Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The Ox-slaughter of

of barley (fig. 396)l, a ship's prow (figs. 397, 39s)2. If this group too,
as seems probable, shows an actual statue of bronze still existing
on the Akropolis at the time of issue, that statue must have been
a later and somewhat clumsy modification of the old militant
figure, and may perhaps be assigned to the second or third decade
of the fifth century B.C.3

Fig- 394-

Fig. 397- Fig- 398-

In imperial times a fresh set of bronze pieces (figs. 399^4°2^
presents us with a refined and amended version of the foreg >»
type. The stance of the god is more springy and natural, and

1 J. N. Svoronos Les monnaies d'Atkines Munich 1923—1926 pi. 81,7 ( = my nS ^
and 8. ,j 363

2 Brit. Mas. Cat. Coins Attica etc. p. 81 pi. 14, 7, McClean Cat. Coins n- ^
no. 5938, J. N. Svoronos Les monnaies d''Attenes Munich 1923—1926 pi. 81, 9 g^ner
fig. 397 is from a specimen in my collection, fig. 398 from Imhoof-Blumer and P-
Num. Comm. Pans. iii. 137 pi. BB, 2. •£ sjch

3 Supra ii. 745 f. Overbeck Gr. Kunstmyth. Zeus p. 24 f.: 'Die Formen, ^T^pjars
iiber dieselben bei der Kleinheit des Bildes und der massigen Erhaltung des -^^g in
urteilen lasst, gehoren dem reifen Archaismus an, der freilich bei der Dars ^^nit
einem spaten Stempel von seiner Scharfe verloren haben mag, dennoch a^r «jt die
genug hervortritt, urn es wenigstens glaublich zu machen, dass die Figur nic
MUnze erfunden, sondern von einer Statue copirt 1st.' Qa.tinet

4 Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Attica etc. p. 104 pi. 18, 5, Imhoof-Blumer and P- ^jcli
Num. Comm. Pans. iii. 137 pi. BB, 3, J. N. Svoronos Les monnaies d'A n6 ^ ZeuS
1923—1926 pi. 92, 5 and 6. My figs. 399, 400 are from Overbeck Gr. Kunstwy gJt1lst
p. 54 fig. 7 a, b, id. Gr. Plastik* ii. 93 fig. 165, Mtiller—Wieseler Denim- d- a'j(tf0S
ii. 12 pi. 2, 23, all of which depend on the drawings in E. Beule1 Les monnaies

Paris 1858 p. 396 fig. and T. Combe Vetemm populorum et regum nutnt draNVings
Britannico adservantur Londinii 1814 p. 131 no. 99 pi. 7, r. But, since jntlfe^lie c0ins' *

„——m„ „m„---...... — ...... j,. yy pi. n .. - Df the ci

the phidle appears with much greater distinctness than in the photographs ■ ^
have for honesty's sake added fresh drawings taken from J. N. Svoronos JiP'^'g- 40*)

j — - — to„-------------_ ^

(=my fig. 401) and from a cast of the specimen in the British Museum \- jjanP
If the alleged phidle is discredited, it might be possible to explain the outstreon nis o*n
of the god as a gesture of welcome. He is hardly putting a pinch of incense