Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky — Cambridge, 1914

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Kore (cont.)

of Korybas without a father 106s
d. of Zeus by Deo 394 w. of Zeus
394 cp. 396

Attribute: snake 3924

Type: Praxiteles 427

Associated ivith Demeter 442 784
Demeter and Dionysos 692 Demeter
and Iakchos 425 Demeter and
Plouton 669 Demeter and Zeus
BovXevs 668 f. Demeter and Zeus
EiJjSovXetJs 669 Plouton 503 Zeus
394 398 f. 695

See also Persephone, Pherephatta,
Pherophatta, Phersephone, Proser-
Koressos, Mt

Cult: Zeus 134

- rock-cut throne on 140 f.

Koria 155

Korinthos, personification of Corinth 247
Korinthos, s. of Marathon 246 247
Korinthos, s. of Zeus 42 247

Cults: Zeus Kdaios 123 Zeus M^Xc6-
<rtos 1645 5202
Koronis 1116
Korybantes 106 f. 150 ff.

Cults: Crete 6502 Etruria 107 f. Mt
Olympos 107 ff.

Myths: birth 664x two brothers slay
third 107 f. sprung from ground
as trees 106 f.

Epithet: rpiKopvdes 6502

Rites• mysteries 107

Priests : 'AvaKToreXtcrTai. 107

Genealogy: sons of Apollon by Khytia
106§ sons of Apollon by Thaleia 106
sons of Helios by Athena 106s CP»
107i soris of Kronos and Ehea 1068
cp. 107i sons of Sokos by Kombe
106g sons of Zeus by Kalliope 105 f.

Etymology: 107 1072 H50

Identified with Kabeiroi 106 107

- as dance-theme 679i


Myth : selinon springs from his blood

Metamorphosed into snake 113
Genealogy: s. of Iasion by Kybele 106
s. of Kore without a father 106s
Korykos, Mt, Zeus born in Corycian Cave

on 152 f.
Koryphe, near Aleppo

Cults : Selamanes 519 Zeus M&dfiaxos

Koryphe, the mountain-goddess
Associated with Zeus 155 779


Cult: Dionysos Mijcttvs 6737


Cults: Hera 'ApyeLa 4466 447 Hera
Bao-tXeia 4466 Hera'EXet'a 4466 Zeus
Maxawfe 7172 Zeus HoXievs 7172

Rite: Coan women wear horns 447

Kos (cont.)

Myth: Herakles 447

- statue of Alexander the Great

in 6246
Kosmas, St 168 f.
Kosti 2I63
Kottos 314

Rite: thunder-making 650i

Cult: Corinth (?) 5255

Function: a Thracian Artemis 5260

See also Kotys

Cult: Thera 142 144

Epithet: Aetirepos (?) 142 1449

Associated with Zeus 142 144
Kouretes 109 150 ff. 3583 376x 6236 6493
710 f.

Cults : Chalkis 240 Crete 6502 Ephesos
649,3 Hagia Barbara 4714 Mt Ide
in Crete 645 Pluti 4714 Mt- Sol-
missos 6493

Epithet : Aiktouol 647s

Oracle : 469 f.

Priests: (3ovk6\oi 4420

Myths: birth 664j clash shields and
spears round tree on which cradle
of Zeus was hung 5300 clash weapons
round tree on which cradle of Zeus
was hung 534 deceive Kronos 647g
Leto 6493 reigning in Crete 3764

Genealogy : sons of Ehea 6503

Etymology: 236

Functions : akin to Satyrs 534 guar-
dians of kine 4714
Attributes: shields 709 spears 5300

sword 3583
Types: clashing weapons 150 ff. 3583
6493659 7091 escort Europe (?) 506
guard infant Dionysos 709 in-
fluence that of Dioskouroi (?) 7684
round infant Zeus or Dionysos
enthroned 150 ff. 646 f.
Associated with Diktynna 541 Zeus
KpnTayevys 1494 infant Zeus 150 ff.
6461 7101

- bridal chamber of the 6500 6502

Kouretis ( = Euboia) 3100 321x

Rite: ravpoKadaipia (?) 4974

- coins of 4974

Krates 291
Kremnia(?) 4714
Kreon 251 2964

Myth: banishes Medeia 248
Kreonteia 251
Kreousa 2513
Kres, f. of Talos 3305
Krete, d. of one of the Kouretes 376x
Krete, the nymph 721
Kretenia 117
Kretheus 4152

Cult: Demeter 229*