Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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382 Water-carrying in connexion with marriage

adorned with a sepulchral subject (fig. 243). Or, again, we have
loutrophoroi in low relief represented, with varying degrees of
complexity, on upward tapering tombstones (figs. 246—250)1 and,

holds a lagobolon. Pentelic marble. Height o-57m. The same type recurs in A. Conze
op. cit. Berlin 1906 iii. 367 f. nos. 1730 a and 1731, cp. 1732.

5 G. A. S. Snijder 'Une representation eschatologique sur une stele attique du iv
siecle' in the Rev. Arch. 1924 ii. 37—45 pi. 3 has proved (1) that the youthful figures on
the handles mentioned supra n. 4, with which must be grouped those of the relief shown
infra fig. 250, are not mere mortals, but dancing Satyrs as conceived in the second ha
of s. iv B.C.; and (2) that they are present, not as purely decorative features, but &s

Fig. 244. Fig. 245.

*i «. symbol06

significant symbols of the Dionysiac faith (p. 43 f. 'Sans doute, leur caractere s> . ^sjte<
n'est pas accuse; mais un "bon entendeur," c'est-a-dire un initii comprenait sanS s0vjs
leur langage. lis expriment a la fois l'espoir et le vceu que le jeune defunt.. .soit 1^sS de
les traits d'un bienheureux Satyre1 (lCf. Dieterich, Nekyia, p. 78), dans^ le vlJ)
Dionysos et les champs frequentes par les bienheureux2 (2Suivant VAnthologia Qn se
37, on voyait sur le tombeau de Sophocle un Satyre tenant a la main un maSC'U j^gon *
demande si c'etait seulement une personnification du drame et non pas "ne
l'ordre d'idees etudie dans cet article...).'). jyluseu"1 *'

6 Fragment found iv Wcrei Movo/i/ian Sij/xou <3?yAi;s, now in the National ^^45)>
Athens (no. 2546) (A. Conze op. cit. Berlin 1906 iii. 369 no. 1733 a pi. 375 {-mJ j>entellC
The handles enclose two crudely worked Sirens beating their heads and brea
marble. Height o'52m. ,„ Sch°e;

1 (a) Found near the church of Hagia Trias in the Kerameikos at Athens ^ ,i,
in the Bull. d. Inst. 1870 p. 146 ff. no. 4, Kaibel Epigr. Gr. no. 34. Corp- I -j, 295 *°e
3 no. 2339, Cougny Anth. Pal. Append. 2. 48, A. Conze op. cit. Berlin 1*
1357 pi. 285, 1 (=my fig. 246)). The akroterion or pediment of the stile is ^ 0{ &
decoration of the loutrophdros was doubtless eked out in paint. Righttranscr'
vase, from above downwards, runs a four-lined epigram, which U. 1 0