Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 1): Zeus god of the bright sky — Cambridge, 1914

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Subjects Authorities 877

Patroni, G. 2023
Paucker, C. von 301
Peacock 4407
Pears (?) 745
Pear-tree 4538

Pediments decorated with moon and stars
628 with snaky or fishy figures 2935
449 with solar symbols 292 ff. 392x
637 (?) with wreath 627

Peet, T. E. 51312

Pellegrini, G. 698j

Pellerin, J. 0864

Penka, K. 4015

Pennethorne, J. 752t

Perdicium 727

Perdrizet, P. 104 f. 2693 2715 4 005 5 54!

565<, 5722 5724 574x 642x 7204
Pernice, E. 495x 742x
Perrot, G. 4464 4474 4 762 5012 594x 599fi

6194 6227 6234 6362 6363 6368 64 1 6453

7040 7232
Petavius, D. 4616 4617
Peter, E. 2717 2854
Petersen, E. 6719 6849 6862
Petrie, Sir W. M. Flinders 266 3465 3 63

47210 5073 6194 6323
Pettazzoni, E. 1094
Peyrony, D. 7034 7032
Pfuhl, E. 339 4226 7333
Phdlara 336

Phallos 53! 107 f. 2589 (?) 3513 394 f. 396t
4294 5344 5919 5913 5920 623 6347 6495
682 f. 684 ff. 688 6900 6934 784 combined
with bull's head 6347 ending in ram's
head 4294 ithyphallic equine figures
696 f. ithyphallic hircine figures 697 ff.

Philpot, Mrs J. H. 5300

Phoenix 341 .

Phylaktou, K. K. 781

Physical explanation of myths 410

Picard, C. 785

Piccolomini 6255

Piccolos, N. 196

Pickard-Cambridge, A. W. 6670 6833 6998
Pietschmann, E. 3466 3472 3473 3476 350x

3509 354! 3544 434n 4375 6233
Pigeon 5874

Pig eaten sacramentally in Crete (?) 6644
nurtures infant Zeus 150 653 785
sacrificed to Demeter 668 6692 to Zeus
Bouleus 668 7173 to Zeus Eubouleils
6692 7173 to Zeus Lykaios 82 tail of,
pulled to scare Teldnia 774 used for
purification at Eleusis 426 worshipped
at Praisos 653 See also Boar, Sow

' Pig,' priestess of Demeter and Kore
called (?) 784

Pilcher, E. J. 232x 236x

Pillar on couch 662 behind throne 34
520 f. beside throne 34 f. on throne
147 f. cp. 662 (pillar-thrones) beside
tree 535 ff. 6460

Pillar of Dionysos 671 6720 of St George
1770 1780 of Hera 4538 463 (?) of Io
237i of Judas 184 of Mother of the

Pillar (cont.)

gods 1482 of Zeus as described by
Euhemeros 662 of Zeus at Tarentum
35 of Zeus on. well-mouth at Naples
34 f. of Zeus in Pompeian painting 34
of Zeus on Eoman gem 35 of Zeus on
Attic vase 2794 of Zeus on Apulian
vases 36 ff. 409 of Zeus on Campanian
vase 39 f.

Pillars, two, of Esmun 354 of Zeus
Lykaios 66 83 f. linked together 767()
surmounted by stars etc. 7670 with
serpents twisted round them 354

Pillar-altar of Hittites 5874

Pillar-thrones of Crete 662 of Tyre 782

Pimpernel 626 cp. 625

Pinches, T. G. 2620

Pineau, L. 4508

Pio, J. 4124 412., 414.,

Piper, F. 600 1682 1792

Pistolesi, E. 3749 374n

Pizzati 222

Planck, M. 3253

Plane-tree 278 f. 285 404 f. 526 ff. 535 (?)
evergreen 526 5263 5 264

Planets, animals assigned to 6255 626
6260 minerals assigned to 625 f. 6255
6 260 vegetables assigned to 625 f. 625,-,
6260 seven 6640

Planets attributed to different deities by
Babylonians 755 755n by Greeks 756
by Eomans 755 f. classified' as good,
bad, both; diurnal, nocturnal, both;
masculine, feminine, both 758

Plasma 3574

Plaumann, G. 361g

Plemochoe 424

Plough of Argos 4588 of Demeter 223 f.

of Homogyros 4594 of Osiris 223 of

Triptolemos 223 ff. 4588 782 of Zeus

Bios 42 400
Ploughing, ritual 2244
Plume on head 297
Pococke, E. 503., 5562 5 88
Polites, N. G. 8I1 1144 1150 1592 1623 1696

171j 171-3 1750 178 I8O1 1803 183x 1832

195 1975 2395 774 782
Pollak, L. 336i

Pomegranates 95 f. 134 2813 305u 745

Pomegranate-flower 596 623i (?)
Pomtow, H. 761 f. 7616 764G
Ponton d'Amecourt 2685
Pontremoli, E. 1184

Poplar, fruitful, in Idaean Cave 529

white, in rites of Sabazios 3924
Poppy 426 5030 565
Porcher, E. A. 3508

Posnansky, H. 2699 270., 2703 2704 2705

2716 2716 27218 2752 2794 2803
Pott, A. F. 1072 329i 330i
Potter, J. 2905

Potter's wheel, invention of 724 f. 7244
Pottier, E. 953 423G 471., 494x 6000 6194