elsewhere in the sense of ' Tell that to the
f^>m their neighbours in dress, customs, etc'
the name Zefo to survive in modern Greek as Atds. The acc. Ata would normally become
the " church of Zia," where a priest goes once a year in the summer
still to find the actual word [Zeus] existing, in this form.... The
nothing remarkable, save a spring of hot water, which in ancient
(me/a)6. It might, however, signify 'Clad in a sheep-skin \melote) ;
4 Zeus in the form of an eagle came from Crete to Naxos, where he was nurtured.
Inschr. iii. 1. 100 no. 3215). There was also a precinct Aids | 'O\vfnrl[ov] in Naxos (Corp.
Mount Pelion. Perhaps in the service for shepherds held once
the north coast of Crete, which has preserved its name in the forms
Lastly, a rock off the coast of Kephalonia is called Dias. In
Nereids and Charon are still familiar figures in the imagination of
decadence. I must not attempt such a task even in barest outline,
in the higher strata of society (a Thales here, a Kritias there) and
upheaval of the lower orders, which found expression in many an
Syria, Asia Minor, Persia, which in bewildering succession poured
Greece, and in an age of syncretism soon obtained recognition for
revolution from without, had alike ended in something of a com-
assured. There is a sound of coming triumph in the words
Revolution von inneriS That is in a sense true; and accordingly we find the nearest
were in some cases men mainly remarkable for their erudition. As
they were. Indeed, it is not too much to say that in the fourth
hotly disputed, and in the comparative dearth of contemporary
provided that these in their doings and sufferings bore some
deities. In these and other such ways the old order changed ;
were re-christened and re-consecrated in the service of the new
A few typical cases will be in point. At Byzantion the pagan
2 A general treatment of the subject will be found in F. Piper Mythologie und
T. R. Glover The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire^ London 1910,
might took refuge in a certain bay thickly covered with wildwood.
Constantine the Great saw this sanctuary, in fact he left home in
of it actually in the water4. Similarly at the entrance to the
2 Io. Malal. chron. 4 p. 78 f. Dindorf. E. Maass ' Boreas und Michael' in the
polilanis 62 b), who was in fact titular saint of four churches at Byzantion (C. d. F.
icon in its stern, with an ever-burning lamp in front of it, or a small
As in cult, so in legend pagan elements are still to be traced.
in classical mythology are said to have been saved from the sea by
minor variations in the case of Palaimon or Melikertes, Dionysios
2 T. A. B. Spratt Travels and Researches in Crete London 1865 i. 343 ff.,
in the person of Saint Dionysios, to whom his cult4 and myth5
' Good !' says St Elias, ' this is the place for me, here I abide.' He plants his oar in the
trace of the god Dionysos. When Chandler visited the place in 1766, its church was
p. 43 says: 'It is perhaps noteworthy too that in Athens the road which skirts the
5 Prof. C. Siegel of Hamburg at Kokkino in Boiotia in 1846 heard the following
he reached Naxia. Thereupon he found a bird's leg, stuck the plant in it, and went on.
ear-ache in Samos1, is described by Malalas in terms of Mercurius
proved no bar to such reformations. Saint Artemidos in Keos
When they drank deeper still, they resembled asses.' The tale is published in trans-
The ground-plan of the precinct at Lousoi in Arkadia published by W. Reichel and
Artemis, to whom in classical times were attached the epithets ira.i8oTpo(pos, KovpoTpocpos,
in the cult of Saint Demetrios1; Eileithyia in that of Saint
1 At Eleusis the cult of Demeter was hard to kill, as will be admitted in view of the
(E. D. Clarke Travels in various countries of Europe Asia and Africa^ London 1818
whose scruples were not removed till the. priest of Eleusis arrayed in his vestments
merchantman conveying it home from Smyrna, was wrecked and lost near Beachy
departure of the Goddess, their corn proved very abundant, and they were in constant
the inhabitants of Eleusis spoke of it as 'Ayia ArjfjLrjrpa and, in order to secure good
(Kvpa ^podirrj). One day as the girl was combing her hair, which was golden in
was a marvellous creature : it was black with fiery nostrils, and could in a single
vengeance, dared not tell what they knew. She questioned the Tree that grew in front
headman of the village, seen her by the road-side and taken her in. In return for
The aga transformed himself into a lion, a serpent, a bird of prey, a flame, and in
though he had hitherto respected her virginity. But in the night the Stork flew off,
the aid of the Panaghia, vowing that, if successful, he would become a monk in the
a monk in accordance with his vow. St Dhimitra with her daughter quitted the place,
in Albanian the diminutive Kolio), and the travels of Keleos' son Triptolemos, all
Lenormant op. cit. i. 402 n. supposes that a shift of sex has taken place in the legend
infamous desires. The cult of this saint originated near Jannina. J. G. Frazer Pausanias
But, whether this is a case of ecclesiastical policy or not, J. T. Bent is at least justified in
women in childbirth (eXevdepwvei reus yvvcunes, they say). The church stands on ground
K. Michel and A. Struck in the Ath. Mitth. 1906 xxxi. 3146°. In Crete too Eileithyia
F. C. Burkitt in The Journal oj Theological Studies 1910 xi. 61 ff. and E. Maas
in a thin disguise2.
fled from her bridal chamber in male costume to become the monk Pelagius. On account
the Romish church worships a St Reparata, a virgin of Kaisareia in Palestine, of whom it is
to kill himself; whereupon Pelagia, after refusing to marry his father, was done to death in
frag. 2, 3 Bergk4 7rop(pvpet] t 'AcppodLrr), interp. Serv. in Verg. Aen. 1. 720 Venus...
p. 73, 17 Stahlin rbv 1tixwva 'Epfirjv—so Meursius for MSS. rvcji&va, cp. Theognostos in
TrauKapiriau prjcpaXiov). His import was obviously agricultural, and his festival fell in the
in which St George carries 'wheat and barley, and grains of pearl,' and is asked to 'Give
Dr Rendel Harris can therefore urge similarity of name and similarity of function in
remarking that on the Latin side of the house the date in question is that of the Vinalia,
was Lydda or Diospolis—the ' city of Zeus '—in Samaria. Here he was born; here, after
helped her to fling it into the sea. Next day it was found lying in the mouth of the
Text Society London 1895 iii. 1 ff.), states that in a house at Diospolis there was a
Arachnaion, Mount Taleton, etc.) and in the archipelago (Mount
his hands to the marble column and his fingers stuck fast in it. He was released by-
over the dragon ; for as early as 346 a.d. an inscription from Ezr'a or Edhr'a in southern
London 1866 p. 15 n. 10, p. 28 n. 19): see the Rev. G. T. Stokes in Smith-Wace Did.
in the Westdeutsche Zeitschrift 1882 i. 36 ff., F. Hettner 'Juppitersaulen' ib. 1885 iv.
Sdulen Strassburg and Biihl 1894, A. Riese ' Tiber die sogen. Juppitersaulen' in the
1907 must be used with the greatest caution (see R. Wiinsch in the Archiv f Rel. 1911
St Elias is the successor of Helios (e.g. T. Trede Das Heidentum in der romischen Kirche
writing c. 430 A.D.1 Again, Christian art in the fourth century
driving his chariot up the sky (fig. 134)2. When in the course of
75 f. 2. 504 f. (a sarcophagus in St Peter's at Rome = G. Bottari Sculture epitture sagre
are still celebrated in honour of Saint Elias. On July 20—a day
kindled elsewhere in Greece, and indeed throughout Europe, on
The foregoing arguments may be held to prove that in the
that Saint Elias is worshipped on mountain-tops in virtue of his
possessing a definite tradition of Helios-cult is Mount Taleton in
fig. 97 (fourth century sarcophagus in the Lateran Museum at Rome), L. von Sybel
5 Append. B Lakonike. A text which appears to have escaped notice in this con-
other hand, a fair number of the heights in question, including
by this saint in particular2. Probably, in the first instance, the
testimonio sunt Lacedaemoni, qui in monte Taygeto equum ventis immolant, ibidemque
1911 p. 35) or, more exactly, a Cretan colony settled in south Italy by Idomeneusof
Serv. in Verg. georg. 1. 12), vel quod equuleus, ut putant, loci eius suppositus Saturno
the high altar in the chapel is shown the grotto in which St Elias is said to have dwelt.
earthquake a fire ; but the Lord was not in the fire : and after the
a whirlwind into heaven12.' Such an one fitly shared in the glory
peasants to be lord of sunshine, rain, and thunder. In several
8 Od. 12, 62 ff. with scholl. ad loc. and Eustath. in Od. p. 1712, 35 ff., Moiro ap. Athen.
Heidentum in der romischen Kirche Gotha 1890 ii. 143), presumably refers to the chariot
of vicarious drenching. In the morning all the children throw
At Constantinople and in its vicinity people think that thunder
Epiphanios. Do they speak truly who declare that the prophet Elias is in
imagination, as also the story that Christ made sparrows out of clay in the
God that in time of drought he will give rain to the earth.... As to the fact that
Saint Elias has taken the place of the thunder-god not only in
2 Id. ib. p. 7 f. and earlier in his MeX^rr/ iirl rod ($Lov tQu NecoT^pcov 'EA\^w Athens
lightning, and a torrent of rain for forty days and nights1. In
of snow—by men styled hail—with which he scourges in summer
in a flaming car, and smites the clouds with the darts of the
the lightning. In the old Novgorod there used to be two churches,
To these a cross-bearing procession was made when a change in
of God Ilya" to send " thirty angels in golden array, with bows
touched by its venomous breath, sank dead upon the ground, so in
prayers (fig. 135)2. Even the Muhammadans, in praying that
with the sun is a priori probable enough. But in the domain of
Thales in the following epigram:
1 H. J. von Klaproth Reise in den Kaukasus etc. Halle und Berlin 1814 ii. 606, 601.
prayers (fig. 135)2. Even the Muhammadans, in praying that
with the sun is a priori probable enough. But in the domain of
Thales in the following epigram:
1 H. J. von Klaproth Reise in den Kaukasus etc. Halle und Berlin 1814 ii. 606, 601.
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (a): Direct identifications of Zeus with the Sun
oration in praise of The Sovereign Sun for the Saturnalia of
be the sun5. Ioannes Laurentius the Lydian in his work on
twelfth century, does the same in his iearned commentary on
7 Eustath. in II. pp. 40, 29, 128, 14ft., 728, 16, id., in Od. pp. 1387, 26, 1713, 14 f-,
interpreted in this sense by Macrob. Sat. 1. 23. if., somn. Scip. 2. 10. 10f., Eustath. in
13 Arnob. adv. nat. 3. 30, Macrob. Sat. \. 23. 5, Eustath. in Od. pp. 1713, 14 f-, 1726,
conclude that Zeus was a sun-god in his own right. It may be
1 In recent years there has been much discussion as to the origin of Sarapis (see e.g.
the ' Place of Apis,' near Memphis. This is held to explain not merely the compound
0i5os * fj dirb 21^71-775 7-77? HovTiKrjs, k.t.X.). So A. Bouche-Leclercq in the Revue de
sar apsi, *sar aps, *sar apis, *sar apis. Sarapis is first mentioned in connexion with
Haupt in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 338—364, cp. A. Dieterich Kleine Schriften Leipzig
them equated with the Babylonian god (evidence discussed in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 352 ff.).
Lat. sel. no. 4391 Lambaisa in Numidia (Iovis Plutonis Serapis sacer).
So Dessau Inscr. Lat. sel. nos. 4395 Lutri in Crete (Iovi Soli optimo maximo Sarapidi),
iii nos. 4042 Ankyra in Galatia (Ad 'HXtw Sapd7rtSt), 4262 Sidyma in Lykia (Ad 'HXtw
The so-called Anastasy papyrus in the British Museum, a book
Iiepdiridt), Inscr. Gr. Sic. It. no. 2244 Auximum in Picenum (Iovi Soli Serapi Aa'HXty
extremely important Aryan god whose province came very near that of Dyaus was Mithra
content to regard Mithra as an Indo-Iranian god of light (' Beide Religionen erblicken in
next to the Hittites in the north of Mesopotamia, as far back as c. the fourteenth
and Genea, and dwelt in Phoinike. When a drought befell, they stretched their
'Lord of Heaven,' who was honoured not only in Phoinike and its
3 F. Cumont in Pauly-Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 2839 f., W. W. Baudissin Adonis tmd
inscription in Aramaic and Greek from Palmyra, [}0]6? \^V]^ being rendered by
talons a snake coiled in a circle. The tail of the reptile, first seized
iavrov eadLovra ovpav, Macrob. Sat. \. 9. 12 hinc et Phoenices in sacris imaginem eius
etiam flammivomum, qui caudae suae ultima devorat, in dextra tenentem inducunt—
idea recurs in the magical papyri : G. Parthey Zwei griechisc'he Zauberpapyri Berlin 1866
Greek Papyri in the British Museum London 1893 i. 102 f. no. 121,
Many illustrations may be found in the Abraxas-gems published
3 Sir Cecil Smith ib. p. exxii n. 2. See, however, G. F. Hill in the Journ. Hell.
god Aumos1.' Thus a stone over the door of a cell in the monastery
Passing from Palestine to Asia Minor, we still find local sun-
we must read Atifxov (Lebas-Waddington op. cit. no. 2394, W. Drexler in Roscher Lex.
in character. At most they show
site of Arkesine, in Amorgos,
sidered in later sections.
1 f. pi.). Doubtful examples of a radiate Iupiter in wallpaintings are Helbig Wandgem.
distyle temple in which are two standing deities, Iupiter with sceptre and radiate head,
in Thera that we need rather the name of the dedicator in the
have been termed Aitktops in his character of Aitker, 'the Burning
glowring sky in general, but with more probability attaches to the
2 J. Delamarre in Inscr. Gr. ins. vii no. 87, citing ib. iii nos. 400ff.
Eur. frag. 896 Nauck2 ap. Athen. 465 B and ap. Eustath. in II. p. 883, 62 called one of
7 AeAr. 'Ap%. 1890 p. 140 f. in letters of the fourth century B.C. ATANTHPOS is a
in Thera that we need rather the name of the dedicator in the
have been termed Aitktops in his character of Aitker, 'the Burning
glowring sky in general, but with more probability attaches to the
2 J. Delamarre in Inscr. Gr. ins. vii no. 87, citing ib. iii nos. 400ff.
Eur. frag. 896 Nauck2 ap. Athen. 465 B and ap. Eustath. in II. p. 883, 62 called one of
7 AeAr. 'Ap%. 1890 p. 140 f. in letters of the fourth century B.C. ATANTHPOS is a
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (c): The sun as the eye of Zeus
and might therefore be called the eye of Zeus. Euripides in his
Zeus6.' The phrase seems to have been current in the jargon of
In a somewhat similar vein Nonnos of Panopolis in Egypt, a poet
i. The Solar Wheel in Greece.
185 ff., where Philologia addresses the sun-god in an equally syncretistic strain.
J. S. Stallybrass ii. 70 r f., iv. 1499 f., H. Gaidoz in the Rev. Arch. 1884 ii. 7ff., 136 ff.,
In a somewhat similar vein Nonnos of Panopolis in Egypt, a poet
i. The Solar Wheel in Greece.
185 ff., where Philologia addresses the sun-god in an equally syncretistic strain.
J. S. Stallybrass ii. 70 r f., iv. 1499 f., H. Gaidoz in the Rev. Arch. 1884 ii. 7ff., 136 ff.,
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / I: The solar wheel in Greece
198 The Solar Wheel in Greece
in his comedy Daidalos seems to have shown the sun as a wheel
The conception of a solar wheel is, however, seldom expressed in
I begin with the myths—and in primis that of Ixion, a personage
his father-in-law, when he came to fetch the bridal gifts. He dug
learn whether the thing was true, made a cloud {iiephele) in the
wherefrom the rest of the Kentauroi are sprung. But Zeus in anger
1 Aristoph. thesm. 17. In Soph. Ant. 1065 rp6xovs a/JLiWrjTTjpas i)\iov all the MSS.
here in point. Since Theodor Panofka first discussed the matter
Moreover, Ixion's wheel as represented in Greek, Etruscan, and
in the British Museum, shows Ixion as a nude bearded figure,
likewise in our national collection. Its reverse design
1 T. Panofka ' Zufiuchtsgottheiten' in the Abh. d. berl. Akad. 1853 Phil.-hist. Classe
holds that the myth of Ixion is essentially akin to German folk-tales of elves appearing in
the vase as a whole is that propounded by Sir Cecil Smith in the Class. Rev. 1895 ix.
2 00 The Solar Wheel in Greece
the upper, not the under, world. Here in the centre we see Ixion,
rim rays dart forth in all directions. On the right Hephaistos3
has obverse Helios in his quadriga (ib. i. 258). Munich 849 (ib. i. 258) has obverse
202 The Solar Wheel in Greece
The figures composing it have been first drawn in accordance with
survey it, cap on head and hammer in hand. He is balanced by a
A wall-painting, which still adorns a dining-room in the house
grasp a spoke and set it in motion. His anvil, hammer and pincers
vases is Naples Santangelo 709 (id. i. 455), which has obverse a female head in a floral
by A. Kluegmann in the Ann. d. Inst. 1873 xlv. 93—98 pi. I—K (badly copied in
Wagner in Roscher Lex. Myth. hi. 182), Erinyes (P. Weizsacker ib. ii. 771), Nikai
A. Sogliano in the Mon. d. Line. 1898 viii. 2968". pi. 9 and G. Patroni in Arte Italiana
hardens her heart: the dread sentence will be duly carried out. In
one who has died ' (Mau). Wagner in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 182 argued that she must
204 The Solar Wheel in Greece
essentially Lysippian in character. On this showing we may
winged wheel in the early 'running' attitude4, which here denotes
Finally, a Roman sarcophagus, found in a brick sepulchral
2 P. Gardner in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1903 xxiii. 128 ff., 1905 xxv. 240, 256. The
1 On the origin of the winged disk see S. Reinach ' Aetos Prometheus' in the Rev.
no. 12). Cp. also Stevenson 'The Feather and the Wing in Mythology' in Oriental
those of the falcon (falco peregrtnus), not the sparrow-hawk : see G. Benedite in the
206 The Solar Wheel in Greece
sighted his foes, and started in pursuit. He took with him Nekhebet
The winged disk is found also, with slight modifications, in
temple d''Edfou Geneve 1870 pis. 12—19. It is translated into German by H. Brugsch in
see A. Erman in the Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 1882 xx. 8,
1894 lxvii) p. 89, Miss J. E. Harrison in the Transactions of the Third International
Without attempting to trace in detail the further fortunes of
informed writer in the main lines of his classification.
cites a description of this symbol given in a text of Sennacherib (Meissner—Rost
lends a strong presumption in favor of supposing him to have been some phase of the
2o8 The Solar Wheel in Greece
holds a wreath in one hand, a lotus-flower in the
moon being inscribed in the ring (see G. Hiising ' Iranischer Mondkult' in the Archiv f.
the winged disk of Mesopotamia had its prototype in a sacred bird.
was demonstrably the case in
Assuming, then, that Ixion's wheel in some sense stood for
1 Sir G. Rawlinson The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World London
3 Fig. 155 contains five of the symbols collected by F. Lajard in the Mon. d. Inst, iv
4 G. Lafaye in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. iv. 896 s.v. 'rota.'
2io The Solar Wheel in Greece
Similarly in the romance of Achilleus Tatios the ill-starred
in an equally sensational plight: 'I, as a condemned criminal,
matist Asklepiades in an allusion to Ixion6; and the emperor
Romans as a specially Greek institution8, is well known in connexion
succumbit igni. Plaut. cist. 206 ff. is probably based on a Greek original. And in Cic.
perhaps even ordinary flogging), originated in the service of religion,
Ixions, who in bygone ages were done to death as effete embodi-
is reserved for Demophon, son of Keleos and Metaneira. But in
in fire and so took off its covering of mortal flesh. Demophon—
3 In the h. Dem. 250 ff. (cp. 4. 555 ff.) the child is not destroyed by the fire,
p. 365, E. E. Sikes on h. Dem. 239) and initiation (W. R. Halliday in the Class. Rev.
2 12 The Solar Wheel in Greece
Raros10—names which point to the Rarian Plain near Eleusis. One
In this tangle of names Aristophanes found ample material for
I Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 2. 382. 2 Hyg. fab. 147.
II Interp. Serv. in Verg. georg. 1. 19.
cer. iii. 97 ff. pis. 46—48, L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. Pdt. 1859 p. 82 ff., 1862
Vase-illustrations of the sixth century differ in some respects
seat. The seat is a more or less simple affair, and is arranged in
in the Fontana collection at Trieste, is now at Berlin.
sometimes surmounted by a small representation of Triptolemos holding corn-ears in
216 The Solar Wheel in Greece
kdntharos. Only, in place of a vine he grasps a double axe, the
a mule escorted by a Satyr and two Maenads in Laborde Vases Lamberg i pi. 43
two-wheeled throne suggest comparison with a spring custom observed at Kostt in
with snakes. In the great majority of cases the scene represented
skins, wearing a mask and with bells round his neck, and in his hand a broom of the kind
each tries to make the king throw upon themselves the seed which he holds in his hands.
vos), and then resumes his usual dress' (R. M. Dawkins in the
rom. ii. 1. 1425 f. pi. 175, 1, W. Greenwell in the Num. Chron.
2i8 The Solar Wheel in Greece
found in a tomb at Girgenti in 1841, has much the same scene
sacred drama performed at Eleusis, in which the protege of the
Thus uplifted into the air, Triptolemos both in ritual and in
2 R. Politi ' Cinque vasi di premio ' in the Sicilian journal La Concordia 1841 ii. 109 f.
no. 2913 pi. 25), on which Triptolemos appears in a chariot drawn by two winged snakes
fxiicpa ixvar-qpLCL were devised by the Athenians in order to provide for the initiation of
2 20 The Solar Wheel in Greece
characterised by his ivy-wreath and his thyrsos. In the background,
in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 2185 f., Mommsen Feste d. Stadt Allien pp. 411 f., 415, and infra
sun-god in the sky—hovers Triptolemos on his winged car. A
wreaths and carry the mystic bdcchoi. In the background, over a
222 The Solar Wheel in Greece
wheeled seat, which in three out of the four cases has become a
filling the phidle of Triptolemos, who richly clad in a stage costume
Pan with his syrinx leaning against a tree-trunk on the left. In the
a bird in its mouth is decidedly reminiscent of Egypt6.
7 F. Matz ' Goldschale von Pietraossa' in the Arch. Zeit. 1872 xxix. 136.
on his left arm, but a plough-pole and yoke in one hand, a plough-
paratively late, in fact that he first became a ploughman in the
who points out that in genuinely Egyptian sources Osiris is never
is now in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris. On it we see
3 Varro fragg. 77, 78 Funaioli ap. interp. Serv. in Verg. georg. 1. 19, Ov. fast.
Serv. in Verg. georg. 1. 19, Serv. hi Verg. georg. 1. 147, Prob. in Verg. georg. 1. 19,
6 O. Rubensohn 'Triptolemos als Pfluger' in the Ath. Mitth. 1899 xxiv. 59—71.
crossed the sea, voyaged in the solar cup lent him by Okeanos or
naturally took to be a two-wheeled seat seen in profile3. But I now
waidcov reKVihaei with the remarks of O. Kern in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 1215 ff.
passage in the Rig-veda i. 164, 2, which describes the solar chariot ' of the single wheel'
linch-pin at all, and was subsequently thrown out of Pelops' car into the sea near
In a parallel myth (Class. Rev. 1903 xvii. 2 7of.) from Thrace Dryas, like Oinomaos, is
226 The Solar Wheel in Greece
Triptolemos' seat3. In this again it followed the example of the
4 E. A. Gardner Cat. Vases Cambridge p. 52 no. 100 fig. The reproduction in
mon. dr. ii. 386 f. pi. 115. This vase has four unwinged in place of two winged horses.
8 L. Savignoni in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1899 xix. 265 ff. pi. 9.
Egyptian and Assyrian art1. Indeed, a late bas-relief in black stone
shall see, was solar in origin and, moreover, equipped with both
upon Triptolemos and Eumelos founded a city in common and called it Antheia
2 F. Lenormant ' Triptoleme en Syrie' with fig. in the Gaz. Arch. 1878 iv. 97—
1 M. Mayer in the Verhandlungen der XL Versammlung deutscher Philologen und
228 The Solar Wheel in Greece
century B.C.3 It must, however, have been commonly accepted in
84). In the middle ages this cameo was thought to represent the triumph of Joseph in
she approached Eleusis1, and in this way she quitted it again2.
in 43 B.C.4, and not infrequently on late
1 Ov. met. 5. 642 ff., fast. 4. 497 f. In Orph. h. Dem. Eleus. 40. 14^ Demeter
represent ' Demeter or Triptolemos seated 1. in winged car drawn by two serpents, and
7 So on an imperial coin of Nikomedeia in Bithynia (Imhoof-Blumer Gr. Miinzen
Hadrianopolis in Thrace (Overbeck op. cit. p. 661), Kretia-Flaviopolis {Brit. Mus. Cat.
p. 16), Kyzikos {ib. Mysia p. 47 pi. 12, 12), Ankyra in Galatia (Overbeck op. cit. p. 661
230 The Solar Wheel in Greece
of the vehicle in question4. For Greeks and Romans alike,
1 Overbeck op. cit. p. 612 f. Atlas pi. 17, 1, 3 = R. Foerster in the Ann. d. Inst. 1873
Hades' chariot-wheel [Ann. d. Inst. loc. cit. pi. EF 1—it is not clearly seen in Overbeck
in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 3041, A. Jeremias ib. iii. 255.
'the house of the sun3,' and—be it noted—the sun was in Leo
Other deities too on occasion appear in a like conveyance.
pyxis of fine style at Copenhagen, as drawn in a chariot by yoked
2 Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 1. 720 = Myth. Vat. 2. 19, Tertull. adv. Marc. 1. 13,
3 Ail. de nat. an. 12. 7, Macrob. Sat. 1. 21. 16, Serv. in Verg. georg. 1. 33.
suggests that Helios was often associated in cult with Demeter. But of this I find no
ad loc), and the word Sp&Kaiva used of Athena in Orph. h. Ath. 32. 11.
pi. 2, Head Hist, num.2 p. 6), and a barbarised copy of it—both found at Morella in Spain
supported by 1 une rouelle,' as on Panathenaic amphoras found in Kyrenaike (id. p. 203 ; but
232 The Solar Wheel in Greece
head in three-quarter position (not dou-
a winged and wheeled seat: the wing is archaic in type and rises
that it was the triliteral form of the divine name Jehovah; and in
C. D. Ginsburg in the Palestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly Statement for 1881
Jehu's reign2. There can, in fact, be little doubt that we have
in 168 B.C. Antiochus iv Epiphanes transformed the temple at
Further, the winged wheel is, as we have seen, solar in its origin.
usually taken by Jehovah's name in magical texts of the Hellenistic
in 1888, includes among other magical formulae the following prose
5 Mrs H. Jenner Christian Symbolism London 1910 p. 67 states that in the convent
the final form of the Babylonian god Ea (see C. F. Lehmann-Haupt in Roscher Lex.
234 The Solar Wheel in Greece
In winter Hades, Zeus when spring begins,
Greek Papyri in the British Museum London 1893 i. 80 no. 46, 469 ff.
'EX\r)piKQi> deGiv in Buresch op. cit. p. 97 f. ; Lact. div. inst. 1. 7). The two oracles are
auctoritas fundatur oraculo Apollinis Clarii, in quo aliud quoque nomen soli adicitur, qui
ad loc. yet more ingeniously afipbv"laKxov. Baudissin op. cit. i. 215 quotes in support of
surmises that the gem should be read IAC0 IAH ABPAZAE H I GO etc. ; in which case
In fact it seems possible to trace the steps by which the transition was effected. On the
of the new comparison occurs in the age of Tiberius (Val. Max. 1. 3. 3 Cn. Cornelius
symp. 4. 6. 2), Liber pater (Tac. hist. 5. 5), Dionysos (Lyd. de mens. 4. 53 p. in, 7ft0.
somewhat similar pieces, to Gaza Minoa in southern Palestine3. If
304 f. = Kenyon ib. i. 74 no. 46, 300 f.) : see H. van Herwerden in Mnemosyne N.S. 1888
It shows Zeus enthroned with a sceptre (?) in his hand amid a
Babylonian and Greek ideas were freely blended in an omni-
236 The Solar Wheel in Greece
the 'Wheel'-man6; and Trochilos in turn was the son of Kallithea7,
(supra p. 232 n. 1) that this is the promontory near Tripolis called to tov Qeov irpoawirov
3 Steph. Byz. s. vv. Tdfa, 'loviov, Eustath. in Dionys. per. 92. On imperial coins of
in Syria1—better known as Antiocheia on the Orontes2—, and
Bekker), Souid. s.v. Tu>, Exc. Salmasii in Cramer anecd. Paris, ii. 387, 22 ff. The
king of the west, sent and carried off Io, by whom he became the father of Libye. Io, in
Iopolis. They are in fact still called Ionitai by the Syrians of the district. And to this
In this, as in other Levantine stories of Io, we may suppose that the Argive heroine
Others told how Inachos sent out Kyrnos (not Triptolemos), who founded Kyrnos in
238 The Solar Wheel in Greece
believed to have returned thither in the same equipage2. O. Gruppe
car. Apollonios of Rhodes had in fact described how Helios'once
Kirke riding in the solar chariot is a much older conception.
In a Pompeian wall-painting Kirke's head is surrounded by a
that Dagon the chief god of the Philistines is described as Zeus Arotrios in Philon Bybl.
supposed influence of the Medeia-myth on the Kirke-myth see further K. Seeliger in
6 Schol. Ap. Rhod. 3. 311 —Hes. frag. 195 Flach. K. Seeliger in Roscher Lex.
That Kirke was in some sense solar is further shown by the
divine queen and so becomes its king. On the other hand, in such
in safety. Intermediate between the two groups is The Voyage of
in the story of Laegaire mac Crimthainn she bears the appropriate
3 In Folk-Lore 1906 xvii. 141—173. The latest writer on the Celtic island-Elysium is
ii. 186 ft. In another Greek folk-tale, translated by E. M. Geldart Folk-Lore of Modern
6 For Indian parallels see G. Gerland Altgriechische Mdrchen in der Odysee Magde-
240 The Solar Wheel in Greece
Greek myth were of Eastern origin. The sheykh tells Bedr Basim that the
This " saweek," which he is to give to the queen in place of her own magic
her to become a dappled mule. He then puts a bridle in her mouth and
only in Vedic mythology is Surya, the sun, sometimes conceived as
1 J. E. Harrison op. cit. p. 86 f. 2 K. Seeliger in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1195 f.
certainly found an echo in Greek literature6; and they may serve
ornithomorphic state may perhaps be traced in the curious Homeric
12 Porph. de abst. 3. 5, Eustath. in II. p. 1014, 22.
Kalypso (Od. 12. 449), who in various respects is the doublet of Kirke (O. Immisch in
15 K. Seeliger in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1202, 22 ff. collects the evidence. TIikoXoos,
2\2 The Solar Wheel in Greece
casual notices of it found in ancient authors2. But the same word
more appropriate as a symbol of the sun. Still, in view of the
Ail. de nat. an. 4. 5, 4. 58 distinguishes the KipKrj from the Kipnos, as does Eustath. in
n. 1. See also L. Hopf Thierorakel und Orakelthiere in alter und neuer Zeit Stuttgart
8 Since this paragraph was written A. Fick has discussed the word dpKos in the
semicircular path described by Eos and Helios in the course of the year. She is in-
1873 pp. 28 ff., 67 ff. So too R. Brown The Myth of Kirke" (reviewed by H. Bradley in
more ways than one in which a circle might be fittingly attributed
other stand in intimate relation to the hawky. Thus Arthur's
'White Hawk,' or Gwalch-hevin, the 'Summer Hawk7.' Now in
Italian Kirke seems to have dwelt on a circular island. In the ter-
a sorceress, who is seated in the middle of a circular base, holding her wand and present-
5 J. Rhys Studies in the Arthurian Legend Oxford 1891 pp. 116, 302 f., 325, 392,
244 The Solar Wheel in Greece
as a solar hawk, that originally and in Greece she had nothing to
when she fled from Kolchis with the Argonauts, put in to Iolkos
the air in a car drawn by serpents and seeking the world over for
'Walnut,' J. Rhys op. cit. p. 13 n. 1, and A. Nutt in Folk-Lore 1910 xxi. 233 n. 3. The
2 K. Seeliger in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1201 f., C. Hulsen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-
5 Near Luna in northern Etruria was an aKpov ^eXrjurjs (Ptol. 3. i. 4). W. H. Roscher
caused the alleged serpents to appear in visible form. The king,
nauts, who were lying in wait outside .the city. They at once
in Lydia, struck under Commodus, which shows Artemis with a
on one of the islands in the Adriatic, whither Iason had sailed vid the river Istros !
4 Ov. met. 7. 350 f. quod nisi pennatis serpentibus isset in auras | non exempla foret
5 These are collected and discussed by K. Seeliger in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 2492 ff.
246 The Solar Wheel in Greece
come and reign over them. Iason was king in virtue of his wife's
near akin to Zeus, or perhaps even as successive incarnations of
represented on a bronze mirror, found at Corinth and now in the
in general that it passed into the proverb 'Korinthos son of Zeus '
son of Zeus a king of Corinth5.' Again, Marathon in his turn was
Korinthos) stood in a relation of peculiar intimacy to Zeus. What
i. 237 Midler), Liban. ep. 565, Theodoros Hyrtakenos in Boissonade anecd. ii. 433, 2 f.,
248 The Solar Wheel in Greece
escape to Athens in the car of Helios—a device somewhat unfairly
drjXop in tov Kal t7)v"Hpai> Kara, tlpcls <xvtu) £irip.avrivai,—cited by K. Seeliger in Roscher
toijtov (pevyovaa k.t.X., Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 175 (p. 83 Scheer) ecj> appiaros SpaKovTuv
In Sen. Med. 1031 ff. squamosa gemini colla serpentes iugo j submissa praebent.
In art, as in literature, Medeia escapes from Corinth on a serpent-
In her right hand she grasps a short
there are two varieties. In the first,
on the tradition of earlier paintings. In fact, almost identical
pis. 62—65. See also K. Seeliger in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 2508—2511.
