Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The birth of Athena


his raised left hand, a thunderbolt in his lowered right. His head
has just been cleft with the double axe ; for behind him a youthful
god or demi-god, still grasping his weapon, starts to flee from the
scene of his sacrilege and yet in the very act of flight looks back to
note the marvellous issue of his blow. In front of Zeus Athena,
already full -grown and clad in her panoply, speeds forth into the
world, but as she goes glances towards the sire from whose head
she has sprung. Nike, hovering between them, presents her with
a victor's wreath. Adjoining her are the three Fates.

Pfonietheus—forehead, nose, mouth, half the right forearm with the right hand, front
Pans of both feet. There are casts at Berlin (Friederichs—Wolters op. cit. p. 736
no- '863 f.). Height 0685-.

^ he remaining slab, of a different marble and in a finer style, was discovered about
/70 in the Villa Palombara behind the church of S. Maria Maggiore at Rome, and in
, " was s°ld by its possessor, Prince Massimi alle Colonne, to Frau von Humboldt,
10 handed it over to A. B. Thorvaldsen and C. D. Rauch to be patched up and made
Rentable. Rauch in 1816 had the luck to find the head, breast, and left hand of the
studi ' a'e' wn'c'1 nad bee" treated as a medallion and set in a gilded frame, in the
T ° of "re sculptor A. Malatesta at Rome. The fragments are now reassembled at
x B • See further G. F. Waagen op. cit. p. 16, Einzelaufnahmen no. 2990 with Text
Seatgjj J°y W' Amelung. Modern parts: right arm, right hip, and lower body of the
ari(j . ate • nose and part of the right upper arm of her neighbour; fingers of right hand
at B °r Cr 'eft arm °f thir<1 fi£ure together with roll, globe, and pillar. There is a cast

^rlm (Friederichs—Wolters op. cit. p. 736 f. no. 1865). Height o73ra.
these' r 'n tne fahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst. 1903 vi. 79—107 attempts to combine

^lai S) 'figS' +6—witn neo-Attic fragments of reliefs, now in Rome, Florence, and
fragW representin8 the lhree Horai and the three Agraulides (pi. 5—6). Since all the
all Co " S Were found, though at different times, in the Villa Palombara, and since they
four obJS*>OIM* m S'ZC °r near,v so' ne holds tnat t'le whole composition was a series of
the end ofg altar"rellefs' C0P'ed from a fine work of the Attic school to be dated near
y°Unger if*' 'v Bc" Lastly, he conjectures that they were copies of bronze reliefs by the
Siteira ■ ^Phrsodotos, which—he thinks—adorned the altar of Zeus Sotir and Athena
'n the Jr l'16 Pe'ra'e>rs. See, however, the objections raised by P. Arndt and G. Lippold

J. ■^'lZelaufnal"»en vi. 44, W. Amelung id. x. 90.
(=ttf_ Svoro»os in the Jonrn. Intern. oVArch. Num. 1902 v. 169—188, 285—377
^a/'oiin/, KeL>i^la T^v Movaeiwv ^as Athens 1904 pp. 9—40) and again in his Ath.
^'nation "S'?P' ''9—n°s- 215—217 pis. 30, 1 f. and 31,1 ventures another com-
towards'tL,reUln8 tllat 'he design of the Madrid puteal and the Tegel reliefs, incomplete
^atltinei ^-n^* can be completed by that of the Apollon-and-Marsyas slat from
Musical vi resultant frieze (fig. 134 and fig. 140 = my fig. 471) representing the

assuHed t° °,ry of APol'on once decorated the front of a thymile or platform for singers
f'0m Ma °- Ve St°od in tne orchestra of the local theatre. The two remaining slabs
Sides of't'ulneia with 'heir six 'Praxitelean' Muses could then have formed the two
c,J5o-., 6 same platform (figs. 141, i42 = my fig. 472). The whole to be dated
?e d°om °fB\C' °" th'S showing> 'he Fates (? the three missing Muses (p. 206)) foretold
« to cro svas' wlli'e Zeus watched the issue from afar and Nike with her wreath
Prort>etheuV" victorious Apollon (cp. the pclike from Ruvo figured supra i pL xii);
n<i inserted 3 second Sa'yr (?'ein Quelldamon' (p. 213 f.)) equipped with an axe
C ena of .if5 a.s>'mPa'hiser with Marsyas; and Athena, a figure identical with he
"'Enon^r Finla>' vase (Svoronos Ath. Nationalmus. p. 136 ff. no. 127 pi. 26,
de la Sculpt, gr. i. 466 with fig. 242, Harrison Myth. Mon. Anc. Ath.
