Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes
— Cambridge, 1940
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It may be thought that a task taken in hand as far back as 1907
investigation of the past. This at least I can claim that, year in,
was devoted to the Dark Zeus, god of Thunder and Lightning, in
itself with Zeus in his relations to a further series of cosmic phaen-
subsections, as I have later endeavoured to trace in sequence the
do this in less discursive fashion by means of tabulated statements
bourhood, marks the field-paths, puts in the contour-lines, colours
by adding the subtitle 'a Study in Ancient Religion.' That is
observations in the Classical Review for 1903 xvii. 178—186, 268 f.,
under the auspices of two old friends, old in years but young in
ground I have not hesitated to call in expert advisers. On points
Reviewers in general have been benevolent, but superficial and
(figs- 894, 895), the new Orpheus-vase published in pi. xvi, and
have spared time to forage on my behalf. In particular, Mr A. D.
recently found in Bulgaria and important as being clearly inspired
chapel on its summit from photographs taken by Mrs Bachtin in
twice, in 1926 and 1929, bringing home with him a wonderful series
with Bektashite monks to the summit of Mount Tomori near Berat
For other photographs, too numerous to specify in detail, I am
dust and dibris of a grave near Syracuse (pi. xxxi). Professors
Pyre (fig. 329), and Mr C. D. Bicknell that of a gem in the Lewis
In the matter of text-figures I have been lucky enough to retain
Kennett. She sketched the Corfu pediment from a full-size cast in
in blue glass from Girgenti (pi. Ixxiii), the bust of Sarapis in
right in my interpretation of it, presented us for the first time with
passage in the New Testament (Acts 19. 35).
suffice. My contention is that in that development the cult of the
Contents of Volume III
List of plates in Volume III
II Amphora from Vulci, now in the Vatican: Poseidon,
V A frescoed ceiling from a room in the Golden House: Zeus
[A) Poseidon attacks Polybotes in the presence of Ge
IX Reliefs from the eastern frieze of the great Altar at Pergamon,
X Hydria from Vulci, now in the British Museum:
(2) Gold bulla from Italy, now in the British Museum : Birth of
XV (1) Lekythos of early Apulian style from Anxia, now in the British
(2) A mirror now in Paris
XVIII Early 'Campanian' amphora in the MuseeBorely at Marseilles :
XXII Hydria from Chiusi (?), now in the British Museum :
Ge hands Erichthonios to Athena in the presence of
Ge hands Erichthonios to Athena in the presence of
XXVII Kylix from Nola, now in the British Museum:
XXXI Three gold ears of barley found in a grave near Syracuse:
(2) A set in veined alabaster, now at Queens' College, Cambridge 345
XXXV Loutrophdros in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
the uninitiated in the Underworld, together with Oknos
^XXVIII Hydria at Boston: the carpenter completes the chest in the
XLI Krater from Santa Agata dei Goti, now in the British
XLI 11 A sardonyx cameo from Ephesos, now in Venice :
(a—d) Bouzyges ploughing in the presence of Athena
(2) Bronze mirror from Athens (?), now in Rome :
L Amphora at Munich : Zeus in labour, flanked by two Eileithyiai 663
LI 11 Amphora from Caere, now in the Vatican :
and other deities in attendance ..... 673
Hermes, and Hephaistos in attendance .... 675
and other deities in attendance . . . . .675
LIX Pelike in the British Museum: (A) Zeus and Nike (B) Hera
LXI A Sumerian relief in baked clay :
(2) Etruscan kylix in the British Museum: Pegasos born from
LXX (1) A bronze mirror-case in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge :
Zeus and Hera on Mount Ide in the Troad . . ' . 1033
LXXIV A bust of Zeus Sarapis in lapis lazuli, c. 300 A.D., now in the
XXX (a) and (b) Marble head of Pan from Greece, now in the
now in the Museum of the Augusta Trajana -Society at
The following additions should be made to the List of Abbreviations printed in
has been issued in larger format.
Etruscan, and Roman, in the Departments of Antiquities, British Museum London
Etruscan and Roman in the British Museum London 1926.
Brit. Mus. Cat. Rom. Pottery = H. B. Walters Catalogue of the Roman Pottery in the
by E. Pottier at Paris in 1922, has already (1939) run to 63 parts, of which Belgium
in Asia Minor, Farther Asia, Egypt, Africa.
ssori Min.-Myc. Rel. = The Minoan-Mycenaean Religion and its Survival in Greek
work, begun in 1894 and now nearing completion, at present (1939) covers the entries
in all no fewer than 19750 statues.
preserved in the Municipal Collections of Rome. The Sculptures of the Palazzo dei
The Salting collection in the Victoria and Albert Museum. London 1931.
er d. 26. Philologenversamml. in Wiirzburg= Verhandhtngen der sechsundzwanzigsten
er ' ' Philologenversamml. in Karlsmhe= Verhandlungen der sechsunddreissigslen
(Macedon, Thrace, Thessaly, North Western, Central and Southern Greece) with
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §5. Zeus and the earthquakes
small, Count de Montessus de Ballore1, our foremost authority in
globe et mesure de la sismicite' in the Beilrdge zur Geophysik Leipzig 1900 iv. 357
(eastern) 9 71
in this land hardly a week, in many years hardly a day, goes by
Greek earthquakes, being tectonic, not volcanic, in character,
Since most of the seismic lines traceable in Greece are definitely
'Erdbeben im Aitertum' in the Neue Jahrb. f. Mass. Altertum 1908 xxi. 604 f., id. in
God'), K. Weinhold 'Die Sagen von Loki' in the Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alterthum
in classical tradition (M. Mayer Die Giganten und Titanen Berlin 1887 pp. 195 f- *°8ff-
«r- 56 (Panaima in Samos was so named after a bloody battle between Dionysos and
Ml Stdropo, (see further Halliday ad loc. p. ao7ff.). S. Reinach in the Rev. Arcli. 19W
sting him in the nostril, and he set up a mighty bellowing, so that he is known unt
stocks and stones, tried in vain to lift his head (Ov. met. H. 614 «■)• Gla"ts lalf low ,y
gigantic phantoms appeared by day and night on the mountain, in the
wroth with Laokoon (Quint. Smyrn. 12. 395 ft). Dionysos in Soph. Ant. 153 f.
Xeiovra rais xopetais) and in Eur. Bacch. 586 ff., 605 f., 622 f., 632 f. shatters, or at least
(H. Usener in the Rhein. Mus. 1898 liii. 349 = 2'^. Kleine Schriften Leipzig—Berlin 1913
The epithet prj^lxSuv (p-nalxdw), the 'land-breaker,' has reference in all probability to
8i/j.&Tup)) and in magical spells etc. to a variety of chthonian powers including Hekate
in Roscher Zex. Myth. ii. 2646 = R. Wunsch in the Corp. inscr. Alt. App. defix. p. xv = A.
W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1584 ff., 2645 ff.), Miss L. Macdonald in the
repeated in Miss L. Macdonald loc. cit. p. 176 no. 3, 16 ff., p. 178 no. 5, 20 ff., p. 179
F. G. Kenyon Greek Papyri in the British Museum London 1893 i. 106 no. 121, 691 f.
p. 44 no. 23, 12 f. (a leaden akz^z'f-tablet of late date, found at Kourion in Kypros)
attributed earthquakes to Poseidon1. A memorable passage in the
heaven (Miss L. Macdonaidl cit p. l74no. i, 19 Drexler in Roscher^M.
/bmwAi recurring in L. Macdonald &c. «/. p. 176 no. 3, 9 ft"., p. 177 n°- 5> 12 •' P"
and in its hands a pair of upright sceptres, round one of which twines a serpent (a. ij.
the Underworld, who figures frequently in the formula moctwXM /uunreUu ^^gj,
in the Corp. inscr. Att. App. defix. p. xv = A. Audollent op. cit. p. 70 no. 38, «7n., •
r93i u. 215 notes that in no. J (pap. Lond. 121), 47s A. i->. WOCK wouiu
mountains and breaks the rocks in pieces (1 Kings 19. u), who makes the <\
ground with his trident. On the right Hades, a rod or sceptre in
F. Durrbach in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. iv. 60 f., Gruppe Gr. Myth. Rel. pp. 814,
interpolation1. But in cantos of earlier date Homer calls Poseidon
P. 163, W. Leaf in the argument prefixed to his ed. of //. ,0 and m his book ^ Compa„ on
•HworiTaioi is similarly used of Poseidon 20 times in the Iliad, 6 times in the Odyssey
eipwe&is thrice. The word mostly occupies the end of the line, but not in II. 1- 45s. •
dactylic dipodies with anacrusis Kpeto lvofftx9av and kMto, ivvoaiyaios. In view ot e
The v of ivoaixBuv becomes vv in ivvoctyaios metri gratia (Cornut. thiol. 22 p. \i, 1
query in Prellwitz Etym. Wbrterb. d. Gr. Spr.°- p. 146, without query to. p. S« an«
Handb. d. gr. Etym. i. 4.0, K. F. W. Schmidt in the Zeitschrift fur vergletchende
Pound like in.TvpiB*rm), 'the earth-god in the water,' cp. Poll. i. 238 yr,...vbrtos(vvoros
already tried that tack fifty years ago. In a remarkable paper ' Ueber den homerischen
■<rX- is frequent in epic compounds (D. B. Monro A Grammar of the Homeric Dialect
connects the second element in the compound 'Evvoo-l-Sas with '52 dorice pro yij.' That 52
ris obaa, Eustath. in II. p. 436, 41 5d7re5oe- ylvtrai Si napd rb 52, 6 SrjXot AoipiKois rijv
7*o0ep6, sm4>ep6v. In forwI. 9 BergkVso Diehl a/. Prokl. i» Hes o.d 389 rp^6Xeo,
as equivalent to'Ewatyaioi, AS being in this case an ancient but unrelated name o the
admitted SS as a Doric form of yv (H. L. Ahrens in Philologus 1876 xxxv. ai)-an admis-
and Gortynian S(<p5pa (D. Comparetti in the Man. d. Line. 1893 iii. 293 ff. no. 154. 11 l* •
AflMSIM 1866 xxiii. 206 f.) and found as second element in the compounds
Others prefer to suppose that in the tragic exclamation 5S we have the vocative and n
Tafel) m| <Wx0o,« ItamMM' to, e,WlY«u.r. F. G. Schneidewin in his Eustathi.
of the earth.' And the poets in general conceive of him as stirring
epithet gaieochos* was an actual cult-title of the god in Lakonike at
AopvXaiov I dpxalrjs ^pvylrjs iroXvSaKpvroio KeXaivrjs (allusion to Kelainai). [But in oracl.
originated in a gloss, cp. Hesych. s.v. ivvocrlyaios- Kiv-qo-lyaios. irrLBeTov Hoo-eiSSivos.
187), but always of Poseidon. Later poets, misconceiving the second element in the
Therapne1 and Gythion2, in Attike at Athens3, and in the archi-
Another and less pardonable blunder in etymology accounts for Bekker anecd. i. l«9,
in Pauly-Wissowa vii. 484-was thinking of the phrase r^tos ,.oS (Od. 7-
god ratd.rox„s is mentioned repeatedly on a stile of white marble, which was found in
Wmes a long inscription in Doric, to be dated shortly before 431 B.C. lhe opening lines
Poseidon standing, naked, with dolphin in outstretched right hand and trident in raised
akropolis at Athens, recording a statue of C. Iulius Spartiaticus erected in the time of
Taiijoxos. Other available evidence points in the same direction; for, whereas in s. iv B.C.
Apx- 1889 p. 20f. no. 18 (a fragmentary marble base inscribed in .f. ii (?) A.D. and built
of Pentelic marble found near the Erechtheion and inscribed in lettering of s. v B.C.
'EpexBius (sc- Medeios ii and Diokles iii in the stemma of the Eteoboutadai as given by
tablet of full-length figures?) and dedicated in the Erechtheion by Habron son of Lykourgos
' Afljjvatos 'EpeX0et Uoaeid&in dim K.r.X., A. N. Skias in the 'E0 'Apx- 1897 p. 62 ff. no. 49
the eastern side of the agord at Thera, is inscribed in lettering of s. vi (?) B.C. [r]cudoxos
E- H. Meyer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 2842 f.
^echischen Dialekte Gottingen 1891 i. 46 no. 66, 2 (Chytroi in Kypros) ififr 'he brought
1914 p. 17 'der die Erde bewegt,' G. Meyer in Philologus 1923 Suppl. xvi. 3. 71 n. 1
Poseidon appears as ' earth-carrier' in ceramic illustrations of the Gigantomachy
Rel. p. 258 n. 16, Frazer Pausanias ii. 48—50, E. H. Meyer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii.
it upon him' (Apollod. 1. 6. 2, cp. Strab. 489, Eustath. in Dionys. per. 525, Plin. nat.
Red-figured vases of the strong style (c. 500—460 B.C.) give Poseidon in the same
klassischer Altertiimer in Rom3 Leipzig 1912 i. 308 no. 489, with photographs by
Tubingen 1925 p. 176 no. 6. R. Zahn in Furtwangler—Reichhold Gr. Vasenmalerei iii.
in floating islands2, on the other hand by the philosophic belief that
a scorpion). The change of name is ingeniously explained by O. Benndorf in the
33) in Karpathos and flung by Poseidon at the Giant Ephialtes. It is noteworthy that
1 So in the cosmogonies of (1) Babylonia (P. Jensen Die Kosmologie der Babylonier
London 1901 p. 542 f. with fig.), F. Lukas Die Grundbegriffe in den Kosmogonien der
(4) India (L. de la Vallee Poussin in J. Hastings E/icyclopcedia of Religion and Ethics
(5) Japan (M. Revon in J. Hastings op. cit. iv. 162 f.).
Richardson in an important paper on 'The Myth of Er (Plato, Republic, 616 b)' makes it
15 tieiT/^epo!/ ij koo-fiovpyia, a philosophico-theological poem in iambics on the creation of
lexaemeron 498—512 Hercher (printed in R. Hercher's ed. of Ail. var. hist. ii. 618 f.), a
utjjA.rtem'^oros of Ephesos, who c. 100 b.c. issued his Yeuypa<povp.epa in eleven books,
in terti "!jthtra 0rbis terrae 5- 1 (ed- G- Parthey Berolini 1870 p. 18, 1 ff.). Jdem dicit
So oros> nor, if it does, that we should see in it more than a rhetorical flourish.
humor) ad ft* VorsokratikerZ Berlin 1912 i. it, 7 follows Gercke in reading si abundat
In point of fact, the earliest extant description of an earthquake
lurks in the background of the peasant's brain. B. Schmidt6 pointed
being virtually identical with those used in the Homeric episode.
eweppwaavro (Eustath. in Od. p. 1885, 60 has eirepptliovro) dvaKrot (cod. Eb reads ILvaKTi) \
1 n. 1). The latter occurs here only and in Eustath. in II. p. 145, 10 ff., who combines
Leaf in the argument prefixed to his ed. of //. 8, in his note ad loc, and in his book
(supra ii. 449 n. 0(2)) in language reminiscent of the Homeric original (29 'OXu^urw,
Lo, now in deed and no longer in word
Zeus gained in religious significance. Earthquakes came to be
of Poseidon at Cape Tainaros8. In 387 B.C.9 the Spartans under
the territory of the Argives10. In 373 B.C. Helike and Boura on or
near the coast of Achaia were swallowed in a single night1 by the
men of these towns had refused to allow their colonists in Ionia to
But when in 115 A.D. Antiocheia on the Orontes was severely shaken,
hearth adjoining the sanctuary of Zeus Olympios (at Dios Chorion in
2 Id. ib. 385, Diod. 15. 49, Paus. 7. 24. 6 with slight divergence in detail.
8 L. Biirchner in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xii. 677.
shook*.' Scholars have assumed that the god in question was
(ToiKdpou v.l. in Souid. J.w. Ta(capov) fltos | <re(cras aTrac-ir l^aUi ras okias.
Hence also Moneta as Latinised Mnemosyne in Livius Andromcus frag. 26 of.
'camp,' a legend found on silver Carthaginian coins current in Sicily and Italy ^
chorus et socii comitentur ovantes, | et Cererem clamore vocent in tecta. serv. d^
in 268 B.C., when Rome was waging war in Picenum, the battlefield
G. Wissowa in Pauly—Wissovva Real-Enc. iv. 1351 ff.) consentit, haric Maiam cui mense
authenticity: see H. Dessau in the Corp. inscr. Lat. xiv no. 216* and in the Ephem. epigr.
2 lul. Obseq. 26, Oros. 4. 4. 5 ff. In Frontin. strut. 1. 12. 3 the consul is wrongly
in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vii. 993.
in caverns and clefts of the ground? Or to the pulsation and undulation of waters
Accordingly the Romans of yore, who in all the affairs of life and above all in the
est by naming one in place of another they might bind the people in the bonds
0 goddess' {si deo, sideae)1; and this regulation was strictly observed in accord-
ating earthquake at Nikomedeia in 358 A.D., observes that, when
tt p ' sive deae> I C- Ter- Center | ex voto | posuit (formerly in the church of St Ursus
i88°eS' " ^IOm t'le curla frat,'um Arvalium for 224 A.D.), J. Schmidt in the Ephem. epigr.
eus I Sei dea (foun(j at xibur on a cippus of local stone), G. Gatti in the Not. Scavi
gs 1 fl""ther D. Vaglieri in Ruggiero Dizion. epigr. ii. 1726 and Wissowa Sel. Kult.
f I.a"' antt1u'M>im return divinarum lib. 8 de feriis frag. 1 (in R. Merkel's ed. of Ov.
While the clash of creeds was in progress, pagans of course
fall of Nikomedeia (or. 61 monodia de Nicoinedia (iv. 322 ff. Foerster}), appeals in primis
into a proverb (Aug. enarrat. in psalm. 80. 1 (iv. 1225 d ed.2 Bened.) non pluit deus, due
ecclesiam rettulerunt. scimus autem et apud nos terrae motum factum in locis quibusdam,
non solum autem illi, sed et qui videbantur prudentes, talia in publico dicerent, quia
multae istic conflictationes et pressurae acciderunt vel in commune omnibus hominibus vel
in nostra provincia praeses, acerbus et dirus persecutor, in hac autem perturbatione con-
of a quaking world. But ultimately men in general and moralists in
Raphael in one of the marvellous tapestries designed by him (1515—
1 E.g. Io. Chrys. in terrae motum etc. I (xlviii. 1027 Migne) etSere Qeov dvvaftiv,
T°v avviovXov <p6fiip o-uippovtcripovt Ifryinpvt, id. in acta Apost. hom. 7. 2 (lx. 66 Migne)
3 Not so Chrysostom, who in purely rhetorical vein personifies the Antiochene earth-
In the Second Part of Goethe's Faust (1827—1832) an earthquake
is the attitude of the modern Greek peasant in regions where the
P- Oppe Raphael London 1909 p. 160 f. pi. 115, 1. The cartoons are now in the South
4 A small marble frieze found on the base of a lararium in the house of the auctioneer
«ood too far towards the right in carving the relief (J. Overbeck—A. Mau op. cit.1 p. 7°
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §6. Zeus and the clouds / (a) Zeus and the clouds in the literature
(a) Zeus and the Clouds in Literature.
from Ascoli, where he was martyred in 303 or 304 a.d. (3) St Justus of Catalonia
Gonsalez, better known to Spanish sailors as Sant Elmo (April 15), who died in 1240 a.d.
Moors at Granada in 1300 a.d. Soon after his death the town was plagued with famine,
Solanus of Lima (July 24), who died in 1610 a.d. Seven years before his death he pre-
ovpavbdev etff. Much the same is said of Poseidon in Od. 5. 291 ff. us elir&v aivayev
Zeis (always at the end of the line and, except in 7. 280, 11. 318, 14. 293, 17. 198, 20. 215,
Nonnos alone places the word in the first half of his hexameter {Dion. 23. 228 f.
magician3. In Greece, as elsewhere4, the primitive rain-maker,
Greek custom, the procession of men clad in thick sheep-skins which
3 Supra i. 14 n. 1, 758, ii. 258 n. 3, 694 n. o, 695 n. o, 1146 f. Cp. Medeia in Ov.
multae ab oriente, aquam in triduum praesagient, Apul. de deo Son: 10 atque ideo
ep. 4. 3. 1 f., Prosp. Aquit. in psalm. 147. 16 (li. 420 c Migne))—a usage hardly to be
(lists in Hoppin A'ed-fig. Vases i. 106 ff, J. D. Beazley Attische Vasenmaler des rotfigurigen
Popularising at Athens a custom which originated in Thraco-Phrygian ritual. But the
in a sheep-skin' {meloti)3. It is, however, reasonable to suppose that
published by F. Hiller von Gaertringen in the luscr. Gr. ins. v. 1 no. 48 ipos Aios
Zeus and the Clouds in Literature 33
drenching rain in any desired direction. Stephanus Thes. Gr. Ling. iv. 1466 a quotes
P- 313. 43 f-). though he erroneously regarded the first element in the compound as a verb
34 Zeus and the Clouds in Literature
though this particular title had been attached to Zeus in early
Broad heaven in the aither and the clouds4.
13. 25, but never in the Iliad). Kpovldrj is not omitted except by late authors (Maximus
6 77. 5. 748 ff. The first half of the passage is repeated in //. 8. 395 ff.
Zeus and the Clouds in Literature 35
sky8. There is a would-be return to Homeric naivete'in the Birds of
Up above in the clouds, very stately and grand,
or when Prometheus, much in awe of his Aeschylean persecutor, asks
36 Zeus and the Clouds in Art
(b) Zeus and the Clouds in Art.
B. Quaranta in the Real Museo Borbonico Napoli 1834 x pi. 23 with text pp. 1—3,
inspected for me all the frescoes representing Zeus that are in the Naples collection.
36 Zeus and the Clouds in Art
(b) Zeus and the Clouds in Art.
B. Quaranta in the Real Museo Borbonico Napoli 1834 x pi. 23 with text pp. 1—3,
inspected for me all the frescoes representing Zeus that are in the Naples collection.
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §6. Zeus and the clouds / (b) Zeus and the clouds in art
Zeus and the Clouds in Art
prompting Eros5, the expectant eagle6—in a fairly consistent and
1 With the works of art recorded in the two preceding notes cp. a numismatic type
(ii- 282 n. 2. pi. xix) or on the reins of a car (ii. 285 n. o fig. 180) or in the pediment 01
over the regalia (ii. 811 fig. 778), or appears in relief on an altar (i. 713 fig- S«). 1 c
<£"Wa i„ ripartimtnti di vari colori, nel cui mezzo in una sfera celeste scno d,pmte U
38 Zeus and the Clouds in Art
Venus very kindly, according to Virgil' (Aen. 1. 254 ff.)) from a drawing by Bartoli in
Zeus and the Clouds in Art 39
has merits. The choice of subject suits its position of central impor-
complete. Yet the composition in general is not very well adapted
These weaknesses disappear in a third fresco, which again formed
bolt brandished in his right hand, and an eagle perched at his side.
3 Cp. the attitude of Ganymedes himself, not to mention the eagle and the dog, in the
adstante Aquila, dextraque fulmen minax in hominum exitium torquere videtur: circum-
served as a pendant or ear-ring. On such purely ornamental phalerae see E. Saglio in
40 Zeus and the Clouds in Art
seated and puts a spear in the raised right hand of Minerva (Brit. Mus. Cat. Lamps
Zeus and the Clouds in Art
as they emerge from the cloudy band. Beneath the clouds Sol in
. in age and motif'are two, if not three,gems in our national collection5.
happy effect in the decoration of a terra-cotta lamp, now at Berlin
H. Steinmetz in the /ahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1910 xxv. 37 ff.
tr P cos in (Milan).
6 Nos. 7228 and 8889 in the Wilson Collection of Gem-impressions (supra p. 39 n. 6).
8 J- Fink in the Sitzungsber. d. kais. bayr. Akad. d. Wiss. Phil.-hist. Classe 1900
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §6. Zeus and the clouds / (c) Nephelokokkygia
It remains to consider in greater detail the most famous con-
the relation between Zeus and the Clouds? I begin by passing in
but scout his suggestions of the Red Sea in the east, Lepreos down
To allay their fears, Pisthetairos in a persuasive speech develops
had to bury her father in her own head5. Clearly then the Birds are
5 This fable, which is of a type still common in the Balkans (cp. M. Gaster Rumanian
them in it. The Sun, who sees all, amazed at this remarkable instance of filial piety,
Birds Oxford 1895 p. 97 is in danger of going too far when he says: 'The Kopvdds and
1 Supra ii. 697 n. o. May we infer that the woodpecker, like the wren (first in
*>V. 'regaliolus'), regulus (carm. de philomel. 43 in Poet. Lat. mm. v. 366 Baehrens),
ibi vocatur, rex avium in Italia, with the remarks of D'Arcy W. Thompson A Glossary
2 F. Baethgen De vi ac signification galli in religionibus et artibus Graecorum et
1 The kite was in general a bird of ill omen (L. Hoj>f Thierorakel tmd Orakelthiere in
IktIvois. No such saying, however, appears in the paroemiographers). There is no doubt
f. D. A. in, 362, 13. xii, 400. Zs. f. D. Myth, iv, 447. Kuhn, Westfal. Sag. 11, 74, 221.)
(6Aristophan. av. 498If. c. schol.)' See further Seemann in the Handmorterbuch des
to the Cuckoo. But it is likely enough that they regarded his cry in the spring-time as a
from the temple-repository of ' Middle Minoan iii' date at Knossos (Sir A. J. Evans in the
Paus. loc. a/.). A bronze formerly in the cabinet of St Germain des Prez represents
(J. Brunsmid 'Monuments du Musee d'Agram' in the Viestnik 1914 [VJesmk N. S. xiii
Sosikrates (on whom see Laqueur in Pauly-Wissowa Real-Enc. iii a. 1160-1165)
Plane ram), Arsen. p. 423 f. Walz (goose, dog, plane, ram), and in part by Zenob.
Further allusions in Loukian. vit. auct. 16 £S2. Kal fir), 6p.vio> y( 001 rbv K<n>a Kal ryv
.. ' '4 tace0 ^e philosophis, Socrate contentus, qui in contumeliam deorum quercum et
nnullos etiam afflatus veritatis adversus deos erigit: denique et Socrates in contumeliam
Kar avrwv (sc. rwv ^ipuiv), Kai 'in ir'pb avrov 'Pa5dp.av8vs... Kp-qtri Si vbp.os fjv 'PaSap.dv8vos,
iurando per canem quemlibet, et lapidem quemlibet, et quidquid iuraturo esset in
Xaxdvwv (cp. the late glosses in Souid. s.v. Xaxdvois- 6Vi ttoWtiv
goose; cabbage; vegetables; wine?). G. Menage in his note on Diog. Laert. 2. 40
sanctity in the 'plane-tree,' the 'cabbage,' the 'poppy' (Souid. s.v. n& ^/owos x\°V'
ea quae in templis colebantur. non quod vere lapis et canis essent colenda sapientibus,
trans. P. Radin London 1925 p. 221 observes: 'In many languages oaths undergo a
Romance of Words London 1912 p. 60: 'In drat, formerly W rot, zounds, for God's
ignores the fact that in Crete—the very home of Rhadamanthys—oaths were regularly
I conclude, therefore, that in Crete, where men swore officially by rbv Arjua or Urijua
'9lo pp. 31, 67, 86)—a popular distortion vt) tov xw°- arose and was in due course fathered
C in. 4
auch SidfUovTpos statt StdfjoXos (vgl. hole mich der Kukuk)'). Perhaps /ciW in turn was a
1 The notion of a cosmic wall is found in the teaching of Parmenides (Aet. 2. 7. 1
o-TEtpdvTi). It reappears in the Epicureanism of Lucretius (Lucr. 1. 73 flammantia moenia
Lost 3. 721 'The rest in circuit walls this universe,' R. Browning Easter-Day if, fin.
Analogous conceptions are found here and there in the religious imaginings of the
Archelai 13. 2 (p. 21 f. Beeson) prolationes autem omnes Iesus est in modica navi, et
five in number, according to the fragments in Estrangelo script from Turfan, which
melnden Engeln ftinf sc. in | der feurigen Mauer, und jenes [Fahrzeug] | des Mond-Gottes
speculation. So Kaisarios, brother to Gregorios of Nazianzos, in his irevo-eis Kai dTroKplo-eis
\ap.TrahK and Severianus of Gabala (on whom see Lietzmann in Pauly—Wissowa Real-
Kai o-Tiynv Kap.apoeiSr). See further a valuable section in R. Eisler op. cit. ii. 619 ff. ('Die
It seems possible that in the west, if not also in the east, the belief in a celestial city
^'lenburg 1867 ii. 63 f.); in the same locality heavy, white clouds are called Maueru,
realm in search of fresh amours. A herald will be sent to inform
French examples. Sailors in the Channel regard certain big black clouds as dangerous and
casteu, 'castles' (G. de Montpavon 'Mistral' in Armana Prouvencau 1877 p. 45).
<pa\Xov, schol. Aristoph. av. 565 ^ij/«in« Se vapa tov <pa\\bv) or $0X975 (J. van Leeuwen
Regulus cristatus) in the various districts of France. It would seem reasonable to suppose
the seasons, birds utter oracles, birds give omens; birds in short are
in their fine feathers and at once set about naming the new town
Then follows a second pardbasis, in which the Birds appropriate
crest at any rate accounts for the belief in the wren as a fire-bearer (E. Rolland op. cit. ii.
P ace curative herbs in their nests) Ivoires doiavrov (so H. Beckh, after Gronovius, for
' *PringW0rt, see S. Bochart Hierozoicon rec. E. F. C. Rosenmuller Lipsiae 1796 in-
All clad in leopard-skins. Yet I remember
who ona^/w in the British Museum [Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases iii. 87 ff. no. E 65 Mon. d.
which recurs in abbreviated form on a red-figured skyphos from Nola, now at Berlin
from some Satyric drama, though hardly from the Iris of Achaios (W. Helbig in the Bull,
in the Rivista di filologia 1903 xxxi. 112 f. justly defends the text in view of Soph. Ant.
A Dictionary of Birds London 1896 p. 591, and the enthusiastic description in O. Keller
eine ganz einzige Farbenwirkung.' Dionys. de avid. i. 25 (prose paraphrase in Didot's
deme, identified with the modern Marousi (from Artemis 'Ap.apvoia: see O. Jessen in
There is more to be said for the view (J. Ilberg in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 2779) that
with the belief that she was his opponent in the Gigantomachy (schol. Aristoph. av.
rpureus (so the second hand in cod. B. pur cod. R. with pureus added in margin by
Po nli UIU'erstand better the curious tradition that in the Gigantomachy Zeus inspired
Hpa \~C' Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 63 Hoptpvpiwvt Se Zei)s"H/>as iiridvixlav ep.pM.Wet Kal toutov
Kunstmyth. Zeus p. 363^ no. 16 Atlas pi. 5, 3 a, 3 b, 3 c, F. Hauser in Furtwangler—
grouped in symmetric pairs as on the parypht! of Athena's ptplos (F. G. Welcker in
721 pi. xli)), P. Ducati in the Jahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst. 1907 x. 256, ii. 1908 xi. 135—
figs. 301, 302 (first quarter of s. iv B.C.), J. D. Beazley Attic red-figured Vases in American
Heydemann op. cit. p. 365 no. 2664 belonged to the same vase), O. Jahn in the Ann. d.
arch of heaven, may well perpetuate the rim of Athena's shield (Sir C. Smith in the
samml. St. Petersburg i. 263 ff. no. 523, G. Minervini in the Bull. Arch. Nap. 1844 »•
(Winckelmannsfest-Progr. Halle i) Halle a/S. 1876 p. 9, P. Ducati in the Jahresh. d. oest.
Berlin (inv. no. 3375) published by PI. Winnefeld in the Festschrift fiir Otto Benndorf
is eager to obtain wings. Accordingly, in comes a second group of
The envoys in due course arrive—Poseidon, Herakles, and the
shoulder, where it is gripped by the claws of Zeus' eagle (H. Winnefeld in Pergamon iii.
geschichte in Bildern2 I Das Altertum xi—xii) Leipzig 1925 p. 352 fig. 6).
(so in (4)) he borrows the type of a vanquished giant (cp. the youthful figure in the centre
The giant defeated by Zeus on a red-figured hydria from Vulci, now in the British
Tnballos (on whom see J. Schmidt in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. no2f.) could claim
P'WXr,,, Tp,0dX,Tos- 6rona Kvptov xapi 'Apurrotfidrei with Cell. 2. 19. 6 Naevius in
sceptre to the Birds. In that case, he invites all the envoys to his
his own. The feast in preparation will serve as his wedding banquet.
Triphallo, irepl dppevdrrjTOS, Charis. 1 p. 80, nf. Keil Triphallo, carm. Priap.
Pisth. I delight in your hymns, I delight in your songs ;
Fire-flashing javelin, glittering ever in
made by G. Caramia in his article on Btw/Xfw in the Birds of Aristophanes (Kivista Me-
When Pisthetairos, bride in hand, is escorted 'to Zeus' floor and
in defiance of metre (supra p. 59 n. o) made her a personification of Royalty.
(3) Others held that she dispensed immortality, as Athena in Bakchyl./ra^-. 45 Jebb
(5) Others cite Dionysios Skytobrachion (E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
Athens under the name BaaiXri or BatrlXeia (O. Kern in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iii.
fertility, in fact a variant of Kore. Marriage with her means death (supra ii. 1163 ff.).
Athenian audience in the days of Aristophanes could hardly have
political circumstances in which the play was first planned prompted
year 414 B.C.2 But B. B. Rogers has shown that in all probability
on the fSaaiXiaaa (Dem. c. Neaer. 78) may be found in the messenger of Aristoph. av.
1 Zeus BatriXeus is associated with Hera BacnXeia in a federal oath of the Phocians
have had as his consort Hera BacriX/s (W. Dittenberger in Inscr. Gr. sept, i no. 3097, 1 ff.
was a cult of Hera Bao-tXeia at Lindos (P. Foucart in the Rev. Arch. 1867 ii. 30 fT. no. 71,
such o-Ti/3d5es or crrijSdoeia see A. Wilhelm in the Ath. Mitth. 1892 xvii. 190 f. and
in hand soon after the production of the Peace in 4211. Now the
long in incubation, and could not (as was the case with the Peace) have been hastily put
their inspiration is merely an amplification of a sarcasm placed previously in the mouth of
and to the unwelcome pipings of Chaeris, is substantially identical in the two plays.
were in a chronic state of disturbance, and were giving some trouble at this very time,
people was directed to the military operations in Sicily. And the very remarkable verbal
exceptions. U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff 'Uber die Wespen des Aristophanes' in
that the play was planned three years before its performance in 422 (E. Wiist loc. cit.
of more than one new political combination1. The Argives in a sense
that Aristophanes' castle-in-the-air Nephelokokkygia contained—
1 See e.g. J. B. Bury A History of Greece London 1900 p. 458 ff., W. S. Ferguson in
1723 on an architrave of Pentelic marble in the church of St Theodoras near the village
4 A. Todesco ' KOKKTS' in Philologus 1914—1916 lxxiii. 563—567 (an article which
6 A similar allusion to Argive topography occurs in Aristoph. av. 399 aivodavuv iv
that Nephelokokkygia stood in some relation to Mt Kokkygion or Thornax in Argolis
the Cuckoo. I venture to guess that these myths, which appear in old Mycenaean
fanum exstructum erat in monte ab ejusdem nomine Zywiec dicto, ubi primis diebus
in cuculum ut ipsis annuntiaret vitae tempora: unde crimini ducebatur, capitalique poena
be found in those of j. Dlugosz, a canon of Cracow who died in 1480 a.d. and has left
Pollux (L. Niederle op. cit. ii. 153 n- *)■ TIle relevant passages in Dfugosz are as
various comments, by W. Mannhardt in the Zeitschrift fiir deutsche Mythologie und
years they have to live etc., is wide-spread in Europe (see W. Mannhardt be. cit.
a band decorated with figures of the Charites and the Horai. In one
Paris 1877 § 52 p. 59 f., §356 p. 315). Prokosz therefore may, after all, be right in what he
Seemann in the Handwbrterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens Berlin—Leipzig 1933
c. in. 5
Roman writers vied with each other in praising the sculptor's
P. Miillensiefen in Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial.-Inschr. iii. 1. 361 ff. no. 3637, 5f. = Michel
cod.). See further O. lessen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vii. 2819).
/3a<rtX7ji'5os"HpTjs but 9 5aSoO%6s p.e Kbpys BairtX^s Aids iepbi tjkuv \ k.t.X.). So in Latin Sen.
Frag. com. Gr. ii. 61 f., 147 ff., supra iii. 32 n. 5). When, therefore, we read in schol.
hear so much in the course of the play1, was perhaps directly sug-
foreign cult. Still less (I shall be told) could he have assumed in
of a certain red-figured lekythos from Ruvo, now in the British
the central goddess is not Aphrodite but Hera, who sits on a throne
Athens Dorpati Livonorum 1884 pp. 14—24, followed by O. Kern in Pauly—Wissowa
in the mythology of the early kings of Argos.
1910), and thus fixed the exact limits of the restoration. I was therefore enabled to publish in
68 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
and the chef-d'ceuvre of the sculptor queens it in the centre. Doubtless
arriving in Cloudland, is terribly afraid that Zeus will see him
Broad heaven in the aither and the clouds0.
From the ritual of Zeus Aktatos we have inferred that in early
Overbeck Gr. Kunstmyth. Hera p. 141 ff. (m) Atlas pi. 10, 7, Turk in Roscher Lex. Myth.