4 Id. ib. ii. 2£3f. pi. 64 no. 200, formerly at Rome in possession of an engineer
250 The Solar Wheel in Greece
sword; the other, dead also, is with Medeia in the car; the back of
vengeance exacted by the slighted queen is shown in the most
1 Heydemann Vasensamml. Neapel p. 506 ff. no. 3221, O. Jahn in the Arch. Zeit. 1867
4 Robert op. cit. ii. 205, cp. K. Seeliger in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 2511.
and it is in all probability a post-Euripidean play that is illustrated
who in her despite contracted wedlock with king Kreon's daughter
poisoned crown4. The casket in which it came stands open on the
in which its design differs from the subject as conceived by Euripides are to be regarded
161—166 pi. 90 (which supersedes all previous reproductions). The vase was found in a
no. 3). In Euripides she is nameless.
2$2 The Solar Wheel in Greece
is about to run him through with a sword, in spite of the fact that
of his vengeance. In it stands her charioteer, a sinister-looking
and the whole tragic scene before him is a kingly figure draped in
by the rock. Finally, in the background by way of contrast with
to the altar in order to slay him there. That is certainly a possible interpretation.
See e.g. K. Wernicke in Pauly-Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 1898 s.v. Ate, 'Personification der
to a magic wheel. Pindar describes the incident in a noteworthy
event that befell them in this locality is susceptible of a solar
w pvp.j3oi.cri fxaaTL^as e^e", Eustath. in Od. p. 1387, 42 ff. rpoyiaKov drjXoi tov /cat p6p./3ou
254 The Solar Wheel in Greece
mimic sun. We have in fact definite evidence that on the shores
{mesembria) sun4. Again, coins of Kalchedon in Bithynia c. 480-
I figure a specimen in my collection.
wheel-types in the coinage of Greece and Italy1. The toothed or
after F. Poulsen and C. Dugas in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1911 xxxv. 371 fig. 29.
256 The Solar Wheel in Greece
analogue of the eastern 'praying-wheel,' whose essential relation to
1 E. Saglio in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. iv. 863 f.
can and does twist its head round in a most surprising fashion:
wry-neck breeds in the hole of a tree and, if disturbed, utters
snake-bird in Sussex, Hampshire, and Somerset, Natterwendel in
was Peitho5. Kallimachos in his work On Birds made lynx a
the nine Muses in dance and song. A contest was arranged on
tium similem in magnam longitudinem porrigit.
Nem. 4. 56, Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 310, Nikephoros Gregoras in Synes. irepl evvirvluv p. 360
258 The Solar Wheel in Greece
But the earlier unsophisticated view saw in the wry-neck merely
might reasonably expect to find it in the entottrage of Apollon.
golden songstresses which the poet Pindar mentions in speaking of
Here, it seems to me, Pindar merely imitated the Sirens in Homer6.'
' quasi eju/ator' in both cases.
tvy!-, schol. Theokr. 2. 17, schol. Aristeid. iii. 307 Dindorf, Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 310, et.
3 E. Saglio op. cit. iv. 864, R. Engelmann in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 772 f.
6 Paus. 10. 5. 12 trans. J. G. Frazer. The fragment of Pindar is here cited in the
Now Monsieur S. Reinach in an ingenious and penetrating article
excellence, bound and fastened to a post in either pediment: the
chariot wheels6. But, although in heroic days the wheels of a
following form : xPv(T€aL 5' e£ vweperov (or viraperov) aeiSov K.rj\7)ixoves. But Galen, in
rpo<pQv 81a rrjv rj8ovr)v &<pavabecrdai. The passage from Athenaeus in turn is alluded to
Robert Gr. Myth. i. 805 n. 1. In the Class. Rev. 1903 xvii. 176 I adopted this explana-
260 The Solar Wheel in Greece
Petersburg!. 215 ff. no. 422 and in the Compte-rendu St. Pet. 1863 p. 267 n. 4, Mon. d. Inst.
body (Ann. d. Inst. 1866 xxxviii. 246), a chariot is apparently suspended in the back-
in the exergue of a Syracusan coin signed by Euainetos (Brit. A/us. Cat. Coins Sicily
prophylactic sort, in a word as tynges. However that may be, the
her. Bildw. p. 746 f. pi. 30, 15, P. Weizsacker in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 176, and above
3 Cp. the scene of the tragedy as depicted on an Apulian a7nphora in the Jatta
262 The Solar Wheel in Greece
influence. A silver disk forming part of a hoard unearthed in 1836
Philostratos, who in his Life of Apollonios spoke of the golden
judgment; and iynges of gold are hung from the roof, four in
Philostratos' account in the light of a stone tablet found by the
6 T. G. Pinches in the Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archeology 1885 viii.
'Tablet sculptured with a scene representing the worship of the Sun-god in the
the planet Venus. The roof of the shrine is supported by a column in the form
Nabu-pal-idinna in the ninth century before Christ, but he probably copied the
264 The Solar Wheel in Greece
not talking at random, but was describing an actual chamber in the
iynges. They—we argued—were wheels on or in the pediments of
rites 'and by moving a certain iynx in the correct manner caused a
4 L. Hopf Thierorakel und Orakelthiere in alter und neuer Zeit Stuttgart 1888 p. 144.
^aicriwp tt)v 'Attlktjv rfkevdeptoaev. Cp. Proklos in Plat. Crat. p. 33, 14 f. Pasquali
7 Yet L. Hopf loc. cit. notes that near Radolfszell on the Bodensee wry-necks are
same consideration disposes of an allusion to the iynx in a supposi-
that the wry-neck was a sacred bird in Babylonia and Persia. At
other temple-wheels. Aristotle in his treatise on Mechanics alludes
from it a passage in which mention is made of '.the wheel that turns
hidden significance and this change of position in like manner
wheels in question. 'In the sanctuaries of the Egyptians,' he says,
266 The Solar Wheel in Greece
p which is thin, solid, and vertical. In
disk revolving on an iron pin in such
ian in origin or imported into Egypt
aries in the time of Asoka must have found their way to the valley
3 A. Erman ' Kupferringe an Tempelthoren' in the Zeitschrift fur dgyptische SpracAe
None of these authors call in question Plutarch's statement that the
—a common sight in mediaeval churches, where it was made of
1 W. Simpson 'The Buddhist Praying Wheel'in The Journal of the Royal Asiatic
liturgiques de l'ancienne Egypte' in the Bulletins de P Acade'mie Royale des Sciences, des
268 The Solar Wheel in Greece
Elagabalos shows Fortuna with a rudder in her right hand, a
holding a rod in her right hand (fig. 194)6.
Diisseldorf 1871 ii. 424 no. 1978 cited in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1506). Fortuna, with
ii. 137). Fortuna standing with rudder and cornu copiae in her hands and a wheel at her
female standing with left foot raised on a six-spoked wheel and body inclined in the act
lichen Miinzensammlung in Wien Wien 1909 p. 8 no. 71 pi. 5, Gnecchi Medagl. Rom.
5 Cohen op. cit.2 v. 31 no. 98. Ld. id. no. 96 (the same type in gold) is well figured
is standing with a rudder in her right hand, a cornu copiae in her left, and a wheel at her
alluded to in literature1, is
Well-winged, immortal, dwelling in
Wrought me in stone and duly paid [ ^^^S&tSff&^SI^^
2 O. Rossbach in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 144 f., 156 m, and in greater detail
270 The Solar Wheel in Greece
a pair of griffins in a two-wheeled car. The
3163, 3193, H. Posnansky op. cit. pp. 61—67, O. Rossbach in Roscher Lex. Mylh.
and Zeus, according to one version, wooed her in the form of a snake (schol. Clem. Al.
prase at Berlin the goddess with a wreath or branch in her left
wheel2. A billon statuette found in France and
head-dress. A snake in her right hand is feeding out of a phidle in
that Nemesis in turn borrowed it from Fortuna6. These borrowings
Fowler in his admirable book on The Roman Festivals hinted that
regards the children, but also of the good luck of the mother in
of this gem is given by W. Drexler in the Zeitschr.f. Num. 1887 xiv. 127 f.
(Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1530 ff., 1549 ff, ii. 545 f.). Cp. P. Perdrizet in the Bull. Corr.
7 Preller—Jordan Rom. AIyth.s ii. 179 ff., R. Peter in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1503 ff,
2J2 The Solar Wheel in Greece
2 J. B. Carter 'The Cognomina of the Goddess "Fortuna"' in the Transactions and
8 lb. 1519 f., W. Otto in Philologus 1905 lxiv. 193 ff.
(possibly Dionysius [sic] or Sardanapalus), which, by a mistake in the gender, was called
14 Clem. Al. protr. 4. 51. 1 p. 39, 15 ff. Stahlin. D. Vaglieri has recently found in
18 H. Posnansky op. cit. p. iff., O. Rossbach in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 117 ff.,
connecting the name with nemo, T assign1.' In so doing he revived
was comparatively early. Thus at Rhamnous it was flourishing in
will not mean 'wroth,' but 'wrath.' In short, we are once more
6 On Nemetona see M. Ihm in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 166 f., A. Holder Alt-celtischer
sanctuary,' the Old Frankish nimid, 'sacred place in the wood,' and other related words
274 The Solar Wheel in Greece
entrance of her temple2. On the other hand, Grattius in his poem
their wonted adornment; and in the midmost part of the glade
played an important part in the ritual of
branch in her right hand, a bowl of apples
Nemesis—an identification justified in one
in her own right could have apple-branch and stag. Pausanias'
4 I have discussed the matter further in Folk-lore 1906 xvii. 445 f. Note that a votive
account of Nemesis at Rhamnous enables us to decide in favour
to find that Nemesis was in Roman times identified with Artemis
Adjoining the amphitheatre at Aquincum (Alt-Ofen) in Lower
infra p. 281. See further O. Rossbach in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. [47—155 with fig. 2.
coins of Smyrna show a somewhat similar figure lifting her drapery in one hand and
see further A. v. Premerstein in Philologus 1894 liii. 409). So on occasion was Nemesis
7 Mel. 2. 3. 46 Rhamnus parva, inlustris tamen, quod in ea fanum est Amphiarai et
276 The Solar Wheel in Greece
Diana. She is dressed in a short chiton, which leaves the right
base which was inscribed in the year 184 A.D. but was subse-
erected in 199 A.D., was inscribed as 'Sacred to Nemesis the
to Nemesis Regina found at Andautonia in Upper Pannonia and now in the Agram
as Jupiter standing with thunderbolt in right hand, spear in left, and eagle at his feet
278 The Solar Wheel in Greece
copper coin of Akmoneia in Phrygia (fig. 204)2
Alexander, son of Philip, in consequence of a vision which he had
So they willingly removed, and they now believe in two Nemeses
handling of her veil2. The goddess, in
embraces. Cp. Eustath. in II. p. 1321, 38 f. Xeyoju 81a rod Troirjo-avros rd Ki!nrpia on
Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 88, Sdcreaiu cj. Bekker) evpbvra tlpcl Troipieva ArjSa Koixiaavra bovvai,
dorf in Hermes 1883 xviii. 262 n. 1, R. Kekule Festschrift zur Feier des fiiufzigjcihrigen
as. an eagle. Nemesis was secured in the form of a goose (Apollod. 3. 10. 7, Tzetz. in
on an altar in the precinct of a pillar-Zeus (stipra p. 40 n. 1), where Leda—originally a
Nemesis standing as its reverse type. In the former J. P. Six
griffin, her favourite animal. In her lowered left hand she holds
The final proof that Nemesis was near akin to Diana Nemorensis
Nemesis' in the Num. Chron. Third Series 1882 ii. 89—102 pi. 5 (enlarged photograph),
3 G. F. Hill id. p. 43 'a branch (of apple).' J. P. Six in the Num. Chron. Third
1 psos sacerdotes colitis in uano timentes.
282 The Solar Wheel in Greece
tioned in the following notes.
quem esse Virbium, antiquissimum Regem Nemorensem ac sacerdotem Dianae in nemore
fifth century by Maximus, bishop of Turin, who in one of his
his stick. 'Nearly all dowsers assert that when the rod moves in their hands...they
totum versatur in scelere. cum cellam ingressus fueris, reperies in ea pallentes cespites
litate astruere pietatem. quam misericors in alienos deos ille qui in suos est pontifices
284 The Solar Wheel in Greece
if Homeric or post-Homeric in date, marked 'the goddess who
each is born1.' I agree with this able scholar in thinking that
sprung from the same parent stem, but in point of usage they
It is a wheel of cast lead from the Millingen collection in the British
Sunday in June, which would correspond approximately with
2 M. Breal in the Rev. Et. Gr. 1908 xxi. 113 ff. argues that the use of irpeiret., ' il
4 R. Peter in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1501.
286 The Solar Wheel in Greece
a whole series of customs observed by the peasants of central
to the meaning of these rites is furnished by G. Durandus in his
'At this festival three special rites are performed. For in some districts on
derive this practice from the heathen. For in ancient days dragons, stirred
animals, as it says in the psalm "Praise the Lord from the earth, Ye dragons,"
eat the oldest of the old, and when the new comes in ye shall cast out the old."
1 H. Gaidoz in the Rev. Arch. 1884 ii. 32 ff. These wicker giants may he descended
This important book was first printed at Mentz in 1459.
the world." As it is said in John vi, He is a burning light, shining before the
stand of their nativity in the mother, that is to say, of the time when each was
recording in detail a large number of examples, concludes as
imitation of the sun's course in the sky, and the imitation is
is probably also a piece of imitative magic. In these, as in so
Summa Dillingen 1572 cap. 137 fol. 256, agrees substantially, in part even verbally, with
Sir H. Ellis London 1849 *• 29& n- 1 anc^ more fully by J. M. Kemble The Saxons in
wheel in such ceremonies stands for the
2 H. Gaidoz in the Rev. Arch. 1884 ii. 7 ff. figs. 1—5.
0(ptimo) M{aximo) \ et n(umini) Aug{usti). See further A. Heron de Villefosse in the
wheel in such ceremonies stands for the
2 H. Gaidoz in the Rev. Arch. 1884 ii. 7 ff. figs. 1—5.
0(ptimo) M{aximo) \ et n(umini) Aug{usti). See further A. Heron de Villefosse in the
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / II: Zeus and the solar wheel
thunderbolts, etc., are not uncommon in the
A colossal stone statue found in 1876 at Seguret (Vaucluse)
1 A bronze statuette (height '14 m.) found in 1774 at Le
An altar from Vaison shows Iuno with patera and peacock, Iupiter in military costume
standing on a fish: he holds a six-spoked wheel in his uplifted left hand, a basket of fruit
a many-spoked wheel, which is apparently turned by a beardless male figure in a horned
Isaac Tzetzes in his twelfth-century commentary on Lykophron's
passage an early cult of a solar Zeus in Chios. Lykophron, writing
ovens (iirvbs): see O. Jessen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 2853, Gruppe Gr. Myth.
Oinopion, recovered his eyesight by walking eastwards through the sea in such a way as to
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / III: Zeus and the solar disk
opolis in Makedonia4 (fig.
Leipzig 1909 ii. 475 ff. N. Gordon Munro in the Transactions of the Asiatic Society
etc. p. 133 f., Head Hist, num.2 p. 206. I figure a fine specimen in the McClean collection
found at Corinth and is now in the Berlin Museum. It is decorated
pole and consequently were circular or nearly circular in form7.
seven and a half feet in diameter. Its interior is strengthened with
the battle of Tanagra (457 B.C.)9. In other cases too the disk of
2 /ahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1900 xv Arch. Anz. p. 157 no. ill, E. Saglio in
7 O. Benndorf ' Uber den Ursprung der Giebelakroterien' in the fahresh. d. oest.
pi. 4, R. Borrmann in Olympia ii. 190 ff. col. pi. 115, cp. ib. pis. 84 f. and 129, A. Mar-
two Doric temples of a late date near the monastery of Kourno on
sun may be inferred from the fact that in Roman times they were
circular shield so frequently found in representations of classical
relief of Zeus Sabdzios in his shrine {infra p. 392 n. 1).
Whether the disks or shields suspended in temples3 and palaces4
and long-haired figure in the attitude of Knielauf*
that this practice originated in the representation of a solar disk with a snake on either
Fig- 215 is from an Apulian krate'r in the British Museum {Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases iv.
Fig- 217 is from another Apulian kraUr in the British Museum {Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases
In numismatic art too a similar sequence of types could be made out: a good collection
6 E. Schmidt ' Der Knielauf und die Darstellung des Laufens und Fliegens in der
by the central dot.
analogue occurs on silver coins of Mallos in Kilikia c. 425—385 B.C.
along with a round stone in either hand5. And the Minotaur,
by Imhoof-Blumer to Mallos (Monn. gr. p. 356 f.), but now to Aphrodisias in Kilikia
etc. (Perrot—Chipiez Hist, de VArt vi. 833 f. figs. 416—-418, E. Pernice in the Alh. Mitth.
fig. 49, p. 145 ff. figs. 69 f., id. in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 623^ figs. 16 f.) and Griffin
which add O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 385, H. R. Hall in the Journ. Hell. Stud.
head, holding a disk which is not stellate1. A stater in the Hunter
Minotaur. F. Imhoof-Blumer would see in him Kronos5, whose
Svoronos9 that Mallos in Kilikia was a colony of Malla in Crete,
6 F. Imhoof-Blumer in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1572 cp. 1553 figs. 4 f., id. Kleinas.
M.owltlu. Coins of Malla in the third or second century B.C. have obv. head of Zeus
beach, will be parched by ' the ray of Seirios' and hidden in the
means Zeus, who was so called in memory of the diskos or stone
disk. It consists of a central ring or circle, from which radiates a
by Welcker Gr. Gotierl. ii. 197 as an epithet of Zeus in the Dog-days, cp. C. von Holzinger
beach, will be parched by ' the ray of Seirios' and hidden in the
means Zeus, who was so called in memory of the diskos or stone
disk. It consists of a central ring or circle, from which radiates a
by Welcker Gr. Gotierl. ii. 197 as an epithet of Zeus in the Dog-days, cp. C. von Holzinger
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / IV: The Lycian symbol
sometimes four2 (fig. 225), occasionally two3 (fig. 226), and in a
in the Paris collection5 (fig. 228) has the ring with three radiating
animal forms are introduced. One branch may end in the head of
silver coin of Arpi in Apulia (Garrucci Mon. It. ant. p. 112 pi. 93, 8, Brit. Mus. Cat.
ducks1 (fig. 232). On occasion an owl occupies the central ring2
been frequently debated. Monsieur Babelon, after passing in
cludes in favour of the solar explanation advanced by L. Mliller
representations of the sun. Mr Thomas sums up in the following
understood and accepted in the crude astronomy of the ancients6.'
5 E. Thomas ' The Indian Swastika and its western Counterparts ' in the Num. Chron.
the symbol of a national god of light, who perhaps originated in
How are we to bridge the distance from Magna Graecia in the west
that his readers in the fifth century B.C. knew of certain Kyklopes,
there are three kinds of Kyklopes, those in the Odyssey, who are
in n. 3 immediately continues Ku/cXw7ra;j/ yap yevi) Tpia' KvicXcoTres ol ttjv Mvktivtjp,
the symbol of a national god of light, who perhaps originated in
How are we to bridge the distance from Magna Graecia in the west
that his readers in the fifth century B.C. knew of certain Kyklopes,
there are three kinds of Kyklopes, those in the Odyssey, who are
in n. 3 immediately continues Ku/cXw7ra;j/ yap yevi) Tpia' KvicXcoTres ol ttjv Mvktivtjp,
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / V: The Lycian symbol and the Kyklops
must bear in mind Pindar's mysterious statement that the souls of
and also the names applied by the Pythagoreans to the central
in ancient times8, of being master-builders. We still speak of
eyed giant of Sicily from the solar wheel of Lycia in point of actual
of lines9. The central circle had dwindled to a dot, from which
1lTep6irr]s,"Apyr]s, which Zenon may have found in Hes. theog. 140.
Atos dpbvov, ws aXAot <paaiv, Prokl. in Plat. Tim. ii. 106, 21 ff. Diehl (cp. i. 199, 2 ff.) kuI
in Kilikia1 (fig. 234) ; at Thebe
were carried further in neighbouring lands. Thus the silver coins of
M. Antonius Polemo, high-priest, c. 17—36 a.d. G. F. Hill in Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins
three curves radiating from a common centre are inscribed in a circle.
rayed star'), on silver coins c. 185—168 b.c.: in the centre of a round Macedonian shield
coins of the fourth century b.c. : five or three crescents radiating from a central dot and
Adada3 in Pisidia ; at Hierapytna4 in Crete ; in Melos5, at Athens6,
Solonian silver coinage it is inscribed in a circle.
proconsul in Sicily in 48 B.C., struck a denarius, which shows Trinacrus, son of Neptunus,
14 From the specimen in the McClean collection at Cambridge: obv. pomegranate ;
J. P. Six in the Num. Chron. Third Series 1888 viii. 97 regard the coin as proof of an
tendency transformed the central disk into a face5. That was the
with wings attached to the feet and a Gorgon's head in the middle7
pi. 44, 6—9, Head Hist, num.1* p. 202. I figure the specimen in the McClean collection
5 At Istros in Lower Moesia occurs the strange type of two young male heads in
show a four-spoked wheel (Append. D), I would rather conjecture that the two heads in
triskelds, the central dot of which is marked like a face: the coin is of Sicilian mintage.
Floras in 20 B.C. to commemorate the Sicilian exploits of M'. Aquil-
in Sicily by L. Cornelius Lentulus Crus and C.Claudius
in describing this 'contamination' of the triskeles with
However that may be, it is practically certain that the central face
dating from about the time of Iuba, which was found in 1823 near
6 P. Hartwig in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1891 xii. 341 n. 1 writes: 'The triskeles is
Vacca (Bedja) or Sicca Venerea {Kef) in Tunis and is now in the
and token of Baal himself, the sky-god or sun-god, and cited in
2 Cp. G. Maspero The Struggle of the Nations London 1896 p. 155, E. Meyer in
the Turduli in Hispania Baetica1 (figs. 247—248); for the district,
the Kyklopes in Greek mythology. Let us distinguish the Kyklopes
The eastern Kyklopes were called also Cheirogdstores2, or Gas-
3 Eustath. in II. p. 286, 30 f., apparently quoting Strabon either from memory or in
4 Strab. 372 and ap. Eustath. in Od. p. 1622, 53 f.
the Turduli in Hispania Baetica1 (figs. 247—248); for the district,
the Kyklopes in Greek mythology. Let us distinguish the Kyklopes
The eastern Kyklopes were called also Cheirogdstores2, or Gas-
3 Eustath. in II. p. 286, 30 f., apparently quoting Strabon either from memory or in
4 Strab. 372 and ap. Eustath. in Od. p. 1622, 53 f.
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / VI: The Kyklops of the east and the Kyklops of the west
is, 'Bellies-in-arms ' or ' Arms-in-bellies,' in connexion with Thessaly,
A distant echo of this mythopoeic stage may be heard in
' Our nature long ago was not what it is now, but otherwise. In the first
The name of this third sex still survives, though it has-itself become extinct. In
resembled their parents. So it came to pass that in point of power and strength
in Hermes 1902 xxxvii. 292 ff., Gruppe Myth. Lit. 1908 p. 441 f.
his body was cylindrical, being circular in horizontal section. The words can hardly be
they were terrible ; and in their pride they attacked the gods. Indeed, what
and punished their pride by cutting them in halves like so many
compounded of the other two, he has in mind the ' whole-natured
In the western Mediterranean anthropomorphism went a step
4 Orph. frag. 62 Abel ap. Prokl. in Plat. Tim. i. 429, 28 ff. Diehl (cp. ib. i. 450,
in the middle of the forehead1 (fig. 249)1 This is throughout the
about that Servius in the fourth century A.D. can write : ' Many say
Virgil, in the passage on which Servius was commenting, adheres
Anth. Pal. 14. 132. 2, 7, Ov. met. 13. 772 f. The Homeric Kyklopes in general had one
5 Serv. in Verg. Aen. 3. 636, Myth. Vat. 2. 174.
Phoebean' must be either the moon or the sun2. Parmenides in
of the Kyklops with the sun. Ovid does so expressly in the
Kyklops' eye stands for the sun in heaven. But we have seen
we are on the right track in investigating the story of the Kyklops
2 Serv. in Verg. Aen. 3. 637.
eating ogre (or ogress), who lives in a cave and is a famous builder, must be regarded as a
eyes on flame.' I follow W. Grimm 'Die Sage von Polyphem' in the Abh. d. berl.
corresponds fairly well with a difference indicated in Hesiod's
They verily in all else were like the gods,
Power, violence, and guile were in their deeds. '
Nor need we be surprised to find the sun conceived in two
addresses 'Nut, in whose head appear two eyes3'—presumably the
in 77. 1. 402, Eustath. in II. p. 123, 42. Gyas is centimanus in Hor. od. 2. 17. 14, 3. 4.
a hymn written in the time of the twentieth or twenty-first dynasty
ing it in curiously incongruous ways. For example, Amen-hetep iv
home was near Annu or Heliopolis. 'Aten,' says Dr Wallis
of Aten are made to terminate in human hands (fig. 250)1,
Such solar symbols are, indeed, deep-seated in human nature,
simultaneously ideas that in their origin were incompatible. For,
p. 26, after G. Rawlinson The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World*
opens his Sunset in the City with the lines—
Low in the west its fiery axle burning1—
while elsewhere in the same little volume he prefers to speak of
But, to return to the Greeks, we have next to enquire in what
And the Platonic Aristophanes in his whimsical narrative tells
such premises. At most it may be said in quite general terms
3 Id. ib. p. 18. Mr Owen Seaman in The Battle of the Bays London 1896 p. 39 has
opens his Sunset in the City with the lines—
Low in the west its fiery axle burning1—
while elsewhere in the same little volume he prefers to speak of
But, to return to the Greeks, we have next to enquire in what
And the Platonic Aristophanes in his whimsical narrative tells
such premises. At most it may be said in quite general terms
3 Id. ib. p. 18. Mr Owen Seaman in The Battle of the Bays London 1896 p. 39 has
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / VII: The Kyklops and Zeus
W. H. Roscher2 follows A. Furtwangler in regarding this type as
and they had in the end to listen to Minos' demand of seven youths
1 A. Conze ' Griechische Kohlenbecken' in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. airh. Inst. 1890
3 A. Furtwangler ' Die Kopfe der griechischen Kohlenbecken' in the Jahrb. d. kais.
one with the three-eyed Zeus of Argos, who in turn is strictly
incurring Zeus' enmity9. But nowhere in Greek literature do we
weapon the thunderbolt. He was, in fact, analogous to, but not
2 W. Grimm 'Die Sage von Polyphem' in the Abh. d. berl. A had. 1857 Phil.-hist.
4 M. Mayer Die Giganten tend Titanen in der antiken Sage und Kunst Berlin 1887
Kyklopengedicht der Odysee' in Hermes 1903 xxxviii. 431 ff. draws attention to the similar
to be met with in Celtic2 and Germanic3 mythology—a fact which
the gods has in one respect been substantiated. For Zeus, as we
repeated in a variety of slightly differing forms: we hear of a sharp
traces of the Kyklopes {supra p. 319 f., Istros ap. schol. //. 10. 439). Maass in Hermes
Kyklopes are located in the Chalcidian colonies Naxos and Leontinoi (Strab. 20, Eustath.
to be met with in Celtic2 and Germanic3 mythology—a fact which
the gods has in one respect been substantiated. For Zeus, as we
repeated in a variety of slightly differing forms: we hear of a sharp
traces of the Kyklopes {supra p. 319 f., Istros ap. schol. //. 10. 439). Maass in Hermes
Kyklopes are located in the Chalcidian colonies Naxos and Leontinoi (Strab. 20, Eustath.
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / VIII: The blinding of the Kyklops’ eye
(Erice), of a red-hot knife (Oghuzians), of a stabbing in the eye
Kyklops-myth of the Odyssey, which in its present shape must be
been the primitive Kyklops-poem2. In this the episode of the
And took and turned it in the blazing fire.
I heartened, lest in terror they should fail me.
And full in his eyeball plunged it. I uplifted
And twirled it in his eye: the blood flowed round
2 D. Muelder 'Das Kyklopengedicht der Odysee' in Hermes 1903 xxxviii. 414—455.
Till even its roots were crackling in the fire.
And we in a panic fled, while he from his eye
coming—since even in the Odyssey the incident has been already
that of Prometheus. He is said to have stolen fire from Zeus 'in a
blown out4.' As to the manner in which Prometheus obtained the
in ferulam coniecto, etc., fad. 144 Prometheus in ferula detulit in terras, interp. Serv. in
4 J. T. Bent The Cyclades London 1885 p. 365. Id. id. : ' In Lesbos this reed is still
down fire from heaven.' The same custom is found in Kypros, according to Sittl on Hes.
Till even its roots were crackling in the fire.
And we in a panic fled, while he from his eye
coming—since even in the Odyssey the incident has been already
that of Prometheus. He is said to have stolen fire from Zeus 'in a
blown out4.' As to the manner in which Prometheus obtained the
in ferulam coniecto, etc., fad. 144 Prometheus in ferula detulit in terras, interp. Serv. in
4 J. T. Bent The Cyclades London 1885 p. 365. Id. id. : ' In Lesbos this reed is still
down fire from heaven.' The same custom is found in Kypros, according to Sittl on Hes.
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / IX: Prometheus’ theft of fire
stolen fire, different accounts were current in antiquity. Aischylos
tioned in J. Brassicanus' commentary on Petronius4, expands this
know at all what good things there were in heaven, but asked whether it was
Magic Art ii. 260, who notes that Bent is mistaken in calling the i>dpdrj£ or 'giant fennel'
Cp. Hellanikos frag. 112 {Frag. hist. Gr. i. 60 Midler) ap. Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 227. On
3 Serv. in Verg. eel. 6. 42 Prometheus, [Iapeti et Clymenes nlius,] post factos a se
also in Myth. Vat. 2. 63 Phoebiacis rotis applicans faculam, can be traced back to Fulgent.
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / X: The fire-drill in relation to Prometheus, the Kyklops, and Zeus
x. The Fire-drill in relation to Prometheus,
fire from the gods and given it to men; but in truth he was the inventor of the
fire-drill may be seen any day in South Africa :
his palms, pressing it slightly downwards, and in a short time he works a small
obtained for me from a Mutoro of Central Africa by my brother-in-
' It consists in drilling one piece of ararii-wood into another by pulling a string
spindle with a heavy disk: the former may be seen in a Dacotah
reports that the fire-boards of the Chuckchees in the north-east
2 J. Romilly Allen 'Need-Fire' in The Illustrated Archaeologist 1894—1895 ii. 77 f.
3 E. B. Tylor op. cit? p. 242 fig. 25 from an example in the Edinburgh Industrial
' are roughly carved in human form and personified, almost deified, as the super-
Now, if uncivilised people can regard the fire-stick in its hole as
originated in a primitive story concerning the discovery of the same
3 K. Bapp in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 3034.
Ithakesios or Ithakos4-. In short, I suspect that behind Odysseus the
rb yfros, u)kovv tt]v KecpaXrjviav. k.t.X. Cp. Eustath. in II. p. 307, 8, in Od. p. 1815, 44 ff.,
4 Steph. Byz. s.v. 'Ida,Kr]'..!'IdaKos 'Odvacrevs bp.o<p(bvws ry oiKLcrrrj, Eustath. in II. p. 307,
Eustath. in Od. p. 1861, 36 ff. F. F. Zielinski in Philologus 1891 1. 146 ff. argues that
I figure a specimen in my collection. See also Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 680.
wear fashioned out of his chains, in which was set a stone from Mt. Kaukasos (interp.
ch. ii § 9 (h) ii (17)); and K. Bapp in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 3041 acutely compares
Giitersloh 1886 p. 18, A. F. Pott in the Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung i860
als Grundzeichen des westsemitischen Alphabets' in Memnon 1909 iii. 175 ff- This in-
who is mentioned in the Bhagavata Purana. My friend Prof. E. J. Rapson writes to
Lykophron mentions him in juxtaposition with Zeus Aithiops
examples from south-west Africa (the Herero) and north-east Asia
with Vesta in Italian religion4. It is not, therefore, difficult to
K. Bapp in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 3034 f., following Gerhard Gr. Myth. p. 97,
of the root that appears in Sanskrit as math or 7?ianth, 'to stir or whirl about' (Sir M.
twirler (' Gertenschwinger'') to be Rhadamanthys as judge of the dead. Certainly in that
pd^dov (see her Proleg. Gk. Eel.2 p. 45). Yet the second element in Rhadamanthys'
Lykophron mentions him in juxtaposition with Zeus Aithiops
examples from south-west Africa (the Herero) and north-east Asia
with Vesta in Italian religion4. It is not, therefore, difficult to
K. Bapp in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 3034 f., following Gerhard Gr. Myth. p. 97,
of the root that appears in Sanskrit as math or 7?ianth, 'to stir or whirl about' (Sir M.
twirler (' Gertenschwinger'') to be Rhadamanthys as judge of the dead. Certainly in that
pd^dov (see her Proleg. Gk. Eel.2 p. 45). Yet the second element in Rhadamanthys'
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / XI: The solar wheel combined with animals
are in the form of a wheel with four, six, seven, eight, or nine spokes,
asses (?)5 also occur. In one case (fig. 261)6 the wheel has become
animals placed upon the solar wheel are in some sense devoted to
in the north-east corner of Spain. It was founded, according to
covered dozens of swans or ducks associated with the solar wheel in the art of the bronze
festival (776 B.C.). In its neighbourhood therefore we might look
similar wheel, the whole being some 20 cm. in height. Column
animal on the solar wheel, or rather in between a pair of solar
That belief meets us in the mythologies of various Indo-Europaean
ideas and henceforward to believe in the driver of a celestial
2 J. Cabre ' Gbjetos ibericos de Calaceite' in the Boletin de la Real Academia de
A. Rapp in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1998^, A. A. Macdonell Vedic Mythology Strassburg
5 A. Kuhn op. cit.2 p. 51 ff., A. Rapp loc. cit., J. Dechelette in the Rev. Arch. 1909 i.
p. 1999), but hails from Asia Minor (Gruppe Gr. Myth. Rel. p. 381 n. 13 and p. 1532
festival (776 B.C.). In its neighbourhood therefore we might look
similar wheel, the whole being some 20 cm. in height. Column
animal on the solar wheel, or rather in between a pair of solar
That belief meets us in the mythologies of various Indo-Europaean
ideas and henceforward to believe in the driver of a celestial
2 J. Cabre ' Gbjetos ibericos de Calaceite' in the Boletin de la Real Academia de
A. Rapp in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1998^, A. A. Macdonell Vedic Mythology Strassburg
5 A. Kuhn op. cit.2 p. 51 ff., A. Rapp loc. cit., J. Dechelette in the Rev. Arch. 1909 i.
p. 1999), but hails from Asia Minor (Gruppe Gr. Myth. Rel. p. 381 n. 13 and p. 1532
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / XII: The solar chariot
Evidence of the combination has been found here and there in
in Syros {Syra) shows a horse with a collar, a solar disk, and a
the numerous representations of a solar rider whose type is discussed by R. Dussaud in
Smith in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London 1903 6—13 figs. 5—7).
case may be, recall in effect the back-to-back arrangement of the
5 On a red-figured hydria in the Vatican (Mon. d. Inst, i pi. 46, Ann. d. Inst. 1832
in the solar disk. A fine example is furnished by a silver-gilt
surface and its divergent lines suggests the on-coming sun in a
found in another tomb at Elis along with a whole series of phdlara
Indeed, they have it still. My brother-in-law Mr C. H. C. Visick,
in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1892—3 xiii. 257f. pi. 8), Eleutherai {id. ib. p. 255 pi. 9, 2),
1 Brit. Mus. Cat. Jewellery p. 239 no. 2108 pi. 40, F. H. Marshall in the Journ.
the scene as that of Phaethon in his father's chariot struck by the
represents the four points of the compass in motion. The four points seem to influence
'2 Panofka loc. cit. p. 305 f. cp. a vase from Apulia of like design and style then in the
his chariot, in the Greek area at least2, is regularly connected with
modern Greeks. Parties go to picnic in plains and meadows,
are burnt5. I figure (pi. xxv) a wreath of the sort, which I obtained in
1 First in //. 8. 438 ff. Zei)s 5e warrip "15-qOev etirpoxov apfxa /cat t7r7roi>s | OvXvp.irov
immediately in front of Xerxes himself (cp. Longin. de sublim. 3. 2 ret tov Aeovrivov Yopyiov
(Hdt. 7. 40, cp. 7. 55, 8. 115). When Kyros the elder went in procession from his
altar; and lastly Kyros himself in his chariot (Xen. Cyr. 8. 3. 11 ff.). In the time of
4 A copper coin of Alexandreia struck by Trajan has for reverse type Zeus Amnion in
his chariot, in the Greek area at least2, is regularly connected with
modern Greeks. Parties go to picnic in plains and meadows,
are burnt5. I figure (pi. xxv) a wreath of the sort, which I obtained in
1 First in //. 8. 438 ff. Zei)s 5e warrip "15-qOev etirpoxov apfxa /cat t7r7roi>s | OvXvp.irov
immediately in front of Xerxes himself (cp. Longin. de sublim. 3. 2 ret tov Aeovrivov Yopyiov
(Hdt. 7. 40, cp. 7. 55, 8. 115). When Kyros the elder went in procession from his
altar; and lastly Kyros himself in his chariot (Xen. Cyr. 8. 3. 11 ff.). In the time of
4 A copper coin of Alexandreia struck by Trajan has for reverse type Zeus Amnion in
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (d): The sun as a wheel / XIII: The solar wreath
seen that Saint John's bonfire was in all probability a sun-charm1.
