Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Significance of the birth of Athena 729

of Aristokles and his 'cloud.' J. F. Lauer1 in 1853 was the first to
characterize Athena as mistress of the Clouds. F. L. W. Schwartz2
m i860 elaborated the notion: he contended that the head of Zeus
cleft by the axe of Hephaistos or Prometheus was the storm-cloud
spHt by the lightning, Athena Salpinx* being the trumpet-blare of
the thunder4. T. Bergk6 in i860, W. H. Roscher6 in 1886, and
C. Robert7 in 1894, with greater or less enthusiasm, rallied to the
same standard. Even F. Dummler8 in 1896 was still largely under
lts spell. But in that year L. R. Farnell9 showed convincingly that
Physical' explanations in general and storm-symbolism in particu-
lar must be abandoned in favour of some less arbitrary hypothesis.

Symbolism, however, dies hard. Birth from the heavenly height
might be discredited; but birth from an earthly height took its
Place. O. Gruppe10 suggested that the Argive cult of Athena
■Akrza11 perhaps gave rise to the myth that Athena sprang 'from the
summit (akrotdias) of the head of Zeus12.' U. von Wilamowitz-

, J- F- Lauer System der griechischen Mylhologie Berlin 1853 p. 320 ff. (' Herrin der

F. L. W. Schwartz Der Ursprung der Mylhologie Berlin i860 p. 87.
^ Paus. 2. 21. 3 (at Argos) 'Ad-qvds db IdpijaarrBaL 2d\iriyyos Upbv (paffiv "H.y£keuv.
^vf>vt]i>od 8b tovtov rbv 1 HybXewv, rbv bb 'Hpa/cX^ous eivai teal yvvaixbs Xbyovcrt rijs Av8t}s,
P&t]vov 8b <rd\iriyya evpeiv irpwTov, 'HybXe&v 8b rbv Tvpcrrjvou 8t.8di;ai rot)? avv Ttj/x^vu
r as roD bpydvov rbv ipbtpov, Kai 81 avrb'AO^vdu bwovoudaai °Ld\Trtyya. schol. T. //. 18.
'9 (copied by Eustath. in II. p. 1139, 54 ff.) aaXirlyyuv Si etS-r) ?f. irpihrq t] 'EXX17KI/C7;,
^T0 o'X^Ma, rjv 'Fvpp-qvoh (G. Wentzel cj. Tvppi]v<£) evptv 17 'Ac?7jca" 8lo Kai 1 ~d\Triy£'
^ Pa ApyeloLt Ti^tarai, Hesych. s.v. adXirtyt;' ...tnSexovrai 8b Kai ^dXiriyyos 'Ad^vds iepbv
^P7€^0ts, el. mag. p. 708, 2 ff. 2&\iriy£ 'Adyva- 8td rb Trpwrov avrTjv eupeiv
*iyya, nal I8p(i<raa6ai. (an leg. I8pv<rdai ?) XaKiriyyos 'AB-qi/as bv 'Apya. Hence
QXn ron tw'ce uses l,d\iriy^ as a synonym of 'ABrjva (Lyk. Al. 915 with Tzetz. adloc,
pej ' , Athena, as I conceive, was originally a mountain-mother (supra p. 224) of
b , ^lan or Tyrsenian name (supra pp. 191 n. 8, 226), the Tyrsenian trumpet (A.
j ach 10 Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. v. 522 ff., Maux in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.

42°°9) may well have been venerated as the very voice of the goddess.
fy[Qre P" 21. 388 f. dficpl 8b aiXiTLy^tv p.byas ovpavbs. die 8b Zei>s [ ijuevos OiXvfnrip.
HyK^ explicitly Nonn. Dion. 1. 557 f. irpodetrTrlfovaa be vU-qv \ Ppovralois irendyoiai Aiis
Ppov ■ ° "^""'Vfj 22. 284 ff. Kpovluv I ovpavbOev K(\dSrj<re, Kai AiaKOP ei's <pbvov 'IvSwv |
a'0ls va-Tayoiai Aibs 7rpo/caX/ftTo adX-ny^, Tryphiod. 326 f. ovpavii] 8b \ tK Aios
5 e"W vb\euov uavreveTO adX-my^.
3°3 ff / -^erglc '■Die <jet>urt der Athene' in the Jahrb. f. Philol. u. Padag. i860 lxxxi.
8 'Jf* Kleinephiiologische Schriften Halle a. S. 1886 ii. 651 ff.).

7 P 1H' Roscher in his Lex- Myth. i. 675 ff.
a pre''er—Robert Gr. Myth. i. 188 ff.

• p Diimmler in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 1987 f., 1991 f.
id parne11 Cults o/Gk. States i. 280 ff.
11 ruPPe Gr. My 'th. Rel. p. 1212 n. 2.

36 ff. Trji', 0H4!>&f- Kai-' cU-poTOTas | nopv<pas Albs (supra p. 661 n. 2).

P°s Aflaxala Kopv(pdv tear' aKpav j k.t.X. (supra p. 200 n. 3).