Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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250 The Daughters of Kekrops

have conjectured that the Dew-sisters fed the infant Erichthonios on
dew1. So with Tithonos. Eos fed him on ambrosia, that is honey ,
a species of heavenly dew3. Moreover she changed him into a
cicala4, and that little creature was popularly believed to subsist on
dew5. The transformation was apt, for the cicala, once more like
Erichthonios the 'very child of the Ground6', was notoriously
earth-born7 and the traditional badge of an autochthonous Ionian
people8 (figs. 158—161)9. It may even be surmised that Tithonos

1 Supra p. 246. 2 Supra p. 247. 3 Supra p. 246.

4 Hellanikosfrag. 142 [Frag. hist. Gr. i. 64 Midler) =frag. 140 (Frag.gr. Hist. i. 14°
Jacoby) ap. schol. A.B. Gen. II. //. 3. 151, Hieronymos of Rhodes (ft 290—230 B.C.:
Daebritz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 1563) ap. schol. B.L.T. 11. 11. 1, Etidok.
viol. 920, and Eustath. in II. p. 825, 43 ff., schol. A.B.D. //. n. 1, Eustath. in II. p. 396,
33 ff., Klearchos frag. 20 (Frag. hist. Gr. ii. 309 f.) ap. Zenob. 6. 18, Plout. 1. 68, Append.
4. 68, Apostol. 16. 57, Arsen. viol. p. 447 Walz, Phot. lex. s.v. ItOuvov yf/pas, Souid. s.v.
KaTayrjpdirais TiOuvoO fiapirepov, Serv. in Verg. georg. 3. 328, in Verg. Aen. 4. 585, 7. 188,
interp. Serv. in Verg. georg. 1. 447, Myth. Vat. I. 139, 2. 194.

J. T. Kakridis 'TiefiNOS' in the Wiener Studien 1930 xlviii. 25—38 makes it
probable that the transformation of Tithonos into a te'ttix kept in a cage was an early
myth, purposely ignored by the author of h. Aphr. 218 ff., but presupposed by certain of
his phrases (231—238) and resuscitated by later writers. See also F. Dornseiff 'Der
homerische Aphroditehymnos' in the Archivf. Rel. 1931 xxix. 203 f.

5 Hes. sc. Her. 393 ff., Aristot. hist. an. 4. 7. 532 b 10 ff., 5. 30. 556 b 14 ff., Theokr.
4. 16, Anacreoni. 32. 3 Bergk4, 32. 3 Hiller—Crusius, Verg. cel. 5. 77, Plin. nat. hist.
ir. 94, Ail. de nat. an. 1. 20, Philes de an. propr. 500.

In Loukian. Icaromen. 13 Empedokles, speaking as an inhabitant of the moon, says
otTovp-ai bpbtrov.

6 Supra p. 181.

7 Plat. symp. 191 c, Anacreoni. 32.16 Bergk4, 32.16 Hiller—Crusius, Plout. symp. i- 3-
3, schol. Hermog. (cited infra p. 25 m. o). See further Gruppe Gr. Myth. Rel. p. 797 n. 0.
In point of fact the cicala lays its eggs in the ground (Aristot. hist. an. 5. 30. 556 a 29 fi.i
Plin. nat. hist. 11. 93. O. Keller Die antike Tienveit Leipzig 1913 ii. 401) and remains
for a long period in the larval state (Aristot. hist. an. 5. 30. 556 b 7 TeTTiyoptrrrpa, Pl'n>
nat. hist. 11. 93 tettigometra. R. Lydekker The Royal Natural History London 1896
vi. 193 fig.), so that it would easily be regarded as earth-born.

8 Asios frag. 13, 4 f. Kinkel ap. Athen. 525 E—F (Samians visiting the precinct of
Hera) xa'™' 8' rjupevvT dve'p.a xPvaiois evl deofiois, | xpvff(laL ^ Kbpv/ifiai iir' aintu*
rimyes as, Aristoph. eg. 1331 6'5' ("KeTvos (sc. the Athenian Demos) bpav TerTiyo(p&pas'
apxa-lv cxv/^an \ap.irpbs with schol., nub. 984 dpxa'id ye Kal Aiiro\twdii Kal rerrly^v
avap-ecra with schol. &\Xa>r oi apxaibrarm t&v 'AB-qvaluv rhnyas xpuuoDs iv tois r01J'
TpiX&v -KKtyixtunv elxov, Bibrt oi rimyes ptovoiKol bvres dvaKeivrai 'AirbXXoivi, St W
irarpiSos Trj irb\ei and schol. R. roit rlrTiyas Trapi\afiev, lireiby) ol iraXcuoi Kara tt]V inairKonif
tuv Tpix&v XPv(rV txPu"T° rimyi, tckh-qpiw bid rd tpalveoBai 6V1 avrbxBoves elev, ThoUK-
1. 6 Kal ol irpeo^vTepoi abroU (sc. the Athenians) tQv evba.ip.bvwv bid t& afipoblaiTOV oi iro^us
Xpbvos eweibri xirwyds re \tvovs tiraieavTO (popovvres Kal xpvoQv reTTiyuv evipoei KpwP"^0''
avabovfievoi rSsv evrrj Ke<pa\ij rpixav aq> ov Kal 'Itivtav robs irpeofivTe'povs Kara to %vyyev s
ewl iroXb avrn t) <!Kevr\ Kariax^v, Corp. inscr. Alt. ii. 2 no. 645, 12 = Inscr. Gr. ed. n11"-
ii—iii. 2 no. 1377, 13 (an inventory of the Parthenon 399/8 B.C.) [xpvolbia bidXiffa <rilW'iKT
rkipBtary Kal rerrlyav, C. Curtius Inschriften und Studien zur Geschichte von San'0
Liibeck 1877 p. 10 ff. no. 6, 50 ff. pi. 1 - Michel Recucil d'Inscr. gr. no. 832, 50 ff- (an
inventory of the Samian Heraion 346/5 B.C.) 71*7; lirl pharos %v\lvov, x(Ap" ^pol!avov