1 Mr H. B. Walters in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases iv. 61 says: 'Before Hera hovers
68 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
and the chef-d'ceuvre of the sculptor queens it in the centre. Doubtless
arriving in Cloudland, is terribly afraid that Zeus will see him
Broad heaven in the aither and the clouds0.
From the ritual of Zeus Aktatos we have inferred that in early
Overbeck Gr. Kunstmyth. Hera p. 141 ff. (m) Atlas pi. 10, 7, Turk in Roscher Lex. Myth.
1 Mr H. B. Walters in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases iv. 61 says: 'Before Hera hovers
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §6. Zeus and the clouds / 68-103 (d) The clouds personified in cult und myth
The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth 69
Old man sit you still, and attend to my will, and hearken in peace to my
Arise ye and shine, bright Ladies Divine, to your student in bodily forms4.
a judgment hard to understand. We have the play in part rewritten, a second edition
in the sky and took the clouds to be a Centaur, a leopard, a wolf, a bull—in fact, as
70 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
more orthodox, and in their pardbasis begin by invoking four gods
Clouds of the air, that nurture the crops, and that roam in the sky,
Ye that make horror of sound in the echoing bosom of air,
interested in Clouds.
The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth 71
work (Orph. frag. 247 Kern ap. Aristoboul. in Euseb. praep. ev. 13. 12. 5 = the'Theo-
line 20 avrbv 5' ovx bpbw irepl yap vtipos earripiKrai in a different context. Another passage
The AuibeKaerripiSes (Orph. frag. 256 Kern) state that, when Iupiter is in Virgo, the year
of explanation from Aristophanes; the worship of angels is, like the new religion in the
p. 340b 13 ff. Bekker the queer tale of the cloud-seer Anthousa, of Aigai in Kilikia, who
72 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
Nephele, the personified Cloud, figures in one or two Greek
and, on the spur of the moment, struck Prokris with the javelin in his hand and
ix. 361—500), E. Venables in Smith—Cheetham Diet. Chr. Ant. ii. 1398—1402,
Jacoby) ap. schol. M.V. Od. 11. 321, cp. Eustath. in Od. p. 1688, 20 ff.
Eustath. in Od. p. 1688, 27 has a v^i\t], and so P. K. Buttmann in schol. Od. 11. 321.
The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth 73
has its roots in a totemic taboo. Be that as it may, it certainly
columnar handles now in the British Museum (pi. xii)5.
his sixth formula: 'Eine Jungfrau giebt fiir Kostbarkeiten in dreimaliger Steigerung ihre
ihr zu folgen versucht. b) oder er sucht sie in ihrer fernen Heimath auf und verbindet
Myth. Mon. Anc. Ath. p. lxixf. fig. 14, A. Rapp in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1103 fig. 3,
pi. xii is from a photograph by the Official Photographer. In the centre Prokris collapses
74 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
the cloud-goddess may be detected in sundry other myths. It would
Endymion, in the Hesiodic poem entitled The Great EoiaP, was
1 A. H. Krappe 'The Story of Phrixos and Modern Folklore' in Folk-Lore 1923
5 A. Rzach in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 1204 f., W. Christ Geschichte der
1 P. Weizsacker in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 766 ff., R, Wagner ib. iii. 180 f. The
The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth 75
nlii sunt; quae nubes ipsi a Iunone in sui forma est opposita, 2. 106 Ixion, Phlegyae
Centauri, 3. 4. 6 Ixion Iunonis coniugium petiit; ilia nubem in speciem suam ornavit,
^rolkeng6ttin birgt sich in dem Mythos von Hera-Nephele und Ixion').
76 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
1 G. Kieseritzky 'Iasios' in the Sirena ILelbigiana Lipsiae 1900.pp. 160—163 with fig.
Ueber bemalte Vasen mit Goldschvmck Leipzig 1865 p. 13 no. 13, T. Eisele in Roscher
On the variants 'laaiav, 'Ia.<rwi>, 'Idffios, "laaos, see W. Gundel in Pauly—Wissowa
istic of prehistoric Greece (P. Rretschmer Einleitung in die Geschiekte der grieehischen
2 By far the fullest and best account of the myth is that given by W. Gundel in
The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth 77
modified by the later Greeks in one of two directions. Either, as
Konon's expedient was in all probabilitysuggested byStesichoros'
Prussian custom of the mock birth of a child on the harvest-field [id. p. 150 f.]. In this
frtth *^ F' Jacob>' in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ix. 910 says: 'Danach gehort er
y* Pa ml I TrX^g KfpawuOivra Saipoviw davtiv, \ rbv AapSavov Si k.t.\. F. Gisinger in
Konon narr. 21, writing between 36 b.c. and 17A.d. (E. Martini in Pauly—
78 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
lawful husband. Euripides in his Helene combines the two versions.
Alexandreia in Plat. Phaedr. p. 75 ff. P. Couvreur.
T. Bergk in his note on frag. 32 (Poet. lyr. Gr. iii. 217—219 Bergk4). To his biblio-
hat er zuerst in der 'EXeVa auf Grund der rein asthetischen, religicis indifferenten
The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth 79
similar trick-—witness a curious passage of the Bacc/iae3 in which
Dionysos elsewhere4. Thus in course of time
On the plot see further A. von Premerstein ' Ueber den Mythos in Euripides' Helene'
('Euripides' Apology. (Helen.)'), H. Steiger ' Wie entstand die Helena des Euripides?' in
80 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
1 F. Lenormant in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 601 f., H. Heydemann Dionysos''
of c. 600 B.C., found in a tomb between Corinth and Sikyon, on which he thought
vase is now in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris (P. Milliet—A. Giraudon Vases feints
d'enfantement (?)' etc.). The hair and the girdle of the central figure prove it to be female.
(2) A black-figured amphora from S. Maria di Capua, likewise in the Bibliotheque
J. D. Beazley Attic red-figured Vases in American Museums Cambridge Mass. 1918
82 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
(4) A south-Italian vase, now lost, but seen by A. L. Millin at Naples in private
a club (?) in the midst of four Satyrs. Both designs have been copied ' par une main
in the Joum. Hell. Stud. 1934 liv. 175 ff. pis. 8 and 9 by A. D. Trendall, to whose
The precise part played by Zeus in Philostratos' picture of Semele (supra ii. 28, 828)
cites for comparison and contrast a fresco said to have been found in Rome and formerly
His head is surrounded by a halo of rays; his legs are wrapped in an ample wind-swept
bryo gekrUmmt,' says Gerhard) of Semele, who half-clad in a yellow robe lies dead on
The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth 83
St.-Petersbourg. vi Serie. Sciences politiques, histoire, philologie. ix. 361 ff.), id. in the
k.t.X. may or may not be purely imaginary, and in any case says nothing of Zeus.
Stuttgart 1889 P- ~r- no. 102, id. in the fahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst. 1903 vi. 103 n. 22,
god (pt'tasos, chlamys, boots, but no caduceus) advances with a panther-skin in which to
Demeter is borne out by the bunch of corn-ears held stiffly in her right hand. Heydemann's
Promontory in the north-west of Sicily (B. Graef De Bacchi expeditione Indica moitu-
' 9~24 are quoted in et. mag. p. 280, 13 ff.). | koI puv dxirXwToio SiaUaovTO. Xox«fS I
The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth 85
°'69m), in the collection formed by Field-marshal Count Lavall Nugent, was found at
flowers (Schneider, Heydemann). Beneath the couch a jug and bowl are in readiness for
goddess, presumably Nike playing the part of Eileithyia (E. Gerhard in the Bull. d. Inst.
already delivered. In the centre Hermes, looking round towards Zeus, carries off the
86 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
work sarcophagus now in the Loggia Scoperta
109 ('le fleuve Ismenius'), J. G. Zoega in the
F. Matz in the Bull. d. Inst. 1870 p. 70 f. (first
in dem jetzigen Zustand mindestens in der Figur des Hermes schwerlich durchaus antik.'
5 An Etruscan mirror, of unknown provenance, at Naples (A. Sogliano in the Guida
524, 529 pi. 39, 1. B. Quaranta in the Real Museo Borbonico Napoli 1839 xii pi. 57 with
88 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
{ Winckelmannsfest-Progr. Halle 1885) p. 14 f., C. Pauli in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 460 f.).
holds a winged thunderbolt in his left. From his right thigh emerges Dionysos as a nude
the birth-goddess (Thalna) who, arrayed in Ionic chiton and himdtion with stephdne,
Visconti saw a lion's head and a snake !!); below, a winged goddess swathed in a himdtion.
C. Lenormant in the Ann. d. Inst. 1833 v- 2I5 ff- and J. de Witte in the Mm. Ann.
emerges the infant god, uplifting both arms. He is received by a winged Athena, clad in
third-century work, shows Zeus in labour flanked by two winged Eileithyiai (Brit. Mus.
struck by Gordianus Pius in the year 304, i.e. some year between
extends his right towards the goddess. She is dressed in chitdn
The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth 89
America who are in the transition-state between the two systems.] Dionysos, therefore,
early fourth-century mirror in the Museo Civico at Bologna (F. Schiassi De. Pateris, ex
the footstool of which is seen in perspective, and holds up her bared right breast to the
has a frilled( = rayed) solar (?) head. A similar design on a terra-cotta medallion in relief
92 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
a lion-skin round his neck, a short chiton about his waist, and a knotty club in his right
Tply\-qva /topbevTa) and, like Zeus, displays two leaves stuck in her hair. To the left stands
(c. roo a.d.) in his paradoxical notion that Herakles was the son of Zeus and Hera(Ptol.
(egg? ball?) in either hand, (c) An early third-century mirror from Vulci, now at
and holding a horn (cp. supra ii. 347 fig. '241) in her left. Behind Herakles sits Mean
in the British Museum (G. Minervini in the Bull. d. Inst. 1842 p. 160, id. in the Bull.
Napoli 1853 vi. 317 ft.), Overbeck Gr. Kunstmyth. Hera p. 141 no. l, G. Korte in
offers Hera a lily—not, as Minervini thought, in allusion to the later legend of the Milky
seated with a floral stephdne on her head and a lily-topped sceptre in her hand. She presses
94 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
the boy to her right breast, where he drinks his fill. Behind her stands Iris in short chitdn
It is noteworthy that in the case of Dionysos the simulated birth is from the god (Zeus),
2 Supra i. 674 n. 2, ii. 957 n. 2. See further O. Jessen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
Expert philologists have advanced widely different explanations. W. Sonne in the
in the Beitrdge zur kunde der indogermanischen sprachen 1897 xxii. 99 was still inclined
Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 1316, Hesych. s.v. Zppaos (so M. Schmidt for ippas cod.)- Kpi6s), and
a 'Verkorperung des lebenerzeugenden Numens des Gottes' (F. A. Voigt in Roscher Lex.
auch mit e'ipuv "listig" zu errare st. * er-sd eigentlich "der in die irre fiihrt")
in the Beitrdge zur kunde der indogermanischen sprachen 1894 xx. 179 f. Cp. Hermes
(Anth. Pal. 9. 824. 2 (Erykios)). As o-wapyavLiSiT-qs meant 'wrapped in the or
The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth 95
XP»c6s. Uionysos elpatpiwrris "in the tufted skin" was a kid, cp. Hesych. s.v. (lpa(piwT7}s'...
bezeichne, wie in ttippvaiv Theokr. 2925. Nicht beseitigen aber lasst sich die zweite
The month HipaipL&v at Arkesine in Amorgos (Iitscr. Gr. ins. vii no. 62, 28 = F. Bechtel
2 Euripides is said to have been a pupil of Prodikos (v. Eur. 1 in schol. Eur. i. 2, 7 f.
I1, 490 f. (= id. in Germania i860 v. 479 f.) compiles a list of such births from the leg, the
of the wise Chyavana,and the greatly illustrious Aurva was born in her, ripping open
g6 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
the Nishadas, viz., those wicked tribes who live in the hills and the forests, as also those
illustrious son of Vena, named Prithu, resplendent in person, as if the blazing deity of
Put, ascended to the realms above.' H. H. Wilson adloc. cites the parallel passage in the
Pulindas, and other barbarians or Mlechchhas, living in woods and on mountains.'
The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth 97
exclaimed the Raja, "who unwittingly drank the water": and, accordingly, in the belly
from a cloud in the morning,—so he too, when he was born from his mother's womb,
gradually emerging from the womb, he shed in every direction the rays of his glory.'
&in schoen alt Lied von Grave Friz von Zolre, dem Oettinger, und der Belagerung von Hohcn
98 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
in a garden, where he was subject to none of the ills which now affect mortality; he was
came to him, and painted to him in glowing colours the sweetness of the apple, the
appeared on his leg; the spot enlarged to a tumour, which increased in size and caused
by J. A. MacCulloch in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh 1912
gegessen und in Folge dessen einem natiirlichen Bedurfnisse genugen miissen, was sich
(7) In Norse cosmogony Ymir, ancestor of all the giants, went to sleep, fell into
explained. I. Vossius in the notes to J. Alberti's edition of Hesychios (Lugduni
The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth 99
In this connexion the design on a red-figured liydria in my
nascatur manu efficit.' He compares, not only the Zeus Aexearris of Aliphera in Arkadia
1 O. Kern in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 1323, citing A. Hug's commentary on
01) To\p,av k'veKa tov e'pwros airoBvrioKeiv wairep "Aryans, dXXa diap.r}xavao-Bai £G>v eia^vai
ioo The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
She has a beaded fillet and upright bay-leaves in her hair, and she
described by Philostratos3 the Athenian early in s. iii A.D.:
design on a red-figured kylix now in the Lewis collection at Cam-
bore,' whether Kalliope or another (O. Gruppe in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 1073 f.). But
v. 238). It is curious, if no more, that the words t& e>ct occur again in the oracle
6 G. Minervini 'Oracolo di Orfeo e dell' Apollo Napeo in Lesbo: vaso dipinto di
102 The Clouds personified in Cult and Myth
Athens in the sacra of Lesbos and handle the theme with a light-
suspendue.' A. Furtwangler in the Winckelmannsfest-Progr. Berlin L 163 ' eine
des Orpheus in den Handen einer Muse dargestellt, wahrend eine
des Orpheus' in the Jahrb. d. kais. dentsch. arch. Inst'' 1917 com. 146 f. fig. 1 rightly
in my collection (fig. 36 scale f), which resembles his i pi. 20, 53 = pi. 22, 5, cp. 6, u.
Babylon in 538, the latter had designs upon it in 4CM. If the corpse of the one was be-
in order to lure Turnus from the fight1. The Roman poet probably
the Heuddnemoi or 'Lull-winds' had an altar near the Metroon4:
'lea nube cava tenuem sine viribus umbram | in faciem Aeneae (visa mirabile monstrum) |
2 //. 5. 449 ff. avrap 6 eidw\ov reP|' dpyvporo^os 'AiroWwp (interp. Serv. in Verg. Aen.
a hero is snatched away by a god. It plays no further part in the action, nor does there
On heroes etc. wrapped in a cloud and carried off by god or goddess see F. von Duhn
(G. Loeschcke, followed by J. Topffer, cj. b 'EXei'crixiv. But K. VVachsmuth in Pauly—
in order to lure Turnus from the fight1. The Roman poet probably
the Heuddnemoi or 'Lull-winds' had an altar near the Metroon4:
'lea nube cava tenuem sine viribus umbram | in faciem Aeneae (visa mirabile monstrum) |
2 //. 5. 449 ff. avrap 6 eidw\ov reP|' dpyvporo^os 'AiroWwp (interp. Serv. in Verg. Aen.
a hero is snatched away by a god. It plays no further part in the action, nor does there
On heroes etc. wrapped in a cloud and carried off by god or goddess see F. von Duhn
(G. Loeschcke, followed by J. Topffer, cj. b 'EXei'crixiv. But K. VVachsmuth in Pauly—
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §7. Zeus and the wind / (a) Men believed to control the winds
Deinarchos, viz. ' The Heuddnemoi v. the Kerykes in re the
would detect 'eine Anspielung auf irgendwelche mit den Heudanemen in Beziehung
in the crucial line 19 the reading of cod. A. bpyiwvavep.wi was corrected by J. G. J.
emprisoned in a new jar and buried in the field would safeguard the crops against stormy
he proceeded to set round the hills and mountain-tops in order to
Prance Paris 1906 iii. 264 f. In Italy toads are said to spring from the first large rain-
>36 'AXe^avefios fiiv 0* to iirdivvfiov 'VfiTedoicteovi. Cp. Eustath. in Od. p. 1645, 42 f. fis
'/>'Of. in, 3ff. Diels)- 7rai5o"fis 5* dKapuxTwv dvtfxwv fiivos otr iirl yatav \ opvip-tvoi Bv-qTolai
" is omitted by codd. V.C.). Here and there, in less credulous quarters, we observe a
In the corrupt passage Plout. symp. 8. 8. 1 <cai rbv bLu*vvp,ov ifiol ry W"™M*»
great man's name will suffice. In the Macedonian district of
A figure interesting in this connexion is that of Aiolos
united in wedlock with his six daughters. Here too he entertained
2 Frazer Golden Bough2,: Taboo pp. 46 ff., 52 f., 64, 67, 75 f., id. Folk-lore in the Old
Xeyerai Kal dvep,ovs OeXi;ai rijs uipas Tr4pa irvevo-avras. A. von Blumenthal in Pauly—
great man's name will suffice. In the Macedonian district of
A figure interesting in this connexion is that of Aiolos
united in wedlock with his six daughters. Here too he entertained
2 Frazer Golden Bough2,: Taboo pp. 46 ff., 52 f., 64, 67, 75 f., id. Folk-lore in the Old
Xeyerai Kal dvep,ovs OeXi;ai rijs uipas Tr4pa irvevo-avras. A. von Blumenthal in Pauly—
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §7. Zeus and the wind / (b) Aiolos Hippotades
shut Aquilo in the caves of Aeolia and send forth Notus to cause
a dead tribal chieftain, who lives on in his Otherworld island7 and
3 H. Usener in the Khein. Mus. ,898 liii. 3+6 E Sckrtfm Leipzig-
8 A. H. Keane in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh .908
8 Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 738 = schol. Od. 10. 2 <paal yip ol MX/ant* (J- P°tter Cj.
a" MXon-o a,e/io... E. Scheer cp. Eustath. in Od. p. 1645, 59 >• «V *» ,f.
should be in excess, it is shut up and puts a stop to them. The jar of the
in a leathern bag; when they escape from it he pursues them, beats them, and
or 'jar' containing evils opened by the inquisitive woman in
ed. W. Pierson Berlin 1871 p. 27] vgl. SI 91 (18) [i.e. A. Schleicher 'Lituanica' in the
setfaufeit, •(janfcel treiiett. 8itca3 33a»ib 33. I. ©. 86 uetftnfcert ben Stamen in Gardiaito tint
5 Miss J. E. Harrison in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1900 xx. 99 ff., ead. Proleg. Gk. Pel.'2
Aiolos Hippotades has both in ancient4 and in modern5 times
1 See e.g. Rohde Psyche* i. 248 n. 1, ii. 122 n. 2, 264 n. 2, K. Tumpel in Pauly—
2 So R. Koegel in the Giiit. gel. Anz. 1897 clix. 655 (relates west-German saiwala
berger in the Sitzungsber. d. kais. Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien Phil.-hist. Classe 1900 cxlii.
3 G. Gerland Altgriechische Mcirchen in der Odyssee Magdeburg 1869 p. 38 ff.,
M. Schmidt ad loc. obelizes Hellenis, remarking 'imo Hippoiae.' Euripides in his
(P- 5> 20 Hude), and in part by Herodian. xcpi novnpo^ M£«*»» 2. 42 (ii. 647, 24 Lentz).
as hippiochdrmes, 'fighting with chariot and horses,' in obvious
in the course of his wanderings round Sicily had reached the island
Now the same peculiar usage occurs again in connexion with
Moreover, Makedon the ancestor of the Macedonians was, in the
manische Mythen Berlin 1887 ii (Achilleis). 451 ff., H. W. Stoll in Roscher Lex. Myth.
Mercurio' in H. van Herwerden's Album Gratulatorium Trajecti ad Rhenum 1902
T27"Hpp. k. t. X. For Archinos see E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 541.
Hippotades was in pre-Homeric days4 none other than Aiolos
(Mrs N. Wedd) in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1898 xviii. 238 ff. For the prevalence of
Bartels Das Weib in der Natur- und Volkerkundt1" Leipzig 1913 i. 713, W. H. R.
Can understand why the custom of marriage with a full or a half sister has prevailed in so
the custom of brother and sister marriage in royal houses marks a transition from female
■McLennan, edited and completed by Donald McLennan (London, 188j), p. 95)]. In this
4 E. Forrer ' Vorhomerische Griechen in den Keilschrifttexten von Boghazkoi' in the
was believed by his people to live on in his island of souls. Such
Phanodemos, a Hellenistic historian interested in religious
2 A. D. Fraser 'The origin of Aeolus' in The Classical Journal 1933 xxviii. 364—366
Veg, supplies a party of fishermen with a collection of winds confined in a water jar whose
concludes : ' The tradition apparently accompanied the Achaeans in their wanderings
sein, wobei man die audi im Epos nicht ganz seltene Kltrze vor Muta cum Liquida mit in
was believed by his people to live on in his island of souls. Such
Phanodemos, a Hellenistic historian interested in religious
2 A. D. Fraser 'The origin of Aeolus' in The Classical Journal 1933 xxviii. 364—366
Veg, supplies a party of fishermen with a collection of winds confined in a water jar whose
concludes : ' The tradition apparently accompanied the Achaeans in their wanderings
sein, wobei man die audi im Epos nicht ganz seltene Kltrze vor Muta cum Liquida mit in
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §7. Zeus and the wind / (c) The Tritopatores or Tritopatreis
°f children2. This statement is, in part at least, confirmed by
Excavations in the Kerameikos at Athens, conducted by A.
3 A. BrHckner 'ANA-KA*AI KEPAMEIKOT' in the llpaKT. apx- I910
broken boundary-stone, found at the north-eastern corner of the
circular tomb marked out by large stones. Beyond that in turn was '
Here, then, in immediate juxtaposition with the Street of Tombs,
U. Kohler3 in 1879 published a similar but somewhat later
The Church of the Hagia Trias was removed in 1931. Excavations conducted by the
Kerameikos' in the Jahrb. d. kais. dtutsch. arch. Inst. 1932 xlvii. Arch. Anz. pp. 183—208
The sacrificial calendar from Kottkounari in the Epakria district,
context in both cases is suggestive of fertility and fertilisation.
s'e eine Phratrie bildeten.' G. Lippold in the AtA. MittA. 1911 xxxvi. 106 n. 1 decides
2 R. B. Richardson in the Am. Journ. ArcA. 1895 x. 220 f.
6 P. Maas in the DeutscAe Literaturzeitung 1927 xlviii. 1953 f'AKa/xavTluv von Heilig-
French excavations in Delos4. Close to the south-east angle of the
' (Alia domanda) se (in materia) di oracoli (esista ugual) religio per ognuno, e per il puro
obbligato a conformarvisi; oppure: deriva empieta al puro che se ne serva). In materia
U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff 'Heilige Gesetze. Eine Urkunde aus Kyrene' in
See further G. Oliverio in the Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 1928 Ivi.
4 Pending the full publication in Dilos vii. 2, there is an interim-repoitby M. Holleaux
raphic cut. The general lie of the land can be well seen from the chart in the Bull. Corr.
The first two lines are engraved stoichedon in careful lettering of
families atheniennes a Delos' in the Bull. Con: Bell. 1929 liii. 166 ff. (167—179
Ai'yiAia (v. Schoeffer in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 39 f.). TpcTuwdrup In the Am.
this showing the circular structure found by Leroux would be in the
in plan (Delos), was set apart for them in a roughly triangular
in the former, as in the latter5, ancestral spirits watchful over the
3 P. Roussel in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1929 liii. 177: 'D'apres les observations faites
that a similar structure, discovered in 1912 to the south of the lower reservoir of the
4 See J. A. MacCulloch 'Cross-roads' in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and
Romtr Berlin 1901 p. 105 ff., id. 'Der Ursprung des Larenkultes' in the Archiv/. Kel.
over-clear. But C. A. Lobeck' makes it probable that, in Philochoros'
gods which seems to have been drawn up in the second or first
Dionysos9. These varying versions agree in attributing the names
3 F. Jacoby in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xi. 591.
If this passage is rightly assigned by C. Miiller to the Atthls, it may be surmised in
the word tritopdtor in the sense of' great-grandfather1.'
w5 l<roKpa.Tiji • raxa 8' b\v tovtov rpiTcnrtxTopa 'ApicrroreXTjs Ka\ot. H. Steuding in Roscher
MoellendorfT (Preller— Robert Gr. Myth. i. 473 n. 4). See further G. Lippold in the
TP"roTwp in der Bedeutung Trpbira-mros bestanden hat und erst in der lexikalischen
But M. Budimir, the Serbian scholar reported by L. Radermacher in the Bert, philol.
Harpokr. s.v. 'Hertwxeia, Souid. s.v. 4>Aoxopos: see E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa
and in so doing all but reached the only satisfactory solution of the
life to each succeeding generation in the form of wind or breath5.
remembered in fifth-century Athens, but still lingering in the back-
cj. S. Eitrem, 'A/ta/cXeiSTjc Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 7^8=schol. Od. 10. 2, 'A/j-aKXeid-qv (?)
2 Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 738 = schol. Od. 10. 2 Kal tovtov ?ce/ca ifivdevcravTo airbv (sc.
in den Tritopatoren Ahnenseelen, die zu Windgeistern geworden sind und mit anderen
marised by E. Fehrle in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 1209 f.), who takes the Tritopatores
0 On the reincarnation of ancestors in their descendants see E. B. Tylor Primitive
settled. If tritopdtor meant strictly a ' father in the third (ascending)
addressed before marriage to the Tritopatores4 may be heard in the
L. Dindorf in Steph. Thes. Gr. Ling. vii. 2473 B restored TptTonovpq- ras yvqelas k. t. X.
A'tgriechischer Vershau 49 ff.).' But M. Budimir, as reported by L. Radermacher in the
P. Kretschmer in Glotta 1920 x. 42 f. 'Wie erklaren sich nun aber hierbei Tpiroyev fc
Jenem Prinzip, das Sommer " Kontrarbildung" genannt hat und das ich ktirzlich in
G. Lippold's attempt in the Ath. Mitth. 1911 xxxvi. 106 to explain the element rpiro-
*' Ath. 4 HpiToyevrj), but becomes fairly frequent in later verse (Bruchmann Epith. dear.
frequent in Homeric and post-Homeric verse (not, however, in tragedy) (Bruchmann
by T. Bergk in the Jahrb. f. Philol. u. Piidag. i860 lxxxi. 305—309 = (tf. Kleine philo-
the Dioskouroi, two in number, the addition of a third being due to
E. Boisacq6, for example, following in the steps of E. Windisch7,
genija i' aticki Tritopatreiji' in the Glasnik zem. Museja 1920 xxxii. 295—328 reported
7 E. Windisch in the Beitrdge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 1877
fixed with some certainty the derivation of the names in question.
located in Libya3, Crete4, Arkadia5, Boiotia6, and Thessaly7. This
ahe, 'running water' (cp. Lat. aqua), survives as a, aa, ach, ache, etc. in a great variety
This is the usual version in lexicographers, scholiasts, mythographers, etc.: e.g.
ct^X0t; r) 'A0T]va, Eustath. in Dionys. per. 267 071 r) TpiTiavts, evpeia Xlpw-q, p-iai) Aif3ui}s
effort of scholiastic harmonism will be found in schol. x. (cp. schol. B. L. v.) //. 8. 39
TP^0etr0ai, ip BvyaTi\p r)v llaXXds, k.t.X. (quoted by Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 355), Mela 1. 36
tantium celebrant, Lact. Plac. in Stat. Theb. 2.722 Tritone: fluvius vel palus in Libya, in qua
interp. Serv. in Verg. Aen. 2. 171 a Tritone amne Boeotiae, aut a Tritonide palude
yevv7}8rjvaL' Sid Kal ^piroyiveiav ovofiacdrivai. e'en Si Kal vvv in irepl ras irr\yas Tavras
TtocoC QoIvikos, t) twv Kovp-nrwn ifbs fuydSos), but in aspect indistinguishable from Triton
published dies, in my own collection, fig. 44= Plwtiades Sale Catalogue 1890 i. 104
A somewhat similar deity on an unpublished bronze coin of Karystos in my collection
TV Trora/ji^ TplTuii/t. oZ/ceiotf/isw \byov. k.t.X. {supra ii. 782). W. M. Leake Travels in
6 Paus. 9. 33. 7 pet Si Kal irora/ios cvravBa (sc. near Alalkomenai) oi iiiyas \dixappos-
Rhod. 1. I09, 4. 1311 ( = Favorin. lex. p. 1776, 5 ff.), interp. Serv. in Verg. Aen. 1
the somewhat remote analogy of the Vedic god Trita, who sits in
Gk. States i. 266 ff. holds that Athena Tpiroyiveia originated in Thessaly or Boiotia, and
2 M. Budimir reported by L. Radermacher in the Bcrl. philol. Woch. Marz 4, 1922
n. 3, M. Winternitz A concise Dictionary of Eastern Religion Oxford 1910 p- 5^9'
In art, as H. Steinmetz1 pointed out, wind-gods approximate to
'Here he comes—beard all a-spread, eyebrows arched, arrogance in the air,
^belled in Greek lettering of the third century A.D.5 Adjacent
interesting monument made Triton in a sense the ruler of all the
]■ de Witte in the Bull. d. Inst. 1834 pp. 157—159, A. L. C. A. Du Mege in the
P. Gauckler in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. iii. 2115 n. xo.
+91 (date either s. ii or early in s. i b.c.) with fig., W. Judeich Topographie von
Athens in the first century B.C. and better known to us as the 'Tower
bronze figure of a Triton, who swung round in the wind and pointed
pp. 42 ff., 80, id. 'Windgotter' in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 19:0 xxv. 34
maintain that the former, like the latter, was a keeper of souls in
for a Roman lady in the third century A.D. (fig. 52)* the other made
3 F. R. Dressier Triton und die Tritonen in der Litteratur und Kunst der Griecheit
ii. 502, Frohner Sculpt, du Louvre i. 405 f. no. 440, F. R. Dressier in Roscher Lex. My"1*
by different critics. F. Buonarroti2 in
that the clue lay in the Samothracian
Sentanza di Nereidi e Tritoni' in the Bull. Comm.
E. Petersen in the Ann. d. Inst, i860 xxxii. 396 ff.
°f the marine powers rather than his effigy borne aloft in their
'But most highly esteemed of all his works is the group in the temple built by
1 H. Steuding in the Woch.f. klass. Philol. Nov. 29, 1893 p. 1307.
Sieveking 'Der sogenannte Altar des Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus' in the Jahresh. d.
j er °f w-iter and to the part assigned to the watery element in Mithraic and solar cults.'
attended by Eros. In front of her a Triton, or perhaps rather a
by G. Bendinelli in the Mon. d. Line. 1926 xxxipls. 11 ( = mypl. xix), 12 (centre), 13 (right
are the following: F. Cumont 'La basilique souterraine de la Porta Maggiore' in the
Maggiore in Roma' in the Mon. d. Line. 1926 xxxi. 601—860 with 54 figs, and 43 pis-
Maggiore'" in the Rev. Arch. 1923 ii. 1—23 turned possibility into something very tiM
Pythagoricorum). E. Strong and N. Jollifie 'The Stuccoes of the Underground Basilica near
' Leucas' in the Rev. Arch. 1929 ii. 211—219—an interesting discussion of Pliny's Candida
1oebo, communia munera, ponam),—almost every point in the picture can be paralleled
" a red-figured krater found in 1909 'nella proprieta Tamburini fuori Porta Castiglione'
APollon, according to C. Densmore Curtis in the Am. Journ. Arch. 1920 xxiv. 150,
The dejected man on the rocks to the left has been compared by F. Cumont in the
Pythagorean sect in the middle of the first century A.D. But we are
Tritons and the like in this connexion are not merely graceful
patores and the Tritons. And, in the absence of any inward identity,
supposing that they already had the Tritonian type in the sixth
1 O. Jahn 'Sarcofago della G-alleria Corsini a Roma' in the Ann. d. Inst. 1859 xxxi.
in Aiolie a floating island6 perhaps originally located in the Black
2 M. Budimir ' Atena Tritogenija i' aticki Tritopatreiji' in the Glasnik zem. Museja 1920
8 B. Schweitzer Herakles Tubingen 1922 p. 72 ff. (summarised by E. Fehrle in Roscher
7 This is nowhere stated. But the early connexion of Aeolians with Asia Minor
located in the west, being identified with one of the Liparenses Insulae. But K. TUrapel
of the Greeks and Romans have almost invariably some foundation in fact. Moreover,
in Aiolie a floating island6 perhaps originally located in the Black
2 M. Budimir ' Atena Tritogenija i' aticki Tritopatreiji' in the Glasnik zem. Museja 1920
8 B. Schweitzer Herakles Tubingen 1922 p. 72 ff. (summarised by E. Fehrle in Roscher
7 This is nowhere stated. But the early connexion of Aeolians with Asia Minor
located in the west, being identified with one of the Liparenses Insulae. But K. TUrapel
of the Greeks and Romans have almost invariably some foundation in fact. Moreover,
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §7. Zeus and the wind / (d) Zeus, Oúrios, íkmenos, Euánemos, Bóreios
would not, therefore, be surprising to find that in saga expanded
In point of fact both expectations are justified. It is often and,
breaking up of the ice in the month of February, the masses of it carried by the current
there the land is low, and the danger of navigation greatly increased in winter by the
3 Literature on the subject is cited and in part criticised by W. Christ Geschichte der
Literatur zu Homer (Hohere Kritik) ftir die Jahre 1912—1919' in the Jahrcsbericht iiber
l~~9°> 171—255. I follow the lead of my friend Dr P. Giles in the Cambridge University
The Odyssey speaks of ships 'delighting in the fair breeze of Zeus'1
admit that this formation of a traditional epic language took place twice, first in Aeolic
p.ivT] Aids oilpip, in which form the line recurs in h. Ap. 427.
8 The word p-ijxap in Aisch. loc. cit. hints at the Argive cult of Zeus 1A.t(xaveis (supra
9 So the context definitely asserts. For detailed proof see the stemma/a in Gerhard
(Geogr. Gr. min. i. 402 f. Mtiller). See further E. Oberhummer in Pauly—Wissowa
of Ravenna, whose seventh-century work, perhaps composed in
Ravensburg 1888 segmentum ix. 2 (a full-sized reproduction in the original colours, from
I Gyllius in Dionys. Byz. frag. 47 (Geogr. Gr. min. ii. 57 Mtiller) and frags. 58, 59
. E- D. Clarke Travels in various countries of Europe Asia and Africa* London 1816
broad. Above this rises an archway in the castle-wall, topped by
he supposed3, from the same site. Philostratos of Lemnos in the
J. Spon and G. Wheler on their Levantine tour (1675—1676) in a
candlestick. I add two similar lamps in my possession, one (fig. 59, a, 6, c) said to have
handsomely illustrated in the tabula Peutingeriana [supra p. 143 fig. 57).
W. Stoll in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 327, K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc.
*as accompanied by Mons. Preaux, artist in the service of Mr. Spencer Smith, late
. For another see Michaelis in the Arch. Zeit. 1864 xxii. 198—202 pi. 192. This slab
in the British Museum (fig. 61)1. It once supported a votive statue
append. 1. 108 = F. H.Marshall The Collection ofAncient Greek Inscriptions in the British
p^. Bticheler in the Rhein. Mus. 1881 xxxvi. 338 ff. identifies this Philon with the
philosopher who died at Athens shortly before 44 b.c. (H. von Arnim in Pauly—
closely resembles the Zeus Strategds of Amastris in Paphlagonia9.
after death, and sent the same from his island-home in the Black
6 Stemmata in Gerhard Gr. Myth. ii. 223 f.
(Liv. 6. 29 makes it brought from Praeneste to Rome in 380 B.C. by T. Quinctius Cincin'
this helpful deity. Somewhere in his precinct stood the bronze effigy
1 Dionys. Byz. frag. 59 (Geogr. Gr. min. ii. 78 f.) 'in fano...statua aerea est antiquae
felicitatem et pietatem: non enim sine terrore utrumque est. alii dicunt puerum in littore
111 portum. alii aiunt in magna maris tranquillitate, omni vento silente, nave diu retardata,
'hird, and worst, works in reminiscences of Agamemnon at Aulis, Abraham and Isaac,
ln -Philologus 1908 lxvii. 306 f., H. Lucas in the Neue Jahrb. f. klass. Altertum 1912 xxix.
^chiclue in Bildern'2 Leipzig (1925) i. 340 fig. 3. See also
in ^ 'S neea-ed, which should square with J. D. Ramberg's draw-
j ' no' s> B. Sauer 'Der Betende des Boedas' in Philologus
t]le . eter>de Knabe in den koniglichen Museen zu Berlin' in
his face towards Zeus and, with hands turned outwards in the
223; its technique, by E. Pernice in the Jahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst. 1908 xi. 223—225
cludes: ' Precantes brachiis in eandem regionem ita ad caelum sublatis, ut palmae inter
Negro, from Ephesos, now in my collection (pi. xx).
lted by A. Conze in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1886 i. 11
of the most wonderful couplets in the Aeneid, his description of the
character. Worshippers from far and near linked the name of this
s Anth. Pal. 11. 53. 1—8 Meleagros. In the last two lines W. R. Paton prints elyaP
5 On the prevalence of these pests in the Aegean during s. ii—i B.C. see J. M. Sestie1
Cs-nfirrrplov 'A<TKd\av'i.TT]s, \ crwOds &t6 ireiparwv, | eixip and in smaller lettering ov 8^roV
of the second century B.C., have been found in the Egyptian
The bluish marble slab thus inscribed was discovered, in front
bloodthirsty and cruel disposition he let his mother die in prison
Velia in Lucania, is a white marble base of the year 107—106 (?)
