Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The Ox-driving of

to Hestia.' With the further details of the sacrifice1 we are «ot
here concerned; but it is clear that the driving up of the cattle (to
ensure the self-selection of the victim) was an essential part of tbe
ceremony. In similar fashion an ox was chosen every


year by the Coans for Zeus Machanerls2. The animal was selecte

1 Partly cited supra ii. 238 n. o. g

2 W. R. Pat on—E. L. Hicks The Inscriptions of Cos Oxford 1891 p. 88 ff- n0, 3_
=J. de Prott Leges Graecorum sacrae Lipsiae 1896 Fasti sacri p. 25 ff. no. 6 = P- MO ^
siefen in Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial.-lnschr. iii. 1. 361 ff. no. 3637 = Michel Rec
d'Inscr. gr. no. 717 = Dittenberger Syll. inscr. Gr? no. 1026 a further part of the san^
marble calendar. 11 ff. evdeKdrai' Zijvl Max[a]l["]'?' j3ovs Kplverai rb drepov lros (<P s
«?ciwr[i] K[a]ppe£(u, Ka[t9d]|[fl-]ep rod JSarpofilov rtSt Ti-qvl run IToXt-^i' Kplverai, [Kal Xi0^^
TrpolKavretierai, Kal TrpoKaptio-aerai KaOdirep r&i JloXiiji. 5uw5e[/c]]arar

rpeis r4\eo)i Kal (3ovs 0 Kpidels rb | drepov §ros £<p' ov Ka 'twvri Kappetcu, rb de drepov
o'Ces [rjjpets rtXeuc ravra 86ei lapeus 6 r&v h&deKa Qewv Kal lepd |V]|ap^Xa' ^0y
rrpodijeTai Trap rby ko[iv~]ov (sc. (Bu/j.6v) a <pepovri §vkeop\a\x\ldai d\(pirwv i)p.leKT0V,^ ^ ^
rerdprav y^pij de <&v\eo//.\axldais dldorai rod [Sobs 6rr\d, ra[p]cos, rojv de btwv to up-01
06 a deopioipla (cp. Hesych. s. vv. dev/J.opla, 6evfj.opia^rio) rdfiverai Ka[l to crTv]^0S ^
Xap-fidvei 6 l[a]\pevs <TKi\fi Kal Sippiaral rat airai afitpai- 'A8avat[ai] Max«['"]l^'
Kpird to drepov Zros etp' od Ka Zwvn Kappetaft, r]\b de drepov £ros 6'is reX^a* Bvei iaP
dtroppalveTai 0a\\do-<rai (cp. Inscr. Gr. ins. v. 1 no. 593, i4ff. = F. Bechtel in ^ ^-s
Bechtel Gr. Dial.-lnschr. iii. 2. 568 f. no. 5398, 14 ff. = Dittenberger Syll. 'nscr'.Sepor
no. 1218, 14 ff. (Ioulis in Keos) riji de iio-repal[rii d]\[Tr}opalvev rr)v oIkIV * ^jrpv]\
#aXd[ixaT7]|[i] irpdrov, K.r.X.)- rairtiiv oiK dwocpopd- [9v]o-rpa dldorai rai ^ j-T]o[(S
r{ropes Korvkeai, otvov re[r]dpra, rrpdxoi Katval d6o Kal Ki}X[t]|[(ces] Kaival ?7>el!

......o]ts rap, TrbXiv ibveio~6ai 5d[p.aXi!>] [ [— dp]axt*> — V — ra — . ^ ol

Zeus Ma%ave6s is here associated with Athena Maxavls. At Argos near the ^gut,'
Pelasgos was a vessel of bronze supporting archaic figures of Artemis, Zeus, an xVho
Lykeas took the second figure to be that of Zeus Mrjxaveis and said that the ^eQ\^e&
went to Troy had here sworn to capture the city or die in the attempt; others^ a ii.
that the vessel contained the bones of Tantalos (Pairs. 2. 22. 2. See furthei 0us.
1144 n. 2, but observe that the words dv£xel 5e avrb dyd\p.ara dpxdia K.r.X. aie ^ tj,e

The meaning may be that the xaXKelov was itself supported by archaic figures j j,/
three deities, in which case cp. the tripods with anthropomorphic supports a ' n(j at
P. Gardner in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1896 xvi. 275—280). An inscription
Argos in 1906 contains the last few paragraphs of a treaty concluded c. 45° B' ' settlelS
the two Cretan towns Knossos and Tylissos. Both had clearly been colonised j a(6
from Argos, and the fifth of the extant sections provides that, when slxt^v;oUS]y ^
sacrificed to Machaneus, a leg of each victim should be reserv ed for Hera, on ^
the paramount Argive goddess (W. Vollgraff ' Inscription dArgos' in the ^ ^ w]iicb
Hell. 1910 xxxiv. 331—354 with fig. 1 photo, transcription, and facsimile, Par
(vv. 9—n) = my fig. 383):

B I K A T © I M A X A ■ H_ * ' 0 R A

T Ka roi ilaxavel Bvop.-
es rbvs fe^Koyra reXhvs 6}ivs, Kal rai '('E)pai
rb o'Ke'Xos feKdaro dihbp.ev to 8vp.aro$

Fig- 383-