Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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676 The birth of Athena in art

manneristic ' Nausikaa painter' c. 470 B.C. (Attic Red-figured Vases in American Museums
Cambridge Mass. 19:8 p. 122 no. 9, Attiscke Vasenmaler des rotfigurigen Stils Tubingen
1925 p. 253 no. 13, Hoppin Red-fig. Vases ii. 213 no. 8). This gives Zeus an unexpected
fhidle and makes Athena jump the wrong way to the manifest surprise of Hephaistos and
the two Eileithyiai. De Ridder names the figures from left to right Iris (?), Hera(?)>
Zeus, Athena Promachos, Hermes, ' Deesse (?).'

Fig. 487-

(3) A red-figured pcltke from Vulci, now in the British Museum

(Gerhard A"s '

Vasenb. i. 6 ff. pi. 3—4, P. W. Forchhammer Die Geburt dcr Athene Kiel 184* jj'j'.
Lenormant—de Witte lit. mon. cA: i. 211 ff. pis. 64. and 65, Brit. Mus. Cat- I'asel
256 f. no. E 410, Reinach RJp. Vases ii. 20, 6), which is attributed either t0. p"ujy—-
c. 465—455 B.C. (Hoppin Red-fig. Vases ii. 31 f. no. 12, but see Leonard in zjey
Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. qo\) or to a painter closely resembling him (.!• . j js

Attische Vasenmaler des rotfigurigen Stils Tubingen 1925 p. 304 no. l). My P sture
from ihe official photographs, cp. infra fig. 526. Zeus, enthroned en face, makes t e^^ffljg
of delivery with his right hand as Athena rises from his head. Eileithyia nnd ^
on the right are balanced by Hephaistos and I'oseidon on the left. The design