Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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398 Water-carrying in connexion

both set forth that they were of the uninitiated. Further, the same
picture showed a pithos, an elderly man, a boy, and a couple of
women—one young, the other elderly. They were all bearing water;
but the old dame's pitcher seemed to be broken, and she was
emptying into the pithos such water as was leftinher crock. Pausanias1,
who saw the fresco in the Cnidian Lesche at Delphoi, adds: 'We
inferred that these persons also were of the number of those who
held the Eleusinian rites of no account.' In thus connecting the two
groups of water-carriers and assuming one label for the lot Pausania5
was almost certainly correct2. An approximate arrangement of the
contiguous figures may be seen in C. Robert's clever reconstruction
(fig. 261)3.

Platon in his Gorgias (written between 399 and 388 B.C.4) like~
wise states that in Hades the uninitiated carry water in a sieve t°
a holedptthosh. Indeed, their punishment became proverbial , a°
can be illustrated from more than one extant vase-paintim


1 Paus. 10. 31. 9 ff, at Si virip ttjv HevdecrlXeiav tpipovcrat fiiv elo~lv VBivp iv KaTea*)00
oo-rp&kols, TreirolTjraL Si 17 /xev 'eTi wpaia to eTSos, 7} Si f)Sr} ttJs TjKtKLas irpoTjKovtra- l^W ^
Brj ovSiv i-rlypap.p.a eVl iKaripq. to>v yvvaiKoiv, ev kolvuS Si io~Tiv iirl dpuporipais eTP<U ,
tGiv ov p.envrnx£v<i)v yvvaiK&v. (10) dvioTipu tovtuv (o~tIv 17 Avk&ovos KaXXiirrc!) kci I* J _
re Kai rj N^Xecos Hijpib • . ../jera Bi tt)v KaXXiarw Kai Serai aitv eKelvy yvvatKes, KP^^V°V^(j7i
aXV^a ean Kai b Mohov "Zlavcpos dvwcraL irpbs tov Kpr]p.vov fsia^b-ievos tt)v werpav.
Si Kai irWos iv Trj ypa<prj, TrpecrfSiiTris Si HvSpuiros, b Si (tl irals, Kal yvvatKes, via /* '
(so F. G. Welcker for iirl codd.) r?j irirpQ, irapd 8i tov irpeafivTriv ioiKvta iKetvV ^
qXi/t/ay oi (lev aXXoi (pipovTes SjSwp eld, rij Se ypat KareaxOai tt]v vBplav dKO.o~ei.s- ba°"^
Tip ocrTpaKip Xoiwov T)v tov SSaTos, eKxiovcrd ictTiv addis is tov iriSov. ireKpaipbp^a
Kai tovtovs rcuf ra Spibp.eva 'TUXevtrivi (H. Hitzig—H. Bliimner cjj. ra 'WKevfftvi) ev
Beiievuv \byui. '

- C. Bonner in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 1902 xiii. 166 'The circui ^
that the intervening figures are said to have been on a higher level than the first §
removes all difficulties in the way of bringing the two groups of dpiir/Toi

together. &s

3 C. Robert Die Nekyia des Polygnot (Winckelmannsfest-Progr. Halle 189V 1'
with lithographic pi., drawn by H. Schenck (part of which = my fig. 261)-

4 W. von Christ GeschiclUe der griechischen Litteratur6 Mtlnchen 1912 u , rl! i)

5 Plat. Gorg. 493 a—c Kai tovto apa tis fjivSoXoytZv Kop.ipbs dvrip, ^c°,s ^tK€ (jJ„jJro''s
'IraXiKOS, -Tapdyiov Tip bvop-aTi bid to iridavov re Kai iriaTiKov wvofxaae iridoi', tovs bi ^
dfivrjTOVS' t&v 5' dfiv-qTiov tovto tt}s "f-vxys 06 ai (-Tidv/xiaL etcrt, Tb aKo'XatxTOP aV^°^ ff0tt &
crreyavbv, ihs TtTpr]p.ivos e'i-q iridos, Bid tt\v dir\-qaTiav direi.Ka<ras. ToivavTtov Si) 011 geV oi
KaXXk-Xeis, evSeiKWTai ws tCiv iv "KiBov—rb deibis Si] \eyoiv—oxitoi dflXtciroTOt ^ ^
dpuii-TOi, Kai (popoTev els rbv TeTprnxivov ttIBov vSiop eripip TOtoiirip Terprjixivip K0(T ^elKO^1
koctkivov apa \iyei., ihs lip-q b irpbs ipte \4yiav, ttjv -//vxvv e&af tt)v Be ipvxvv KOtrKlfV ^
T7)v tS>v dvor/TUiv ws TCTprip.ivT]v, are oi Svvap.evqv <niyeiv Si diriaTlav re Kai ~Kr]9V- fKlp^
363 D—E tovs Be dvocrlovs ai) Kai dSU-ovs els -ri)\bv Tiva KaTopirTOVcriv iv "AiSov K ^jy
vSap dvayKal;ovo-i (pipeiv. The 'Sicilian or Italian' of the former passage is'^-^W1
Philolaos or some other Pythagorean, e.g. Archytas (E. Frank Plato unddie soa ; fa
Pythagoreer Halle (Saale) 1923 pp. 90 f., 298 ff., 364 n. 2t9, P. FrUtiger:Lts'^c (A'
Platon Paris 1930 p. inf.). The 'mud' of the latter passage is definitely 1 ^ pjat-
Dieterich Nekyia Leipzig 1893 p. 75 n. o, Rohde Psyche'' i. 313 0. i> j- *

rep. 363 D).