Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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372 Water-carrying in connexion with marriage

pair of animals. The custom was observed in other places besides
Athens: at Thebes the water was drawn from the river Ismenos1;
elsewhere from any convenient source2.

If a man died unmarried, his relatives still performed the 'bath-
carrying' for him and—we are told—set up over his tomb the
representation of a boy with a pitcher3, known as a lontrophdros ■
Similarly, if a woman died unmarried, a girl with a pitcher, that is
to say a female loutrophdros, was erected over her tomb6. But, since
no such statues or reliefs or paintings have come down to us, the
testimony of the old grammarians has been discredited6. Other
ancient authorities, however, state that pitchers called loutroph6rot
were placed over those who died unmarried7, or that black pitchers
called 'Libyans' were set upon their tombs8. And these statements

1 Eur. Phoen. 347 f., Plout. de exsilio 16. ,

2 Poll. 3. 43 KaXovvTcu de Kal dpdes vvfxpiKal Kal trretpavos Kal (TtoXtJ. Kal Xovrpa TIS K0^
fovea Xovrpocpbpos, '' KBrjvqai p.ev £k tt}s KaXXippbijs etr' audes '¥ji>i>ea,Kpov'i>ov kXt]®6^ '
dXXaxddc. de ddev Kal tv\oi' ^KaXeiTO de ravra Kal vvpupiKa Xovrpa, cp. Phot. 'r*
Xovrpa (supra p. 371 n. 4).

3 Harpokr. s.vv. XovrpoQipos Kal Xovrpo<popeXv (quoted supra p. 371 n. i) = l'aV01
lex.-p. 1192, 27 ff., cp. Souid. s.vv. Xovrpocpdpos Kal Xovrpo<popetv. Hesych. s.vv. Xovrpo<P V
Hyyv, Xovrpotfebpos (quoted supra p. 371 n. 2). j

4 Bekker anecd. i. 276, 27 ff. Xovrpo<p6pos ev tu pmrifxarL eirlKeiraL (cp. Dem. odv- ^
30 quoted infra p. 373 n. i)- Idos rjv'A.8i]vrio-i rots aydp,ois airoBavovo-i Xovrpotpopov e
Hvriixa KaditjTaveiv. tovto de t)v irah vdplav ^xu"' *K "MBov irewonjp.e'vos. ■ ^

5 Poll. 8. 66 tu>i> 8' aydp,wv Xovrpotpbpos r(p fj.vrjp.arL ecpio-raro, Kbpt} dyye^oV ^ ,
v8po(pdpovt vbplav tj irpbxovv 7) Kpta<rubv rj koXttlv. r-rjv de t-tpLLTraiie'vTjv eUbva, etre Xovrpo ^
el'i) etre a\\rj tis, tnio-Triiia 'I<roios K^KXijKep (Isaios dTrapao-q/xa frag. 31 Baiter SaupP ^

6 A. Herzog 'Eine Lutrophoros' in the Arch. Zeit. 1882 xl. 131 ff. suppo5"^.)
Harpokration and Pollux are confusing the marriage-rite (boy or girl carrying P ^agen
with the funeral-rite (pitcher set up on tomb). Furtwangler Samml. ^"^"""'"^j^ovi^
pi. 58 f. p. 3 n. 1 regards Herzog as over-sceptical. But Nachod in Panly—~ garpo-
Real-Enc. xiii. 2098 says with some justice: 'diese Erklarungen (sc. of Pollux an cjien
kration) beweisen nur, wie wenig die spaten Lexikographen von solchen ke

noch wussten.'

7 Eustath. in II. p. 1293, 8 ff. Kai tois irpb yap.ov Se reXevrdxiiv Xovrpo<j>bpos^
iireriSero KaXiris eis Ivde^iv rov on dXovros to vvp.<piKa Kal dyovos direicri (con
infra p. 396 n.' 3).

8 Hesych. s.v. Xi(36as (L. Dindorf in Stephanus Thes. Gr. Ling. v. 277
rets paXaivas vdpias, iirl roU raipois rWe/xivas. The name probably refers in pru>"s j^its
black colouring of these pitchers (Nachod in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xiii- i09-■ ,^11-
'Das ziemlich lange Festhalten an der sf. Bemalung,' but demurs to Pfubl ' us det
Zcichnung d. Gr. i. 342 'der technische und teilweise audi stilistische A altjerische>
schwarzfigurigen Lutrophoren und panatheniiischen Amphoren hat unlvtl^e phrase
religiose Griinde'). But there is, to my thinking, an Aristophanic touch about aljuSjon
which suggests a secondary allusion to libations (At/Sds etc.), if not also a ter ^ 1 stiff"
(see e.g. supra ii. 2 n. 4) to the Libyan custom of pouring water into a ho e ^ ^ a
pp. 338 £, 354. Note also the grave of Antaios, shown at Tingis in Maure|^°g ^as m»<ie
hill resembling a man lying on his back ; and it was said that, whenevei a
in it, rain fell till the hole was filled up again (Mela 3. 106)).