Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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4 Zeus and the Earthquakes

wroth with Laokoon (Quint. Smyrn. 12. 395 ft). Dionysos in Soph. Ant. 153 f.
6 6?j/3as 5' e\e\lx6wv (AeXifwc cod. L with yp. i\e\ix8wv written above by scholiast) I
BaKxios apxoi bears the title of an earthquake-god (the schol. vet. ad loc, followed by
Sir R. C. Jebb, is inadequate—6 Orjpas 8' e\e\i£u>v Ba/cx«os : 6 KLv-qaixBwv iXe\lx&opa Si
t6c hibvvcrbv <p-n<tl Sid ras iv rah Ba/cxeicus Kivrjtrus- yj riv ttjv yr/v aeiovTO, Kai dvafiaK-
Xeiovra rais xopetais) and in Eur. Bacch. 586 ff., 605 f., 622 f., 632 f. shatters, or at least
is believed to shatter, the house of Pentheus (G. Norwood The Riddle of the Bacchae
Manchester 1908 p. 37 ff., id. Greek Tragedy London 1920 p. 281 f., A. W. Verrall The
Bacchants of Euripides and other Essays Cambridge 1910 pp. 26 ff., 64 ff.)—an exploit
compatible with Orphic belief (Orph. Perikion. 47. 1 ff. klkK-qokio BaKXov HepiKibi>im>,
p.e8vdd>Ti]i', I KaSfieimai Bbp.ois os eki(T(rbp.evos iripi iravr-r) (so G. Hermann for trepi wavra) \
earr/oe Kparepovs f}paap.otis yci'iys diroiriiJ.\j/a^, | t\vIko. irvpcpbpos avyy} eKivnae (so P. Scriverius
for ivlKiiae) x^bva iraaav \ irpriarripos pol^ois' 6 5' dviSpap.e 8ecrp.bs dvdvrwv). Nereus, like
Poseidon, makes and can therefore unmake earthquakes (Orph. h. Ner. 23. 5 ff. 8s
xXoceeis Atjovs icpov fidBpov (cp. ewotri-Aas infra p. 9 n. o), yvlKa irvoids | iv p,vxto(.s (so
G. Hermann for ivvvxiois) KevdjxGxnv e\avvop.ivas dwoKkeULS' \ dXkd, jxanap, oeiafiovs p.iv
dirbrpeire, irip.Tre 8k fivffTais \ ohflov k.t.A.). But Usener's contention that Aloeus, son of
Poseidon by Kanake, 'ist der "Drescher" gewiss nicht allein wortlich als Gott des
Landbaues, sondern vorzugsweise bildlich als Erderschiitterer, "Eiheklx&w 'Evvoolyaios'
(H. Usener in the Rhein. Mus. 1898 liii. 349 = 2'^. Kleine Schriften Leipzig—Berlin 1913
iv. 278) strikes me as far-fetched and improbable.

The epithet prj^lxSuv (p-nalxdw), the 'land-breaker,' has reference in all probability to
the disruptive effect of earthquakes, and is applied in Orphic hymns to Dionysos (Orph.
h. Lys. Len. 50. 5 p-o^xOu" (E. Abel cj. pifeixOov), \r\vo2t, p-eyaaBevh, alo\bp.opcpe, h. triet.
52. 9 pyj^ixd^v (E. Abel cj. pij^cx^ov), irvpupeyyh, e?rd(/>te, Kovpe St/j.rjTop (so E. Abel for
8i/j.&Tup)) and in magical spells etc. to a variety of chthonian powers including Hekate
(C. Wessely Griechische Zauberpapyrus von Paris und London Wien 1888 p. 88 pap.
Par. 2722 f. irbrvia. pij^lxSav uKv\\a.Kayeia (A. Nauck cj. oKvka.ko.yiTi) TravSapdreipa,
Babelon—Blanchet Cat. Bronzes de la Bibl. Nat. p. 701 ff. no. 2296, ioff. = W. Drexler
in Roscher Zex. Myth. ii. 2646 = R. Wunsch in the Corp. inscr. Alt. App. defix. p. xv = A.
Audollent Defixionum tabellae Luteciae Parisiorum 1904 p. 69 f. no. 38, 10 ff. (a leaden
devotio-ts.b\et of s. iii a.d., found at Alexandreia) (ir[i]Ka\ovp,al ce tt)v irdvrwv a,v8pti>\TTUii
Svvdareipav, Trap.[(po^]epd, pri^lxSoiv, t) Kai dvevey\Kanivq rd rod pie~\io6[x]ov fiiXT] Kal
o.vtov tov p.e\\iovxov, 'E/)e<rxi7ix\ ve{3ovTOOova\7]8 ipefievvq, | apKVia viwi 'E/cdri;, 'EKaTt]
dXrjdrj, ^AfleTc Kal re\\eubcraTi p.oi rnv irpayfiarelav ravT-qv (on the identification of
Eriskigal with Hekate and the allusion to the dismemberment of Osiris or Adonis (?) see
W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1584 ff., 2645 ff.), Miss L. Macdonald in the
Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archceology 1891 xiii. 174 no. 1, 30 ff. =W. Drexler
in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 2646 = A. Audollent op. cit. p. 41 no. 22, 30 ff. (a leaden
devotio-tzbltt of late date, found at Kourion in Kypros) bpdafa i/xd{;), 84p.oves
TTo\vdv\8pioi ('of the graveyard (nokvavSpiov)') Ki /3i(ai)o8dvaTU Ke duipoL Ke dVopoi ra<pTjs,
Kara rijs p-n\[o-i]x6bvns ttjs KarevevKdo-qs p.e\Lov'xov to p.i\-q Ki avrbv fieXiovxov—a formula
repeated in Miss L. Macdonald loc. cit. p. 176 no. 3, 16 ff., p. 178 no. 5, 20 ff., p. 179
no. 6, 18 f., p. 180 no. 7, 21 fif., p. 181 no. 8, 18 ff., p. 183 no. 9, 22 ff., p. 184 no. 10,
igff., p. 185 no. 11, i8ff., p. 186 no. I2f., 21 ff., p. 188 no. 15, 18 ff., p. 190 no. 17,
19 ff. = A. Audollent op. cit. p. 45 no. 24, 16 ff., p. 47 no. 26, 20 ff, p. 49 no. 27, 18 f,
p. 51 no. 28, 21 ff., p. 53 no. 29, 19 ff., p. 54 no. 30, 23 ff, p. s6f. no. 31, 18 ff, p. 59
no. 32, 18 ff, p. 62 no. 33, 22 ff., p. 64 f. no. 35, 18 ff., p. 67 no. 37, 19 ff.), Brimo
(C. Wessely Neue griechische Zauberpapyri Wien 1893 p. 45 pap. Lond. 121, 757 f. -
F. G. Kenyon Greek Papyri in the British Museum London 1893 i. 106 no. 121, 691 f.
(of s. iii a.d.) iSv ob Sbv-q \ [Trapa]Kovoai, Bpipw p-q^xOuv), an unnamed goddess who holds
the keys of Hades (Miss L. Macdonald loc. cit. p. 175 no. 2, 12 f. = A. Audollent op.' cit.
p. 44 no. 23, 12 f. (a leaden akz^z'f-tablet of late date, found at Kourion in Kypros)
[Ki aii i] rds] | [/cXiSas tov "ASov /cajr^xoucra pii<rix8o)v—a. formula completed from Miss L.
Macdonald loc. cit. p. 174 no. 1, 53 f., p. 178 no. 5 a, 39, p. 182 no. 8, 35, p. 186 no. 11,