Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Rain of food

Land of Cokaygne1 in its English2, French3, Italian4, or Teutonic
varieties5. A frequent element in these Wonderlands is the fall of

1 On the derivation of the name see F. Diez Etymologisches Wdrterbuch der romanischen
Sprachetv> Bonn 1887 p. 114, F. Kluge Etymologisches Wdrterbuch der deutschen Sprache*
rassburg 1899 p. 229, G. Korting Lateinisch-romanisches Wdrterbuch? Paderborn 1901
P" 249, E. Weekley An Etymological Dictionary ofModern English London 1921 p. 322,
• Plate Etymologisches Wdrterbuch der franzdsischen Sprache Berlin—Bonn 1931 p. 69.

J- E. Wells A Manual of the Writings in Middle English sojo—1400 Yale University
res-s 1916 p. 228 f. 'the land of cockaygne...consists of 95 short couplets of 1250—
^Soo in MS. Ilarley 913 f. 3. The MS. was written probably between 1308 and 1318,
Th'3*65' '3e'°re r345"" possibly...from a lost French source.' Bibliography ib. p. 798 f.
, e text was first published by G. Hickes Linguarum Veil, septentrionalium thesaurus
'^n"nal!co-criticus et archceologicus Oxonise 1705 i. 231—233, then e.g. by T. Wright in
' ^aupt—H. Hoffmann Altdeutsche Blatter Leipzig 1836 i. 396—401, and with revised
^ lngs and useful notes by E. Matzner Altenglische Sprachproben Berlin 1867 i.

^Similar fancies crop up here and there in much later verse (cp. T. Crofton Croker
\^e^°^ular Songs of Ireland London 1839 p. 76 'Then let it, ye powers, | Rain whisky
trees °WerS'' 01 ^' ^ood's 'I ve neard about a pleasant land, | Where omelettes grow on

e3S' J ^n(l roasted pigs run, crying out, | "Come eat me, if you please'").
parj ' "arbazan Fabliaux et contes des poetes francois des xi, xii, xiii, xiv et xve siecles 2
eSpe^l8°8 iv- '75—181 ('C'est li fabliaus de Coquaigne. Manuscrits, n<* 7218 et 7615'),
g£teCla"y vv- 96—100 'Trois fois i pluet en la semaine | Une ondee de flaons (sc. " tartes,

d Ux ) chauz I Dont ia ne cheveluz ne chauz (sc. "chauve") I N'iert destornez, jel' sai
Voir I A' • j

in ». ' 1 Amz en prent tout a son voloir.' This thirteenth-century French poem is copied

Door , jtc!l version 'van dat edele lant van Cockaengen' (R. Priebsch in the Tijdschrift
(J. tj C e'^' laal- en letterkunde 1894 xiii. 185—191), where it rains flat cakes and pancakes
Lit,,. ^scnel in H. Paul—W. Braune Bertram zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und
1878 v. 4,3).
In M A t r-

Paris j .. Grand's comedy Le roi de Cocagne acte i scene 2 (composed in 1718, ed.
tojnj, '. .U- I+6) Bombance declares: 'Le pigeonneau farci, l'alouette rotie, | Nous

i ^ IC1 s du Ciel comme la pluye.'
Stuttgart ear''est Elusion occurs in one of the Carmina Burana (ed. J. A. Schmeller
by a Wa \ +/ P" 254) entitled Confessio Goliae, which was written at Pavia c. 1162—1164
(W. Giesek""5 cleric and addressed to Reinald von Dassel, Archbishop of Cologne
P" 364) Th'20'11 ■d^gemeine Monatschrift fiir Wissenschaft und Literatur 1853

^'bulis et ' e autnor states: ' Ego sum abbas Cucaniensis et consilium meum est cum
Ccaccio's Secta ^ecii voluntas mea est.' But the first detailed description is found in
I87 (EiffhtV, eca"ter°nc. G. Boccaccio The Decameron trans. J. M. Rigg London 1920 ii.
Strict is ,'?ay' Novel •"): 'Chiefly in Berlinzone, in the land of the Basques. The
Sailsages a ed ^engodi [sc. ubi bene gaudetur], and there they bind the vines with
a" °^ grated ^ den'er WI" Duy a goose and a gosling into the bargain; and on a mountain,
lavUioli 1 (u armesan cheese, dwell folk that do nought else but make macaroni and
'°136 scrambl of rissole-)> and b°>l them in capon's broth, and then throw them down
Vj"? never a d f°r; and nard by flows a rivulet of Vernaccia, the best that ever was drunk,
l,iageric roP of water therein.' Dr H. Meier draws my attention to A. Bertarelli
e" Tail] !a're italienne Paris 1929 pp. 50 fig. ('Le Pays de Cocagne des femmes.'
Ce c°loriee °UCe vers and s1 ng- ('Description du Pays de Cocagne.' Taille-

'S " Kluge £ pmceau' de Remondinia Bassano. xviiie siecle).

J8chlaraffe ^ '^'"'"logisches Wdrterbuch der deutschen Sprache6 Strassburg 1899 p. 341
' Jahrh. u n *** dem 17- Jahrh. fur alter nhd. (16. Jahrh.) Schlauraffe, das noch :~


l^gten Und , Maa'er der Sitten 11 193) begegnet: aus dem seit dem 14. Jahrhundert
thhri ^tissigganaUm alteren ml,d- slur-affe (: sluder-affe) M. "uppig lebender, gedanken-
sl*r "Fau^er' Schlarafie" (bei Maaler 1561 Schluraf'hst schlaflerig Mensch") zu
er>zerei, faule Person" sowie zu schleuderu und schlummern, Ursprgl.