Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus as an ox; Zeus Olbios


{n)tao{vvTo%) r No)e/t/3pi'oi') (?) no — |-----fA)XXi[o]s-------------

" I------^tXo^evov----------------I--------(r)a'iou-------

~ ). Other inscriptions referable to the same deity include a fragment of white

marble found more than a mile away on 'Michael's Hill' (J. A. R. Munro—H. A. Tubbs
l°c cit. pp. 104 ff., 188 no. 35 fig., F. H. Marshall loc. cit. p. 138 no. 985 with fig-

~ c(o)----j -- (A)ids l[ep — I---s 4>iXok---), a large blue marble pedestal

from a neighbouring field, bearing socket-holes for the feet of a bronze statue and an
honorific inscription (J. A. R. Munro—H. A. Tubbs loc. cit. pp. 105, 190 f. no. 44 fig.
( = my fig. +j0) Aii 'OXv/xirltoi | Kvirpiuv to kowov "E/arvKov | 'E/nniXov rov Xap/a yvuva-
{TiaPXh\<Ta.vTa to 6' L (the ninth year of the province would be 47 B.C.; the ninth year
°' the province as reconstituted by Augustus and transferred to the senate would be
'4 B.C.) ck tou ISlov irpoira), three fragments of a white marble slab found in the agora
and dealing with the produce of the temple lands (J. A. R. Munro—H. A. Tubbs loc. cit.

J85 no. 25 (b) fig., F. H. Marshall loc. cit. p. 136 no. 978 (b) with fig.-------

*0"tes A ' — 'O^lMT'oi' rijr (S)----I-----6i (\)oittiv e----|-----

AugUs( * )• and 'he re-cut pedestal, in blue marble, of a statue of Livia

176 f „ lkewise found in the agora (J. A. R. Munro—H. A. Tubbs loc. cit. pp. 78,
Ka-l<rap0s 'i ? ( = my frg- 45') Aii 'OXujmri'ui | Xipiav r)p> yvfaha tov | [avfronparopos
further° • 1 ^e^a^T0° I k.t.X.). The excavators comment (loc. cit. p. 78 f.): 'Until
to give °^ a more conclusive nature can be obtained these indications may serve

^e*rt of tli"1"1-6 .l° the temPIe- Bul important as the site is, lying as it does at the very
XVith the 1 Clty s ll(e>there is no reason as yet to identify the presumptive Zeus Olympios
still liitlj^ de',y °f Salamis' Zeus Salaminios', (ib. p. 120) 'The temple is probably
of hither^" U'K'er lne san(i> 1,ut ,ts western wall may be that which has been spoken
re"inain 0°r85 eastern column-wall. Beneath it the eastern limestone-wall may be the
resPects t° T °'lier temPle- The peristyle would then be an annexe, comparable in some

Less ° Alrium Vestae in the Roman Forum.'
ln,Peria] .certainty attaches to the art-type of the Salaminian Zeus, who appears on
PMdU in k°lnS °f K)'Pros as an erect bearded god, clad in chMn and himdtion, holding a
Parched 0'S oulslretcned right hand and resting his left on a short sceptre, with an eagle
^ueustUs0". lcft wrist (Brit. A/us. Cat. Coins Cyprus pp. cxxvi f., 73 pi. 14, 4
R' +53)Taid '4' 9 Drusus Iulius Caesar, 77 ff. pL 15, 5, 6 ( = my fig. 452), 10 ( = my
1' Vespasian, 79 f. pi. ,C. 1 and 3 Titus, 81 pi. 16, 5 Domitian, 83 pi. 16,