2 A. Hauvette-Besnault 'Fouilles de Delos. Temple des dieux etrangers' in &e
4 A. Hauvette-Besnault in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 18S2 vi, 343 no. 57 = T. Reinach
in ships.
1 P. Roussel in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1908 xxxii. 426 f. no 32, id. Les cultes
- A. Hauvette—Besnault in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1882 vi. 328 no. 22 = Dittenberger
aspirate properly belonging to the latter part of the Egyptian Harpechrat (E. Meyer in
the sky recognised in Etruscan lightning-lore2. Since the series com-
with Zeus Ourios explains in fact Capella's epithet, which had
Italy in 56 B.C.:
Or Jove who followed in her wake
(sc. in tertia regione caeli) sunt constitutae. sed omnes circa ipsum Iovem fuerant m
aura, sive utrumque Iupiter | simul secundus incidisset in pedem.
we know that Catullus en route for home made offerings at his brother's tomb in the Troa
religious interest of the passage lies in the fact that the wind astern
epithet of Zeus ikmenos, 'who follows in our wake '2. The Homeric
poet, who had in mind Iupiter Sequndanus or Secunclus.
death and worshipped in the Kerameikos under the name Eurygyes*.
7 Eustath. in 11. p. 964, 63 f. o6ev &vep.os ferai, 5s e'| UpdSos nai Toia&rrjs uXtjs rip
Kepa/iei/cy. Kal 'HVi'ooos (/rag. 106 Flach, 104 Rzach) • Evpvyvw 5' In /coOpos (K. W.
* early as *. v u.c. (E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 1822, W. Christ
M«gicin Names London 1920 p. 121 ff. ('Mana in Names of the Dead').
Gaertringen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 1328 'Der Besitzer des weiten Saatfeldes
Byz. can. 326 in Cramer anecd. Oxon. ii. 60, 25 f. HaraiKos) • 6eoi <£oiWes, 08? lo-Taffi Kara
in Roscher Lex. Myth. Hi. 1675 ff.) in the misshapen, but negrillo rather than 'embryonic,
I illustrate a single and a double amulet of Ptah-Seker, in green glaze, from my collection
cod., cp. Eustath. in Od. p. 1599, 1 Tiyypuv, p. 1880, 64 Yiyp&v), ol Si TiywV HaraiKos
8 Double shekels of Sidon, struck in s. iv B.C., show as their obverse type a Phoenician
representation of the dwarf Pataikos is seen on statHres of Arados, struck in s. iv b.c.,
and a specimen in my possession (fig. 69)). On coins of Arados struck in s. iii—ii b.c. this
Much material with regard to apotrdpaia on ships will be found in D. Kuhnkenn
PP- 65—69, M. Hoernes Urgeschichte der bildenden K'unst in Eurofa Wien 1898 p. 383 ff.,
vase from the Theban Kabeirion (fig. 70)1. In either case it is clear
Hon phenicienne Paris 1926 p. 295 f., L. Deubner in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch- arch-
Gr. Myth. Mel. p. 834 n. 9, O. Jessen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 843. ^
A modern parallel to Zeus Eudnemos may be found in Buenos Aires, 'Good Winds
stood a shrine of the hero Pleuron1, eponym of Pleuron in Aitolia2,
that Pleuron stood in a district called Aiolis3, it becomes at least
that as it may, a happy coincidence led Theokritos, writing in the
Zeus as a sky-god. The wind blew in the aerox lower sky'. Clearly
h'ght near Seleukeia in Kilikia (fig. 71)9. When Herodes Attikos
■ Dai'machos of Plataiai (on whom see E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Rcal-Enc. iv.
Thouk. 3. 102, cp. Strab. 464 f. See further G. Hirschfeld in Pauly—Wissowa Rcal-
P- 794 disagrees: 'Un rapport avec xkebfnm..JSe. justifie mal'). Presumably in the first
no. Heberdey and A. Wilhelm in the Denkschr. d. Akad. Wicn 1896 vi. Abh. p. 102
Jahr k ' Al^ov Mo" I BcoSotov I cvx[v]p with facsimile = my fig. 71, E. Maass in the
n n r i an<^ there set up the ambitious inscription in
AI N E O Y i O Y with the heroines in the Islands of the
times. Eumathios Makrembolites6 in his Romance of Hysmine and
not in our face. Oppose not with thy breath the calm breath of Zeus, oppose not
1 K. Miinscher in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 936 ff.
sky with sea. Aristophanes in the Clouds personifies Dittos in a
In many parts of the globe whirlwinds have been regarded as
have altered his rendering of lines 976 and 979. In the parallel passage, thesm. 56 ff., the
*"EMocrTp6/3i\os,4 (4Auf Zakynthos ist das Wort corrumpirt in dvepioa-TpovcpiXos unci
Auch hat man filr diesen Fall bestimmte Beschworungsformeln. In Athen pfiegen
^irk"™16 zu hegen scheint.) Ganz ahnlich in anderen Gegenden. Auf Kephalonia, im
Galli, a vellum manuscript of the seventh or eighth century in the
a whirlwind by rapid passage, has gained for the nymphs in some districts secondary
Neugriechen Leipzig 1871 i. 175 (' Sicherist dieses Wort in einer Anzahl von Redensarten,
'A remarkable gloss in the old Cod. sangall. 913, p. 193, has " turbines = ziu" (we have
day such a wind is accounted for in Lower Saxony (about Celle) by the dancing Herodi"s
Saint-Gall, who reports (Nov. 1, 1928): 'In Cod. Ms. 913 p. 193 lautet die Glosse gan
god2, and presumably implies that Ziu in popular fancy took shape
carry. Now there is in the city an enclosure not far from the sanctuary of
These maidens are then discharged, and others are brought to the Acropolis in
A. E. Crawley in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh 1911
god2, and presumably implies that Ziu in popular fancy took shape
carry. Now there is in the city an enclosure not far from the sanctuary of
These maidens are then discharged, and others are brought to the Acropolis in
A. E. Crawley in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh 1911
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §8. Zeus and the dew / (a) Arrhephóroi
This enables us to derive the terms in question from e"rse or herse,
bilities in connexion with the mysteries6. Once appointed, these
defenders, e.g. F. Hiller von Gaertringen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 551. But it is
the sense of a 'young animal,' and compared the use of Spbaoi in Aisch. Ag. 141- But
Gr, Myth. Rel. p. 34 n. 2, F. Hiller von Gaertringen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-F"c-
6 Aristot.'Atf. iro\. 57. 1, Harpokr. s.v. ^ri/teXTrr^s tSiv fivar-qpluv (Dem. in Mid- I71''
age1, enjoyed sundry peculiar privileges. They were housed near the
(andstatoiy—possibly5 in view of the Arrliephoria, that great ritual
"faoTaroi, Paus. Gramm. frag. 94 Schwabe ap. Eustath. in II. p. 1165, 10 f., Favorin.
It O. Broneer in Hesperia 1935 iv. 128 cp. Poll. 6. 73 6 yap opdoordrris iepov aprov n
O. Kern in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 45 f.
ao p *?' 0l(lfather in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. x. 1950.
bear in mind the general similarity subsisting between the Thesmo-
in the theatre at Athens were in imperial times reserved for two
therefore, that Dew-bearers stood in some relation to Mother Earth;
'in Form einer Wfeihimg] an Demeter und Kore.' But, for the dative, cp. Moir. H1
[V]rjs Oe^Sos in late careless script, W. Larfeld op. cit. ii. 1. 266 pi. 1.
the goddess' (Paus. 1. 27. 3), we may assume that their official quarters were in or near
Leipzig 1864 p. 447—an idea tacitly dropped by the same writer in his Feste d. Siadt
walled stairway in an angle of the north wall -200 ft west of the north porch of the Erech-
in the 'E0. 'Apx- 1897 p. 26 ff., M. L. D'Ooge (The Acropolis of Athens New York 1908
he speaks of Alkamenes ' cuius sunt opera Athenis complura in aedibus sacris praecla-
who pointed out that in the time of Pausanias the brick wall of Athens (Vitr. 2. 8. 9) had
H. Bliimner on Paus. 1. 19. 2), and somewhere in that neighbourhood must have been the
'Meresting suggestion : ' It seems probable that the shrine in question may have been that
sanctuary of Eros and Aphrodite attested by numerous niches in the rock and two rock-
a Hellenistic relief of Eros; on the east, a cave in which were found a small votive shield
resting on loose earth. These had carried small stones (phailoiT) set upright in mortar—
of a draped woman, with a child, sitting on a rock with a cave in it (National Museum
suppose that the same path may have existed in ancient times, connecting with the rock-
through the one and thence by a short path reach the other3 (;,Doubtless the passage in
in Pausanias should be found close to the place where we would naturally expect the
slope, and a later one, with a temple containing the famous statue of Alkamenes, near the
Peloponnesian War were in part met by money borrowed from her temple-treasury at a
Near her temple stood a square herm of Aphrodite, which bore an inscription stating that
up by A. Trendelenburg in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1908 xxiii Arch. Anz.
Reinach Rip. Stat. i. 347 no. 4 a herm in the Villa Albani on which see J. J. Bernoulli
sometimes on an archaistic effigy of herself (A. Milchhofer in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch.
P- 320, S. Reinach Manuel de philologie classiquc Paris 1884 ii. 94, id. in the Gazette des
to Aphrodite and the Genetyllides1. Aphrodite in particular was the
Mantel luftenden Aphrodite'), S. Reinach 'La Venus drapee au Musee du Louvre' in the
stool-bearing girls on the eastern frieze of the Parthenon [supra ii. 113 5 f. pi. xliv. So
('Wofinden wir denn imathenischen Cultus uberhaupt und speciell in demjenigen Athenas,
p. 264). Others have seen them in the processional figures of the olive-tree pediment
und unentwickelten Formen lieber Errephoren'), G. W. Elderkin Problems in Periclean
1 Mommsen Feste d. Stadt Athen p. 319 f. On Genetyllis and the Genetyllides in
umenti peplo. Cp. what is said of the planet Venus in Ausort. append. 2. 17 f- Evelyn
Differently conceived but somewhat similar in effect is the design found on a bronze
Genetrix? a garden') = Gnecchi Medagl. Bom. ii. 40 no. 13 pi. 68, 1 ('Venere') = my
( = my fig. 77) Bologna (' un giardino')). A girl is added, filling her pitcher
medallions representing Venus in the Garden presuppose a Greek fresco of Aphrodite ev
ornament, once with volutes in exergue (Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Sicily p. 62 nos. 6, 7 with
remains of ring-walls and temple-platform see C. Hulsen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi
Onomasticon ii. 756, Carter Epith. dear. p. ioi, O. Jessen in Pauly-Wissowa Real-Enc.
The dove had a special significance in this cult and was in all probability viewed as an
local king Boutas (Diod. 4. 23, 83, Hyg.fai. 260, Serv. in Verg. Aen. 1. 570, 5. 24, 412,
1 figure virile,' Plead Hist, num." p. 138 ' wingless Eros'. Fig. 90 is from a specimen in my
A further point of interest in the cult was its ancient service of hierodules (Strab. 272
vvvi B' oio-irep airy i) KaroiKla Xeiiravdpei Kai rb iepbv (so the second hand in cod, B. 17 T^
Myth. Vat. 2. 156), but was also buried on the mountain (Hyg. fab. 260, Serv. in Verg.
Aphrodite as a Hellenised form of the Phoenician Astarte (e.g. W. H. Roscher in his
whose city-badge was a similar hound (C. Hiilsen in Pauly—Wissowa Rcal-Enc. vi. 603).
see further K. Tiimpel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 604 ff.), appears later in a slightly
1 At the western end of the southern slope of the Akropolis at Athens there was in the
others later (S. A. Koumanoudes in ' K6-i]vaiov 1877 vi. 147 f.). Adjoining it was the
Tts aKvroTofios ftXavrTjs Xidivov rvirov : see further O. Kern in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
Nc]|0Z>>e! Kai arrival. ira[pa \ rbv v[euv t^s] | Armyrpos. U. Kdhler in the Ath. Mitth. 1877
had a reserved seat in the theatre {Corp. inscr. Att. iii. 1 no. 349 (with facsimile on pi. 3)
viroSeiKvvvra). She also received the sacrifice of a ram on Thargelion 6 in the early
re Qapy-qXiwvos Itcry, Philochoros (in a frag, omitted by Miiller) ap. schol. Aristoph. Lys.
The cult lasted into Roman times (P. Foucart in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1889 xiii. 167 f.
when Kore was associated with Demeter (H. G. Lolling in the AeXr. 'Apx- 1889 p. 130
Chloe' in the Ath. Mitth. 1893 xviii. 192—198 two fragments of a small slab of Pentelic
rbv Ka\ovp.evov Bov&yior): see C. Wachsnuith in Pauly—Wissowa Rcal-Enc. iii. 1097 and
yopevov),' Eustath. in II. p. 772, 62 f. to-reV Se 6Vt ov piovov xXb-q r] yi]8ev <pvop.ivq...dXXd.
There are one or two indications that the same cult was practised elsewhere in Attike.
in the Attic year. He recalls the Greek belief—a belief based upon
notes among the trieteric rites of Marathon that in Anthesterion a pregnant sow is
fw[cra] I AA, le/xiawa h a\<phuv (kt^vs ||||, 01x0 x[5s..]). In Mykonos a calendar of
sacri p. I3 ff. no 4i ff. = Michel Recueil d'Inscr. gr. no. 714, 11 ff. = F. Bechtel in
But the real interest of Demeter XXdr; lies, not so much in the details of her cult, as in
lnscr. Att. iii. Y n0. ,9,) ;s now kn0Wn to contain no such record (U. Kohler in Corp.
X. Landerer 'Zur Meteorologie Griechenlands' in the Zeitschrift fur allgemeine
"ckstcht aufdas Alterlhum Breslau 1885 p. 64 adds: 'In klaren, mondhellen Nachten,
er^a„dtes Leipzig 1895 p. 24 f., and in the Lex. Myth. ii. 3147 ff-
Pliny in plainer terms tells us that the planet Venus, called by
And, if so, it may well be that in the 'something wrapt up9',
- Plout. de fac. in orb. Inn. 25 bib wpbs &e Tpiejiop-ai fidWov, c5 <pl\eBe'uv \iyeis yap ijp.iv
7 Plin. nat. hist. 2. 36—38 ending with the words: 'itaque et in magno nominum
How are we to explain Souidas' dppt)vo<popeXv (certified by the order of letters) in the
°und in a grave beyond the Ilissos on the road to Halimous and now
rennger of one hand in token of respect4 and with the other holds
jt j- ^ 20°- Id. ib. n. 1 observes that Hermes too is 4ptx06vios in et. Gud. p. 208,
3o/f°*^OUrSe' etymo'°gically akin to Erechtheus (J. B. Bury in the Class. Rev. 1899 xiii.
in pft . ge '9°6 p. Co 'The name of Erechtheus or Erechthonios' (sic), j. Escher-Blirkli
( = my fi us 'Die Geburt des Erichthonios' in the Arch. Zeit. 1872 xxx. 51—57 pi. 63
Elates ! °3' F" Hil1 in T/" Cambridge Ancient History Cambridge 1926 iv. 130 with
27, . p - 2 Kinkel) jxurip 'EpixSbviov Kai"H<paiiTToy eV 7775 (pavrivai. In Norm. Dion.
What purpose it served in the grave is more doubtful. Possibly the
spectators. A red-figured hydria from Chiusi (?), now in the British
the babe in a striped mantle1. She is confronted, not by Kekrops,
with a large fillet in her outstretched hands. Behind Zeus and
Dionysos. But in this they were certainly wrong. The vase cannot
gegen Ende der archaisehen Periode einsetzt und bis tief in die klass.sche Penode
2 O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 75° f. records Oinanthe as a Bacctat^a
3 E. Braun in the Ann. d. Inst. 1841 xiii. 92 ff- .
6 Sir C. H. Smith in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases iii. .59 no. E .82 ('Type of birth
W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 75° f-
repeats the central group of Ge presenting the babe to Athena in the
kratir at Petrograd (Stephani Vasensamml. St. Petersburg ii. 339 ff. no. 1807, id. in the
Hera; (2) a voXwte-krate'r at Ruvo (Jatta collection no. 1093, F. Gargallo-Grimaldi in the
goddess standing on the left of another kratir in the Jatta collection (supra i. 459 n. 5
"YLfi-qv. On Dia as consort of Zeus I have said my say in the Class. Rev. 1903 xvii. 177 f.>
4 No. 2413 = Jahn Vasensamml. Munchen p. 108 f. no. 345, T. Panofka in the Ann.
ilia and nib, F. Hauser in Furtwangler—Reichhold Gr. Vasenmalereim. 95—98 pi-
T. D. Beazley Attic red-figured Vases in. American Museums Cambridge Mass. 1918
In lieu of himdtion, wreath, and thunderbolt Hephaistos has but a
are poised four of the daintiest Erotes to be found in the whole range
Hephaistos is definitely established in the room of Zeus on a
his shoulder: he holds a long staff in his right hand and rests his
together with Welcker Alt. Denkm. in. 422 n. 7, B. Sauer Das sogenannte
2, for Kekrops. E. Braun in the Ann. d. Inst. 1841 xiii. 92 f., bent on recognising the
J Eurtwiingler Vasensamml. Berlin ii. 718 f. no. 2537, W. Helbig in the Bull. d. Inst.
4 B. Graef 'Die Zeit der Kodrosschale' in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst.
The central medallion has Heos as a winged goddess bearing off
appears in his own right on a krater from Chiusi, now at Palermo, to
from the earth in the foreground2. Behind Athena is Kekrops with
The reverse design (inset on pi. xxiv) shows Heos in pursuit of Kephalos, one of whose
Aaia (Poll. 9. i7, Hesych. s.v. &<stt) Aula, Eustath. in Od. p. 1383, 7 f.) or Tr&yKvtpos
18 ff-)- See further Boetticher Baumkulttis pp. 107—111, L. Stephani in the Compte-
t5^"43> 89, 1—25, 90, 1—34). Figs. 96—99 are from specimens in my collection.
his tongs. A couple of little Victories, hovering in the air, offer
an annual rite in which a couple of Dew-bearers conveyed the very
showed us in succession a Zeus of normal type, a Zeus-like person-
I should infer (i) that the rite of the Arrhephoria as performed in
This reading of the story is of course in part conjectural, but it
C. Picard in the Revue historique 1931-pp. 1—76 (especially 33—42), id. in the Bu"f
vasion Cambridge 1924 pp. 40 ff., 46 f., 61, 68, 94 and F. E. Adcock in The Cambridge
already hinted at it in the Class. Rev. 1903 xvii. 410 n. 2. See also O. Weinreich in the
shield-goddess. So C. Blinkenberg 'Kretisk Seglring fra addre mykenisk Tid' in the
Publication with a col. pi. is shortly to appear in Hesperia. The plaque (9^x5 ins.,
Pread hands (cp. supra ii. 536 fig. 406, c). Her head and neck are in relief; the rest of
Possibly a survival of the Minoan tradition into later times in Athens') or more definitely
KTuvvav cod. xjt AaKtSaiyadvioi Se Oi-mv. Athena in due course was Christianised and
Erechtheus3, in whose palace she had from the outset been housed1,
4 Od. 7. 80 f., cp. //. 2. 546 ff. (of later origin? See now J. M. Paton in L. D. Caskey—
5 Supra ii pi. xlv (in pocket at end).
now in my collection.
1305 n. 1 and by L. Malten in Pauly—Wissowa Real-
pick Vorgriech. Ortsn. 66 erklart so wie der lemnische Mosychlos, an dem der Gott in
dem Namen zu suchen.' See further L. Malten 'Hephaistos' in the Jahrb. d. kais-
Hephaistos' in the Neue fahrb.f. klass. Altertum 1904 xiii. 673—685) and that the name
680, Steph. Byz. s.v. 'IWvpta)—and the names *iXokt?jt?;s and Xpiari both point in tne
A. Fick as a great philologist merits a more patient hearing. In his Vorgriahische
Phallos (Hermes) die Hauptgottheiten der Tyrrhener.' In HattiJen unci Danubicr in
s>nd Lemnos und Attika. Andere Namen des Gottes sind Palamaon und Palamedes, in
Attempts to explain the name, which appears in Ionic as'AB-qvri 'Aflijra'?;, in Aeolic
Kretschmer. In Glotta 1921 xi. 282—284 he treats the name as Pelasgian or Tyrsenian
Cone. 869 (?)'), ii. 355 ff., 395 (' Philadelphia 'ATavaaaov...^i'), W. Ruge in Pauly—
47 f.=vi. 108 Atanulus (atnanulus cod. A. Swoboda in his ed. of P. N'igidius Figulus
e* re (aere Scaligeri marg. j. H. Onions cj. aereum) in Saliaribus adtanus (A. Swoboda
°u"U/ecimviri present. F. Biicheler and K. Zangemeister in the Ephetn. epigr. 1899 viii.
Vrgeschichte der bildenden Kunst in Europa3 Wien 1925 pp. 358—362 figs. 5—8, Brit,
"■ow H. Schliemann was certainly wrong, when in Troy and its remains p. 113 and llios
9J4 p. 104 no. 793 fig., p. 113 no. 931 fig.) are purely human in design. Their signi-
T "ifdenden Kunst in Europa1 Wien 1898 p. 175, ib.2 Wien 1915 p. 362). A custom
lnoan iii' period, e. 2400—-2100 B. c. (R. B. Seager Explorations in the Island of Mochlos
Priatel SUlta^e tvPe- A. late Egyptian (?) specimen in my collection is no less appro-
object, found in the Amenophis iii level (1411 —1375 B.C.), seems to have been connected
Arch 154 74^- '>r°fessor S. A. Cook The Religion of ancient Palestine in the light of
'923 s ^ a Pa'r °^ ruc''rnentary arms (C. L. Fisher in the Revue biblique Internationale
1924 p. 50 pi. 33, of which nos. 5002 and 5oc>5 = my figs. 111 and 112, G. Karo in
contents of a small 'Minoan' shrine (S. Wide in the Ath. Mitth. 1901 xxvi. 2*7"~^
vertical loops or handles, a ridge resembling a snake, and oval holes or apertures in the
the handle, the third a symbol now missing—possibly a bird (Mrs B. E. Williams in
zuTp ^ la Mer ^* Paris '910 P- 200 with fiS- »4»i G. Karo in D. H. Haas Bihleratlas
havea^S'ietlr' °^ dafk brown glaze in the geometric style—an indication that here too we
century vases4, was in the remote prehistoric past the veritable
Bottomless vases are in the nature of funnels, and sometimes certainly, as in the Dipylon
having found in a ' Minoan' house at Knossos three clay tubes with cups attached to their
lactic (?) decoration an emblem or emblems of Athena. I figure three small vases in my
earth-mother of whose very substance they were made. Be that as it may, in view of the
tion.' Platon, who might be cited in its support, though a giant in philosophy, was but
'Affavav (quoted also, less exactly, by Marius Plotius Sacerdos de metris in H- * e
250, schol. Plat. Tim. 23 D—E p. 948 a 12), sometimes /3ou7r\ij£ in the sense of ^
assumption at least accounts for their persistent juxtaposition in
Men dwelt like brute beasts in their mountain-dens.
This squares with the fact that in Crete, where Kronos and Rhea bulked big,
and Athena (U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff in the Sitzungsb. d. Akad. d. Wiss.
WinT" VaS" in the British Museum London 1896 p. 29 pl. 19, E. Gerhard in the
Attic red-figured Vases in American Museums Cambridge Mass. 1918 p. 129 denies the
i] yij, Eustath. in 11. p. 1057, 47 f. 'irepoi Se AaSiiivqv aWtjyopovvTes ivravda tt\v yv" <Pa<xl
Demeter, who was likewise empowered 7^5 Kapirbv av-qaeiv (h. Dem. 332). Thus in the
n. 2 plus ii. 1066). Demeter ' Av-qcriSuipa was perhaps worshipped in Melite. another deme
Starting from this fact archaeologists, in primis C. Robert (Archaeologische Maerchen
wakened from their winter's sleep and summoned to help the farmer in his work. *v
a sudden Tages, a boy in appearance but an old man in wisdom, scared the ploughman
belief V° Schultz in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 3 ft.). Similarly in Greek
a red-figured kylix painted in the style of Euphronios (fig. 125)2 has
Ir* Pentelic marble c. 400 B.C. and now preserved in the National
rising from the ground in response to the hammerers, and the most elaborate, a red-
and makes Ge emerge from the broken soil as a great white head in three-quarter
441 445 Nauck2, 482—486 Jebb). It was in fact modified to express the making of
gured volute-M^r at Oxford (P. Gardner in the fourn. Hell. Stud. 1901 xxi. 1 ff.
In ^USE 11 lransfers the Hellenic myth to the pre-Hellenic deities Athena and Hephaistos.
Red fi Wolters in the At,u Mitth- 1888 xiii. 104 f. fig. (= my fig. 125. Scale \), Hoppin
stands before him in the pose of the Dresden 'Lemnia.' An archaistic
helmet from Hephaistos the natural protector of Athenian kleroAchoi in Lemnos. To
further E. A. Gardner in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1899 xix. 6 ff.
Svoronos, ingenious as ever, agrees with Lowy in naming the god Asklepios, but
arched against Sparta at the head of an irresistible force. In the nick of time Asklepios
erg Glyptotek i no. 3,5 pi. 3, E. Reisch in the /ahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst. iS
Robert'^" U1 h'S Denkm- 1 1°° f- fig- 759. A- RaPP in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 2733.
familiar. In this capacity we can trace them further afield. Crude
L- Blocli in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 1831 f. Other 'H^ato-rAreu/cTo are listed by Gruppe
4 E. Maass Die Tagesgbtler in Rom undden Provinzen aus der Kulturdes Niederganges
for Donara, Minerva for Holda3, Mercurius for Wodan4. In any
Magnificent medallions issued by Antoninus Pius in his own name
2 Supra ii. 63 n. 1. But see on the other side G. Wissowa in Roscher Lex. Myth-
Ntti is a helmet set on a tall cippus, behind him a shield, and in the
°th heads being in profile on disks resembling coins6.
topri^f Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 134 no. 72) ncpl rdv 'A6^v
Hephaistos had wrought bronze in Attike. Phanodemos the
Harpokr. loc. cit.). Souid. XaX/ceia bis is repeated by the et. mag. p. 805, 43 ff. and in
AHM0TEAH2' in Hermes 1891 xxvi. 474 ff. citing Zeus Xlavdr]p.oi (Corp. inscr. Att.
the same town with rev. Zeus enthroned with Nike in right hand and sceptre in left
4 V. von Schoeffer in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc. iii. 2067.
the Chalkeia2. On the whole we are justified in concluding that
by E. Saglio in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 1098, A. Schmidt Handbuch der
T°VS Beovs Kal tpiXonpias tt)s els ttjv ^o]v\i]v [Kal tov Sij/xov k.t.X.]. See H. G. Lolling in
*re commonly thought to have stood in the western part of the building: see Sir J. G.
and are inscribed in lettering of s. iv b.c. The former was found near the Erechtheion;
^l t" rot hiepSi toi t'o ]le<pai<rT0 Kal tW ABevalas.' E. Reisch in the Jahresh. d. oest. arch.^
appointed in the self-same year and charged with the duty of
loc. cit. p. 61 argues well in support of them.
statues in question were two bronze effigies of Hephaistos and
Ported on a floral ornament is a type existing in several replicas3
Athena from Crete in the Louvre (id. ib. p. 72 f. fig. 35), the Athena of the Villa
to be called by the curious1 appellation HephaisUa1. In 343/2 B.C.
But they were still there in Pausanias'5 time:
1 E. A. Gardner in theJourn. Hell. Stud. 1899 xix. 8 n. 1: 'It has been suggested to
form of this Athena Hephaestia. In both alike the goddess was represented in her more
'\drjvaluv~]. Dittenberger in line 20 restores avatietvai. to re dya\[\p.a twl re 'H0a/irrwt
7 Pheidias made the pupils of Athena Partlienos in precious stone (Plat. Hipp- mal'
6 inches) in the British Museum (Brit. Mus. Cat. Bromesp. 17 no. 192 pi. 1, A. S. Murray
Wight 6| inches) in the British Museum (Brit. Mus. Cat. Bronzes p. 175 f. no. 960
37- 66 ferunt in ea insula (sc. Cypro) tumulo reguli Hermiae iuxta cetarias marmoreo
exonerate their gods. They say this fanciful tale arose from the fact that in the
famous. Accordingly, since the parents were unknown, his discovery in the joint
being forsaken by Aphrodite, fell in love with Athena and began to pursue her.
leoni fuisse inditos oculos e smaragdis ita radiantibus etiam in gurgitem, ut territi thynM
3 Id. ib. sed quoniam Minervam virginem volunt, in amborum contentione Vulcam1111
4 A statue from Crete in the Louvre (no. 847). Height i-42m. The back, the left
E. Reisch in the Jahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst. 1898 i. 55 fig. 32 (head in profile), 72
6 Apollod. 3. 14. 6, paraphrased also by Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 111.
virgin, would not brook it, and he dropped his seed on the leg of the goddess. In
Hephaistos being in love with Athena was minded to unite with her. But she
an essential element in the tale. It existed before them; for one of
papyri of the Archduke Rainer in the Royal Library at Vienna (T. Gomperz in the
6 J. Escher-Biirkli in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 441 would identify the spot as
perhaps in the middle of the sixth century B.C.1, perhaps rather in
the Attic myth in which Erichthonios figured as the earthborn
Presumably Zeus. But Lucian describes a picture in which 'He-
2 C. Robert in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iii. 136, L. Malten in the Archiv f. Pel.
the thunderbolt7, or for his services in cleaving the celestial head8.
fecisset, Iuno cum sedisset subito in aere pendere coepit. quod cum ad Vulcanum missuro
ut quidquid vellet praesumeret. ille Minervam in coniugium petivit; Iuppiter imperavit
Xa§wv t& dvofia ToOro = Nonnos Abbas in Greg. Naz. e. Julian. 2. 27 (xxxvi. 1050 Migne-
together of these two occurs already in Homeric verse2 and Hesiodic
of Hephaistos and Athena Hepliaistia, in all probability the work of
1 See e.g. Harrison Myth. Mon. Anc. Ath. p. 119 f., F. Diimmler in Pauly—Wissowa
*\es Arrt/tds Athens 1863 p. i65ff. and P. Pervanoglu 'Das Hephaesteion in Athen' in
lian sort. In classical times her motherhood, at first perhaps
Minerva Apollinem eum, cuius in tutela Athenas anliqui historic! esse voluerunt, Clem. Al.
in Firm. Mat. 16. 1 quinque Minervas fuisse legentibus nobis tradit antiquitas. una est
seems sound and is of wide application. Examples near at hand are Coton (W. W. Skeat
3 Hera recovered her virginity every year by bathing in the spring Kanathos neai
Athena was Parthenos, yet even in the Parthenon her cult-image
■"eared the infant Zeus in Crete were worshipped under the name of >IVepesb
H. von Prott's dictum in the Archiv f. Rel. 1906 ix. 87 'Die Akropolis-Athena ist
\ A"-opolis Museum Cambridge 1912 i. 118 ff. no. 581 fig., B. Staes in the 'E0. 'Apx-
^ ">Piez Hist, de VArt viii. 618 ff. with fig. 314, E. Pfuhl in the Ath. Mitth. 1923 xlviii.
_I30 fig. 4), in which a family of husband, wife (pregnant), and three children (one
to '8 ^' duller, P- 408, 14 ff. Lindsay) in reality gave the ahiov for a pig-sacrifice
t0 ^ ■ statue in the Forum of Constantine at Constantinople—a statue almost certainly
'he' j> 61c''as' 'n Analecta Graeciensia Graz 1893 pp. 101—121. E contra S. Reinach in
Pelasgian or Tyrsenian and probably hailed from Asia Minor.
Lemnos and Athens, both at one time in Pelasgian occupation-
p. 103 ff. no. 58 pi. 7 stattr. Figs. 142 and 143 are from specimens in my collection-
by the Athenians went and settled in Lemnos. And Thoukydides3
ariimistic usage9. It meets us again rather unexpectedly in Aris-
Thouk. +. 109 with J. L. Myres in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1907 xxvii. 204 f.
rj 2+I> 55 ff., etc.) are collected by L. Malten in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 329.
nat..erS: see L- Malten in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 338 ff. ('Allegorische und
Sella* u dle dem Hephastos heilige Flamme, sondern die Flamme, in der Hephiistos
to 'the crackle heard in the flame, which some call Hephaistos
he was hidden for nine years in a hollow cave by Eurynome and
J L. Malten in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 319, 328, id. in the fahrb. d. *alSt
156 f. (wren, robin, lark), 159 (swallow), O. Schrader in J. Hastings Encyclopccdta of
a tunnel in a marshy spot, mixed with goat's blood, moulded,
remarks3. On the second occasion he reached the hill near the
shows Hephaistos, in the garb and with the tools of a smith, falling through mid air.
a shield at her feet and a helmet (added by the restorer) in her hand belongs to a different
C Fredrich in the Ath. Mitth. 1906 xxxi. 73 n. 1.
seals1. He asked if there was anything in the tradition that the
himself used it in cases of wounds, snake-bites, bites of savage beasts,
through medieval7 to modern times. C. Fredrich8 in his valuable
In addition to the immediate sequel cp. Galen. pAdobos OtpairtvTiKri 4. 7 (x. 298 Kiihn),
F.W. Hasluck 'Terra Lemnia' in the^4««. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1900—1910 xvi. 220—230
H. F. Tozer The Islands of the Aegean Oxford 1890 p. 260 'In Western Europe it
c- Fredrich 'Lemnos' in the Ath. Mitth. 1906 xxxi. 72 citing A. Conze Reise auf
Transfiguration) in the presence of Greek and Turkish clergy, and
Professor of Chemistry at Cambridge, now preserved in the Library
in relief the Turkish crescent and star on a shield together with a
estranges Paris 1555 p. 29 f. (Greek mass celebrated in small chapel of Sotira, after whlC 1
Erdfeuer; der Feuerdamon hauste dort mit der Erdgottin. In der rotlichen Erde slt>
of Hekataios (H. Diels in Hermes 1887 xxii. 442, Gruppe Gr. Myth. Rel. p. 225 n. 15)—
goddess was in historic times regarded as a form of Artemis and that goats had come to be
Moreover, an exact parallel may be found in the story of Embaros who, after promising
grapher ap. Eustath. in II. p. 331, 25 ff. 6 5' avrbs Ylavo-avlas ioropet ko.1 two. "Ep.fiapov
PVcrl, vepi(aTT) '"Efiflapos el,' rovriari vovvexvs, <ppbi>ip.os), who stood in the closest relation
a name really akin to Imbros. A mountain in Kilikia Tracheia was called Imbarus (Plin.
asts of unpublished specimens now in the British Museum. One has obv. H4>AIC
in early days on Mosychlos, the mountain of volcanic vents1. Be
visible world5. In a special sense Zeus was equated with fire in
H*GC]T|ienN Athena, helmeted, standing to left with Nike in right hand, spear
Riicksicht auf das Alterlhum Breslau 1885 p. 314 ff., C. Fredrich in the Ath. Mitth- i9°6
5 Plout. de fac. in orb. lun. 12 6 5e Zeus rjpXv ovtos ob rfj pih avroi tpicrei xp^fie'"'l
end for a god who began with a double axe3. In short, it would
aTrrbp.evbv re Kal afievvvp.evov k.t.X., Serv. in Verg. Aen. 1. 47 physici Iovem aetherem id
A.<ppoblrriv iroTe fxev 'Hfpcuo-ry, tQ x&ov'ui) irvpi, irore be "Apei", ra; deplcp, Eustath. in II.
M-ribe'irui eirivola twv Trvpiwv eiriireaeiv bwap.evovs, Serv. in Verg. Aen. 8. 414. Vulcanus...
olSov airivdrjpa, Kepawov, Eustath. in II. p. 151, 30 f. (cited supra n. 7), 40 ff. bib ov
ai,^pw7rots fj Kal 5id twos p>v}xavVSi Trvpbs ae'pos Kareuex&^Tos, k.t.\., Tzetz. in Lyk. Al.
method of allegorical conjecture had come curiously near to divining
which had its prehistoric home in Asia Minor. And in the rude
parallels to the myth are found on Mount Agdos in Galatia2 and
in all probability connected the rite of the Arrhephoria and the
3 Miss E. M. Dance, in an unpublished treatise (An Analysis of the Orphic Myths 1933
as early as s. v B.C.4, by Amelesagoras in his Att/us5:
'uft, hellen himmels,' cp. 'A7XCUC1. A. Kick in the Beitrdge zur kunde der indogermanischen
ketraufelnde...bethauung'). E. Maass ' Aglaurion' in the Ath. Mitth. 1910 xxxv. 337—341
In any case "A7Xaupos, not "A7pauXos, is the inscriptional form (K. Meisterhans
as early as s. v B.C.4, by Amelesagoras in his Att/us5:
'uft, hellen himmels,' cp. 'A7XCUC1. A. Kick in the Beitrdge zur kunde der indogermanischen
ketraufelnde...bethauung'). E. Maass ' Aglaurion' in the Ath. Mitth. 1910 xxxv. 337—341
In any case "A7Xaupos, not "A7pauXos, is the inscriptional form (K. Meisterhans
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §8. Zeus and the dew / (b) The daughters of Kekrops
shut up in a basket and entrusted to the daughters of Kekrops—Agraulos,
Akropolis (R. Chandler Travels in Greece Oxford 1776 p. 54 'Crows, as I have often
before he made the images of Athena in the Akropolis of Athens and at Plataiai. 1 jje
'Athena, wishing to make him (sc. Erichthonios) immortal, reared him in
Promontory of Chalkidike (Plin. not. hist. 4. 36 oppida Pallene, Phlegra. qua in regione
■427 ff. with the remarks of E. Kiister Die Schlange in der griechischen Kunst und
Uupra i. 153 fig. 128, O. Kern in the Jahrb. d. kais. dentsch. arch. Inst. 1894 ix. Arch.
