Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus Hyetios

deities was Zeus Ombrios, Demeter Proerosia, Poseidon Phytdlmios1,
that of Themistios includes Demeter's daughter, Zeus Hyetios, an"
Poseidon Phytdlmios'1.

The cult'of Zeus Hyetios was fairly wide-spread. He was said to
have been born on the summit of Mount Tmolos in Lydia3. ^
Antimacheia in Kos the members of the local deme and any
cared to join them used to go in procession and offer sacrifices on
an altar of Zeus Hyetios11. The same god had an open-air altar 1

1 Supra p. 527. i

2 Themist. or, 30, 349 a ft 5e Kal Aibvvaov TrapaKa\oip.ev Kal Nvfupas Kal at#"? "
Kbprjv 'T^tl6v re Ala Kal ITooetStofa QvTaXfxiov, 7r\7}o-Ld£ofX€v i]5rj rats reXerats k.t.X.

3 Supra ii. 957 n. 2. g(
G. W. Elderkin in the Am. Journ. Arch. 1933 xxxvii. 393, moved by the analogy ^

the Cretan Zeus, conjectures ' that somewhere near the Lydian birthplace of the g0^ w
also his tomb' and that this may be referred to in the late Homeri ct Hesiodi cert ^
94 f. Rzach ovde iror dfitpl Aws r^pL^oj KavaxyiroSes tirtroi \ dpfxara awTpbliovGiv ^^°V^
irepl vIkt)s (Plout. sept. sap. conviv. 10. 154 a attributes the passage to Lesches, ku'^___
W. Christ Geschichte der griechischen Litteratur6 Mlinchen 1912 i. 128, W. ^''"^[ds
O. Stahlin Geschichte der griechischen Literatur Mlinchen 1929 i. 1. 253 £)■ ^e 1 jtcr
that the Roman custom of the magistrate presiding at the games in the attire of *ll'3oteS
Capitolinus (Iuv. 10. 36 ff.) 'may have been of Etrusco-Lydian provenance', anCl^!1]al.
that 'The alytarch of the Olympian games at Antioch impersonated Zeus' (1°; „ ^
chron. 12 p. 286 f. Dindorf Kal eytveTO iv avrrj 'AvTioxela aXvrdpxvs & T$ avr^ ^
KeXeiVet 6vop.atxBels Tpwros 'Atppbvios (leg. 'A<ppdvios cp. chron. 17 p. 417 Dindo', ^pas
iirdpxuv, iroXirrjS ' AvTLOxevs. Sorts <t>op£<ras to cxniJ-a tov dXvrdpxov to-s i"£,/ ^ ((s
eVt/taVo Kal TrpoaeKweVro cos avTbs 6 Zeus, p.t] dvitiiv Se els oXkov ras airrcts vp-£pas r
kXIvtjv avairlvruv, d\X' els il-aepov KaBevduv els lSa<f>os virepdvoi \W01v K0' "^^vo"
arpu/xdroiv Kal Bpv'tvqs iptdBov. e06pet di aroXr/v oidxpvcov do-irprjv iiael Ka' "T ^tfttS
dirb XvxvitGiv /cat aXXtof Tt/ticoi', Kal Kareixe pdftdov efie\lv7]v, (popwv els toos I5l°vs ^(J^j
oafSaXta aairpa. eKaBevSe 5e rds avrds r/ixipas els to e^depov tt)s Xeyop.e"^ ^^pgpiitS
to Kaio~dpt.ov, to KTurBev virb too Kalaapos 'IooXioo too SiKTaTopos, oirov tffTaTO 0
too aoToo KatVapos 6 <?£co rijs Kbyxys ttjs /3aotXtK7js). Elderkin's article nl0°^e
interesting possibilities, but hardly amounts to a rigorous demonstration of any

W. R. Paton—E. L. Hicks The Inscriptions of Cos Oxford 1891 p. ^.'V ",
E. Bechtel in Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial.-Inschr. iii. 1. 396f.no. 37i8 = Micbe



-------------------- -------- _..---................. ---- .J , CM" .

d'Inscr. gr. no. io04 = Dittenberger Syll. inscr. Gr.3 no. 1107 (in the 0 q 0f its

Anlimachia, the decree of a religious society c. 200 b.c. conferring honours on^^0^pov0'''
members), 1 ff. eirl n[ov]dpxov (sc. an eponymous magistrate of the Coans) L ' ^J>n"
iii|w[s] I 'AprafiiTlov (sc. the first summer month) ■ gdo^e twi kolv<2[t] | tcoi' a[t] | ^

irapd A[ta] | ['T]4iw XctpMiirxos nap^efio-frao] | [/c]ai ^iXtoTOS <S>Mg-tov koI "^^v"1
Hapiievio-Kov ettrav ^TT6[t]|S?j ~NiKay6pas QeoSoipoo «a[i] | AuKaiOos Aevdvirov,^ ^ 0to>8&
iirifirji'ioi (sc. priests who made the monthly offerings) ai<T£7rd77eX|T0t, to t£ , vto t°"'
tco[i] I All Kal aveve&aavTO Tav 8v\alav tov Atis, Kai Ttii' 07ro5oxct['/] I [ ' | [0]^'
dafioTav Kal ] [t]wi> aWuif irdvTav ct^iais tu>\v~\ \ [ff]eu>v, trwovSas Kal t~po W ogv/ioT^PoSt
eXXeiirofTes' oVus ovv (ta[i] | [o]i ,ucTd ravO' aipovfievoi iirtfiJlfiot [vo]\[^]u j"" [
avTos TrapfxfwJIWat, elSdres Tav twv SapLOTav c[£)]|[f]oia>', 5e5Sx^al NtKO-70/'^^ KOj r[°s^j
AvKaiBov {iraivto-ai iirl t[e] | Tat aipe'cret Kai eooe^etat av [^llx0"""' kotI t°s a^dvt^f T° a
[5]ap6Tas, Kai aTtfyavSiGai [ai<]|TSs a7rd xpootiy St^Ka ■ to[! <5£] | TapXai avayp _ ^ fa,SWP
[to ^d]|0ttT/ita es crdXap \iBlvav k\oX] \ avaOivTUv trap rbv (jwfibv \ tov Albs ^ ^g p. ^
[to 7t]|v6//ef0i' ^s tok trrdXaK Te[Xe]|o-di/Twc Toi raptlai. See further Nilsson ^ h»
Apparently the sacrifice to Zeus'WTios had been allowed to lapse for some y