Here in Cambridge the children are out early on the first of May
in use are a single hoop of flowers or coloured tags with crossed
garland once stood for the sun3, the doll in the flowery hoop being
5 Boetticher Baumkultus pp. 393—-397, S. Reinach in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant.
In Egypt the sky-god Horos was early confused with the
to be regarded as the symbol of Ra6, or in other words was trans-
winged solar disk10. Now Aischylos in his Suppliants, a play
4 G. Benedite in the Mon. Piot. 1909 xvii. 5 ff.
7 So in the Veda the eagle is connected primarily with Indra the thunder-god (A. A.
la division de Vannee p. 49 f., A. Wiedemann ' Die Phonixsage im alten Agypten ' in the
In Egypt the sky-god Horos was early confused with the
to be regarded as the symbol of Ra6, or in other words was trans-
winged solar disk10. Now Aischylos in his Suppliants, a play
4 G. Benedite in the Mon. Piot. 1909 xvii. 5 ff.
7 So in the Veda the eagle is connected primarily with Indra the thunder-god (A. A.
la division de Vannee p. 49 f., A. Wiedemann ' Die Phonixsage im alten Agypten ' in the
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (e): The sun as the bird of Zeus
The Danai'des do so in the words—
deliberate Egyptism on Aischylos' part, and must not in itself be
belief in a solar hawk10. Ovid tells how Daidalion, grieving for the
parallels occur in various versions of the Daidalos-myth. Accord-
partridge lay the old conception of the solar bird. Again, in
thos, in which B. Schmidt recognised certain traits of the Ikaros-
enemy then took him prisoner, bound him, shut him up in a fortress, and gave
last to be flung in, he fell on the top of his companions and escaped death.
in der Sonnennahe verschwindende Orion' (Gr. Myth. Rel. p. 946) or perhaps, like
n. 2 cp. a tale from Syra in J. G. von Hahn Griechische und aldanesische Mdrchen Leipzig
marry him. Now the sea in which the dolphin lived was of such a sort that no
the daughter of Pterelaos, in love with the hostile chief, plucked or
with the point Skyllaion near Hermione7. This recurrence of a
2 Apollod. 2. 4. 7, Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 932, Dion Chrys. or. 64 p. 341 Reiske, Ov.
4 O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 3266 conjectures that Pterelaos was changed
cliff. Wings of all sorts and birds were attached to him in order
Strab. 452, cp. id. 461, Eustath. in Od. p. 1964, 52. This Ikarios is called Ikaros by
Serv. in Verg. Aen. 3. 279, Turpilius (Com. Rom. frag. p. ii3ff. Ribbeck) ap. Serv. loc.
(Serv. in Verg. Aen. 3. 279).
Danubier in Griechenland Gottingen 1909 p. 43. Fick ascribes this cult of the sun-bird
346 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
i. The Ram and the Sun in Egypt. Zeus Ammon.
Another animal that came to be associated with the sun in
has a quiver and holds a bow in his lowered left hand, a torch in his extended right
1 Lanzone Dizion. di Mitol. Egiz. p. 956 ff. pi. 336 f., W. Drexler in Roscher Lex.
A coin of the Hypselite nome, struck under Hadrian, shows Isis holding in her hand a
5 Id. id. ii. 58 ff., Drexler loc. cit. i. 1848 ff. and ii. 1252, R. Pietschmann in Pauly—
ydp (pyaL p.edepp:r]vev6p,evov elvai Tdv"0<ripiv (Hermaios in Frag. hist. Gr. iv. 427 Muller).
346 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
i. The Ram and the Sun in Egypt. Zeus Ammon.
Another animal that came to be associated with the sun in
has a quiver and holds a bow in his lowered left hand, a torch in his extended right
1 Lanzone Dizion. di Mitol. Egiz. p. 956 ff. pi. 336 f., W. Drexler in Roscher Lex.
A coin of the Hypselite nome, struck under Hadrian, shows Isis holding in her hand a
5 Id. id. ii. 58 ff., Drexler loc. cit. i. 1848 ff. and ii. 1252, R. Pietschmann in Pauly—
ydp (pyaL p.edepp:r]vev6p,evov elvai Tdv"0<ripiv (Hermaios in Frag. hist. Gr. iv. 427 Muller).
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (f): The sun and the ram
are reminded by the 'ammonites' of our geologists. In the time
explain that this custom of theirs arose in the following way. Herakles was
2 Lanzone Dizion. di Mitol. Egiz. p. 29 ff. pi. i8ff., E. Meyer in Roscher Lex. Myth.
5 K. Sethe in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iii. 2350. Cp. Euseb. praep. ev. 3. 12. 1
6 R. Pietschmann in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 1855, A. Wiedemann op. cit.
348 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
both languages. In my opinion, the Ammonians took their name too from the
beat themselves in mourning for the ram and then bury it in a sacred
Amen-Ra in the Oasis of El-Charge even identifies that god with
when Lucian in the second century of our era makes Momos, the
On the connexion between Amnion and Herakles see Arrian. 3. 3. r, Eustath. in
references I am indebted to Roeder in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 571.
6 H. Brugsch Reise nach der grossen Oase El Khargeh in der Libyschen Wiiste
in earlier days and with simpler folk it was not so. The Greeks in
meet a familiar face in a strange country, even if the garb was out-
In fact, they would be glad to worship him under his new-found
blue, probably because that was the colour of the heavens in which he ruled as Sun god '
a water-god or Nile-god (supra p. 347 n. 5, K. Sethe in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iii.
350 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
existent once at Kyrene4, shows how far they succeeded in com-
religion6 in a spot destined to become famous throughout the
1 On the various forms of this name see R. Pietschmann in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
3 A. Furtwangler ' Ueber Statuenkopieen im Alterthum' in the Abh. d. bayer. Akad.
7 Infra p. 376 n. 3. Cp. Metrod. Perieget. ap. Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 3. 479
9 In Plat, polit. 257 b Theodoros of Kyrene (id. Theaet. 143 c—d) says ev .ye vr\ rov
Passava, the ancient Las, near Gythion shows
Poseidon Gaiadchos1'. Ammon was here in
3 B. Schroder in the Ath. Mitth. 1904 xxix. 21—24 fig. 1. Height "57 in. The
7 S. Wide in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 961 ff. and O. Hofer ib. 964 ff. Hesych. s.vv. nap-...
no. 1446) was worshipped before the return of the Herakleidai, having a shrine in the
352 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
' From the earliest times the oracle in Libye is known to have been consulted
Aphytaeans are not a whit behind the Ammonian Libyans in their respect for
oracle of Ammon in the Oasis, hoping to obtain its support for
acquittal the Libyans withdrew, protesting that, when, in accord-
sent a hymn in honour of Amnion to the Ammonians in Libye. This hymn
1 Gruppe Gr. Myth. Rel. p. 1558 n. 5, citing J. Zingerle in the Ath. Mitth. 1896
as O. Gruppe supposes2, a belief that Thebes in Boiotia was con-
allegiance of Europe, Asia, and Africa. No other god united in
In the last paragraph I described Zeus Ammon as at once
This appears in pinmis from the fact that, whereas Greek
3 See the list of cult-centres in G. Parthey ' Das Orakel und die Oase des Ammon ' in
quarry near Syene) I. o. m. Hammoni Chnubidi, | Iunoni Reginae, quor. sub | tutela hie
354 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
the Stone Pillars4/ In any case the name not unnaturally modi-
are the central ornament of a silver band, probably once a priestly
an inscription from Mauretania Caesariensis, in which Tanit, there
Religionsgeschichte Berlin 1888 p. 27 f., Wolf—Baudissin in J. J. Herzog Realencyklopddie
4 So P. Berger in the Gaz. Arch. 1879 v- 14°? E. Meyer in Roscher Lex. Myth. i.
5 P. Berger ' La Trinite Carthaginoise' in the Gaz. Arch. 1879 v- I33ff-» 222 1880
9 E. Meyer in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 291 and 2871.
Thunderer...Iuppiter Hammon1.' Ba'al-hamman was in fact com-
shoulders, proceeding mechanically in
chant in accordance with traditional
work of Kallisthenes, Aristotle's kinsman, who himself took part in
nearly resembling an omphalos. Meltzer would see in it the
4 H. Meltzer ' Der Fetisch im Heiligtum des Zeus Ammon' in Philologus 1904 Ixiii.
356 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
Cypriote Aphrodite was likewise ' worshipped in the form of an
Zeus Amnion, it will—in view of the rarity of such objects—
of Babylon once sent to Egypt as a gift an emerald four cubits in length and
obelisks5 of the sort were to be seen there in
Amen-Ra in the tomb of Seti i was himself coloured green1, it
In the second place, the method of divination practised at the
Zeus-like Apollon7 indicated the divine will in the selfsame manner.
Plin. nat. hist. 37. 74 et fuisse apud eos in Iovis delubro obeliscum e quattuor smaragdis
are extant (Furtwangler op. cit. iii. 388, W. Drexler in Roscher
Zeus {id. id. p. 111 no. 2356, T. Panofka in the Abh. d. berl.
358 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
Egyptians believed that the sun-god, after travelling all day in his
dedicated in the temple of Amen-Ra at Thebes a boat of cedar
Amman was said to have transformed himself into a snake in
There are but few certain traces of the solar barque in Greek literature or art. The
krater from Basilicata, now in the Louvre, shows Helios and Selene in a four-horse
Classe p. 383 ff.), Welcker Alt. Denkm. iii. 67—71 pi. 10, r, A. M. Migliarini in the Ann.
l'oasis de Jupiter Ammon' in the Comptes rendus de PA cad. des inscr. et belles-lettres 1906
shield in the immediate context (see Stephanus Thes. Gr. ling. v. 2002 c—d).
360 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
But snakes undoubtedly played a large part in Egyptian
human-headed uraeus-snakes or asps7. Sarapis alone appears in
missing. The body is that of a scaly asp, adorned in front with
7 W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 536 ff. fig., H. P. Weitz ib. iv. 378
9 P. Kabbadias in the 'B0. 'A-px- 1893 p. 187 ff". pi. 12,
four inlaid eyes and ending in a bearded snake's-head. The
B.C. and probably in the Oasis of Siwah coalesced into the sun-god
6 Cp. the cult of ZeiV'HXios Scuttj/j (g. Plaumann Ptolemais in Oberdgypten (Leipz.
7 On the controversy, to which this hypothesis gave rise, see H. Meltzer in Philologus
362 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
Greece and on the wide popularity that in course of time he
rites at Athens in 333 B.C.6? In view of these circumstances it is
in the reign of Merenptah c. 1250 B.C. Egypt was invaded by
1 In Souid. s.v." Afxfxwv ovofxa 8eov"K\\f]VLKov Kiister would read Aij3vKov (cp. Dionys.
2 G. Parthey ' Das Orakel und die Oase des Amnion' in the Abh. d. berl. Akad. 1862
have planted in the Oasis a cult of their sky-god Zeus, who at
'The oracular usage of Thebes in Egypt and the oracular usage of Dodona
2 W. M. Flinders Petrie in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1890 xi. 271—277. The sherds of
364 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
them of the evidence on which this definite statement was based, they said in
at Dodona. Two black doves started to fly from Thebes in Egypt. One came
occurs in later writers. Thus Silius Italicus in the first century of
To settle in mid Thebes. Whereof the one
He makes the doves start from Thebes in Greece, not from Thebes
and modern mention several species of oak as growing in north
shores of the Syrtis6; and various writers attest the existence in
2 Interp. Serv. in Verg. Aen. 3. 466 Iuppiter quondam Hebae {leg. Thebae) filiae
366 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
If Zeus had an oak-cult of immemorial antiquity in the
Amnion9, declares that in the beginning men sprang from Mother
3 This important piece of evidence was clearly pointed out by E. H. Toelken in his
5 Ap. Rhod. 4. 1483 ff. with schol. adloc, Eustath. in Dionys. per. 209, Hyg.y^. 14
to Schneidewin's cj. 'IdpfiavTa. But T. Zielinski in the Archiv f. Rel. 1906 ix. 42 n. 1
After naming in true Pindaric fashion various possible claimants
May we not venture to see in these lines another confirmation of
But, as we have already seen, the sister oracle in the Oasis was
in the Oasis nowadays5.
recently begun to feed his flock in that district. Shepherds go by the name of
Kallisthenes ap. Plout. v. Alex. 27, Strab. 814; Diod. 17. 49, Curt. 4. 7. 15, Eustath. in
vTTOfj.ovrjs (iinfMovTjs cod. Barnes.) top [x&vtlv irpoayet. stands in need of emendation.
368 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
win the credit of having invented something himself. In return for thispresent
in it, but kindles such as are put out and brought near to it. It always fails at
but that as the day declines it gains in warmth becoming tepid at
2 Paus. 4. 23. 10. So in Byzantine times Eudok. viol. 75, Eustath. in Dionys.
in the text do not suffice to prove it.
Aug. de civ. Dei 21. 5, Eustath. in Dionys. per. 211. Cp. Serv. in Verg. Aen. 4. 196
In short, it appears that the whole apparatus of the oracle at
nexion between his cult and water comes out clearly in Diodoros'
temple of Ammon shaded by many large trees. Near this temple is a fountain,
The same association of the desert-god with water occurs in a
/cat dvavevaewv = Eustath. in Dionys. per. 211. See also Hdt. 2. 58 cited supra p. 363.
a spring at Teuthrone in Lakonike (Paus. 3. 25. 4). Other cognates are vdeo, vdfxa,
p. 401, 6 fT. Eyssenhardt, Amp. 2, Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 3. 476, Serv. in Verg. Aen.
370 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
rather than Dione5^ I would point to the fact that in the Libyan
1 The ram was presumably Zeus himself in animal form. Another late aetiological
with Hera at Thebes in Egypt see supra p. 348 n. 1.
head has no stephdne and is rather Dionysiac in character (Overbeck op. cit. Zeus p. 301
point is that the cult of Zeus in the Oasis was, as Herodotos
from a specimen in the McClean collection, fig. 282 from another in the Leake collection,
All these heads have in front a curious set of upstanding curls (?), perhaps derived
372 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
was worshipped as Zeus in Arkadia7 and bears a name which
illustrated (fig. 286) is in the British Museum and shows a ram's ear as well as a ram's
7 Interp. Serv. in Verg. georg. 1. 14 huic opinioni Pindarus [frag. 251 {Poet. lyr. Gr.
/cat' Air6X\wva Trpocrrjyopevov. F. Hiller von Gaertringen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
L. Muller in his great work on the coinage of north Africa was
tomb-painting, which shows Aristaios with a ram on his back, a pedum in his hand,
5 K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 55 f.
11 L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. Pit. 1862 p. 76 ff.
374 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
Libyan Triton8. Exceptional is a double bust in the Vatican,
probably a portrait in the guise of Ammon11. Another isolated
E. Braun in Ann. d. Inst. 1848 xx. 186 ff. pi. I, Overbeck Gr. Kunstmyth. Zeus p. 285 f.
5 Mon. d. Inst., Ann. d. Inst., Overbeck locc. citt. In Antichila di Ercolano, Roux—
7 So e.g. J. de Witte in Ann. d. Inst. 1858 xxx. 82, L. Stephani loc. cit. p. 78.
bay-branch in his left hand. Fie is conversing with a matronly
in the background, by the incense-burner visible between the
(Stephani Vasensamml. St. Petersburg \\. 28 f. no. n 19, though F. Wieseler in the
second woman leaning on a pillar, which is yellow in part. She wears a chiton, a small
376 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
In view of the foregoing evidence it would, I think, be unsafe
The last glimpse that we get of the Ammoneion in classical
in Arabic geographers1. The Arabs obtained possession of Egypt
released him by blowing in his face2. Another king Ssa, son of
losses3. In 943—944 A.D. the king of the Oases was Abdelmelik
Nubiensis, says that in his day (s. xii) the small Oases had no in-
(Santariah) in the form of a square of white stone. In each wall there was
the dome on every side figures were suspended, which whistled and spoke in
in F. C. Hornemann Voyages dans Piritirieur de FAfrique Paris 1802 Appendice no. 2,
378 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
equality with their betters." This rule was an education in itself. The wife
Emir saw in the country of the Oases an orange-tree, which every
then in Egypt, joined a large company of pilgrims returning from
4 Langles op. cit. ii. 354, Parthey op. cit. p. 173. Wansleben, who visited Egypt in
Kdnigreichs Fessan in Afrika in den Jahren 1797 und 1798, aus der deutschen Handschrift
7 Parthey op. cit. p. 177. Boutin took with him a portable boat, in which to navigate
their best to rob and murder the explorer—a fate that ultimately overtook him in the
2 H. von Minutoli Reise zum Tempel des Jupiter Amnion in der libyschen Wiiste und
4 Bayle St. John Adventures in the Libyan Desert and the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon
7 L. Robecchi-Bricchetti (1886) ' Notizie sull' oasi di Siuwah' in the Archivio per
H. Burchardt (1893) 'Uber den Besuch der Oase Siwah im Februar d. J.' in the
C. von Griinau (1898) ' Bericht, uber meine Reise nach Siwah' in the Zeitschrift der
der Oase Siwe und nach Nubien unternommenen Reisen' in the Ber. sdchs. Gesellsch. d.
380 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
of an arm of the sea4. Similarly Eratosthenes in his Geography
it was an accessible coast-towm6! In point of fact the Oasis is
1 G. Rohlfs Drei Monate in der libyschen Wiiste p. 185 gives the position as deter-
white salt: it was dug up in large crystals, packed in palm-baskets,
tained from a running ditch near Siwah a number of small fish,
Gr. ii. 92 Muller) ap. Athen. 67 A—B, Eustath. in Od. p. 1500, 2. On sal Hammoniacus
3 G. Rohlfs Drei Monate in der libyschen Wiiste p. 187 n. 1.
382 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
children bathing in it. I may add that
'J^^^^-^^^l^^ * Oasis at least in this modified and un-
(1792) saw five of its roofing stones yet in position and one on
rounded by a wall, of which the great corner-stones were in situ.
uncertain. In the middle of the precinct rose a mass of limestone
extant portion of the pronaos-wa\l was not quite 9^ ft in length,
384 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
earthquake in 18085. The whole temple was covered, inside and
Near the main entry was a ruined vault, which, Minutoli thought,
5 Cailliaud dates the earthquake in 1811.
G. Rohlfs1 in 1869 found nothing of the precinct-wall left save
were 14 and 10 ft long respectively, and were roofed in by three
386 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
above them were symbolic designs, between which in many places
sacrificial scenes in which the ruler of the Oasis also took part.
the ritual text are reliefs in three registers. The highest tier shows
1 G. Rohlfs id.2 ii. 105 f. R. Pietschmann in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 1858
solar disk and uraeus on his head. In his right hand he holds
notes that Un-Amon appears to have built this temple in the reign
in one of which lives the sheikh, the richest man of the whole Oasis.
plete. He also found near by an ancient well some 50 ft deep. A
5 This identification was first made by the French consul-general Drovetty in 1820.
388 The Ram and the Sun in Egypt
This measures 24 ft long by 18 ft broad and is 18 ft in height. In
3go The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia
this remote spot was brought back in triumph to the Berlin
to the Roman imperial age, yet in most cases they imply an older
3 Eisele in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 242 ff.
The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia 391
a few bronze statuettes, which portray him in similar attitudes
2 E.g. ib. p. 377 no. 3216 AICABAZI CO on a specimen from Asia Minor.
4 Eisele loc. cit. p. 248 (especially the bronze from Amiens published in the Rev.
3 9 2 The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia
animals figure in his myth, which has come down to us with
attributes etc., including the thunderbolt and eagle of Zeus. All these are placed in a
irpoy]^epilov /cat KLTTO<f>bpos (KiaTO(p6pos, a variant in Harpokr. s.v. KiTTo<pbpos and in schol.
The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia 393
inquiuntj cum in Cererem {inicere codd. : inire Scaliger) suam matrem libidinibus
animum atque audaciam celans in securam et nesciam repentina immittitur vi furens, agit
tamquam ipse sententia condemnasset se sua, in gremium proiicit et facit [tacit codd.)
coniugatione misceri, in draconis terribilem formam migrat, ingentibus spiris pavefactam
Sebadiis nomen est, testimonio esse poterunt veritati, in quibus aureus coluber in sinum
et arietis proles pro poena atque ultione suscepit. hoc iterum video communibus in
394 The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia
In this crude, not to say repulsive, tale we have beyond a doubt
E.g. the deposition of the genitalia in the 'chambers' of Rhea Lobrine (schol. Nik.
Cambridge 1910 p. 219. Apparently the relics were buried in the ground and stelai,
The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia 395
parallel from the legend of Ahalya in the Rdmdyanam : ' It is said in this passage that
and not on rams, in funeral oblations.' Indras is himself called a ram in a Vedic hymn
6pyid£wo~l tQ 6e<£, Eustath. in Od. p. 1431, 45 f. r\ 'Pea. fj (pao-iv 6 tcaTexop^evos fj /cat
396 The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia
out1, the culminating rite of Sabdzios was a sacred marriage in
bride of the god. We have, then, in this difficult and complex
this I should prefer—we must assume that in course of time,
been a ram-god. But in later times it was the snake not the ram
considered verdict of Dr Farnell, who insists that in Demeter and
analogen Brauchen gerade auch in jener spaten Zeit die Gnostiker deutlich aussprechen.
The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia 397
4 Dr F. B. Jevons in his able book An Introduction to the History of Religion London
argued ib. p. 239 that rites appropriate to Kore were celebrated in the spring, rites
before their breathing images were wrought in bronze and marble by the master hands of
in classical times they continued annually to fashion their Corn-mothers (Demeters) and
to a human figure in a cloak, with arms outstretched____In some of them the neck is
398 The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia
and the earth-mother was from the first a sharer in their cult is a
to him Phersephone, a horned child with four eyes, two in their
Nonnos in Orphic vein describes him as a horned infant, who
a lion, a horse, a horned snake, a tiger, and a bull; in which final
menagerie was simultaneous, not successive, in the case of the Orphic Phanes, who com-
The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia 399
not here concerned. But in passing we note one point of import-
assumption that both alike were rooted in the religion of the old
already found evidence in north-eastern Phrygia of a very primitive
3 Farnell Cults of Gk States v. 185, Eisele in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 261 f.
ui's." Similarly Arrian. frag. 30 {Frag. hist. Gr. iii. 592 Miiller) ap. Eustath. in II.
etc.: see F. Cumont in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 2180, H. Hepding Attis seine
In the Class. Rev. 1904 xviii. 79 I drew attention to these equations, and suggested
400 The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia
inscription from Nikopolis in Moesia records a dedication to ' Zeus
Einleitung in die Geschichte der griechischen Sprache Gottingen 1896 p. 81 ' von *baga,
2ct/bs benannt sein,' id. Hattiden und Danubier in Griechenland Gottingen 1909 p. 46 f.
3 Eustath. in Dionys. per. 1069 rjcrav 5e /cat idvos QpatciKOv Hdfioi, oirep tovs Bdxxovs
5 P. Perdrizet in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1896 xx. 101 holds that Sabdzios as a sun-god
7 Macrob. Sat. 1. 18. 1 item in Thracia eundem haberi solem atque Liberum
The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia 401
Libyans were near akin to the Thraco-Phrygians, and that both
Arthur Evans in a clay sealing
eo universa patefiunt. Perhaps we may compare the story of Perdikkas in Hdt. 8. 137 f.
5 The evidence is persuasively marshalled by Sir Arthur Evans in the Journ. Hell.
At Gortyna there appears to have been an annual festival (Ti(rvpoi), in which Zeus as
4-02 The Ram and the Sun in Phrygia
mother of Zagreus. J. N. Svoronos would see in her Hygieia6.
maior qui gregem anteire consuevit: sicut etiam in comoediis invenitur. And Gruppe
3 F. Lenormant in the Gaz. Arch. 1879 v. 24.
8 The examples of a 'Minoan' snake-goddess are listed by H. Prinz in the Ath. Mitth.
The Golden or Purple Ram in Italy 403
latter type introduces Zeus with thunderbolt and eagle in place of
welcome in Magna Graecia. It was their old, though not their
descendants and becomes more flourishing in them8.' Hence
a specimen in my collection.
404 The Golden or Purple Ram in Italy
But in the meadows of himself the ram
In the folk-tale of Cupid and Psyche the second task imposed
rest in her misfortunes by hurling herself from the cliff over the stream. But
madly and savagely, bringing death to mortals in their fury, with their sharp
in practice the instruction she had received through her hearing, and of which
to the tree-stems near the big plane-tree will—I suspect—prove
lamb was born to him, he repented of his vow and kept the lamb shut up in a
in that way, and asserted in the hearing of the multitude that the man who had
compact, and the sun set in the east. Wherefore, inasmuch as heaven had
Or. 995 ff.) or Pan (Eur. El. 700 ff.); or was found in the flocks of Atreus through the
or was simply born in the flocks of Atreus (schol. Eur. Or. 812 Fl. 33. A, schol. //. 2.
it in a box (Apollod. epit. 2. 10 f., Apollonios ap. Tzetz. chil. 1. 436 ff.) ; another
Safely it grazes in a place apart,
a silver bowl or cup enriched with a gold lamb in the centre of it3.
in his left hand and extending his right towards a king, whose
<j>i6\r), Eustath. in 77. p. 868, 49 f. <pid\Lov, ib. p. 1319, 47 f. iror-qpLov. For royal gold
sceptre ends in a ram's head (fig. 302)1. This may be interpreted
to a very ancient stratum of Greek religion. And in view of the
in connexion with the family. Pausanias, when describing the
in the plural. At Olympia the annual magistrates used to slay a
(Od. 10. 516 ff., 11. 23 ff.) : Polygnotos in the Cnidian Ldsche at Delphi represented the
oracle of Kalchas on a hill called Drion in Daunia sacrificed to him a black ram and slept
de dea Syr. 55 on a similar practice at Hierapolis, and Hieron. comm. in Pes. 65 (xxiv. 657
represented on a vase from Ruvo (fig. 303)\ Pelops in Phrygian
victory. A fine polychrome vase from S. Agata de' Goti, now in
Artemis. The goddess carries in either hand a bow and a phidle;
chlamys. In the upper register Myrtilos, wearing a wreath and
Poseidon and Athena, the remaining corner being filled in by a
or statue in the central position to be that of Zeus2; and this agrees
In the myth of Atreus possession of the golden lamb and
In Homeric times the Sun-god was looked upon as the owner
Eur. frag. 861 Nauck2 ap. Achill. Stat. isag. in Arat. phaen. 123 E, Polyb. ap. Strab.
shepherding the sheep with a silver staff in her hand, while Lam-
the 350 (= 7 x 50) sheep in like manner denote the corresponding
observe that, even in historical times, actual flocks and herds were
Lastly, at Apollonia in Illyria the Sun-god had flocks about
3 Aristot. frag. 167 Rose ap. schol. Od. 12. 129, Eustath. in Od. p. 1717, 32 ff. So
Helios as a parallel to that of Herakles with the cattle of Geryoneus see C. Robert in
12 Hdt. 9. 93 f. and ap. Eustath. in Od. p. 1717, 45 f. Konon the mythographer, who
lonia and enters the sea near the harbour of Orikos. But by night they are
in depriving of his eyesight Euenios, the guardian of the sacred sheep, for that
citizens, who acted in the following way. When Euenios was sitting on his
thought to possess the two finest plots in Apollonia—and in addition a house,
in accordance with oracles that they have received." At this he was much put
that time onwards he had prophetic powers implanted in him, so that his fame
412 The Golden Lamb in Epeiros
similar custom in the heroic age. The luck of the Pelopidai
merry life, year in year out, squandering and scattering their father's treasures
daughter in it, and sent heralds throughout the world to announce that, who-
came to essay the adventure. But all their efforts were in vain : they could not
a herdsman and begged him to hide him in a sheep-skin with a golden fleece
The Golden Lamb in Epeiros 413
seeing that he was so handsome, fell in love with him and asked : "Why did
king; I will either find her or lose my head." So saying, he went in front of
so, and the door opened. They went in, and the king bit his moustache for
a wife, and he lived with her in grandeur and in happiness.'
Cambridge 1910 p. 98. The same word Tdprapa survives in Rhodes as a name for
instructive to summarise the two in parallel columns :—
daughter Danae shut up in an up in an underground chamber of
visited her in a shower of gold, and man visited her in the fleece of a
in a chest, and flung them into the
the latter. In particular, the whole episode of Danae and Perseus
myth in question has come down to us through a large number
2 '0 Micros adpcoTTos, ' The Half-man': text in J. Pio NEOEAAHNIKA IIAPAMT0IA
3 The evidence, literary and monumental, is put together by J. Escher-Biirkli in
accessible in its entirety is that of Sophokles, who told the tale
of their danger. They fled with the ram. Helle, in crossing the
golden-fleeced, to Ares or to Hermes. Phrixos settled in these
name Top-y&Tris (Hippias frag. 12 (Frag. hist. Gr. ii. 62 Muller)) see E. Wilisch in Roscher
4 Apollod. 1. 9. 1 f. An almost identical account is given by Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 22,
gave its skin to Aietes: he nailed it round an oak-tree in a grove of Ares.
by wild beasts. So he travelled through much country, till he fell in with
centres of Zeus Laphystios, one at Halos in Thessaly1, the other
cult-centre brought into connexion with the same myth was in the
is offered in sacrifice5. Tacitus adds that the neighbouring tribes
appears and carries him in safety through the air to a land in the
carried off the intended victim in a cloud to be her own priestess
phystios. This accounts for the belief, current in the vicinity of
Zeus,' and adds that the hero ' fastened the skin in the temple10,'
told by Apollonios that Aietes would not have received Phrixos in
4 Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 183, cp. schol. Aristoph. Lys. 645.
9 Apollod. 1. 9. 1, Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 22, Ap. Rhod. 2. 1150 with schol., 4. 119,
10 Hyg. poet. astr. 2. 20. 11 Tiirk in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 2462.
an oak in the grove of Ares (Apollod. 1.9. 1, Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 22, Val. Flacc. 5. 228 ff.,
the ram itself? In ancient times this question called forth an
and seek to understand it in comparison with other analogous
consorted with her in animal form (Hyg. fab. 188) : he also rescued and had intercourse
1 Dionysios of Mytilene, an Alexandrine grammarian of the second century B.C., in
was captured by the Kolchoi, Krios was sacrificed to the gods, and his skin, in
choice samples may be found in Eudok. viol. 262 : the golden fleece was a treatise on
2 Strab. 499, cited by Eustath. in Dionys. per. 689. My friend and colleague Prof.
and rescued by the miraculous ram1. In fact, the golden, or sub-
disposed to see in the golden ram of Athamas, as in the golden lamb
Zeus in animal form.
experiment in rejuvenation10.
auream, in qua Iuppiter in caelum ascendit.
the army of Liber, when perishing of thirst in Africa, to the spring of Iupiter Mammon.
