Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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n6 The Tritopatores or Tritopatreis

K.Latte1 suggests that these 'Unwearied Ones' might be either wind-
spirits2 or else a euphemistic3 expression for the dead {kamontes).

One other example of actual cult has been furnished by the
French excavations in Delos4. Close to the south-east angle of the
great precinct of Apollon, at a spot where three roads meet,
G. Leroux in 1906 uncovered a paved triangular place of small size
(25111 by i2m). Towards its southern end was a circular structure of
white marble consisting of curved slabs (0-54™ high), which rest on
a raised course of masonry and carry a projecting cornice with
bevelled top (fig. 39). The ring-wall is broken on the north-west
by an aperture (o'8om wide). Inside is a pavement of gneiss, from
which sundry slabs are missing. Above this pavement were found
sherds of coarse vases, a piece of stag's antler, ashes and fragments
of carbonised wood. Below it, excavations pursued down to the

AeX0S[>] (?), I air d'XXw iir-n avBpwiros iKctfie opK baia i.yv£i[ty ] t&v Se iap&v bela wavTi,
' (Alia domanda) se (in materia) di oracoli (esista ugual) religio per ognuno, e per il puro
e per l'impuro, (Apollo rispose): tranne che (per gli oracoli provenienti) dall' uomo Batto,
quello dell' Archegeta e dei Tritopateres e da Onymastos, quello di Delfi, da qualunque
altro (libro) dove uomini hanno lavorato non vi e religio per il puro (cioe: il puro non e
obbligato a conformarvisi; oppure: deriva empieta al puro che se ne serva). In materia
di sacrifici (?) vi e invece ugual religio per tutti indistintamente.'

G. De Sanctis 'Le decretali di Cirene' in the Rivista diftlologia e di istruzione classica
1927 lv. 183—212 gives §4, 21 ff. [at] ko. ixavrloiv bala iravrl /ecu ayvwi Kal /3a/3dXw[r] [ 7r\df
d7r' avdp&TU Bdrrfw] [[ti3]] tco 'Apxayira ra[i] | TpLToiraTe'piiiv Kal airb 'Ovvp,avTW ti2
Ae\(pa J air' &X\a t>u-q dvBpbiiros cVa/xe ovk beta ayvw[i,] | rw de iapwv bala iravrl, ' Se vi e
liceita sacra di oracoli (presi nelle tombe) e pel puro e per 1' impuro. Salvo che dall'
uomo Batto, 1' Archegeta, e dai Tritopateri e salvo che da Onimasto di Delfi, da altro
(oracolo) ove un uomo moii (cioe dove e un morto) non vi e liceita sacra (di far consulto)
al puro. Di sacrifizi (alle tombe) vi e liceita sacra per tutti.'

U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff 'Heilige Gesetze. Eine Urkunde aus Kyrene' in
the SiUungsber. d. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin Phil.-hist. Classe 1927 pp. 155—176 prints §4,
21 ff. at ko. ixavrlwv bcria, iravri Kal cVycuu Kal ^a/3dXu[i], j t\dv air' avdpwirw, Bdrru ™ rffl
apXa1^Ta Ka['] I TpiToirarepuv Kal airb'OvvjiaOTW to AeX0c5 [rat] | air d\\a, Sirr] dvdpuiwos
inap.e, ovk bala a7^d![i]. | t&v Se lepuv baia iravTi, and translates ' Wenn bala der Seher ist,
ist sie es flir jeden, den Reinen und Profanen; nur von einem Menschen, Battos dem
Konige, und den Urahnen und von dem Delpher Onymastos und jedem anderen, wo ein
Mensch Ruhe gefunden hat, ist keine bo-ia fiir einen Reinen; aber von den Tempeln ist
6<ri'a fiir jeden.'

See further G. Oliverio in the Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 1928 Ivi.
222 ff.

1 K. Latte 'Ein sakrales Gesetz aus Kyrene' in the Archivf. Rel. 1928 xxvi. 41—51-
- Cp. Emped. frag, m, 3 Diels -rravaeis S' dra^d™^ avtfiwv jihos k.t.\. , Soph. Track.
I [2 7roXXd yap war &Kafi,ai>tos 77 hotov t) fiopia rts k.t.X.

3 Supra ii. 1112 n. 7, 1125 n. 1.

4 Pending the full publication in Dilos vii. 2, there is an interim-repoitby M. Holleaux
in the Comptes rendus de VAcad. des inscr. et belles-lettres 1907 pp. 353—356 with a photo-

raphic cut. The general lie of the land can be well seen from the chart in the Bull. Corr.
Hell. 1906 xxx pi. 9; but the only plan hitherto published that marks the seids of Trito-
pator is that by J. Replat given in Dilos vii. 1 opposite p. 2.