. HyS-poet. astr. 2. 13 eum dicitur Minerva in cistula quadam ut mysteria contectum
Lactantius Placidus6, rewrites the whole narrative in absurd romantic
clam nutriret, dedit in cistula servandum Aglauro Pandroso et Hersae Cecropis filiabus.
thonius and the three Daughters of Cecrops {Cornell Studies in Classical Philology xVU'
in cistam abscondidit draconeque custode opposito duabus sororibus Aclauro et Pandorae
agoras {supra p. 237 f.), makes Agraulos and Pandrosos the guilty sisters. J. Toepffer in
taken in the Botanical Garden at Athens show that heavy dews
by means of a ceremonial dew-bearing. This was done in the
111 Anspruch genommen'). But see J. Toepffer in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 829 and
Miss J. E. Harrison 'The Three Daughters of Cecrops' in the Journ. Hell. Stud.
e> by B. Powell Erichthonius and the three Daughters of Cecrops (Cornell Studies in
course, a mere genealogist's device. In unsophisticated times there
the dew which enabled her to bring forth in their season corn and
4 Skamon of Mytilene (s. iv b.c., according to F. Jacoby in Pauly—Wissowa kea
in Pauly—Wissowa Real-line. i. 1212.
Philochor. frag. 14 {Frag. hist. Gr. i. 386 Miiller) ap. Ulpian. in Dem. de pais- le$'
ffer/eeios5. And, just as the youths of Athens in the fourth century
C Jessen in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc. viii. 686 f. Plout. quaeslt. Rom. Ml,
^ ' • 155), nor the temple'of Hercules in the Forum Boarium at Rome (supra ii. 783).
alt ' ^osenniul'ei' Lipsiae 1793 i. 781 ff., L. Hopf Thierorakel und Orakelthiere in
same goddess4. Ge Kourotrdphos was worshipped near the western
and to build her an altar, in gratitude for Earth having reared him. He also
3 This conclusion was anticipated by Miss J. E. Harrison in the Journ. Hell. Si**^'
Dobree, cp. the schol. e'fre Trj yrj ei're ri? earla)]. See further B. Prehn in Pauly—WissoWa
k.t.X., Prokl. in Plat. Tim. iii. 144, 4 ff. Diehl o8to dr/ Kal avrrj (sc. r] yrj) dvvdpets &el
npbdvpa consisted in an offering probably of grain, possibly of blood, but hardly °
Erichthonios? Perhaps they fed him, shut up in the basket, on dew8-
Deipnophorta, at which a dinner was served for them with much pomp in accordance vvi
age [supra p. 240 nn. 4 and 5). In Hyg. fab. 160 he becomes the father of Kephalos r
headed, Eos refrained from union with him, but tended him in her
When Tithonos grew so old that he rolled himself round in a wool-
ln Lyk. Al. 18) or Trymo (schol. V. //. 20. 237) or Rhoio (schol. and Tzetz. in Lyk.
49> 347 pi. 8, 4) = my fig. 153, J. Schmidt in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 1029 fig. 4 an Etruscan
6 Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 18 aSavarov 5e top Tiduvbv iroL-qaaaa (VfXtWero iroirjaai kcu ayr/poi.
between the Uknon and the kernos1, which figured in similar rites ,
Erichthonios immortal, kept him as an infant in a basket (pi. xxix
\Uvov -rjyovv to tttvov iariv. S. N. Dragoumes in the Ath. Mitth. 1901 xxvi. 46 infers fro111
8viJ.ia,Tr)piov and \Ikvov had both come to be identified in popular parlance with the old
Leonard in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xi. 317 f.
(a) Athena and Erichthonios, who sits up in his basket to greet her. The wicker h
the Ann. d. Inst. 1879 li. 62 ff. pi. F, id. in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1306 t
Daebritz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 1563) ap. schol. B.L.T. 11. 11. 1, Etidok.
KaTayrjpdirais TiOuvoO fiapirepov, Serv. in Verg. georg. 3. 328, in Verg. Aen. 4. 585, 7. 188,
homerische Aphroditehymnos' in the Archivf. Rel. 1931 xxix. 203 f.
In Loukian. Icaromen. 13 Empedokles, speaking as an inhabitant of the moon, says
In point of fact the cicala lays its eggs in the ground (Aristot. hist. an. 5. 30. 556 a 29 fi.i
(which incorporates the revised readings of U. Kbhler in the Alh. Milth. 1882 vii. 371 f.)>
Britonum, schol. Hermog. in C. Walz Rhetores Graeci Stuttgartiae et Tubingae 1833 iv.
enim cicadas aureas gerebant partim in vertice, nonnulli in fronte, Phot. lex. s.v.
Various views have been taken in modern times with regard to the precise nature of
Similarly L. Kjellberg 'Zur Temyoipopla der alten Athener' in Eranos 1909 ix. 164—175
attack by Petersen in the Rhein. Mus. 1907 lxii. 540 ff-
des Mannes in archaisch-griechischer Zeit Giessen 1911 P-
in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1925 xlv. 55 with fig. 52, 4 points
in the Compte-rendu St. Pit. 1877 p. 28 ff. Atlas pi- 15
in the fourth barrow of the 'Seven Brothers' group r>e:ir
M. Rostovtzeff Iranians &> Greeks in South Russia Ox'or
'922 P- 53 f.)- F. Studniczka in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1896 xi. 281
* couple of Uttigts in gold foil, sent by Count PerofTsky in 1852, were figured in the
>s '883 vi. 41, fig. (of no. 20), T. Schreiber in the Ath. Mitth. .883 v.... »7*.
cicala, though with less approximation to nature (F. Studniczka in the Jahrb. d. kais.
brothers Lysan[dros] and Glaukos issued in 159 B.C. {Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Attica
a specimen in my collection). On bronze pieces the tittix is sometimes a 'symbol ((w ^
Pl' '5, 9) J- N. Svoronos op. cit. pl. 107, 28—35 and 42—45. In fig. 165 I append a
Pl- 107, *j—69. Fig. 166 is from a specimen in my collection). (4) obv. cicala; rev.
otrmischief (L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. Pet. i860 p. 91, 1864 p. 130 f.. "8&5
atlagra, in our national collection, has its upper side coloured black, with markings in
(scale i), O. Keller Die antike Tierwelt Leipzig 1913 ii. 404 fig. 125). Another, in my
Sotades, now at Boston, has perched upon its central boss a most life-HUe titt** gg,
Attic red-figured Vases in American Museums Cambridge Mass. 1918 p- I29l4
a name which was primarily onomatopoeic2. In any case Tithonos
surnamed Korax, had killed Archilochos in battle, he was bidden by the Pythian priestess
80 Hercher ap. Souid. s.v. 'Apx'^°X0S)- O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 402 rightly
b '94 no. 352, ii. 943, O. Dahnhardt Natursagen Leipzig and Berlin 1910 iii. 468). In
with water and then distribute it among the bystanders, who in return wish them " a happy
•.eat his wife, and died in misery (A. de Gubernatis Zoological Mythology London 1872
is] Chicago 1927 (reviewed in Folk-Lore 1928 xxxix. 112 : 'A champion cricket
(He't'"'' Tin7°"10'' (L- Dindorf in Stephanus Thes. Gr. Ling. vii. 2091 a—d), Wfiot
J. ScS," Ne'ther Welcker Gr. Gbtterl. i. 686 (A. Rapp in Roscher Ltx. Myth. i. 1263) nor
Ahnlichkeit des Tabakrollchens mit der Cicade, sei es in Gestalt oder in Farbe.' Cp.
The same variation meets us in the case of the hero, whose name Titfwvos, Tithonus
^paring Efas ( = Evas) as the name of Memnon in Etr. Spiegel iii. 218 f. pi. 235, 1.
rei6°' 820 and W" Deecke in K- °- Mu"er Die Etrusker Stuttgart 1877 i2. 481 propose
■r ants °f north Italy. C. G. Leland Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition
'ed tmat'on be reliable (supra ii. 421 n. o), it is possible to suppose that the -in- of TinBun
in I f°und at Eyuk in Kappadokia mentions a town Tintunia, perhaps to be located
early home in Asia Minor. Tintunia (for 'Tinthonia) is to tinBun as A«\Xw«a
wept for him, and in the morning dew-drops we still see her tears1.
close relation to Zeus. In the Pandroseion was his altar7; and,
Cappadocians. Memnon as son of Tithonos implies that Tithonos was known in Anatolia-
supposes an Anatolian form in which in before 6 became a nasal i (f). The Etruscan
wurzel wie Ti0aw<5s zuriickzugehen.' C. Pauli in Rpscher Lex. Myth. v. 971 f- is $
1 Ov. met. 13. 621 f., Stat. silv. 5. 1. 34 f., interp. Serv. in Verg. Aen. !• 4^9'
in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 2184 f. had already derived 'Attikti
active in meaning.
In view of the foregoing sections we are not surprised to find
1 Even the honey-dew (supra p. 246) came from Zeus. When in summertime a cold
> near the top of one of Hymettos' southern spurs—a height known formerly as
"shed by C. H. Weller in the Am. fourn. Arch. 1903 vii. 263—288 (description) with
div>ded marked c on Ae plan (fig. 174). This shrine was arranged in two levels, each
een the pillars in question. Legible till lately was the rock-cut inscription
In view of the foregoing sections we are not surprised to find
1 Even the honey-dew (supra p. 246) came from Zeus. When in summertime a cold
> near the top of one of Hymettos' southern spurs—a height known formerly as
"shed by C. H. Weller in the Am. fourn. Arch. 1903 vii. 263—288 (description) with
div>ded marked c on Ae plan (fig. 174). This shrine was arranged in two levels, each
een the pillars in question. Legible till lately was the rock-cut inscription
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §8. Zeus and the dew / (c) Zeus Érrhos, Ersaîos, Ikmaîos, íkmios, Áprios
London 1895 p. 15 pi. 8, 5, C H. Weller in the Am. Journ. Arch. 1903 vii. 270 f. fig- 5
ApxtSvpos- I 'Apxttiypo*.)- Inscriptions found elsewhere in the cave describe essed
Period, when archaisms were in fashion.
and T °nal ^rawing in fig. 175). Her headless torso has been twice portrayed (E. Curtius
(=my fig. 178), C. H. Weller in the Am. Journ. Arch. 1903 vii. 267 ff. fig. 4 photo) and
Derneter (L. Ross Reisen des Konigs Otto und der Kbniginn Amalia in Griechenland
ner omphalos. Further it would appear that deeper in the cavern, just where there was a
Power to whose influence—shed like dew (Zptrrj) upon the earth,—all rural produce in its
Son' (py nerse'f as a fruit-tree in a garden ' Drenched by the nurturing dews of Kronos'
lineage (presumably Arcadian settlers in Keos4), he made a great
credit this notion of an Arcadian settlement in Keos (' Quod veteres scriptores Ar>st' ^
of Zeus Ikmaios at a place called fiiKpd 'EWqixxd, near "EWr/viKd between l°u for
We do not, however, hear that in Keos, as in Arkadia2 and Elis3, a
Cj _ iesych. s.v. Unaala- 6 tvSpoaos &ip, vypaala. In Paus. 1. 32. 2 L. C. Valckenaer
vi. .' j || Thramer in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh 1913
found in Hesiod, equated Aristaios with the pastoral Apollon1.
1 Hes. frag. 98 Flach, 129 Rzach ap. Serv. in Verg. georg. 1. 14 Aristaeum invocat,
vol I irXijo-o-ovrai Xivtais oprvyes iv vetpeXais. In line 33 the papyrus has yap-^pocrapicrraioij ■ •
Timaios: see E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 676) 4. 81 Sid Be rvv
\6yov elSws virepf}i]< Perhaps we catch an echo of the other version in Hes)
big in Keos. She had a sanctuary at Ioulis, as we gather not only
On the whole, I am disposed to see in Aristaios another example
Kai thaia on the occasion of the Pythian festival. Falling in love with her, he inscribed an
and the girl was already offering her sacrifice in the precinct of Artemis, when Hermochares
inag,"!6 kpidis communis, olim in casa G. F. Depastae in regione tuaaihtw tov 'Ofia
" Examples of the name as bome by men are collected in W. Pape-G. E. Sense er
in Keos, and states that in Sardinia he begat two sons called
bronze coins in the Leake collection and two in the McClean collection.
In this connexion a word must be added on a Thessalian cult
8' '83 is from a silver didrachm, now in the British Museum, published by W. Wroth in
in earded god clad in a long chitdn and hold-
in my collection.
K"t° 544'2 f" 11 (j"^ra "• 4)- 6 B- Keil in Herm" l88? xx- 63°-
1884 *ix. 26 ra'i Z COpy,lju'omi"<-'d'he opening word as an obvious error. Later, in Hermes
Giannopoulos1 shrewdly interpreted as a dedication (in dialect2)
same town, containing the god's name in full—AIIA^PIOY, 'to
1 N. I. Giannopoulos in the AeXr/oc QCka.pxa.lov 'Eraipeias "Offpvos 1901/2 p. 47> 111
Heidelberg 1909 p. 242 and in greater detail F. Bechtel Die griechischen Dialckte Berl"1
Hekate, with two torches, on galloping horse; in the field, a wreath c0° ^^ly
the fist, neither with the wet nor with the dry. So he killed him in
3> 75) na-muci, "not letting go." In that case it would mean "the demon withholding
These tilings (shall be) in common to us," he said, "bring them back, then!" 3. The
W. H. D. Rouse 'Baldur Story' in The Folk-Lore fournal 1889 vii. 61 notes the
av nor night. He cut off his head with the foam of the water in this world').
j 6 *°am of the waters." Nilakantha in his commentary on Mahabh. i. 7306 ff. (Calc.;
a Hi ^rom'se was kept until at dawn one day Indra saw " foam in the sea similar to
in t]*n<^ n'ght, with foam, which is different from dry and wet. This purport is set forth
a savage might choose to put his life in, because it occupies that
The Orphic Rhapsodies5 used similar language in narrating tne
a class of magical practices in which demons were routed by means of river-foam, ca'^
2 E. T. Dalton 'The Kols of Chota-Nagpore' in Transactions of the Et!l" f^y
5 Orph. frag. 183 Kern ap. Prokl. in Plat. Craiyl. p. no, 23 ff. Pasquali (1
same will-o'-the-wisp in the Class. Rev. 1903 xvii. 177. sumes an
A<ppoSiT7] enthalt in seinem ersten Teil unzweifelhaft arppbs, in seinem zweiten wahr-
"aXaa-o-jjs | Sebpo&toiAevqv KvOiipriv | eXoxeiwe ttovtos &<ppt£, Himer. or. 1. 20 'in rov a<ppbv
advocate a variety of Semitic etymologies (listed by K. Tiimpel in the fahrb. f. class.
aPproved by K. Tiimpel he. cit. and by E. H. Meyer in the Gbtt. gel. Anz. 1888 p.
6 [properly 'goer']—in Hebrew='mule'), J. Levy Neuhebraisches und chalddisches
cOnt ^' Iiommel 'Aphrodite-Astarte' in the fahrb. f. class. Philol. 1882 xxviii. 176
in J*raDern, welche...die Astarte von Babylonien entlehnten. auf diese aussprache des sh
^e«*e*,S-m suPPort H- Grimme in Glotla 1925 xiv. 18 with n. t. See also Schrader
old as Hesiod1, reappears in fifth-century science2, and quite con-
On the whole, I incline to accept Hommel's hypothesis that 'A(ppodhri (F. Blass in
See further V. Costanzi 'Zeis "Atpptos e il nome 'Atppodirr]' in the AM d. r. accad. di
collected by L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. Pet. 1870—1871 p. 11 ff.
Paschale (early in j. vii) 36 d—37 a (i. 66 Dindorf) which speaks of 6 " A<ppaoi, bans
same idea is found in the medical writers, e.g. Galen. 7rep! x/ie/as twv ev dvBpihwov
spiritus sanguinem suspendit, cuius alia pars carne bibitur, alia superans in seminaleS
autem Saturnum fingunt Coelo patri genitalia abscidisse et sanguinem fluxisse in mare,
already occupied in neolithic times—witness numerous sherds and
Spittle^&ers&at> Eng. cuckoo-spit, -spittle, Dan. gidgespyt, but in some cases witch's
'"sects in th°n P' who states inter alia tnat 'In Devonshire, boys take the
lTork in Class St 'i*25 X'V' 22+f-' '926 xlvi- H^f-, 1927 xlvii. 256f., id. in The Year's
A- M. Woodward in the fourn. Hell. Stud. 1926 xlvi. 246.
already occupied in neolithic times—witness numerous sherds and
Spittle^&ers&at> Eng. cuckoo-spit, -spittle, Dan. gidgespyt, but in some cases witch's
'"sects in th°n P' who states inter alia tnat 'In Devonshire, boys take the
lTork in Class St 'i*25 X'V' 22+f-' '926 xlvi- H^f-, 1927 xlvii. 256f., id. in The Year's
A- M. Woodward in the fourn. Hell. Stud. 1926 xlvi. 246.
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §8. Zeus and the dew / (d) Zeus Thaúlios
the 'geometric' period. Over a score of graves, rectangular in shape,
which appears to have been constructed, in part at least, of timber2,
west of the temple: the contents of the latter were thrown in with
Doric columns in poros with fragments of archaic Doric capitals
temple was the base of a bronze statue, inscribed in lettering of
5 a. M. Woodward in the fourn. Hell. Stud. 1924 xliv. 275.
and in its turn destroyed by fire c. 200 B.C. It was approximately
tures differing in date: one at least of these seems to have been
decree in the Thessalian dialect. And there are other records ot
own era the spot was in some sense holy ground. It is not, h™ev<~r>
. 1 A. M. Woodward in toe Journ. Hell. Stud. 1925 xlv. M4. «■ in Tl,e Year's W°rk
1 Bull. Corr. Hell. ,924 xlviii. 482, A. M. Woodward in the Journ. Hell- Stud- .925
„ BuU- Corr. Hell. 1926 L 562, A. M. Woodward in the Journ. Hell. 9iu ■ j
1 A dedication to Enhodia at Pherai was published by P. Monceaux in the Bull. Coir-
which see K. Regling ' E N NOAIA' in the Joum. Intern, a"Arch. Num. 1905 viii. 1751
4 A. S. Arvanitopoullos in the UpaKT. dpx- er. 1907 p. 15-2, id. in the 'E</>. 'Apx- J9'
above, a space left blank for a painted portrait below, and in the
and central disk3, beneath which is the fragmentary inscription:
sPnngs of the Apidanos in a quarter called Tampachana, rises a
Bull. Corr. Hell. ,9« xlix. 460, A. M. Woodward in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 19*0
patch of tooled rock at the north-eastern edge of the summit exhibits
Doric capital of poros are still to be seen in its walls. A trial excava-
Thatilon, who figures in a myth relating to the cult of Zeus Polietis8-
tion that Thmllios denotes 'god of the Dew,' being in fact a word
4 F. Solmsen 'Zeus Thaulios' in ffermes ,911 xlvi. 286-291 criticises Bechtel sview:
fung kid for Aspalis Ameilete Hekaerge in the precinct of Artemis at Mehte in 1 hthia
l- 444, 8ff., cp. Paus. .. 21. 4, Apollod. 3. .4. 2: see K. Tttmpel in pauly-W'^
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §9. Zeus and the rain / (a) Rain-magic
284 Rain-magic in modern Greece
serves the main town of the island as harbour—a place more fascinating in its
being a witch of unusual powers and had procured rain in previous droughts, she
were effectual, for before we parted the thunder was already rolling in the
rain, sometimes even in summer-time.'
- In the drying-up of the springs and in the rain of ashes Mr Lawson sees an alius'011
Rain-magic in modern Greece 285
And vines in blossom we may see;
Gladness be in gardens all;
At Shatista in south-west Makedonia the song is alliterative2:
That as many (as are the) ears of corn in the fields,
L MTeXt 'n T- Kind N«*gri«hi"he Anthologie Leipzig 1844 '• Translation in
j< and Ancient Greek Religion Cambridge .9.0 pp. «3-»5- Cp. O. Schrader in
286 Rain-magic in modern Greece
In Zagorion, a district of Epeiros, it has become Papparoima,
by occult means procure the dry weather in order to favour their own trade of
1 Text and translation (by R. M. Dawkins) in M. Hamilton Greek Saints and their
Rain-magic in modern Greece 287
In Roumania the rain-maker is called Paparuda or Babaruda. She is a gypsy
^ -Da-lrriatia those who take part in the procession are called
acquired the special force of'procession in time of drought,'
'H^epoXi^ v°lkonomos' Mittheilung a. a. O. [S. K. Oikonomos in Bretos' 'E0xik6j<
^arCfor^ SU2gest that it stands for 7rept7rop€i'a, with the same abbreviation as in
288 Rain-magic in modern Greece
up in grass, herbs, and flowers that nothing of her can be seen, not
Even those in house and stall, oy Dodo oy Dodo le!
At Melenik in Makedonia, where the surrounding rustics speak
It should be added that, whereas in Serbia and Bulgaria the
Rain-magic in modern Greece 289
Aink it not improbable that the girl clad in greenery who s sup
. 2 For guesses see J. S. Stallybrass in J. Grimm op. cit. ii. 594 °- •£®*T" J^nJ
Hermann in /, />,„, , M fo, ^ W fr*' ^ of cod. M.). R. .^tcr ^^
74 f- concludes that the North Achaeans in general originally worshiped ^^Jj
290 Rain-magic in modern Greece
Then they visit all the wells and pour in half of the water, afterwards refilling
'In the summer of 1910, while travelling in South-west Macedonia, I had the
Go/den Bough*: The Magic Art i. 275: 'The words of the Servian song...taken in con-
kept up by the Australian rain-maker, who, in his disguise of white down, may perhap
to the magic of the Eve. The usual ceremony in Greece is called kledonas, vrl',icb^
Rain-magic in modern Greece 291
singing songs as before and with the crock containing the klidhone. In the
Wl* a rain-charm1. This is in brief the custom at Samarina ; but it was difficult
^served in western Asia Minor, in the Aegean islands, and in some parts of European
292 Rain-magic in modern Greece
supposes rain-magic; and the little girl in her bridal veil, who goes
of the way in which its inhabitants keep the festival of Saint
'St Elias is considered lord of rain, and at the time of his festival in July a
Miss Hamilton3 justly compares the chief celebration in Kypros:
custom of sprinkling water all over their houses also. In inland districts the)
p. 123, cp. p. 20. Fad. in the Ann. Brit. ScA. Ath. 1906—1907 xiii. 354 (cited stl*
Rain-magic in modern Greece 293
'Amongst the Armenian people it is the custom, on a particular day in the year,
Egin, at Harpoot, at Ourfa, and practically in every place where we made enquiry
tr»ey had a Vartevar like the Armenians, the reply was in the affirmative, only
a Puppet and immersing it in water:
G 1 J- Rendel Harris in Folk-Lore 1904 xv. 429 f. ('Annual Rain-Charm'), M. Hamilton
^rache" un*Mythen Strassburg i. E. 1913 pp. 139 ff., 178 ff., M. P. Nilsson in Pauly—
□rL?-°ple sPrinkle each other with water when rhev meet in the streets : and in certain
294 Rain-magic in modern Greece
ecclesiastical commemoration of Christ's baptism in the Jordan but
'At Epiphany a priest goes in procession to a spring, river, cistern, or to the
the chief commercial island, an urn of water is first blessed in the church, and
Nauplia also the ceremony is interesting, and it differs in a few respects fro'"
Rain-magic in modern Greece 295
agreement that all the members shall share in the profits of the successful one.
the two central churches of the town. During the vigil which is held all wait for
Pnest prays. Then three times the tall standards are bent and dipped in the
w down in adoration of Christ....
lci back in procession to the two churches, where Benediction is held. Next
'erchief dried herself, with the Gospels in her arms and the censer in
296 Rain-magic in ancient Greece
Mount Olympos, which represents the baptism in Jordan as
ii. Rain-magic in ancient Greece.
conjecture that the early Greek rain-maker, probably clad in a
Usage, no doubt, differed from place to place. In Rhodes the
At Krannon in Thessaly drought was cured by the shaking °f
Rain-magic in ancient Greece 297
this, the assembled multitude hurried down to bathe in the nearest
Again, it was remembered that in 339 B.C., when the initiates had
Pig in the harbour of Kantharos at the Peiraieus, a shark seized
1 Supra ii. 83, ff. figs. 788-79*. S. W. Grose in the McClean Cat. Coins ii. «*
ff- = Dittenbelger Syll in r' Gr?- no. Jo, 34 ff--*-3 ™- 93. 34 ff- (Attic decree of
298 Rain-magic in ancient Greece
mystic formula6. Since Kritias or Euripides in his Perithous
consisted in the enigmatic saying konx, ompax, the meaning of which
for Pelusiis) tinguuntur idque se in regenerationem et impunitatem periuriorum suorun"1
3 E. Strong and N. Jolliffe in the Joum. Hell. Stud. 1924 xliv. 103 ff.
(which is printed as a certainty in both editions by M. Schmidt) and in any case^ \iet
Rain-magic in ancient Greece 299
lnQ in a waste deposit of neo-Platonic metaphysic. The formula savours of
e initiates of a corn-ear reaped in silence7, we can well believe
conc^"0,6^"11111 ^u'sset> quam si hodie aliquis sacrae cathedrae orator pro eo quod in fine
Suppi. ,g ?eim ' Incantamenta magica graeca latina' in the fahrb. f. class. Philol.
plead that ' admits that its position in the sentence is against him and can only
3<oo Rain-magic in ancient Greece
ment qui fut en usage dans I'initiation'). S. Reinach, however, in the Rev. &t. Gr. 1906
(1) The context in Hippolytos asserts that the Athenians in their Eleusinian usage
him ends in a sentence probably defective and certainly obscure (Hippol. ref. haeres- 5*
in the remote past. ' Originally every ear of corn was sacred to the tribe which took c
in, the one particular sheaf was still regarded as the Corn-Mother, which, like the PeruVtlie
the sowing of the seed should be followed by a harvest of ripe corn, but in itself cons ^
Rain-magic in ancient Greece 301
°f sympathetic magic (S. Reinach in the Rev. Et. Gr. 1906 xix. 344 'Cet epi que montre
ese/nc/ite der gricchischen Litterature Miinchen 1924 ii. 2. 1429) horn. 10 encomium in
P* 39f« (cited supra ii. 132 n. 2)). It is probable that in early days this union
p, • j reSarded as fact, yet it must be admitted that not one of the ancient writers called in
Studie M' Cornford 'The 'ATTAPXAI and the Eleusinian Mysteries' in Essays and
^castraT*^ °r ' ^rst"^ru'ts>' sent by the Greek states to Eleusis, were in accordance with
llap9cW(f) 0°i ^"W0"' Eustath. in Od. p. 1387, 17 ff.) or ippiap (h. Dem. 99
g contact with the sacred store' (p. 163). In the autumn, at the Eleusinia,
302 Rain-magic in ancient Greece
yeveueas. All this was aptly expressed in mythological parlance. Kore is carried off and
Eleusinian epoptae was a o-t&xvs TeBepLtrpLfvos,.. .is it possible that we may see in this
name Arjp.r)TpeioL (Plout. de fac. in orb. lun. 28 Kal roils veKpobs 'ABtivolol A-qp-ttTpeiovi
autem frugibus expiatum ut vivis redderetur). Similarly in Egypt Osiris or the Osirised
(6) P. Foucart, the father of this Egyptising hypothesis, in his final work on 1 ^
played Theos to her Thea (but see, for other possibilities, O. Hofer in Roscher
Rain-magic in ancient Greece 305
Probably in the dirge called TAavepws (A. Rusch in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xiv. 1048 ff.).
lrisi and in it barley planted. When the plants had grown to a height of about
the °f reeds covered by three layers of linen. On the linen is drawn in black ink
123 j4' ^" ^''edemann 'Osiris vegetant' in Le Museon Nouvelle serie 1903 iv. 111 —
filleclnSeS a Wooden frame moulded in the form of that god, hollowed out, lined with linen,
windi0 °^ *~*s'r's ana- OI" trie deceased. This life-size effigy was completely wrapped in linen
al; Bhilai I 6 cora^on °f a chamber dedicated to Osiris in the Ptolemaic temple of Isis
of £eligi0H °rk~London 1912 p. 84 ff. fig. 7 f. pi. 11, id. in J. Hastings Encyclopedia
306 Rain-magic in ancient Greece
en Egypte' (p. 54 ff.: corn-maidens in ancient and modern Egypt, after Miss W. S.
interpretation, but in accordance with the naive and primitive belief in the unity of mans
and 22, 1—5 ( = my pi. xxx), F. Lenormant in the Gaz. Arch. 1870 v. 31 ff- with 2
(follows Minervini), id. in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 1066 fig. 1308 ('^ffruits
redderetur). The point to notice is that, in the lower register of the obverse, of
Rain-magic in ancient Greece 307
P- an Apulian hydria in the British Museum {Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases iv. 175 no. f 353) on
, . n a grave near Syracuse was found (c. 1900) a veritable triumph of the goldsmith's art,
ifi'e ^°^enen Ahren' in the Festschriftfiir James Loeb Miinchen 1930pp. m—129 pi.
^gj." ' *^Sen Tags werden noch verschiedene Varietaten in Sizilien gebaut. Moglich
, en the two. He notes that some details in the arrangement of the shields at the
vpv„ . e" AeX0ois avaduvai). This, though very different in intention, must have been
3o' in Ttnormant Sonographic de la Vote Sacrle Eleusinienne Paris 1864 p. 85 ff. no.
308 Rain-magic in ancient Greece
in or near Athens (fig. 198)2, which might almost serve as an illustra-
1 A mistake for vwepKiie. 11. Giintert, however, in his interesting treatise U» ^
- P. Perdrizet in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 77 f. no. 1 fig. 5, W. Drexler in RcW* ^
Rain-magic in ancient Greece 309
W- Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 2765.
'pi . volive relief of Lysimachides, found in 188.5 during the excavation of the
torches em?ter (scePtre) and Persephone (wreath with leaves added in paint, pair of
in the AtA*"** 'Plouto"io11' (D- Philios in the 'E0. 'ApX. 1886 p. 24 ff. pi. 3, 2, O. Kent
7==DittenberKa'"£')!' CP' ^ P^//la'sUs of 106/105 B.C. in Corp. inscr. Att. ii. 2 no. 955,
312 Rain-magic in ancient Greece
Other evidence of rain-magic in Attike is of very doubtful
for which there would be space above the head of Kleo. (c) D. Philios in the Ath. Mitt'1'
Eleusinian powers. Theos [Bebs), in the guise of Zeus, is seated, sceptre in hand, on 11
(Tpi7rT6\e|/io[s]), who receives them as he sits on his serpent-car. In the background is
M. P. Nilsson in the Archivf. Rel. 1935 xxxii. 81 ff. supports the usual identin
Rain-magic in ancient Greece 313
ment that Proklos was an adept in Chaldean charms, who by spinning
P it^a^" ^arr's°n in the Ann. Brit. ScA. Ath. 1908—1909 xv. 322 n. r, cad. Themis*
'57 f ) ^ePresen,; thunder rather than rain (C. Clemen in the Archiv f. Rel. 1914 xvii.
f'oetaf "^y^ntion 7rp6s rds apxo/ievas iVoxwrets 19 Diibner (in the Didot ed. of the
IM""}>MTa 7r°>k1"' ^/KW apoi/pais. Similarly in the epitome entitled 'Opptus Xi0ikA
314 Rain-magic in the cult of Zeus
Seated on high, dwelling in light divine,
impersonating his god. It is tempting to interpret in that sense
Oft shake the darkling aegis in his hand
5 Solin. x. 1 quam (sc. Roraam) Arcades quoniam habitassent in excelsa pai
Rain-magic in the cult of Zeus 315
If there is a long drought, and the seeds in the earth and the trees are
there rises a mist-like vapour, and in a little the vapour becomes a cloud, and
lsse Iovem' in hoc scilicet nemore. sane ad illud adludit quod primi dicuntur Iovi
q er an der Kiiste Latiums gehoren immerhin in den Bereich der Moglichkeit,' cp.
Wis n "le 'dentincation of this spring see Frazer Pausanias iv. 383 and Bolte in Pauly—
Wool] a ft W^en tne son °f Hellenopoula was drowned in it, they dammed it up with twelve
a>td pr ' ^*orSan ' Greek and Roman Rain-Gods and Rain-Charms' in the Transactions
6 Urther T- Zielinski in the Archiv f. Rel. 1906 ix. 43.
magic were the worship of Zeus Aktaios on Mount Pelion in Thessaly
•instructive example noted by Sir A. J. Evans3 in the Balkans:
I was informed by one of the inhabitants that in time of drought the whole of
difficult not to believe that in this remote Illyrian nook some local tradition of
Prayer ' In the time of Dearth and Famine.' It runs as follows:
: S'r A. J. Evans in Archaeologia 1885 xlix. t. 104 f. fig. 48 ( = my fig. 202), id.
magic were the worship of Zeus Aktaios on Mount Pelion in Thessaly
•instructive example noted by Sir A. J. Evans3 in the Balkans:
I was informed by one of the inhabitants that in time of drought the whole of
difficult not to believe that in this remote Illyrian nook some local tradition of
Prayer ' In the time of Dearth and Famine.' It runs as follows:
: S'r A. J. Evans in Archaeologia 1885 xlix. t. 104 f. fig. 48 ( = my fig. 202), id.
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §9. Zeus and the rain / (b) Prayers to Zeus for rain
A parallel to this was published by A. Korte1. Near Tschukur-
dated in the consulship of Salvius Iulianus and Calpurnianus (sic)
been addressed in vain to deaf ears. And yet all the inhabitants of our viHa8e
e^x^" rbv 17'Xioc and Eustath. in II. p. 881, 42 ff. \<?£eis &pa \ wffirep to. iraiW "t£eX
cP" E. Legrand—J. Chamonard in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1893 xvii. 286 f. no.
'< 40 f. (but see supra ii. in. 2).
Miilie'rJaf°by in Pauly~Wissowa Real-Enc. iii A. 56) frag. 1 (Frag. hist. Gr. iii. too n.f
^Ustat'h *USi> 'C<lT°' °Si" "ffc" ° Zfl's *a story rePeated by Tzetz. in Lyk. 786,
cP" E. Legrand—J. Chamonard in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1893 xvii. 286 f. no.
'< 40 f. (but see supra ii. in. 2).
Miilie'rJaf°by in Pauly~Wissowa Real-Enc. iii A. 56) frag. 1 (Frag. hist. Gr. iii. too n.f
^Ustat'h *USi> 'C<lT°' °Si" "ffc" ° Zfl's *a story rePeated by Tzetz. in Lyk. 786,
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §9. Zeus and the rain / (c) The relation of rain to Zeus
even made a misguided attempt to derive his name in its dialect
fiaffiXei SvGTvxtltto-vTt afHaas irvpdv; copied by his pupil Io. Chrys. in S. Babylaw, c\
VSap 7) rb in tou Albs, 7. 5. 2 dyadd 5k rd in Atis (sc. lidara), 8. 7. 3 rd vap.aTLaia o~vp<p£?aV
cod. V.), Eustath. in II. p. 153, 34!. Sebw to §pexw Aeus Ka'L Zeus 6 'dTjp. On the su ^
The notion that the name of Zeus implies moisture has been revived in modern
with the food-supply, the rest with the water-supply. *Dieus in particular w*^-^s
fountain-goddess luturna (Diuturna [Latte in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc xJ0^I(is,
composite root *enebh- has for Ablaut-grades *nebh-, *ombh-, *mbh- in ^°5'iroS nieant
Cloud-collector,' so that vecj>e\-nyepe'Ta Zeis in a sense was the mountain—just as the
^P^yr)aav aixve\ov Kai otvov iiroiriaav. H. W. Stoll in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1242 f. notes
§ .J ^'form *magh is found in nqxayt) [Zeus M^xavciis: supra ii. 1144 n. 2, «'«/Va
makes th lantnon in Arkadia: see O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 2237], who
ak'n to irtt^' Wnat ^ou w'n' or 'carry off' in the way of produce,—being thus in form
P'obable ( ° v ne rel'es vary in value from the certain (e.g. "Ofifipios) or highly
Matron, a parodist of Homer in the days of Alexander the
Gods and Rain-Charms' in the Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philologtca^
Kenyon Greek Papyri in the British Museum London 1893 i. 83 ff. no. 121 omits the
in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xiv. 2298 ff.
