Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Ritual of the Dipolieia 587

ngure. Armed with his axe1 and rising on his toes to deliver
a crushing blow2, he furnished the Alexandrine poet with more
than one effective simile3. Nevertheless the cause of his longevity
ls to be sought, not in his stirring of the artistic imagination, but in
his appeal to deep-seated religious instincts, than which nothing on
earth is more permanent.

5 A\



Fig. 410. Fig. 411.

4s Toiiy q ~ ' S'*>' Boi'Tiiiros (supra p. 586 n. 1), et. mag. p. 210, 18 ff. Boutujtos' iepeiis tis
^Hfra ' eV Ttt(S ^va^aL? Ty 7re\e\'et rinmoy £9ve' Hovtvttos oca iroda. ravvwv, 'AttoXAwjuos

ola, irfo( Rhod. 2. 90 ff. IV0a 6' ^ttcit' *A/xvkos fxev eir' aKpoTaroiaiv aepdels, \ Hovtijttos
BoutiJTos « Ta>'<V<raTo, coS 5£ f3apeTai> | xeV ^1r' °' TfXe/iifec with schol. fl</ /ef. 91
:Pots -> et7TL1/ ° toits dvop^vovs fiovs Tip 7re\e\-et tvtttuv Kara tou avx^vos. oCros 5£ eV

civ top /Sow). Hence F. Sylburg restored

"s avn - "Totwc (itttw npovtiv (cod. Paris. Boinwos 5£ \e7era1 6 tous Suo/x^ous

'P-toe "'eratic reliefs frequently represent deities, heroes, priestesses, etc. on

Gr-Plasifki"^ra " p1' xii the CWS' base)- Tnis peculiarity is explained by Overbeck
e'6erithiimj;c!' 2^t as 'eine sehr mangelhafte und durchaus manierirte Nachbildung des
^r ^* E° ge,Junc'enen Rhythmus der Bewegungen echt alterthumlicher Kunstwerke.'
? st'lted ari(jC ne" tells me (2° December 1934) that he too views the tip-toe attitude as
age staSey attempt to reproduce the old-time stiffness, which struck a later,
Ji°"1 ^liinche affectation- E- Schmidt Archaistische Kunst in Griechenland und

°f a late period'922 23' 29 sPea'ts of 'Zehengang' as a processional gait characteristic
Sf'116, iI7i°i. ' and '6- P- 35 suspects that a step devised for dancing (cp. supra i. 150
f Probah] eCame fashionable for quieter persons also (cp. supra i. 767, 769 figs. 556—
° Which the y a Variety of causes contributed to produce the mannerism, in the vogue
r ~3 ^P- Rhod ^U'ar ^gure °^ t'le Bovrtfros may have played its part.
fa9"*' i *X%e» 2' 90 ff' ^suPra 2>> 4- 468 f- tA" 5' »7f, BoutiJttos ware fiiyav KeptaKxia.
°Us '"^a^Xx** °'r"re<5<fat with schol. orf /or. 468 tok «(»'A-pvprov 6 'Idffioy ftrXi)£eK, lis tis
Cp. Or. me/. 1,. 248ff