Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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766 The snake of Athena

rings (figs. 559—562)1, etc., which served the same apotropaeic
purpose, are common enough2. But gold jewellery of the sixth and

Fig. 558. Fig. 559. Fig. 560.

Fig. 561. Fig. 562.

with a small hoard of silver coins ranging in date from Seleukos i (312—280 B.C.) t0
Demetrios ii (146—142, 128—125 B.C.).

1 Figs- 559—£62 are gold finger-rings in the British Museum. Brit. Mus. Cat. Finger
Rings p. 150 no. 929 pi. 24 ( = my fig. 559) is a Graeco-Roman ring showing a sing'e
snake coiled. Ib. pp. xlvi, r5i no. 935 fig. I22 ( = my fig. 560) is another of the same
period showing a single snake partially uncoiled. Ib. pp. xlv, 41 f. no. 241 fig- 49 ( -
fig. 561) pi. 6 is a third of similar date, ending in busts of the two human-headed snakes
Isis and Sarapis (cp. supra i. 360).

Brit. Mus. Cat. Finger Rings pp. xlvi, 180 no. 1135 fig. 139 ( = my fig. «* *

Graeco-Roman ring of penannular shape, ending in two snake-heads. The whole hoop 15
silver, but the eyes are pellets of gold.

2 Examples abound in all Museums. The texts include An/A. Pal. 6. '1
(Antipatros of Sidon) rbv ebo-iretpij 8* SpaKovra, \ xpvaewv pabivwv Kbap-ov iTri<r<PvPlo"'l
6. 207. 7 (Archias) KaXbv crwelpapa Trepunpvploio SpaKovros, Loukian. amor. 41 rob ^
Kapwoh Kal ppaxlotxi SpaKovras- <i>s to<pekov Svtosdvrl xpvclov SpaKovres elvai, Moins s.
6<beis, 'AttikQs- to. irapa tois "EXXi?<ri tptWta, Poll. 5. 99 Trepl Be tovs Kapwobs ireptnaP*1*

Kal re*
Kal rofc

Kal exhovs Kal d/u.<pi8e'as Kal 6<pus Kal ^/iWia Kal x^Savas Kal /3ou/3dXta, <Sv &"<*
irepl tovs fipaxlopas eirovop.d£ovai Kal tocs wepl tovs irbSas, p.a\iaTa Si rds dp.<j»-bias Kal
xXiSwras, Philostr. epist. 22 (40) Kal oi en-iKapirLoi S(pcis Kal al ^iira? Tribal, Cle01, ■
paed. 2. 12. 123. 3 p. 231, 15 ff. Stahlin iis -yap ttjv BSav 6 otpts 7jwdT7](rev, oiirw be Kal ^
dXXas yvvaiKas 6 Koapos 6 xpv"ovs SeKtari irpoaxp^pevos rod oipeus ti} <ndllulTi ,Kbs
ei's ii/3peis, apLvpaivas Tivas Kal 6<j>eis d-rroTrKaTTopivas els evirpeTreiav. \iyei yovr o K ,

TSiKbaTpaTos, ' dXwreis, KaOeTrjpas, 'SaKTvXlovs, /3ou/3dXia, 6'0eis, | irepurKeXldas, ^ _ u ,
(Nikostr. inc. fab. frag. 7 (Frag. com. Gr. iii. 289 Meineke)), Tert. decor, mil- l$ " ^
caput strophiolo aut dracontario damnas, diademati destinatum? Hesych. s.v. ^etJ 0l |
dpaKovrJidr] ytvbp.eva xpiWia. Mivavbpos HapaKaraB-qKri ' tovs btpeis ' \iyei ' fXft'S 7^ ^
riyopao-as' (frag. 8 (Frag. com. Gr. iv. 184 Meineke)), Aristain. epist. 1. i'S ou* at„r,
ovx i\iKrrjpes, ovk oipeuv (so J. Pierson for oi irbXeuv cod.) to ttoMtip-ov, 06 irepi " ijs
Isid. orig. 19. 31. 12 monile...hoc etiam et serpentum dicitur quia constat ex amp ^
quibusdam aureis gemmisque in modum facturae serpentis, Phot. lex. s.v. 6<peiS