Trais acrireTos bpippos, \ k.t.X. Cp. Eustath. in II. p. 1053, 10 ff-> who after qu°U"gr( is
Alexandrine age, on whom see L. Cohn in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. "4
a storm, and "dances" in whirlwinds'(U. Holmberg Finno-Ugric Mythology
rain sent by Zeus in the Iliad4' to portend the death of Sarpedon5
Artists of Roman date represent rain as falling in large gouts or
" the Cabinet des Medailles at Paris (fig. 204)9 and in the Lobbecke
'598 r " °Vi<i ^roningen 1909 i. 141. See also O. Immisch in Roscher Lex. Myth.
n l° A- L6bb \ Forsc)utnge* in Ephesos Wien 1906 i. 56 fig. lU (= my fig. 204).
period, formerly in the Castellani collection and now in the British
column of Marcus Aurelius in connexion with the campaign against
Thiere des classischen Alterthums in culturgeschichtlicher Beziehung Innsbruck 18
Pluvioque rogaris | pro love. Anth. Lat. 395. 46 Riese (in a description of Decern
Jupiter Pluvius a droite' (my fig. 208 is from a cast of the specimen in the British M«* ^
videtur, Jovis Eleutherii sive Liberatoris.' H. A. Grueber in the Brit. Mus. Ca ■
was vouchsafed him by Heaven. For when the Romans were in peril in the
eat and their thirst. So they posted guards all about and hemmed them in to
antments various deities and in particular Mercury, the god of the air, and
e he mentions it in the list along with the others3,—a title which was given
in Pauly^y'' 1S 3 correct rendering of the Latin epithet leg. XII fulminata (E. Ritterling
M ith lhe nor 1 premit sePulcro with F. Vollmer's note ad he. The former is in accord
that occurred in this very war1. It was precisely this incident that saved
faces upwards and received the water in their mouths; then some held out their
and numerous thunderbolts fallen upon the ranks of the foe. Thus in one an
with rain. Some wounded themselves in order to quench the fire with ^
alone had the saving water; in any case Marcus took pity on them. « g
event has in modern times given rise to a lively, not to sa^ &5
interpretations, the one Christian, the other pagan, in character. The
by the emperor in a letter to the senate and was by him attributed
Jlz»ngsber. d. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin 1894 p. 878 ff. and by J. Geffcken in the Neue Jahrb.
enustios are in general agreement, though the latter makes the emperor Antoninus
^rink^' ^esc"^ing wrongly. The Romans were not catching the rain in order to
^■°man S ^otus (l"/ra P- 333) ar)d not at once suggestive of any figure in Greek or
*°uld er ^ ma"y, in the adjacent scene of enemy-defences fired by a thunderbolt they
s- Xiv is ^nthoPOulos hist. eccl. 4. 12 (cxlv. 1004 b ff. Migne), who writing early in
Apollinarios, who was bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia and probably wrote only one 0
L. D(uchesne) ' Le miracle de la Legion Fulminante' in the Bulletin critique 1894^ ,
stationed in Melitene to guard the crossing of the Euphrates; and that, to Ju Jj^jjy
agrees with Petersen. Dion Cass. 71. 10 was in part a Christian forgery by Xiphilinos.
charge—'Dies ist das Kriegsjahr 171, und in dieses Jahr fallt das Regenwunder. Ein
Th. Mommsen 'Das Regenwunder der Marcus-Saule' in Hermes 1895 xxx. 90—106
no A 48' Dindorf) Sfifipos in tou 6eov iyiveTo), not to a specific god, and made
was mistaken in regarding the Christian tradition with all its five
present in *' a""' Abn 2188 and Hieron. in Euseb. ann. Abr. 2189 M. Aurelius was not
or. in xl mart. 2 (xlvi. 760 A—B Migne) has both fipovrds {^aiatovs.. ./cai darpairds ipXoytbSeis
G. Calderini Die Marcus-Saule auf Piazza Colo?ma in Rom Mtinchen 1896 with text and
still differing from Mommsen in regard to chronology—discusses the historical and
fallen foe. On pis. 22, A, B + 23, A ( = my pi. xxxii) the Romans, advancing in the forma-
the rain is helping the Romans. It does not, for artistic reasons, reach those in the fwe
the Vatican. From his hair and beard, from his outstretched wings and arms, as in Ovi^ ^
of the soldiers (no. 6) has his helmet decorated with a griffin in relief, from which ^eta
J. Geffcken ' Das Regenwunder irh Quadenlande' in the Neue Jahrb. f. klass. 'AM*
in which he made no mention of Christians. Apollinaris was the source of Euse '• ,.
retorted with the assertion that the emperor had prayed, yes, but had prayed in vain. If
Period: it perhaps emanated from Asia Minor at the beginning of J. iv ('Auf Kleinasien
10n to its contents in Rutin, hist. eccl. 5. 5 tradunt historiae cum siti eius (sc.
Ha 6 fr°m JkIe'itene- His account (or. in xl mart. 2 (xlvi. 757 c ff. Migne)) was not, as
3+2 'ff scr'Dmg the storm in a crescendo of high-falutin' phrases (tie VIcons. Honor.
In f ?ncIus'on more improving than impressive.
^'gne), Xi'vr05 °P' Euseb' hist- eccl- 5- 5- 4. Greg- Nyss- or- in xl mart- 2 <xlvi- 75? c ff-
incantation of some magician in the imperial retinue, Arnouphis
in late Greek mystical and magical texts as Hermes Tpur^yioTos {supra ii. 611) with Tat,
undorientalischen Uberlitferungen Leipzig 1875, W. Kroll in Pauly—Wissowa Real-E1tC'
to him in his capacity of ipoxoiro/XTbs, since it was common Pythagorean doctrine that
cod. g) tov lieXlap oi Svvarai TrX-nyijvai). And a passage in the late Platonic epinomU s
In this connexion we may venture to compare Eph. 2. 2 /card tov alSiva to
Greek Papyri in the British Museum London 1893 i. 78 no. 46, 401 ff. = K. I>r"s -fa
and Rivals of Christianity Cambridge 1915 i. 98 ff.). The same hymn in a tip*.' ^gtf.
and in view of the close parallelism between the column of Marcus
Greeks. One other image is notorious. Aristophanes in a line already
enient at the west end of the Duomo in Siena, which shows Hermes Mercurius Tris-
4 This is in fact the common identification (e.g. W. Ramsay in Smith Did. Biogr.
The line in question is put into the mouth of Strepsiades, an old-
two separate notions current among the lower classes in his day.
lich, sie sahen selbes in der Luft unter der Gestalt des Regenbogens: die Natur
Physik und dem Regenbogen seinen Ursprung hat cited by W. Schwartz in the
R. Eisler in Philologus 1909 lxviii. 132 n. o and in his Welteumantel und Sintmt ^&
'ISovfiaioi;ov(nv with the remarks of C. Steuernagel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-
= Mond, als A Sin="Urin" in den Nerabinschriften, als Buchstabe & = $. du ^ v0,i
collected instances from Germany and France. Thus in the Oberpfalz, when it ^
among the modern Greeks in particular, at least in out-of-the-way
God's sieve has big holes.'6 In the district of Parnassos it is believed
osz gepess.' Elsewhere on the Rhine, if it rains on June 10, ' Margarete pisst in die
t, " 373 by certain locutions heard at Arachova near Delphoi. When it rains, people
ii, Schrader in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh 1909
belief tj^ 'S ''kened to honey. Exactly corresponding to these ideas we find in India the
Cause t] °n "le eartn> incites or rather compels the god in heaven to "press," i.e. to
'Eine £,°3,P" 3?2> Gruppe Gr. Myth. Rel. p. 819]).' Id. in Schrader Reallex.2 ii. 227:
^'tei'turn 6 orstel,ung> die in dem Verhaltnis zwischen Soma und Regen dem vedischen
the sky, and empties in turn on the earth through sieves of varying
Psellos, who states that in his day (s. xi A.D.) most people ignorantly
arithmetical table for the discovery of prime numbers (F. Hultsch in Pauly—Wissp**
On ancient sieves see E. Saglio in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. 1. If
in his Reallex. iv. 171 f., Hug in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xi. 1483 f-; -,c
daamonem in hoc compellunt vt reo nominato (nam omnes suspectos nominare 01 ^
studio, vbi semper pro voto aleam cecidisse comperi, in posterum tame quieui, ^pijuS
338 The holed vessel in Egypt
i. The holed vessel in Egypt.
E. Fehrle 'Das Sieb im Volksglauben' in the Archiv f. Rel. 1916—1919 xix. 547—'55
manteia' in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xi. 1481—1483, Hug s.v. 'K6<tkivov' ib. p- r4"+'
(July 10), and St Hippolytus (Aug. 13). Greater detail will be found in C. ^ ,f,
is held in her honour on the third day in Whitsun week). miianf in
338 The holed vessel in Egypt
i. The holed vessel in Egypt.
E. Fehrle 'Das Sieb im Volksglauben' in the Archiv f. Rel. 1916—1919 xix. 547—'55
manteia' in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xi. 1481—1483, Hug s.v. 'K6<tkivov' ib. p- r4"+'
(July 10), and St Hippolytus (Aug. 13). Greater detail will be found in C. ^ ,f,
is held in her honour on the third day in Whitsun week). miianf in
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §9. Zeus and the rain / (d) Rain as water poured through a holed vessel or sieve
The holed vessel in Egypt 339
the task every day in the year. Diodoros' statement was almost
E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 670 f., F. Jacoby ib. vii. 2758 f.
pajjjt Canopi sacerdos, callidum quiddam excogitavit. hydriae fieri solent in Aegypti
foramir^f haCC Chaldaei> itur in conflictum, circa hydriam ignis accenditur, cera, qua
tereti f ° C° '° Ct cluas' suggillato, ventre tumido in modum hydriae cum dorso aequaliter
<"s ^byos X 'larrat've 's repeated in Greek by Souid. s.v. Kavunros' 6 iv Alyvwrw. wort,
34° The holed vessel in Egypt
say a hydrta with many small holes in it, stuffed these holes with
The same tale, compressed, recurs in Kedren. hist. comp. 325 c (i. 57° ^ tO")
1 H. Kees in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. x. 1869 f. - jtfylh-
The holed vessel in Egypt 341
Wuch fruitful investigation. F. Hommel in R. Eisler Weltenmantel und Himmelszelt
Kosmologie der Babylonier Strassburg 1890 p. 165 ff., J. Hehn in the Leipziger semitische
' Kugler in A7io 1911 xi. 489 f.: ' p—p— (5) ist Ideogramm ftir uadu "erheben,
ng des Kreislaufes ist das Pentagramm. Das Pentagramm erscheint in der
elaiHischen » dessen kosmischen Sinn wir S. 50 besprachen4 (4Das Vorkommen in
342 The holed vessel in Egypt
statir of Melos, struck in s. v B.C., has obv. a pomegranate with traces of two leaves,
Hist, num.- p. 892). (2) Bronze coins of Pitane, struck in s. iv B.C., have obv. the head of
(3) Bronze coins of Nuceria (Nocera) in Bruttii, struck c. 350—270 B.C. or later, Qpj,
Fig. 2t6 is from a specimen in my collection). (4) Unciae of central Italy in- ^ 0lS,
pentagram as obv., the club as rev., type), or obv. a swastika in relief, rev. ^ ^ oW'
The holed vessel in Egypt 343
P'' 3°\ 5)1 Rhodes (ib. Caria, etc. p. 246 no. 173), Seleukos i in Alexandrine empire
F- Dornseiff Das Alphabet in Mystik und A/agie Leipzig—Berlin 1922 p. 84 n. 3:
Hebrew letters in the angles found at (d) Tell Zakariya, (e) Gezer, and (/) Ophel7.
ashort comparativeseriesof pentagons from Egypt, Asia Minor, Crete, Greece, Italy, etc.
^ °" (cp. K. B. Hase in Stephanus Thes. Gr. Ling. vi. 1009 c) twv TraXaiwe lepeuv).
344 The holed vessel in Egypt
served some practical purpose; and it lies near at hand to conjecture
the fertilising virtues of Nile-water are collected by R. Wagner in Roscher Lex.
e/xtpaivei reXov/ikv-qv, k.t.X. On the NciXiya see R. Wagner in Roscher Lex. Myth.
pp. 42, 48 (summarised by G. Roeder in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. x. 1872 W ^ at
The holed vessel in Egypt 345
Seeks support for his reconstruction in Plout. de Is. et Os. 39 (Typhon's drought attacks
osure of Osiris in his coffin. This happens in the month Athyr, when the nights
^'fe in a ^ Puamute'> the lungs by Hapy, and the intestines by Qebeh-snewef. A. Erman
^•'isteid rUn^ ^eS ^T''wassers und der Muniieneingeweide.' In this connexion note
346 The holed vessel in Egypt
Canopus of Isis. is draped, with a uraeus in front of the body of the vase, and
them to particular forms. No doubt in Alexandrian usage they designated such
in the Joitrn. Hell. Stud, 1901 xxi. 286—-290 published a limestone stile in the Gln2^
'Canopi' of Thoth, Anion, Mut, and in lieu of an epigram 77. 187—191- W
Jupiter, and the lost figure in the front of (3) may have been Geb, the planet SatU\"j;0li.'
specimen in my collection, likewise struck by Hadrian.
348 The holed vessel in Egypt
that in two respects. For one thing, there can be no doubt that
was in effect the equivalent of snow and rain, the Nile was popularly
The holed vessel in Egypt 349
toan holding a torch or stick in his left hand1. This was 'the
°r Eumenouthis9 seems to have been equated with Isis. In this
350 The holed vessel in Egypt
stars—a feature in which it is not unique3; for Isis was the 'Queen
is (if we may put faith in Angelinas drawing) probably not a spi'^ ^
see further W. Headlam in the Class. Rev. 1902 xvi. 52—61.
See W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 433 ff. and R. Eisler milennial
The holed vessel in Egypt 3 51
the goddess. In any case the Egyptian scene balances the Greek
observances of the Delta. In after days Egyptian spells came to be
The Vivenzio vase, after being drawn by Angelini in 1798,
3 ™ Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 442 ff.
4 R- Hackl 'Mumienverehrung auf einer schwarzfigurig attischen Lekythos in the
mummy of some Greek, who dying in the Delta was embalmed and lamented by his friends
To "wo/taKTtTw' near Cumae (Diod. 4. 22, Strab. 244) at which Demos or Choros is
352 The holed vessel in Egypt
and is officially stated to have come from the Basilicata in South
in the varnish. I doubt if they are original. There is also a crown on the 0
pi. 21. Id. in the Ann. d. Inst. 1829 i. 302 f. (Gaia emerges, disturbed by a grave-
a Canopic jar resting on a plinth, which terminates in a female head. (i>) Part 0 ^nd
The holed vessel in Egypt 353
the fountain of Apollon at Kyrene addressed them in these words :
Say in what lands—and be my great Apollo—
^r the torrential rain, which in point of fact commonly falls at
"le dom^°SS'k'e l^at some sucn significance was attached to the louver or circular opening in
caeli su f- 3- 104 ^ ^c qu'bus in terris—et eris mihi magnus Apollo—| tris pateat
3 Eust°athed-in J' ConinSton's note-
354 The holed vessel in Greece
identified with the Danaoi6 of Homer; and they in turn cannot be
2 L. Malten Kyrene Berlin 1911 p. 190 ff., H. C. Broholm in Pauly—Wissowa Rea
4 W. M. Flinders Petrie in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1890 xi. 276 f. „ y
pp. 28 {., 1001. The Egyptian texts are collected and translated in H. T. Bossert AU
The latter loc. cit. p. 83 n. r is tempted 'to see some connection, in name at ^
in the Transactions of the Third International Congress for the History of Relig10113
7 Bernhard in Koscher Lex. Myth. i. 952—954, O. Waser 'Danaosund die " ^0gS-
(a) Water-carrying in the myth of the Dana'ides.
and Gelanor the Argive king abdicated in his favour4. < Having
• ^ernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 1005 f., O. Waser ib. iv. 2087 ff., 20948".
foil tUn° Pr'mum dicitur Minerva navera fecisse biproram in qua Danaus profugeret
^}rc^ . wnorn see a valuable paper by C. Blinkenberg ' La deesse de Lindos' in the
sPeak°n J^'aos)- P'out- v. Pyrrh. 32 locates the omen near Pyramia in Thyreatis, and
1555 frw Words were added to the text of Apollodoros by B. Aegius in the editioprinceps
bodies in front of the city4. They were purified themselves, at the
daughters as prizes in a gymnastic contest5.
avrbv assigns a love-motive, which—as C. Bonner in Harvard Studies 1" ^epos
handled in more ways than one. F. G. Welcker4 took the Danaides
rather than chronological, appears in the picturesque but highly
e explained as torrents and rivers, which in winter rushed headlong
as"^s in common with Apollodoros, is derived from some prose author (hence such names
ty" "5—118), in which Lynkeus avenges his brothers by slaying Danaos and all the
• Schwenck in the Rhein. Mus. 1856 x. 377 ff.
anderer V- Roscner Die Zahl 30 in My thus, Kultus, Epos und Taktik der Hellenen und
*ii. j4i p Ftinfzigzahl der Monate personifiziren'), J. E. Harrison in the Class. Rev. 1898
u- Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 2642 f.
like importunate suitors, but in summer sank low or were dried up
field fairy is freed from an enchantment by a man who, in order to
of Aigyptos fail to free them, and lose their own lives in consequence-
1 Bernhard in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 950. . se
0 O. Waser 'Danaos und die Danaiden' in the Archivf. Rel. 1899 ii- 47 3 '
unlikely that they are in reality fountain-nymphs.' t]iat
Latin caput and Modern Greek /cc0oXdpi are quoted in support); that Paus. 2. *f" i^^ra
of Egypt, though known to Homer as Afyinrros, is already NetXos in Hes. theog- 3 jxV;;i.
Current in Greece5 and in many other parts of Europe from the
e Icelandic version mentioned above8 in which a captive maiden
_ Oner's hypothesis that in the folk-tale all the brothers escape and
in H m T' ansacl*0"s °f the American Philological Association 1900 xxxi. 30 ff.,
i>at in schoi K Harvard Stud<" >>> Classical Philology 1902 xiii. 151 notes, however,
indeed suspected in 1893 by W. Schwartz2, who urged that the
won was still further consolidated by L. B. Holland in 19286.
aber die Schonen mochten ihre Vettern nicht. Auch die Zahl ftinfzig ist in der Sage
erklart, wie in Argos Hypermestra. Fast mochte man von einem pelasgischen
2 W. Schwartz in the Jahrb. f. class. Philol. 1893 xxxix. 101 ('es ist die Danaidej
3 On the historical element in the myth of the Argonauts see now the a dm ^
6 L. B. Holland 'The Danaoi' in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
a water-supply. This trait, and it alone, is involved in our earliest
ne, in which the 'Danaan maids' take the place of Danaos:
4 G. Hirschfeld in Paulj—Wissowa Real-Eiic. ii. 730.
tenT'*0"""' ' A'6s P(PXaM^"ov tyai yap to pXafai. M. Schmidt in his ed.
in the main, true. Immigrants from Egypt—let us say the Danauna
1 W. Schwartz in the Jahrb. f. class. Philol. 1893 xxxix. 105 infers that "Apyos
2 Herakleides of Kyme (a contemporary of Philip ii of Macedon: see F. Jacoby in
Rel. p. 831 accepts the equation; J. Miller in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iv. 2093 rejects
I would suggest confusion with Srjvaibs, 'ancient,' in its Doric form Savaibs (Aisch. Bu •
further H. Jacobi in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh 19 ^
which is several times used as a neuter meaning "stream" and once as a ^em'fi"ltiy in
ceeded in getting water and so saved the Argive crops.
'The marble chronicle from Paros, compiled in Athens in the third century
tb. arri0r ^ase House,' the other below its eastern wall: neither of
SeQUel / a S not actunlly stated in our sources {supra p. 3*5), but is implied by the
+g • • Wace in the Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1921 —1923 xxv. 85 pi. I, nos. 53
Bourina in Kos1. The underground chamber of bronze in which
and this equation, though it has not attracted much notice in recent
quitted his own land and settled in Apulia. His provenance suggests
1845 iii. i3i_I34 with section, id. in the Arch. Zeit. 1850 viii. 241—244 pi. 22, 1 PIfl_"'
L. Blirchner in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Em. xi. 1477, K. Sudhoff Kos undKnidos MtWc e
4 H. W. Stoll in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 947, J. Escher-Biirkli in Pauly—W'sS°
6 H. R. Hall in The Cambridge Ancient History Cambridge 1924 ii- 276- jjatur
rjatria, occupavit. The Illyrian connexion reappears in Ant. Lib. 31 (aftc ^^frios-
normal form in Greek writers. Had Virgil tradition behind him,
Waterless region. In point of fact the Roman poets do emphasise
Possible, though precarious, inference from a few lines in Lykophron5.
Shall hide them, living yet, in the inmost nooks
Ioq° ^'runum)> Cariaus (ii. v no. 3922 Arurnates near Verona), Cnodauus (ib. iii no.
Venetiaf S-aet'a^' ^emauus (ib- >2 no- 2195 near Aquileia) god of the river Timavus in
chamber at Tusculum2. In neither case have we the slightest reason
Danuvius (Danube), which in turn—as O. Schrader3 points out—lS
magicians or experts in irrigation. Now it is commonly admit ^
3 figs., R. Burn Rome and the Campagna Cambridge 1876 p. 379, T. Ashby in
Danapris (Dniepr) nnd Danastrus (Dniestr), sowie vielleicht auch in dem tn^t\sch-
4 C. G. Brandis in Pauly—Wissowa Rcal-Enc. iv. 2105 'In der lnat
lies near at hand to surmise that the whole group of congeners
After all, if in the third century B.C. Celts could force their way into
^Snuvius with the Irish dana, ' brave,' is in the nature of a red-herring. Our latest
in t"tI London, Glasgow and Dublin 1905 pp. 48, 71, 72, 77, 230, alii., J. A. MacCulloch
P;cts " fe1uife op. cit. p. 230 'In the Tuatha De Danann are variously found Gaels,
Sbert n Were of Celt'c speech. The Germans have coined Urkelten (E. Rademacher in
JUlctalJ0sit' Cr UrSeschichte Europas Strassburg 1905 p. 74 f. fig. 55 f. prints in impressive
are in a position to understand better the early Hesiodic line—
cause incessant rain6. The fact that the Dana'ides bulk bigger in the
date the Taurus ranges seem to have represented in a sense a frontier between sateffl
in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i A. 2129 ff. Ioannes Laurentius the Lydian has pla
Cult of the Heavenly Twins Cambridge 1906 p. 26 ff., E. S. Hartland in ]■ ^yin
they carry in little pitchers. Then they go on their way shrieking loose songs an ^ of
sky-god1. Again, O. Gruppe2 detects a rain-charm3 in the tradition
hole story—I refer of course to the punishment of the Danaides in
of * London 1927 p. 93 ff., S. A. Cook The Religion of Ancient Palestine in the light
J' Rendel Harris in Folk-Lore 1904 xv. 431 ('Occasional Rain-charms'): 'At Ourfa
52-_!gUng articles by J. C. Lawson ' IIEPI AAIBAXTS1N' in the Class. Rev. 1926 xl.
^Sanda°n notes that parents of twins sometimes exercised a fertilising influence (in
949 ff., C. Bonner in Transactions of the American
*• ifus "lann 'Eeitrage zur Kritik und Erklarung des Dialogs Axiochos' in the
370 Water-carrying in connexion with marriage
(j8) Water-carrying in connexion with marriage.
come, the bridegroom must bathe in water from the fountain
the closing decade of last century it was commonly held (see e.g. W. Smith in ^g
attaches to this spring. But an excavation by A. N. Skias in 1893 failed to "lsC° xjv.
in Samos and could therefore be dated tos. vi. Hence Dorpfeld concluded t ™^e$e when
transferred to the spring on the Ilissos (W. Dorpfeld in the Ath. Mitt/'- 1 9 j^v/V*5"
Water-carrying in connexion with marriage 371
fountain by a female loutrophoros*. And in both cases, according to
?9°5 Pp. 179—185), and embodied in the final publication by F. Graber 'Die Enneakrunos'
j.Pririg in tne Qf tne Tlissus which still bears the ancient name of Callirrhoe' (Pausanias
a°leh^ ^ "^"h' [in the Gbtt. gel. Anz. 1907 clxix.] 472 die Dbrpfeldsche Hypothese
372 Water-carrying in connexion with marriage
6 A. Herzog 'Eine Lutrophoros' in the Arch. Zeit. 1882 xl. 131 ff. suppo5"^.)
pi. 58 f. p. 3 n. 1 regards Herzog as over-sceptical. But Nachod in Panly—~ garpo-
7 Eustath. in II. p. 1293, 8 ff. Kai tois irpb yap.ov Se reXevrdxiiv Xovrpo<j>bpos^
8 Hesych. s.v. Xi(36as (L. Dindorf in Stephanus Thes. Gr. Ling. v. 277
pp. 338 £, 354. Note also the grave of Antaios, shown at Tingis in Maure|^°g ^as m»<ie
ater-carrying in connexion with marriage 373
Over some of the graves in the 'Dipylon' cemetery at Athens
a bottom with a hole left in it6. A. Bruckner and E. Pernice, after
^0rn ten to forty inches in height10, usually furnished with a hole
y Nachod11, range in date from the last decade of the sixth century
plSi * Hirschfeld in the Ann. d. Inst. 1872 xliv. 142 ff. no. 41, A/on. d. Inst, ix
6qj q0j^' ^" Wide in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1899 xiv. 201 ff. no. 22 fig.
XvUi. j, rUckner—E. Pernice 'Ein attischer Friedhof in the Ath. Mitth. 1893
P°ulsen5 n P' ?' A' BrUckner—E- Pernice in the Ath. Mitth. 1893 xviii. 144 ff,
h U Nachod °g E'ne LutroPhoros' in the Arch- Zeil- 1885 x'- '3<> n- 6-
• Hr;„i .' • B- Wfaltersl in th» mus_ quartw 1928—1929 iii. 42 f. pi. 24 a, b,
Water-carrying in connexion with marriage 375
by fourth-century loutrophoroi may be found in the magnificent
W. Zschietzschmann 'Die Darstellungen der Prothesis in der griechischen Kunst'
95 H7). The finest example of the former is that in New York published by G. M. A.
j«) Three broken specimens found together at Trachones near Athens and now at
'.A vase in the Louvre (CA. 453) (M. Collignon 'Loutrophore attique a sujet
l>as °0'' J- D. Beazley in the fount. Nell. Stud. 1910 xxx. 67 no. 35, id. Attische
£n . ^les painter ('Schiller des Euthymides'), cp. Leonard in Pauly—Wissowa Real-
'^otfip • ^a'Se *°unct at Athens and now in the Schliemann collection (P. Wolters
^issowa ,? rs in the Ath- Mitth. 1891 p. 384 nos. 31 and 34, Nachod in Pauly—
380 Water-carrying in connexion with marriage
not exceeding three feet in height, or a table-like slab, or a bath-
The columellas, of which there is a large collection in the National Museum at Athens
iii. 2 no. 1747 Qpcttruv | Qpaavfi&vros \ Kucvvvets in lettering of 100—50 IS.C. A. Conz
decorated, exceptionally, with a loulrofhdros in relief on the front and traces of a "
2 From the Elgin collection, now in the British Museum (Brit. Mus. Cat. ^cil^-0
as usual, missing. The roughened foot was meant for insertion in a stone base. jjeJi
4 Fragment found at Spata in Attike, now at Constantinople (Mendel C • p0,
382 Water-carrying in connexion with marriage
holds a lagobolon. Pentelic marble. Height o-57m. The same type recurs in A. Conze
siecle' in the Rev. Arch. 1924 ii. 37—45 pi. 3 has proved (1) that the youthful figures on
6 Fragment found iv Wcrei Movo/i/ian Sij/xou <3?yAi;s, now in the National ^^45)>
1 (a) Found near the church of Hagia Trias in the Kerameikos at Athens ^ ,i,
decoration of the loutrophdros was doubtless eked out in paint. Righttranscr'
384 Water-carrying in connexion with marriage
pi. 2, 4, A. Michaelis Ancient Marbles in Great Britain, trans. C. A. M. Fennell Cambridge
1882 p. 270 Cambridge no. in, Kaibel Epigr. Gr. no. 49, Corp. inscr. Ail',^e sUnk
Water-carrying in connexion with marriage 385
{<:) From TovSl near Ambelokipi, now in the National Museum at Athens (A. Milch-
ah-otirion is decorated with finely wrought dkanthos-\ea.ves, palmettes, and central lotos-
^ilchhof l° W6St °f Kal>'via Kuvaras, now in the National Museum at Athens
386 Water-carrying in connexion with marriage
(e) Fragment found in the northern corner of the harbour (C. Curtius), sT0Vp0ol"flS
and p. 382 n. 5. Above the vase, in letters not earlier than 300 B.C.*
Water-carrying in connexion with marriage 387
|ts rim and a tainla slung from its handles. Above it, in lettering of imperial date, is
From a red-figured loittroplwros, dating from the first third of s. v, in the Louvre
at Ruv 'aCt ^roni tne reverse design of a red-figured amphora, careless in style, found
^agenstec^aSe'. vase snown resembles in shape the vase upon which it is painted.
°ecoii'0 observes that its foot is firmly planted in the grave-mound.
an owl, is seen a large one-handled jug half-sunk in the ground.
388 Water-carrying in connexion with marriage
wedding procession, in which the bride (bowed head, myrtle-wreath above, Eros hovering
one holds up a decorated coffer (T. Sc(h)reiber in the Ann. a", /list. 1876 xlJ"^, 1S88
(P. Wolters in the Ath. Mitth. 1891 xvi. 382 no. 21 with fig. ( = my fig- ^J.0'St which
has a row of white dots round its shoulder and three sprigs of myrtle in its m° ^.HS. C«1'
Water-carrying in connexion with marriage 389
While two black-figured bridal Ubetes are set on stands near by—all three vases being
((-"°lhgnon—Couve Cat. Vases d'Atkenes p. 503 ff. no. 1588, P. Hartwig in the 'E0. 'Apx-
Cttt- Vases r 8Ured a»'phora from Kameiros, now in the British Museum (Brit. Mi/s.
392 Water-carrying in connexion with marriage
point the question. Here, for example, is a stele in the Ny Carlsberg
a Ubes, of which A. de Ridder in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. iii. i°01 sayS' £erh»rd
1 F. Poulsen in the Jahrb. d. /tats, deulsch. arch. Inst. 1913 xxxviii Arch- f he
Water-carrying in connexion with marriage 393
never find in their graveyards such a poignant symbol as a broken
anoth Unrnai"ried persons...may have been meant to help them to obtain in
^e'ght • n °f 'ATwhnro points to a date in the first half of s. iv B.C. Pentelic marble.
394 Water-carrying in connexion with marriage
Germany; for in Hesse the coffins of single men who have died must
to him as a companion in death, but the single man too was, after his dea >
ii. p. 9, n. 7). One of these "death-weddings" is described in detail by the -
also in Greece in prehistoric times (cf. Pausanias, ii. 21. 7), and in the stol^.sts
mythology, but in real life had long since decayed into a m'^aSe,
stand-point. He too regarded the loutrophdros-xite as impb/in&
Water-carrying in connexion with marriage 395
Custom past and present, ancient literature, modern folk-song, all agree in their
sa'ght2) that in prehistoric times the dead bachelor demanded—
^aturely dead must needs be married somehow in the world beyond
Happy and blest one, a god thou shalt be in place of a mortal
'9o8 i ^ b"' ^* Hall in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh
H8 n. 2, . tne gold tablets from Orphic graves of s. iv—iii B.C. near Thourioi (supra ii.
*"veiitae A J" H- Wieten De tribus latninis aureis quae in sepuhris Thurinis sunt
396 Water-carrying in connexion with marriage
in defining the fertility-charm more nearly as a rain-charm- ^^j-
3 Eustath. in II. p. 1293, 6 ffi oi 5e iraXaioi aep.i'uvovcn to iroTap-Lov vypov-> i ipofX0,
4 F. von Reitzenstein in the Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie 1909 xli. 671 £1 grunnen
398 Water-carrying in connexion
who saw the fresco in the Cnidian Lesche at Delphoi, adds: 'We
- C. Bonner in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 1902 xiii. 166 'The circui ^
An archaic black-figured amphora, formerly in the Canine-
shows that the scene is laid in the Underworld, as does the reverse
Z**- ' A' Kaumeister in his Denim, iii. 1924 fig. 2040, W. H. Roscher in his
4-00 Water-carrying in connexion
Again, a black-figured lekythos, which was found in 1820
Leipzig 1893 PP- ff*> Ganschinietz in Pauly—Wissowa lieal-Enc
runners; and Orphic influence is already traceable at Athens in s. vi Ti.c (L-
eine Parodie der Danaiden und des Oknos vor uns'), A. Furtwangler in the y gs
parodie in dem Unterweltsbild...finden wollen.... Die allzu schmachtigen diese*
pithos, as before planted deeply in the ground. Here Oknos and his
Certainly) shows the penance of the uninitiated in general, not that
^hich came to the Munich collection from a grave near Canosa3.
(CP- //_ e °nginates in a 'Traumphantasie' of the sort known as ' Hehinderungstraum'
he Undervvo M F' Pfister in Roscher Lex. Myth. vi. 43 f. discuss the appearance of
402 Water-carrying in connexion
the discussion of the point by E. Kuhnert ' Unteritalische Nekyien' in the Jalirb. d. i&tj
E. Braun in the Ann. d. Inst. 1837 ix pi. i = Reinach Rep. Vases i. 258, 4, InghiraI*
Lynceus Kronos Rhadamanth (F. Creuzer in the Heidelbei'S1
Rhadamanthys Kronos Minos (E. Gerhard in the Arch. Zeit. 1843 '• 2°
n. 3, id. in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. Suppl. iii. 1079 f., id. in Roscher Lex. W ^(J,
o'k-love ?iiotif of the immobilised hero and thinks that it may have originated in dream-
■ Schmidt in Roscher T.ex. Mvth. v. nmf.l or the Hvrlra (Rrilte in Panlv—Wissowa
of pZe"V01ced hound of Hades, as fifty-headed. Hor. od. 2. 13. 34 f., perhaps in imitation
W. H;°nfues' or a triply forked tongue, in it, but (as J. C. Orelli—J. G. Baiter—
Was three h""'* ^°"ows suir- Latm writers in general settled down to the belief that he
at- t. Q2 8Ures ln late sources (Serv. in Verg. Aen. 1. 133, Fulgent, myth. 1. 6, Myth.
tomb at %■ ^estor,' a handsome gold signet found by a peasant in the largest
*s7?4 %s- 4- 6 rea'niS °f bliss' (Sir A- J- Evans in the Journ. Bell. Stud. 1925 xlv.
404 Water-carrying in connexion
p. 347 ft"., E. Mogk in the Grundriss der germanischen Thilologie2 Herausgeg^ ,^sC/ie
Religionsgeschichte Leipzig 1910 p. 474 ff. ('Yggdrasil'), J. A. MacCulloch in }• ;v.
Yggdrasill' in Modern Philology 1903—1904 i. 57—69, A. Olrik 'Yggdi'asl1 Ln><*/;?
Paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus by Georgios Ohoumnos of Chandax (Candia) in Crete
es°late and of all leaves was reft. | .. .There in the midst of Paradise he looked at the tree's
' Krtimb °0~°5° a.d. in the ancient Palestinian monastery of S. Sabas: see
iS^i Siberia' T^3 PP' 1—157 with s° figs- and in The Mythology of all Races: Finno-
Water-carrying in connexion
Rt*p. Vases i. 389, r, 2, 5, A. Furtwangler in Roscher Z<rx. Myth. i. 2205, O. Immisch* •
iii. 98 fig. 3771. Herakles brings Kerberos to Eurystheus, who takes refuge in his/"' '
On coins there is a like variation. An electrum staUr of Kyzikos, struck c. ^^°"t-in
unique silver drachme'Q) of some Etruscan town, now in the British Museum, _
It. ant. p. 88 pi. 86, 28, Head Hist, num.-p. 35). At Sebastopolis in Pontos, *
on bronze coins of Germe (Head Hist, num.- p. 650) and Saittai in Lydia (If J° guppl-
The variation in gem-types is even greater. A cornelian scarab i'1
Museum, early Ionic rather than Etruscan in character (A. Furtwangler in Roscher Lex.
' er Lippold: scale {). A cornelian scarab of late Etruscan style, formerly in the
at Berlin, shows the three heads facing, not in profile (Imhoof-Blumer and O. Keller
"^kes Herat] ^' and Jet anotner> °f tne same description, in the British Museum,
,tei"e Ber/,*10"* of early Koman date in the Berlin collection (Furtwangler Geschnitt.
4io Water-carrying in connexion
It would thus appear that Kerberos started with one head, and that in Attic art he
'HpaxXeovs dxOijvai Trap' EupwrOea) and S. Eitreni in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xi. 274/'
Single, double, and treble heads are found again in the case of Orthros o saII1e
Yama in a New Role'.in the Journal of the American Oriental Society 1893 x
ld. Cerberus, The Dog of Hades Chicago 1905 pp. 1—41, id. in J. Hastings Encyclopedia
; Kuhn (in the Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alterthum 1848 vi. 125 ff. (equating Sdrameyas
t&vara, karvara = nepptpos)), F. Max Midler (in the Transactions of the Philological Society
j _J/ Zachariae London 1878 p. 35 (Cabala = Kipf}epos), id. in the Sitzungsber. d. Akad.
rece ^ra^er interpolated into the earliest collection of Veda and in several of the more
'the V^**" ^e<*a nave no names, but in later Indian writings are called respectively cydma
ix^y itt Ath°!ogy London '897 ii. 628 f. 'Thus in the Kathaka-samhita xvn, 14, it is
412 Water-carrying in connexion
M. Bloomfield in J. Hastings Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh 191° 1U-
And that for two reasons. In the first place, Kerberos and Orthros belong to different
cpwvov, \ k.t.X. with the comments of F. Jacoby ed. 1930 p. 87). In the second place,
Kerberos is still remembered by the peasants. At Koilidme'no, a village in Zakynth0*,
Greek Religion Cambridge 1910 p. 99f., who notes (a) that in a folk-tale from Zaky11 ^
ancient mythology and art alike justify in part the description'); (/>) that in an -A^11
than Persephone'); (c) that a traveller in Makedonia, teste G. F. Abbott, heard re
On the hound as chthonian see K. Dilthey in the Arch. Zeit. 1873 xxxi. 83 f. (Erinyes,
as her name indicates—originally a form of Hekate herself (P. Kretschmer in the Zeit-
... Itertum Schleusingen 1910 pp. 35, 35 f., ^{. = id. in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
36) ]° j*16 dead as a hound (e.g. Pythagoras in Xenophanes frag. 7 Diels ap. Diog. Laert. 8.
