Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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with the mysteries 401

pithos, as before planted deeply in the ground. Here Oknos and his
assl serve to fix the locality. The lively and humorous rendering of
the whole scene makes it difficult to resist the impression that there
s present an element of intentional caricature. And if so, the artist
Was conceivably inspired by some actual pre-literary performance
°f a mimic or comic sort, though when and where escapes us2.

e that as it may, of these two vases the first probably, the second
Certainly) shows the penance of the uninitiated in general, not that
0 the Danaides in particular.

The same may perhaps be said of a splendid ' Apulian' krater,
^hich came to the Munich collection from a grave near Canosa3.
ls famous vase dates from the second half of s.

Fig. 264.

cit. rightly interpreted the lame ass and the lame driver looking
'anique ^ st'cks, which have fallen from his pack, by a reference to Apul. met. 6. 18
t'nuaiie,C^eCi3' k°na Parte mortiferae viae conti«a^eris (so J. van der Vliet for con-
%nonim °0cld" F-s- g- contingueris codd. (p. g (man. rescript.).) claudum asinum
^0rr'gas e?^ru^um cum agasone simili, qui te rogabit decidentis sarcinae fusticulos aliquos
ass). p tu nu"a voce deprompta tacita praeterito (a variant version of Oknos and
Ctnri°us figure '<~)lcnos' tne ^rc/l'v/■ ^el- 1916—1919 xix. 151 — 157 holds that this
(CP- //_ e °nginates in a 'Traumphantasie' of the sort known as ' Hehinderungstraum'
Saehrens)' J" .ff' ( = Verg. Am. 12. 908 ff.), 23. 99 ff., Enn. ami. frag. 28. 6 ff.
°gischen ai / °'tes (after A. Griinwede] in the Original-Mittheilungen aus der ethno-
Folk-Lore t8 unS der konigl. Museen zu Berlin 1885 i. 42, W. H. D. Rouse in
^ream 0f tn^° V 4°9> Frazer Pausanias v. 377 f.) a Buddhist parallel from the seventh
^atnbridge * jge of Kosala {Jataka Tales edd. H. T. Francis and E. J. Thomas
I °*n at njs j?^ P- 84 f.: ' "A man was weaving rope, sir, and as he wove, he threw it
le Wove, ^ e.- Under his bench lay a hungry she-jackal, which kept eating the rope as

2 °- Gr„ Wlthout the man knowing it. This is what I saw." ' Etc.).
I„, ruPPe r--' " --

3 SnV°dd '

Xxii. glave yielded the Medem-irate'r, described and illustrated supra i. 251 f.

he Undervvo M F' Pfister in Roscher Lex. Myth. vi. 43 f. discuss the appearance of
Tl)e sarrie ^ C0Talc and sa'y"c drama of s. v B.c


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