Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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with the mysteries 419

as he turns unconcernedly to his wife, who is followed by her little
son with his toy. They are in fact the souls of the blest, Orphists
who can claim intimacy with 'the Mistress, the Queen of the
Underworld1'; and Orpheus in person, making music on his kithdra,
conducts them into her presence2. Led by him, they have escaped
the 'well-spring to the left of the house of Hades3,' from which the

deity [supra ii. 1165 n. 1), the dvdSeats Kai artp.p.i.Tuiv eirideixis being the penultimate stage
of initiation (supra ii. 1168 11*3).
Supra ii. 132 f.

Furtwangler—Reichhold Gr. Vasenmahrei i. 48 f.

A gold tablet of s. iv—iii B.C., found at Petelia on the east coast of Bruttium and
-°W in the British Museum (G. Kaibel Inscr. Gr. Sic. It. no. 638, Cougny Anth. Pal.
n 6- '02, Michel Recueil d Inscr. gr. no. 1332, Harrison Proleg. Gk. /tel.* p. 573 ff.,
, • Murray ii. p. 659^, H. Diels Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker3 Berlin 1912 ii. 175
rPh' 'Altbezeugte Fragmente' 17). See also supra ii. 118 n. 2), is engraved with a

E YP H£ £ »i4.ET£:PAHrHiA\NH^oiYr-' H^rbA

ffKm wwf

<Mf< E ;=o.

lit j^*', ^88ls 'he facsimile published by D. Comparetti in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1882
^erolini S lglltly larger than its real size') printed by O. Kern Orphicorum Fragmenta
922 p. I04f. ('Fragmenta veteriora' 32 a) as follows:

evprjcraeis 5' 'AtSao bofxwv £tt' apurrepa Kpijv\r]v,
Trap 5' avTijt \evkt]i> ecTTjKmav Kvirdpiffaov \
TatiT-qs Trjs KpTjvrjs [J.t]dZ ax€^^v ^H7reXda'eias. |
tbpricreis 5' irepav, tt\s ~S\vTtuo<svvT)s d-wb Xluvqs j
5 tyvxpbv vSujp Ttpopiov tpvXanes S' iir'nrpoaStv 'iaaiv. \
EiTreii/- 'Tt)s irats etp.i Kai OupavoO do-repba'Tos,
aurdp 6jCt[oL yevos ovpaviov • rode 5' tcrre Kai avroi.
ShfiT/t 5' el/j.[i] av]t] Kai airoWvfiai • dXXa Sot ai\f>a
tpvXpbv USuip irpope\ov ttjs ~S\vn)i±oo-vvqs dwb Xi'^'"?s.'
10 ka-vt(ol) cr(o)i bihaovai \ -widv deirjs dir{b Kp-q)i>i)il,
Kai tot' Z-n-eiT a{\\oio-i fitd') T)pb)e\atriv di>d£ei(s.)

..........to Stiy ... 16 litt... . ] SaceiffS(ai)

........toS' (ypa\p{a-.................. |

Sup j T°7^ws?:i etVa. ctkotos d/i0i/caXi/i/<as. .

:J***t] CorrT*?6111'"81' d,r^ x^>>"7s Franz. 2 (vpa^{a suppl. Diels, ?7/>a^(e (sc.
pSCUra! tenta • 6tti-'" ' T° *X<fos ( = notitia) 01[ivieri]. Sententia versuum 12—14
13]. ""amina invenies ap. [A.] 01[ivieri Lamellae aureae Orphicae Bonn 1915