Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus ()mbrios


(%• 346)1 and its counterpart from Falerio (Fatterone) in Picenum

Altar von Pergamon Berlin 1912 pp. 54—57 fig. 3, W. H. Schuchhardt Die Meister des
grossen Frieses von Pergamon Berlin—Leipzig 1925 p. 44 ff. pi. 22. See also Overbeck
Gr- Plastik1 ii. 270 f. with fig. 198, B, Collignon Hist, de la Sculpt, gr. ii. 520 ff. pi. 12,
Picard La sculpture antique de Phidias a Ph~e Byzantine Paris 1926 ii. 243, G. Roden-
Waldt Die Kunst der Antike <Hellas und Rom> Berlin 1927 pp. 57, 687 with fig. 442.

The same subject, but without the aigis, is already found on the Gigantomachy-
"nphora with twisted handles, from Melos, now in the Louvre (no. S 1677) (bibliography
supra ii. 4jj nn- 4 an(j ^ jy. j6 n. 0). This handsome vase, attributed by Furtwangler
to the Talos Painter (Furtwangler—Reichhold Gr. Vasenmalerei ii. 193 ff. pis. 96 ( = my
P|- v") and 97), is referred by Beazley to the /orf-Meidias period (J. D. Beazley Attic

^-figured Vases in American Museums Cambridge Mass. 1918 p. 184), but even so
must be more than two centuries earlier than the Pergamene frieze.

^ase ano- frieze presuppose a common original, perhaps the Pheidiac painting inside

e shield of Athena ParthSnos {supra ii. 435 n. 5).

E. Ghislanzoni 'Statua di Giove ed iscrizione onoraria agli imperatori Adriano ed

nt°nino Pio rinvenute in Cirene' in the Notiziario archeologico 1916 ii. 193—216 pis. 1
^roundplan of temple of Zeus etc. = my fig. 344), 2 (sections and bases = my fig. 345), 3

atue °f Zeus = my fig. 346), 4 (upper part of do.), G. Bagnani in the Journ. Hell. Stud.
9*> xli. 238_24I pl. T8, 1 (statue of Zeus), 2 (statue of Athena), L. Mariani 'Zeus
^giochos' in the Notiziario archeologico 1922 iii. 5—18 figs. 1 (statue of Zeus), 2 (upper
tt/ °f <!0')' 3 (headless statue of Zeus in the Banco di Roma, transformed into a Perseus by
Edition of a heroic head), 4 (torso of do.), 5—7 (head of do.), 8 (torso from Fallerone),

\ atue from Atfih in the Cairo Museum), 10 f. (upper part of do.), C. Picard La sculpture
V>'e de Phidias d I'ire Byzantine Paris 1926 ii. 429, 451.
the • a terrace south of the Akropolis at Kyrene the Italians, in Aug. 1915, excavated
(e r"j"ns °f a temple overthrown by an earthquake in the second half of s. iv a.d. The
c°nta,e' a tetrasty'e prostyle building of the Corinthian order (20m longx i2-5o,n wide),
j ■ jomIne^ tne remains of an oblong mosaic pavement and a large statue-base (3-6om wide x
2ens ^eeP) set against the back-wall of the cella. On the pavement lay the figure of
fig ' br°ken but almost all there. The same site, in 1861, had yielded two female
^cent ^ and an Athena (R- Mur<ioch Smith—E. A. Porcher History of the

aPpea cover'es "t Cyrene London 1864 p. 106 nos. 120 and 121). The three together
fig, 5(jg>t0 ^ave formed the favourite Capitoline triad (supra i. 45 fig. [4, 60 f. fig. 35, 781
his Ca . ^eus n°wstands in the Museo di Bengasi (E. Ghislanzoni loc. cit. p. 2t 1 fig. 11);
255 ^ ners> 'n the British Museum (A. H. Smith in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Sculpture ii.

Zeus' I478 '479)-

a cfa ' n lrnposing statue (2-i8ln high) in crystalline Parian marble, wears his aigis like
r'ght °Ver "le 'e^' shoulder. His raised left hand rests on a long sceptre; his lowered
side antj a 'hunderbolt, as attribute rather than weapon. A tree-trunk (oak ?) at his
°^'ate Hel" Ca^'e at foet complete the figure, which should be regarded as an original
°Ccupies ti enistlc 'irnes. Two inscriptions were found on the statue-base. One, of 138 a.D.,
Kaicrapj h'oad side with a dedication to Hadrian and Antoninus Pius: avTOKp&Topi
"^o/cnri' e°U ^Paia"ou UapOiKov I vi£>, Qeov Nepoua v'tuvw, ToatavQ 'ASoiavw IV/Saorffi], |


Kal'K ° ^ ' °'PX-uPeL P^tylaru, Sr)/jiapxi\Kri5 ffoua/as kjS', iir&Tu rb 7', warpi varplSoi, \
^PVfalu '<rT7'' a^T0KpdT°pi T/tw Ai\la Kai\oapi' kvTwve'ww, vlw 'Adpiavov ZcfSaffTOv, |
^' fig. r K0<Tw8t~"ra iiw' avrov | /coi to[(]s ayd\na<riv (E. Ghislanzoni loc. cit.

\ 238 has an^'VeS a Pnolographic facsimile, cp. ib. p. 205 fig. 8. G. Bagnani loc. cit.
a'W<0* I Z^iwmaCC"rate transcription). The other, on the narrow end of the base, reads
.J* case a wen"' ^" Ghislanzoni loc. cit. p. 200 fig. 2)—sculptor? magistrate? priest? in
f"t own tjle "oniened name (cp. supra ii. 921 n. o). Bagnani loc. cit. p. 241 concludes:
est°red Uy ^ry f l,1at when the temple of the Capitoline Triad was built or extensively
c rian, the people of Cyrene took as cult images a Zeus and an Athena of