10 Supra p. 245. In Folk-Lore 1905 xvi. 325 n. 1 I have compared this incident with
for further evidence of him as a ram-god in the actual rites of the
careful to select only those that were in the prime of life. They
suggest that those who took part in the procession were originally
Ganneau Recneil archeologie orientale Paris 1898 ii. 74 f., 1901 iv. 250 sees in this
used to support the conclusions of Mr F. M. Cornford, who detects in the Pelops-myth
wears a black sheep-skin mask. Mr Wace (ib. p. 251) holds that this character 'is in all
3 Gilbert Gr. Golterl. p. 148 thinks that the fleeces were worn on the mountain in
a fleece in the modified rain-charm (?) of Judges 6. 36—40. But Gilbert's whole ex-
right in holding further that the golden ram came to symbolise the
of Zeus Akraios from ceremonies observed in Attike on Mouni-
shining in the morning5, moon-set being, so to speak, caught up by
5 Souid. s.vv. ap.cj)LcpG)VTes, <xvolo~t<itoi, Pausanias ap. Eustath. in II. p. 1165, 12.
dides in the Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1905—1906 xii. 20 ff. fig. 6 describes and illustrates the
before the goddess and in that capacity wore saffron robes1. For
Men clad in new fleeces honour Zeus Girls clad in saffron robes honour
It seems possible that in both cases the colour of the ritual-garb
in various purificatory rites. Individuals, who wished to be puri-
6 So P. Stengel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 1084 (relying on Eustath. in Od.
skin, though used in a variety of ceremonies, was in every case the
to us in Greek vase-paintings and Roman reliefs. A red-figured
nothing whatever to do with Zeus, but are rather to be referred to the root that appears in
Zeus' {supra p. 3 n. 3). I would explain in the same way the Ata of Teos (Michel
4 Cic. top. 64, Serv. in Verg. eel. 4. 4.3, georg. 3. 387.
7 F. Lenormant in the Contemporary Review 1880 ii. 137.
for libations in the Eleusinian ritual1); before him are two others
his right knee and seems about to catch a mouse in the presence
1 C. Michel in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. iv. 509^ fig. 5708.
mysteries as a pair of pendant panels4. In one we have the assem-
O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 231 and especially Eisele ib. iv. 263 f.): hence
(Isa. 66. 17) was a heathen practice introduced into Jewish worship, in the days of
5 F. Hauser in the Rom. Mitth. 1910 xxv. 288 n. 1 cp. h. Dem. 195 f. irp'iv y ore §17
8 I figure the example in the Louvre no. 4154 after G. P. Campana Antiche opere in
He sits on a stone seat spread with a skin, which in the most
foot-stool3. The hero holds a torch in his left hand. Above his
Demeter-Kora pp. 510, 564, 579 Atlas pi. 16, 10 and F. Lenormant in Daremberg—Saglio
4 Here again the best specimen in terra-cotta, that of the Museo delle Terme no. 4357
of a sarcophagus-front, which was published in reverse by G. Winckelmann Monumenti
pi. 4—-5, 2 (see Von Rohden—Winnefeld op. cit. iv. 1. 8 n. 1 bis, G. E. Rizzo in the
Greek marble found in 1878 near the Porta Maggiore at Rome and
Rom. Mitth. 1910 xxv. 103 ff. figs. 5 f., and J. N. Svoronos in the 'E0. 'Ap%. 1911 p. 44
7 J. N. Svoronos in the 'E(f>. 'Ap%. tgn pp. 39—-52.
soil. Sir Arthur Evans in his remarkable account of a pillar-shrine
keep sheepskins here, and the worshippers wrap themselves in these
in the cults of Zeus Meilichios, Zeus Ktesios, etc. fit on to and
was replaced in Naxos by Dionysos Meilichios"'.
of Athens, are cases in point. Secondly, it would seem that in the
conviv. 1. 1. 3, non posse suav. vivi sec. Epic. 22, Eustath. in Od. p. 1964, 18 f.,
and to beget a son in his own likeness—a god commonly known
2 Zeus was already identified with Amen-Ra in the sixth century B.C. {supra p. 350f.).
skin was used in a love charm (Plin. nat. hist. 30. 141); ram's wool, as an aid in
wide-spread use of the ram as a decoration of tombs in general (Frazer Pausanias iii. 187).
E. Gerhard 'Widdergottheiten' in the Arch. Zeit. 1850 viii. 149—160 pi. 15, 1—7,
Conclusive is the fact that the phallos itself is sometimes made to terminate in a ram's
no. 562, W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 1257).
43 o The Bull and the Sun in Egypt
of frequent occurrence in mythology. And the myths, though
i. The Bull and the Sun in Egypt.
religious beliefs in closely analogous forms, of which many similar
428) is likewise appropriate to a fertilising god [supra p. 396 n. 1). S. Reinach in the
is a broken limestone pillar, found at the village of is ra $i'x#ia near Mykenai, round
43 o The Bull and the Sun in Egypt
of frequent occurrence in mythology. And the myths, though
i. The Bull and the Sun in Egypt.
religious beliefs in closely analogous forms, of which many similar
428) is likewise appropriate to a fertilising god [supra p. 396 n. 1). S. Reinach in the
is a broken limestone pillar, found at the village of is ra $i'x#ia near Mykenai, round
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / I: The bull and the sun in Egypt
The Bull and the Sun in Egypt 431
Evidence of their divinity is forthcoming even in the predynastic
in a wild bull to fight with Mnevis. Both bellowed, and the wild
6 Corp. inscr. Gr. iii. 304. See further W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 3081 f.
432 The Bull and the Sun in Egypt
in his tail8. Various marks brought him into connexion with the
states that in the reign of this Bokchoris a monstrous lamb with two heads, four horns,
2 Drawn from a bronze statuette in the possession of Mr F. W. Green. Total height
9 Macrob. Sat. 1. 21. 20 bos Apis in civitate Memphi solis instar excipitur is a partial
11 Porphyrios ap. Eus. praep. ev. 3. 13. 2, Kyrillos in Oseam 5. 8f.
The Bull and the Sun in Egypt 433
upon the lucky man in whose herd he had been born. Sacred
and prophets, in a barge yearly adorned for this purpose, to
tained in the lap of luxury9. His stall had a window in it, through
latter had a dromos or ' approach,' in which stood a colossus made
in Hdt. 2. 153.
434 The Bull and the Sun in Egypt
same day2. During one week in the year Apis' birthday was cele-
his allotted span, the priests drowned him in their sacred spring,
5 Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 3. 478 motu corporis sui, cp. Claud, de quart, cons. Hon.
11 Plout. de Is. et Os. 56. See, however, R. Pietschmann in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
Le Se'rapeum de Memphis Paris 1857 rev. by G. Maspero 1882 or the brief accounts in
The Bull and the Sun in Egypt 435
Osiris his soul passed into Apis and was re-incarnated in the
9 Tertull. ad nat. 2. 8. 10 C. Soherer in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1803 f.
13 E. Meyer and W. H. Roscher in Lex. Myth. i. 420: ' Daher hat auch Apis (wie
436 The Bull and the Sun in Egypt
that in Egypt the sun was represented by a bull, continues : ' At
The expression (ib. 21) imago so/is in adversam nmndi partem nitentis is rightly explained
4 E. A. Wallis Budge op. cit. ii. 352 f. W. Spiegelberg, however, in the Archiv fur
"ifeveovripi. -waarocpopov \ rod deov fwou Bovxw {sic). Hence in Macrob. loc. cit. he cj. Bucin.
At Momemphis, in the Delta, there was a cult of Aphrodite
Many other Egyptian towns, both in the Delta and outside it, kept
Orphic and Bacchic rites were in reality Egyptian and Pytha-
1 Lanzone Dizion. di Mitol. Egiz. p. 201 f. pi. 70, 4, cp. K. Sethe in Pauly—Wissowa
5 R. Pietschmann in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 2793.
in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1909 xxix. 87 f. and the more hazardous speculations of Miss
At Momemphis, in the Delta, there was a cult of Aphrodite
Many other Egyptian towns, both in the Delta and outside it, kept
Orphic and Bacchic rites were in reality Egyptian and Pytha-
1 Lanzone Dizion. di Mitol. Egiz. p. 201 f. pi. 70, 4, cp. K. Sethe in Pauly—Wissowa
5 R. Pietschmann in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 2793.
in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1909 xxix. 87 f. and the more hazardous speculations of Miss
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / II: Zeus, Io, and Epaphos
the obscure and presumably non-Greek1 name Bdkchos was in fact
The story is summarised by Aischylos in the earliest of his extant
Choms. 'Tis said that in this Arg'ive land erewhile
Is't said that Zeus to mortal maid came near?
9 See J. Escher-Burkli in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 2708 f.
(b.C.M. i.), aivb yap rrjs rod Atos eTrcuprjs irpbs 'Itb' J^iracpos eyiveTO (Gu.), Tzetz. in Lyk. Al.
King. What other child of hers hast thou in mind ?
King. In truth ye seem to me to be of kin
of Aischylos and is well expressed in the rapid exchange of his
mainly interested in recovering the original form of the story.
doros1, who in his great 'Library' of Greek myths has preserved,
guardian. Argos bound the cow to the olive-tree4 that was in the
4 Plin. nat. hist. 16. 239 Argis olea etiamnum durare dicitur, ad quam Io in tauram
Kunstmylh. Zeus p. 474, T. Panofka 'Argos Panoptes' in
279 f.), a green jasper of which a replica in paste was in the
formed him into a peacock (schol. Aristoph. av. 102, anon, miscell. 6 in Myth. Graec. ed.
Boetticher Baumkultus fig. 35 and the peacocks kept in the temple of Hera at Samos
significance of the bull and the cow in regard to each.
Gordon of Cairness in 1831 found there the tail of a peacock in white marble. Id. ib. ii.
5 The evidence is cited by Rohde Psyche2 p. 15 n. 3 and more fully by O. Kern in
significance of the bull and the cow in regard to each.
Gordon of Cairness in 1831 found there the tail of a peacock in white marble. Id. ib. ii.
5 The evidence is cited by Rohde Psyche2 p. 15 n. 3 and more fully by O. Kern in
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / III: Priests and priestesses with animal names
has recently come to light in Thasos3. A Laconian inscription
and the Syrian goddess8. The girls who, clad in saffron robes,
their god was originally worshipped. They are found occasionally in other cults too,
interpreted by R. Scholl Satura philologa in hon. H. Sauppii p. 177 and A. Dieterich
3 T. Macridy ' Un hieron d'Artemis IIwXu> a Thasos' in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch.
6 See G. A. Gerhard in the Archivf. Rel. 1904 vii. 520—523.
esseness, a title that properly denotes ' king bees4.' Aischylos in
Leipzig 1911 p. 138 ff., and in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 3062, who cites much additional
2 Hdt. 2. 55—57, Strab. 7 frag. 1 p. 73 Kramer, Eustath. in Od. p. 1760, 43 f.,
tions in the British Museum iii. 2. 85 Oxford 1890 nos. 447, 448, 451, 457, 467, 578 c.
that the deity worshipped was originally believed to appear in
already in Homeric days come to be used as a complimentary
occupies the second half of the hexameter line, and is in fact a tag
minstrel from a distant past,'when it was used in the sense of
quoting from a commentary on Pindar written by Didymos, who lived in the second half
:i //. 18. 4o'AAt77 re j3ounris the Nereid. In the late Homeric hymn 31. 2 the mother
4 I/. 3. 144 Klymene, 7. 10 Phylomedousa. On Polottls in the sense of 'large-eyed5
that the deity worshipped was originally believed to appear in
already in Homeric days come to be used as a complimentary
occupies the second half of the hexameter line, and is in fact a tag
minstrel from a distant past,'when it was used in the sense of
quoting from a commentary on Pindar written by Didymos, who lived in the second half
:i //. 18. 4o'AAt77 re j3ounris the Nereid. In the late Homeric hymn 31. 2 the mother
4 I/. 3. 144 Klymene, 7. 10 Phylomedousa. On Polottls in the sense of 'large-eyed5
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / IV: Hera and the cow
post with a pair of cow's horns attached near the top of it. Hera,
situated at the foot of a mountain (1744 ft in height), which in
on the summit10,' were two cult-titles of Hera in the Argolid, and
2 W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 513 fF- 3 Supra p. 370 n. 1.
7 Paus. 2. 17. 1. On Prosymna see further A. Frickenhaus in Tiryns i. 118—120.
suggests that Euboia, 'She who is rich in oxen,' was a third. Nemea,
in the form of a cow, Hera boopisz; but more critical investigators
observed, shows markings indicative of a sacrificial fillet5. In
Falls, who never in her life
near Corinth, and also on the Bosporos, see G. Wentzel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i.
6 Sen. Ag. 364 ff. In Kos a choice heifer was sacrificed to Hera 'Apyeia, 'EAet'a,
that the prizes were not bronze in the mass, but tripods, cauldrons, shields, and bowls.
when the Argives were arming; he offered a fresh weapon to each citizen, receiving in
on, their mother had to be drawn in a car to the temple. But the
were put to sleep in the temple itself and never woke again. The
Herodotos' account is supplemented in some points by that of
story of Harpalyke). The festival is called 'E/caTOyUjSaia in the Corp. inscr. Gr. i no. 1715,
5 Anth. Pal. 3. 18. 2 with arg., Souid. s.v. Kpoiaos, Philarg. in Verg. georg. 3. 532
(51), Eudok. viol. 435c, Souid. s.v. Kpolcros, Cic. Tusc. 1. 113, Serv. and Philarg. in
on, their mother had to be drawn in a car to the temple. But the
were put to sleep in the temple itself and never woke again. The
Herodotos' account is supplemented in some points by that of
story of Harpalyke). The festival is called 'E/caTOyUjSaia in the Corp. inscr. Gr. i no. 1715,
5 Anth. Pal. 3. 18. 2 with arg., Souid. s.v. Kpoiaos, Philarg. in Verg. georg. 3. 532
(51), Eudok. viol. 435c, Souid. s.v. Kpolcros, Cic. Tusc. 1. 113, Serv. and Philarg. in
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / V: Kleobis and Biton
mother8 before going to sleep. In another version they bring the
A second tale of Biton's prowess was told in verse by Lykeas,
a stone relief of Kleobis and Biton in the act of drawing their
3 Hyg. fab. 254. Cp. Tert. ad nat. 2. 9 ne in sacris piaculum committeret.
also at Berlin (fig. 316)2, differs from it in several points. The
carved on a sarcophagus in the library of S. Marco at Venice
human and animal figures. In the centre stands the temple with
5 H. Dlitschke ' Kleobis und Biton ' in the Arch.-ep. Mitth. 1883 vii. 15.3—167 pi. 2.
mother in heaven1.
first feasted, not to say fattened, in a temple, afterwards put to
with wrought stones to be a minstrels' theme for ever7. Taken in
enough, placed themselves in the Yoke, and drew their Mother.'
in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 720).
mother in heaven1.
first feasted, not to say fattened, in a temple, afterwards put to
with wrought stones to be a minstrels' theme for ever7. Taken in
enough, placed themselves in the Yoke, and drew their Mother.'
in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 720).
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / VI: Trophonios and Agamedes
is rich in oxen5/ her sacred herd at Nemea6, her numerous votive
support for my conjecture12 that in Io, the priestess changed by the
Confirmation of this view may be sought in the myth of the
logographer of Argos in Boiotia, who lived in the second half of
of the priestess? The schol. Bernens. in Verg. georg. 3. 532, who drew from the stores
14 A. Rapp in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 3001 ff.
is rich in oxen5/ her sacred herd at Nemea6, her numerous votive
support for my conjecture12 that in Io, the priestess changed by the
Confirmation of this view may be sought in the myth of the
logographer of Argos in Boiotia, who lived in the second half of
of the priestess? The schol. Bernens. in Verg. georg. 3. 532, who drew from the stores
14 A. Rapp in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 3001 ff.
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / VII: The Proitides
on mythology resembling that of Akousilaos but ampler in scope2,
He received in marriag'e Iphianassa, obtaining her as the reward0 of his cure.'
entered her temple in a solemn service and preferred themselves to
8 Serv. in Verg. eel. 6. 48, Myth. Vat. 1. 85.
the Argive Hera being called 'cows.' In 1894 I ventured on the
1 Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 2. 220 says: furore immisso a Venere.
6 So Miss J. E. Harrison in the Class. Rev. 1893 vii. 76, Farnell Cults of Gk. States
the Argive Hera being called 'cows.' In 1894 I ventured on the
1 Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 2. 220 says: furore immisso a Venere.
6 So Miss J. E. Harrison in the Class. Rev. 1893 vii. 76, Farnell Cults of Gk. States
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / VIII: Hera and Io
described in all our sources as the priestess of Hera, never as a
her boopis, as though she were Hera1. And she was in Alexandrine
was embodied in the ministrant.
in the Argive dialect denoted the 'moon8'—an assertion of very
name appears also in Synkell. chron. 149 D (i. 283 Dindorf), Hieron. chron. ami. Abr.
18, alib. See W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 439 ff., supra p. 237 n. 1 (where the
in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 437 ff.
In modern times various arguments have been adduced to
in the seventh century B.C. oriental influence transformed the
in Dionys. per. 92, Chron. Paschale i. 74 Dindorf, Kedren. hist. comp. (i. 37 Bekker),
1 L. Ross Italiker unci Graken p. 84, cited by R. Engelmann in Roscher Lex. Myth.
Tavpunris...'M.r)i'7), Lyd. de mens. 3. 10 p. 44, 9 Wiinsch, where ~Lekr}VT) is described in an
Plac. in Stat. Theb. 1. 720 Luna vero, quia propius taurum coercet adducitque, ideo
or riding on a steer1, or at least drawn in a chariot by white steers
we can put together the following indications. The Argives in
Epimenides, in a passage quoted by Aelian, wrote :
1 Ach. Tat. 1. 4 eidov eyw wot' iiri ratipip yeypafx/xeurjv ^eXrjvijv, Lact. Plac. in Stat.
subsequently modified his opinion in his Indogermanischer Volksglaube Berlin 1885 p. 209
phon) painted a picture in which lS.ep.ea 7)v Kadrj^PT) Kai i-nrl raw yovarwv avrrjs 'A\ia[3ia5r]s
discovered the mysteries5. Now in the Dionysiac mysteries, as
Plout. de facie in orbe lunae 24, Steph. Byz. s.v. 'Airecras, Nigidius ap. schol. Caes. Germ.
Serv. in Verg. Aen. 8. 295 Lunae Alius et invulnerabilis dictus est, cp. Sen. Here. fur.
5 Diod. 3. 74. In Cic. de nat. deor. 3. 58 (Dionysum) quartum love et Luna, cui sacra
Saturnio et Semela. In Euseb.praep. ev. 3. 13. 18 t'ls yap r/ tovtov (sc. Alovvvov) yevv-qaaaa,
discovered the mysteries5. Now in the Dionysiac mysteries, as
Plout. de facie in orbe lunae 24, Steph. Byz. s.v. 'Airecras, Nigidius ap. schol. Caes. Germ.
Serv. in Verg. Aen. 8. 295 Lunae Alius et invulnerabilis dictus est, cp. Sen. Here. fur.
5 Diod. 3. 74. In Cic. de nat. deor. 3. 58 (Dionysum) quartum love et Luna, cui sacra
Saturnio et Semela. In Euseb.praep. ev. 3. 13. 18 t'ls yap r/ tovtov (sc. Alovvvov) yevv-qaaaa,
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / IX: Zeus and Argos
that may be, we are, I think, justified in inferring, from the analogy
menes6. He resembled Zeus in nature as well as in name. Zeus,
2 See S. Wide in the Ath. Mitth. 1894 xix. 249, Svoronos Ath. Natioualmus.
there is much to be said in favour of this view. But was i'c6 merely an exclamation, or
and founded a sanctuary of Demeter Mfivaaa at a spot called Charadra in Argos (Polemon
after which Triptolemos was the first to plough and sow (Tzetz. in Hes. o.d. 32). Apis
(avdea) of Hera (et. mag. p. 409, 28 ff.). In the reign of Argos, son of Apis, Greece
Rhodios in his account of the Argonauts tells how—
And Hyginus describes the same hero as ' an Argive clad in a
wiser, therefore, to suppose that he wore the bull-skin in order to
repeatedly in the poets as a title of Zeus7, a fact which supports
3 Miss J. E. Harrison in the Class. Ken. 1893 vii. 76, after H. D. Midler Mythologie
hold your position that Argos was a celebrant—only I go much further in thinking, not
Jatta collection, Argos is clad in a bull's hide (fig. 318 from Mon. d. Inst, ii pi. 59,
The Jatta krater shows a well-marked tendency to duplicate its figures. In the lower
Hera similarly corresponds with Argos seated on the mountain near to Io. The latter
my contention that Argos was akin to Zeus. Hesychios, in one of
of greyish limestone inscribed in lettering of the third century—
Since the commentator in question has just been discoursing on
2 W. Vollgraff in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1909 xxxiii. 445 f.
in Aristoph. Ach. 435 cS Zev dLoirra Kai KaTOirra iravTaxov. See Trag. Gr. frag. p. 847
that he interprets the title of Zeus Panoptes in a solar sense.
whose abnormal eye not improbably denoted the sun4. In this
refer to the brilliant sky-god, but as manifested in the burning
sented Argos as four-eyed in a line borrowed by an Orphic writer
white cow12, it was perhaps because ' in Euboia almost all the cattle
struck by Septimius Severus10. At Histiaia ' rich in grape-clusters11'
1 Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Central Greece p. 94 ff. pi. 17 ff., Hunter Cat. Coins ii. 42 ff.
3 Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Central Greece p. 95 f. pi. 17, 5—8, Hunter Cat. Coins
9 Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Central Greece pp. lx f., 112 f. pi. 20, 15, p. 115 f. pi. 21,
stone (fig. 321)1 has come to light inscribed in late characters—
and Epaphos in Pasiphae and the
Minos, staying in Crete, married Pasiphae, daughter of Helios by
might be sent up from the deep, promising that he would offer it in sacrifice
round about his handiwork, placed it in the meadow where the bull was wont
1 Drawn from a photograph of the stone kindly taken for me in the Museum at
5 A wall-painting in a room of the Casa dei Vettii at Pompeii (Herrmann Denkm
stone (fig. 321)1 has come to light inscribed in late characters—
and Epaphos in Pasiphae and the
Minos, staying in Crete, married Pasiphae, daughter of Helios by
might be sent up from the deep, promising that he would offer it in sacrifice
round about his handiwork, placed it in the meadow where the bull was wont
1 Drawn from a photograph of the stone kindly taken for me in the Museum at
5 A wall-painting in a room of the Casa dei Vettii at Pompeii (Herrmann Denkm
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / X: The myth of Pasiphae
the painting of Ixion already figured (supra p. 203). The scene is laid in Daidalos'
a younger maid. The painting is further discussed by A. Mau in the Rom. Mitth. 1896
no. 1066) published by F. Lenormant in the Gaz. Arch. 1879 v. 33—37 pis. 3—5 as
accepted at least in part by De Ridder loc. cit., must rest upon the assumed connexion
the remaining parts were those of a man. Minos in accordance with certain
between (a) and (b). But Sir Cecil Smith in the Joum. Hell. Stud. 1890 xi. 349 justly
hydria under discussion] he is represented as an ordinary human child.' In common,
The Bull and the Sun in Crete 467
' Minos, the son of Zeus and Europe, once drew near to the altars to sacri-
lost in admiration of it, forgot his vow and chose rather
to discuss in detail its several parts, but rather to call attention to
xi. The Bull and the Sun in Crete.
1 Myth. Vat. i. 47. The same version is found in Myth. Vat. 2. 120, Lact. Plac. in
(O. Benndorf 'Stiertorso der Akropolis' in the Jahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst. 1898 i. 191 ff.),
The Bull and the Sun in Crete 467
' Minos, the son of Zeus and Europe, once drew near to the altars to sacri-
lost in admiration of it, forgot his vow and chose rather
to discuss in detail its several parts, but rather to call attention to
xi. The Bull and the Sun in Crete.
1 Myth. Vat. i. 47. The same version is found in Myth. Vat. 2. 120, Lact. Plac. in
(O. Benndorf 'Stiertorso der Akropolis' in the Jahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst. 1898 i. 191 ff.),
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / XI: The bull and the sun in Crete
468 The Bull and the Sun in Crete
As in Egypt4, so in Crete, the fertilising bull was in the long run
changed the site of his city, he led the way in the likeness of a
as his prize fifty boys and fifty girls. The king, in accordance
to mean 'Cow-herd30') was feeding his cattle in Mysia, Apollon
8 Xwayioyr] Xe^ewv xPWWwp k.t.X. in Bekker anecd. i. 344, 10 ff. 'Adiovvios ravpos'
9 Apollod. 3. T2. 3, Tzetz. in Lyk. A I. 29.
The Cow and the Moon in Crete 469
1 Arj<r<j7)s 6 Aa/x\paKi]v6s ap. schol. vet. and ap. Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 29 "Attjs d7r' aKpwv
capite sanxerint, siquis occidisset. qua in re testis Attice, testis Peloponnesos. nam ab
4 Cp. the /3ov(p6via at Athens (infra ch. ii § 9 (h) ii), the sacrifice of a calf dressed in
6 Apollod. 3. 3. 1, cp. Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 811, Aristeid. or. 46. 307 (ii. 398 Dindorf)
The first part of the story implies the custom of preserving the dead in honey
The Cow and the Moon in Crete 469
1 Arj<r<j7)s 6 Aa/x\paKi]v6s ap. schol. vet. and ap. Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 29 "Attjs d7r' aKpwv
capite sanxerint, siquis occidisset. qua in re testis Attice, testis Peloponnesos. nam ab
4 Cp. the /3ov(p6via at Athens (infra ch. ii § 9 (h) ii), the sacrifice of a calf dressed in
6 Apollod. 3. 3. 1, cp. Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 811, Aristeid. or. 46. 307 (ii. 398 Dindorf)
The first part of the story implies the custom of preserving the dead in honey
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / XII: The cow and the moon in Crete
47o The Cow and the Moon in Crete
said that a calf had been born, which thrice in the day, once every four hours,
bramble-bush or a mulberry-tree, but in aspect or colour they
1 Apollod. 3. 3. 1 rpLxpunaTov...fiovv, Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 811 i) rplxpu^os rod Wlvwos
4 Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 811 eri 8e /ecu ava<tt7)<reiv avrbv 6s 6171-17 t'lvi 6p,oia iariv 77 rpixpup-os
A ' Caeretan' Jiydria in the Louvre (fig. 327)2 represents Zeus
for the Gortynians was Kartemnidesz, which in all probability
2me Serie Paris 1901 p. 65, id. in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1892 xvi. 254, Mon. d. Inst.
founder Kaprvv = Y6pTvv. I. Voss Catull. p. 203 would correct Kprj/j-via in Steph. Byz.
I would rather suppose a connexion with ra Kapraiiroda, which occurs in the laws of
Trdao-ra ^\ixy]v c3 /c' § to Kaprcuiros k.t.X.) and, in an all but identical form, was used by
Sanctis in the Mon.d. Line. 1907 xviii. 346 f.) and at Pluti near Gortyna (R. C. Bosanquet
A ' Caeretan' Jiydria in the Louvre (fig. 327)2 represents Zeus
for the Gortynians was Kartemnidesz, which in all probability
2me Serie Paris 1901 p. 65, id. in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1892 xvi. 254, Mon. d. Inst.
founder Kaprvv = Y6pTvv. I. Voss Catull. p. 203 would correct Kprj/j-via in Steph. Byz.
I would rather suppose a connexion with ra Kapraiiroda, which occurs in the laws of
Trdao-ra ^\ixy]v c3 /c' § to Kaprcuiros k.t.X.) and, in an all but identical form, was used by
Sanctis in the Mon.d. Line. 1907 xviii. 346 f.) and at Pluti near Gortyna (R. C. Bosanquet
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / XIII: The sacred cattle of Gortyna
back (fig. 328)5: in both cases a surrounding circle
Amenemhat III (circa 2200 B.C.), immediately in front of his
collection a similar coin of Knossos, struck in alliance with Gortyna (cp. J. N. Svoronos
10 H. R. Hall 'The Two Labyrinths' in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1905 xxv. 328.
pp. 4—8 pi. 25 map of neighbourhood with conjectural ground-plan). In 1911 he was
who seems to have been the principal deity of the precinct; he also found in the debris
between goddesses holding fish, and another in which he is kneeling in a boat and opening
Prof. J. L. Myres in Ann. Arch. Anthr. 1910 iii. 134—136 has a restoration of the
back (fig. 328)5: in both cases a surrounding circle
Amenemhat III (circa 2200 B.C.), immediately in front of his
collection a similar coin of Knossos, struck in alliance with Gortyna (cp. J. N. Svoronos
10 H. R. Hall 'The Two Labyrinths' in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1905 xxv. 328.
pp. 4—8 pi. 25 map of neighbourhood with conjectural ground-plan). In 1911 he was
who seems to have been the principal deity of the precinct; he also found in the debris
between goddesses holding fish, and another in which he is kneeling in a boat and opening
Prof. J. L. Myres in Ann. Arch. Anthr. 1910 iii. 134—136 has a restoration of the
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / XIV: The labyrinth of Knossos
Arthur Evans was justified in identifying it with the complex
character. The red-figured vases in every case show to the right
interior is reproduced in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1881 ii. 57 pi. 10, Harrison Myth. Mon.
of which a small illustration is given by E. Strong in the Burlington Fine Arts Club.
by E. Bethe in the Ant. Denkm. ii pi. 1, cp. Furtwangler—Reichhold—Hauser Gr.
1 E. Braun in the Bull. d. Inst. 1846 p. 106. G. W. Elderkin ' Maeander or
Labyrinth, greeted by Athena in the presence of three other figures: the inscription
pose a primitive composition, in which the action portrayed was
by some derivative of the swastika^. The pattern develops in two
2 W. Deecke in the Ann. d. Inst. 1881 liii. 160—168 pi. L—M, W. Helbig in the
square (fig. 335), and its central star (sun?) is replaced by a human
Bronze Age. In one of the corridors of the second palace at
Nnmismatiqite de la Crete ancienne Macon 1890 i. 65 ff. pis. 46°. and in the 'B0. 'Apx-
bibliography P. Gauckler in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. iii. 2101 notes 17 and 18
is something like a consensus in favour of the view that it was a
xxii. 88 no. 133 pi. 10]. A still earlier example of the same class occurred in a magazine
1 Supra p. 149. See now G. F. Hill Some Palestinian Cults in the Graeco-Roman
2 Infra ch. ii § 9 (g). The old ground-plan came near to being retained, when the
5 This suggestion was first made by Sir Arthur Evans in the Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath.
Evolution in Art London 1895 p. 282 ff., A. Bertrand La Religion des Gaulois Paris 1897
sun's movements in the sky.
it was the paved rectangular space near the north-west corner
have been set out more or less as in the foregoing ground-plan3.
pavements of the basilicas in the Roman Forum.'
was needed in the one3, a rope-dance (kordax) was executed in the
in 1194 A.D., tells his old friend the prior of Hildesheim how
3 Diels in Pallat De fabula Ariadnaea Berolini 1891 interprets the clew as a rope-
4 I have discussed a 'Minoan' precursor of the Kop5a£ in Journ. Hell. Stud. 1894
out by a thrice-familiar passage in the Iliad. Daidalos, we read,
Knossos6,' and that old-fashioned folk in his own day, sailors
The Labyrinth-dance was not confined to Crete. Plutarch in
1 D. Comparetti Vergil in the Middle Ages trans. E. F. M. Benecke London 1895
5 Eustath. in II. p. 1166, 17 ff. 6 Soph. At. 700.
ixbvTwv k.t.X. and in more general terms by Kallim. h. Del. 312 f. -woTvia, abv irepi
from the left side. They state also that he instituted a contest in Delos and
Ergotimos, Attic work of c. 600—550 b.c., Theseus, lyre in hand, is leading the dance,
crane recurs in the Celtic area. On an altar found at Paris in 1710, beneath the apse
Religions Paris 1905 i. 233 ff. figs. 1—4). On another altar found near Treves in 1895
op. cit. p. 352 f. fig. 51, Reinach op. cit. i. 234 ff. figs. 5 f.). H. Steuding in Roscher Lex.
together on the solar disk (N. Gordon Munro in the Transactions of the Asiatic Society
* L'autel des cornes a Delos' in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1884 viii. 417 ff. pis. 17 ff., Durm
which is the forepart of a kneeling bull. Lastly, there is an inner va6s, oblong in shape,
former existence of a labyrinthine dance in Asia Minor. It may,
Miss Harrison in a letter to me dated June 14, 1912 makes the interesting suggestion
9 I figure a copper in my collection.
Prof. R. C Bosanquet draws my attention to the fact that in the temple of Apollon
(T. Wiegand 'Sechster vorlaufiger Bericht iiber Ausgrabungen in Milet und Didyma' in
12 The Labyrinths of the Kyklopes in the caves near Nauplia (Strab. 369 i(pe^i}s 5£
In Italy they gained a firm footing, as we may infer not only
foe in a labyrinthine frame2.
ECCLESIA repeated in a complicated form3.
of gold and pearls, in which was a Minotaur of emerald holding a
3 F. Prevost in the Rev. Arch. 1847—1848 ii. 664, 800 ff. pi. 78.
no. 41): De diarodino imperatoris et laberintho aureo facto in eo. Unde diarodino utitur
now in the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge, represents an un-
designer's meaning. Similar examples are, or were, in the church
uncommon in continental churches3. A fine specimen, composed
rinths' in The Archaeological Journal 1858 xv. 216—235.