C°llitfJ.r" °f Cos °xford 1891 p- 77 ff. no. 37, 45 f., 58 {., 63 = P. Mlillensiefen in
+ P1- 9. 22—26, 107 pi. 10, 2, 109 pi. 10, 10, in ff. pi. 10, 12—14, 11, 26,
414 Water-carrying in connexion
founder of the town, suckled by a bitch (so first W. Wroth in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins
admittedly ' no legends of his infancy are related in the Authors'), but Zeus nurtured by a
mens (e.g. fig. 281) appears as a symbol beside the type. W. Aly in Philologu
iii period (1700—1580 B.C.) from Knossos published by Sir A.J. Evans in ' .~ ]ys
Campanian' style from Apulia, now in the British Museum {Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases iv.
^tradrac]ln^' lgl 286 is from a specimen in my collection). It should be noted that other
a the 'Campanian' hydria attaches to her the head of this fish in lieu of a
4i6 Water-carrying in connexion
dog's head). Indeed, it is not impossible that 2kv\\cl ab initio meant 'Dog' (O. Waser in
tov o-KyKoirviKT-qv \{yei with schol. ad loc. in Cramer anecd. Oxon. iii. 351, 5 ff. citing
in II. p. 843 Bachmann)), and that as a mythical monster she was 'eine ' f)llls
Seehunde, von denen die griechischen Gewasser wimmelten,' cp. W. Aly in . *^ j,est
in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 75—86. See also E. Thraemer Pergamos Leipz'g ^ ^/MS
G. Poisson'Tantale, roidesHittites ' in ihzRev. Arch. 1925 ii. 75—94seeks to' ,jj,e
Tantalos' grave was shown in two localities, both Hittite centres. He had a shrine at
fountain has not been identified with certainty (L. Btirchner in Pauly—Wissowa Real-
Sfave on Mt Sipylos in Lydia. In view of Paus. 1. 22. 3 toO Be Xeyofitvov Ai6s re elvai Kai
HeX<:rVet' 'n a bronze c"ta (') close to the tomb of Pelasgos in the precinct of Demeter
antial existence in the Peloponnese.
^**e« olj6 '^'"S5 under the earth and the things in heaven—Atlas os re Bakaao-qs | 7rdoTjs
■"^'•(iXoj S.Were °f kindred significance (W. Scheuer in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 82
■ Accorcl'in ,a ei"~Pokorny Vergl. Wbrterb. d. indogerm. Spr. i. 739).
c III ' 91 a 'P 38' 6 ff' Drachmann) clairr|s that in these passages Euripides,
4i8 Water-carrying in connexion
Graeci Berolini 1879 P- 349 a 6 f., b6 f., Olympiod. in Aristot. meteor, p. 17, 19 ff-
heaven (supra ii. 54 ff.). Morality bulks bigger still in John Bunyan's allegory of Chitsti^
2, W. Scheuer in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 78, H. J. Rose A Handbook of Greek Myt!f
But it is dangerous to assume that the details of a Greek myth originated in 11 c011ie
3 Cp. Plat. rep. 363 c e<TTe<f>apw^povs (of Orphic mjistai feasting in ^
son with his toy. They are in fact the souls of the blest, Orphists
-°W in the British Museum (G. Kaibel Inscr. Gr. Sic. It. no. 638, Cougny Anth. Pal.
lit j^*', ^88ls 'he facsimile published by D. Comparetti in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1882
42o Water-carrying in connexion
The same scenery appears in the Celtic Elysium—the palace, the silver apple-11
king, a kingly priest. In such an one we recognise not only the Orphic votary
note on Eur. Bacch. 1017 'It is highly probable that by the "lion" in these Pa^Q[n jts
consulted by Alexander the Great in Prasiake are said to have been cyPre ^S^0"',
a1- 3- 24 ff.), that the Florentine priest Jacopo di Carlo in his poem Alessandro Magna
nia I Si come argento chiare, candidante'), and that in Chinese—according to the
^ et embleme funeraire' (op. cit. p. 312). O. Gruppe in the Berl.philol. Woch. Jan. 27,
g lte under-surface to their leaves (Steier in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iv A. 65 ' das
jn(j. notrier possibility would be to suppose that the XevKT) Kvirdpicrcros was in fact the East
P°plarS'"S '3ecu''ar*ty consisting in its assimilation to that other Borderland tree, the white-
Bedeuti 6 Waters 0I" Lethe and Mnemosyne see an interesting section in M. Ninck Die
ailcl Life f\t resur)Poses a folk-belief in two contrasted fountains of Death (Forgetfulness)
v aher0 amem' V° ^ac't- in Thessalia duo sunt flumina : ex uno bibentes oves nigras fieri,
e very ancient (and originally oriental?) belief in the Fountain of Life
422 Water-carrying in connexion
the wounds inflicted by their father in his madness. No wonder
Kara/Hanri, Plin. imt. hist. %i. 15 in Boeotia ad Trophonium deura iuxta flumen Hercy ^
who on a certain occasion in honour of Dionysos, Zeus IlaceXX^ios (? = Hadrian- ^
r3- 555, 16. 476 f.), if not also in Kyrena'tke, where the river Lethon was
oi'/coicri ireKaaBrj). Id. ib. 1917 Hi. 475 interprets in the same manner the ^^^00
F. Blass in Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial.-lnschr. iii. 2. 360 no. 5112) Bavita p-n (<die
Arc'1- Zeit '"f.d"S. d'a"ti'l"i,ifigurie Paris 1833 p. 179 n. 3 pi. 45, E. Gerhard in the
An'l-d. /,(J/S (Heydemann Vasensamml. Neapel p. 510 ff. no. 3222, U. Kdhler in the
A*n- d. /^Uhg (Winnefeld Vasensamml. Karlsruhe p. 99 ff. no. 388, E. Braun in the
' 43 •). while two others—one of whom originally carried a hydrla in her
from Campania, now in the Hermitage collection (fig. 289)1, shows
Comparable with these 'Apulian' vases both in subject and in
*eze decorating the plinth of a natskos-tomb at Tarentum4. In the
^utters in the breeze. Beyond the break would come Kerberos,
peStrat'°n' Those that neglect such rites in the world above must
Co^tctio a'3'es (Heydemann Vasensamml. Neapel p. 816 ff. no. 709 in the Santangelo
4rch-Na^m Vase'"amml. St. Petersburg i. 233 ff. no. 426, G. Minervini in the Bull.
have suggested3, in the nature of a fertility-charm, the operation of
Blighted in fruitful buds and grazing kine,
them consisted, appropriately enough5, in the perpetual perform*11
in the Class. Quart. 1925 xix. 148 : 'the half-married are clearly in a very parlous ^
Dryas in a frenzy-fit, his land remains barren and, according to an oracle, cann°;n Vfhen
5 There is, of course, no need to bring in the far-fetched symbolism ° to
0 In the Swiss canton of Valais it is believed that old bachelors, when ^ the
The holed vessel in Italy 427
consisted in pouring water through a sieve3. It has been suggested
cWm was at one time practised in Italy as in Greece. But that this
Is worth no more than rain-drops caught in a sieve.
crit>run*>*eud- 100 ff., where for the vulgate 'non pluris refert quam si imbrem in
fybea efa°*Sl<ies g'l°»iologion in Boissonade anecd. i. 29 SiKritp ko/ilfctv ijdap fj v\lv6ov
428 The holed vessel in Italy
wasted in the attempt to compass impossibilities.
1 Rohde Psyche* i. 327, E. Fehrle in the Archivf. Rel. 1916—1919 xix. 550- ^eil
10 In both the statues published by Clarac the sieve is a restoration: they ^ jgdW
The holed vessel in Italy 429
charm in Italy would be strengthened, if it could be shown that the
■ ■• Pichler. The cut that appears even in the third edition of Smith—Wayte—Marindin
'.P0' ^ n£- savs 'tenant une patere.' H. A. Grueber in Brit. Mas. Cat. Rom. Coins
{ftom auk'er 'Roma quadrata und mundus' in the Rom. Mttlh. 1926 xli. 212—226
Perpetu ^e2'ons' Rome ceased to be quadrata in the original sense, but antiquarians
authors^e'nStOC'< ' Mtt7idus patet' in the Rom. Alitth. 1930 xlv. m—123 (most ancient
Said sacr,im ?lt- m SaCr° Cereris (schol. Bern, in Verg. eel. 3. 105, infra p. 438 n. 5), the
43° The holed vessel in Italy
L. du Jardin 'Mundus, Roma quadrata e lapis niger' in the Rendiconii della Poniificia
structures in Rome, one in the Comitium, the other of unknown locality, which were, °r
Porta Capena (infra p. 432 ff.) and should not—with E. Samter in the Archiv.f. Rd- '9
etymology, the Etruscan goddess mtmdux (E. Fiesel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc X
thrown in was another accretion wrongly connected by him with the mundus: the c ^
breaking into the earth and the earth-powers must in each case be propitiated f ^
mundus. Plutarch errs in locating Romulus' mundus on the Comitium. 1'° jrtrliscan
3. 105 mundus in sacro Cereris: this might mean, not a mundus in a small c f^evef) it
The holed vessel in Italy 431
c°nsul suffectus of 5 A.D., in his work On Pontifical Law3 states that
tl^f °} tne Terremare settlements. F. von Duhn in Ebert Reallex. ii. 286 remarked
conc] artlcles, is in the main compatible with Deubner's cautious and convincing
vi. p0^'. I5+* 3off- Miiller, p. 144, i4ff. Lindsay Mundus ut ait Capito Ateius in
sCt.., Vol«erunt UCem °.uandam adducerentur et patefierent, nihil eo tempore in republica
432 The holed vessel in Italy
The mundus, then, was in some sense the gate of the Underworld-
When in time of severe drought they dragged this block into the
aedem Martis, quam cum propter nimiam siccitatem in Urbem pertraherent, in
(Petron. sat. 44. 18 antea stolatae ibant nudis pedibus in clivum, passis capi ^^^nqo*^
The holed vessel in Italy 433
JVas drawn by the priests (interp. Serv. in Verg. Am. 3. 175 'manabat,' fluebat. hinc et
G. Wissowa in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 310, id. Rel. Kult. Rom.2 p. 121
ber er deorum Romanornm cognominibus Lipsiae 1898 p. 42, P. Perdrizet in Darem-
'With a j?mon'' added Numa. 'With a human...,' said Iupiter: ',' put in Numa.
u'n. j. " Sracious' mood and the place was called liicium in consequence (Plout. v.
T's° f>'ag. m"1,'^ made some slip in the due performance of these rites (L. Calpurnius
C. m Wy attentlon to a paragraph by H. Schuchardt in the Zeitschrift fiirromanische
434 The holed vessel in Italy
W. Meyer-Liibke 'Zur kenntnis des altlogudoresischen' in the Sitzungsber. «•
2 G. Wissowa in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Em. iv. 1351 'Cornelius Labeo, antl<?.^isChef
in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 2723 reads Bachetidis ('so der eine Gudia ;^ fl;t:
6 G. Wissowa in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 2723, iii. '9+' ,'-^/e/i>'c
The holed vessel in Italy 435
a basin for the hands in the aquimanile or aquiminarium of Christian
^aPpellaccio (a soft tufa); in the centre of it a circular shaft descends
P°ntifica'Hb'*R1US' C|U0^ eo at*ua 'n tru"eum effundatur. unde manalis lapis appellator in
4nt- i i aSl'° in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 346, Smith—Cheetham Diet. Chr.
•914 D', Sllb>'in The Times for Jan. 8, 1914 p. 5, id. in The Year's Work in Class. Stud.
■le'tUio <t■ 6 1921 L 45—61 (="*■ 'n "mundus" e la " Roma quadrata" ' in the
,],rgUes that D°Se'- howevei'. in Sludi e Materiali di. Storia delle Religioni 1931 vii. 134 f.
10 mond in the Journ. Rom. Stud. 1914 iv. 226: 'The Commendatore
436 The holed vessel in Italy
century B.c____In 1913—1914 the excavators discovered over the round mouth of t
11 L. A. Constans in the Comptes rendus de I'Acad, des inscr. et belles-lettres ^
The holed vessel in Italy 437
dePosited in an underground storing-place4,' the mundus. Since the
^rcH, n ... at's now called the Comitium.' A. L. Frothingham in the Am.Journ.
nterP>-etationin& Patet' in the Jonrn. Rom. Stud. 1912 ii. 26 = id. Roman Essays and
t'iern in knl "tr ***** l8' 205 far Septembri extremo usque in idus Octobres, alii post hun
"te'"Pretati Fowler in the Journ. Rom. Stud. 1912 ii. 29 = id. Roman Essays and
43 8 The holed vessel in Italy
F. M. Cornford, who worked out an interesting parallel in Eleusinian
Quadraia Roma given by Festus6 and Plutarch7, is in fact the
1 F. M. Cornford 'The 'ATTAPXAI and the Eleusinian Mysteries' in Essays
° On the schol. Bern, in Verg. eel. 3. 105 p. 774 Hagen (in the Jahrb.f. class-* ^
earth were thrown, somewhere in the neighbourhood of the later Comitium. pa]ati.>-'
or near the Comitium, would be celebrated by a new mundus in the c.entl^0Iinects t!lS
the mundus as in the Comitium he was not making any blunder.'
The holed vessel in Italy 439
Substantive at an early stage in its history meant ' place washed
Qu. ' nieu-d-\ vgl. xv-davos: xita, got. giutan) in der Bed. "gewaschen" deutet Schulze
^ed- W'ohl ricnten") nach Niedermann JA. 18, 81. Von ders. Wzf. meu-d- in dieser
44° The holed vessel in Italy
explain the dreadful sanctity that in Roman belief attached to the
the buried king might in Italy as in Greece lead to his grave being
buried king was one method of inducing a deluge of rain9. In sh°rt'
in the Irish domun 'world,'the Gallic Dubnotalos, Dubnocouevos, Dumnotvti e<LC'
6 In the epitaph on Cn. Naevius preserved by Gell. r. 24. 2 I should take ^
8 On the Manes I have said my say in Folk-Lore 1905 xvi. 293 fft 0f tt>e
and K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 2340 think that the my 1
The holed vessel in Italy 441
^vine etc. placed in the hole prepared for it4. In other words, it was
'PSos -U ^laccus in the Grom. vet. i. 141 Lachmann cum enirfi terminos disponerent,
ciebant C'U'^US con5Uetudo est Termini (terminis codd. B.G.) sacrum fieri, in fossis
b'Vra J; " th in Smith—Wayte—Marindin Diet, Ant. i. 893 f. See also E. Samter
atlc'ent msj-a lete c°upee' in the Rev. At. Gr. 1925 xxxviii. 44—69 (many parallels
442 The holed vessel in Italy
1 In some respects the closest parallel might be found in the P/iilipPe'°" a ls. 79-"
The holed vessel in Italy 443
jvould not accept either honour, he placed in the temple itself a statue of the
e,t.'st'ng pori'6 arcn'tect G. Chedanne, from careful examination of the consoles etc. in the
t)i ^uhseqUen°" tlw this was constructed by Hadrian in 120—124 A.D. (il>. p. 587 n. 81).
444 The holed vessel in Italy
rebuilt at a higher level, to form the portico of the existing Pantheon facing north. In
that the Pantheon of to-day is essentially the structure raised by Agrippa in 27 b.c.; ^
and lastly that the solid projection and porch of the Pantheon were added, perhaps in
even so, it seems very unlikely that it will win general acceptance.' Id. in the Class- .
An item of evidence hitherto, I think, unnoticed may be found in the fresco ^
centre, and M. Chedanne found the bronze bolts in the vault.' pis. '3
Seven concentric rows of lacunaria in diminishing perspective lead the eye uJ) ^e an<j
58r n. 61: 'Mommsens Vermuthung, in den sieben Nischen hatten die.s|epestechenlJ^'
habitually fell through a hole in the sky?
\ rubbotJi hashshamaywi), has been mentioned in a foot-note4, but is
e transition in meaning from a window to a sieve8 was therefore
through a sieve9.' Hence too Theodoret in s. v A.D. could
■Babylonian a ^ touched upon ceilings made to represent the sky in the case of
* Supra Painted blue and spangled with stars of lead-gilt round its central louver.
" So prof °^°Pbiques de la Grece' in the Revue des deux mondes 1834 i. 616 f.
nubibus 12 ( = Ps- 18. 11) posuit tenebras in circuitu suo latibulum, cribrans aquas
alleged examples of rain-charms in Scripture1 do not, however,
is recorded by Major S. C. Macpherson in his account of the
rain. Bring it in brass vessels, and in hollow gourds, and resting on the sky
2 A. Marmorstein 'Das Sieb im Volksglauben' in the Archivf. Pel. 19'^ j^0Pu^al
3 W. Macpherson Memorials of Service in India. From the correspondence .R
nature {hwnto), Udutar, and the sharp maiden Terhetar sifted mist in a sieve
In Languedoc it is said that the Drac or water-spirit has hands pierced 1 ^ cjted
j^ai1 )> E. Mogk in the Grundriss der germanischen Fhitologie" Herausgegeben von
diu(sci mc^' m unholdam ([F. Kauffmann 'Dea Hlu'Sana' in Beitrage zur Geschichte der
Einfjl)s en lst nun in spacer, vielleicht erst in christlicher Zeit und z. T. unter dem
R. M ^ und Sagen'), id. in Hoops Reallex. ii. 556 f. s.v.' Holden; Frau Holda, Holle,'
as a fair white lady1. In the Harz district it is believed that, between
loudly at the door of heaven. Saint Peter let him in, provided h
'So he went in, and walked up and down the wide expanses of heaven-
a beam. It was the beam which some one had had in his own eye whilst he waS
ment, then it seems they can do useless things of this kind even here in hea ^
me sticking here." In fact an angel did come and harnessed two k°ises ^ it
J- Bolte and G. Poh'vka1 in a thorough-going commentary on
th^ ^onorms (c- 334—449 a-d0- This anchorite saw in a vision
^stern, which had holes in it; and (3) two men on horseback
Wasser in ei?i locheriges Fass sc/wpfen2.
taje ^ e task laid upon a human by a superhuman being. In a folk-
the same utensil1. In an English tale a girl is ordered by her step-
head of Duke Wlodislaus' army bearing water in a sieve4.
sed mature suis armatis & ordinatis occurrens, forti congressu omnes in ^"^j^j ali's
On sieve-superstitions in general see supra p. 336 n. 5 and G. F. AD"
being actually used in a rain-charm within the confines of Europe.
Mofh t0 ^escend in the falling shower and thereby to fertilise
tha.n ^ Greek magical papyri found in Egypt refer to rain more
*id' l9l3 xvi Un 1928 6+'' 0n 7,'il'"-0V 0Swp consl,lt also R- Wtlnsch in the Archiv
being actually used in a rain-charm within the confines of Europe.
Mofh t0 ^escend in the falling shower and thereby to fertilise
tha.n ^ Greek magical papyri found in Egypt refer to rain more
*id' l9l3 xvi Un 1928 6+'' 0n 7,'il'"-0V 0Swp consl,lt also R- Wtlnsch in the Archiv
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §9. Zeus and the rain / (e) Rain as the seed of Zeus
noteworthy, because they seem to imply that Zeus was in a very
of philosophizing thought, and is not expressed in literature till
pagan belief in a union between Iupiter and Ceres by saying that
ii. Zeus descends in rain to fertilise the earth.
de foedis voluptatibus loquitur, sed pro imbris nomine ponit Iovem, in fdiae sign
Zeus descends in rain to fertilise the earth 453
Lucretius in turn, according to H. A. J. Munro3, may have had
gUt indeed the thought was a commonplace in classical poetry5.
Terra; r- V 25° f- postremo pereunt imbres, ubi eos pater Aether | in gremium matris
25 ff. ; Ban-aides frag. 44 Nauck*- ap. Athen. 600 A—B and Eustath. in II. p. 978,
^ous 1 TJ ""ipuv ris apa codd. J. G. J. Hermann cj. SevSpuris wpa) S' in voti^ovtos
Ka-P*<n> b4 ' .Ustath- in II. p. 978, 22 ff., alib. ip§ 6/j.ppov yaV, firav £vpbv rMoi>\
454 Zeus descends in rain to fertilise the earth
was in very truth the seed of the sky-god. ,
"conceive": they realised, in fact, that all things spring from
6 Ribbeck. Supra i. 26. in; j875
4 Oiph./ra^-. 112 Kern ap. Prokl. in Plat. Tim. 40 E (hi. 176, 10 ff. £>iel >'
The belief enunciated in the foregoing paragraph explains more
°n Apollonios Rhodios in the following form5:
r . 0ured of the maiden and poured from the roof in the likeness of gold. She
^•Myth ^cher-Burkli in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iv. 2084—2087, Preller—Robert
secondary authorities cited by J. Escher-Biirkli in Pauly—Wissowa Real-
red-figured krater in the Hermitage2, found at Caere and attributed
Athenian interest in the story of Perseus. The obverse shows Danae
In Soph. frag, incert. 1026 Nauck2, 1127 Jebb ap. Clem. Al. strom. 5. 14 P'
1 Supra ii. 671 n. 4. See also A. Taylor 'Aussetzung im Boot' in the Handwortei'D
London 1894 p. 25 (Brygos) pi. 34, 1 and 2, P. Perdrizet in Daremberg—Sagli°
Beazley Attic red-figured Vases in American Museums Cambridge Mass. 1918 P* 94* ___
6 Opinions differ as to what the carpenter is doing. G. P. Campana in the ^Q
...scheint nicht ausgedriickt zu seyn : auch ist der Deckel, in welchen es ge
sequel of the star-spangled vault in which Akrisios had confined
Zeus p. 412 : 'mit einem in seinen Einzelheiten unaufgeklarten Apparat an dem Kaste11
der Petersburger Ermitage' in the Arch. Zeit. 1872 xxx. 37 f., who makes out a stro ^>
Attic red-figured Vases in American Museums Cambridge Mass. 1918 p. 51 (attrl ya$es
(P. Hartwig in the Mon. Piot 1903 x. 55—59 pi. 8, R. Engelmann in ^ Ja f eric»
figured beYL-krattr (?) formerly in Deepdene (E. M. W. Tillyard The Hope Vases Ca ^ollt
in the Abh. d. sdchs. Gesellsch. d. PViss. Phil.-hist. Classe 1865 iv. 612 (24) I10'TenI,es
an aryballos of late, crude style, found in Kyrenai'ke and now in
chiaroscuro3, must have found in Danae a congenial subject. Tiberius
6 Ter. Eun. 583 ff. dum adparatur, virgo in conclavi sedet | suspectans ^ii0I1dan|
Variations on the same theme occur in Pompeian art2. The
recumbent, is half-draped in a purple garment. Zeus is represented
pretation—are figured in Reinach Rip. Peint. Gr. Rom. p. 10 nos. 2, 4> 7 a" V>raecl°s'!'
Another fresco, in the Casa della Regina Marglierita (fig. 299)1, shows
p0"1"'1- d. the R5m- Mitth. 1900 xv. 167 f. with fig. 4 (in half-tone), Herrmann
another fresco, in the House of M. Gavius Rufus (fig. 301)1, unites
6 Tert. apol. 21 amatorem in auro conversum Danaidis with J. E. B. ^^f'^jt, lifeC
[Danae] virgo cantatur, 1. 19 dum et Danae imbre aurato corrupta est non P ^ ^ (in
Cp. an anonymous twelfth-century poem in rime headed hie ostendit, VVatteI1^jii
8 J. Addison Classic Myths in Art London 1904 pp. 39—4*>- Jiiu'st
ar>d an attendant duenna tries to catch some of the gold in her
sentations of it in ancient art6. A fine Roman mosaic, found at
courts Leda as a swan, and in the centre he falls as a golden
in I,ofi\COmP''ec' tne Dominican Franciscus de Retza (professor of theology at Vienna
- j ' , einach Rep. Peinttires vi. 199. Painted for Ottavio Farnese in 1545.
modelling eh™ CeSare Vecelli- or Girolamo'), J. Addison op. cit. p. 40 f. ('The finest, in
(Equizetum?)1 in Mauretania Sitifensis, again shows a series of the
tyiSc„ ' Gauck'er in Daremberg—Saelio Diet. Ant. iii. 2109. But see H. Dessau in Pauly—
Co,>iit{ je VAlSir>e Paris 1901 ii. 108 no. 41, Lt. Bernard in the Bulletin archMogique du
n ist in • A""sh"yt''- Zeus p. 411: 'Es ist ja Thatsache, der
reast bared, and her garment held wide in the same significant
In this same comfortless bronze-bolted bark,
Publishes an2' in the RSm- Mitth. 1933 xlviii. 284—288 pl. 48, 4 ( = niy fig. 310)
3 Xviii.','.s / ~- London 1900. O. Schroeder 'Die Klage der Danae' in Hermes
a mythical theme. But the Greek mind, even in the fifth century B.C.,
3 A. Wirth Danae in christlichen Legenden Wien 1892, reviewed by C. Schmidt 1
down. Her father in anger bound her to a wild horse, which bit off his arm but did n_
The Greeks call her "Megalomartyr"....F[east] 5 May, full office in the Greek cln!rConte
xv. 25 ff. Dec. 4 ('S. BARBARA, V.M. (a.d. 235)....Usuardus and Ado in their Vgjfa.
two windows high up in the wall. On his return he was indignant to find t a ^t
a girl who pitied her, was arrested and treated in the same manner. ^a1^ round 1
attempted to expla in the myth in terms of sun or shooting stars.
en?" "-\jy child," said the old dame, "there is a bright world. In that bright
sent"J'30n ^6r' anC* S'16 conce'vet^" Her angry father put her in a golden chest and
'hek ^t1*"16 e'c'er> one of the wings of the altarpiece of S. Sebastian, now in the Pinako-
in eitlle ' WaS an underground structure of bronze or iron, and that the sequel did not
vita, cate uc'ing to Danae, Prop. 2. 20. 11 f. has 'in te ego et aeratas rumpam, mea
■^^PiVios °^P0V *X€vc yanoKMrop v4nos Zevs), Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 838 Aavd-q, tjv
• Mtuier r iIuller) ap. Suet. Aug. 94 (cp. Dion Cass. 45. 1) in Asclepiadis Mendetis
L. Radermacher1 contends that the Greeks believed in impi'eS'
L. Radermacher in the Archiv f. Ret. 1927 xxv. 218 notes also Artemid. oneii'oc''
1 L. Radermacher 'Danae und der goklene Regen ' in the Archiv]• "e '
E. Venables in Smith—Wace Diet. Chr. Biogr. iv. 933. F. G. Holvyeck A ^gjjali* '
v. S. Theodori Sicealce 3) concepit mulier ex eo, & in quiete stellam vidit mg
With which stars appear in connexion with Danae's coffer2. But
Credited with procreative powers. H. H. Bancroft3 in his account of
tyoO S a'Jove Dalisandos might see her cross the sky in a fiery chariot (opa irvplvq ap/mn
den lv, U Geissen, und die Deutschen sahen besonders in den Kometen, aber auch in
J. Qr: 10otlng stars in relation to souls see further the beliefs and practices adduced by
"f^'eligio* Athens I0o4 860 ("• on no- 273>' w- Wallis in J. Hastings Encyclopedia
^•thnologicalaS m°re prirmtlve tnan that given by A. W. Bell in The Journal of the
„°re a So... , ner oosom, entered her blood, and caused her to conceive. In time, she
Us of civiHzaf- 0,1 are scaltercd through the land. After instructing his people in the
then it was that the rich lady showed her charity to be as great in one direction
Mojave of the Rio Colorado in Arizona, and the Apaches1. Indae >
heroine, whose name stands in obvious relation to that of the V&1 _
a virgin4. And if Zeus descended upon Danae in the forr° ^g
adrift in a coffer was a mythical prototype of actual 1
in the Journal of] Am[erican\ F\plk\^pre 1889] ii. 178. E. J. Payne lo('&^Bg W
mankind. They describe her as a maiden living in isolation, unmoved by the a ^ ^ W
causing conception... two gods were born in the west... They were Ku-
3 Supra p. 364. See also A. H. Sayce in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 19*5 f
Was equalled only by his appreciation of their beauty. The poet in
Or when at midnight in a snow of gold
^gain, in an Olympian ode3 Pindar speaks of Rhodes—
lndar does not expressly assert that Zeus was in this wondrous
^lel ;n j?" I21- »• 2, L. Kadermacher in the Archivf. Rel. 1927 xxv. 216). With the
i°Sy»in. 9 ^Cpi "r'oeiKTiKwi, 3. 2 (ix. 200 Walz), Liban. or. 31. 6 (vii. 10 Foerster),
'in the far past mortal bodies were born of rain-begotten mush-
In fertile Troyland far away from home4.
griechischen Litteratur*' Miinchen 1920 ii. 1. 217) who is named in the context (/^ ^
Kp6vu>v, Kirov. Hence in Clem. Rom. horn. 5. 13 (ii. 184 a Migne) El'MP TVcorteci^
vulvam enim terra ob hoc prius gignit, ipsum postea in vulva, ceu in ovo e
'in the far past mortal bodies were born of rain-begotten mush-
In fertile Troyland far away from home4.
griechischen Litteratur*' Miinchen 1920 ii. 1. 217) who is named in the context (/^ ^
Kp6vu>v, Kirov. Hence in Clem. Rom. horn. 5. 13 (ii. 184 a Migne) El'MP TVcorteci^
vulvam enim terra ob hoc prius gignit, ipsum postea in vulva, ceu in ovo e
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §9. Zeus and the rain / (f) Ominous rain sent by Zeus
^ilius Italicus, therefore, is following in the beaten track, when he
pl«. ■ su"j°in in tabular form the time and place of each fall of blood-rain recorded by
* At Rome in the Forum Boarium (Liv. 24. 10).
169 ^ Saturnia in Etruria for three days (Liv. 42. 20).
seems probable that the portents of 184, 183, 181 were in reality the same
In the territory of Praeneste (Iul. Obs. 71 = 12).
4 -j.^ 6 ore tne downfall of the eunuch Eutropius (Claud, in Eutrop. 2. 41).
583 In France (Gregorius Turonensis historia Francorum 6. 14 (Ixxi. 387 A
786 In England (J. Wolf Lecliones memorabiles et reconditae^ Francofu't'
Ludouici imperatoris decimonono, in Italia Brixiae tribus diebus
]. Jonstonus Thaumatographia naturalis Amstelodami 1665 p. 122. Haydn* ^ ^jjs in
There was an awful rainbow once in heaven:
j s rather isolated notion seems to have arisen, in some more or
tenders • fU7ru"' /^<WTi}<rete yevos. Miss W. C. Wright in the Loeb edition (London 1913)
Equally portentous was the rain of stones, which in early times
A good example is furnished by La Crau, a large plain in the
own word 'crag4.' The arid surface of this plain is in fact coveie
stone. As evidence of such a lithobolic deity in Gaul Cerquand quoted Aisch-.A2^^],
7 Mela 2.78 alioqui litus ignobile est, Lapideum (lapidcus cod. A, wIien^nt) in 1U°
Campos in provincia Narbonensi. . j-Jetcl1
6 in Liguria quoque Lapidarios Campos, quod Iovi eo
Previous lake. But Aischylos3 in his Prometheus Unbound had
Howbeit Zeus, in pity for thy plight,
^lsPuted constellation Engonasin or Ingeniculus4. In the northern
in I}' A' IeremkL«PZ'S '9°3 PP' IOO~I04 and Index P- 555-
Hols°xi>n adferre; alii Promethea in monte Caucaso vinctum, schol. Arat.
might pass in the former case as the ring of Prometheus1, in the
like and in so doing took further constellations
2 A. Rehm in F. Boll Sphaera Leipzig 7903 p. 149 n. 4 and in Pauly
8 E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 374. Araet'1115
dicit; qui videtur, ut lamentans filiam in ursae figuram conversam, genu
est ellopum ex Gr. iWoiroi (quid!). But, if Ellopia was a district in no
extending as far as Chalkis (R. Philippson in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 2438), it may
1" Theseus raising the rock was a subject in vogue with artists for some five hundred
^.cree in honour of the Troezenian Telesias (Corp. inscr. Alt. iv. 2 no. 458 b, W. Larfeld
*l*cfle opere in plastica Roma 1842—1851 pi. 117, Brit. Mus. Cat. Terracottas p. 398
rer>rl them). A marble relief from Ostia, now in the Villa Albani, has a similar
an,j " lc^len Sammlungen klassischer Altertiimer in Rom3 Leipzig 1913 ii. 455 f. no. 1924),
c. tg0 iheseus raises the rock in the presence of Aithra and two maids). Pausanias
Gttel/rrl e", dlese die Troezen vorgefallenen Ereignisse betrifft' in the Nachr. d.
an anonymous man in the attitude of Knielauf dear to archaic art •
c, 600—550 B.C. (supra i. 481 n. 9). Next in date is the fragment of Anakreon, c. 53° B'
4 E. Bethe 'Das Alter der griechischen Sternbilder' in the Khein. Mus. l9°°
8 Hipparch. in Arati et Eudoxiphaen. comment. 1. 2. 6 Manitius with the tra
S22, E. Vinet in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 527 fig. 615, A. Furtwangler in ^gS(,
11 E. Schmidt 'Der Knielauf in the Munchener archaologische Studien M-U ^ p,ate
him groping for stones in his contest with the Ligyes, as was done by
tetnpie 0f n ln Posture of Herakles crouching to shoot in the eastern pediment of the
de"hch. arc]6'1 Munchen IQ" P- 20 fig. A. 86): see A. Kalkmann in the Jahrb. d. kais.
^S-poet Hy£inus Printed by Erhard Radtolt at Venice in 1485 fol. dv.
(figs. 320, 321) in the codex Vossianus1. Herakles throwing stones
y some wiseacre into Tantalos4, the hero who lived in dread of the
imaginative poet or an episode strictly in accordance with popula'
their sight there fell from the sky, like hail that the wind piles in drifts upon ^
after the fashion of their fathers: these they had in fact given over to 0 .^gf
feel, abandoned the worship of the gods. The Romans also, in consequen
6 F. Boll op. cit. p. 260 f. in view of SI KinfiaXa Kal drXas (leg. "Arte*) c° j.steilunge11
1 Supra p. 483. The HerculesLapidarius worshipped in the neighbourhoo ^ ^
article by Keune in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc. ii a. 266—307. ft
nel monte Albano' etc. in the Ann. d. Inst. 1873 xlv. 163 ff. (' Tempio di d; Gj ^
v°lcanos, which even in historic times continued to give intermittent
^ale' in the Not. Scavi 1912 pp. 382—384.
0f o lve °f no serious mischief. Shocks were felt here in the year 1829, and in many
1Rounta' r.several miles round Albano abounds in volcanic appearances. Amongst the
volc 6 6' near *rascati, supposed by Gell to be the Lake Regillus....In proof that
n''ght iea(j " vo'- ii- p. 263). There are indeed some passages in ancient writers, which
A'u-C j Se1Uens in his work " De Prodigiis" [98 = 38] remarks, that in the year [641]
Cr°Wever, and v,ewed in connexion with the physical structure of the lake itself....This
oZ1*1' difficult'1'6"1'^ E' H' I5unbury in Smith Bid. Geogr. i. 92 opposes a dogmatic
Clem]y <);,. ° tnese mountains continued in historical times; but this suggestion is
194 A rain of stones in the territory of Hadria (Liv. 34. 45).
near Koufah (an Arabic MS. of Ibn-al-Athir quoted by E. Quatre^
of fiery dust to the year of Leon i's death, which he places in 4 ^ ^x
166 A rain of earth at many places in Campania (Iul. Obs. 71 -
98 A rain of white chalk in the theatre (Iul. Obs. 107 = 47)- , bto0d tfeD
°°d from the skies. Thus in the book of Exodus'1- it is stated that
a ••••At even ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread ;
;ic" Londoj IcLe:»'- and S. A. Cook in T. K. Cheyne—T. S. Black Encyclopedia
T^dia 'p',,: Cook- T- K- Cheyne, and C. Creighton in T. K. Cheyne—J. S. Black
He caused the east wind to blow in the heaven:
And he let it fall in the midst of their camp,
same naive belief in food, at first let fall by the sky-god, and latej.
and consequently viewed it as a sort of celestial diet. In the seC°^
Roterodami 1708 p. 170 f. (lib. 3, cap. 9): 'Locum accepi fuisse in regno j^intf"'
f^Kparo, I 'Ep/ids 6' eXec oXTrip ] foots otfoxo^trat.' Eustath. in Od. p. 1632, 61 ff.
In ^. *"etwindendt'' ai. tara-s, s. Tetpw. Also in der Bedeutung ahnlich wie aixfipoala.
