Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky — Cambridge, 1914

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Index I

Hebe 2597 3652 (?) 782 (?)

Festival: Kissotomoi 5348

Associated with Herakles and Zeus

Cult: Iupiter Dolichenus 619 ff. 626 ff.
Hekabe, statue of 5920

Cults: Chalkel41f. Gaza 149i Rhodes

Epithet: 4>CkoKvvqyos 245,3
Rite : afxcpKp&vTes 421
Priests : fiovxokoL 4420
Myth: institutes cult of Artemis 2453
Genealogy: grand-d. of Helios 245 m.
of Medeia 245 d. of Zeus by Asteria
or Asterie 5440
Function : lunar 455
Attribute: snake 3924
Identified loith Artemis 245
Associated with Phersephone 4300 Zeus
141 f. ? 543x

-roek-cut thrones of 141 f. shrines

of 421
Hekatombaia 446 f.
Hekatomphonia 6230
Hekatoncheires 314

Myths: ransomed 2602 Zeus 26 117

- statue of 5920

Helen, Helena See Helene

Epithets: ~Ka<TTopi...Ho\v5e6KeL r iv
aidepos Trrvxais | $;vvQaKos...va.vTihois

fTLOTTjpiOS 764

Myths: birth 2794 7602 7603 home-
coming 763 f.

Genealogy: d. of Tyndareos 279 f. d.
of Zeus by Nemesis 279 7602

Functions: ball-lightning (?) 773 calms
the sea 764 772 solar (?) 4894

Etymology; 773

Attribute : star called Urania 773
Types : pillar (?) 769 pillar-like female

flanked by Dioskouroi (?) 769
In relation to St Elmo (?) 775

- raiment of 31 f. star of 771 ff.

statue of 5920
Helike, in Achaia 5294
Helike, in Arkadia (?) 5294
Helike, d. of Olenos 5294
Helike, Nymph in Crete

Myths: nursed Zeus 1123 529 548

Etymology : 529 f.
Helike, the constellation 548 740
Helikon, Mt

Cults : Muses 104., Orpheus 536 f. Te-

lete 536 f. Zeus 'EXikwios 117 132
Myth : Muses 257 f.
Etymology : 536 f. 537

- mysteries on 672

Heliopolis in Egypt 3418 4784 (?) claims
connexion with Heliopolis in Syria

Heliopolis in Egypt (cont.)

Cults: Aten 315 Leon 5712 Tern 315

Heliopolis in Syria

Cults: Adad 550 ff. 584 Aphrodite
554 Atargatis 584 Dionysos 564 ff.
58210 Gennaios 5712 Hermes 565
Iupiter Heliopolitanus 550 ff. 578
635 Mercurius554 Seimios(?) 553 f.
Venus 554 Zeus "ASados 550 ff. 578
584 5862 778 f. Zeus 'HXiovttoAi'ttjs
552 635

Rite : religious prostitution 554
- the Balanion at 5553 coins of

558 561 565 566 f. description of

ruins at 555 ff. divination at 552 f.

history of 550 f. 5508 5 54 f. Trih-

thon at 562 f.


Cults : Akrokorinthos 640 Alexandreia
189i Ankyra in Galatia 1892 Apol-
lonia in Illyria 410 ff. Auximum
1900 Byzantion 92 Corinth 292
Delos 5782 Djebel-Dokhan 189i
Djebel-Fateereh 189x Dreros 729
Edessa 7062 Elis 4558 Gaza 149x
Gortyna 410 471 f. 546 635 Kypros
187 Lykia 301 Mytilene 1894 Nem-
roud Dagh 744 ff. 748 Ostia 189i
Palmyra 1914 Pergamon 3340 Prae-
neste 1894 Rhodes 1810 331 f. 3065
643 Kome 189i Sidyma 1892 Stra-
tonikeia 1892 Mt Taleton 180 730
Thalamai 522 Tyre 197

Epithets: 'Adiovvios ravpos 635 aWoxp
1955 'AttoXXcov 241 'AraptpLos (?)
3364 yeverrjp 4302 yevtrns 4302
yeverojp 4302 yepvr]t7)s 4302 yevvq-
t7)s Oe&v 461^ yevv&v 4302 yovoeis
4302 eu'Stos 1973 5220 ^076^0$ 4302
k\vt6ttw\os I965 Koa/iov to irepL-
dpofjLov ofifia 522g Me7as Kupios
Se^dftos "A7to? 4000 cp. 429i 7ra7-
yev^Twp 1874o 4302 iravoirTrji 461
iravraioKos 187io iravToirTas 4613
Tcacri<pa7]S 197.3 522q irarrjp 4302

TTpOTT&TLOp 4302 2a)T?7p 361g T€kvo-

ttolos 4302 roKevs 4302 rpecpwv 4302
Tpofatis 4302 (pepeafiios 4302 %pu<reo-
(peyyrjs 187io

Rites: eiresidne 341 sacrifice of horses
on Mt Taleton 730

Priestesses: 243! 738

Myths : Demeter 231 lends solar cup
to Herakles 225 3583 Mithras
516 ff. parent of male sex 310
Pikoloos 24115

Genealogy: f. of Aietes 245 253 by
Perseis 416 of Aithon 3285 of
Aloeus 245 737 and of Aietes by
Antiope 738 s. of Euryphaessa
4443 537io f. of Kirke 238 of Kory-
bantes by Athena 1068 cp. 107i
gf. of Hekate 245 f. of Lampetie
410 gf. of Medeia 244 245 419
h. of Neaira 410 f. of Pasipbae