Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Water-carrying in connexion with marriage 395

a definite marriage awaited the dead bachelor or spinster. But he
treated it as one out of many facts tending to establish the important
conclusion that, in Greek belief, every man might look forward to
becoming the groom of Persephone, every woman to becoming
Hades' bride1:

Custom past and present, ancient literature, modern folk-song, all agree in their
Presentment of death as a marriage into the house of Hades.'

To me it seems that the opinions of Schrader and Lawson are
n°t mutually exclusive. It may well be (though the evidence for it

sa'ght2) that in prehistoric times the dead bachelor demanded—
'ke- Achilles (?)—a bride to keep him company. And, when this
savage custom had dwindled into a set of merely mimetic rites and
symbols> it may well have left behind it the feeling that the pre-
^aturely dead must needs be married somehow in the world beyond
^e tomb. If SO] tne great wave of oriental influence which swept

e Mediterranean c. 600 B.C.3 and the subsequent (or consequent?)
_^rowth of Greek mysticism very possibly intensified a latent belief
^ tne divinity of the dead. The Egyptian identification of the

ummified man with Osiris4 is at least paralleled by the Orphic

Happy and blest one, a god thou shalt be in place of a mortal
j 1*9^1 ii. 1,64 n. 2.

pp. ,ge^_the Ejections raised by P. Stengel in the Woch. f. klass. Philol. Mai 3, 1905
tjgf and4^1 ^ ^au^rnanrl *n tne ZeMschrift fiir deutsche Philologie 1907 xxxix.

220 n a"?Wered by O. Schrader Sprachvergleichung und C/rgeschichte 3 ]ena 1906, 1907
I4 Triicro'j ' U" ^5 n" 3' tt2, Stengel loc. cit. p. 490 n. 3 aptly quotes Loukian. de luctu
k&tu) • "'Kai 7ra^a.Kidas...iTrLKa.T€(T(pai;av...(bs xp^cro/xepois e/cei Kal d.iro\<xti<70v<nv avruiv

'9°7 p Erman A Handbook of Egyptian Religion trans. A. S. Griffith London

'9o8 i ^ b"' ^* Hall in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh

Jrazer +43'', A. M. Blackman ib. 1920 xi. I32a_b ('Identification with Osiris'1},

'^entifiec) ■" ^onSh3 ■ Adonis Attis Osiris3 ii. 16 ('Thus every dead Egyptian was

6 One * 1 °SiriS and bore his name')- Supra p. 343.
H8 n. 2, . tne gold tablets from Orphic graves of s. iv—iii B.C. near Thourioi (supra ii.
ll0' °+i Ves "le v'erse 6X(3ie xal /laxapiaH, 6tbs S'l'arji avri (SpoToTo (Inscr. Gr. Sic. It.

Kiel's _£>• G' Murray 'u Harrison Proleg. Gk. Ret.2 p. 667 no. 5 (with facsimile),
f'"aS- 32c U J!ra^'"ente der Vorsokratiker3 Berlin 1912 ii. 176 Orph. frag. 18, 10, Orph.
0 ^ersepnon ern" wkich seems to have been spoken by the mystagogds or hierophdntcs
*"veiitae A J" H- Wieten De tribus latninis aureis quae in sepuhris Thurinis sunt

bstitutes tl mi 1915 p- "8)- Another tablet of the

same date and provenance

G' Murray /J P.r°Se formu]a Sebi iy\tvov <?{ &v6p&irov (Inscr. Gr. Sic. It. no. 642, 4 t,
i' 0rPh./ra^' P- 662 no- 3 (with facsimile), H. Diels op. cit.3 ii. 177 Orph./ra^. 20,
,*°me> which' h 2 f' 4 Kern'- CP- >"et another, of s. i or more probably s. ii A.D., from
Murray aS 'he would-be hexameter KatxiXk ~ZK0vvb~uva, vbfiui | Mi S!a yeyuxra
176f- Orph 7' Clt' P' 6'2 n°' 8 (with facsimile) reading 8la for 5m, H. Diels op. cit.3 ii.
■JraS- 19*, 4, Orph./;-^. 32 g, 4 Kern).