Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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332 The relation of rain to Zeus

incantation of some magician in the imperial retinue, Arnouphis
the Egyptian1 or Iulianus the Chaldaean2. But it can hardly be
maintained that the great commemorative column, which aims at
furnishing a realistic representation of the incident, figures either
the God of the Christians or the Hermes Aerios (Thoth3) invoked by

1 Dion Cass. 71. 8f. {supra p. 325 n. 2), Souid. s.v. "Apvovcfiis, Eudok. viol. 177-

2 Souid. s.vv.'Apvovcpu, 'lovXiavbs (i. 2. 1007, 14 ff. Bernhardy). Cp. Lamprid. v. Ant-
Heliogab. 9. 1 (supra p. 329 n. o), Claud, de VI cons. Honor. 348 f. Chaldaea mago sen
carmina ritu | armavere deos.


The Egyptian Thoth from the time of Herodotos, if not earlier, had been equa


with the Greek Hermes (Hdt. 2. 67, 2. 138. More explicitly Aristoxenos of TarentiH?
wepl apiO/tTiTiKrjs frag. 81 {Frag. hist. Gr. ii. 289 Miiller) ap. Stob. eel. 1 prooem. corott-
6 p. 20, 8 f. Wachsmuth Aiy6irrioi Si'Ep/j.ou tyaalv eiipi)p.a, Sv KaXovo-i Qwd). He appeal
in late Greek mystical and magical texts as Hermes Tpur^yioTos {supra ii. 611) with Tat,
a shortened form of his Egyptian name (W. Kroll in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii- 792'
G. Roeder in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 862), as his son {supra ii. 943 n. o. Hermes
Trismigistos Kbp-q Kb<rp.ov ap. Stob. eel. 1. 49. 44 p. 387, 1 f. Wachsmuth = Stob. Hm''"'
exc. 23. 32. 6 (i. 458, 24 f. Scott) dXX' t\v avT<2 SidSox»s 0 Tar, vibs 6/j.od Kal


twc p.adrip.aTU]v toAtuv (A. Meineke cj. to6tov or would insert 'Ep/toO before opov
W. Scott inserts roirov after bfiov and omits toAtwv)). On the Egyptian antecedents of this
title 1pi<Tp.i~/iiTTos see R. Pietschmann Hermes Trismegistos nach agyptischen, gnechischl"
undorientalischen Uberlitferungen Leipzig 1875, W. Kroll in Pauly—Wissowa Real-E1tC'
viii. 793, P. Boylan Thoth the Hermes of Egypt Oxford 1922 pp. 118 f., 129, 182, W. Sco1'
Hermetica Oxford 1924 i. 5 n. 1.

The appellative 'Aepios is not elsewhere used of Hermes; but it might easily be attactt^
to him in his capacity of ipoxoiro/XTbs, since it was common Pythagorean doctrine that
air was full of souls (Diog. Laert. 8. 32 etval re -wdvTa. rbv depa fulfil' ip.-wXeo>v • Kal raOr**
Salfiovds re Kal tfpwas ovofid^eadaf ...eh re toijtovs ylve<r8ai rois re Ka8app.ovs Kal
TpoiTLaanovs p.a.vnKi)V re Traaav Kal KXySbvas Kal rd Sp.oia, Philon de gigantibus 1 ovs ^
<pi\btro<t>oi Salivas, dyytXovs MoWtjs eiuiBev dvo/xat^eiv ■ ij/vxal Si el<n /card tov depa ireT
fievai). The Testament of Benjamin, a Greek translation of a Hebrew or Aramaic orig
dating from s. i B.C. (W. Christ Geschichte der griechischen Litteratur6 Miinchen 1920
1. 583^), calls Beliar rd aipiov -n-vev/xa {Test. Benj. 3. 4 p. 217 Charles 6 yap ^"^""J^^i,
tov Qebv Kal ayawoiv t'ov ir\T]<rlov (so cod. c. codd. a. b. d. e. f. g. and S1 add auT0, aT0S
tov Trvei/xaTos (so cod. c. roD depiov Trve6jiaTos codd. b. d. e.f. tov evaeplov
cod. g) tov lieXlap oi Svvarai TrX-nyijvai). And a passage in the late Platonic epinomU s
how readily such daemonic powers might be associated with Hermes (epinom. 9^+ aP
p.era de toAtovs Kal bwb tovtois el-ijs balpbovas, aipwv Se (D. F. Ast cj. &4pt6v rt) ytvos, '^XoV ^
plr-nv Kal p.to-nv, tt;s epp-nveias atriov, eixais n/iav p.dXa xpecbp xapu> r?js eiKpyP-ov 5iair°P
Tn thi= r.™„„„;„„ ,.,„ „.....„„t.._„ *_____,----tr„u - „ ..—i _i„ „l,7wa tov KOffP

In this connexion we may venture to compare Eph. 2. 2 /card tov alSiva to

tovtov, (cord tov dpxovra r^s iljoualas too dtpoi, tov Trveipiaros tov vvv ivepyovvTOS ^
vlois ttjs d7Tfi9e/as and 6. 12 irpbs rds dpxds, irpbs rds tijovo-las, irpbs toiis K'"TliOKI>"'T0!>^ng of
<xk6tovs Toirov, irpbs rd irvev/xaTiKa r?js ■Kov-qplas iv toU ivovpavlois with the W0 \j.vnh I
a fourth-century invocation of Hermes: 'Ep/u; Koa/jLOKpaTUp, ivKapbie, k6.K># °*
crrpovyvXe Kal TeTpdyuve, Xbyav apxyyira yXib<r<j-qs, \ TreidoSiKaibtrvve, xXa^VP0P'' jrellyon
7r^5iXe, I aidiptov Spbp.ov elXloauv birb rdprapa yal-qs, \ Trvev/iaros ijvloxe, k.t.X. (F. G- v jallz
Greek Papyri in the British Museum London 1893 i. 78 no. 46, 401 ff. = K. I>r"s -fa

r>-j...-; r__T Bmvin_T!^i;„ ,„,o : .„ r . ff rn. A- Dl

Papyri Graecae magicae Leipzig—Berlin 1928 i. 194 f. no. 5, 4or ff., cp. A- ,u1lUers
Abraxas Leipzig 1891 p. 63 ff., Gruppe Gr. Myth. Pel. p. 1339 n. 4, F. Legge -^"'T^tuO'
and Rivals of Christianity Cambridge 1915 i. 98 ff.). The same hymn in a tip*.' ^gtf.

papyrus reads iravroKpdTwp instead of KocrfioKparup (Kenyon op. cit. i. io? W- 1 ■ a n.
= Preisendanz ii. 30 no. 7, 668 ff.). Ephesos had long been a hot-bed of magic
410 n. o ' EipeVta ypdfifiaTa).