Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus Polieus at Athens


the Dipotiem1 or Diipolieia^, the Dipoleia? or Diipoleia^, the Dipolia5
°r Diipdlia*, and even the Diospolia1. The ancient grammarians
derive these names from that of Zeus Polieus6, and we have every
reason to accept their derivation9. The same festival, or rather the

Myth. Mon. Anc. Ath. pp. 424—429 ('Bouphonia or Diipolia'), ead. Proleg. Gk. Rel?
Pp. in—113 ('Bouphonia, or... Dipolia'), Frazer Golden Bough*: Spirits of Corn and
Wild ii. 4_7 (< l,ouphonia ), F. Schwenn Gebet und Opfer Heidelberg 1927 pp. 99—119
C^uphonien'), L. Deubner Attische Feste Berlin 1932 pp. 158 — 174 ('Dipolieia'), 253,
and other literature to be cited later.

1 J- Wackernagel in the Rhein. Mus. 1890 xlv. 480—482 argues for AuroXieia as the
correct form, and restores accordingly Corp. inscr. Alt. i no. 2 A, 18 f. [AuroX]ie(ois
J'1' \ [UavaBe]vatois and Corp. inscr. Att. iv. 1 no. 555 a, 7 [Ijepl^Oaiv, ol Ai7ro\i[ei-].
L' Ziehen Leges Graecorum sacrae Lipsiae 1906 ii. 1. 63 fif. no. 16 A a, 8 vindicates these
restorations and publishes a more exact reading of the latter line, viz.: Kip[v]x<riv ol

"ro\!e[l_]_ In Aristoph- pax +20 h. Sharpley prints AirroXUt, 'ASwvia. AuroXieia (G.
1ermann on Aristoph. nub. 984 and M. H. E. Meier De gentilitate Attica Halis 1835
?• 46 no. 20) is supported by SiTroXieis (sic), the manuscript reading of Bekker anecd.
l: 91, 7.

2 AiiTToXieitt Hesych. s.v. (cod.). M. Schmidt ad loc. assumes a fusion of two forms,

Vlz- Aiw6Xia. In favour of this is the reading of cod. V. in the et. mag. p. 275, 1

"3 ^e'a' Against it is the evidence quoted supra n. 1.
an A'^Xeia schol. Aristoph. pax 419, 420. AiTroXeia Choirobosk. orthogr. in Cramer
?Xon' 192' 20 (A- Lentz in Herodian. ii. 1. 493, 2 prints AiviXeia) and 28.

mag. p. 2JS, 3 (cod. D.).

Arist0p'h'r'5Xe'a Arist°Ph- pax 420 (codd.) with schol. ad loc. (codd. R. V.), schol.
4wAXio J'"6' 98+' HarPokr- S-7J- AuriXtia (codd. B. I. N. and E.), Hesych. s.v.
'ex. S j/' 2°nid- Boi-0wia (codd. A. B. E.), AaTriXeia, AairAXio (cod. V.), Zonar.

Goetti;," llT°Kua (p. 518, 1), Favorin. lex. p. 508, 43 f., Theodos. gramm. p. 69, 21
(p. 5j5 f A"*oXda Zonar. lex. s.v. (p. 525, 2 f.). AuiroX 6ioc Zonar. lex. s.v. AuiroXela

5 ^'»4\ ^ ma^' p' 2'^' 2' ii"?,r°^e'a Harpokr. j-.iv. AuirAXe<o (cod. C).

rest°red 1 "* ^'es>'c'1- s-v-> cp. Aristoph. 984 AiiroKiuidrj. AnrdXia was wrongly

Cp' no^- Kircnnoffin Corp. inscr. Att. iv. 1 no. 555 a, 7 [i]ep[(]uati', ot AiwoXl[ois],

6 AuTr'/31' I2f' ^' t,ro*[-] : see JK/ra n. i.

AristoPh V Antiph- 4" 8' Ail- var- hisL 8- 3« Porph- * 2- !°. scho1-

A"*6Via ( , 419 'cod- V-)' scho1- Aristoph. nub. 408, 984 (cod. V.), Harpokr. s.v.
^esVch. j e,xcePl B- C- l- N- and E-)> Bekker anecd. i. 238, 21, et. mag. p. 275, t,
A- B. q_ * "oi'tijs, Bou^oWa, Ai7r6Xia, Souid. j-.ra. Bolivia, AuiroXeia (codd. except
^' 275, t. a A'"r6Xia, eaiSXwy, Favorin. lex. p. 385, 8 and 24. AuiroXIa et. mag.

7 Aiotr-i-J1*6^1* S°i'd. s.v. AtnroXeta after Stflpfo (codd. C. V.).

c 8Cch;rAPorPh-*^-3°-

P' Fav0rin ^ nstoPh-/<w 419, 984, Hesych. .t.i>. AuiroXieia, Souid. s.v. AiuriXia,
y nar. /ex_ ' P- 5°8, 43 Au7r6Xeia, tu3 Ad reXerai. From 8 supposed Zeus lloXia'os

eU9S Tlo^nalo5'q^v6xua (P- 5'8' 1 ff-'' **• "laS- P- 2 75. " f- From an equally impossible
A ^e for .°lr°kosk. orthogr. in Cramer anecd. Oxon. ii. 192, 29.
(,"°'<,'T>W (ColMl°n °f Al"roX'ela from Zei>s IloXifus is exactly paralleled by that of
no'8/7 B.C.), q "lur- att- »• i no. 469, 21= Inscr. Gr. ed. min. ii—iii. 2 no. 1008, 21

3('?)IOoG> 3oand^ M' 1 no" 47'' 30 and 78=y'""'- ^ e(L min' ii—"'• 2

p_ ') from zE|is 78 f122/1 B-C), C«r/. inscr. Att. ii. 3 no. 1358, 15, »*. ii- 3 n0- r387.
Be',0' ^oairnse T^9 Band ^ Diipoliorum sacro Athenicnsium Halae Saxonum
»932 p " c ^>^« PP- 512 n. 3, 524 n. 1, L. Deubner Attische Feste

'74—176). J. Wackernagel in the Rhein. Mus. 1890 xlv. 480 ff.