2 J. Durand in Didron Annales Archeologiques Paris 1857 xvii. 124^ with pi. The
3 W. Meyer ' Ein Labyrinth mit Versen' in the Sitzungsber. d. kais. bayr. Akad. d.
Chartres cathedral (fig. 350)1. It measures 30 feet in diameter,
Jerusalem until they reached the central space, often termed le ciel.
served a penitential purpose. One at Alkborough in Lincolnshire,
3 The best collection of facts is contained in a paper by the Rev. F. G. Walker on
have been originally cut in Roman times.
the civil wars there were many mazes in England, and that the
'At the maze (called there mazles) at Comberton, in Cambridgeshire, it has
was almost identical in type with one at Wing in Rutlandshire4.
was in danger of extinction ; but I have repeatedly seen the school-
in bygone days, to be recut every three years at Easter time, when the men who cut it
Roman lineage of these turf-mazes; for in England they are
Europe. In Norway and Sweden they are constructed- of stones
on a coin of Knossos (supra .p. 477 fig. 343)7. In Finland and
1 E. Trollope loc. cit. p. 222 ff. Welsh shepherds, in commemoration of their Trojan
5 On Hallands Vadero, an island in the Kattegat, a maze of stones is called
along a trade-route (cp. the map in R. Forrer Keltische Numismatik der Rhein- mid
and drawn by E. von Baer in 1838, when he was weather-bound at
It would seem then that in Great Britain, Scandinavia, the north-
fact was Dr E. Krause. In a very noteworthy monograph devoted
names : ' In den Kirchspielen Kemi und Jio, unweit von Torneo, werden die Stein-
Nunnantarha (Nonnenhage) genannt, in dem schwedischen Archipel von Abo und am
myth, in which the solar heroine (Freya, Brunhild, etc.) was freed from the prison of
of Daidalos with the paltry representations of it to be seen in
Another point to be noticed is this. In Italy and France, where
In conclusion, it is clear that the Labyrinth, once the orchestra
will be admitted that in the chain connecting them hardly a link
two conclusions. On the one hand, in Cretan myth the sun was
In view of these results it would seem highly probable that the
of Daidalos with the paltry representations of it to be seen in
Another point to be noticed is this. In Italy and France, where
In conclusion, it is clear that the Labyrinth, once the orchestra
will be admitted that in the chain connecting them hardly a link
two conclusions. On the one hand, in Cretan myth the sun was
In view of these results it would seem highly probable that the
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / XV: The Minotaur
dancer imitating the sun masqueraded in the Labyrinth as a bull.
maidens at Knossos in connexion with Labyrinths old and new,
'A dance or game which has thus spread over Europe and survived in
whether Ariadne's Dance or the Game of Troy may not have had its origin in
imitation of the sun's course in the sky ? and may not its intention have been,
p. cxxvii). This view I supported and sought to strengthen in the Jonm. Hell. Stud.
mask, and that this ritual costume gave rise to the legend of the Minotaur. In Folk-Lore
the Minotaur, like the Chilcotin Indians walking in a circle and
from the ' Theseus-flower8.' The wreath in question, whether his
hero in the dark maze: it was afterwards placed by Dionysos
Starry.' A red-figured amphora from Nola, now in the Vatican
1 Apollod. 3. 1. 4, Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 653, 1299, 1301, cp. Nonn. Dion. 13. 222 ff.,
4 So Schirmer in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 657, K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Real-
Douris, found at Vulci and now in the British Museum, sprinkles
Baumeister Denkm. iii. 1789 fig. 1873, A. S. Murray Designs from Greek Vases in the
the early sixth century B.C., which was found at Pente Skouphia in
moon3 as well as to the stars, so that we should be justified in ex-
J. N. Svoronos in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1894 xviii. 115 connects the star, often found
no. 730), E. Pernice in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1897 xii. 29 fig. 21.
tional. A black-figured hydria in the British Museum, on which
Athens, which represents Theseus slaying the Minotaur in the
both arrayed themselves in fine style and struck superstitious
in the Me~moires de la diUgation en Perse viii. 10 f. fig. 21.
Frazer {Class. Rev. 1903 xvii. 410 n. 3). Mr A. Lang in Folk-Lore 1910 xxi. 145 dis-
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / XVI: The “minoan “ bullfights
female, played an important part in the life of their people. The
originated in Crete, and distinguishes three stages in its evolution.
of bull-baiting is found in the Thessalian taurokathdpsia4-. The
Koumasa near Gortyna (A. Mosso The Palaces of Crete and Their Builders London 1907
With these may be compared the capture of the big bull by a posse of men in Lanzone
in the Rhein. Mus. 1883 xxxviii. 297 ff., M. Mayer in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch.
galloping horse (fig. 360 from a specimen in
town shows obv. a mounted Thessalian galloping, and rev. a bull in full flight (Brit.
the Thessalian sport, in which the hunter is mounted and the bull
Reichel further suggests that in 'Minoan' times this bull-grappling
universally1—regarded as a rite in the cult of Poseidon2. But so
in some relation to the Cretan bull-god,
In an inscription from Larissa (Inscr. Gr. sept, ii no. 528) a bull-fight takes place for
find it. A banded agate in Sir Arthur Evans' collection (fig. 361)1
In short, it depicts the Labyrinth as the scene of the action2.
horn or locked with him in a deadly wrestling-bout is a figure
beside him still clinging to his horn (cp. fig. 414), in effect reverts
In any case it seems probable that the religious value of the
3 K. Seeliger in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 798"., H. Heydemann Iason in Kolchis
bulls or bull-like figures. The vessels carried in the hands of these
in the act of drawing his bow. Of the women one places her left
raised to grasp the fertilising horn, the left lowered in a gesture
in Cretan mythology and ritual. To begin with, Monsieur
1 Joum. Hell. Stud. 1894 xiv. 120 fig. 14 after O. Rossbach in the Ann. d. Inst.
Edinburgh 1903 p. 354 f., and especially I. Scheftelowitz 'Das Hbrnermotiv in den
discovery and for suggesting that it may furnish a prototype of the rites in question.
7 See the facts collected by I. Scheftelowitz in the Archiv f. Rel. 1912 xv. 483 ff.
used in these ceremonial games1. ' Minoan' seal-stones show
which resided in the horn of the latter should be found in the horn
is usually described in literature as the horn of the goat, which
4 See K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 1721.
dainties contained in the cornu copiae of Zeus. Pherekydes, the
The same religious idea finds expression in the cult of Dionysos.
a thyrsos in his right hand and a bunch of grapes
Neapel p. 280 f. no. 2408, A. Michaelis in the Ann. d. Inst. 1869 p. 201 ff. pi. GH,
Amaltheia's horn as ransom for his own (Zenob. 2. 48, schol. //. 21. 194, Tzetz. in Lyk.
6 Mithras in the great Mithraic myth rides the bull, grasping it by the horns, to
in contact with the bull by methods resembling those of the
Again, near Nysa in Lydia was a village called Acharaka,
vase formerly in the Hamilton collection (Tischbein Hamilton Vases v pi. 22, Reinach
2 Strab. 649, cp. 579, Eustath. in Dionys. per. 1153. A. Bouche-Leclercq Histoire
; 4 Other examples of the title are collected by O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. ]\Iyth. iii.
bull of gigantic size. In front of them
ing a fillet. Thus all who took part in the
shared by other cities in the valley of the Maiandros6. I am
types in fact give the beginning and the
Flg' red-figured vase formerly in the Hamilton
UXovrodoTTi k.t.X. See O. Hofer in the Jahrb.f. Philol. u. Pcidag. 1894 cxlix. 262 and
6 So Dr B. V. Head in Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Lydia p. lxxxiii.
are in any case the successors of the ' Minoan' bull-grapplers.
gestures beckon her on towards their home in Crete.
the ritual horns, which in ' Minoan' cult-scenes are set in various
2 Stephani Vasensamml. St. Petersburg i. 385 f. no. 884 and in the Compte-rendic
3 A. J. Evans in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1901 xxi. 135 ff.
are in any case the successors of the ' Minoan' bull-grapplers.
gestures beckon her on towards their home in Crete.
the ritual horns, which in ' Minoan' cult-scenes are set in various
2 Stephani Vasensamml. St. Petersburg i. 385 f. no. 884 and in the Compte-rendic
3 A. J. Evans in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1901 xxi. 135 ff.
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / XVII: Ritual horns
the late bronze age and early iron age found in the pile-dwellings
2 R. Paribeni 'Corni di consecrazione nella prima eta del ferro europea' in the
Fig- 37°' a is a crescent of red sandstone (in part restored) from a station on the
near Almeria in the south of Spain. Here Monsieur L. Siret in
not only in Crete, but also in various countries to the east, north,
back a specimen (fig. 373), which though only three inches in length
1 M. j. Lagrange La Crete ancienne Paris 1908 p. 83 fig. 62 (about ■§■) a votive altar in
Dr C. G. Seligmann in letters dated March 15 and March 22,
1 See now his article in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh
who with his followers lived near the Alliab boundary at a place called Unedol.
of a bullock. In front of this end of the mound there is one of the pickets to
blood collected in a pot, cooked over the fire, poured into gourds and eaten
Shrines of this kind (buor) are found in all the Tain and at least in some of
young sapling 6 or 8 feet tall is thrust into the ground near the horns and
me, as a resting-place for his spirit (atiep) ; and in one case he has seen a mat
evolution lies behind the use of horned altars in the Mediterranean
area. Of course in classical times, though the term ' horned altar'
fiwfibv tol Kepaovxov edeL/xaro rdvde 'SeXevKos. There may be a special point in the epithet
E. Saglio in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 351 n. 65 cites also Nonn. Dion. 44. 97 ff.
2 Part of relief on a steatite pyxis from Knossos (A. J. Evans in the Journ. Hell. Stud.
writes: ' The temptation is strong to see in the table and triangle a horned altar, but the
Urgeschichte der bildenden Kunst in Europa Wien 1898 p. 443 fig. 137, p. 501 f.
2 Detail of black-figured pyxis-lid or kylix-hd found at Cuma in 1908 (E. Gabrici in
p. 517 f. no. 3223, Mon. d. Inst, ii pi. 43, E. Braun in the Ann. d. Inst. 1837 ix. 198 ff.,
(fig. 385)5; and these volutes in turn were combined with a simple
in the ground beside him11 or fixed on a base resembling an altar1-.
5 From a red-figured kdlpis formerly in the Canino collection (Gerhard Auserl.
Cp. the great altar of Demeter at Pergamon (W. Dorpfeld in the Ath. Mitth.
Cp. the single horns of stone found in a neolithic pillar-precinct at Terlizzi in Apulia
sought, not in any artistic modification of the horned altar, but in
' Iobas king of the Libyans states that bees must be made in a wooden coffer;
months old, is confined in a narrow chamber measuring ten cubits
The buried bull or bull-shrine, if we may so describe it, was in
remarkable scene depicted in
here represented5. The divine cow buried in the earth, but yet
vasa quis dubitet? Cp. interp. Serv. in Verg. Aen. 4. 219. Varro's etymology is of
Thes. Ling. Lat. ii. 386, 7 ff. 3 E. Saglio in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 351.
of Biblical Archceology 1905 xxvii. 179) has explained the pyramidal tomb-chapel in the
1 Figs- 389 and 390 are the front and back of a Mithraic altar-piece found in 1826 in
the cave are the twelve signs of the zodiac, from Aries to Pisces, (c) In the spandrels
wearing Phrygian cap and kneeling in front ot rock, (d) Higher up an oblong space
in his chariot (horses and rocks restored) extends his hand to Mithras, who is about to
seasons: on the left above, Spring with rose-wreaths in hair and round neck; on the
his cave. Reluctantly he went in pursuit and caught the bull just
with wine. In vain did the emissaries of darkness, the scorpion,
protector of all flocks and herds. In short, the death of the bull
to be distinguished from the divinity dwelling in it—was at one
out a big bunch of grapes to Mithras, who raises his hand in admiration. Between
This relief was originally so mounted as to turn about in its three-sided frame on two
1 F. Cumont Texies et monuments etc. i. 159 ff., in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 3050 ff.,
W. Robertson Smith1 long since pointed out that in the Semitic
dedicatory inscriptions, nine of which, ranging in date from c. 70
4 H. C. Butler in the Am. Journ. Arch. 1900 iv. 434 b, W. K. Prentice ib. 1902 vi.
7 So too G. Hoffmann in the Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie xi. 246, E. Littmann ap.
8 So too E. Littmann ap. W. K. Prentice toe. cit. p. 118, M. Lidzbarski in the
temple, built in the time of the Antonines ; and a few paces to the
a hewn slab or pillar of stone, e.g. at Sikyon, in Arkadia, at
TTvkQiva avearrjaav irovs | airo eVoi/dou /xeidov Ztovs Ba, Topirtaiov (W. K. Prentice in
of natural stones, probably meteorites, with Zeus : e.g. the stone near Gythion called
at Tarentum in very early times (infra ch. ii § 3 (a) ii (5)). Cp. also an Apulian bell-
Zeus 2,Topiraos (A. S. Arvanitopoullos in the 'E0. 'Apx- 1906 p. 63 f. fig., K. A.
Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete 521
xviii. The Marriage of the Sun and the Moon in Crete.
inscribed ZEY£|| □ O £ E I | A A N || A A M [A] | T H P in lettering of the first
1 E. Reisch in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 1642. An instructive case is that of
(L. Stephani Parerga archaeologica St Petersburg 1851—1876 no. 18, F. Wieseler in the
4 E.g. supra p. 38 f. pi. iv, r, p. 39 n. 2 pi. iv, 2 (Apulian vase in British Museum),
Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete 521
xviii. The Marriage of the Sun and the Moon in Crete.
inscribed ZEY£|| □ O £ E I | A A N || A A M [A] | T H P in lettering of the first
1 E. Reisch in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 1642. An instructive case is that of
(L. Stephani Parerga archaeologica St Petersburg 1851—1876 no. 18, F. Wieseler in the
4 E.g. supra p. 38 f. pi. iv, r, p. 39 n. 2 pi. iv, 2 (Apulian vase in British Museum),
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / XVIII: The marriage of the sun and the moon in Crete
522 Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete
' Two bronze statues stand there in the open air, one of them a statue of
This is in all probability the truth of the matter. The statues of
performance, in which the Cnossian queen actually placed within
8 This view, which I put forward in the Class. Rev. 1903 xvii. 412, was adopted in
Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete 523
That a queen should submit to being enclosed in a wooden cow
dynasty, when his daughter, an only child, died, buried her in
rosette between them, found in the fourth shaft-grave at Mykenai,
5 B. Staes Hepl ttjs xPV(Te0JS MvKrjvaiKUP rivwv koctfx-q/j.6,tuv in the 'E0. 'A/3%. 1907
524 Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete
heaving billows from the far eastern land of Phoenicia, borne or pursued by her
drawn up in a fisherman's net may well be, as some have thought, the explanation
in this connexion must be further investigated.
vegetation from her home in the ground8. Strong support for this
7 This was seen by J. Escher-Burkli in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 1287 f.; but
Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete 525
festival in Crete, the Hellotia, at which a garland of myrtle, twenty
inside it3. Now we have already seen that in Greece such garlands
carried in procession, and suggests that originally a puppet or xdanon called Hellotis was
goddess, dies, for we hear of the funeral rites of Europa in the Corinthian festival of
The only other references to a definite cult of Europe in Crete are Dictys Cretensis
K. Tiimpel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 2261).
526 Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete
bull2, clinging with one hand to his fertilising horn and holding in
Kotyto, a Thracian Artemis (A. Rapp in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1399 m whose cult
1 Of many possible illustrations (listed by L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. Pet.
4—6, 22 f., J. Escher-Biirkli in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 1296—1298) I figure but
(Paus. 2. 30. 3) was performed. O. Jahn published it in colour {Die Entfiihrung der
Miinchen 7906 Text p. 498 f. fig. 406, F. Hauser in Gr. Vasenmalerei ii. 2836". pi. 114, 1).
2 H. Prinz in the Ath. Mitth. 1910 xxv. 169 n. 2 hints that the key to the myth of
around and a worshipper kneeling on either side of her (W. H. Ward in the Am. Journ.
specimen of the evergreen plane is still growing in a village near Gortyna.
Marriage of the Sim and Moon in Crete 527
platanus esse, quae folia hieme non amittat, itemque in Cypro, ut Theophrastus ait, una,
in Cypro. This last passage is quite misconceived by J. Escher-Biirkli in Pauly—
1 So e.g. W. Wroth in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Crete etc. pp. xxxiv, 37 ff.,
Coins London 1899 p. 163 says cautiously 'the.Cretan goddess seated in her tree.'
Minos, taking upon him the form of an eagle, wooed and won his oak-nymph in a Cretan
Mr Svoronos' view is attractive. In the Class. Rev. 1903 xvii. 404 f. I accepted it
with places remote from Gortyna and was never consummated in a marriage-union at all.
528 Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete
regarded the tree as an ancient willow. In such a matter the opinion of an experienced
Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete 529
grow in damp marshy soil1 and probably flourished side by side at
their names to Olenos in Aulis, Aiga in Haimonia, and Helike
530 Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete
'QXev-q, abridged by Eustath. in II. p. 292, 10 ff.
Ralston in the Contemporary Review 1878 i. 525, Mrs J. H. Philpot The Sacred Tree
tung.' In addition to the amphora at St Petersburg and
Valerian with the same type had been sold at Berlin in 1845.
in 1. a vase, r. hand on breast; on L, approaching her out of the water, forepart of a bull;
The wicker basket on coins of Kibyra in Phrygia (Brit. Mus.
!g- 4°4- Ttj7ros (B. V. Head in the Num. Chron. New Series 1873 x*n- XI7>
Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete 531
St Petersburg (Stephani Vasensamml. St. Petersburg ii. 241 f. no. 1637 and in the
' Verfinsterten': (3), as a Greek compound of evpvs and oir, 'eye,' equivalent in meaning
532 Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete
but small enough not to scare Europe, who is once more sunk in a
Fig. 392 is from a specimen in my collection.
6 From a specimen in the McClean collection at Cambridge.
be conjectured that the famous olcrrpos (Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 266) was but Zeus in the
12 Ants, bees, butterflies etc. were often regarded as the soul in insect form (Gruppe
Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete 533
Many wild oaks and willows in a row
Gr. Myth. Rel. p. 800 ff.). If Zeus became an ant in Thessaly (Clem. Al. protr. 2. 39.
ry 'AxeAwou, pt.vpp.7ji; yevbp.euos, e£ rjs MyppLibibv, Arnob. adv. nat. 4. 26
iii. 346 f., W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 3301 ff.). On Zeus 'Xttoplvlos see infra
2 H. von Fritze in W. Ddrpfeld Troja und Ilion Athens 1902 ii. 491 pi. 63, 68 f.,
534 Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete
But our evidence for such a town is of the flimsiest2. Besides, in
Kouretes clashed their weapons round the tree in which the cradle
aiirbXov tlvos. There was a Mt. Tityros near Kydonia (Strab. 479 tt)s p-evToi KucWtas
the matter thus: 'In addition to the use of the genitive and the adjective, there is a rare
('Kdrjvalwv 6 8yjp.os) is an undoubted instance of the use of the nominative in place of the
According to F. Solmsen in the Indogermanische Forschungen 1912 xxx. 31 ff.,
5 ties. frag. 129 Flach ap. Strab. 471. See also Prokl. in Hes. o.d. 89.
Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete 535
Antiope, who was wooed by Zeus in the form of a Satyr1.
smooth Doric pillar, on the top of which stands another goddess in
trunk down towards the phidle resting on the lap of Epzktesis. In
348 pi. 36, 8) at Tralleis attached to 'scenes in certain religious mysteries connected with
1 Infra ch. i § 7 (d). Another version made Zeus consort with Antiope in the form
p. 542 n. 1) : see F. Imhoof-Blumer in the Journ. Intern, a"Arch. Num. 1908
536 Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete
latter stands for the female element in the cult—a koure of
Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete 537
earth-goddess worshipped at Gortyna in a sacred tree. For all
cp. Viminalis. But see now Bolte in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 1.
Hyg. fab. 6, 178, 179, cp. Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 2. 289 where L. reads Agriopes.
10 W. H. Roscher Uber Selene und Verwandtes Leipzig 1890 pp. 95, 128ft and in the
11 Phrynichos frag. 16 Nauck2 ap. Eustath. in Od. p. 1430, 63 ft /cat ravpos
538 Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete
portant piece of evidence is a passage in the treatise On the Syrian
zu meiner Schrift iiber Selene und Verzvandtes Leipzig 1895 p. 32 f., and in the Lex.
Verzvandtes Leipzig 1895 p. 42 with fig. on p. 37, id. in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 3137
5 From, a copper of Amphipolis, struck by Tiberius, in my collection :
Coins i. 278 ff., Head Hist, num? p. 2i6f. See further K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa
Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete 539
Coppers of Sidon from c. 174 B.C. onwards exhibit the type in
after winning a sea-fight, captured it in the evening. He
Again, Phoenician and lunar elements are discernible in the
her father in quest of her. Having failed to find her, he repaired to Delphoi to
of a copper, struck by Elagabalos, in my collection : A P | SI DON | COLMET -
Europe as a lunar trait. But see L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. Pit. 1866 p. 125 f.
5 On the connexion of Europe with Kadmos see O. Crusius in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii.
54-0 Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete
whom he sent. Kadmos in anger killed the snake and, at Athena's suggestion,
to wife Harmonia, the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, but first bade him in
The whole story gains immensely in coherence and significance,
In hand, fare forth through Phlegyai and Phokis
2 Paus. 9. 12. 1. Two Egyptising altars of Roman date, formerly in the Towneley
A relief in a tomb of the Roman period at Kom el Chougafa shows the Pharaoh offering
Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete 541
"ZvpLGTi XeyeraL 7? j3ous, cp. et. mag. p. 450, 41 f. A 'cow' is in Syriac torethd, Aramaic
6 See K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 1371, O. Jessen ib. v. 587.
542 Marriage of the Sun and Moon in Crete
p. 384, F. Imhoof-Blumer in the Journ. Intern, d'Arch. Nu?n. 1908 xi. 142 ff. pi. 9, 8.
3 K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 13706°., K. Tiimpel ib. iii. 880 f.,
y\vK6. Kprjres repeated in Favorin. lex. p. 391, 11 ; Steph. Byz. s.v. Tafa' ...rds irapdevovs
t) "KprepLLS. In Delos the festival of Britomartis followed immediately upon that of
Zeus and the Bull in Cretan Myth 543
In the last section we considered the myth of Pasiphae at
2 Farnell Cults of Gk. States ii. 457—461, K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
(cp. H. Usener in the Rhein. Mus. 1868 xxiii. 342 and in his Gbtternamen Bonn 1896
Zeus and the Bull in Cretan Myth 543
In the last section we considered the myth of Pasiphae at
2 Farnell Cults of Gk. States ii. 457—461, K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
(cp. H. Usener in the Rhein. Mus. 1868 xxiii. 342 and in his Gbtternamen Bonn 1896
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / XIX: Zeus and the Bovine figures of cretan mythology
544 Zeus and the Bull in Cretan Myth
ancient authority, either classical or post-classical, can be cited in
sent by Zeus6, is usually described as the god himself in animal
Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 4. 796, cp. schol. Lyk. Al. 401, Serv. in Verg. Aen. 3. 73,
Pyth. arg. p. 297 Boeckh) or changed Leto into a quail (Serv. in Verg. Aen. 3. 72).
(6) 'AarepLs, the island near lthake, was later known as 'Acrrepia (Pauly—Wissowa Real-
3 This view I rashly advanced in the Class. Rev. 1903 xvii. 410, cp. Folk-Lore 1904
Caes. Germ. Araleap. 395, 24 ff. Eyssenhardt. See further L. Stephani in the Compte-
p. 529 fig. 400) on coppers of Gortyna is possibly solar (cp. J. N. Svoronos in the Bull.
Zeus and the Bull in Cretan Myth 545
Atos davbvios Tovde, \ 6 Mivus k.t.X., in Lyk. Al. 1301 ouros 8e 6 AvKocppwv tov 'AaTepiov
546 Zeus and the Bull in Cretan Myth
Cnossian Minotaur, who in some sense represented the sun-god2,
Zeus and the Bull in Cretan Myth 547
ably Asterion or Asterios. He advances to greet her sceptre in
by recrudescence of the early belief in the essential divinity of
with a thunderbolt in one hand, a sceptre in the other, surrounded
3 Tzetz. chil. 1. 473, in Lyk. Al. 1301 (supra p. 545 n. 5).
pi. 32, 21 on which Zeus wears a himdtion and an eagle is added in the field.
548 Zeus and the Bull in Cretan Myth
elephants (fig. 418)3, in each case encircled by the same seven stars.
formerly5 left them nameless, now6 follows J. N. Svoronos7 in
nurse of Zeus9. Popular fancy may have traced in it some
4 Head Hist. num.x p. 384 'perhaps in the character of Zeus Kretagenes.'
7 J. N. Svoronos in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1894 xviii. 115 f.
The Bull and the Sun in Syria 549
However that may be, his worship, widely spread in Palestine and
5 W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1987 ff., ii. 1179 ff., A. Jeremias id. iv. 19 ff.,
The Bull and the Sun in Syria 549
However that may be, his worship, widely spread in Palestine and
5 W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1987 ff., ii. 1179 ff., A. Jeremias id. iv. 19 ff.,
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / XX: The bull and the sun in Syria
550 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
and was so far Hellenised as to acquiesce in a dedication ' to Zeus
Antilibanos, the Syrian god was so far solar that, when in the age
name, which survived an influx of Roman colonists probably in the
7 A. Hauvette-Besnault in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1882 vi. 487.
c. 400 a.d. in the 'Exploits of Mar Rabbula' p. 196, last line {infra p. 555), and even
things, even now, in Baalbeck; the ancient injurious excesses and corrupting paths of vice,
in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iv. 552.
to Rome. In the grove of Furrina on the east side of the Ianiculum
Helios. Indeed, the Romans in general spoke of him as Iupiter
tanits travelled far afield. He is mentioned, for example, in
1 A Phoenician dedication ' to the Baal of Libanon, his Lord' has been found in
552 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
HelioupolUes as they call him, with important rites in the city of Heliopolis.
from saying, since it has nothing to do with the matter in hand. But that this
this god, sending documents folded and sealed: he replies in order to the
a blank sheet to the god. He then wrote and sealed another letter, in which he
slanting downwards, which shows that the force of the sky consists in the
1 That is, the centurion's vine showed that Trajan would die in the course of the
2 Clearly Zeus Helioupolites is meant: see W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1987,
which properly denote ' the Beloved One.' R. Dussaud in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vii.
554 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
glimpses. In 297 A.D. Gelasinos the mime2 was suddenly con-
Christian church in its stead, and abolished by law the ancient
A. von Domaszewski in the Westdeutsche Zeitschrift 1897 xvi Korrespondenzblatt p. 172
v. s. s. 1. m., P. Perdrizet in the Comptes rendus de FAcad, des inscr. et belles-lettres 1901
...............sac(erdotibus)...... See now R. Dussaud in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc. viii. 54.
3 Chron. Pasch. p. 513 Dindorf. See further the Rev. G. T. Stokes in Smith—Wace
this custom consult E. S. Hartland ' Concerning the rite at the temple of Mylitta' in the
Heathenism was for a while triumphant1. But in 379 a.d. Theo-
went with his friend Eusebios to Bttalbek 'in order to obtain the
enthusiasts only succeeded in getting themselves thrown down the
and loop-holes, in a wonderful state of preservation6.
2 It had been already overthrown by earthquakes (O. Puchstein in the Jahrb. d. kais.
(see the note by J. Markland in Dindorf's ed. of the Chronicon Paschale ii. 394 ff.,
we have here the Greek fiaXavetov, which appears in Syriac as balana (cp. S. A. Cook
mythologie syrienne Paris 1903 Add. and in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 51.
556 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
in many respects final exploration of the site (1900-1904) by
Septimius, an imperial freedman, in gratitude for the safety of
1 W. B. Donne in Smith Diet. Geogr. i. 1037.
3 O. Puchstein in the /ahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1901 xvi. 133—160 with
4 O. Puchstein in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1902 xvii. 88 f., id. Fiihrer
O. Puchstein in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1901 xvi. 154 n. 11. Id. ib. 1902
6 O. Puchstein in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1901 xvi. 139 f., id. Fiihrer
558 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
tree seen through the central gate-way of the Propylaion5. If that
1 It was, perhaps in the fourth century A.D., transformed into a Christian church and
a cedar. A cypress is the central object on other coppers of Heliopolis, which show two
Nemea stood in a cypress-grove (Paus. 2. 15. 2) and the shrines used by the mystics of
corn-ears in his hand. Is it possible that his fore-court contained
red Egyptian granite—monoliths 7*08 metres in height and finely
souterrain. In the middle of the court was the great altar of burnt
the officer Velius Rufus), all dedicated by colonists in Heliopolis.
viewed as an agricultural god (R. Dussaud in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 56).
3 The basilica was in all probability the church built by Theodosios (supra p. 555).
560 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
in width by 8775 metres in length. Round it stood a single row of
pseudodipteral, i.e. that in lieu of an inner row of columns it had
in perspective on coins of Septimius Severus, his wife Iulia Domna,
562 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
1 O. Puchstein in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1902 xvii. 91 ff., id. Fuhre?
2 Fig. 428 is reproduced from a drawing by D. Krencker in the fahrb. d. kais. deutsch.
architect dreamed of employing an even vaster block; for in the
1 O. Puchstein in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1902 xvii pi. 6.
Rom? p. 9 f. figs. 4 f. states that it measures 2i-35m in length, 4"33m and 4'40m in height
564 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
now standing in a far better state of preservation. Approached by
which was divided by half-columns into a central sanctuary and
2 O. Puchstein in the Jakrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1902 xvii. 94 ff., id. Fiihrer
3 R. Wood The ruins of Balbek, otherwise Heliopolis in Coelosyria London 1757
gates of Baitokaike (Hosn Suleiman)2, is in all probability an
steps had reliefs, which can still be in part at least made out. On
Baitokaike near Apameia on the Orontes. The property and privileges granted to his
ol k&toxoi ('tenants'?) ayiov Ovpaviov Atos (ib.). See further F. Cumont in Pauly—
566 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
Between the steps and the temple is an altar, and near by stands a
still being decorated in the reign of Caracalla (211-217 A.D.)4, it is
recent building-operations6, whilst others struck in the names of
2 Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Galatia, etc. p. 293 no. 18 (vase in precinct, caduceus in
6 Another possible explanation of the type would be to say that the die-sinker, in
closely associated in worship with Zeus himself5.
with bulls. But copies of his cult-image, recognised in recent
tanus^. Moreover, the figure, though defaced, bears out in the
W. Wroth in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Galatia, etc. p. 293 is content to regard it as
in the Ann. d. Inst. 1866 xxxviii. 134 ff., of G. Wolff in the Arch. Zeit. 1867 xxv. 55, and
7 For a full list see R. Dussaud in the Rev. Arch. 1903 i. 347 ff., ii. 91 ff., 1905 i.
du Jupiter Heliopolitanus ' in the Comptes rendus de I'Acad.des iuscr. et belles-lettres 1901
appears to be covered with scales. The lower part is encased in a
in 1752 in the basin of the
of four and six petals each: one of these flowers is seen in profile
Macrobius (so Dussaud locc. citt.: Ronzevalle saw in it a fir-cone partially sunk in an
solvit {supra p. 552 n. 2) in letters belonging to the end of the second century. Cp. the
3 Height of stile o-9om. F. Lenormant in the Gaz. Arch. 1876 ii. 78 ff. pi. 21
570 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
of Bctalbek and published by O. Puchstein in 1902 (fig. 437)1,
to light at Marseille in 1838 and is now in the Musee Calvet at
1 O. Puchstein in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1902 xvii. 102 f. fig., id.
2 Several little lead figures found by the peasants in this locality likewise represent
that the neck-ornament is not composed of two dolphins (so Bondurand in the Comptes
composed of the solar disk with two uraeus-snakes. In the centre
have been called Kvpios Tevvaios, Gennaeus Dominus (F. Cumont in Pauly—Wissowa
1 On djinn > Tewahs see R. Dussaud in the Rev. Arch. 1903 i. 374 n. 4, 381 n. 2 = id.
Malakbel (R. Dussaud in the Rev. Arch. 1903 i. 374 = id. Notes de mythologie syrienne
logie syrienne Paris 1905 pp. 85 f., 91 f.), and G. F. Hill in
brow on early electrum coins struck in the time of Alyattes?, 610 —
specimen in my collection. Fig. 439.
572 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
bronze statuettes in particular add Egyptising details, which
A bronze in the Joanneum at Graz (fig. 440)3 has the kdlathos
2 Supra p. 550 n. 10 P. Perdrizet in the Rev. Arch. 1903
The sheath is figured in front with three busts, Kronos1 above,
syrienne Paris 1903 p. 39 ff. fig. 15 raises needless doubts (P. Perdrizet in the Rev. Arch.
574 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
The finest examples of this type are two bronzes in the de
1 Published as ' The Ephesian Artemis ' in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Bronzes p. 183
Very similar is a bronze statuette from Kefr Djezzin near Byblos, which formerly
576 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
are leaves or possibly rays in low relief. The breast has a single
rest of the sheathing is covered with disks that have a central boss.
Iupiter of Heliopolis. In the Babylonian and Assyrian religion
2 This was the view of W. Gurlitt loc. cit. p. 125 n. 9 and of F. Studniczka in the
4 On the admitted identity of Adad and Ramman see e.g. A. Jeremias in Roscher
in Babylonia and Assyria New York and London 1911 p. iijff.,G. Maspero The Dawn
5 The bull is sometimes winged, as in the rock-cut relief at Maltai (Roscher Lex.
I figure a cylinder of sapphirine chalcedony from the ruins of Babylon, now in the
attributs, et les monuments figure's de Vhtus Paris 1849 4' I1> W. H. Ward in the
6 I. Scheftelowitz 'Das Hornermotiv in den Religionen' in the Archiv f. Ret. 1912
578 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
in point of fact by no means incompatible3. 'In many mythologies,'
Belief and Practice in Babylonia and Assyria New York and London 1911 p. 83.
rays caught in the clouds (Aristot. meteor. 2. 9. 369 b 12 f.) : see E. Zeller A Histof-y of
lord of justice,"—an attribute peculiar to the sun-god ; but in
atmosphere, and the phenomena which are daily displayed in it—
together, causing them to burst in torrents of rain or hail; he let
bull is described in the text as follows : 'The great bull, the noble
constellation Taurus5. But in any case it is invoked as a bringer
in the Beitrdge zur Assyrialogie Leipzig 1894 ii. 416 f. See also A. Jeremias Die baby-
580 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
Created in the mountains, lord of the grain fields !
