Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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with the mysteries 413

T- Kind) 11 ff. ^o-reiXe Kal dyopacre to epr/fj.0 (pap/J-dm, \ orr\v fcd/xepd ttjs rofiaXe, o-<fiaKl<TTr}K€
^0v<xXVi I p.£va <ttt]V Kovira r6(SaXe /xi roatj yXrjyajpdda, \ to <tt}K(jj<T€ koX tottlvc crdv vdirive
Xoi'/xdSa. j fj,£s ctcus aVocrtreVa'epats e(3yr)Kcv 77 ipvxy ttjs, \ gtt)v icdXaaiv iicdrjo'ep 7? o~Kv\a
ttjs) \ eirtaav ttjs Kai ra juaXXia airb tt]v Ke<pa\rj r-qs].1
On the hound as chthonian see K. Dilthey in the Arch. Zeit. 1873 xxxi. 83 f. (Erinyes,
Keres, etc. as hounds), G. Loeschcke ib. 1877 xxxv. 137 (the hound of Erinys), W. H.
Roscher in the Abh. d. sacks. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. Phil.-hist. Classe 1897 xvii. 3. 25—50
' Die Beziehungen des Hundes zu den Damonen des Todtenreiches'), Rohde Psyche* ii.
83 3 (Hekate as KvvoKi(pa\os (Hesych. s.v. 'Ekott/s &ya\p.a, Bekker anccd. i. 336, 31 ff.,
?P" Fustath. in Od. p. 1714, 42 f.) or niwv (Kallim. frag. Iooh. 4 Schneider ap. Eustath.
l" P- 1714, 43ff., cp. Bekker anccd. i. 336, 33 ff. ; pap. Par. 4. 1432^ Preisendanz
K"pia Unary),,,. | clvoSla, kvuv fiiXaiva), identified with Kerberos (Lyd. de mens. 3. 8 p. 42,
4 ■ Wiirisch 69ev Kai K^p(3epov auryv oiovti Kptwfibpov ot Trot^rai irpoaayopebovaLv). Hekabe,
^tamorphosed into a bitch, was one of Hekate's hounds (Lyk. Al. n74ff., cp. frag.
yr- ad"P- 101 Bergk4, 31 Diehl ap. Dion. Chrys. or. 33 p. 20 Dindorf), [if not rather—
as her name indicates—originally a form of Hekate herself (P. Kretschmer in the Zeit-
riJt fur vergleichende Sprachforschung 1895 xxxiii. 467 n. I, Prellwitz Etym. Wbrterb.
fn «T" SPr-~ P- • 33. F. Bechtel Lexilogus zu Homer Halle a. d. S. 1914 p. n6f. See
er E. Sittig in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vii. 2661 f.)]), O. Keller Die antike



rwelt Leipzig 1909 i. 137 f. (Hekate, Hekabe), 140 (Kerberos), V. Orth Der Hund
... Itertum Schleusingen 1910 pp. 35, 35 f., ^{. = id. in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
2577 f-, 2578 f., 2580f. (Hekate, Hekabe, Kerberos), S. Eitrem ib. xi. 274 ff.
fro ' ^oeschcke Aus der Unterwelt Dorpati Livonorum 1888 pp. 1—12 with fig. argues
y?^m e fragment of a Clazomenian sarcophagus in the British Museum (not in A. S. Murray
p^yCOtta Sarcophagi Greek and Etruscan in the British Museum London 1898, but
jn tj|S'le^ F. Winter in Ant. Denim, i. 34 frags. e pi. 46, 3, copied by P. Perdrizet
^ e R^vue des itudes anciennes 1904 p. 14 fig. 2 and thence by C. T. Seltman in the
ejy**' Brit. Sch. Ath. 1923—1925 xxvi. 93 fig. 3), which represents a boy holding in
rer er lland a hen between two bitches flanked by cocks, that the Greeks like the Indians
§ p. tvvo dogs of 'he Underworld. But dogs and cocks may be merely apotropaeic.
s°ulof rem m IJauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xi. 274 f. thinks that the conception of the
36) ]° j*16 dead as a hound (e.g. Pythagoras in Xenophanes frag. 7 Diels ap. Diog. Laert. 8.
Hel<1 P an<^ wide-spread roots on Greek soil. He cites in this connexion, not only
l2j.ae [^^aKins (Orph. h. Hek. 1. 5), cp. Artemis Ski/Witis (Orph. Artetn. 36.
Smyr^ee further B. Kock in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iiiA. 619] and Skylakeus [Quint.
Was I0' r47 ff. tells how Skylakeus, returning alone from the Trojan war to Lykia,
Precinct' ^ l'le motners am' wives of his comrades, how his cairn adjoined the
later ano- tomb of Bellerophontes at Tlos, and how at the behest of Apollon he was
^kylak °fred as a S°d. Gruppe Gr. Myth. Rel. p. 804 n. 3 assumes an 'Apollon
oi v EUS ■" uut also the Cretan Zeus SkiSXXios [Steph. Byz. s.v. 1,KvK\iov, 6pos Kp?}r7;s.

yap 6 Ztvs avrou rip.arai, Zvda (paaiv diro&caOaL robs
LobecV T^"' ^-,raP'"'aTuyt rbv Ala. Salmasius' cj. YLopvfiavTuv may be right,pace

aPPare 'f.sIao^'a"lus ii- H46 ff. who defends "Zirapriarwv = "ZTrapr£>v. Zeus SsiiXXtos is
(Supra •■ °ne W't'1 Zeus -kv\los invoked by Gortyna, Hierapytna, and Priansos
Inscript'- 723 °^ and the Coan °ionysos ZnvWlras [W. R. Paton—E. L. Hicks The
C°llitfJ.r" °f Cos °xford 1891 p- 77 ff. no. 37, 45 f., 58 {., 63 = P. Mlillensiefen in
L'g** ft-f£Chtel Gr- Dial"****r- >»• '• 357 ff- no. 3636, 45 f.. 5» f-, 63 = J. de Prott
^"ueil J/"™"" sacrae Lipsiae 1896 Fasti sacri p. 19 ff. no. 5, 45 f., 58 f., 63 = Michel
(ritual c "Scr~ Sr- no. 716, 45 f., 58 f., 63 = Dittenberger Syll. inscr. Gr? no. 1025
^"iVwi °f C- 300 B-c-)> 45 f- ^ovbam [2k]|[vXX;t]oi Xo'tpos Kai Ipitpos, 58 f.

Sv°ron0 'Cl'XX'T£u X°i>os [kqi] I [lp]«pos, 63 [AioTOffui] 2ki;XX(to[( xoipos Kai tpupos']]. J- N.

3 PP- 3—8 ('Zeis vrb Kvvds rpt(pbp.evos') pi. t, I ff. and
com C°rr' HdL 1894 Xviii" 116 would relate Zeus -Kl5Xl05 t0 ^XXos» Mftf^afi
1890 i- io eiK'lng that coins o{ Kydonia (id. Numismatique de la Crete ancienne Macon
+ P1- 9. 22—26, 107 pi. 10, 2, 109 pi. 10, 10, in ff. pi. 10, 12—14, 11, 26,