*&U*m' "'-«//« Negation- die wir in so Ublichen F ormen, wie lat. ne-scio, ne fas, «'-
]j j^0"5'. Vr) 2eSnet es in Fallen wie vq\(rit, v-qpefios, vr\Kt<JTO%, vr/ypeTos, vtiwuos,
in er Ansicnl r,, 1. setzl,nB durch ov verschont geblieben sein; ein solcher Fall ist
^ern* "^"gabe ' gellort in ''efstufiger Stammesgestalt nach dem Hauptton zu horn.
during hot weather, in small drops resembling dew, on the leaves
Hermes in seiner Eigenschaft als ipvxoirotxirbs heranzuziehen [supra ii. 384 n. o]. P 39|
1 M. J. Berkeley in J. Lindley—T. Moore The Treasury of Botany- London «
rather, as Tzetz. ad loc. saw, to beesnests in hollow oak-trunks (pseudo-Pho -y ^nti-
ventures to connect fx,i\i 'honey' with /j.e\ia 'ash-tree,' citing in support the ^ T<t
y nologie Berlin 1891 p. 81, F. Eckstein in the Handioorterbuch des deutschen Aber-
]lea^ore than fifty years ago my brothers and I, as boys in our father's garden, used in the
^en> epist. 12. 2. 4 aiunt inveniri apud Indos mel in arundinum foliis, quod aut ros
SaP--..The sSaccnarine matter in nectar as a waste product of chemical changes in the
Country folk in the second century A.D., when they observed
sorts? The comedians caught at the notion. Pherekrates4 in nlS
While Zeus rains wine, well-smoked and fine, in one tile-drenching sputtei
Nikophon, a later contemporary of Aristophanes6, in his S
Land of Cokaygne1 in its English2, French3, Italian4, or Teutonic
J- E. Wells A Manual of the Writings in Middle English sojo—1400 Yale University
'^n"nal!co-criticus et archceologicus Oxonise 1705 i. 231—233, then e.g. by T. Wright in
^Similar fancies crop up here and there in much later verse (cp. T. Crofton Croker
in ». ' 1 Amz en prent tout a son voloir.' This thirteenth-century French poem is copied
Stuttgart ear''est Elusion occurs in one of the Carmina Burana (ed. J. A. Schmeller
Ccaccio's Secta ^ecii voluntas mea est.' But the first detailed description is found in
'°136 scrambl of rissole-)> and b°>l them in capon's broth, and then throw them down
comestibles in a shower from the sky. The gap between ancient and
Sachs 1530 in einem Schwank gegeben' [E. GoetzeSamtliche Fabeln undSchwanhi^
1836 i. 163—165 in 63 short riming lines). In this topsy-turvy country e.g. 'sweet honey
printed in 1575. My pi. xl is from the Bilderkatalog zu [M.] Geisberg: Der detiW
Eustath. in II. p. 35, 17 ff. and Appian. Illyr. 4) '
Plate 40
jt " Waluiar,,, f'^i'ritn h«w Ckl fur pjrcrol man tin EanDi ibui ballrc OrrfilHa. l|) JCJnla In prm f aiO
Sti,faoj, p'k"Jf™ ?11«''tn <a'(mi Mr fdjuls rrlrD rtn» 3atr« all Crr 1(1 flui in« rgxtlauraffrii i anOl
^""9 X?!,a, Wiffrr hi h la' °" »ro(Tr I'ua rin Arpn Oamu i(n fdjludiiia trreji )u iirarlin
p' l23 'At in Amelandia [one of the west Frisian Islands], qua; ranam nullam patitur,
et tornbe en produisant une pluie de poissons [J. de la Chesnaye in the Revue des
produit parfois des pluies de grenouilles ou de petits poissons [L. F. Sauve in Milusine
^gt man sprichwortlich: Wenn's Krotten ( = Kr6ten) hagelt,' H. Bachtold-Staubli in the
auben an den F.-Jtezen. ...Der Glaube ist heute noch lebend: in Westbohmen meint
nicht ^ater'a' die Thierchen und giesst Leben in sie hinein. Ich rathe Dir aber
In . .'antur-'...'Alise dinrereU (rectius qua Sioirereh) CselitUS vel cum pluuia demissa;,
;warket.nill ? to two inches in size, were scattered about the cracks in the cobbles on
had for the asking, but also by popular customs in which a deter-
In speaking of fish, frogs, and meal as dropped from the sky, Athenaios and 1
130 (Iul. Obs. 87 = 28 Romae in Graecostasi.)
106 (Iul. Obs. 101=41 in agro Perusino et Romae locis aliquot.)
125 B.C. (Iul. Obs. 90 = 30 in Veiente.) v0
bogen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts' in the Zeitschrift des Vereins fiir Volksk* ^Jfr
In Spain a similar celebration was called Cucaita?: comestibles and
S u ^ans Sachs 'Sturm des vollen Bergs,' a poem of 1536, in E. Goetze Hans
lHkt ein auf^ schildert ■■■ *»« bei jenem feste, z.b. in Magdeburg, bildetc den mitlel-
'ga/acit*** de" Gral oder Venusberg besuchen' Garg. 414 Sch. ist da in
A case in point is furnished by the myth of Alkmene, at least
in a special relation to Zeus8 and even bore a name suS&estlV<^,as
Litteratur6 Miinchen 1912 i. 125, A. Rzach in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. VJU- _
emphasised by J. A. K. Thomson Studies in the Odyssey Oxford 1914 P- 34 g_ 5. W"'
Zeus in the form of Amphitryon offering gifts to Alkmene. He,
adjuncts. Hedna, 'bride-presents,' in general were the proper pre-
18-,, 2laelis in the Ann. d. Inst. 1861 xxxiii. 336°. pi. c, K. BStticher in the Arch. Zeit.
Real.}? 6" .^Ut n's interpretation, though adopted by K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa
i^a16T(lT°i/y"5, CP- Athen. 474 f (Macrob. Sat. 5. 21. 3, Eustath. in Od. p. 1423, 17 ff.)
foeirlooms SeeS 1 sh°wn at Sparta in his day (second half of j. v b.c.). On .cups as royal
6 P°Uon llm^end' 3- 108. 1—3)) and a tripod dedicated by him in the sanctuary of
in all probability1 following Pherekydes of Athens {floruit 454/3 B.C.2))
2428 D; also the variant phrase rpuriX-qvos in Nonn. Dion. 25. 242 f. 0.8X0. pev o-P ^
deum genitor, ne te (sc. Auroram) tarn saepe videret, [ commisit nodes in sua vota ty
ammiraretur, Mart. Cap. 157 ut in ortu Herculis geminatae noctis obsequW ^gC\
This tale was perhaps that dramatised by Sophokles in his
Us a dense growth of ivy with nightingales singing in it3—a pine-
noctiba/CO" <77reip5 &e6"> Amob- nat- 4- 26 quis illum (sc- lovem) in Alcmena novem
successive steps in this mythical extension appear to have been as follows:
^6al-En • ^'"Phitryon Breslau 1876 p. 34 ff. and K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa
found at Santa Agata dei Goti and now in the British Museum, was
- R. Engelmann in the Ann. d. Inst. 1872 xliv. :—18, id. Beitrage s" ^ragihf"
pp. 65—70 figs. 40 and 41, F. Mauser in Furtwiingler—Reichhold—Hause^^ jftcieft'
structure built with fenders and a triglyph-frieze. In front of it is
resembling that of Amphitryon, is visible in the upper air. In answer
*nt. v 6 7 (reverse) ( = my pi. xli and fig. 322), C. Dugas in Daremberg—Saglio
goddess, who holds a mirror in the top right-hand corner, marks the
recalls the cremation of Herakles3 as shown in Satyric drama-
some Satyr-play. A pelike at Munich (fig. 325)" in the style 0
1 This appears to be the earliest naturalistic representation of a rainbow in a
Alessandro Castellani' in the Ann. d. Inst. 1872 xliv. 1—18 pi. A (part of_w ,bverse)
4 T. Avellino in the Bull. Arch. Nap. Nuova Serie 1855 iii. 173 P1- 14 \^noli l8?7
apotheose d'Hercule' in the Ann. d. Inst. 1847 xix. 263—278 pi. o (reverse), jrevets_e)'
youthful bay-wreathed form, borne off to Olympos in the chariot of
Zeus—it must surely be he8—waits in the background to welcome
t),at y " Hauser in Furtwangler—Reichhold—Hauser Gr. Vasenmalerei ii. 256 points out
fig_ nard Ant. Bildw. p. 275 pi. 31, H. Blumner in Baumeister Denkm. i. 307
J92G ii_ " Romer Giessen 1925 pp. 1—116 and a review by S. Eitrem in Gnomon
eiltilich-.u°jde (G" Wilke 'Ockerbestattung' in Ebert Reallex. ix. 156 f.: 'Oder
ein Mann in Reisetracht zunachst fiir seinen
a m°un'ain-god in the presence of a nymph (Adrasteia?); id. ib. p. 291
Provides it with a satisfying sequel. Hercules, returning in triumph
bursting into the house and killing her on the spot2. Just in the
KUris* . der Berggottheiten in der classischen
r6l>iisch^' ^Velclcer in E- Gerhard Hyperboreisch-
In g ° tne vase-painter. Was the ground-line originally a caduceust
Pandit p0[Q )|--,spiritum admitte hunc, precor, | in astra...vocat ecce iam me genitor et
the Euripidean Alkmene. Indeed, in another play'Plautus actually
wood in front of it and fetch torches to kindle it. Alkmene in
original purpose of the golden shower, still discernible in Pindar
a punitive thunderstorm, and works in the Pindaric gold as a t0
that, in Euripides' version, Amphitryon's wrath was roused, not by the c ^ g(;,
a messenger. And, with regard to the contention of N. Wecklein in the St z * ^jght
un pur effet du hasard.' For Zeus on the theologeton in Aisch. *vx°«Taa a
ar>d his servants tried in vain to stay the flames. Kroisos as a last
§rapher Xanthos (465—425 B.C.)3, has points in common with the
al<chylides, however, an older contemporary of Herodotos, in an
^ill S' k'^S a re ^e built in front of his palace and of his own
6 r.'. Scl>wartz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 670.
'tf"i> "'ES))et^')0.S T* T# ""o^" itpov rod "AirdXXwi'os Karatpefryei 6 Kpoiiros, Kai u>s rpls in r$
kfe's i<"t>a\(aTKa'TaTpoStS'""rcs >ll5fff^ai Kpoww xai 5n &na\-o(p0els in roll j3acriXe(ois Kai
In the event it is Zeus who sends the saving storm:
in the earlier version of Bakchylides, Apollon plays a notevvo
(obverse and reverse). See also the due de Luynes 'Cresus' in the -d""' yasesl- 'g
back to the decade 500—490 B.C.1 and is in general agreement with
V"'r'i- Uen' faumewter in his Denim, ii. 796 f. fig. 860 (obverse), A. H. Smith in the
Jcbb uj "es in the C/a«. .AVz-. 1898 xii. 84f., J. E. Harrison it. 1898 xii. 85,
Apollon. The same is true1 of an engraved gem in the cabinet of
be found in the Love Stories of Parthenios6, who writes in the fi*s
far and near. At first Sithon bade each suitor take the giu
1 Unless indeed the sign S in the field is meant for the initial of Zeus, or for a
Kroisos the fate of Polykrates narrated in Hdt. 3. 124 f. by jCon°n
10 On the name Apvas as implying the cult of an oak-Zeus in northern
M-2^896 and f bapt' See further J- Gwynn in Smith—Wace Diet. Chr. Biogi: iv.
/ 'he marteX!'nSUishing rain recurs in a modified form at Nikomedeia in connexion
multitude came out to see Thekla. She, like a lamb in the desert looking roun
But now the girls and virgins brought logs to burn Thekla. She came in stai^
Finally, a downpour, if not in time to save life, might at
In Egypt the place of Zeus the rain-god was taken, as we ^s
Powell New Chapters in the History of Greek Literature Third Series Ox 0
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §9. Zeus and the rain / (g) Zeus Ómbrios
Lykophron in his Alexandra speaks of Elis as—
0 sooner was he slain than a copious rain fell. So the Eleans in
face^1' Was when the crops failed and famine stared them in the
B*e'°s eCv ' ViTfav r** *HW" 0'7<"", K.7-.X. = Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 160 M6Xttis yap tis
the district1. It may well be, then, that in Elis too the same
found in 1900 on the site of the Agora at Corinth, still bears in late
a. d. S. 1917 p. 323 f. M6\iris occurs as an actual name in Thera {/user. Gr-
7 On the strength of this Attic cult A. Boeckh in the Corp. inscr. Gr. ii no. »37+^ cj.
near the top of Mt Hymettos have now been published by C. W. Blegen m \ncised
agricultural deities : it was doubtless in that capacity that he was
^r Nannakos was a king of Phrygia, as Hermogenes asserts in his Phrygia?i
t, ePhanos of Byzantion (s. v A.D.) in his account of Ikonion pursues
l'll'stoir j tradit'on)> E- Babelon 'La tradition phrygienne du deluge' in the Revue de
'■'tie 0f A nSs)> H. Usener Die Sintfluthsagen Bonn 1899 pp. 48—50 (already in the
'he In,,6 C' Was daughler of 'Nannakos-Annakos,' hero of the Phrygian flood.
hearing- it made great lamentation. Hence the proverb " to cry as in the days
in Miscellaneous Tracts on Antiquity London 1779 i. 206. fjS
^n olive-twig in its claws. On the left, Noah and his wife stand on
legenPUm'US ^everus' Macrinus, an<i Philip I., struck at Apameia, in Phrygia, with the
(*n»y fi Madden in the Num. Chron. Second Series 1866 vi. 194^, 198 pi. 6, 1
in the I ' , a<^en loc. cit. pp. 195 f., 198 pi. 6, 2 (—my fig. 331) from the specimen
^ ^addi' ^ac*^en loc- c'1- PP- '9^—T98 pi- 6, 3 ( = my fig. 332) from the specimen in
4 C |ln^ ma(^e from a cast of the specimen in the British Museum (supra p. 528 n. 4).
ftevUe 'j r^Peats exactly the two juxtaposed scenes of the coin-type. E. Babelon in
pailef'). B. v. i^me 'Jub,ic buildings'), 670 n. 3 ('Either a wall-painting or a scene in low
334—337)2 Marsyas with cornu copiae and flutes seated in a
Ktfivpa in Phrygia (supra ii. 771). ^ fro111
4 G. Hirschfeld 'Kelainai—Apameia Kibotos' in the Abh. d. berl. Aliad\^ fkylttW
i. 2. 671 n. 2, is accepted as 'perhaps' correct by B. V. Head in Brit- Mus-
^r°ng arm supported his aged father in the flood, and Zeus the
^°ubt tha(- Count de Marcellus was right in restoring the appellative
St- XftX^-fraa- 6Van in The Cambridge History of India Cambridge 1922 i. 422- CP-
loSyl°fH an<i Eth,• 1Sss.l)urg '897 p. 58 ff., H. Jacobi in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of
In this connexion space must be spared for a few words regard-
a thunderbolt in his uplifted hand, an aigis on his outstretched arm,
1 G. Macdonald in The Cambridge History of India Cambridge 1922 3ge]tmiltl
in the British Museum. Cp. P. Gardner in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Greek an
a<J found room for the aigis, which in those days of intensive
^'OArvraAd°nald loc- ciL 45° {-' 465 P1- 3> 9 silver tetradrachm in the British Museum:
(%• 346)1 and its counterpart from Falerio (Fatterone) in Picenum
"nphora with twisted handles, from Melos, now in the Louvre (no. S 1677) (bibliography
^-figured Vases in American Museums Cambridge Mass. 1918 p. 184), but even so
nt°nino Pio rinvenute in Cirene' in the Notiziario archeologico 1916 ii. 193—216 pis. 1
atue °f Zeus = my fig. 346), 4 (upper part of do.), G. Bagnani in the Journ. Hell. Stud.
fig ' br°ken but almost all there. The same site, in 1861, had yielded two female
his Ca . ^eus n°wstands in the Museo di Bengasi (E. Ghislanzoni loc. cit. p. 2t 1 fig. 11);
a cfa ' n lrnposing statue (2-i8ln high) in crystalline Parian marble, wears his aigis like
.J* case a wen"' ^" Ghislanzoni loc. cit. p. 200 fig. 2)—sculptor? magistrate? priest? in
'ctfC ^^e"en'st'c sculptor which stood in different buildings in Cyrene but were
Inst, ii; , 6 ^Ilr"cis in the Ann. d. Inst. 1839 xi- 21—23 Cun Apollo Libico'?), Mon. d.
('torsedu Seln ). Reinach Rep. Stat. ii. 108 no. 5, id. in the Rev. Arch. 1921 i. 155
^Iuseuni of ^ Cl°Se of tlle eignteentn century, is now preserved in the Archaeological
Hardly less remarkable is a cameo of mottled green malachite, now in my collection
bust from Pompeii in the Museum at Naples (id. ib. p. 82 f. no. 13 Atlas pi. 2> 3 1
Zeus p. 243 ff. Gemmentaf. 3, 4, L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. Pe"t. 18 1 1
struck in Baktria with a Greek legend and a purely Greek tyPe
forehead. If Alexander was figured in the likeness of Zeus (supra i. 57, 279), ^eU^e Qast
A bronze statuette in the Fouquet Collection—of which several replicas ar eating
Lilleratur* Mlinchen 1920 ii. r. 399, 412 n. 2). See also G. Macdonald in
(%• 351)1 and those struck in India with a bilingual legend2 and
Cambrid"'- p. 839 fig. 370, G. Macdonald in The Cambridge History of India
6 Id. 7", hltehead in the Num. Chron. Fifth Series 1923 iii. 321 f. pl. 14. 9-
Chron Fiftv, e I3' NewYork 1922 pl. 6, 2 ( = my fig. 352 from a cast), id. in the Num.
with bolt and sceptre, in an attitude of oriental slackness. The
a specimen from the Tremlett collection, now in the Fitz.william Museum.
in the Num. Chron. Fifth Series 1923 iii. 323 pi. 14, 13 and 14 ( = niy fig. 354/' v
matic Notes and Monographs No. 13) New York 1922 pi. 6, 3, id. in the Jy
in the Fitzwilliam Museum. 1 Q.
Peukolaos, another king in the upper Kabul valley. The god
right h' B" ^Vllitelleacl in the Num. Chron. Fifth Series 1923 iii. 334! pi. 15, 4 ('The
i- 39 n^ " Sm'th Catalogue of the Coins in the Indian Museum, Calcutta Oxford 1906
Wretch'j1 'n the Num- Chron. Fifth Series 1923 iii. 340 ('thin, curved object in
met with in the classical area3, is hardly to be explained fr°lT1
cp. ib. pi. 4, 5 drachm, G. Macdonald in The Cambridge History of India
donald in The Cambridge History of India Cambridge 1922 i. 449, 465 p« 3> 7^[s])'
of the thunderbolt] Thereupon the one who still constitutes the fire in °atcoveted &
Further proof that in the upper Kabul valley Zeus was but
e Paropanisadai visited in 630 A.D. by the Chinese pilgrim
aiirT1^ k£ Seen t'iat f°rePart °f tne elephant in front of Zeus
1. 0 ' eVCn aS nowadays a Brahman follows in the train of a king....' Eggeling id. p. 48
1921 n\\\ 1897 P-68f-. id. in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh
ltl The cT, * ■ CaSt °f an uncatal°gued specimen in the British Museum), E. J. Rapson
by a Greek legend, a radiate Zeus clad in chiton and himdtion sits
Airavata or Airavana3, played a prominent part in the ba
Third,"3 [3Ekata, Dvita, Trita] go to the far North (die tittara) where, in *e s£,ven
2 R. E. Whitehead in the Num. Chron. Fifth Series 1923 iii. 325 f- P1, 15\S'Qata^
3 M. Winlernitz A concise Dictionary of Eastern Religion Oxford l9l°\^\ J3int'ef
redoubtable beast, is in fact ultimately none other than the therio-
tf.'jV. in The Cambridge History of India Cambridge .9" P- 5*» l1
Quasi-Greek in effect is a unique tetradrachm of Amyntas
1 R. B. Whitehead in the Num. Chron. Fifth Series 1923 iii. 332 P1". l3'oUt tb3'
p. 109 pi. 62, 21, R. B. Whitehead in the Num. Chron. Fifth Series 1923 339
Kings p. 101 pi. 22, 2. I figure a specimen in the Fitzwilliam collection). ^ tyistsS,i
(45G__46q\S ^,er Gotter in Tiergestalt' (451—456). '2 Die Horner am Haupt der Gotter'
Sla"t>en< ^lent' (483—487)), id. 'Horn I.' in the Handwbrterbuch des deutschen Aber-
0'herrit ^?/^° '4- ^ag'cal aspects of horns'(794s—796s). '5. Horns in sacrificial
' 3T8 ff-, iv - esna"'e '"'fudentum und seine Stelte in der Rcligionsgeschichte Giessen 1929
incised in an archaic alphabet of Graeco-Phoenician character (see e.g. j-]ie of '''e
Religion of Ancient Palestine in the light of Archaeology London 1930 p. l8° P ' A
8 G. F. Hill Some Palestinian Cults in the Graeco- Roman Age (extr. iw"0).phfP
13 The point is contested (K. Preisendanz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-tin■■■ l0„ici s
Markos Diakonos1, writing c. 420 A.D.2, tells how in 395 the
to do so, proclaimed a fast, and bade all keep a night-long vigil in
and jye'an ^eus and tbe Cretan Artemis, connected in name in the same way as Zeus
(ceramj"on on South Palestine' in the Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1899—1900 vi. 117—124
and Eth'Zatl°'1 London 1913 PP- 106—113, id. in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion
^°Hand ~p\ tlle ^atm rendering by Gentianus Hervetus in the Acta Sanctorum edd.
beholding their patience, in his mercy stirred up a strong south
whom 5 were girls. That night and the next day rain fell in sU
from the 8th to the 10th of Audynaios (January 3—5) in rainnv
The sequel is too long to quote in detail. But it appears
2 Id. ib. 26 in yap ixpwdritov h T&fti, [ioKio-to, to Ka\oip,evov Mapveiov.
found a Christian church in the heart of Gaza. And so it fell out.
£ TG>u ' comP°sed a special hymn in honour of Marnas (Marin, v. Prod. 19 5t;Xo?
'uget in'T0"' episL IO'" 2 iam et Aegyptius Serapis factus est Christianus; Marnas
utterance he repeated, first in the Syrian tongue, later in Greek-
used in the idolaters' initiatory rites2. So the great pagan temple *aS
aylav iKK\rio-lav. All this, and more, in the Syrian tongue. Porphyrios adju'^ sQ\e0vW
exactly the same advice in the Greek language, which neither he nor his
Porphyries set them in the pavement outside the new Church on
egress, dedicated moreover to Zeus Kretagenes in whose service
^ stone embedded in a modern wall at Kanatha {Kanawaf) in the
logy Lonrl l" 4'8, ^" A- Cook The Religion of Ancient Palestine in the light of Archaeo-
a mature man half-draped in a
"ear Gaza in 1879 and now in the
0j- rn°re they discovered, lying on its back in a pit 2m deep, the floor
C* Quart"?* 'vermulhIich Serapis'), C. R. C[onder] in the Palestine Exploration
2382' Keinach If ^"^ Land l894 P- «88. W. Drexler in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii.
a statue in white crystalline marble. The god is seated on a throne
that end in view, sought to combine a Pheidiac arrangement of the
a solar Zeus on a wheeled and winged seat, places in his hand *
(fig. 380)2. Have we here, in this obvious copy of Athen
1 To the bibliography {supra i. 232 n. 1) add now Sir G. F. Hill in Brit- ..^tis-
Palestine in the light of Archaeology London 1930 p. 147(1". pi. xxxii ("eagle 01 ^f(0.
Chron. New Series 1877 xvii. 221 ff. and Sir G. F. Hill in the Brit. M"S-
°f this cult is unknown, but the appellative is already found in a
at Caere and now preserved in the Louvre2, which illustrates two
act '"nile two companions are surprised by their master in
sequel2—the two misdemeanants confined in the wine-cellar, wit*1
H. Schnabel5 was right in claiming a ritual origin for such
Finally, we may note that in Kypros the part of Zeus ()inb1l0S
no. 382 = R. Meister in Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial.-Inschr. i. 247 no. 750. Inscr. „^(ie
Opfergaben wird zur mimischen, burlesken Diebesszene, die in der Posse foit L
are in general daemonic ('Ein sicheres Ergebnis der Forschung ist gleichfalis, ^eten
represented on this exceptional vase are drawn and costumed in their a ± j,eng''e'
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §9. Zeus and the rain / (h) Zeus Hyétios
have been born on the summit of Mount Tmolos in Lydia3. ^
G. W. Elderkin in the Am. Journ. Arch. 1933 xxxvii. 393, moved by the analogy ^
that the Roman custom of the magistrate presiding at the games in the attire of *ll'3oteS
E. Bechtel in Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial.-Inschr. iii. 1. 37i8 = Micbe
d'Inscr. gr. no. io04 = Dittenberger Syll. inscr. Gr.3 no. 1107 (in the 0 q 0f its
the grove of Trophonios at Lebadeia1. And it was at his altar in
Alkiphron3 informed us that Attic villagers in time of drought
This squares with a couple of inscriptions from Didyma near
°ld 1-ite celebrated before a statue or altar of Zeus Hyetios in the
first inscription was published by B. Haussoullier in
langes 'a . e^<7e^7)s- The second inscription was added by Haussoullier in the
tVe^ in 01 ' '3 ff. 7rpo0i;T7;5 I Qiuv Geuwos, | avr\P eiVe^s after a prophetes who
In this context Haussoullier aptly cites from Hesychios the
customs elsewhere. Thus in the neighbouring island of Kos2 011
no. 222 (Le Bas' copy) = E. A. Gardner in the Jonrn. Hell. Stud. 1885 vi. 351 f- n0'
griechischen Inschriftenkunde Wien 1909 p. 177 ff. (A. Rehm in Milet iii- 27fl) ^
Olamysh between Klazomenai and Teos (F. Bechtel in Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial' __js
siefen in Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial.-lnschr. iii. 1. 357 ff. no. 3636=Miche
formerly lay, face downwards, in a tank near the hospital at Kos. 1 \aiSp,eA0^
Presumably in the precinct of Zeus, whose priest sat beside it with
°njecture makes him dressed in a sacred garment. Each tribe in
e*an'plesS r VO" 1Jrott CJ- i>TroK[dii\p~\(L. W. Schulze in Hermes 1885 xx 491 f. cites
> "le Bull r ad loc' CP" an '"scr'P1'00 from Pserimos near Myndos (W. R. Paton
Arislot "e priesls (P. Stengel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vii. 1245 f-).
p ^OjSao-jXjj °l ^" °-PX°VTa* toUtovs, oi Si j3a<riXfis, oi St Trpvravus, Poll. 8. in oi
ceremony. In similar fashion an ox was chosen every
siefen in Collitz—Bechtel Gr. Dial.-lnschr. iii. 1. 361 ff. no. 3637 = Michel Rec
dtroppalveTai 0a\\do-<rai (cp. Inscr. Gr. ins. v. 1 no. 593, i4ff. = F. Bechtel in ^ ^-s
Zeus Ma%ave6s is here associated with Athena Maxavls. At Argos near the ^gut,'
went to Troy had here sworn to capture the city or die in the attempt; others^ a ii.
three deities, in which case cp. the tripods with anthropomorphic supports a ' n(j at
the paramount Argive goddess (W. Vollgraff ' Inscription dArgos' in the ^ ^ w]iicb
n°- 766 a pSros slab in the Museum at Tanagra (Skimalari) [Ai6]s | Tsla[x\avi°s> I
p ri^n ^"th MaxaveiJs or ilaxdveios, which in Korkyra was the equivalent of the Attic
P- 2^> and the cautious statements of W. Sontheimer in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc.
*vi. ,g jjJSv)' (Preller—Robert Gr. Myth. i. [42 n. o, W. Dittenberger in Hermes 1881
2Crafty> (not^nc'!ne to think that the title is an old one, 'Contriver' in the sense of
chiton, a chlamys, and endromides. This personage in his left hand
and Geta, show Zeus himself attired in the self-same costume
will be noticed that the rite takes place in front of a fine spiea ^
made by the late Mr F. Anderson and published in the Class. Rev. 1903 xvn- 4 'poinn8>
G. Cousin in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1904 xxviii. 20 ff. no. 1 b, 15 <\^" ^ ger*'
in the Rhein. Mus. 1916 lxxi. 159, H. Oppermann Zeus Panamaros Giesse
driven up to a certain spot in front of the god's sanctuary. Prayer
nd Zeus Machaneus in Kos, Zeus at Stratonikeia, Zeus Askraios
e foothold in Attike5; and it is to be observed that the nearest
6 T^S'r.A- J- Evans in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1925 xlv. 8 n. 18.
^ero(Jo^ai T°" Kapiu). Frau Adler in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. x. 1949 comments:
,)efbre ot"er hand it must be borne in mind that Attike was ravaged by Carians
Mylasa in Karia1, a possible stepping-stone between the tw°
On the Akropolis at Athens, north of the north-eastern an&^
a nude figure striding forward with his left foot in advance: ^
Ziehen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v A. 24—27. tev/s.y
5 O. Jahn 'Giove Polieo in Atene' in the Nuove Memorie dell' Institute at W geas
32—52. My fig. 388 is from a specimen in my collection, fig- 389 from geUl^ Lt$
In imperial times a fresh set of bronze pieces (figs. 399^4°2^
fig. 397 is from a specimen in my collection, fig. 398 from Imhoof-Blumer and P-
iiber dieselben bei der Kleinheit des Bildes und der massigen Erhaltung des -^^g in
ii. 12 pi. 2, 23, all of which depend on the drawings in E. Beule1 Les monnaies
the phidle appears with much greater distinctness than in the photographs ■ ^
(=my fig. 401) and from a cast of the specimen in the British Museum \- jjanP
outstretched hand is better employed in holding a phidleij) over a
a cje e second. If so, we have to recognise in Zeus Polietis
>l, 23 f n in the Nuove Memorit deW Institute) di Corrispondenza Archeologica 1865
galled ' pa^V1<1.enc,e' Pronounced in favour of the fully armed fighting goddess in the
fact that in the theatre his priest occupied a marble throne
der Athenaia Berlin 1907 p. 40 ff.). Others, however, have argued cogently in favour 0
in Athen' in the Ath. Mitth. 1908 xxxiii. 17—32 has proved from inscriptions tha ^
This Kapxv^'-o" was an object of value, which is frequently mentioned in the
them has an inscription in the front, recor ding the title of the priest or official but
1873 pp. 1—67, P. Stengel in Hermes 1893 xxviii. 489 ff. and in the Rhein. J> " '^y^lf
Pp. in—113 ('Bouphonia, or... Dipolia'), Frazer Golden Bough*: Spirits of Corn and
1 J- Wackernagel in the Rhein. Mus. 1890 xlv. 480—482 argues for AuroXieia as the
"ro\!e[l_]_ In Aristoph- pax +20 h. Sharpley prints AirroXUt, 'ASwvia. AuroXieia (G.
Vlz- Aiw6Xia. In favour of this is the reading of cod. V. in the et. mag. p. 275, 1
A ^e for .°lr°kosk. orthogr. in Cramer anecd. Oxon. ii. 192, 29.
'74—176). J. Wackernagel in the Rhein. Mus. 1890 xlv. 480 ff.
eopTTj. k.t.X.) : the later form naturally occurs in the inscriptions, which are a
Grammalik3 Leipzig 1896 p. 132 n. 2, A. Thumb in K. Brugmann Gr>^li$C
Harrison Proleg. Gk. Rel." p. in n. 2 would render 'the festival of the Plough 1
The two names occur together also in Aristoph. nub. 984 f., Ail. var. hist. 8- 3 ^0\,
p. 149, P. Stengel in Hermes 1893 xxviii. 489, in the Rhein. Mus. 1897 hi. 4°JL]SSOwa
p. 517 n. 1) thought that the festival might have been called Ai7r6Ata in official aDs ^gja
Bovtpbvia, Eustath. in II. p. 691, 64. Bovcfyovia Hesych. s.v. (cod.), Bekker an
Corn and Wild ii. 4 ff., Harrison Proleg. Gk. Rel? p. 111, N. W. Thomas in J • ^^bvi*
Akropolis and taken a personal interest in its cults. The following
2 H. von Prott in the Rhein. Mus. 1897 lii. 187 ff. contends that Porph. de abst-
P. Stengel in the Rhein. Mus. 1897 lii. 399 ff., but later withdrew his ^ttPf°rdenjjJ
of von Prott's contention [id. in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. Suppl. m. 330/- jfjisch*
the chief Athenian festivals, and he asserts in perfectly explicit terms airb b «£
3 Paus. 1. 24. 4 Kpi8ds...p.ep.iyfiivas irvpois, described in the sequel as tuv
jtidruc. The word iriXavos (on which see P. Stengel in Hermes 1894 xxi ' ^rl,
Bou^on'a-...Tr6iravoi>...oiov ir\aKovvTiov e£ dprov. lloTravov is the word also in schol.
aus. 1. 24. 4 eirl roe flu)ibv. (1) P. Stengel in Hermes 1893 xxviii. 492 n. 1 denies that
erir>engt 0 U?g so Wefden auch in der Sprache die beiden Kultgegenstande miteinander
the ox was slain errl rod ^a/xov (Paus. r. 28. 10). Zeus Ho\ie6s, in short, like ^elIS
I take this opportunity of publishing (fig. 405) a votive table in terra cotta, found H1
traces of paint: the table itself was yellow, the offerings on it were red. In t'ie J - 346
Tischaltar') pi. 15 figs. 8, n, pi. 16 fig. 12. Recently W. Deonna in a AesAJ 0i.
table; the table with rings or hollows; the table with vases and viands in 1
One piece of evidence must be examined with special care. In the eastern frieze of
Peza which stood in front of Zeus Polieus on the Akropolis, and upon which the
since suggested Ganymedes, and R. Forster in the Bull.
^'-/JjJ jj.* abst- 2. 30 -roi's Kararqafibrnt /3oCj. P. Stengel in Pauly—Wissowa
that [drew near the altar and1] tasted of the meal was slain. Minute
(Presumably in the Prytaneion4) and definitely acquitted5.] At the
the r 'U-n^ voraus-' It is, however, possible that in Pausanias' day the finest ox was at
■^hrasyin a' a^st- -■ 30 6 0' eirara^e top fiodv, iXXos 5' (<r<pa&v. So in Od. 3. 447 ff.
Pailsanias -' P' 7'8' 43 ff" See mrther an interesting note by Sir J. G. Frazer in his
trial all that had shared in the bad business were charged with
Finally the knife, since it could not say a word in its own defenc^
lines before, in the clause irpiv 1) Qyo-ebs dtpelBi], Pausanias had used the same wo
by E. Pottier in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. ii. 270 n. 24 and printed in the ^.^gp
1 In Porph. de abst. 2. 30 (context supra p. 577 n. 1) &v 8f) al /J-tf v5po<p0P°t g>
his escape. In fact Pausanias says: oi Si are rbv HvSpa Ss ISpave rb Ipyov ovK « tg
strictly speaking, we can only render the phrase, as H. von Prott in the Rhein- pe$te
d. Stadt Athen p. 514 is right in saying: 'Die Ubrigen Versammelten thun s°'bene getf
tool, is a question that must be considered in due course1.
°f Mdgeiroi (another name for Daitroz6) and Boutypoi. Hence in
Wpt0, in Pauly_W issowa Real-Enc. xii. 308)—at any rate they swore by Poseidon
issoWa ,? , <1>aus- '°- 1=;. 5, cp. Plout. de glor. Athen. 1), see F. Jacoby in Pauly—
'his vie%v°Uphonia- But H. von Prott in the A7/«». 1897 lii. 195 f- points out
now preserved in the British Museum (fig. ■ • '-^^
hundred years later, in the decade 190—200 kl
antiquated in the time of Aristophanes8—is Flg' 4°9
accepted alike by H. von Prott in the Rhein. Mils. 1897 lii. 197 n. 2, C R°^el
4 E. L. Hicks The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the Brit'sl1 contents
ls to be sought, not in his stirring of the artistic imagination, but in
Ji°"1 ^liinche affectation- E- Schmidt Archaistische Kunst in Griechenland und
° Which the y a Variety of causes contributed to produce the mannerism, in the vogue
1 In the eighth century of our era the Christianised Parthenon had in the conch
of Athens, in the Photiades collection (S. Lambros A! 'ASrjvcu wepl to. tAt; tov aiu> .
