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Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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244 The Daughters of Kekrops

'to Athena Polids and to the Kourotrdphos and to Pandrosos1.' It1S
reasonable to infer that Pandrosos, like Aglauros2, was only another
name for Ge3. Kourotrdphos too was, at Athens, an epithet of the
same goddess4. Ge Kourotrdphos was worshipped near the western
approach to the Akropolis5, and Souidas6 dwells on the importance
of her cult:

'They say that Erichthonios was the first to sacrifice to her on the Akropolis
and to build her an altar, in gratitude for Earth having reared him. He also
made it customary that those who sacrificed to any god should sacrifice first
to her7.'

Details are of interest. When a cow was sacrificed to Athena, a
sheep was first sacrificed to Pandrosos8 or, as others would have it,

1 Corp. inscr. Att. ii. i no. 481, 58 f. = Inscr. Gr. ed. min. ii—iii. 1. 2 no. 1039 111
58 f. (attributed to the period 83—73 B.C., though W. Larfeld Handbuch der griechischen
Epigraphik Leipzig 1898 ii. I. 145 says 48—42 B.C.) o/tfofws b~k ko]1 t& QnrrTrjpia *"
aKpo\rr6XeL rr)i re 'AO-qvai rrji IIoAidSt Kal Trji Kovp[oTp6]<fiuiL Kal rfji JJavdp6cr[o)i Kajl eKaXX-

2 Supra p. 242.

3 This conclusion was anticipated by Miss J. E. Harrison in the Journ. Hell. Si**^'
1891 xii. 352: ' Pandrosos...is none other than a form of Ge Themis, who is but the earlier
aspect of Demeter Thesmophoros.'

4 Aristoph. thesm. 299 Kal Trj Kovporpocpip [r-g Tij (this gloss was expunged by P- ^'
Dobree, cp. the schol. e'fre Trj yrj ei're ri? earla)]. See further B. Prehn in Pauly—WissoWa
Real-Enc. xi. 2215, who cites Solon frag. 43 Bergk4 ap. Chorik. p. 107 Boissoiiade
ravra Sr) aov rrjs rroXews rd yvapiepara, rjv al KOival rod fllov depdrratvai yrj re Kal BaXa-W
tols eavrrjs eKaripa SwpoLs dfiptivti' yrj p.kv yap rots €voikovo~lv iirlararai (ptpeiv ova tIktov?1^
wpaiy virrla re rraaa Kal Kadetpivrj, Kal to rod IZoXwvos, 'Xirrapr} Kovporpbtpos'' d&Xarra
k.t.X., Prokl. in Plat. Tim. iii. 144, 4 ff. Diehl o8to dr/ Kal avrrj (sc. r] yrj) dvvdpets &el
rroiKlXas, Kal ths pev 'rpo06s3 rr]v reXeaLovpybv /upeiTai rd^iv, Kaff' rjv Kal rrdrpiop 'A0r]t'^o\
' Kovporpocpov ' avrrjv up.veiv Kal ' avr]o-ib'ibpav' ths Kal dvieiaav rd <pvra Kal rd £<ta
Tpi<povcrav, k.t.X., et. mag. p. 529, 50 f. Kopeadrjvai • Sri liovporpotpov Tr\v yrjv koXoSci-^ k<1
rbv {k rairris Kaprrbv Kop-qv, k.t.X. , and A. R. Rangabe Antiquites helleniques Athene
'^55 U- 746 no. 1083 KaXXlas 'AyaBdpxov . . Trji KovpoTpbcpwL (an inscription noted
K. S. Pittakis 'a l'entree de PAcropole,' but now lost). ,

5 Paus. 1. 22. 3 (cited supra p. 177 n. 1) with Sir J. G. Frazer and H. Hitzig-""
Bliimner ad he.

0 Souid. s.v. Kovporpotpos • rraioorpocpos (cp. Hesych. s.v. Kovporpocpos). KoupoTp^P"
Trj. rairri oh Bvaai <jmcn rrpCirov "EpixSbvwv ev aKpowoXei Kal fiupbv IdpiicraffBai., X"'"
drrodiSbvra Trj t5>v rpotpzlwv • KaraaTrjcrat U vop.ip.ov robs Bvovrds nvi 6eip rairrj rrpoBv^'
P. Stengel Opferbrauche der Griechen Leipzig und Berlin 1910 p. 31 n. 5 holds that 1
npbdvpa consisted in an offering probably of grain, possibly of blood, but hardly °
prescribed animal, and in any case must not be confused with the sheep for Pandros
(infra n. 8).

7 Cp. Plat. com. $dwv frag. 2. 7 f. (Frag. com. Gr. ii. 674 f. Meineke) ap- Athej1'
441 F irptora p-iv tpol yap KovpoTp6<pu> -KpoOvtrai \ ttAcikoOs ivopxr/s, dp.v\os iyKip-^v< K'

8 Philochor. frag. 32 (Frag. hist. Gr i. 389 Mtiller) ap. Harpokr. s.v. i*lP°'c'^
AvKovpyos iv rrepl rr)s lepelas (frag. 4 Sauppe). $i\6xopos 8' iv /3' tp-qtrlv oi,rws', cod
tis t?J Adr/vq. Biri povv, dvayKa'ibv iari Kal Trj HavSpoo-tp (so codd. B.C.P.Q- iravStj'P'f

A. ed. Aid. and the epitome Harpokr.) dveLV oiv, Kal iKaXeiro t6 0vp.a irripoiov.'
Kal 2rd0uXos iv a tCsv rrepl'AO-qvuv (frag. 6 (Frag. hist. Gr. iv. 506 Mtiller)).