Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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5<D2 Rain of food

comestibles in a shower from the sky. The gap between ancient and
modern examples is filled, on the one hand, by folk-tales that tell
of eatables and drinkables falling like rain1, on the other hand, by
would-be historical happenings2, sometimes susceptible of a scientific
explanation, sometimes exaggerations or distortions of residual facts-
war shlr-affe Schimpfwort wie frtthnhd. Gdhnaffe, Maulaffe und Rotzaffe. Die ers'e
ausfiihrliche Schilderung des seit dem 15. Jahrh. erwahnten Schlaraffenlandes hat H^ns
Sachs 1530 in einem Schwank gegeben' [E. GoetzeSamtliche Fabeln undSchwanhi^
Hans Sachs Halle a. S. 1893 i. 8—11 no. 4 'Das Schlauraffen Landt' in 108 short riming
lines]. For other early references to Schlaraffenlandsee J. Poeschel in H. Paul—W. Braun _
Beitrdge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 1878 v. 416 ff., J. I3olte^~
G. PoKvka Anmerkungen zur den Kinder-u. Hausmdrchen der Brilder Grimm Le'P2'!
1918 iii. 248 ff. Grimm's Hottsehold Tales trans. M. Hunt London 1901 ii. 229 f- n0- l"
' The Story of Schlauraffen Land' is taken from a German poem of the fourteenth century
(printed from a Strassburg MS. by M. Haupt—H. Hoffmann Altdeutsche Blatter L«PZ1S
1836 i. 163—165 in 63 short riming lines). In this topsy-turvy country e.g. 'sweet honey
flowed like water from a deep valley at the top of a high mountain.' A. Alsleben Joh&n,t
Fischarts Geschichtklitterung (Gargantua) Halle a. S. 1891 p, 143 (cap. 6) 'In dem Lan
kan ich nicht meh bleiben, der lufft thut mich in Schlauraffen treiben. drey meil hin
Weihenacht, da seind die Lebkuchenwand, Schweinepratentrom, Maluasirpron'1^
Bachschnittbach, Bachfischbach, Eyer im Schmaltz ftir Hartz und Gummi da ^
Taubenschlag mauler gepraten Wachteln fangen, die dem Bauren uber Nacht irn g .
geruhet haben, da der Milchramregen, der Zuckererbsen Hagel, der speisol" v ^
schlaflon regieret, O der Pratwiirst Zaun, honiggips, fladendacher, welche die ^e 6^tSt
vorstilrinuhg des vollen Bergs sehr verschantzen,' etc. Fischart's Gargantiia was
printed in 1575. My pi. xl is from the Bilderkatalog zu [M.] Geisberg: Der detiW

Einblatt-Holzschnitt (a woodcut printed by W. Strauch, Nflrnberg). The book was kiB ^
lent to me by Dr H. Meier. Cp. Reinach Rep. Peintures ii. 753, 2 (a pawtin»
Breughel le Vieux, now at Berlin). Jjg&

See the tales cited by J. Bolte—G. Polivka Anmerkungen zu den Kinder- ■
march en der Briider Grimm Leipzig 1913 i. 527 f. ^ {p

- Athen. 333 A—B otda 5e Kal 7roXXoxoO Ijaavra rbv Bebv IxOvci' $aip^as ^ //.
Sevrepip Ilpvrdvewv 'Epealuv (frag. 1 (Frag. hist. Gr. ii. 294 Miiller), cp. Eusta • , ^
p. 35, 16 f.) ev X.eppovr}<rtj3 (pTjalv iirl rpeis yp.e'pas i)o~ai rbv debv txOvas. teal $v^aP% 163^'
rerdprri (frag. 4 (Frag. hist. Gr. i. 335 Miiller) = frag. 4 (Frag. gr.
Jacoby), cp. pap. Oxyrh. xv no. 1801 col. ii, 43 f. [...].oris aKpibaci-\P.V-

[.........:] I km tf?v\apxos ev r-q 5 [..........]) ewpaKtvai rivds 7roXXaX01' ^ J>,

vaavra IxOioi, 7roXXd/cts Se Kal irvpoh tov avrov <rvp.j3alvovros Kal iirl ^arpa-X1^ prints
Dobree cj. yvplvois for irvpoh and would omit Kal eVi fiarpaxuv. F- JaC° ^roS
[7roXXaxou rbv $ebv vaavra ixOvai]** 7roXXd/as Se Kal yvpivois rov avrov
eirl fiarpaxuv. But K. W. Dindorf rightly retains the manuscript readings)- Jjer)l cp-
yovv 6 At/xpos iv r% ko! r&v laropidv (frag. 3 (Frag. hist. Gr. iii- 1^ 1 ptiTP&'
Eustath. in II. p. 35, 17 ff. and Appian. Illyr. 4) '

Uacovlav Kal AapSavJ^ .}ois
X»vs,' (prjalv, 'vtrev b 9ebs Kal roaovro avrCsv eyhero rb vKrjBos lis rds oUlas K
wXripeis elvai. rds p.iv ovv irpibras ijp.e'pas Krelvovres rovrovs Kal crvyKXeiovres ^egpi
SteKapripovv ws 5' oiibev ijvvov, dXXd rd re aKtvt] en\r]povro Kal p.erd tu>v' ^ if}.
evplo-KOvro avve^/bp-evOL Kal avvoirrtip.evoi. oi [Hdrpaxoi Kal irpbs rovroi': oirt1 ^cH^
Dindorf for obU codd.) rots Ddao-iv Ijv xpwBai aire rois nbSas M rty y7!* (^vy'" T^
aupevp\ivuv airuiv, ivox^ovp-evoi be Kal birb rrjs twv TereXevrrjKbTOiv 6op-Vs> ^ 15
Xtiipav.' To the same effect Agatharch. de mari Eryihraco 59 (Geogr. Gr- ^^4***
Miiller) ap. Phot. bibl. p. 453 b 30 f. Bekker Kal pdrpaxoi, 8 yh°ve *ePl T0V\v T£t vW\
Diod. 3. 30 roits Se Ka\ovp.ivov$ Avrapidrat fidrpaxoi rrjv apx^y0"0" ffl''rTa<r"'.or(I^nr£''' * (
X apfidvovres Kal Trlirrovres dvrl rrjs o-vvt)8ovs ipeicdSos ifiidcravro rds TrarplS^i K yffifd^1
K ara<pvyelv eis rovrov rbv t6tov ev ip vvv KadiSpvvrai. But Theophr. frag-