Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The snake of Athena 771

the Kekropion at the south-west corner of the Erechtheion1, 'close
UP against the Polioilchos herself,' as Theodoret2 puts it. Here he
had a hierdn3 and a hereditary priesthood4 Erichthonios, another
son of the soil5,' was represented sometimes as an infant mothered
by Athena6, sometimes as a snake held by her in a basket7—a pose
suggestive of ritual usage8. Again, there was the nameless snake,

1 M. Collignon ' L'Emplacement du Cecropion a l'Acropole d'Athenes' in the
Memoires de /'Academic des inscriptions 1920 xli. 1—17 (p. 13 ff. ' i° II y avait, contre le
mur Ouest, entre la porte du Pandroseion et le soubassement, un petit edifice dont la
Place est nettement determined par la niche qui s'ouvre obliquement dans le mur Ouest....
J A defaut d'autres renseignements sur le petit edifice, nous en connaissons au moins la
auteur...on peut l'evaluera 3 metres environ. Nous savons aussi...que le monument etait
^e biais par rapport au mur Ouest, et qu'il s'engageait en partie sous le portique des
ores. II est donc permis de songer a une construction basse et rectangulaire....3° Le
nom de Cecropion d&ignait a la fois le petit edifice et l'enceinte comprise entre le
muf Sud du Pandroseion et le soubassement de l'Hecatompedon...rien n'empeche de
Cr°ire qu'il y avait la, tout pres de l'Erechtheion, un tombeau remontant a une haute
;,j.,;1(lu^^i et contemporain des vestiges de l'epoque mycenienne retrouves sur l'Acropole (2)
Petersen, Die Burgtempel der Athenaia, p. 36. M. E. A. Gardner suppose que
^tait un tombeau voute depetites dimensions {Ancient Athens, p. 361))'). J. M. Paton
oj.ie Brechtheum Harvard Univ. Press 1927 pp. 127—137 (p. 136 f. 'On the north side
the Old Temple was a terrace or precinct having at its eastern end something which
Uiik believed to be the tomb of Cecrops. The appearance of this monument is

nown, but it can hardly have been of stone on the outside, since it is improbable that
e Erechtheum would have been so planned as to bring its corner on a spot already

'Pied by a solid structure of so sacred a character. It seems more likely that only
j-oi^ounc' °f earth was visible and that it was not until an attempt was made to lay
" M atl0ns ^at something more solid was discovered—perhaps a corner of the old

Kenaean" palace,' etc.). Older views in W. Judeich Topographie von Allien'1

"Chen I93i p. 282 n. 3.
'Afl' 'le°doret. Graecarum affectionum curatio 8. 30 (lxxxiii. 10170 Migne) ko.1 yap
^a-r^"7^CI'' ws ApWo^os ei> r-rj ivdrrj yiypafyev iaropla, &vw ye ev rrj aKpoirdXec KinpoTrds
Afl ' Ta'^"'t vapa rrpi Ho\iouxoy aiiT-qv, cp. Clem. Al. protr. 3. 45. 1 p. 34, 10 f. Stahlin
lo-7' ^a~Llr ^ €" ®KP07r6^£<' Kinporros (sc. Ta(pos i<XTLif), ws tprjGtv 'Avrioxos ev t^j evarq rQv
Jacob u" ^'ag' ^ ^FraS- hisL Gr- l8+ Mllller) =/rof. 2 (Frag. gr. Hist. i. 213
Atherf '~ ^use')- Praep. ev. 2. 6. 2, Arnob. adv. nat. 6. 6 in historiarum Antiochus nono

3 S 1,1 Minervio memorat Cecropem esse mandatum terrae.

jq C cr' W ed. min. ii—iii. 1 no. 1156, 34 f. = Dittenberger Syll. inscr. Gr? no. 957,
Q-vay J1/ ^aSe °f an on<er'ng dedicated by the (phcboi of the tribe Kekropis in 334/3 B.C.

4 ^ ^ Tt>§£ t6 tf/-ij[<pi]\crfia iv OTrjhn)!. \i0ivqi nai arijaai ev rwt rod KiKpcnros iefpiii]-

27/6 anft''' ^r e<^' m'"' "—2 n°' 2338' 1 a ''st °f tne Amynandridai, between
dp^.^^ ^^If K-C* ayadrj t$xv ' Apeiov rod Awpiwos I Icuai'te'us j dpxovros rr)s 7ro\eojs
^iSet^, °V ^"ovs I T°5 'AfivvavSpiSSiv" Apeios Aupiuvos IIaijai'iei>s rovffSe avtypaipev yevv-qras
i£[p]eit T<* Sl"rwi!/ia itc rCiv l&luv \ Hpxav tov ytvovs j ["Apeios] Auploivos ll[ai]a[vi]efo

J. Toenff Kp°*-wlos I k.t.X., cp. Hesych. 'Anvvai>5pi(5)a.i ■ yivos, ef ou UpeU 'ABrjvqffiv.
v upra

5 v er m Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc. i. 2003.
„ ^pra p. l8l,

Z^P-«8n.5with fig.,4o.

P^dia of l'1'.4?5 "S" 3°7 (Demeter). See further R. H. Kennett in J. Hastings Encyclo-
iuderL- JfS'on and Ethics Edinburgh 1908 i. 791"—793*, E. Kiister Die Schlange
Uschen Kutist und Religion Giessen 1913 p. 147 ff., Harrison Themis" p. 265 f.