In this double capacity En-lil was conceived as a mighty ox or
designates Enlil4. In a fragment of a hymn, Enlil is described
id. Aspects of Religious Belief and Practice in Babylonia and Assyria New York and
3 M. Jastrow Aspects of Religious Belief and Practice in Babylonia and Assyria New
5 H. C. Rawlinson A Selection from the Miscellaneous Inscriptions of Western Asia
seen both in the colossal bulls which form a feature of Assyrian art
statue of Adad, has been found near his temple at Ashur5. And
in the magical papyrus at Paris :
ceremony in the cult of Zeus Pandmaros™, whose consort might
5 W. Andrae Der Anu-Adad-Tempel in Assur Leipzig 1909 p. 77 f. pi. 34.
again in the Gnostic Pistis Sophia p. 375 Schwartze xptvwdep depw^ptv co^idep spoken by
11 E. Riess in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i.. 1726.
582 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
From Heliopolis in Koile Syria we pass northwards to Hierapolis
pseudo-Lucian in an Ionic treatise On the Syrian goddess. The
precinct, faced the north and were some two hundred yards in
contents in detail11:
1 Mr S. A. Cook, Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and Lecturer in
abbreviation of Atargatis, the Syrian 'Atar'ata (F. Cumont in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
looks like Zeus in every respect, head, clothing, and throne : you could not,
—Athena, Aphrodite, Selene, Rhea, Artemis, Nemesis, and the Moirai. In one
golden imag'e {xoanon) in no way resembling the rest. It has no shape of
2 Not, of course, the true emerald, which is found only in America, but the green
3 On this stone see further E. Babelon loc. cit. p. 1465. It was found in the Indian
4 The story of the mythical, as distinct from the historical, Semiramis is first found in
tale told to explain her double form was as follows. She had fallen in love with a hand-
584 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
comes out clearly in connexion with their oracular practices. The
A related myth is the following. Certain fish found a great egg in the river Euphrates.
in question were really Venus and Cupido, who, scared by the sudden appearance of
C. F. Lehmann-Haupt in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 694 conjectures that doves were
Deukalion built altars and a temple of Hera over it, and introduced a custom kept up in
2 Imperial bronze coins of Hierapolis show Atargatis in three attitudes : (1) wearing
3 S. Reinach in the Rev. Arch. 1902 i. 31 argues that we must not press the text of
goes on to say that in the main body of the temple, on the left
'When he is minded to deliver an oracle, he first stirs in his seat, and the
This image of Apollon in the nave must be carefully dis-
ing from above : the other two statues of women enclosed in their circle signify
sprung from the head of Iupiter, in other words, to have arisen in the topmost
586 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
gabled structure, in which is an object resembling
ander with the legend 1 gods of Syria' and a lion in place of the
flanked by two recumbent bulls (F. Imhoof-Blumer in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1898 xviii.
(koryphc) is the word applied in late Greek to the apex of a
it seems probable that a royal sceptre or standard, enclosed in a
sceptre or standard of a divine king figured prominently in the
those represented in the Hittite sculptures of Fraktin and Yarre : ib. fig. 4, id. The Land
6 Ib. pp. liv, 138 pi. 17,8 (struck in the time of Antoninus Pius).
588 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
may be traced all round, and cannot be less than three miles in compass.
on it, in basso relievo. They were two syrens, which, twining their fishy tails
of about one hundred yards diameter. It was low, and had no water in it, and
R. Pococke in 1745 gives a more detailed account of his visit
was designed in order to behold with greater conveniency some religious cere-
I conjectured it to be about two hundred feet in front. It is probable that this
city is irregular in this part, as if some ground had been taken in after the build-
1 The mediaeval variants are collected by E. B. James in Smith Diet. Geogr. i. 106$.
In 1850 Lieut.-Col. Chesney1 included 'Munbedj or Bambuche'
disappeared. Dr D. G. Hogarth and Mr R. Norton in 1908 were
Indeed the only obvious pre-Islamic structures in situ are firstly, the walls of the
pool, some three acres in area, in the centre of the western half of the site3____
confirmatory indications are visible. The whole eastern half of the site right up
4 Dr Hogarth notes further a much defaced limestone lion near the south-east angle
Heliopolis and Hierapolis were not the only towns in which the
silver tetradrachm of Antiochos xii, now in the Dresden cabinet,
1 The deity represented on coins of Neapolis in Samaria (F. de Saulcy Nimismatique
1837 pi. 3 b, 3 and 4), Eleutheropolis (id. ib. p. 243 no. 2) and Nikopolis in Iudaea
A€IHN](jON I CEH (in the year 268 of the Pompeian era = 204 a.d.), Brit. Mas.
4 F. Imhoof-Blumer in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1898 xviii. 170 n. 9, citing A. L. Millin
Paris 1890 p. clxxiii fig. 39, W. Wroth in the Num. Chrou. Third Series 1890 x. 327 f.,
step-son [Antiochos i Soter]. Stratonike was bidden by Hera in a dream to raise to her
'even'—said he—lrjv yvvaiKi d/ma evpa^/icu.' Kombabos finished the temple and in
In this myth Kombabos is obviously a Syrian parallel to Attis, who, according to one
In this Propylaia stand two <pa\\oL, dedicated by Dionysos to his step-mother Hera,
gods, invoking their blessing upon the whole of Syria, and that the gods, since he is near
592 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
and 28 f.). [In the Jakrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1912 xxvii Arch. Anz. pp. 13—16
by the Turks to be (paXXoi used in the cult of the Syrian goddess. On the beaten gong
as a bird, Semiramis again, Kombabos, Stratonike, Alexander, Sardanapallos. In the
Near the temple is a lake containing sacred fish of various kinds. The large ones have
in the courtyard. On these they hang live goats, sheep, etc. together with birds,
deities and images of the same. On certain specified days the crowd assembles in the
was a god worshipped since Hittite times in Kilikia and the
a sword ; for there are swords in plenty placed there on purpose. With this he mutilates
A dead eunuch is buried in a peculiar fashion. His comrades carry him out to the
accept his present sacrifice and promises a greater one in future. After that he wreathes
to mount upon a bed till he has reached his home again. In Hierapolis he is received by
since they explain the rites to their guests. They do not offer sacrifice in the sanctuary
down hence, but not as they do the beasts : they put them in a sack and lower them
they cut the hair and, placing it in vessels of silver or often of gold, nail it to the temple-
594 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
id. ib. Berlin 1906 pp. 4—7 (cp. a second relief near Ibriz, which appears to be an exact
scene in graphic language:
The treatment of these sculptures is all in relief. In composition there are
holds, and the King-priest, an heroic figure eight feet in height, facing towards
found in the horns which decorate the helmet, of which four pairs are visible.
There are three short inscriptions accompanying these figures. In that
his tiara, the grape-bunches and corn-ears in his hands, the plough (?)
97, O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 330 f. fig. 2, J. Garstang The Land of the
596 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
the same deity enthroned with a lotos-sceptre and grouped in various
3 Id. ib. ii. 2. 445 ff. pi. in, 14—20, pi. 112, 1—8.
struck by the generals of Alexander, e.g. by Seleukos in 321-316
In the third century B.C. he was known at Tarsos as Zeus
in my collection.
Map/cos o-TaTwp I evxv* X&PLV)- High up in an almost in- \ o^^iT^pf j
And the debs Karaift&rrjs is coupled with Persephone in an inscription on the ' tomb of
598 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
express the popular conception of Sandas, whose prototype in the
in my collection (fig. 460): obv. [KAISAPEHN rp ?] I ANAZAPBH head of
See further A. von Domaszewski 'Zeus '0\u/3pios' in the Num. Zeitschr.ign pp. 10—12.
of the Italian Lokroi enthroned with a sceptre in his left
'Uber das Relief mit der Inschrift C. I. L. vi. 426 ' in the Sitzungsber. d. Akad. d. IViss,
no. 3 pi. 120), and a stone statuette from Frangissa in Kypros showing Ba'al-hamman
corn-ears at Heliopolis {stipra pp. 552, 558 f., 569, 572), grapes and a plough in Phrygia
On the right stands Datames himself in chiton and himdtion raising
1 I have to thank my friend Mr N. McLean, Lecturer in Aramaic to the University
2 This word is placed either in the narrow space at the back of Herakles' knee
2. 413 ff., G. F. Hill in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Lycaonia, etc. p. lxxx, Head Hist.
6 In the rock-carvings of Iasily Kaya near Boghaz-Keui the Hittite son-god stands on
6oo The Bull and the Sun in Syria
stretches forth his right hand in what is clearly a characteristic
normally represented with his head full-face, not in profile : see E. Pottier ' Histoire
toes, and a conical fluted hat. He grasps a staff in his outstretched right hand and a
5 I take this gesture to be expressive of power. In the Old Testament a ' stretched
the pyre' etc.). Mr G. F. Hill in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Lycaonia, etc.
so in an address to the inhabitants of Tarsos1:
of Melcarth, the god was burned in effigy on his own pyre-.'
Mr G. Macdonald in the Hunter Cat. Coins ii. 548 apparently rejects the identification
to a proof, that a practice of burning a deity, and especially Melcarth, in effigy or in the
5 Ib. p. 221 pi. 37, 9, Hunter Cat. Coins ii. 555 pi. 60, 18. I figure a specimen in
bo2 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
on Greek or Roman money2, but both in form and in decoration so
(•figs. 469—474)4, in which appears a pyramid flanked by two birds or
the careful note of Mr G. F. Hill in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Lycaonia, etc. p. cxix.
might be suitably represented in
1 M. Jastrow Aspects of Religiotts Belief and Practice in Babylonia and Assyria, New
5 Hieron. chron. ami. Abr. 509 Hercules cognomento Desanaus in Phoenice' clarus
chron. vers. Armen. (ii. 28 Scheme) Hercules in Phoenice cognoscebatur Desandas appel-
F. C. Movers Die Phonizier Berlin 1841 i. 460 suggested that in Synkell. loc. cit.
7 Folk-Lore 1904 xv. 278, and especially W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii.
604 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
shall see—he bears some resemblance to the Hittite son-god also. In
n. 1) have held that Sandas was from the first a sun-god (see O. Hdfer in Roscher Lex.
3 R. Dussaud in the Rev. Arch. 1903 i. 141 f. fig. 9 = id. Notes de mythologie syrienne
Cult' in the Sitzungsber. d. kais. Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien Phil.-hist. Classe 1854 xii.
bibliography ib. p. 396. The central scene appears to represent the union of the Hittite
toes. He carries a mace in his right hand and an emblem of uncertain significance
that symbolises lightning) in his left. The handle of a short sword is seen at his waist;
et en Occident Paris 1847 pi. 35, 2, H. Winckler in the Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen
606 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
Europe2. Finally, on another Hittite cylinder in the British
outside the limits of Asia. The said exception (fig. 478)7 is a
bundle of weapons. In the field is a star (or sun) and the Egyptian crux ansata.
6 K. Humann and O. Puchstein Reiscn in Kleinasien mid Nordsyrien Berlin 1890
the time of Hadrian to the time of Gallienus3. They are most in
their son, himself visited Syria in 215 A.D. Alexander Severus
1 Kan op. cit. p. 11 ft'., F. Cumont in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 1276 f.
3 Kan op. cit. pp. 16—19, F. Cumont in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 1276—1278.
608 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
other on the Aventine. A couple of marble tablets, found 'in 1734
a Dolocenum, which was still standing in the fourth century3, though
In accordance with a behest of Iupiter Dolichenus, Best and Greatest, the
stantisso (sic) exhibitori invicto, etc. On the epithet aeterni see F. Cumont in the Rev.
a solar power that he ordered the erection of a statue of Apollo in
1 The word proscaenium is used of a facade or porch in front of the temple (De Vit
2 An inscription on a statue of Apollo, now at Charlottenhof near Potsdam but doubt-
pater in both inscriptions means pater sacerdotuvi.
4 lecticari dei. This implies that the image of the god was sometimes paraded in a
6io The Bull and the Sun in Syria
a curious third-century relief found at Rome near the Scala santa
priest beside the young sun-god with the moon and two stars in
1 F. Cumont in the Rev. Philol. N.S. 1902 xxvi. 8 n. 5 remarks! 'Le syncretisme
3 O. Marucchi in the Bull. Comm. Arch. Comun. di Roma 1886 p. 136 ff. pi. 5,
sace[rd(os)] | Iovis Dolich[eni] | v. s. 1. 1. [m.]. The inscription was found in the Castra
tively1. Two more, from Caerleon-on-Usk in Monmouthshire2 and
the god as a Roman soldier in full armour. He commonly, how-
This type occurs sometimes in the round5. For example, about
a Roman station in Lower Pannonia, and purchased for the Vienna
2 Corp. inscr. Lat. vii no. 98 = Kan op. cit: p. 90 no. 112 (on an altar found in
612 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
in 1891 by J. Dell at Petronell, the ancient Carnuntum in Upper
3 J. Dell in the Arch.-ep. Mitth. 1893 xvi. 176—187 with figs. 14—24 and pi. 1.
614 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
big square tiles. Three overturned altars (B, C, D in fig. 482) bore
in red letters with a dedication to
616 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
plate (fig. 487)1 represents a bearded Iupiter Dolichenus in his
Budapest 1873 p. 11 f. pi. 5, whence it is reproduced by A. von Domaszewski in the
Wieseler—Wernicke Ant. Denkm.xx. 1. 56f. pi. 5, 8, A. Jeremias in Roscher Lex. Myth.
to it, in a separate panel as before, are busts of the Sun with a
bolt in his left over a lighted altar. He stands in a small distyle
a palm-branch in her left hand. But the statement appears to be a
ing a Phrygian cap, who holds a spear in his right hand, a quartered
Iupiter, and in a lower register beneath this figure a goddess more
G. Loeschcke 'Bemerkungen zu den Weihgeschenken an Juppiter Dolichenus' in the
A fragment of another bronze plate, similar in character to
At Heddernheim in Hesse-Nassau two triangular plates of cast
hangs his sword in its scabbard. His right hand brandishes a
excellent plate given by G. Loeschcke in the Bonner Jahrbiicher 1901 cvii pi. 8. The
tails a rosette and a disk with curved rays respectively (R. Dussaud in the Rev. Arch.
Hist, de VArt vi. 820 ff. fig. 398). A ' Minoan' krate"r from Arpera in Kypros belonging
620 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
flowers with a central spike, probably lilies. And on their helmets
blance to a weapon2 is strengthened by a raised rib, triangular in
may have stood in relation to a figure of Iupiter Dolichenus, now
in Campania have for their reverse type the forepart of a man-headed bull, on the
pp. 222—342, O. Montelius Die dlteren Kultuiperioden im Orient tind in Europa i Die
622 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
the Egyptian vignette in which the divine cow looks out from the
This belief, probably indigenous in the Mediterranean area,
in one hand, a thunderbolt in the other,* and on its head wore
a thunderbolt in his right hand and ' crowned as it were with
7 Perrot—Chipiez Hist, de r Art vi. 783 pi. 19, 5, Sir A. J. Evans in the Ann. Brit.
10 Paus. 5. 22. 5. The manuscripts in general read eTrlneiTai bk avrco /cat eVt rfj
The Due de Luynes in the Nouv. Ann. 1836 i. 391 compared the Talleyrand Zeus of
Zeus {Tinid) has an eagle-sceptre in his right hand, a winged
In Hellenistic times the same conception made its way into
found by Messrs Drosinos and Stamatakis in a complex of buildings
alternating with half-open lotus-buds. In view of the fact that the lily was the Greek
ii. 41 pap. 5 col. \\a, 26 ybvos "Afxfxwvos, KpLvdvdefxov, R. Pietschmann in Pauly—
pi. 2, 20, ii. 9f., Sir A.J. Evans in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1901 xxi. 107 f. fig. 4 (en-
pursuit of Minos by disappearing in a grove at Aigina and was thenceforth worshipped as
624 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
Gruppe op. cit. p. 1125 n. 3, S. Eitrem in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 398 ff.
The coins of Elis mentioned in notes 3 and 4 must be studied in connexion with the
Miinztaf. 2, 6 ff. and 14 ff., id. Gr. Tlastik4 i. 509 ff., P. Gardner in the Num. Chron.
species of lily. This, however, is very doubtful. A. Frickenhaus in Tiryns i. 121—125
(1 518—1594 a.d.) now in the National Gallery (no. 1313 : S. Reinach Rep. Peintures
Alexander the Great in Kos (Nik. ap. Athen. 684 e)—doubtless an allusion to his
Manasses, who in the middle of the twelfth century composed a
Its surface, as do flowers in the fields1.
Hermes shot rays, a blossom steeped in red;
Another Byzantine scholar drew up in prose a list of the seven
1 I do not remember to have met with this conceit in classical literature. It occurs,
5 Piccolomini in the Rivista di Filologia ii. 159 published the following among other
are by the hand of a corrector. J. Bernays in the Arch. Zeit. 1875 xxxii. 99 cites Lobeck
626 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
the customs and cults of the Roman Empire. In particular, there
'A^poSirr; xa^K°s (CP- Prokl. in Plat. Tim. i. 43, 5 ff. Diehl with schol. ad toe. i. 460,
avT&v (cp. Eustath. in II. p. 25, 2 ff., p. 1154, 48 ft".). A. Ludwich as an appendix to
K. Zangemeister and E. Gerhard. Of these, three are in the Gold
its inscription5 has a spear-head enclosed in a frame of lily-work.
628 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
raised central ribs. To the right of
in a distyle temple, the capitals and
wreath in his beak. The field of the
3 E. Gerhard ' Juppiter Dolichenus' in the Jahrb. d. Vereins v. Alterthumsfreund. im
Iupiter Dolichenus was in some sense, then, a god of precious
name Aurelius in his votive inscriptions1. Doubtless the imperial
630 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
usually interpreted of iron-mines in the neighbourhood of Doliche.
oriundam a Sole dictam putant, quod ei publice a populo Romano datus sit locus, in
(Ital. *ausoni) to the root *aues-, ' to shine,' seen in aurora etc. (Walde op. cit. p. 57).
p. 57 no. 60 (Pfiinz: a bronze tablet found near the camp of the first cohort of the
p. 26 ff. (found in 1840 A.D. at Apulum in Dacia) numini et virtutibu[s Iovis optimi
an effigy of the god in the baths at Carnuntum2. F. Cumont
them near Pharnakia, states that in his time they were called
silver9.' On the whole it seems clear that in Pontos, where, as
3 F. Cumont in the Rev. Philol. N.S. 1902 xxvi. 7 and in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
5 W. Ruge in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Euc. iii. 2099 f.
Eustath. in II. p. 363, 12 ff., and A. Ludwich ad loc.
632 The Bull and the Sun in Syria
In any case the same geographical clue will enable us to trace
3 Terrestrial iron perhaps stood in some relation to celestial iron. H. R. Hall The
considered certain. And L. de Launay in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. ii. 1076 gives
ing the rare examples of iron in early Egypt and the possible sources of supply.
ovpavbv with Eustath. in II. p. 576, 33 ff., in Od. p. 1783, 18 ff.
with iron by the story of the metal-eating mice. Aristotle stated that in the island of
Herond. 3. 75 f., Sen. apocol. 7. 1. Since there is no iron ore in Gyaros (Pauly—
xxi. The Significance of the Bull in the cults of Zeus.
sively Egypt, Crete, Syria, and Asia Minor. Everywhere we have
was affiliated to Zeus6. In Crete the bull was identified with the
altar from Carvoran {supra p. 552 n. 3), used as a trough in a stable at Thirl wall, perhaps
5 Supra p. 435 n. 6. A bronze statuette of Apis from a Greek site in the Delta is in-
xxi. The Significance of the Bull in the cults of Zeus.
sively Egypt, Crete, Syria, and Asia Minor. Everywhere we have
was affiliated to Zeus6. In Crete the bull was identified with the
altar from Carvoran {supra p. 552 n. 3), used as a trough in a stable at Thirl wall, perhaps
5 Supra p. 435 n. 6. A bronze statuette of Apis from a Greek site in the Delta is in-
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / XXI: The significance of the bull in the cults of Zeus
is his significance in ancient religion ? Prof. Gilbert Murray in a
seu medicus 10 (xiv. 706 Kiihn), Eustath. in II. pp. 259, 3 f., 527, 43 ff., 906, 60, id. in
Amulets combine the bull's head with the phallos in several ways (O. Jahn in the
barkeit in der Natur wird nun aber nach griechischer Anschauung hervorgebracht
shine and storm1. In Egypt it is of course the solar aspect of the
i.e. User-Maat-Ra (Rameses ii)12, in which the Hittite deities were
Wassers, bald das Feuer, das Licht und die Warme, ohne die in der ganzen Natur kein
12 W. Max Miiller ' Der Btindnisvertrag Ramses' II. und des Chetiterkonigs' in the
Ancient History of the Near East London 1913 p. 363 ff., cp. p. 333.
on his haunch8. In Roman times Apis travelled yet further afield.
plan on p. 247 and pi. 72, H. R. Hall The Ancient History of the Near East London
His effigy is found e.g. on coins of Amastris1 and Germanikopolis2 in
erection like a pediment, sometimes with a pellet or disk in it
in my collection. My friend Prof. E. J. Rapson kindly refers me to his Catalogue of the
the Hallstatt period from the famous Bycfskala Cave in Moravia
lost. It is a statuette of cast bronze about 100 millimeters in
a bridle, as in the case of Egyptian bulls. Small triangular plates
col. Frontisp. ( = id. in the Mittheilungen der Anthrop. Gesellschaft in Wien 1877
von Woldrich mit Apis in Zusammenhang gebracht worden ist,' ib. p. 130, 'welche auf
Moravia in the early iron age and Egypt. But it is possible that
of bronze and stone found mostly in eastern Gaul2.
lightning-god and sun-god, who in one or more of the Hittite
Religions Paris 1905 i. 66, 243 ff., and on the Celtic cult of bulls in general G. Dottin
3 A. Jeremias in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 53 f., J. Garstang op. cit. p. 291 pi. 77, 1,
seen by V. Plenry in the Rev. Et. Gr. 1892 v. 289 ff. Other views in Roscher Lex.
of them is a commonplace' in Greek mythology2. For instance,
this tale (C. Robert in the Winckelmannsfest-Progr. Berlin 1, 90 ff. with figs.). Cp. also
4 Relief on building-stone at Malatia, near the confluence of the Tochma Su with the
of dotted lines, D. G. Hogarth in the Ann. Arch. Anthr. 1909 ii. 180 f. pi. 41, 4).
is forward..., and on his feet are tip-tilted shoes. In his right hand, which is drawn
bronze bull, acquired by Monsieur Sorlin-Dorigny somewhere in
Probably we should be right in assuming at various Hittite centres
near Neokaisareia {Niksar) in Pontos. The find-spot was one of
Phanaroia, and beyond with its white peaks the hig'h mountain-chain of Asia
already noted near Ebimi at the sanctuary of Zeus Stratios and elsewhere too^
a hollow socket, and two holes pierced in the metal show that this head must
back, there is a triangular bow, and in his outstretched left hand he seems to hold up a
5 Eid. ib. p. 271 fig. The original, o*o6m in length, is now in the Musde du
pine-cone in his hand1, we may conclude with some assurance that this great
with the view that the Hittite bull-god was there first. Men in
no intermediary. Prof. Fick in his study of pre-Greek place-names5
p. 687, W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 2718 f.
I figure a copper of Antiocheia in Pisidia, struck by
Mithra Bruxelles 1896 i. 233 n. 1, W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 2690, 2752,
argues that Mount Atdbyron or Atdbyris in Rhodes and Mount
4. 1. 8, v. Fl. Ioseph. 37. So also in the LXX. version of Hos. 5. 1.
5 Yet the myth of Katreus, Althaimenes, and Apemosyne, in which ox-hides and ox-
disk came from the south-west coastlands of Asia Minor—'This would not exclude an
she supports in either hand a flowery kirtle (fig. 503)2, certainly
(fig. 504)3 may be compared with Hellotis in her big wreath4.
- W. H. Ward in M. Jastrow Bildermappe zur Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens
Plate 35
in the Idaean Cave.
early cult-objects in Crete1. Conspicuous among these is a bronze
but as a young man in the prime of life, the ' greatest Lad of
Zeus was a prince ripped up by a wild boar and buried in their
in the temenos of a primitive sanctuary11, apparently a sanctuary of
2 A. L. Frothingham in the Am. Jottrn. Arch. 1888 iv. 434 ff. ('the period between
4 F. Halbherr—P. Orsi Antichita dell' Antro di Zeus Ideo in Creta (= Museo Italiano
W. H. Ward in M. Jastrow Bildermappe zur Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens Giessen
A. Jeremias in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 786, 793, 822.
12 Sir Arthur Evans in the Jourri. Hell. Stud. 1912 xxxii. 279 f. : ' Some of the most
extant in Greek literature. We must consider their bearing on
will be remembered that various coins of Asia Minor showed the
Goddess, and in one case actually seem to have a glimpse of the "tomb" within its
and sat there grasping the thunderbolt, that in his efforts to escape
On fragrant Dikton, near the Idaean Mount,
eis ovpavbv; Prokl. in Plat. Crat. p. 55, 5 ff. Pasquali /cat 6 Aibvvcros < 6 > reXevraios 6eQv
/3acrt\?7a ri6r]p,i" [Orph. frag. 190 Abel] Xe7et irpbs rovs veovs deovs b Zeijs, id. in Plat.
we a right to use the term Zagreus of Zeus redivivus in Crete?
Lo, I am here in thy behoof
With bull-bound glue in its joints exact.
Hallowed alike in heart and hand,
In birth and burial have no share,
in line 1 I print Eupc67ras (so most MSS., Evpu>Trr]s Nauck with cod. Mon. 461), in line 2
in the iron age a certain sanctity still attached. The planks so
pis. 153, 154, and Index s.v. 'Cypress,' and F. Olck in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iv.
'in koX vvv deiKWTCLL #e/xe\ia 'Peas oiKoireda /cat KvwapiTTuv a\<ros e/c 7ra\atou XP^V0V
On a lenticular gem of rock crystal actually found in the Idaean Cave ' a female
Nevertheless such a substance may well have had a religious value in a shrine where the
helpful accumulation of anthropological parallels in her Proleg. Gk. Rel.2 p. 478 ff.,
was slain in the form of a bull, they could devour a bull's flesh
the young men of the community, in whom Miss Harrison has rightly recognised the
the ' bull-roarer' is to my ear-—and I have heard Mr Cornford swing it in the darkness
(p^perai (SapvTap(3r]s strongly supports the view advanced in the text—that the sound of
Koptifiavres rjvpov • | /c.r.X., Eustath. in II. p. 771, 54 ff., Hesych. and Zonar. lex. s.v.
3 On the Kouretes as sons of Rhea see O. Immisch in Roscher lex. Myth. ii. 1597 f.,
the Assyrian influences manifest in our shield. From Crete it
ripped up by a wild boar4. The Cretan god, in fact, so closely
Dr Frazer after examining the traces of Adonis-worship in
periodically or occasionally, in their divine character____As time went on, the
belief in impregnation by means of fire. The use of torches in bridal processions may
1 This rather obvious derivation was first, I think, noted by Miss G. Davis in The
mighty hunter"—which Euripides may have had in mind in his phrase in the Bakchai
Was there anything analogous to this in the cult of the Cretan
to Zeus5. The statement was made in his Nostoi and, I should
an unpublished variety in my collection (fig. 505): the legend is NO^T MVA ?
connected with his home-coming. Idomeneus, caught in a storm,
Nostoi. In any case it chimes with the statement already quoted
lonian in his first book On Kyzikos remarks—" It is fabled that the birth of
their regular sacrifice before marriage." Neanthes of Kyzikos in his second
lentia,] a civibus pulsus [est] regno, etc., id. in Verg. Aen. 11. 264 Idomeneus rex
retur, in tempestate devovit, se sacrificaturum de re, quae ei primum occurrisset. contigit
2 E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 758 f. ('Aus diesem Grande ist er ins
Miiller)], Eustath. in II. p. 773, 14 ff. 7/ de rod Atos us dXXotws exet...Tepareverac yap els
in part eaten at a common feast2. Are we to suppose that in
may venture to press the analogy of Orphism in Thrace4. A
' We see a group of three principal figures. The central one is a bearded man
of the figure is well brought out, in spite of the general sketchiness of the
TLfxcicrdaL 'H-yrjaavdpos 6 Ae\<pbs Aia Wihainvao~t'f)v re /cat ljir\a'yxvOT°lJLOVi Eustath. in Od.
5 Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases iii. 188 no. E 246, Sir Cecil Smith in the [ourn. Hell. Stud.
surprise at the sight of the central scene by the gesture of his left hand ; his
On the right a bearded personage, attired in the same way as the central
The dress which distinguishes the two right-hand figures is that which in
the like. The fact is that the word Titan, as F. Solmsen in one of
2 F. Solmsen in the Indogermanische Forschungen 1912 xxx. 35 n. 1 med.\ 'Tit&p
gefallener Athener 'Epexdrjidos I G. I 433 iii 53 heisst, in demselben Verhaltnis wie
A. Dieterich in the Rhein. Mus. 1893 xlviii. 280 and Miss Harrison Proleg. Gk. Rel?
royalty in general. It would seem, then, that the Titans who
If the rite thus evidenced for Thrace once existed in Crete also,
L. Weniger in the Archiv f. Rel. 1906 ix. 241 ff.). No ancient author connects TtraVes
that Romulus disappeared in a thunderstorm, mentions the "very obscure tale" that
such cases in mind.
passage in the Odyssey describes Minos as a sort of ogre2.
such sacrifices in time of war were not unknown (see the context in Plout. v. Felop. 21).
But in the Berlin fragment of Euripides' Cretans Pasiphae says
be the Cnossian crown-prince masquerading in a solar dance2. He
its rise in a grim reality and then, as civilisation increased, passed through the successive
phagus (?)-relief in the Villa Albani (fig. 506)1 shows portions of
in general and cannibalistic omophagy in particular was a half-
of Men," and, when it has brought forth, they tend it like a woman in child-bed.
In this singular rite the calf dressed in buskins was obviously the
in the Gaz. Arch. 1879 v. 28 f. fig., Reinach Rep. Reliefs hi. 136 no. 3.
proved that we have in the Albani relief merely a genre-scene, it would still remain
Religion' in the Journ. Rom. Stud. 1912 i. 34 ff. for the Roman.
rently based on the ritual of Dionysos 'tip-ddios in the same island (supra p. 656). The verb
case, and that in Tenedos Dionysos was worshipped in the form of
Dionysos or Zagreus done to death in bovine shape, we can hardly
elvai TroXixviov Upaaov, ottov to tov AiKrcdov Aids iepbv. See R. S. Conway in the Ann.
ib. 1904—1905 xi. 304 f., R. M. Burrows The Discoveries in Crete London 1907 p. 151 ff.
4 E. Babelon in the Rev. Num. iii Serie 1885 hi. 16J pi. 8, 8 (Paris), J. N. Svoronos
in the sacred tree2. Not unnaturally, therefore, when in the service
a systematic account with full details, that you may realise how in these profane
royal rewards and gifts, and next stationed her minions called Titans in the
tree-stump (?) with a caduceus in his right hand and a petasos hanging from his shoulders.
after torturing them in various ways. Indeed, to avenge his son, he had
of his son moulded in gypsum, and placed the boy's heart, by means of which
the basket in which the sister had concealed and hidden the heart. With the
apotheosised kings in no small measure upon Cretan tradition1.
pillar covered with records in a script resembling Egyptian hiero-
1 In the Class. Rev. 1903 xvii. 406 and in Folk-Lore 1904 xv. 304 I suggested that
Euhemerism apart, we note three points in Firmicus' account
for every year one might see the Cretans ' performing in order
thou livest, and standest ; for in thee we live and move, and have our being2.'
sed per insaniam crederetur: praefertur cista, in qua cor soror latenter absconderat,
their enemies, and the Athenians retreated from them in defeat; then a certain Daimon
Of the Unknown and Hidden God: wishing, in fact, to say this, that though there is a
11 In Him we live and move and have our being: and, as certain also of your own sages have
son of Zeus, made a panegyric over his father, and in it he said:
For in thee we live and move and have our being.
point and purpose of the Cretan cult. In early days the child that
whom they worshipped. Such a belief, though primitive in its
markets, and seas, and havens are filled with His name; and also in every place, all men
yaarepes dpyai, cited by Paul in Tit. 1. 12, came from the prooimion of Epimenides'
restore the original text in some such form as the following: croi fxev ereKT-qvavro rdcpou,
born as a babe in Crete.
goats in like manner5. And such was the type of Maenad idealised
goes on to describe the birth and rearing of Zeus in Crete.
3 Supra pp. 112 n. 3, 150, 529 n. 4. See further G. Wentzel in Pauly—Wissowa
were the Lenaia in Gamelion (January to February) and the City
corresponding with Gamelion in the calendar of all the other Ionic
mittemus immania {inania codd.) quibus nomen Omophagiis Graecum est, in quibus
1 Overbeck Schriftquellen p. 223 ff. no. 1162, G. Treu in the Melanges Perrot Paris
4 This is the fact which {pace Prof. U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff in Hermes 1886
A. Frickenhaus in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1912 xxvii. 82 f.
theatre was built1. The said contests doubtless took place in the
somewhere in the valley between the Areios Pagos and the Pnyx, near to the spot where
3 O. Ribbeck Anftinge ttnd Entwickelung des Dionysoscidtus in Attika Kiel 1869
k.t.X. , G. Hirschfeld The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Musetim
A-^at r/ Bd/c%at. A-qva is found twice as a woman's name on early funeral stelai in the
Sic. It. no. 2414, 39 on a tessera in the British Museum, no. 2447 on a marble stile
lends led the populace in ancient times, as it has led the learned in
it shall come to the festival and any women dwelling in Mykonos that have
'EttlXtivcuos (W. Judeich in the Altertiimer von Hierapolis {Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch.
p. 564, 4 and et. Gud. p. 368, 12 Xrjvis, o"r)/j.aivei rr\v ^clkxvv' f.r.X., Eustath. in II. p. 629,
At Mykonos, then, in the first century B.C. the full Lenaean festival
were perhaps worn by them as by Pythagoras in the Idaean Cave5.
and Dionysos, figure in the Athenian Lenaia. The old scholiast
2 Inscr. Gr. ins. vii no. 76 (Arkesine in Amorgos, s. iv B.C.) Arj/jLrjrpi Kopyi j Ad
What happened in answer to this evocation, we are not told. But
the child has a cornii copiae in his left hand3. How the cave or
Hermes of Kephisodotos the Hermes of Praxiteles was near akin.
2 Cp. O. Jessen in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 668: 'naher liegt die Annahme, die
She says {Themis p. 418 f.): 'We have a great mound of earth artificially covered in
I see no tortoise or grave-mound or omphalds, nothing in fact but a would-be cavern.
It would seem, in fact, that the Lenaean festival made important
still consists of Maenads3. In one case the pillar is not decked
pillar decked, and his table spread8. In the absence of a definite
pp. 1—40 with figs, in text and 5 pis.
