Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The myth of Danae and analogous myths 467

and attempted several variations of it. At Naples1 Cupid raises
a deprecating hand as he escapes across the foot of the couch. At
Madrid2 and Petrograd3 the face of Jove is half-seen amid the clouds
ar>d an attendant duenna tries to catch some of the gold in her
aP''on. At Vienna4 (fig. 302) the god's face again peeps through the
clouds, while the old crone holds an alms-dish to take the collection.
-Finally, Van Dyck's Danae at Dresden5 (fig. 303) extends her arms
towards a shower, not only of coined money, but of chains, rings,
and trinkets. So the heroine, who began by adorning a tale, ends
hy Pointing a moral.

Little is added to our understanding of the myth by other repre-
sentations of it in ancient art6. A fine Roman mosaic, found at
^alermo in 1869 and dating perhaps from the early part of s. ii A.D.,
gures side by side three amatory exploits of the sky-god7: on the
^ t he woos Antiope as a Satyr (supra i. 735 fig. 541), on the right

courts Leda as a swan, and in the centre he falls as a golden
°Wer upon Danae (pi. xxxix)8. Another great mosaic, at Ouled Agla
18 * ■

a Woru ^ ^ draws attention to the Defensorium inviolatae virginitatis b. Mariae virginis,
in I,ofi\COmP''ec' tne Dominican Franciscus de Retza (professor of theology at Vienna
ancj j,." ln which various classical parallels to the immaculate conception are adduced
Fenste ^ te^ : ' So erscheint in dem einen Bilde die Danae hinter einem vergitterten
'nit der pe^enC'' W'e S'e von den £°'denen Strahlen des Halbmondes beschienen wild,—
grav;d nterschrift: Si Dana(e) auri pluvia praegnans a Jove claret, | Cur spiritu sancto
Oder M Vlrg° non Seneraret.' See F. Jacobs—F. A. Ukert Beitrdge zur dltern Litteratur
('eaf ■p,'^U"hdiskeiten der Herzogl. dffentlichen Bibliothek zu Gotha Leipzig 1835 i. 112

It g' 1 of this xylographic work).
"9 ff T Crowe—G- B. Cavalcaselle The Life and Times of Titian'1 London 1881 ii.
p1, 'oo nAdd.ison "A cit. p. 41 ff., C. Ricketts Titian London 1910 pp. 110 f., 115, 130
detail)' R '• *lscllel Tizian : des Meisters Gemd/de5 Stuttgart (1930) pis. 130 and 131

- j ' , einach Rep. Peinttires vi. 199. Painted for Ottavio Farnese in 1545.
l34 pi' , ' Crowe—O. B. Cavalcaselle op. cit? ii. 227 ff., C. Ricketts op. cit. pp. 92, 130 f.,
°f Spa'in '°' Fiscllel °P- cit? pi. 186, Reinach op. cit. ii. 724, 1. Painted for the Prince

i t '554-

J. A r-

Ricketts r°We~"^- ^- Cavalcaselle op. cil.'2 ii. 229 f. with pi., J. Addison op. cit. p. 41,
1 J. a **• p" '32> °- fiscnel P1- l87> »i Reinach op. cit. ii. 724, 2.

ass'stanCe f °We—& Cavalcaselle op. cit? ii. 229f. ('perhaps not carried out without
modelling eh™ CeSare Vecelli- or Girolamo'), J. Addison op. cit. p. 40 f. ('The finest, in
^ischel 'aros<:uro' ar>d atmosphere'), C. Ricketts op. cit. p. 132 ('perhapsby Orazio'),
<Xi{ertl°chsten "'•'" ^' Fig' 302 's ^rom t'le KuttstAistoriscAe Sammlungen des

^'ith pi e" Ac"ser/iauses: Die Gevidlde Gaierie Alte Meister Wien 1896 p. 55 no. 174

' J

P' 40 with fi'S°n °f' Cit P" 44 f- FiS- 3°3 is from H- Knackfuss Van Dyck London 1899
6 F- Ki ^ 2''

1893 p. 7 f a Z Q"°'"odo Persei fabulam artifices Graeci et Romani traclaverint Bonnae

(n 8 J- O^efb^11"11 tlle Arch- Zeit- >869 «viL 38-40.

of whirl, the Ber- Gesellsch. d. Wiss. Phil.-hist. Classe 1873 p. 126 pi. 2

Ch = 1ny PL xxxix).
