Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky — Cambridge, 1914

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Page 227 fig. 166 relief from Gharfin. R. Dussaud Notes de mythologie syrienne Paris
1905 p. 153 f. fig- 36 regards this as a representation of Adonis-Esmun identified with

Page 232 ft". : on a coin of Gaza (?). Mr G. F. Hill in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins
Palestine pp. lxxxvi ft'. 181 pi. 19, 29 describes the series to which this coin belongs as
' Philisto-Arabian.'

Page 240 f.: on the hawk as a solar bird. A fragment of a hawk found at Apollonia
(Arsftf) with a disk round its neck inscribed IOTAIANOC (C. Clermont-G anneau Mission
en Palestine et en Phenicie p. 134 no. 121 pi. 2, h) is taken by R. Dussaud to be an
emblem of the emperor Julian as sun-god (R. Dussaud in the Mission dans les regions
desertes de la Syrie moyenne p. 478 n. 1 and in the Rev. Arch. 1903 i. 351).

Page 241 : on the hawk as sacred to solar deities in Egypt. See now T. Hopfner
Der Tierkult der alien Agypter nach den griechisch-rdmischen Berichten tmd den wich-
tigeren Denkmdlem (Denkschr. d. Akad. Wien 1913 ii Abh.) Wien 1913 pp. [07—113.

Page 259 note 3 : on {ynx-wheels in temples. The vase cited as illustrating the
temple of Hera at Thebes (?) is explained by F. Hauser in the JaJiresh. d. oest. arch.
Inst. 1913 xv. 169 fig. 108 as representing the Locrian maidens in the temple of Athena
at Ilion.

Page 285 note 1 : on the magical disk from Pergamon. R. Ganschinietz in the Archiv
f. Rel. 1914 xvii. 346 f. cites parallels.

Page 296 fig. 219 a Thraco-Macedonian coin. J. N. Svoronos in the Journ. Intern,
d'Arch. Num. 1913 xv. 201 ff. figs. 1—13 attributes this coin to the Paiones and, like
P. Gardner, interprets its type as the sun-god carrying his disk : ' On peut done conclure
que l'inexplicable symbole n'est rien d'autre que le Soleil, solis rota, le arpefywv kvkXos,
koct/xov to irepibpo/xov ofx,ua, %/oucreas rj/xepas fiXecpapov, iravbirr-qs kvkXos 'HXiov, Aibs
ocpdaX/xbs mundi oculus (Comparez les monnaies de Skione oil le symbole O prend la
forme complete d:un ceil, [Babelon pi. LII, 4]) etc. et servait a indiquer au public que
les pieces qui le portaient sortaient des ateliers peoniens renommes pour leur excellent
metal et que leur purete metallique etait sous la garantie et surveillance du Atds bep-
daX/xbs. En outre ce signe conservait son caractere sacre qui se rapportait au grand
dieu de ce peuple, le Soleil. Celui-ci avait son culte central sur le sommet du Pangee
meme, source de la richesse des Peoniens. C'est la...qu'on a frappe la piece...au type de
la figure qui represente probablement le Soleil meme portant son disque.'

Page 299 note 6 : on 6 KaXov/xevos avXos, i) dpxv tov XeiTovpyovvTos dve/xov. R. Eisler
Weltenmantel und Hinimelszelt Miinchen 1910 ii. 365 n. 2 explains this avXos by reference
to Anaximander frags. 21 Diels (tov rfXiov) kukXov elvai.. .dp,uaretc^ rpox^p irapairXrjo~iov,
tt)v diptda e'xoPTa KoiXrjv, irXrjpr] irvpos, Kara tl fxepos €k(paivovo~av 5td o~TOfxiov to irvp uiairep
did Trprjarrjpos avXov, 11 Diels rd 5e dcrrpa.. .kijkXov irvpos,.. .irepiXrjcpdevTa 5' virb depos.
eKirvods 5' virdp^ai irbpovs Tivds avXwbeis, Kad' ovs (paiverai rd darpa. Eisler takes both
the so-called Mithrasliturgie and the teaching of Anaximander to be dependent upon
Persian ideas.

Page 310 f.: on Aristophanes' speech in Platon's Symposium. K. Ziegler 'Menschen-
und Weltenwerden' in the Neue Jahrb.f. /class. Altertum 1913 xxxi. 529—573 traces the
views of the Platonic Aristophanes to a contamination of Empedoclean ideas with an
Orphic, and ultimately Babylonian, anthropogony.

Page 338 note 2 : on the Persian chariot of Zeus. Cp. the Zoroastrian account in
Dion Chrys. or. 36 p. 92 ff. erepos 8e /xvdos iv diropprjTOLs reAerats virb M-dyow dvbpQv
aSerat Oavfxa^bpievos, ol rbv 8ebv tovtov (sc. top Aid) vfxvovcriv ws TeXeibv re /cat irpQrou
rjvioxov tov TeXeiordrov dp/xaros. to yap 'HXt'ou dp/xa vedirepbv (pacriv elvai irpbs enelvo
Kptvbfxevov, cpavepbv de tols iroXXols, are irpodrjXov yLyvo/xevrjs ttjs <popds. bdev koivtjs (prjfxrjs
rvyxdveiv, tos ZoiKev, virb irp&TWv axebbv re tQv ttolijt&v, dvaroXds /cat bvcreis eKdarore
XeybvTiov, /cat Kara ravra irdvTtov e^rjyov/xevuv fevyvv/xevovs re tovs lirirovs /cat rbv "HXlov
avTbv eirij3aivovTa rod bieppov. to 5e £o~xvpbv /cat TeXeiov dp/xa tov Aids ovbels dpa v/xvijaev
d£tws t&v Tijde, o\jre"Oixripos, ovre Haiobos, dXXd Ziwpodarprjs, /cat Ma7a>i' 7rat5es abovai trap'
eKeivov fxadovres • 8v llepcrat Xeyovaiv epwrt o~o<pias /cat biKaio<tvvt}s dirox^pVcravTa T&v
aXXaiv /ca#' avrbv ev opet rivi '^y\v eVetTa dcprjvai to opos, irvpos avwdev iroXXov KaracrKr]-
\pavros, avvexws re KaLecrdai. tov ovv (BacnXea avv tois eXXoytfxwTdTOLS HepaCov d<piKvelo~9ai
irXrjcxLov, fiovXbfxevov evi-aadai deep • /cat tov avbpa e£eX6eiv e/c tov 7rvpos diradrj, (pavevTa
5e aiiTOLS iXeuv Oappeiv KeXevcrai /cat dvcrai dvaias Tivds, <bs tjkovtos et's tov Tbirov tov deov.
avyyeveadai re ^terd raura oi>x diracnv, dXXd rots dpio~Ta irpbs dXrjdeiav irecpVKbcri /cat tov
deov ^vvievac dwa/xevois, ovs Ilepaai ~Sldyovs eKaXeaav, iirio-Ta/xe'vovs depaireveiv to dacfxoviov