Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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248 The Daughters of Kekrops

between the Uknon and the kernos1, which figured in similar rites ,
may account for the late tradition that the couch of Eos and
Tithonos was on Kerne3, an island off the west coast of Libye or,
as mythographers and poets declared, at the ends of the habitable
earth4. Two points appear to justify the comparison of Tithonos
with Erichthonios. We have seen5 that Athena, wishing to make
Erichthonios immortal, kept him as an infant in a basket (pi. xxix
and fig. 154)6. Similarly Eos, bent on making Tithonos not only
deathless but ageless, tended him like a babe in a basket7. Again, we

1 For the \Uvov see Miss J. E. Harrison 'Mystica Vannus lacchi' in the Journ. HM-
Stud. 1903 xxiii. 292 ff., ib. 1904 xxiv. 241 ff., ead. 'Note on the Mystica Vannus lacchi
in the Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1903—1904 x. 144 ff., ead. Proleg. Gk. Rel." pp. 401 ff-
('Dionysos Liknites'), 517 ff. ('The Liknophoria'), H. G. Pringsheim Archaologtsche
Beitrage zur Geschichte des eleusinischen Kults Miinchen 1905 pp. 29—38, Kruse in
Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xiii. 536—538, W. Kroll ib. xiii. 538—541.

For the ntpvos, D. Philios in the 'Etp.'Apx- 1885 pp. 171—174, ib. 1906 pp. 197—
R. C. Bosanquet in the Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1896—1897 iii. 57—61 ('The so-called
Kernoi'), H. von Fritze in the "&<p. 'Apx- 189; pp. 163—174, K. Kourouniotes ' KEPNOI
ib. 1898 pp. 21—28, O. Rubensohn 'Kerchnos' in the Ath. Mitth. 1898 xxiii. 271—306'
L. Couve in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. iii. 822—825, E. Pernice in the Jahrb. d. kats-
deutsch. arch. Inst. 1899 xiv. 69—72, B. Staes in the 'E<p. 'Apx- 1901 pp. II-—2l'
J. N. Svoronos in the Jonm. Intern, d' Arch. Num. 1901 iv. 169—191, R. M. Dawkins i'1
the Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1903—1904 x. 220—223, H. G. Pringsheim op. cit. pp. 69—7^>
S. Xanthoudides 'Cretan Kernoi' in the Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1905—1906 xii. 9—23>
Leonard in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xi. 316—326, C. D. Bicknell in the Journ. HM-
Stud. 1921 xli. 231.

The two utensils are confused by the schol. Plat. Gorg. 497 c p. 913 a \i'Kipvo% Se to
\Uvov -rjyovv to tttvov iariv. S. N. Dragoumes in the Ath. Mitth. 1901 xxvi. 46 infers fro111
Poll. 4. 103 ras 5e mvaidSas lipxovvro ovk 018a eir eiri Tn.va.Kwv efre irlvaKas (pipovres' t
yap Kepvo<pbpov 6pxvP-a old* on \Ikvo. t) ea"xapi5as (ptpovres' xtpvo. 6£ ravro. ^koX^lto that
8viJ.ia,Tr)piov and \Ikvov had both come to be identified in popular parlance with the old
mystic Kepvos.

2 Ammonios of Lamptrai irepl $oip.G)v koX 6vo-lS>v frag. 6 (Tresp Frag. gr. KtiUsc^ir'
p. 96) ap. Athen. 476 E—F, Polemon of Ilion irepl rod Alov Kipdlov frag. 1 (Tresp Frag. & ■
Kidtschr. p. 87 f.) ap. Athen. 478 c—D. See further Harrison Proleg. Gk. Rel.2 p- rS9'
Leonard in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xi. 317 f.

3 Lyk. A I. i6ff. with Tzetz. ad loc, cp. 1084 with schol. and Tzetz. ad loc.

4 C. T. Fischer in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xi. 315 f.

5 Supra p. 238.

6 Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases iii. 243 no. E 372 a red-figuredpelike from Kameiros showing
(a) Athena and Erichthonios, who sits up in his basket to greet her. The wicker h
(cp. Ov. met. 2. 554) is off, and from the rock (Akropolis) rise two spotted snakes (Eui-
Ion 23 cited supra p. 239 n. 1), one bearded, one beardless. (/;) Two draped figures
moving to the right, probably Aglauros and Herse, but possibly two youths by mistake
of the artist (so Harrison Myth. Mon. Anc. Ath. p. xxxii). See further R. Engelmann m
the Ann. d. Inst. 1879 li. 62 ff. pi. F, id. in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1306 t

H. Heydemann in the Ann. d. Inst. 1879 n- 112 ff-1 Harrison op. cit. p. xxxi f- ng-
J. A. Hild in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. ii. 808 fig. 2766, Reinach Rip. Vases i. 342> 2'
Existing illustrations being inadequate, I have given both a photographic plate and a
development of the design by Miss E. T. Talbot.

7 Supra p. 247.