Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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714 The birth of Athena in art

Lysikrates1, on a moulded askds in the British Museum2, and as a
recumbent figure forming the lid of a Roman sarcophagus in the
Louvre3. It should further be noticed that vase-painters introducing
Dionysos into the scene of Athena's birth regularly place him at ,
or towards5, the extreme left of their composition. I have restored
him with a thyrsos in his right hand and nothing in his left, partly
because the muscles of the left fore-arm, so far as it is preserved,
suggest an attitude of simple repose and are inconsistent e.g. with
his holding a phidle as on the Peiraieus relief, and partly because
this type for the god passed into the repertoire of later ceramic art
(fig. S28)6. No doubt analogous types were used by the die-sinkers
of Magna Graecia c. 4.00 B.C. to represent Herakles at Kroton7>
Herakleia8, and Tarentum9, and to represent Pan at Pandosia10-

1 A. H. Smith in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Sculpture i. 253 no. 430, 1, Overbeck *
Plastik1 ii. 120 ff. fig. 174, Collignon Hist, de la Sculpt, gr. ii. 365 ff. fig. 188, RemaC
Rip. Reliefs i. 13 f. t

2 A. H. Smith in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Sculpture i. 107 f. fig. 9 (no. G 281, not >
included in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases). ... eI

3 Clarac Mus. de Sculpt, pi. 273 fig. i592 = Reinach Rip. Stat. i. 138 no. 2. n
Sctilpt. du Louvre i. 240 f. no. 228.

4 Supra p. 674 fig. 485.

5 Infra p. 716 fig. 530; supra p. 680 fig. 491; supra p. 677 n. o.

6 Compte-rendu St. Pet. 1873 Atlas pi. 4, 2 (=Reinach Rip. Vases i. 4°, 2)>

Atlas pi. 4, 4 ( = Reinach Rip. Vases i. 47, 1) reproduced in my fig. 528, etc. y
' Carelli Num. It. vet. p. 103 f. pi. 184, 31—38, Imhoof-Blumer Monn- F'fo^
pi. A, 5, Garrucci Mon. It. ant. p. 151 pi. 109, 35—39, pi. no, 1, McClean Cat-
i. 202 f. pi. 54, 13—18, Syll. num. Gr. ii pi. 20, 615 f. Lloyd.

8 Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Italy p. 226 no. 15 fig., Garrucci Mon. It. ant- P-
pi. 102, 4, Head Hist, num.'1 p. 71 fig. 32, Syll. num. Gr. ii pi. 9, 268 Lloyd.

9 Carelli Num. It. vet. p. 62 pi. 119, 400 f., Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Italy p-
no. 476f., Garrucci Mon. It. ant. p. 131 pi. tor, 7—10. jr flgSo

10 Carelli Num. It. vet. p. 97 pi. 175, 2, Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Italy p- 37°