6 M. Mayer in the Ath. Mitth. 1892 xvii. 265—270 and 4461".
wie sie Aristophanes in den Acharnern schildert, konnen nichts mit unseren Vasen zu tun
Within the last few months E. Petersen ' Lenaen oder Anthesterien' in the Rhein. Mus.
long since maintained that in the table, which on the same vases
rhetorical passage in which Clement of Alexandreia3 contrasts the
beyond measure in their Bacchic rite, and along with. their Satyrs, their mad
dressed-up pillar in the old Dionysion ev M^vcus. But the arguments adduced in support
annotating the verb lena'isontas and in his very next sentence
And the whole context in Clement leads us to conclude that this
who took part in this sacrament thereby renewed their own vitality.
the 'Bull-eater' {Taurophdgosy. I submit that in early days the
7 Paus. 8. 54. 5 a sanctuary of Dionysos Mvot^s in the oak-clad district of Korytheis
statement of Hesychios that in Lakonike Dionysos was worshipped
to Ino and Athamas, that they might rear it as a girl. Hera in anger
Apollodoros. And this tale in particular, though not written down
and the site of the new, city. Not improbably kids were killed in the cult of the
4 Apollod. 3. 4. 3, schol. Pind. Isthm. argum. 1 and 3, Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 229. Cp.
6 At Brasiai in the territory of the Eleutherolakones Ino nursed Dionysos in a cave
and embedded in this context of archaic rites, the statement of
Recent research is in fact tending towards the conclusion that he
In the tale told by Apollodoros we detected certain remnants
actually pretended to be seethed like him in a caldron. This may
some trace of the fact in Orphic formularies. Now A. Dieterich9
4 See the careful and critical summary in Gruppe Myth. Lit. 1908 pp. 171 —185.
hexameters, in which the Orphic votary claims a happy entrance
or ErzpJiios and explained as a solemn pass-word, in which the
in milk, but often abstain from the luxury because they fancy that
boiled him in milk with a view to his being born again. The
Feste d. Stadt At hen p. 449 refers the TaXa^ta to Elaphebolion on the ground that in the
cave in the Palatine Hill, and sacrificed goats (Plout. v. Rom. 21, Ov. fast. 2. 445 cp.
2. 2. 9, interp. Serv. in \rerg. Aen. 8. 343, Nikol. Damask, frag. 101, 21 {Frag. hist. Gr.
(Paul, ex Fest. p. 48 Muller, p. 42 Lindsay, Isid. orig. 12. 1. 15 : see S. Bugge in the
wipe off the blood, applying wool steeped in milk. After this wiping the young men are
us how kings used to be inaugurated in Tirconnell, now the county
in itself may be related by pure lips in decent words. There is, then, in the
being immediately killed, and cut in pieces and boiled, a bath is prepared for
Experience of the Roman People London 1911 p. 478 ff., J. A. Hild in Daremberg—Saglio
dealt with the same theme in his Xantriai*, as did Euripides in his
passion would be told of others beside Pentheus, who in this or
Palaimon, once boiled in a caldron by Leukothea and later
3 A. G. Bather 'The Problem of the Bacchae' in the Jotirn. Hell. Stud. 1894 xiv.
14 F. M. Cornford in J. E. Harrison Themis Cambridge 1912 p. 243 ff.
easy to suffering heroes in general—Hippolytos dragged to death
similar, or at least analogous, conclusion. In a lucid and closely-
a theophdneia or ' epiphany in glory.' Following a clue put into
this, I think, he has succeeded in proving.
2 Printed as an excursus in Miss Harrison's Themis Cambridge 1912 pp. 341—363.
4 Prof. Murray writes to me (July 6, 1913): 'I want to put in a word of explanation
called Vegetation Spirits or Year-Daemons. Tragedy, while in official cult specially be-
I should have found myself in complete accordance with his view.
began on Elaphebolion 9 and in the fifth century was over by
1 J. Girard in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. ii. 243, O. Kern in Pauly—Wissowa
4 AiOvpa^os has a suffix found in other words denoting dance and song—tafxfios,
to yevos and tt)s QpaKiKrjs 'Id/m/Hqs, cp. Proklos in R. Westphal Metrici scriptores Graeei
p. 274, 45 ff., schol. Ap. Rhod. 4. 1131, alib.), the last the name of a dance used in his
that in the same region *Aeldvpos denoted ' Zeus the Begetter' (dopos, dopr], dbpvvixai,
of their child Dionysos1. His life-history, in which I would re-
be cured till, both privately and publicly, they made phalloi in his
Finally, I shquld surmise that in dpiafi(3os we have the weakest grade of the same
Further evidence tending to show that the City Dionysia culminated in the union of
anderen Schauspieltage als die der Lenaen, denen mithin samtliche in Athen zur
City Dionysia as his festival took place in the sixth century and were the work of
no. 72 A 11 ff. (in a decree concerning the colony of Brea, not much earlier than 443/2 b.c.)
may be found in a curious but little-noticed fact2. At the Lenaia
Corp. inscr. Att. ii. i no. 321 b, 7 (in a decree of 278/7 B.C., which apparently refers to a
3 See the law of Euegoros cited by Dem. in Mid. 10 ~Evr)yopos elirev orav 77 ivofj.ivrj
ot Kw/xcpdol /cat ot rpaywdoi, k.t.X. Comedies precede tragedies also in the official lists of
spoken of in order of performance, rather than in order of relative importance.' But since
inscribed records, in which e.g. the name of Magnes precedes the name of Aischylos on
dies were performed after the tragedies.' But, noting that this passage stands near the
and therefore able to fly off home, get his bit of dinner, and be back in time for the next
of the Anthesteria as ' the older Dionysia1,' presumably in com-
terion 123, the one day in the year on which 'the oldest and holiest
for forming a reasonable guess. Beside the altar in the sanctuary
ventured to touch ' the holy things9.' In view of the ascertained
performance of a phallic rite11. This conjecture is in general agree-
4 Dem. c. Neaer. 76. The temple in question was probably identical with the small
polis accords well with the account given by Thouk. 2. 15 of the temple in the Marshes.
8 The evidence is collected by P. Stengel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vii. 1232 f.
hair looped up with fillet, leans forward to r., holding in her 1. a rectangular box; with
with man; and I perform in Dionysos' honour the Theognia and the Iobakcheia
in Anthesterion, since at Astypalaia this month was called Iobak-
with the Lenaia6. In any case we are left with the curious problem
by A. Mommsen Heortologie Leipzig 1864 p. 359 n. 2 and by E. Petersen in the Rhein.
4 S. Wide in die Ath. Mitth. 1894 xix. 248 ff., especially p. 280.
It is possible that this torch-light procession stood in some relation to the marriage of
in question the date usually assigned to the marriage, and has even {ib. n. r) been
right in my contention that Dionysos as yet was not. Let us
panspermia boiled in a pot (ckytros), which gave its name to the
as held on that concluding day7. The contests in question were
KupydoL are ' those who sing in the /cw^os' (L. Meyer Handb. d. gr. Etyni. ii. 345,
compete in the theatre on the day of the Chytroi and that the
brilliant shows of the City Dionysia, but restored in the fourth
' The story goes that he rebuked the Athenians for the way in which they
of Dionysos and so furnished the original core of tragedy. In
that Dikaiopolis, who in Aristophanes' Acharnians conducts a
his play in 425 B.C. comedy had already invaded not only the
this festival2. Secondly, I would point out that in Aristophanes'
It may even be that in Xanthias attacked by the Acharnians, the
1 The 'AcrKcoXiaa/xos, in which the competitors balanced themselves on an inflated
5 Dr L. R. Farnell in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1909 xxix p. xlvii and in his Cults of Gk.
Dionysos) presupposes ' an old Thrako-Greek mummers' play in which a divine figure
may be conveniently set forth in tabular form. It appears that
mysteries of Dionysos3, who in many places had trieteric rites4.
covered figure in the phallophoria [Athen. 622 d] appears to have been comic, and this
Dionysien' see O. Kern in Pauly-Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 1021 f.
4 Gruppe Gr. Myth. Rel. p. 956, W. Quandt De Baccho ab Alexandri aetate in Asia
land-cultivation which is frequent, in early society owing to the backwardness of the
5 I cannot share the odd view advanced by A. Fick Hatliden und Danubier in
the passion of the god1. Presumably, then, in Attike, where
Once in every period of eight years the intercalary month was
trieteric rites) in successive months. The date of the City Dionysia
Dr Frazer in his Golden Bough*: The Dying God pp. 58—92 and by me in the Class.
6 Gruppe Gr. Myth. Rel. p. 54 n. 11 ff., p. 1167 f., p. 1435 n. 2, E. Pottier in
he was recognised at least as an adventitious deity in the mystic
and finally that at the Haloia in Poseideon Zeus himself gave birth
festivals in Italy4. But it will be more in point to observe that
Apolline!), in a consistent Dionysiac Jahreskreis. It is a pity that a scholar who has
4 We must not here be drawn into a discussion of the Roman calendar. But in
and in many parts of Italy, including Rome, Liber was served with phallic rites pro
The Saturnalia too stood in obvious relation to semina. In view of the fact that our
It is usually supposed that the gap was filled up by Hermolaus Barbarus in the fifteenth
the suggested origin of tragedy in the Lenaean rite1 is borne out
R. M. Dawkins3, J. C. Lawson4, and A. J. B. Wace5, mostly occur in
year, the same idea is present in all. In every instance there is a death and
somewhat as follows. The old woman first appears nursing her baby in her
paralleled by the satyric drama that followed a trilogy. Also, in view of the
3 R. M. Dawkins 'The modern Carnival in Thrace and the Cult of Dionysus' in the
5 A. J. B. Wace ' North Greek Festivals and the Worship of Dionysos' in the Ann.
elements that we detected in the Zagreus-cult of the Cretans1,
from place to place. In Crete, where this religion appears as a
a child actually dismembered and eaten'. In Crete the human
The Athenians of the fourth century, sitting on cushions in their
dyvd (Orph. h. Sem. 44. 9). In Hesych. Se^AT?* Tpdirefa. irapd dk Qpvvlxv eopT-q
in the British Museum (c. 440—400 B.C.) gives the name Silenos
with volutes in the Jatta collection has again a figure with equine
p. 4 ff. pi. 55, Kretschmer op. cit. p. 132, C Frankel op. cit. pp. 72, 98 f., A. Legrand in
i. 122, E. Braun in the Ann. d. Inst. 1844 xvi. 200 ff., Mon. d. Inst, iv pi. 10, Kretschmer
p. 3 ff. with pi., L. Deubner in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 21171". fig. 8, F. Hauser in
' Zur Herkunft des Wortes Silen' in the Sertum Philologicum Carolo Ferdinando
Hengste,' and *<rl\dvos. He finds a nearly related word in icfjkwv, 'a stallion' (used of
T<7L\nroijpd(.(riiia. But P. Kretschmer in Glotta 1910 ii. 398, ib. 1913 iv. 351 ff. prefers to
even the noneolae of a goat. It is wearing both a head-band and an ivy-wreath. In
gr. dipint. Bologna p. 216 no. 491, E. Brizio in the Bull. d. Inst. 1872 p. 112 no. 86,
• (5) Fragment of a red-figured skyphos of c. 450 B.C. now in the possession of
(6) Red-figured askSs of c. 450 B.C. in the British Museum {Brit. Mus. Cat. leases
(7) Red-figured jug of c. 450 B.C. now in the possession of Commendatore Galeozzo
(8) Red-figured krater of c. 440 B.C. in the Albertinum at Dresden (P. Herrmann in
(9) Red-figured skyphos of c. 440 B.C. in the Albertinum at Dresden (P. Hartwig
(10) Red-figured skyphos of c. 450 B.C. from Vico Equense in the Bourguignon
(11) Red-figured krater of c. 450 B.C. from Falerii, now at Berlin (L. Bloch in
(12) Red-figured krater of c. 450 B.C. from Altemura in the British Museum
Now these situations recall certain scenes in the carnival-plays
Scene in: she hands over her child to Hermes, who acts as its
which is attached an erect phallos and a goat's tail, and shoes (?) in the form of goat's
(Mon. d. Inst, iv pi. 34, E. Braun in the Ann. d. Inst. 1846 xviii. 2388"., Lenormant—
(14) Red-figured krater found at Chiusi in 1854 [Arch. Zeit. 1855 xiii. Anz. p. 6*)
(15) Black-figured kyHx from Tanagra, not earlier than c. 450 B.C., now in the
in the goatish figures of the vases we should recognise the Satyrs
in the British Museum (pi. xxxviii)1, which shows a goat-chorus
2 Pratinas of Phlious, who irpwros eypa^e Sarupous (Souid. s.v. Uparbas), in a
chips in the rim. The shape is early, the body being broad and heavy, the base taper-
stool-like platform on which stands a silen in the attitude known as the oklasma. He
ably, a choregos A. B. O] dressed in a long, sleeved chiton and himation above. He is
The vase, now in the Hope Collection and hitherto unpublished, would date from
drame satyrique ?'), M. Bieber in the Ath. Mitth. 1911 xxxvi. 269 ff. pis. 13, if.,
representing preparations for a Satyr-play1. In this group the
4 Heydemann Vasensamml. Neapel p. 546 ff. no. 3240, J. de Witte in the Ann. d.
deep black and rather metallic in appearance. The shape shows the middle development
loin-cloths, into which are fixed large phalloi. The actor on the right being in profile,
attitude. The other two stand in easy attitudes, holding their masks in their hand. On
In style it is considerably under Attic influence and is descended directly from the class
in the Hope Collection.
in most cases wearing a shaggy skin, presumably a goat-skin, round
6 UpofXTjOevs " 77x270s yeveiov apa irevdrjaeis <rv ye;" Eustath. in II. p. 415, 6 ff . /cat to
first might be explained as a case of abbreviated comparison (see P. Shorey in Class.
3 G. Korte in E. Bethe Prolegomena zur Geschichte des Theaters im Alterthum
6 E. Reisch ' Zur Vorgeschichte der attischen Tragodie' in the Festschrift Theodor
no. 690, p. 495 ff. no. 3218, cp. H. Schrader in the Ath. Mitth. 1896 xxi. 275 ff.).
in south Europe. On August 12, 1908, Monsieur P. Bourrinet
as goats—chamois, to judge from their horns,—and engaged in
in the skins of goats (figs. 513, 515, 516)4. I pointed out then
de commandement' etc. in the Revue de VEcole d' Anthropologic de Paris 1909 xix. 62—79
3 For parallels see in priniis E. Cartailhac et l'abbe H. Breuil La Caverne cfAlta-
Fig. 513 is a lenticular seal .of serpentine from Crete in the Pauvert de la Chapelle
I suggested that the ritual thus found in the cult of Dionysos
or the like3. Further, if in a certain district the said power was
Fig. 516 is a lenticular seal of green porphyry from Crete now in the British Museum
combined with the forepart of a goat and the forepart of a bull; two pellets in the field.
2 Fig. 514 is a lenticular seal of green porphyry in the Story Maskelyne collection
mostly found in central Greece (the Theban Kabeirion, Tanagra, Ilalai, etc.), which
have in point of fact found the Satyrs or goatish dancers of the
round a trdgos*. These facts suggest that the tragic chorus in
primitive goat-dances that had subsisted in south Europe from
Museum at Athens (F. Hiller von Gaertringen and H. Lattermann in the Abh. d. berl.
A fragmentary kylix of red-figured technique, painted in the
god Azizos (O. Jessen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 1531, Sir W. M. Ramsay The Cities
conceived as morning- and evening-star (F. Cumont in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc. ii.
5 First published in the Jahi-b. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1891 vi. 43 pi. 1 by
denoting a sacred grove. Foremost in the procession marches
publish the principal group in its reconstituted form and so to anticipate the final
iv. 218 pi. 2, B. Graef in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1891 vi. 46 f. with fig.,
a folding-stool beside a pillar, with a spray of ivy in her left hand, a stephdne on her
importance of this vase as a link in my argument.
restoration of the missing parts in accordance with what I hold
1 F. Matz in the Ann. d. Inst. 1870 xlii. 97—106, Mon. d. Inst, ix pi. 16 (careless),
4 So e.g. on two reliefs in the Louvre ((1) Clarac Mus. de Sculpt, pi. 200 fig. 26,
into Attike. He stands, a comely youth dressed in chiton,
bunch in the other. The old Attic hero is attended by his hound
draped in a Doric peplos, who pulls forward an ample veil with
1 F. Matz loc. <:it., followed in the main by J. R. Wheeler toe. cit., held that the
came from a thymele erected in the orchestra of the theatre, for the performance of such
in spite of Svoronos' long and learned advocacy, is still highly problematic.
exceptional beauty, to be set up again in some rich man's house.
sceptre in her right hand, while the latter with crossed legs held
see Dionysos finally installed in his own theatre. He sits in an
Theseus, the embodiment of the Athenian people assembled in
are reminiscent of half-forgotten sanctities. In short, the whole
statement of Gellius7 that in his temple between the Arx and
Dionysos Anthroporrhaistes, to whom a calf dressed in buskins
7 Gell. 5. 12. 11 f. simulacrum igitur dei Vediovis, quod est in qua supra
goddess, concealed the maiden in the temple and sacrificed a she-goat dressed in her
numismatists in general. It is called in question by H. Jordan in the Commentationes
176, Overbeck Gr. Kunstmyth. Zeus p. 200, A. Kliigmann loc. cit., H. Montagu in the
38, 8. The reverse has Minerva in a galloping quadriga.
however, put much faith in the accuracy of the die-sinker; for he
Indeed few facts in the religious history
a tree and is adorned with festoons and an eagle in relief. A coin
men, now in my collection, of the Laconian tetradrachm with
Munztaf. 1, 14—16, K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Real-
2 To the examples collected by L. Stephani in the Compte-renolu St. Pet. 1863
Cohen Monn. emp. rom!1 v. 381 no. 380. Other coins of Gallienus in base silver show
of these designs, a fond hope that the prince in question would
infant (who?) is seen between the forelegs of the same goat: in front, an eagle; above,
nos. 26—28, 29 fig., 30—32. I figure a specimen in my collection.
iv. 138 ('in via Appia, non procul ab Hippodromo castrensi') bonae»spei | avg«vot |
5 Cp. also a coin of Gallienus in base silver, which shows the infant seated on a goat
dargestellt in den Kunstdenkmalern des Alterthums Berlin 1808 pis. 7, 8, 9, 10 and the
child's head wreathed in vine-leaves and grapes (fig. 532) are
bust of him carried in procession at the ludi Circenses, and his
a droite voile et couronne de roseaux. (Annius Verus?).' I figure a specimen in my
4 Ant. Skulpt. Berlin p. 61 no. 134 fig., E. Gerhard in the Arch. Zeit. 1851 ix.
6 The bull-connexion had in fact never been wholly dropped (F. T. Welcker in the
ii. i no. 468, 11 f. 94/93 B.C.). At the Dionysia in the Peiraieus too in 334/3 B.C. oxen
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (g): The sun and the bull / XXII: Animals sacrificed to Zeus
which, at least in classical times, partly determined the choice4.
reason why both ram and bull were associated with sky-gods in
22. 334 ff., Hes. theog. 535 ff-, Dem. in Mid. 53, Cougny Anth. Pal. Append. 6. 214.
(Meineke cj. Qrjfia'iKois)), as L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. Pe~t. 1869 p. 116
essential feature of the personification in the RV. is in fact his paternity. In a few
with the following translation of, and commentary on, the passages in question :—■
From the speckled cow and from the bull l'ich in seed
Do thou the bull, with bulls in thy chariot, O fair-lipped one,
in chariots with strong wheels, O ye Maruts,
it has or has not the further specific idea of "bull." It is applied to gods, in this
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 6: Zeus in relation to the Sun / (h): The sun as a bronze man
i. Talos in Crete.
to put in there, Talos observed them and flung stones at them9.
I cannot find any other passages in which Dyaus is likened to a bull. I should have
2 Spenser in The Faery Queen naturally makes Sir Artegall's Talus an ' iron man'
6 Schol. Od. 20. 302, Eustath. in Od. p. 1893, 9, Ap. Rhod. 4. 1641.
8 Apollod. 1. 9. 26, Zenob. 5. 85. Plat. Minos 320 C, in a rationalising passage,
Talos in Crete
Silver coins of Phaistos, struck in the fourth century B.C.,
(fig. 536)5 is noticeable: the stones in either case may represent
pi. 23, 40. The legend at the feet of Talos in the specimen figured is T A A fl(N).
p. 64 pi. 16, 6, Hunter Cat. Coins ii. [94. Fig. 535 is from a specimen in my collection.
the stars. The hound he caused to guard the holy place (to lepov) in Crete. Pandareos,
by W. H. Roscher in his Lex. Myth. iii. 15026°. See also P. Perdrizet in the Bull.
Talos in Sardinia
A magnificent krater with volute-handles, found in the nekro-
shrinking back in alarm from the central scene, springs up the
falls backwards in a swoon. The nymph Krete flees in terror
to his breast, and slew them gaping8. Both versions agree in
1 See W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 2751 n., and cp. supra pp. 493 ff., 524.
Talos in Sardinia
the Phoenicians in general and the Carthaginians in particular
bronze furnace. In the embrace of this statue the child perished
Minotaur8 suggests that in process of time he had become bull-
in Od. p. 1893, 15 ff., Zenob. 5. 85, schol. Plat. rep. 337 A, cp. Tzetz. ad Hes. o.d. 59
5 M. Mayer in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1504^
Excavations now in progress beneath the ancient church of
bull worship, as there is a ponderous statue in basalt of a male
It is tempting to explain certain traits in the myth of Talos
recalls the cire peirdue method of hollow-casting in bronze, a pro-
op. fit. p. 78 f. ' Doctissimi Pauli Fagij verba de Moloch, in Chaldseam paraphrasin
saltabant interim quo pueri (leg. puer) in idolo succenso igne cremabatur, percutientes
urbem Hierosolymorum, quemadmodum idola alia, sed extra urbem. Imago fuit in
for casting, just as they were the transition period between the ages of
und R'dmem Leipzig 1887 iv. 2856°., 325 ft"., id. in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 607 ff.,
satisfied him in every detail. The whole was next covered with
left in the exterior. Bronze rods half an inch square in section
with minute accuracy. In this technical process the hollow from
various advances in the mechanical arts. It was he who invented
Uaremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 1019 n. 17, Forrer Reallex. p. 115, H. B. Walters in the
Graeco-Phoenician stdmnos from Tamassos {c. s. ix B.C.) in the British Museum {Brit.
3 Diod. 4. 76, Ov. met. 8. 247 ff., Hyg. fab. 274, Serv. in Verg. georg. 1. 143, Serv.
It is mentioned first in //. 18. 600 f.
consisting in a rotatory disk was naturally attributed to one who,
the Athenian Talos stood in some relation to the snake. For
2 Interp. Serv. in Verg. Aen. 6. 14 ah illo et usum serrae de osse interiore piscis et
Babylonian art likewise shows the sun-god with saw in hand (I. Low in Or. Lit. 1912
1. 492 f., Ov. met. 8. 250 f., Serv. in Verg. georg. 1. 143) is more precise. Hyg. fab. 39
folk-etymology of some sort. Now in northern India a snake is,
Talos was in any sense a snake, he might be euphemistically
to the ground, the youth was in mid air changed by Athena
Greeks as early as the fifth century B.C.; for it occurs in a play
a partridge was probably popular in Periclean Athens. For a
p. 21 into KdAw aocpias irepi a-ywvL^bjj.evov and by O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii.
;i So Hyg. fab. 39, 244, 274, Serv. in Verg. georg. 1. 143, Serv. in Verg. Aen. 6. 14,
Talos is Perdix in Apollod. 3. 15. 9 (R. Wagner, after Heyne, brackets the name as a
avaipeOfrra Hepdiica dvai rouvofia. In the Sophoclean verse S. Mekler cj. KXeivoiai
8 See O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 1950, W. Judeich Topographie von Athen
!l L. Mercklin ' Die Talos-Sage und das sardonische Lachen' in the Memoires de
discouraged by this accident, Athena appeared to him in a dream
in a dream and prescribed the herb perdicium, the ' partridge-
bird-metamorphoses in general I have elsewhere said my say4.
(Plin. nat. hist. 34. 81) : on existing copies see M. Mayer in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch.
Daidalos burying his son Ikaros. In 237 garrula ramosa prospexit ab ilice perdix (so the
5 Aristot. in the passages cited by H. Bonitz Index Arislotelicus Berolini 1870
Selene : see W. H. Roscher Uber Selene und Vertvandtes Leipzig 1890 p. 97 ff. and in
Latin mvthographers-. Perdix, the inventor of the saw, fell in
nificance in the fact that her lover bore the name of a bird,
Talos the 'Sun'!) was in Crete identified with Zeus. A
3 Fulgent, myth. 3. 2 Fenestella in Archaicis and Myth. Vat. 2. 130 Fenestella
in Crete1.' And that this gloss is trustworthy appears from
Olous was set up3, as was also a decree in honour of a certain
a sceptre in his left (fig. S37Y- Perhaps the same deity was
Inschr. iii. 2. 239 ff. no. 4952 A 14 ff. The inscription was found in 1854 011 a
second half of the second century B.C., was found at Delos (T. Homolle in the Bull.
As in Crete, so in Lakonia, Talos the sun-god came to be
§ 7. Zeus in relation to the Moon.
sky stood in any special relation to the second of the celestial
7 F. Dummler in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 2616 ff.
Aquileia in 1830 Au 0ctX^ | Tt TouXios | Mafxeprcvos | dveOrjKep). For the interchange
dialectes doj-iens Paris 1891 p. 92, who adds av\Tiv for avdis in Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial.-
conception survived in the Phrygian moon-god Mrjv (on whom see W. Drexler's
As in Crete, so in Lakonia, Talos the sun-god came to be
§ 7. Zeus in relation to the Moon.
sky stood in any special relation to the second of the celestial
7 F. Dummler in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 2616 ff.
Aquileia in 1830 Au 0ctX^ | Tt TouXios | Mafxeprcvos | dveOrjKep). For the interchange
dialectes doj-iens Paris 1891 p. 92, who adds av\Tiv for avdis in Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial.-
conception survived in the Phrygian moon-god Mrjv (on whom see W. Drexler's
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 7: Zeus in relation to the moon
sceptre in his left hand, an eight-rayed star, possibly meant for
grave in Crete ; his epithets Yiavbirr-qs, 'Aarepios, Xpv&awp, "EittS^los, \vKaios ; his con-
When Zeus appears in conjunction with the god Men, as in
With her once Kronos' son in love lay locked,
Coins iii. 99 f. pi. 69, 18 f., Head Hist, num.2 p. 770. Fig. 538 is from a specimen in
symp. 3. to. 3, quaestt. not. 24, de fac. in orb. lun. 25, cp. Macrob. Sat. 7. 16. 31,
9 W. H. Roscher Tiber Selene und Verzvandtes Leipzig 1890 p. 100 and in his Lex.
love-tales told about him and already in part discussed by us.
2 E. Cahen loc. cit. Another extension of Ata is to be seen in Atdcria : the simple
offering was made At Noo-c'y, i.e. Norty, cp. Zeus 'TeVios (A. Rehm in Milet iii. 162 ff.,
Selene und Verwandtes Leipzig 1890 pp. 8 f., 100 f. and in his Lex. Myth. ii. 3172 f.
In the Homeric Nekyia™ Odysseus interviews the shades of
Asopos' daughter, who in truth did boast
In Euripides' Antiope Amphion says to his mother:
3 W. H. Roscher Uber Selene und Verwandtes Leipzig 1890 pp. 132, 138 f. and in
12 Od. 11. 260 ft. The passage is paraphrased and expanded in Ap. Rhod. 1. 735—741.
The story was localised in Boiotia2 and took on a Dionysiac
in II. p. 265, 5, Herodian. i. 300 Lentz, Steph. Byz. s.v. 'TpLa). Her father Nykteus
Dion. 7. 123, 16- 242 f., Myth. Vat. i. 204, Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 9. 423, schol. Ap.
two only have been rightly so interpreted, viz. an Etruscan mirror of late style in the
suggests rather that he courted Antiope in the shape of an ordi-
in the oracles of Bakis :
The tomb of Phokos comes in as something of a surprise. We
son of Ornytion, son of Sisyphos, fell in with her, healed and married her.
the right. Finally it may be noted that a painting by Correggio in the Louvre (no. 1118)
3 Paus. 9. 17. 6. At a place in Daulis called Tronis there was a shrine of the hero
At Sikyon the story of Antiope was told in a different way3.
Thereupon the Thebans sallied out to fight him. In the fight
3 Paus. 2. 6. 1 ff. Variants in Apollod. 3. 5. 5, schol. Ap. Rhod. 4. 1090, Hyg. fab.
7 J. Escher-Biirkli in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 245.
The god-like, having met in wedlock's bond
in the sign of Taurus1. Her partner at Sikyon was Epopeus,
4 Eumel. frag. 2 Kinkel ap. schol. Pind. 01. 13. 74, Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 174, schol.
9 W. H. Roscher Uber Selene und Verwandtes Leipzig 1890 p. 146 ff. and in his
Schrifi uber Selene und Verwaitdtes Leipzig 1895 p. 21, id. in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii.
12 Supra p. 65. S. Eitrem 'Die gottlichen Zwillinge bei den Griechen' in the
may have stood in some relation to stars. And, if so, we obtain
by half a dozen different names in Greece, is by no means sur-'
Nor was there, except perhaps with Antiope and Europe in
It occurs in Crete and in the eastern half of central Greece, but
There is in them a decided tendency towards representing Zeus
Zeus was the bull that had connexion with Pasiphae in her
§ 8. Zeus in relation to the Stars.
brightness did not often find definite expression in cult, literature,
but in the Hellenistic age would doubtless be understood as ' god
3 If I am right in my surmise stipra p. 539 ff.
6 Supra p. 545 ff. K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Rcal-Enc. ii. 1786 argues from
Zeus was the bull that had connexion with Pasiphae in her
§ 8. Zeus in relation to the Stars.
brightness did not often find definite expression in cult, literature,
but in the Hellenistic age would doubtless be understood as ' god
3 If I am right in my surmise stipra p. 539 ff.
6 Supra p. 545 ff. K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Rcal-Enc. ii. 1786 argues from
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 8: Zeus in relation to the stars
as their reverse Zeus standing with corn-ears in his
Finally, stars played an important part in the cult of Zeus Oro-
1 Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Cyprus p. lxxxi. I figure a specimen in my collection.
Moulton in his Early Religious Poetry of Persia Cambridge 1911 p. 7311. writes:
spiritual sense, Zarathushtra proclaimed his own conceptions in their stead. One
p. 57 f. : 'The elements of the combination Ahura Mazdah in the Gathas are declined as
preserves in a Grecised form the cult-title Mazdah.
Tauros in the region of the upper Euphrates. Here in 1881 the
Antiochos i of Kommagene (69—38 B.C. or later), who in his
Imhoof-Blumer Gr. Miinzen p. 226 no. 746 pi. 13, 6, cp. no. 747 (Ankyra in Galatia) ;
Silberfund'Berlin 1901 pi. 5, Reinach Rip. Reliefs i. 159, 2, W. Drexler in Roscher Lex.
3 K. Humann and O. Puchstein Reisen in Kleinasien tmd Nordsyrien Berlin 189a
Yorke in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1898 xviii. 312 f. no. 14, 1 ff. Samosata ( = Dittenberger
QcXeWrjua, and the slight variant in Humann—Puchstein op. cit. p. 311 i ff. ( = Ditten-
Since a dedication 6e£ Aucaty Midpa has come to light at Kilissi Hissar, i.e. Tyana in
king's chamber have been made in modern times and have failed'2.
the end that here the body of my outward form, having lived till old age in
immortal mind which has many a time been seen to manifest itself in my support
guardians with a set of snow-men4. The central statue, somewhat
Zoroastrianism London 1913 p. 107 f. detects in these last clauses a clear reference to the
or barsom1, in his left hand and a high tiara on his head : this
wreath on her head, a horn of plenty in
tamarisk, the gathering of which Ormuzd describes to Zarathustra in the nineteenth
note to no. 48.) It was the constant accompaniment of almost every ritual act, and in his
ing that this was at one time the case—The bundle of rods seems to be shown in the
held by the deity in the Sassanian rock sculpture, fig. 42, has some resemblance to a
3 Kommagene is the one figure whose head, though not quite in the original position,
a beardless effigy of Antiochos, in pose and costume closely re-
long bases or walls, north and south of the terrace, in which stelai
by Mithras and by Hermes (F. Cumont in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 3055, Dittenberger
observed by P. de Lagarde in the Nachr. d. kon. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. Gottingen Phil.-hist.
represented as Herakles in Mithraic art (F. Cumont Textes et monuments figure's relatifs
as festivals in honour of his divine guardians ; that the corresponding days, viz. the 16th
by Artagnes Herakles Ares, the horoscope of Antiochos in the
claws. He holds a sceptre in his left hand. His tiara has a pearled
figures relatifs aux mysteres de Mithra Bruxelles 1896 ii. 187 f. fig. 11 and in Roscher
a Turk in 1884 and brought by him to F. von Luschan is now at
stars set in a kind of network or trellis. Clearly the king wished
Mercury, and Iupiter in the sign of the Lion. Now apart from
or that the king's horoscope was cast in accordance with his choice
mann, which pointed to July 17, 98 B.C., as the day most in accord-
i'75m in height, 2 '40™ in breadth, o"47m in thickness. It is inscribed: llvpoeis' HpaK\[eovs],
6 U. Wilcken in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 2487 f.
In any case it is obvious that astrology played no small part in
with the stars in ancient literature and art.
Joins in the dance4.
or no support in actual cult.
With regard to the inner ceiling in the temple of Zeus at Olympia W. Dbrpfeld in
type are found. Thus a magnificent copper coin of Nikaia in
more ambitious is a copper coin of Perinthos in Thrace, struck by
single star, painted probably in gold against a blue ground, and hence called ovpavos, or
■'' Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Thrace etc. p. 157 fig. ( = my fig. 552), J. N. Svoronos in the
Eckhel1, had Zeus with Nike in his hand enthroned amid the signs
Antoninus Pius in 145 A.D.4, play further
senting the days of the week—and gives as the central figure Sarapis
in Dionys./<?r. 322), eXovra UcMpXayoviav, /cat e/c rod Ti/xav top Ata Tiov irpocrayopevcrcu.
appears to have travelled westwards; for at Adzilare near Philippopolis a certain
4 See G. Dattari in the Rivista Italiana di Numismatica 1901 xiv. 157—183.
754 Zeus in Astronomy and Astrology
(c) Zeus in Astronomy and Astrology.
in Greece long before the age of Alexander the Great—astro-
In the course of the third and following centuries B.C. the
and was, more often than not, said to have been placed in the
in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. iii. 1952. Supra p. 516 fig. 389.
