Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The birth of Athena in art 725

Zeus, who had an altar of her own1, and again special seats in the
theatre2. Hera's temple stood somewhere on the road from Phaleron
to Athens3. In the Parthenon pediment, as restored, she is turning
round to encourage her timorous daughter Eileithyia, with whom
indeed she was actually identified at Thorikos and Argos4.

The deities between the Fates and Poseidon were, from right to
left, Hermes(?), Artemis(?), Apollon(?), Eros(?) and Aphrodite.
Hermes.sets foot on a rock at the top of the stepped seats, on which
tr>e Fates are sitting. He presumably represents the oldest Hermes-
cult of Athens, that of the Erechtheion5, hard by the top of the
Aglaurion staircase. Artemis will probably be Artemis Agrotira, the
divine huntress of Agra, whose statue was equipped with a bow6.
APollon the X-zV/Wra-player is Apollon Pythios of the Pythion
adjoining the great Olympieion7. Finally, Eros and Aphrodite had
a joint-sanctuary among the rocks on the north-east slope of the

j paus. 1. 19. 3.

f . inscr. Att. iii. i no. 370 (with facsimile on pi. 4) "HjStjs and no. 374 (with

Posit^*1 °n 5) "H/3)js=/kj^t. Gr. ed. min. ii—iii. 3 nos. 5150, 5154. For the exact
p . on °» these seats see the annotated plan in W. Larfeld Handbuch der griechischen
^faphik Leipzig 1898 ii. 1 pi. 1.

4 ™Us- 1. V. 5, 10. 35. 2.
'nscrib ^6V' XX' w'lere " 'lave cited a boundary-stone found near Thorikos

Seitr" "'>°S T€f-^vovs ^Pla$] HfAnSfutas] (W. Vischer Epigraphisehe und archaologische
jf- aus Griechenland Basel 1855 p. 58 no. 69 pi. vii, 2, id. Erinnerungen und
and r"Cke aus Grieche»land BaseI l857 P- 68. K. Keil in Philologus 1866 xxiii. 619 f.)
™ioTe ^ °SS ^^y0'1, s-v- EfXetSutaj (so Abresch for El\r]8vias cod. 'ordine requirente ')•
W H TaS "e<"' tvlore St rds wSikiis' 6 ToirjTTjs St eviKQs,"Hpa ir'Afya, See further

0 pRnscher in his ^z>M. i. 2076 and 2091 f.

^"dfl aUSi 1 Ke'ral ^ ^ TV "al? T?s HoXidSos'EpOTS fiiXou, KtVpoTros elcai Xeydfiemv

So m^J1' K^&8°"' livpalvris oi aivoitrov. I suspect that the original intention was, not

by (jle 1 to consult decency by the concealment of a rude feature, as to promote fertility

ii. aPP'ication of leafage (supra ii. 244 n. 4) credited with quickening powers (supra
5 n. 1 v

Kekro 'lckenhaus in the Ath. Mitth. 1908 xxiiii. 172 holds, rather unnecessarily, that
°"e'rocr ^ernies was nothing but a wooden phallds, like that on Mt Kyllene (Artemid.
pi 4j j,1* 45> Paus. 6. 26. 5, 8. 17. 2, Loukian. /up. trag. 42, Philostr. v. Apoll. 6. 20
Gr. fl. ^ser> Hippol. re/, haeres. 5. 7 p. 144 Duncker—Schneidewin: De Visser De
for ]aj J/ef. p. 93 § 101). For early types of herm see supra ii. 384 n. o;

Pp , r 'yPes> R. Lullies Die Typen der griechischen Herme Konigsberg Pr. 1931
„ p 00 with 9 pis.

^iinch I9' 6 with Sir J' G" Frazer's n., W. Tudeich Topographs von Athen-

7 SirV93,1 PP' 4'6' 4'°-
fythien l' Grazer on Paus. 1. 19. 1 and on t. 29. 1, G. Colin Le culte d'Apollon

PP. 6c

,or*t^nes ^ar's '9°5 PP- 1 —178 (mainly inscriptions), W. Tudeich op. cil.-


'ate /> r ^P°"on mOaptftSi on the bronze coinage of Athens see E. Beule Les

Co'i'm.eSpf At!lh,es 1>aris l8?8 p- 388 fig.ft, Imhoof-Blumer and P. Gardner 7V«w.
'923^_, , ln- '45 pi. CC, 20 f., T. N. Svoronos Les mommies d'' Athenes Munich

3 'stfpi. 93,