Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky — Cambridge, 1914

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Persons Places Festivals

Naupaktos 170


Myth: Kyklopes 48312
- Labyrinths near 483i2


Cults: Dionysos MetAt'xios 428 Zeus
154 163 ff. Zeus MyXuaios 164
420i Zeus 'OXufMinos 1645

- folk-tale of St Dionysios in 171s

Naxos in Sicily

Myth: Kyklopes 321j
Neaira 410

Neapolis in Campania, coins of 6200

Neapolis in Samaria

Cults: Adad 512l 5904 Iupiter Capi-
tolinus 45 Iupiter Heliopolitanus
572x 590! Zeus "Adados 512l 590x

Neda 112! 1122


Epithet: duirereos iroraiAoio 3492

Myth: Io 441

Attribute: cornu copiae 361

Identified with Zeus 361

Associated with Triptolemos 222 f.

Cult: Apis 433
Nekhebet 206 386 387
Nekysia 4232
Nemausus, the town

Cult: Iupiter Heliopolitanus 5522

--fountain at 569

Nemausus, the town personified

Associated with Iupiter Heliopolitanus
5522 569
Nemea, the goddess

Genealogy: d. of Zeus by Selene
456 732

Function: woodland (?) 2802

Etymology: 446

Associated with Zeus 2802 456^

- with Alkibiades on her knees


Nemea, the town

Cults: Zeus 448 Zeus Isefxeios 5585
Myths: Argos herds cattle of Hera
446 451 lion 456 f. Lykourgos 2594
Zeus and Selene 739
Nemean Lion

Myth: Hera 456

Genealogy: f. of Kyklopes 3100 off-
spring of Selene 456 f.

Nemesia 4232

Nemesiaci 281 ff.

Nemesis 269 ff.

Cults: Akmoneia 278 Alexandreia 2693
Andautonia 2764 Aquincum 275 f.
Carnuntum 276 ff. Memphis (?) 2693
Peiraieus 269 Ehamnous 273 ff.
284 f. Sebennytos (?) 2693 Smyrna
273 2752 278 f. 284 f. Teurnia 2764
Epithets: adavara 269 avacrcra 269i
Augusta 275 f. eOirrepos 269 kvkXov
£xovcra ttoXov 269 iravda/x&Teipa 269i
TTTepoeuaa 269i Regina 276 ff. 2764

Nemesis (cont.)

Festival: Nemesia 4232
Oracles: 273
Rite : divining-rod 282
Priest: 282 f.

Myths: Alexander the Great 278 f.
wooed by Zeus as a goose 2794 7602
by Zeus as a snake 2705 2794 by
Zeus as a swan 2794 7602

Metamorphosed into fish etc. 2794 goose

Genealogy: m. of Dioskouroi and
Helene 279 d. of Thestios 2794

Functions: birth and death (?) 284 dis-
tribution (?) 272 f. 284 f. doublet
of Leda 2794 earth (?) 273 indig-
nation (?) 272 f. 284 f. vegetation

284 woodland 273 275
Etymology: 272 ff. 285
Attributes: apple-branch 270 275 2752

281 285 bowl 275 branch (?) 271
bridle 279 cubit-rule 279 (See also
measuring-rod) griffin 270 276 281
measuring-rod 269 271 moon and
disk 276 phidle 281 plane-tree 278 f.

285 rudder 269i 276 serpent 269
stags 275 281 sword 276 Victories
281 wheel 269 ff. 271 276 whip 276
wreath (?) 271

Types: bridal gesture 274 2752 "279 as
Diana 276 in snake-drawn car 270 f.
two Nemeseis 273 278 f. Pheidias
275 running 270 standing with
apple-branch and stag 274 stand-
ing on man 269 statue at Eham-
nous 280 f. swathed figure (?) 203;5
winged 269 ff.

Identified with Adrasteia 269i Artemis
275 f. Diana 275 f. Hygieia(?) 2705
Isis 2715 Leda 2794 7602 Oupis 275

Associated with Diana 276 ff. 278i Sil-
vanus 2753 Zeus 278 ff. 7602 780
king personating Zeus 280

Compared ivith Aphrodite 284 Artemis

In relation to Atargatis 583 Fortuna
271o Tyche 2710
Nemet 2730
Nemetes 2736
Nemetiales 273G
Nemetona 273

Nemroud Dagh, description of funeral
monument of Antiochos i of Kom-
magene on the 742 ff.

Cults: Apollon 744ff. 748 750 Ares
744 746 748 Artagnes 744 746 748
Helios 744 ff. 748 Herakles 744 746
748 750 Hermes 744 ff. 748 Kom-
magene 744 f. 748 750 Mithras
7425(?) 744 ff. 748 Tyche Nea 744
7460 Zeus 'fipo^acrS^s 741 ff.

Festivals: Birthday of Antiochos i of
Kommagene 7463 Coronation-day
of Antiochos i of Kommagene 7463