4 E. Riess in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. i8iof.
Zeus in Astronomy and Astrology 755
and Practice in Babylonia and Assyria New York and London 1911 p. 217 ff., id. Die
756 Zeus in Astronomy and Astrology
disk shone so steadily and was visible for so long in the sky3. The
5 Id. ib. p. 117 f., id. Aspects of Religious Belief and Practice in Babylonia and
k.t.X., Eustath. in Dionys. per. 1005 BtjXos 8e r)v &acri\evs BafivXQvos, vibs Aids, d<p' ov /cat
See further K. Tumpel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iii. 259 ff.
Zeus in Astronomy and Astrology 757
Thee, Iupiter, in my star-sounding song,
Is wont to wheel again in order due
So the hard Earth soft-wrapped in circling Air
Who in thy love dost clasp the stars together,
758 Zeus in Astronomy and Astrology
were regarded as matters of moment by a public that believed in
no further. They belong to the history of sidereal divination in
5 E. Riess in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 1802 ff.
passim. A great mass of fresh material is listed and in part published in the Catalogus
deutsch. Lit. xxxi) Leipzig and Berlin 1913. On recent astrological research in general
Zeus in Astronomy and Astrology 759
character in physical terms : he emphasises the essentially temperate nature of
inherited these attributes from Marduk. In the fourth tablet of the Chaldean
such a deity6. In the winds "that fertilise" we have the isolated relic of a once
5 The astrological Jupiter is ykvuewv vddroov x°PVybs (Anon., In Tetrab., p. 70) and
According to Proclus (in Anal. Sacr., v, 2, p. 176 Pitra), Boreas produced males, Notus
in the Iliad, which tells how Zeus sent Athena like a meteorite
This may be no more than a simile. But in the Hymn to the
in Cancer.
3 Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 88 <ev> aXAots 8e tl<tlv edpov icrTopiKois on 6 Zeds aarpip (aartpi
In the battle of Salamis (480 B.C.) the ^Eginetans distinguished
temple three golden stars on a bronze mast2. H. Pomtow in his
know that they were specially worshipped in Aigina. But an
statues, which in time became covered with a patina of exquisite
towards the elucidation of divine twins in general and the Dioskouroi in particular (The
6 T. Homolle in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1894 xviii. 186, ib. 1897 xxi. 284—288, ib.
in all probability attached to the heads of the twin-deities3. Cicero
A. Trendelenburg Die Anfangsstrecke der heiligen Strasse in Delphi Berlin 1908,
3 H. Pomtow in the Ath. Mitth. 1906 xxxi. 563. A bronze statuette of one of the
no. 591, in f. = Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial.-Inschr. ii. 652 ff. no. 2502, 111 f. to[0
5 My friend Dr W. H. D. Rouse in his Greek Votive Offerings Cambridge 1902
ii. The Dioskouroi as Stars in Hellenic Literature.
the voyager. In the Helene (412 B.C.) Teukros says of them :
bei Griechen itnd Romern und ihr Fortleben in christlichen Legenden Tubingen 1907
4 On the contention of S. Reinach in the Rev. Arch. 1901 ii. 35—$o = id. Cultes,
5 E. Bethe in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 1109.
Ye who dwell in the halls of the Heavenly Home,
Similarly in Euripides' Elektra (413 B.C.) the women of Argos
In the glittering heavens mid stars who stand,
In the Orestes (408 B.C.) Helene shares their prerogative :
by a couple of stars, though common enough in Hellenistic times
Arolsen 1862 nos. 173, 174) is drawn from casts in the Cambridge collection. The
5 The type dates from the third century B.C. (A. Furtwangler in Roscher Lex.
Lacedaemonians by appearing suddenly in the guise of the Dioskouroi, mounted on white
whose credit was none of the best3. But in any case the concep-
where dominant in Greek religion, could have led to no other
between them. Each is clad in Phrygian cap, short chiton, and
2 L. Bloch in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 2530 f., E. Bethe in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
4 The older notion lingers in Kallim. lavacr. Pall. 24 f. ota irap' Evpwra rol AaKeSai-
tG)v de&v oiKeiov eivai rod avaOrj^aros to kolvov rat ddiaiperov, cp. Eustath. in II. p. 1125,
retained and perhaps accepted in lieu of the missing arms.
forms of the gateway which in the wall-paintings of Pompeii turns a tree into a temple
etc. (E. A. Gardner in the fourn. Hell. Stud. 1888 ix. 210—215, G. F. Hill in the Brit.
toran or portal of many an Indian tope (J. Fergusson History of Indian and Eastern
these types is a theme deserving of serious investigation, but not one to be undertaken in
in honour of chaste wives, filial children, and others. The former is simple in style,
but still retains the side-posts of the ddkana in the form of cippi
in Hellenistic Literature.
1 A lotus-bud is the central ornament of the doicava as figured on a Spartan relief in
6 Hyg.poet. astr. 2. 22, cp. 5. 693 ff., Serv. in Verg. Aen. 6. \2\.
and seeks support for his view in the fact that Assyrian mythology
greater antiquity than the zodiac : ' we are at an earlier date in
pairs of twins found in other Indo-Europaean mythologies, argued
definite pair of stars, but any stars that shone out through a rift in
vi. The Dioskouroi identified with Saint Elmo's Fire in
8 E. Bethe in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 1096.
F. T. Bullen's article on 'St Elmo's Fires' in Marvels of the Universe, published by
' In a big storm stars as it were are wont to appear sitting on the sail. Men
like Diodoros4, seems to have spoken of the Kabeiroi in this con-
change seems to have come over classical beliefs in this respect.
1913) that one night in stormy weather he saw St Elmo's fires glimmering on the topmost
Martin ' La foudre et le feu Saint-Elme' in the Revue archtologique 1866 N.S. xiii. 168 ff.
and Castor as favourable signs, but describe the star of Helena in
makes a hole in the mast, that it bores through the ship's bottom,
in his Oneirokritika he observes :
6 Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 7. 792. The distinction is made by Statius himself
and of Etruscan art {supra p. 763). R. Basset in Melusinc 1884—85 ii. 189 writes :
on appelait cet objet Es sari (le voyageur de nuit), dans la mer de Chine Ed douli.' In
involved in any of these alarms they speedily deliver. For the gods are
discharge fire-arms, pull the tails of pigs, in short do anything and
2 Porphyr. in Hor. od. 1. 3. 2 : see, however, F. Hauthal ad loc.
7 N. G. Polites in Melusine 1884—85 ii. 117. For ancient apotropaeics see Solin. 1.
9 These are collected in Melusine 1884—85 ii. 112 f. (cp. id. 112 ff., 138 ff., 189, 255 f.,
explained in more ways than one. Apart from the inevitable
succeeded in citing the intermediate forms Santeramo, Santeremo,
when we have succeeded in connecting their stars with the fire of
1 Frazer Pausanias iii. 13 f. 'In the middle ages and in modern times such lights have
5 So first in the Acta Sanctorum ed. Bolland. Iunius i. 218 f. (1695). See also D. H.
7 J. Rendel Harris in the Transactions op the Third International Congress for the
9 K. Jaisle op. cit. p. 59 f. In Old French the fires were ascribed to Sainte Claire.
Chapter I: Zeus as god of the bright sky / § 9: General conclusions with regard to Zeus as god of the bright sky
Having advanced thus far in our main enquiry we must pause
ceived in zoTstic fashion as the bright sky itself—a conception that
attempt to express heaven in terms of earth. The divine sky, as
As god of the bright or burning sky, Zeus dwelt in aither,
as in a peculiar sense the abode of Zeus8. His mountain-cults can
decessors10. Mythology associated Zeus with the mountain in a
with his partner, the mountain-goddess1. There, in one famous
Apart from the luminous dome of heaven, there are in normal
stand in relations of peculiar intimacy towards these special exhi-
the rapprochement, which from a very early period in the history of
an important role in their astronomy and astrology17. They also
In short, Zeus was brought into close connexion with any and
1907 p. 20. In abnormal circumstances (storms etc.) lightning is another manifestation
worshipped in the Oasis with rites similar to those of Zeus Ndios
the same remote original might be seen scattered up and down in
in turn was essentially a Grecised (and subsequently Egyptised)
Hierapolitan gods were near relatives ; and kindred deities flanked
certain analogy subsisting between the ram and the bull in Levan-
they were associated in primis with the fertilising sky-god6; and I
the mass of detail considered in this book. Zeus as sky-father is
7 Yet in Crete [supra pp. 401, 501) and in Karia etc. [supra p. 717 n. 3) Zeus was
in his recent and masterly work Early Zoroastrianisin London 1913 p. 391 n. 3. I quote
zamar• xsis, "qui regnat in terra." (Since the cognate Thracian had the required X
Hochaltar des Zeus in Olympia' in the Neue Jahrb.f. klass. Altertum 1913 xxxi. 241—
Page 45: on Iupiter Capitolinus with globe in right hand, sceptre in left. In the
Page 48 fig. 21 sarcophagus-relief in the Capitoline Museum. See now Reinach Rep.
resembling that in the Louvre {supra p. 93 fig. 65). On a recent visit to Taranto he
in the Am. Journ. Arch. 1913 xvii. 367 propose a new derivation of these names:
Page 147 f.: on the pillar-throne at Phalasarna. In the Comptes rendus de VAcad,
Page 216 fig. 159 red-figured kylix at Berlin. L. Malten in the Jahrb. d. kais.
Page 223 : on Triptolemos with the plough. In the Roman villa at Brading, Isle
Page 232 ft". : on a coin of Gaza (?). Mr G. F. Hill in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins
emblem of the emperor Julian as sun-god (R. Dussaud in the Mission dans les regions
Page 241 : on the hawk as sacred to solar deities in Egypt. See now T. Hopfner
Page 259 note 3 : on {ynx-wheels in temples. The vase cited as illustrating the
Page 296 fig. 219 a Thraco-Macedonian coin. J. N. Svoronos in the Journ. Intern,
dieu de ce peuple, le Soleil. Celui-ci avait son culte central sur le sommet du Pangee
Page 310 f.: on Aristophanes' speech in Platon's Symposium. K. Ziegler 'Menschen-
Page 338 note 2 : on the Persian chariot of Zeus. Cp. the Zoroastrian account in
Page 360 : on snakes in Egyptian religion. See now T. Hopfner Der Tierkult der
add now J. C. Evvald Falls Siwah, Die Oase des Sonnengottes in der libyschen Wiiste
Page 396 note 1: on the snake as phallic. See now E. Kuster Die Schlange in der
Page 430 ff.: on the bull and the sun in Egypt. See now T. Hopfner Der Tierkult
apKTOL Dianae, /36es Bacchi,' etc. But in Inscr. Gr. ins. iii Suppl. no. 418 F. Hiller von
Delos' in the Melanges Holleatix Paris 1913 pp. 59—68 would identify this altar with the
Page 501 f. : on a bell-krater representing Herakles in Olympos. This vase should
listed by Rasche Lex. Num. v. 1641 f. and by K. Regling in W. v. Diest Nysa ad
W. H. Ward The Seal Cylinders of Western Asia Washington 1910 pp. 307—310.
Page 585 : on the snake-entwined statues at Hierapolis. P. Gauckler in the Comptes
story in question. But fig. 507 is described by E. Babelon as ' Taureau' (sic), by J. N.
Page 676 f.: on the Orphic formula 2pL<pos es yaX 'iiveTov. Dr L. R. Farnell in The
Kid," milk being in Orphic-Pythagorean myth the object of desire which lured souls into
C. Picard in the Btdl. Corr. Hell. 1913 xxxvii. 97 ff. publish a quadrangular altar of
e/c t&v I IS'iwv avedy]Kav. \ evTvx&s. The precise nature of the cult in question is doubtful.
Mr Cornford has also kindly brought to my notice a valuable article by E. Maass in the
Index I: Persons – Places – Festivals
In the Genealogies f. — father, m. = mother, s. =son, d.=daughter, b. = brother,
Aalen See Aquileia in Upper Germania
Achaeans in Crete 15 invade Egypt 362
in Dekapolis 572x 590 Eleuthero-
In relation to Ramman 5764 Samas
Associated with Aphrodite 3454 645 Cult: Salamis in Kypros 6594
In relation to Zeus 1573 4688 5302 Agrigentum
Aetes, ghost of 252 See also Aietes Aiga, in Achaia 5294
Cults: Oasis of Siwah 389 Thebes in
of Siwah 386 f. Thebes in Egypt
365 Thebes in Boiotia 3624
Ankyra in Galatia
Anthas, eponym of Anthedon in Boiotia
Anthedon, eponym of Anthedon in Boiotia
Anthes, eponym of Anthedon in Boiotia
Anthios, eponym of Anthedon in Boiotia
Antiocheia in Pisidia
Apameia in Phrygia
Aphrodisias in Kilikia (?), coins of~297.>
Heliopolis in Svria 554 Knidos
In relation to Atargatis 583
433 Nikaia in Bithynia 637 Niko-
351 Hermonthis 436 Hierapolis in
In relation to Zeus 373 373x 4093
Apollonia in Illyria
Apollonis in Lydia
Aquileia in Upper Germania
Thebes in Boiotia 540
In relation to Apollon (?) 585
Cult: Kaisareia in Kappadokia 102r,
In relation to Io 459 Zeus 457 ff.
In relation to Zeus 372
- were-wolves in 80 f.
Arkesine in Amorgos
island in Adriatic 2453 Karthaia
In relation to Atagartis 583 Brito-
Asia, North-east 330
In relation to Zeus 6464
Asteria, island near Ithake 5440
Asterion, river near Argos 445 6244
Atabyrion, Mt, in Galilee See Tabor, Mt
See also Atabyrion, Mt, in Rhodes
-temple of, at Hierapolis in Syria
Cult: Heliopolis in Egypt 315
in Boiotia 540 Thera 143
Perikles in dream 727 Argo 755
faced 444- in snake-drawn chariot
In relation to Atargatis 583
taken in procession by epheboi 715q
commemorated in Lenaean ode
Cults: Amphipolis 104 f. Ankyra in
In relation to Mithras 754
Ba'albek See Heliopolis in Syria
In relation to Zeus 353 ft.
Bambyke 582 See also Hierapolis in Syria
Biennos, town in Crete See Biannos
Myth : Ino nurses Dionysos in cave
Cults : Chersonesos (?) in Crete 542
Myths : disappears in grove at Aigina
In relation to Artemis 527i Dikte
Chalkis in Euboia
Charadra in Argos
Chersonesos in Crete
Claudius in guise of Triptolemos 228
Kronos swallows stone in place of
in Galatia 2298 Antheia 228x Apol-
Mykonos 668 f. Nikaia in Bithynia
herm 5210 in snake-drawn chariot
Cults: Askalon 5834 Hierapolis in Europe to 155 Zeus reared for a
polis in Syria 584! 59I3 standard 5422 ovpeia 5415 5422 irah 5422
Dia, festival in Teos 4232 733 Genealogy : d. of Leto 5422
Functions: beasts 273 f. huntress 274 In relation to Britomartis 5274 542
Identified with Britomartis 5423 Ne- Cult: Salamis in Kypros 6594
. Associated with Nemesis 276 ff. Sil- Dion, promontory in Crete 165
Dido Dion in Euboia 1239
6674 Heliopolis in Syria 564 ff. 687 marriage with BaaiXiwa 6720
705 Lesbos 656 Magnesia in Ionia (?) Xanthias attacked by Acharnians (?)
373 f. Naxos 428 Nysa in Lydia 6833 sacrifices 399<> sacrifice of calf
659(; Tenos 373 f. Thebes in Boio- sacrifice of yearling 668 cnrapayixbs
arris 657 657i 'Sl/xrjrris (?) 657i wpios 451 Bhea (?) 375 f. slain in bovine
Festivals: Anthesteria 67I9 683ff. City standard at Hierapolis in Syria
Rites : aiylfriv 665.5 annual drama in Eirene (?) 6702 s. of Kabeiros 112^
taken in procession by epheboi 7156 Isis 3465 457s by Kore 695 by
Types: arrival in Attike 709 ff. bearded
thronement in theatre 710 f. herm
In relation to Zeus 373 ff. 401 428
of 672 688 f. survivals of, in
Thebes in Boiotia 739
victory in sea-fight 761 f. presage
766 ff. driving in chariot drawn
764 ff. two young male heads in
Associated with Selene 449 Zeus 356 Dorians in Crete 15
In relation to Kabeiroi 765 f. 772 Doumatenoi
Diospolis, name of Laodikeia in Phrygia Apollon Ae\<pLi>io$ 7292 Apollon
Genealogy: w. of Lykos 736 Drion, Mt in Daunia
In relation to Ninib 580
Myths: Antiope 7373 born in Euboia
In relation to Apis 438 633
In relation to St Elmo (?) 775
Praxiteles 7103 on ram 354 in
Eteo-Cretans in Crete 15 at Phaistos 660
Euphrates, egg found in 5840
imitated in the Christus Pattens
Phoinike 5387 Talos 719 Thebes in
In relation to Nemesis 271o
In relation to Ouranos 84 Zeus 81
Cults: Berytos 5712 Heliopolis in
Geraistos, eponym of Geraistos in Eu-
In relation to St Elmo (?) 775
Helike, in Achaia 5294
Heliopolis in Egypt 3418 4784 (?) claims
189i Ankyra in Galatia 1892 Apol-
5702 lion 2407 lizard 2407 in quad-
two young male heads in juxta-
238 chariot of, enclosed in solar
Type : in quadriga 200c
In relation to Prometheus 324 328
Stratonikeia 20 ff. Thebes in Boio-
refuge in Egypt 445 hung up by
451 Polykleitos 134 f. in quadriga
In relation to Atargatis 583 Herakles
crosses sea in solar cup 225 Eurys-
sees Zeus in ram-skin 347 f. solar
499 feasting in Olympos 501 f. 784
In relation to Hera 4573 467
polis in Syria 565 Mt Ide in Crete
Functions: conducts procession of Cults: in the Amdrion 16 f. Athens
Attributes: barsom 746 caduceus 4227 Hierapolis in Phrygia 5884
4697 herm with kdlathos 570 f. lead 4074 sea-water poured out in tem-
In relation to St Elmo(?) 775 Hierax 440
Hesperides 2752 and Hierapolis (?) in Syria 584
Ikaria in Attike, now called Dionyso i7i4
Ikonion, rock-cut throne near 136
In relation to ram 3952
In relation to Argos 459 Hera 453 ff.
Rite: gilded cow wrapped in black
In relation to Semiramis 5840
190o 630g Aquileia in Upper Ger-
matia(?) 191o Dion in Dekapolis
Caesariensis 354 f. Neapolis in Sa-
of life 757 god dwelling in aether
on globe with wreath in his beak
5202 radiate 194i in Roman military
Cults: Etruria 107 f. Hierapolis in
In relation to Dioskouroi 765 f. 772
Kaisareia in Kappadokia
Cult: Mt Drion in Daunia 4074
Zeus and Hera 522 f. queen in
Rites: dead men wrapped in ox-hides
Types: in feminine attire 5912 femi-
kesine in Amorgos 6692 Delos 669.>
Korykos, Mt, Zeus born in Corycian Cave
in 6246
in Crete 645 Pluti 4714 Mt- Sol-
Leto 6493 reigning in Crete 3764
1810 swallows stone in place of
In relation to Minotaur 298 the
48312 Naxos in Sicily 32^ Odyssey
In relation to Zeus 317 ff.
used in 3234 folk-tale from 3434
In relation to Arkadia 89
635 in Lemnos (?) 48312 near Nau-
Laphystion, Mt, in Boiotia
Larissa in Thessaly
Lartos, rock-cut throne near 142
- Labyrinth in 48312(?)
Cults: Heliopolis in Egypt (?) 5712
- fennel-stalk used in 3234
Myth: boils Palaimon in caldron 674
Luna, the town in Etruria
620 horned bust in crescent 618
Cults: Ameria 642 Antiocheia in
641 f. Nysa in Lydia 6424 Phrygia
drawn in car by two bulls 642j
Myth: in Crete 5455
Heliopolis in Syria 554 Netherby
Messalina, in guise of Demeter 228
Rites : barley boiled in milk 676 re-
- in folk-lore 6244 in modern art
Types: bust 616 thoughtful 343 in
masquerading in solar dance (?)
In relation to Auramazda 754
In relation to Osiris 431
Functions ; central fire 3036 earth 553
Nasamones, chalcedony found in land of
- Labyrinths near 483i2
- folk-tale of St Dionysios in 171s
Neapolis in Campania, coins of 6200
Diana 276 in snake-drawn car 270 f.
In relation to Atargatis 583 Fortuna
Neokaisareia in Pontos
Nikaia in Bithynia
Nikopolis in Iudaea
Nikopolis in Moesia
In relation to En-lil 580
Nysa in Lydia
in modern times 378 ff. 784 de-
Rites: 6fx<pa\6s carried in golden boat
Olene or Olenos in Achaia 5294
development in meaning of 113 ff.
- in Mysia 100 1025 1168 124
On See Heliopolis in Egypt
Orchomenos in Arkadia 16
Orchomenos in Boiotia 82x
Types: in Catacombs 1664 leaning
Myth: slain in bovine form 660
Ortygia, near Ephesos
In relation to Apis 633 Mneuis 431
Myth : boiled in caldron by Leukothea
Pallantion in Arkadia 87
In relation to Hephaistos 328 the
Prosymna, district near Argos
Prousa in Bithynia
In relation to Apis 4356 633
Cult: Thebes in Egypt 346
In relation to Bacis, Bacchis, or
In relation to Adad 5764 Samas Myths: Althaimenes 117 Korybantes
In relation to St Erasrao 775 ("Adados) 590
648i 650 Myths: disappears in thunderstorm
In relation to Atargatis 583 Rites : golden adder 392 mystic 395
Salamis in Kypros
In relation to Adad 577 ff. Eamman
- Labyrinth in 48312
In relation to Zeus 603
753 Ankyra in Galatia 1892 Apu-
Tripolis in Lydia 1884
Cults: Heliopolis in Syria (?) 553 f.
In relation to Zeus 740
Cult: Koryphe near Aleppo 519
Selenaion, Mt, in Argolis 4573
Types: in biga 449 (?) bovine 455
200g nimbus 250 quadriga in boat
In relation to Atargatis 583 bull 5182
in Syria 583 Zeus "A^wv 367
Cults : Hierapolis in Syria 582 ff. 591.3
In relation to Kronos 298
Genealogy: near akin to Zeus 116 s.
Cult: Heliopolis in Egypt 315
Rite : sacrifice of calf in buskins 659
See also Gaia, Ge, and in Index II
Thebe, town in Mysia 304
-connected with Thebes in Egypt (?)
Thebes in Egypt
- connected with Thebes in Boio-
- rock-cut inscriptions in 117i
- carnival-plays in 694
- carnival plays in 694 Orphic
Myth: danced round tree in which
Tityros, town in Crete (?) 534
Tripolis in Lydia
Tripolis in Phoinike
Myths: in Apollodoros 211 in Hymn
213 ff. corn-ears in hair 222 plough
- chariot of 740 211 ff. in a folk-
Types: in guise of Io 2363 veiled and
In relation to Nemesis 2716
5516 Heliopolis in Syria 554
In relation to Iuno 617 f.
Vienna, town in Gaul 623e
slain in bovine form 398 647 650
In relation to Kronos 398 Zeus 398 f.
in Galatia 124 189i Apameia in
Arkadia in Crete 4020 Arkesine in
sonesos (?) in Crete 542 Chios 76 (?)
Mt Dikte 161 652 Dion in Dekapolis
Hermonthis, Thebes in Egypt) Eleu-
Mt Helikon 117 132 Heliopolis in
5202 Koryphe near Aleppo 519 Kos
Taleton) Laodikeia in Phrygia
Neapolis in Samaria 572L 590i
Olympos in Makedonia 101 ff. 116
Mt Thaumasion 154 Thebes in
Tralleis 1514 Tripolis in Lydia
Qwj3cuos 3477 'law 2337 'Idaios in
363 ff. 367 3684 369 Heliopolis in
votive limbs dedicated in the Idaean
Priestesses: at Dodona lllo 364 in the
cradle on a tree in Crete 5300 cp.
693 Bootes 755 born in Crete 6502
up in thigh of Zeus 6742 Elektra
on Mt Arkton 112 by Nymphs in
and buried in Crete io7 645 652
himself in ram-skin to Herakles
Tethys 329q washed in the Lousios
Index II: Subjects – Authorities
5633 at Hierapolis in Syria 582 ff.
Aither in relation to aer 101 776
in Greece 511 ff. ' Minoan' 506 ff. 511
in Bithynia 380 at Olympia 37x 121 on
117 of Zeus Idatos in Crete 118 of
Ant in Mithraic myth 518 worshipped
Astrology in Babylonia 754 ff. in Egypt
in Crete 648 f. worshipped (?) 632 659 f.
in milk at Galaxia 676
in Dionysiac procession 565 707 cp.
Bears kept at Hierapolis in Syria 5920
Birds hung on trees 5920 in Babylonian
Bones burnt 286 of Europe in wreath 525
Bran in rites of Sabazios 3924
Bull in Assyria 581 645 Crete 401 464 ff.
kept at Hierapolis in Syria 5920
779 in relation to river-cult 48310 pre-
Hittites 636 639 ff. 784 in India 637
497 Orchomenos in Boiotia (?) 497
Bulls, humped, at Hierapolis in Syria
Bull's hide in Bhodian myth 6435 made
Burial beneath altar 519 in ' Dipylon'
Buskins, calf in 659
Caduceus at Heliopolis in Syria 564 ff.
Pelops 41910 679 in rites of Leukothea
Carpet in Dionysiac procession 565
Cave at Anazarbos 5974 in Boiotia 524 at
Chest, golden lamb in 405
Clay in rites of Sabazios 3924 in rites of
Cloud in semblance of Hera 198
used in fertility-magic (?) 5634
pides called 442 priest or priestess in
- in pediment 259 292 ff.
Ba'al-bek 357 552 f. at Hierapolis in
of Zeus in Oasis of Siwah 364 f.
Hierapolis in Syria 583 f. 586 f. on
723j worshipped in Syria 5834 5840
in Crete (?) 534 f. in north Greece (?)
689 at Panathenaia (?) 6889 in Crete
on globe 628 in pediment 259 on
Eagles kept at Hierapolis in Syria 5920
Elephants draw Augustus in chariot 548
Fawn-skin in rites of Sabazios 3924 worn
323 in rites of Sabazios 3924
of Zeus 7026 in rite of purification or
Fire-bearers at Hierapolis in Syria 592(>
Flood at Hierapolis in Syria 584j 5913
Thebes in Boiotia 469 539 ff.
Goat as sacred animal in Crete 401 501
luperci 6774 in clothes of maiden 7119
Gold in relation to Helios 625 f. 6260 cp.
Hair, hero's life in 344 hero's strength in
Hawk in Argive mvthology 440
Heart of Liber in image of gypsum 662
harden corn 5023 in earthenware 51312
Hierapolis in Syria 5920 solar 333 ff.
Inauguration of kings in Tirconnell 678
fire (?) 2II3 in rites of Sabazios 3924
terrestrial in relation to celestial 6323
Ivy-wreath in rites of Dionysos 374 671,,
put to death in time of drought etc.
Krater in rites of Sabazios 3924
emperors 484 as mosaic in basilica at
wheel 285 in relation to Hermes, the
184 in relation to the sun 578 f. 5783
Liknon in rites of Demeter and Persephone
Lions kept at Hierapolis in Syria 5920
11 f. in relation to personality 124 not
Mare, sacrifice of white, in Tirconnell
shipper 394 ff. of Sky and Earth in
Masks in Carnival-plays 694 at Eural
Mice eat gold 6325 eat iron 6325 in rites
Milk of Hera confers immortality 624 in
Months, intercalary, in oktaeterls 692
Moon called by many names in France,
Moon, man in the 470
Mysteries at Agra 219 ff. in Crete 402
sinian mysteries 609 to performers in
Oak-tree in Circaean Plain 533 in Crete
Olive-tree in Oasis (?) 365 at Tyre 5302
Omphalos in Ammoneion 355 ff. 5210 at
Otherworld-visit, the, in Celtic tales 239
in 296 wheels suspended in 2594 296
with bull's head 6347 ending in ram's
Pig eaten sacramentally in Crete (?) 6644
34 f. of Zeus in Pompeian painting 34
Poplar, fruitful, in Idaean Cave 529
Predynastic remains in Egypt 6I94
472 at Kaisareia in Kappadokia (?)
Quail in myths of Asteria or Asterie 5440
6720 686 709 f. of Egypt buried in
gelded by Zeus 394 in ' Minoan' art
Ram in Armenia 4072 in Crete 401 4020
646 (?) in Macedonian pillar-cult 428
the procession in ram-skins up Mt
of the dead in vegetation (?) 687 6424 6424 7204 7276 732 73310 734 738 f.
Robert, C. 472 473 482 494 605 643 2499 Saints worshipped in place of gods and
Roberts, D. G. 7255 Salt in Oasis of Siwah 380 f.
cubation 4074 428 cp. 646 used in
sacred (?) 5120 6460 in pediment 2962
stellar worship 543 in relation to
onic (?) 7033 feminine 3964 in trees on
Spring, miraculous, at Dodona 368 in
Lykaion 76 f. at Nemausus 569 in
Standards of Ashur 207 at Hierapolis in
Dioskouroi 766 ff. in pediment 391i
Salamis 761 771g in relation to Zeus
Storm-god, in relation to sun-god 578 ff.
Sun in relation to lightning 578 f. 5783
Hermes, the planet 6260 in myth of
in Syria 585
Thdlamos at Hierapolis in Syria 582 ff.
stage of Phaidros in Athenian 708 ff.
Thorn-bush in the moon 470
the supporters of its throne1. Obviously the Heliopolitan and the
Hierapolitan gods were near relatives ; and kindred deities flanked
by a pair of recumbent bulls occur on the coinage of other Syrian
towns2. Again, Zeus Dolichaios, better known as Iupiter Doli-
clienus, the god of Doliche in Kommagene3, appears to have
borrowed the bull on which he habitually stands from Tesub, who
on Hittite monuments has a bull either at his side or beneath his
feet4. On this showing it is possible, and even probable, that both
Iupiter Heliopolitanus and Iupiter Dolichenus have preserved to us
essential features of the Hittite father-god.
The discussion of the foregoing cults served to bring out a
certain analogy subsisting between the ram and the bull in Levan-
tine religion5. These two beasts had been treated from time
immemorial as embodiments of procreative power, the former by
a pastoral, the latter by a cattle-breeding population. As such
they were associated in primis with the fertilising sky-god6; and I
have suggested that the victims sacrificed to Zeus were commonly
either oxen or rams just because these animals more than others7
were charged with Zeugungskraft and would therefore be thought
to increase the power of the god to fertilise and bless8.
Indeed, it may be claimed that throughout the present volume
this conception of Zeus as a procreative god has come gradually
into greater prominence. From first to last he was worshipped as
a Father: and the invocation Zeu pater, familiar to us from the
Homeric poems, became stereotyped on Italian soil as the name
Two other results of general significance have emerged from
the mass of detail considered in this book. Zeus as sky-father is
in essential relation to an earth-mother. Her name varies from
place to place and from time to time. Sometimes she is a
mountain-goddess with little or no disguise—Mousa10, Koryphe,
Aitne, Kyllene, Taygete, or the like11. Sometimes she is an earth-
goddess that has developed into a vegetation-goddess—Demeter,
1 Supra pp. 583 f., 586.
2 Supra p. 590. 3 Supra pp. 604—633.
4 Supra pp. 604—606, 639—644. 5 Supra p. 430.
8 Supra pp. 428—430, 633—635.
7 Yet in Crete [supra pp. 401, 501) and in Karia etc. [supra p. 717 n. 3) Zeus was
associated with the goat, as was Dionysos in Lakonike, at Metapontum, etc. {supra
pp. 674 f., 705)—doubtless for the same reason.
8 Supra p. 716 ff.
9 Supra p. 14. Geographically intermediate between the Greek Zei)s irar-qp and the
Latin Diespiter is the Stymphaean Aenrdrvpos [supra p. 681 n. 4).
10 Supra pp. 104—106. 11 Supra pp. 154—157.
the supporters of its throne1. Obviously the Heliopolitan and the
Hierapolitan gods were near relatives ; and kindred deities flanked
by a pair of recumbent bulls occur on the coinage of other Syrian
towns2. Again, Zeus Dolichaios, better known as Iupiter Doli-
clienus, the god of Doliche in Kommagene3, appears to have
borrowed the bull on which he habitually stands from Tesub, who
on Hittite monuments has a bull either at his side or beneath his
feet4. On this showing it is possible, and even probable, that both
Iupiter Heliopolitanus and Iupiter Dolichenus have preserved to us
essential features of the Hittite father-god.
The discussion of the foregoing cults served to bring out a
certain analogy subsisting between the ram and the bull in Levan-
tine religion5. These two beasts had been treated from time
immemorial as embodiments of procreative power, the former by
a pastoral, the latter by a cattle-breeding population. As such
they were associated in primis with the fertilising sky-god6; and I
have suggested that the victims sacrificed to Zeus were commonly
either oxen or rams just because these animals more than others7
were charged with Zeugungskraft and would therefore be thought
to increase the power of the god to fertilise and bless8.
Indeed, it may be claimed that throughout the present volume
this conception of Zeus as a procreative god has come gradually
into greater prominence. From first to last he was worshipped as
a Father: and the invocation Zeu pater, familiar to us from the
Homeric poems, became stereotyped on Italian soil as the name
Two other results of general significance have emerged from
the mass of detail considered in this book. Zeus as sky-father is
in essential relation to an earth-mother. Her name varies from
place to place and from time to time. Sometimes she is a
mountain-goddess with little or no disguise—Mousa10, Koryphe,
Aitne, Kyllene, Taygete, or the like11. Sometimes she is an earth-
goddess that has developed into a vegetation-goddess—Demeter,
1 Supra pp. 583 f., 586.
2 Supra p. 590. 3 Supra pp. 604—633.
4 Supra pp. 604—606, 639—644. 5 Supra p. 430.
8 Supra pp. 428—430, 633—635.
7 Yet in Crete [supra pp. 401, 501) and in Karia etc. [supra p. 717 n. 3) Zeus was
associated with the goat, as was Dionysos in Lakonike, at Metapontum, etc. {supra
pp. 674 f., 705)—doubtless for the same reason.
8 Supra p. 716 ff.
9 Supra p. 14. Geographically intermediate between the Greek Zei)s irar-qp and the
Latin Diespiter is the Stymphaean Aenrdrvpos [supra p. 681 n. 4).
10 Supra pp. 104—106. 11 Supra pp. 154—157.