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Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The Daughters of Kekrops 251

nbdes XlBivoi, avTt) (xei rh-nyas imxpio-ovs, ivXelrret \ tuiv Terrlyoiv rpiwv Kal twv ivuiSlav
(which incorporates the revised readings of U. Kbhler in the Alh. Milth. 1882 vii. 371 f.)>
Herakleides Pontikos (Frag. hist. Gr. ii. 200 n. o Miiller) ap. Athen. 512 c Kopipfiovs
& avadovfievot (sc. the Athenians) rQiv rpix&v XP^coOs rimyas rrepl rb ixironrov Kal ras Kbp.as
(T. Birt cj. Kbp'pas) i<pbpovv paraphrased by Ail. var. hist. 4. 22 Kopipfiovs Si avaSovpevot
twv eV Ty Ke(pa\y Tpix<*>v, xpwoOs ivelpovres avrals rimyas Kal Kbopov SXKov rrpbaBerov
^^pt-airrbpevoi xpvcov rrporieo-av, Verg. cir. 126 ff. ergo omnis cano residebat cura capillo, |
aurea sollemni comptum quern fibula ritu | crobylus et (so Nic. Loensis (anon. cj. Crobyliae)
for Corpsele cod. A. Corpselle cod. H. Corpselae cod. R. Corselle cod. L. E. Biihrens
Prints Scaliger's cj. Cecropiae) tereti nectebant dente cicadae, Loukian. navig. 3 ol rrpbyovoi
~nf.Cn/ (sc. Athenians), oh iSbKei KaXbv elvai Kopav rods yipovras, avaSovpivovs KpoifivXov
v*6 rirnyi xpvo-tf aveCXr)p.pAvov. k.t.X., Clem. Al. paed. 1. 10 p. 220, 11 ff. Stahlin KoX
"PuflvXov, 5 i/j.ir\oKTji icrriv elSos, aveoovvro (sc. Athenian magistrates) XP""™" Mpaet
TtTTlyav Koop.ovp.ev 01, rb yr/yevis ws aXr]BCis arreipoKaXla KivaiSlas ivdeiKvOp.ei'Ot., Tertull.
devirg. vel. iodebebunt enim et ipsi aliqua sibi insignia defendere, aut pennas Garamantum
aut stropulos barbarorum aut cicadas Atheniensium aut cirros Germanorum aut stigmata
Britonum, schol. Hermog. in C. Walz Rhetores Graeci Stuttgartiae et Tubingae 1833 iv.
70 n. 3 Ven. Kal rraXiv (Bos t)v 'kBr)vr\oi remyo(popetv t&v evirarpiSCiv rods rraiSas, 6 Kal
■qptuiv Sieo-wfero Kal to dpxaibrepov, us QovKvSlSris (p-qo-l KpuifivXov avaSeioBai twv iv rrj
Kt<pa\rj rpix&v, ib. 79 n. 40 Par. ad marg. rimyas icpbpovv ol ' XBrjvaioi xpiwovs, (<tti S b
'■^TTlJ Seapbs ris iirl tt/s Ke<paXr)s fp.irpooBev iyKa.9rip.evos- ol S' aXXoi M rod rpaxvXov, 6v ol
f TiVij^ot icpbpovv KpufivXov avaSovp-evoi • KpwfivKos Si icrn irXoKr) Tpix&v els 6£i) Xr)yov<ra, els
1* Slo. to 041) iK<pepbp.evos 0 Tim£ aivSe<rp.os f,v tSiv rpixuiv, wore avarrjvai Kal p.r] StaXvBrjvai
Tyv 7rXo/ojx- rriipploXov 5' rjv avrols b rims' tov elvat avrbx^ovas Kal povcriKovs roi tov
rtrriya Kal avrbxBova elvai Kal p-ovcxikov, Prokop. of Gaza epist. 18 koI yip <re vvv imBvpwv
*PX°-ly axwaTi reTTiyo(f>bpov ISelv Kixwa Trj BaXaTTjj k.t.X., Hesych. s.v. reTTiyoipbpas"
AttikoI iirl tuv rfjs KetpaXijs TpLx^v elpov xpiwoOs rimyas (elpofiivwv xp""0^ riras cod.

I. Schow cj. elpov. Musurus corr. xpuffous Timyas), Isid. orig. 19. 30. 3 Athenienses
enim cicadas aureas gerebant partim in vertice, nonnulli in fronte, Phot. lex. s.v.
TeTTi-yo06poi • oi 'XB-qvaioi ■ rimyas yap i<pbpovv XP"110^ obp.§oXov tov y-qyeveTs elvai'
®°VKvdl8ris a k.t.X., Souid. s.v. Temyofpbpoi- (after transcribing Phot. he. cit.)...r) Sri
'"W'toi. ptovotKos yap b Tirri^. yr/yeveis Si, Sibri Kal 'Epex6evs 6 oki<7tt)s twv '\0-qvwv airb
Ti>* yrjs irixBri, id. S.V. reTTiywv avaneaTa. = schol. k. Aristoph. nub. 984 (cited supra),
Tzetz. chil. 1. 232 f. 7roXX£ xp^V mitftrm e?xe (sc- Euphorbos, cp. //. 17. 52) rtpi
v^OKap.iSa I *.-al Koaavfjov (an legendum Koavp.^ov;) Kal KpufivXov Kal reTTiyotpoplav, Eustath.
'" II. p. 395, 33 ff. oi Si varepov evyevets 'Ad-qvaioi Trpayp.ari.Kuis rim^v io-ip-vvvov iavrous,
TfTT'yocp6pot. ovres' rimyas yap i<popovv xpwovs, ois Kal QovKV&l&rJt <pr\alv, els <rvp.p7oXov tov
Vlyeveis elvai.

The name KepKurrr) applied to a small species of tettix (Stephanus Ties. Gr. Ling. iv.
'476 A—b) is noteworthy on account of its possible relation to KiKpof (cp. P. Kretschmer
ln Gl<"ta '913 iv. 309).

Various views have been taken in modern times with regard to the precise nature of
these ttttigts:

(") W. Helbig in the Bull. d. Inst. 1874 pp. 61—63, id. 'Uber die goldenen Cicaden
der alten Athener' in Commentationes philologae in honorem Theodori Mommseni Berolini
'?77 Pp. 616—626, id. in the Khein. Mus. 1879 xxxiv. 484—487, id. Das homerische
yS°s aus den Denkmdlcrn crldutert Leipzig 1884 p. 169 f., ib? Leipzig 1887 p. 246 put
°r\vard the view that they were gold spirals wound round the hair. F. Studniczka
Krobylos und Tettiges' in the Jahrb. d. hais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1896 xi. 248—291, com-
bining Helbig's hypothesis with that of A. Conze 'Krobylos' in the Mem. d. Inst. 1865
"• 408—42o, maintained that tittiges were gold spirals wound round the back-hair
\krobylos) to keep it in position. This view was advocated also by H. Lechat in the
**. £t. Gr. 1897 x. 342—344, id. 'Xpvaeoi rimyti' in the Revue des ttudes anciennes
l899 pp. 19—22, who noted that such metallic spirals in the hair might produce a sound
rtniiniscent of the cicala, and by A. Boulanger in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. v. 164.