Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Rain of blood

attention of serious scientists1, who point out that it reposes
upon a substantial basis of fact2. Thus we get the usual diminuendo
of classical religion —the definite naming of Zeus or Iupiter, the
vaguer concept of God or Heaven, the mediaeval portent, the modem
scientific phenomenon.

583 In France (Gregorius Turonensis historia Francorum 6. 14 (Ixxi. 387 A

Migne, cp. hist. Franc, epit. Ixxi. 603 A Migne)).
594 In Italy (Paulus Diaconus de geslis Langobardorum 4. 4 (xcv. 540 A

in regione Brionum'= Brescia (?). There may be some confusion her
with the portent listed under the date S69).
782 At Constantinople (?) (C. Lycosthenes (K. Wolffhart) op. cit. p. 335)- . d
786 In England (J. Wolf Lecliones memorabiles et reconditae^ Francofu't'
Moenum 1671 i. 510 ' Sanguis de ccelo, anno 786 in Anglia profluxit )■
860 At Balkh in Central Asia (Kazwini and Elmazen quoted by Silvestre de '
Chrestomathie Arabe Paris 1806 iii. 526 f., E. F. F. Chladni Ueber FtU^
Meteore, und iiber die mit detiselben herabgefallenen Massen Wien

869 At Brescia in Italy for three days (J. T winger von Ktinigshofen Kbnig5 ^
Chronik p. 104. H. Barlandus Historica Coloniae 1603 p. 16 s'a'eSelltIy
this portent happened at Brixen = Brescia. The date, however, is difi"e^e .
reported. B. Platina Storia delle vite de' Pontefici Venezia 17^' "g/j:
places it shortly before the death of Hadrian ii, which occurred m ,
'Poco innanzi, ch' egli morisse piove sul Bresciano tre giorni sa^unl
J. Wolf op. cit. ii. 308 says : ' Narrant historiographi, quod circa .fl
873. plurima se exhibuerint mundo monstra & prodigia. Nam »' j_,yco-
civitate Bressa, integri tridui spacio continue pluit sanguine. \^nii°
sthenes (K. Wolffhart) op. cit. p. 356 has under the date 874■ tribws
Ludouici imperatoris decimonono, in Italia Brixiae tribus diebus
noctibus sanguis de ccelo pluisse dicitur'). . QiQiidii

990 In the days of King Robert (P. Gassendus Viri illustris Ntcola-1^

Fabriciide Peiresc, senatoris Aquisextiensis, vita Quedlinburg i7° P ju;sge,
'Itemque quod memoratur temporibus Regis Roberti sangl,meaflllVJei"
circiter finem Iunii; adeo ut' etc., cp. Erasmus Francisci „,[{feys
Reiche Uberzng unserer Nider-Welt, oder Erd-umgebende Jl
Nlirnberg 1680 p. 736). 6i'l'
See further C. Lycosthenes (K. Wolffhart) op. cit. pp. 416, 611, 627, ^Joii"^
]. Jonstonus Thaumatographia naturalis Amstelodami 1665 p. 122. Haydn* ^ ^jjs in
of Dates"-' London 1910 p. 1151 f. notes a few recent cases (red rain with sa^ januaO'
Italy and Vienna, 10 March 1901: red dust with rain falls in Cornwall, enc ^o2:
1902: blood-rain, due to insects (Carabits coccinella), falls in Hamburg, «4
red dust, traced to the Sahara, falls in rain over the whole south of Englan
February 1903). , .£ £bh f

1 First in the field was C. G. Ehrenberg ' Passatstaub und Blutregen m adrnirable
berl. Akad. 1S47 Phys. Abh. pp. 269—460 with tables and 6 col. pis- 1 1S '
monograph includes a chronological list of all comparable phenomena. Ber^in'j
- Stegemann 'Blutregen' in the Handwbrterbuch des deutschen Abergla»>e' c0inpose
Leipzig 1927 i. 1445—1447 with bibliography (Reddish dust from the Sa"ara't Dy str°n*
of silicic acid, argillaceous earth, iron- and copper- oxides, is sometimes sweP^ g^p*
winds into the upper regions of the air and carried over southern or even no ^ ^ jgposi' ^
with or without an admixture of rain: the water evaporating, there rema"jjrySalis>'e^'
reddish or yellowish dust. Again, bees and butterflies, when quitting ^^J^^eiin01^ 6
behind them some drops of blood. Finally, masses of red seaweed and
may also occasion a precipitate of red liquid).