Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus as an ox; Zeus Olbios 619

°f interest into the scene1, or changed the time of action by showing
the bull still on terra firma while the meadow broke into flowers at
his feet2. Europe, fully draped to begin with3, then semi-draped4,
and finally in Roman art frankly naked5, was from first to last

Basket [supra i. 530 n. 2 fig. 402, i. 531 fig. 405), Asterion (supra i. 531 fig. 405,
• 547 fig. 414), Erotes (supra i. 547 fig. 414, infra n. 2 (1) pi. xlvii, p. 627 n. o (3)

'"). sea-powers (supra i. 547 fig. 414, infra p. 627 n. o (3) pi. xlviii), etc.
^ A good example of the sort is a 'Lucanian' amphora in the British Museum (Brit.

• Cat. Vases iv. 95 no. F 184), which has for its main design Europe on the bull riding
an(jar tne 'eft- The sea is indicated by a dolphin (mostly repainted), a fish, a lobster,
a cuttle, seen above a rocky bottom on which are sea-urchins and seaweed. Behind

Fig. 418.

Urope ff w

figure with ^ ''^ * /a'"'a' and on t'le snore she has quitted stands a bearded male

'J- V. Jijji- ay"wreath, embroidered himdtion, and staff—presumably Phoinix or Agenor
Rome tg m^en Pcintures antiques et ine'dites de vases grecs tiries de diverses collections

Len°rmanti-j>" 44- p1' 25 ^ = my fig" 4'8)' Remacn Vases A"L P- io5 f- P1- 25*
P- 438 f , de Witte £l. mon. dr. i. 60 ff. pi. 27, Overbeck Gr. Knnstmyth. Zeus

% 2847) ~, '9) Atlas P'- 6, 11, J. A. Hild in Daremberg—Saglio Did. Ant ii. 863
1116 ^ a little SUegeslion of Overbeck op. cit. p. 439 that the bearded figure is Zeus strikes
supra 53ieptaCl'eSS' ^eus snou'd at least be advancing towards his bride's arrival (cp.
2 A small ^ rather than speeding her departure.

'hat of 7Sr°u':' °^ South-Italian vases combines this representation of Zeus as a bull
(1) An A us in propria persona:
m the |ullan amphora, found in 1851 in a rich rock-cut grave at Canosa (E. Gerhard
e"satn»,i Ar' l85' XV' 5<i ff" P1- '°4' 2 shows 'he tomb) and now at Naples (Heydemann
0 ^enes in £ P" 4°5 ff- na S"8)' has the upper zone of its body decorated with
at in a flo 0,1 Zeus p,ays a P3" '■ (A) Europe and four of her companions are playing
ak°ve and wlv"^ meadow> watched by an old paidagogds, when the great bull, yellow
°n back u' C 1>e!ow' aPPears in their midst and kneels at the feet of Europe. One Eros
ges n,m forward, another holding a laiufa hovers above her. A dove brings