Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The olive of Athena


fifth century B.C. we have a dedication 'to Poseidon Erechtheus1,'
and plenty of later inscriptions and texts bear witness to the blend2.
Now and again there is some consciousness that the two were not
really one, as when in the first half of the fourth century the tribe
Erechthei's sacrifices a bull ' to Poseidon and to Erechtheus3.'
But then, after all, the tribe Erechthei's would naturally be jealous
f°r the credit of its namesake Erechtheus. For the most part, the
Populace acquiesced in this slight simplification of theology. Peace-
ful penetration had as usual succeeded.

The actual olive, token of Athena's triumph, rose from a cleft in
the rock beside the altar of Zeus Herketos (figs. 547, 548)* A tree
°f immemorial sanctity would presumably be thick-stemmed and
bent with age5; and as such it is represented on Athenian coins of

1 .

Fig. 548.

Corp. inscr. Alt. i no. 387 = Inscr. Gr. ed. min. i no. 580 (cited supra p. 12 n. 3).
Supra ii. 793 n. 12, iii. 12 n. 3. See also Roberts—Gardner Gk. Epigr. ii. 469
• 268 with n. on p. 473, E. H. Meyer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 2849, Escher in
a«ly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 405.

Corp. inscr. Att. iv. 2 no. 5561", 1 ff. = Inscr. Gr. ed. min. ii—iii. 1 no. 1146, 1 ff.
lOted supra p. 12 n. 3).

Q . Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Attica etc. p. tu no. 815 lighted altar with one olive-tree
J n'S 'e^' n°' '''' 10 a''ar between tw0 olive-trees, on it a bucranium filleted,

• Svoronos Les monnaies of'Athhies Munich 1923—1926 pi. 87, 38 Athens, 39 Berlin,
An. ondon (=my fig. 547), 41 Petrograd, 42 Berlin ( = my fig. 548), 43 London?,
oft*11 ^U"1' 'v' *6 n0> r43 London, no. 144 pi. 3 London. Svoronos' description

e lighted altar as 'la fontaine de l'Erechtheion' is ludicrous.
Th v.

fyu' °Phr. hist, plant. 4. 13. 2 tt)v 5£ p.aicpofiibTT}Ta. fiaprvpoOffiv iirl y4 Tivtav koL
, °-ypiuv Kal ai Tra.pa.5e5o/jLfrat (pijfjxtL irapa t&v fwdoKiytaf' e\dav p.kv yap X£yowri

Vym, k.t.X cp. Plin. nal. hist. 16. 234 durant in Liternino Africani prioris manu
Satae olea, etc.

e, • ' ^* Lenz Botanik der alien Griechen una* Romer Gotha 1859 p. 15 n. 57 'Von
°eh n Ura'ten' von einem Mauerchen umgebnen Olivenbaumen am Oelberg zu Jerusalem,
des'n W'6 ^ag&e erzahlt, die dortigen Monche, sie stammten noch aus der Zeit
v, e"ands.' T. v. Heldreich in A. Mommsen Griechische Jahreszeiten Schleswig 1877
ftieh ^esonders grosse und alte Baume sind bei Amarussi und Kephissia zu finden;
G'Ogrcfi-01*llabennacn Jul- Schmidt's (J. F. Julius SchmidtBeitragezurphysikalischen
'5 V0H Griechenland Athen 1861 i. 291 f.] Messungen an ihrer untern Basis bis

MeteV U"d der Stamm in eim'eer

Hohe iiber dem breiten Fundamente noch 6 bis 8
s0 maSsn^''T!fang' Aucl1 an vielen andern Orten giebt es sehr grosse Oelbaume in Attica;
Sanz SS 'D ^er mesoga>schen Ebene Lamprica klirzlich einen Baum, dessen Stamm
noch l'n'en an c'er Basis 12,85 Meter und bei 0,50 M. iiber der Oberflache des Bodens
des Oelb° ^m^an2 natte- Solche Baume miissen bei dem langsamen Wachsthum

ums ein sehr holies Alter haben, leider ist es sehr schwierig oder fast unmoglich,