J. N. Svoronos 'Der athenische Volkskalender' in the Journ. Intern. d'Arch- ^j0]
Other publications include those by C. Boetticher in Philologus i86j1 x , jiuel'e
slew a humped bull in an analogous rite at Stratonikeia1. And the
* 0 in the second century B.C. sat in the forefront of the Athenian
tjj s attendant, distinct from the Boutypos or Bouphonos; and in
'J16 Rhein ^ol"t>bvos, but regards the Bovriiros as an underling. H. von Prott in
,&*c Us mann in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 8wf., K.Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa
a certain Sopatros4—an alien occupying a farm in Attike—had set
the Delphic oracle. They were told that the exile in Crete vvoul
1 A. Mau in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iii. 1058. jone
4 Porph. toe. cit. Mopov t) XiSnrarpov two.. O. Jahn in the Nuov. Mem- d. .nniU1zi
<ridXw dv (or 6V)t (aeaOai restored duaa-Trjcrdi'Tuip in fjirep airiOave Bvalq. ~KV0V
acted in common, Sopatros told those who had come to fetch him
they would make him a citizen and so take their share in the
This story is undeniably constructed with ancient materials. In
in terris^'S' 6' ante ' 'mP'a quam caesis gens est epulata iuvencis, | aureus hanc vitam
*°ris aijr' en°e °f that sanctity may °e found in Plln. nat. hist. 8. 180 socium enim
?0t a'so in p C occ'derat bovem, actusque in exsilium tamquam colono suo interempto,
^^iii. tgg n * T° ty**Oai irono8trji<sar. W. W. Hyde in the Am. foum. Phil. 1917
explain. Sopatros slew his ox in a fit of passion, on his own
was a moralising version, which aimed at showing that in the % ^
4 H. Hubert in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. iii. 1508, K. F. Smith in j- ^t\ye
7 P. Stengel in Hermes 1893 xxviii. 491 ff., id. Opferbrdttche der Griechen
Played an important part in ancient Cretan Zeus-cults1, hazarded
A second aetiological tale is given by Porphyrios in the following
a°- been prepared in accordance with ancient custom, when the
ofp Von Prott in the Hhein. Mus. 1897 Hi. 193 ff. urged that the Sopatros-tale
'44-D-Del'anS a festival Sb"r<"7,ela (T. HomoIIe in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1882 vi.
tllinks rath ^ P' 578 Schmidt in Pau'y—Wissowa Real-Enc. iii A. 1000
'Pzig-^Tj611^6' 'n Hermes 1893 xxviii. 490 and in his Opfcrbriiuche der Gritchen
I897 lii. °n """^ovs yap k.t.X.). But he is refuted by H. von Prott in the Rhein. Mus.
*er in r^PMsw^diae 1891 pp. 36—42 ('De Clymene et Clymeno') and W. H.
A goat was killed first in the Attic deme Ikaria, because it cropP
Diomos in alarm consulted an oracle. The god bade him bui
4 P. Stengel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 831. is sta'e<1
6 E. Maass in the Gail. gel. Am. 1889 p. 826 regards
a step further in the same direction. Bearing- in mind that the
ynics, was a free-thinker in matters of religion6.
ty; * Von ProU in the Rhein. Mus. 1897 lii. 191 ff. (followed by G. Wissowa in Pauly—
erfy^ Cohn in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 180) avr\p avtpos avdpds, &v5pofi6s} Kai £v
n. jj ' CJ- "'ai's, in the sense of iraiSiicd, for Tari/p). Further Usener op. cit. p. 213
V' 83o f) 1 me la>'' not 10 the east (A- Milchhofer in Pauly—-Wissowa Real-Enc.
^0rPh. J^' Wever, Toepffer proposes to substitute QavXuw for Alopos in the text of
and took'Stjenes not on'y taught in the gymnasium of Kynosarges (Diog. Laert. 6. 13)
Attike' much quoted in antiquity1. He states that once on t e
Korkyra, who is known to have expounded Homer in the th'r
neighbourhood of Eleusis; and the king, who sceptre in ^aI1g
(E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 2173 (if.). „. |jYA
in II. p. 1156, 39 f., AaXls ij K.epKvpala schol. V. //. 18. 483, 'Avaya^ 1 AtteIi0011
6 G. Wentzel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 718. Supra i. 224. ^ J3oUiD-
at Thaulon had been in exile—a point in which his tale recalls
witfSt0r °f the Boutypoi. In short, the Bontypoi are to be identified
Deubner 0? *Ve been a base like that in use at Stratonikeia (supra p. 568 fig. 385).
and Erechtheus king of Athens, in which the former had been
fiovTiirov Trv6/j.riv is complete in itself, m9p.i\v being the root-end of a tree ^
d'Athenes et d' Eleusis' in the Revue historique 1931 clxvi. 1—76.
took place in Skirophorion, the Eleusinian Mysteries three months later in Boe
One wonders whether any buphonic traits still linger in the folk-beliefs of r0$b(&
plain, nor would the villagers be appeased till the priest of Eleusis in >u
5 Such discussion may be found e.g. in P. Stengel Opferbrauche der Grtechen ^j^gls
p. 304 ff. treated the Bouphonia as a typical case of totemic ritual. 'In' >£yin to s°nie
animals among many pastoral peoples in various parts of the globe. They are regarded
(2) H. von Prott 'Buphonien' in the Rhein. Mus. 1897 lii. 1878". held that the ox
Luf eu',ner Attische Feste Berlin 1932 p. 171 ' Protts Deutung...schwebt ganz in der
a . ng in Attike, took the ox killed at the Bouphonia to be the ' Vegetationsdamon' in
an Zeus Polieus [supra p. 564 ff.] mit dem Stieropfer der Buphonien in
ai,imal ^ Parallel to the harvest-suppers of modern Europe, in which...the flesh of the
Polieus'). H. von Prott, however, in the Rhein. Mus. 1897 lii. 200 rejects Mannhardt's
liche Angelegenheit. Die Parallele des Sosipolisfestes in Magnesia kann nichts beweisen.
schlagen, auch nicht auf dem Wege iiber das Zeusfest in Kos').
der nach alter Uberlieferung unblutige Opfer verlangte, in einen blutigen umgevvan<Je
elaborate attempts to appease it and in some cases even flees into hiding ana ^jr
as if he were himself dead (J. Spieth Die Religion der Euxer in Slid- Togo ^e^J,B die
getotet hat, und werfen es ins Meer; der Tater selbst aber muss in Afrika «1
ing to keep in mind the probabilities and improbabilities of the
advance, later with lowered weapon and in milder mood1. Close by
■ttoXieus (p. in). Schwenn, in fact, has put together a hypothesis which explains much.
• Lenormant in the Ann. d. Inst. 1832 iv. 60—68, Man. d. Inst, i pi. 44, a, b, attempted
ren-' CP* t'le 'yPe °^ Gaia recumbent with hand uplifted in supplication on sarcophagi
a<3van Frocessions an(i supplications in time of drought, being a more
the dewfall is at its minimum5. In this respect it resembled the
That we are on the right track in adopting this explanation W$
8 Mommsen Fes/e d. S/ad/ Athen p. 504 ff., ±. Cahen in Daremberg—SagH° ^
for the suggestion of H. von Prott in the Rhein. A/us. 1897 lii. 187 n. 1 that -01
Schema des KiroaKoirtiuv. In der linken Hand scheint er zwei Ahren zu halten. ^ |st
Polydeukes in the time of Commodus, except that he gave the
Boutypoi1, bears a name which stands in obvious relation to that of
Was celebrated over those that perished in the deluge.' The funereal
Cajc An"rot. (Frag. hist. Gr. ii. 351, iv. 645 MUller) in frag. Lexici rhet. p. 671, 16 ad
'X«WS Alro^uvtos (Apollon. Ascal. in Frag. hist. Gr. iv. 313 Muller) = Phot, lex.
in the popular mind with Deukalion's downpour, we can better
in a clear sky and there descended such a quantity of rain that it
god Zeus, was in fact an Attic counterpart of the labrys5} Perhaps-
precinct of Zeus 'OXiS^ttios {supra p. 170 n. o) near the grave of Deukalion (supra »■111
7 B. Tamaro in the Annuario delta r. Scuola archeologica di Alette e delle tuff ^
Himmels notwendig war, wurde die Stiertotung schon in vbrgriechischer Zeit m ^$
obtaining a rain-storm quite in accordance with the recognised
example of the sort, found near Athens a few years ago and now in
It remains to consider the central act of this yearly drama—the
' rj1}111^ ' Malten in the fahrb. d. Deulsck. Arch. Inst. 1928 xliii. 138 is convinced:
ZUr(i^"n^t bilden die attischen Buphonien, die mit ihren Wurzeln in vorgriechische Zeit
Altert. °n'e des Zeusfestes ist nicht zu tlbersehen, dass dieses keineswegs in das graueste
archai ■ 'Wllich 1 hold to he the truth) that the cult of Zeus IloXieus came to Athens in
br'dled a^?0" °f this sPecimen consists in pointille designs of a four-spoked wheel, a
sacred flesh and so—at Athens as in Crete1—absorbed into then'
Dipolieia was one more example of this universal concept3, in a
in his Advice to Bride and Groom goes some way towards explai11"
Skiron, in memory of the most ancient of sowings ; the second in Raria; aI1
ever ploughed with such a pair5. In token of his achievement the
s Thus far I find myself in agreement with B. Schweitzer Herakles Tubingen r9^
befriedigend erklarte Rolle in den diisteren 8pw/j.eva...der attischen Buphonien '). .
in the ed. Basel 1542 for vt'hiv) top KaXobjievov Hovfyyiov. tovtwv Se vavrav if?w
In yap -qv Kai tovto yivos Tiixtlinevov irapa rots' AByvalois, e£ ov tytviTO i] Upeia rqs
have been found in pieces near Vari and now in the collection of
successfully driving his yoke of oxen in the presence of two
P°ssibly for Persephone and Hippothon. In short, the Baltimore
ePhaistos' in the Am. fourn. Arch. 1931 xxxv. 152—160 with figs. 1 (obverse)
Vest consi^0 °" l°C' "'' P' 155 Says: <In her left hand she holds the Promised
rp Scene. ^ lne °'d man is Butes whose name would make him logically present in
of Athena Boarmta in Boiotia3 and that of Athena Boiideia 'n
2 Cp. the curious tale told by interp. Serv. in Verg. Aen. 4. 402: in Attica regi°ne
virginem in formicam convertit eamque, ut proditricem, adversam frumentis, quae sempe
colligi in unum iussit easque in homines commutavit: unde Myrmidones appel'atl s
301, Preller—Robert Gr. Myth. i. 222 n. I, O. Jessen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-E,ic'
Byz. s.v. Baihua, who is cited also by Eustath. in II. p. 1076, 28 Bovbaav \eyW ' r^vei
philologists such as P. Kretschmer Einleitung in die Geschukte der Griechischen i>P g{
of unknown meaning, the appellative being later re-interpreted as ' Oxen"k'n^in^j6Sotf'a
furnished the priest of Zeus at the Palladion*. In Roman times
Palladion should have been in the hands of the Bouzygai appears
in'v^l ^ court at tne Palladion, which dealt with cases of
refer to th' ^'Scllin- * fals- leS- 78 (quoted supra p. 606 n. 6). Does this in reality
^heatre ' ']'^t^r• ii. 467 ff. no. 271 Bovpjyov | Uptwt Aios iv \ UaWadiip on a seat in the
. ^- E)itt eckh in the Corp. inscr. Gr. i no. 491 had proposed to read Mapa6wt>w[s],
right in his contention that, when the Eleusinian state ceased to be
Not only Eleusis, but Crete also is involved in the legend 0
communal feast at the Bouphonia to the communal feast in Cie
5 Aristot. frag. 386 Rose2 ap. interp. Serv. in Verg. georg. 1. '9 "^jjtote^1"'
cannibalism in which the local king or some human substitute was
^ . ' nrst sight it seems tempting to detect a faded trace of it in the story of Demophon,
Athen p. 274, G. Knaack in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 149). At Eleusis a boy
in loned as such in a number of extant inscriptions, mostly found at.Eleusis itself or
? P0"^ ^ ;/'^aT^pa' I Mw?9e«roi' dip' eo-Was, no. 913, 1 ff. (in the temple at Rhamnous)
Ombrios in Elis1, that of Zeus Lykaios in Arkadia2, and that of
facts are as follows. E. Gerhard in 1858 published a black-figu'e
■v. Rom. 29, v. Cam. 33). See further O. Kern in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. a- - _ ^
Hitzig—Bliimner in their commentary on Paus. loc. cit. successfully explain a. ^ abef
nicht der Perieget, sondern der Grammatiker Pausanias, derVf. eines attischen^ ^ in
spear, piddle, and attendant snake. In front of her3 is a blazing
Miss J. E. Harrison6, in discussing the Dipolieia, ventured the vie*
Pausanias may have been a small shrine set up in connection
5 Supra p. 612. T. Bergk in the Zeitschrift fur die Alterthumswissenschafl 1
pi. 58, no. 1536 pi. 59, and above all the splendid series in the Lloyd collection \ ^ ^
across the sea4, in the west from left to right5, in the east from
0 during s. vi and the early decades of s. v B.C. in the art of Sicily and central
«896Unt.ine' in the -,/""- d- Linc- l889 958 ff- P1- T- Homolle in the Bull. Corr. Hell.
back. -r.erasps tne near horn of her mount: if he turns his head, she will be pulled off his
grape-bunches, and concludes, on account of the fish in the water and the rocks on either
ln regarding it as a substitute for a flower held in the hand: Europe was certainly a tree-
(3) A late black-figured oinochoe with trefoil mouth, now in the possession of Mr C. T.
example of naturalism in colour (cp. supra i. 335 figs. 267, 268, where the
jij 1°re<!~|"le result being a simultaneous appeal to our interest in mythology, our
saui-s 1 powers' would all be literally submerged in the brine that formed a popular
P- 47j)- I therefore figure a second, now in my collection (fig. 417),
frieze from a tomb at Hadra, the eastern suburb of Alexandreia, which passed into
touched in with light blue pigment. The design shows a magnificent bull turned to ^
is half-draped in a light wrap which she holds as a sail with either hand. The foitn ^
in the possession of Mr Bisset in Rome. This mirror, which measures 'IS jt was
(M. Collignon in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1885 ix. 322 ff. pi. 7), no. 1355 in the Bib"0
and finally in Roman art frankly naked5, was from first to last
^ A good example of the sort is a 'Lucanian' amphora in the British Museum (Brit.
% 2847) ~, '9) Atlas P'- 6, 11, J. A. Hild in Daremberg—Saglio Did. Ant ii. 863
(1) An A us in propria persona:
home of the metamorphosed god (G. Minervini in the Bull. Arch. Nap. 1853 ii. 46
op. cil. p. 435 n. (a) illustrates the colour of the bull from Didymos ap. Eustath. in Od.
porrigit ora, 865 nunc latus in fulvis niveum deponit harenis, Sil. It. 14. 568 f. ardet et
perilnrip. (B) Zeus, half-draped in a himdtion, with a bay-wreath on his head an ^
a lagobdlon in his right hand, a phidle in his outstretched left (qnis? Heydeman p0rt
(2) An Apulian amphora in the Museo Gregoriano of the Vatican has the "W^fre
of the bull Zeus seems to have originated in the Hittite type 0l~
by the tail. The bull is painted white. Eros with a tainia and a flower in his left 'iaI1^
petasos, chlamj/s, caduceus, and wreath, awaits the issue in his favourite attitude of
(3) A South-Italian krate'r (hydriaf), likewise in the Museo Gregoriano, simpli"_es ^
An Apulian krate'r in the Louvre represents a slightly earlier moment in the ac ^
perhaps inspired by some such painting as that described in Ach. Tat. 1. 1 e^p-a g^gpa,
Toh cjtvroh irepLxebjxevov. Here too in the midst of the meadow is a spring we ^^hed
411(1 c'ated l"ta' "ear Midea on the Argive Plain, excavated by A. W. Persson in 1926
'En in replaqUeS °f glass P^'e- six Hght b,ue' tw0 violet in colour' but a11 bearin& a
Der Glaube der Hellenen Berlin 1931 p. 112 (' Bronzerelief' !) and A. Roes in the /"'"^
(1) The finest of the wall-paintings was found in a house at Pompeii (Reg- lX'jjapleS
Leipzig 1929 p. 289 f. pi. 4 (a good reproduction in colours), O. Elia Pitture ^\(-
Ov. met. 2. 867 f.). Of Europe's playmates, in wine-red, golden yellow, anc^_a jeta'1
cleft by a ravine in which are seen a stately fir-tree (?) and before it a tall sac
c*mpanUcht Wandmalerei Leipzig 1873 p. 224 ff., id. in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 14121!".
acted with brown) is already in the sea, escaping towards the left, with Europe scantily
sea-shore. Above are seen five of Europe's playmates fleeing in alarm towards the right.
p n Polios, a rival of Apelles, whose 'Kadmos and Europe' was to be seen in the
near^tVi a'most equal interest and of even greater beauty is the mosaic found in i860
eolow7r.P" 12 no- 2)- The divine bull is here figured as a sea-beast, brown to grey in
ri'ght f! winSs coloured blue and red, leads the way, holding a flowery halter in
V°n Steinb^6'1 Service *°r many years before Attila captured Aquileia in 452 a.d. Indeed,
0C6' 8Te><ir11US10n l° EuroPe in the Homeric poems occurs in the Aids airaT-q (II. 14.
Kavak between Panderma (Panormos near Kyzikos) and Gunett
the horns. In the chapel stands Zeus Olbios*. He wears a chiton
1 First in Akousilaos of Argos frag. 20 (Frag. hist. Gr. i. 102 MUllel) —j g^r*
3 Edhem Bey in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1908 xxxii. 521—528 pis. 5 ( = »>y ^' a"„d if'
4 The inscription at the foot of the stile, apparently composed in impe ^^£v\^
a sacrificial scene. In the centre is a flaming altar. Before it, a
in her left hand, and raises her right with open palm in a gesture
district, having been found near Gunen, presumably at Kavak: (1) a bl
assumption is too precarious. Edhem Bey in the Bull. Cory. Hell. 1908 xxxii- D- ^%
2 So on a fragmentary relief from Tralleis (Edhem Bey in the Rev. Arch- *?°^ejnach
3 Edhem Bey in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1908 xxxii. 522 says 'lis ont", j^ndel Cat'
6 Cp. Apollon o\/3ios in Anth. Pal. 9. 525. 16 'iXfiiov, dXpioepyiv.
Aischylos in the first of his extant plays makes the chorus of Dan-
Representations of Io are collected and discussed in primis by R. Engelmann De
(111) 'Tdiung des Argos' = nos. 9—27; (iv) 'Jo's Ankunft in Agypten' = nos. 28, 29;
st>^{it'SC^len ^s's zuzugeDen- Wenn man aber bedenkt, dass der Wechsel in der Dar-
?hecV h a^'n l° ''le Clazomenian variety of Ionic ware, shows the heifer Io held in
depjcts / now in the British Museum (Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases ii. 115 f. no. It 164),
by A. S. Murray, that in front of the heifer's head stood the letters [0]l for 'Iii). An
eesture of 7 °ne in the Ann- d- Inst- l865 xxxvii. 147—159 pi. I—K (interprets the
Sl<in cape fez'*11 the Straps of his riSht hoot and another under his left boot), leopard-
e ^"'11. jif. ]' 7'cus and ,lera balance each other on the left and right (E. Petersen in
Aeschylus' in Harvard Classical Philology igor xii. 335—345 with col- p'- ^
Blacas collection, now in the British Museum, shows Hermes on
i. 440 n. 4 fig. 312, of which there is a photograph in Imhoof-
and is described as ' vvahrscheinlich apulisch, in direkter Nachahmung attischer Ware
/ih> /3o6s, I Tav S' av yvvaiKdf ripas 6' iBaixfiovv). But S. Eitrem in Pauly-^" 0lcbpS
Prometheus ist weder von Aischylos noch zu dessen Lebzeiten verfasst 0 • ^j-orel in
84 f.). This is not the place to argue the point. In any case S. Eitrem loc. ct • 1 der
stengel, den sie in der Rechten halt, sehr passend als Tochter des Flusses Inachos
reliefUlefixes 01 ten'a colta, semi-elliptical in shape and adorned with the head of Io in
(Annual Report Boston 1901 p. 63 n.). There are several in Berlin, and many in tne
round her throat is a necklace of fourteen pendants She is in fact figured as the j-ter
was herself in some sense divine (supra i. 453 ff.). I am disposed therefore to ^ap(tf
3 Bovine ears, an unnecessary deformation, are discarded in most representations of
°f "ght aoj^* tllat he <devoted special attention to women, was careful in his treatment
die campanische Wand?italerci Leipzig 1873 pp. 113, 140 ff. in his conjecture, n°w
iii. 316, fig. 708, H. Bulle ' Untersuchungen an Griechischen Theatern' in the Ai'h-
155 (whole picture from photo)) is in its essentials a copy of Nikias' work. Io, with tie
(in lieu of extra eyes), leans forward in the favourite Lysippian attitude of the supp01 ,
the best are one from Reg. ix. 7. 14 in the 'Third Style' (e. 25 b.c.—e. 5° A'
happy ending of Io's sad story—the moment when in far-off Egypt Zeus at 1011S ^
rests one hand on a club and holds tablets in the other. Behind Hermes is jjte,
Artemis' fawn in the foreground shows to whom that precinct belongs. Finally, in ' e
clear that they have taken over much from the Athenian original—(a) the central n2u^
that attitude had belonged to Hermes in fifth-century art (supra ii. 738 fig- 668) l°n
in contending that in other Pompeian frescoes representing Io, Argos, an tj]g
Heydemann Vasensamml. Neapel p. 443 no. 2922, O. Hofer in Roscher LeX'
of his works, is said to have been found in 1756 on the estate of the Duca di Bracciano,
,o^m.entaf- 5i 10 (inadequate), A. Furtwangler in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst.
locc- cittT °L "1IS mas'erpiece have, of course, been made in modern times (A. Furtwangler
patron-deity of such towns as Olba in Kilikia1 and Olbia on the
1 For recent investigations on the site see J. T. Bent in the Joum. Hell. Stud. 1891
in Monumenta Asiae Minoris antiqua 1931 iii. 44—79 ('Uzundja Burdj—■'-,'0'c.a'sarean(|
On a limestone plateau in southern Kilikia, which rises to a height of U°° re js
which is represented apparently on a bronze coin of Olba struck in the time 0 tj,e
stod-iooi c. 60—50 B.C. (fig. 44o = part of Herzfeld's sketch in Mon. As. scr. gr-
preserved (fig. 441 is from the photograph in Mon. As. Mitt. 1931 ui P'- 24' j| staiidinf»'
ln "fon. As. Min. 1931 iii. 47 fig. 67). The rest were removed in Christian times, when
partly rock-cut road running between ancient tombs—one of many cases in which the
ac<luired, aj1 . 'n its own ri^nt' at length—probably in the reign of Vespasian—it
onCriplion> in Te ^Strab' 672}' Tms is laree'y borne out by epigraphic evidence. An
coast at Ayash (Elaioussa Sebaste: W. Ruge ib. v. 2228 f. and J. Keil—A. Wilhelm in
Central in't m US pediment> two Nikai (?) as akrotMa, a thunderbolt upright in the
of the Tychaion (E. L. Hicks in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1891 xii. 264 no. 50 "Ottttw?
was a filial of the earlier and more famous temple of Zeus at Salamis in Kypros, founae
source (G. Wissowa in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 1880), mentions among the wonders
Justin in his third-century abridgement of Pompeius Trogus (whose historiae PhilipPlCf' '
he and his descendants should hold the priesthood in perpetuity (lust. 18. 5- 1 3 P
about Epiphanios, bishop of Salamis, who died an old man in 403 a.d. (R- A- ^ftg
sealed doors. The story, which exists in a longer (Polybios v. Epiphan. 53 111 in
shalt find gold in abundance. Take it and buy all the wheat and barley on ^ j,e
that the building in question was the old heathen temple of Zeus SaXa/i/cios (E. Obei-
first located in 1882 by M. Ohnefalsch-Richter (Kypros p. 23 ff.) and partially excavated
in 1890 by J. A. R. Munro and H. A. Tubbs (Journ. Hell. Stud. 1891 xii. 66, 1°^ {0
'4 B.C.) ck tou ISlov irpoira), three fragments of a white marble slab found in the agora
AugUs( * )• and 'he re-cut pedestal, in blue marble, of a statue of Livia
re"inain 0°r85 eastern column-wall. Beneath it the eastern limestone-wall may be the
thus combining in one the two most famous cult-figures of the island (Brit. Mus- £■
who arrived in or about 1202 B.C. (marm. Par. ep. 26 p. 10 Jacoby) and presum
this island was in mythical times colonised by the Aiakidai of Aigina (see e.g. J- ^ °P ^
that it would be unsafe to say. But it is at least curious to note that, in tracing ^
gods. P. Girard ' Ajax fils de Telamon' in the Rev. £t. Gr. 1905 xviii. 1 '75 ,,,)
Scuti'" in the Revue de Vhistoire des religions 1909 lx. 161—190, 309—351' snjeld
article (Reinach loc. cit. 1909 lx. 328 n. 1). Farnell too in his
the shield was a cult object in the Minoan age and that it was anthroporoorp
sum Aiaces, quales in carmine epico depinguntur, ab origine fuisse unum ^jmjleo1,
quidem in Locride, ubi iuxtaponebantur heros arcitenens et heros hasti e •• eoriiifl>
numen fuisse marinum circa Salaminem cultum' (H. Steuding in the Woch. J. klass.
J- Schmidt in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 427—429). The same author here argues that the
^eus and a priestly dynasty at Olbe in Kilikia. Teukros is the Hellenised form of Tarku,
^constructions F. Schwenn in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v A. 1124 remarks rather
i8UCer.and other purely Greek appellations [E. L. Hicks in the Joum. Hell. Stud.
theirPneStly k'ngs wll° bore tlle name of Teucer represented the god Tark or Tarku in
j348 sa *e La,in Tar?""""s- E. Schachermeyr in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ivA.
aUf Kreta'9,'3-' '"KIi° Beiheft '9'3] 2i3 ff-)> der uns in Lydien als Zetfj Tapyin)vbs,
y two inscriptions of s. i a.d. (J. Keil—A. v. Premerstein in the Denkschr. d.
white marble stile from Fhiladelpheia in Lydia (Alasliehir)
or Targya, a township of which substantial remains exist in the fruitful basin of Ak Tash,
and Teukros at Olba, Sir W. M. Ramsay in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1918 xxxviii- 13'
One other point in connexion with Teukros and the Cypriote Zeus is of ontstt ^
in his list of human sacrifices, and less than two centuries had elapsed since - geus
central Italy3 and Germany4.
ov's Hospitis ara; | ignarus sceleris (so J. N. Madvig for in lugubris sceleri (sceleris N.)
that' re^'n<^U' I grandiaque in torvos transformat membra iuvencos), and finally remarks
°^eus, knores all the foregoing evidence for human sacrifice in the Cypriote cults
°f a Pubp0 k h°rSe 'leId by a naked bo>'- The inscription below is a decree in honour
he Worship of Zeus at Olbia and in the neighbourhood see Miss G. Mi Hirst in
of Olbia and the giver of Olbos: especially in the form of a good harvest. The two idea5
A large statue-base in veined grey marble, which had probably supported an eq ^
Zeus appears occasionally on the bronze coins of Olbia, usually as a bearded head in
n' ° P'- 3> 12 £), rarely in imperial times as a seated figure holding a sceptre, with Tychc
«*. Nord-Griechenlands i. 1 pi. [I, 22 ( = my fig. 463). Miss Hirst in the Journ.
has f°tnnate] *■ Saw on the stile found near Kyzikos (s»Pra P- 6*9 fig- 4*7). which
by an ox, not only in prehistoric times, but far on into the classic^
two other specimens in the Fitzwilliam Museum (=my figs. 468 and 469)) is after a
Two more dedications ffetp 'OX/Siij were found at Sestos (Marcopoulos in the MoW610^^
Hence J. H. Mordtmann in the Ath. Mitth. 1881 vi. 264, 18S2 vii. 257 attrib^.tly
3 Dessau Inscr. Lat. sel. no. 4085 (found at Capua in 1SS5) pro salute | « » carve«
thunderbolt and eagle). The words M. Aur. Commod. are in smaller letters tnau^ ^
described the ceremony of the Dipolieia than, in the very next
ine middle group of the figures in question is lost beyond hope
Geburf Jj,Se lellefs were published together and discussed in detail by R. Schneider Die
P- 14. jn Cast,c ('724)—see E. Hiibner Die antiken Bildwerke in Madrid Berlin 1862
AIadr!,i .,. al Sr,ego encontrado en la Mnnrl na' in the Museo espanol de antigiiedades
, ambricige'SaV* 235—246 P1" 1 f- There is a cast in the Museum of Classical Archaeology,
Ig a Pair of m rontispiece. Subsequently they were sawn in two and separately framed
^Se'ne jf* now in his castle at Tegel. See further G. F. Waagen Das Schloss Teg,
his raised left hand, a thunderbolt in his lowered right. His head
^ he remaining slab, of a different marble and in a finer style, was discovered about
Rentable. Rauch in 1816 had the luck to find the head, breast, and left hand of the
^lai S) 'figS' +6—witn neo-Attic fragments of reliefs, now in Rome, Florence, and
(=ttf_ Svoro»os in the Jonrn. Intern. oVArch. Num. 1902 v. 169—188, 285—377
f'0m Ma °- Ve St°od in tne orchestra of the local theatre. The two remaining slabs
The only uncertainty in this design relates to the axe-bearing
variation of order, from a slab in the Lateran (O. Benndorf—R. Schoene Dm' ^p
seldom carry conviction. In any case, whether they are right or wrong, we t;0nSi
s°me early artists, as might be seen for example in the sanctuary
•SiS&T-i? a near,v a">ed painter (J. D. Beazley Attische Vasenmaler des rotfigurigen
'fepi A?^'uS,aS Schneider dcr Athena Wien 1880 p. 5 n. 24 suggests, in his
The birth of Athena in art
(6>) The birth of Athena in art.
(op. cit. pp. 9—16) is extended by P. Baur 'Eileithyia' in Philologus 1899— 19°l . ^
(3), found on the Akropolis at Athens (F. Studniczka in the 'E0. 'Apx- 188 P' an(j a
giebel Berlin 1838, P. W. Forchhammer Die Geburt der Athene Kiel 184'' <~>' -y ' in
Geburt' in the Arch. Zeit. 1876 xxxiv. 108—119, P. Stengel 'Die Sagen v_ g0)
Chipiez Hist, de I'Art vi. 740 fig. 332), which implies primitive belief in n^sSnnCe
The birth of Athena in art 663
first (fig. 474 and p]. iji w;th an Eileithyia in front of him and
"anked K P 29 n°' '0I' liliewise shows a seated Zeus, with a sceptre in his left hand,
J* acrolithi Eileithyiai extend the open hand in token of delivery (?cp. Paus. 7. 23. $f.
9 p0PHte lae"1^ l° de'3y the bir,h of Hercules, 'subsedit in ilia | ante fores ara, dextroque
1,1 the Bull 7.°10tia <P- Wolters in the 'E<p. 'Apx- 1892 p. 22? ff. pis. 8, 9, A. de Ridder
664 The birth of Athena in art
Doubtful parallels of 'Minoan' date may be seen in Sir A. J. Evans' ' Ai&OKovpM \
behind him stand two winged females (whom Jacopi calls 'Arpie?') in short P , ^
The birth of Athena in art
deities as spectators of the great event. Sometimes, as on a vase in
at ^'orence ,,f'8Ur.ed "'"phora found near Vulci, later in the possession of Dr Guarducci
Seated Zeu.'flC figUred amP,l0ra* likewise in the Museo Archeologico at Florence, has
The birth of Athena in art 667
A similar scene is shown on a marble slab found in 1900 at
… ^>lack".'?gured a»iph°™ from Vulci, found in 1835, and n°w in the Vatican {Mus.
£tK c* lack"figured amphora from Caere, found in 1836, and now in the Vatican (Mus.
draPed ZeUS has its 1,ack ending in a swan's-head and its seat resting on a small
668 The birth of Athena in art
by the Eileithyiai originated in connexion with their cult • and
mentioned later3. Meantime it may be conceded that in 8ene'ot
1 J. Oehler in Pauly—Wissowa lieal-Enc. i. 2829 f. (founded 686/5 B.C.;-
publication by J. D. Beazley Attic red-figured Vases in American Museums , I(
The birth of Athena in art
was found at Vulci in 1867, passed from the Durand into the
holds in his left the double axe, with which he has just cleft the
The birth of Athena as here portrayed has, if I am not in error,
this weapon and clad in just this costume—struck the sacred ox
, 1 Journ. Hell. Stud. 1932 lii. 199. See also O. S. Tonks in the Am. Journ. Arch.
The birth of Athena in art
it nowhere else exhibits2—an ox-head in relief with projecting
effected in the early part of s. vi B.C.—hardly earlier3—and thence-
relief from Delphoi (P. Perdrizet in the Fouilles de Delphes v. 2. 124 pi. 21 (Part 0 x\[est
confidence 'to the second and third quarters of the sixth century' (W. Lamb ^g^e in
The birth of Athena in art 671
Univ. ep"e'heS of Corinth (? early in s. vi h.c: M. H. Swindler Ancient Painting Yale
The birth of Athena in art
The theory advanced by G. Kaibel in the Ann. d. Inst. 1873 xlv. 112 and by
found in 1879 at Penle Skouphia near the Akrokorinthos and referable to a date c. 600 »•
put the form of the name beyond doubt (E. Pernice in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutseh-
ces textes etant relativement recents' (S. Reinach in the Rev. Jit. Gr. 1901 X1V'
body of Athena, and the hands of Eileithyia (F. Studniczka in the 'B0. 'ApX- 188 o^'ments:
The birth of Athena in art 673
(fig. 485 and pi. liv)1. Zeus in a chiton and patterned himdtion is
*hichl Kaibel in the A"'<- d- Inst- l873 xlv. 106—114, Mon. d. Inst, ix pi. 55 (part of
in t|le J stl" to watch Athena received by the hands of the two Eileithyiai. But E. Braun
The birth of Athena in art
Apollon with bow and arrow in his hands3.
en Wo] Eip]i'/i^5[oii/ wenn man ein schiefgestelltes A zulasst,' cp. O. Jessen in
■4'is / 1)lack.figured amphora from Vulci, now in the British Museum (Gerhard
'Ant'j ley in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1927 xlvii. 78f. fig. 16 f-, 82 attributes to his
Mat - ^figured hydria from Nola, now in Paris (De Ridder Cat. Vases de la BibL
676 The birth of Athena in art
(3) A red-figured pcltke from Vulci, now in the British Museum
c. 465—455 B.C. (Hoppin Red-fig. Vases ii. 31 f. no. 12, but see Leonard in zjey
678 The birth of Athena in art
(2) Another, from Palestrina, now in London (R. Kekule in the Ann. • ^ di
The birth of Athena in art 679
goddesses more Elrusco (supra p. 665 n. o) are winged. On Thanr see C. Pauli in
3|) A third, now at Berlin (no. 2979) (E. Braun in the Ann. d. Inst. ..
^Oscl rtPttonum ttalicamm Aug. Taurinorum 1867 p. ccxv no. 2478, C. Pauli in
tUln °ne' are Thalna and Uni (luno)—both appropriate as birth-goddesses. These in
The birth of Athena in art
from Caere, now in the Louvre (fig. 491)1. Zeus, clad in a white
goddesses with a wreath in her uplifted right hand. Her fellow,
identified with the newly built Parthenon (J. Roulez in the Ann. d. Inst. 1861 xxxiii. 3,0>'
(4) Very similar is the design of another mirror, now in London (Gerhard Etr- Spiea
thinks he 'may be meant for Poseidon.' C. Pauli in Roscher Lex. Myth. in. 2933^ 'e'jjie
(5) Yet another mirror, formerly in the Museo Campana, now in the ^ ^
1 J. Roulez in the Ann. d. Inst. i86r xxxiii. 299 — 307, Mon. d. Inst, vi P1- .5^,'>
fig. 75, Pfuhl Malerei u. Zeichmtng d. Gr. i. 252. The central group is ^Sn!
The birth of Athena in art 681
spectator. Left of the central scene is a group of interested deities—
The earliest of the black-figured vases is an amphora in the
from an Etruscan tomb at Orvieto in 1907 [sic] by Mr A. L.
towards the right. Its back ends in a ram's head. Its seat rests on
gv gold ring from one of the later tombs at Thisbe in Boiotia, published by Sir A.
ja1 female attendant; in front of it, two armed worshippers approach with offerings.
A. p 'n any case inconsistent with Miss Hall's statement in the same paragraph that
The birth of Athena in art
1 On the use of dogs in war see F. Orth in Pauly—Wissowa Rcal-Enc. viii. 2566 f.;
The birth of Athena in art
1 J. D. Beazley Attic Red-figured Vases in American Museums Cambridge Mass. iyi8
more correct fig. 495): in it Zeus kept his own thunderbolt and sceptre, 'Zeus' boy'
'ffant Dionysos already equipped with ivy-wreath, vine-stem, and ktintharos. In this
686 The birth of Athena in art
now in the Vatican.
who—to judge from our few examples—appears to have been first in the field- soine
1 O. Benndorf in the Ann. d. Inst. 1865 xxxvii. 368 f., Mon. d. Inst, viii P1- f*K^
688 The birth of Athena in art
The fifth type of vase-painting leads up to4 and culminates in the
Vase-type (i): Zeus in labour Vase-type (2): Athena emerging f101*1
Vase-type (3) due to Megariati potters resident in Athens:
2 Mus. Etr. Gres>or. ii. 5 'Venere o meglio Proserpina con fiore in mano. 0f
4 G. Bendinelli in Aitsonia 1921 x. 109—130 claims that the seated Zeus t ^.^ a
The birth of Athena in art
eastern pediment of the Parthenon.
fro* "u m and details of the altorilievo groupe which once occupied the eastern pediment
nah„ 8ures were neo-Attic—'eine Compilation alterer Typen' (P. Arndt in Einzelauf-
"onian 1>aSe' 3nd that they are therer°re """-Pheidiac in character and /otf-Parthe-
re'nen v'St ^ namlich aus technischen Grunden ganz unmdglich, die Zeus-Statue in der
"Clfer' et^.U ,erragend—in der Mitte, rechts die neugel>orne Tochter, links der Geburts-
690 The birth of Athena in art
the same data that, of the two central figures, the left was heaviei
Rhys Carpenter, deaf to derision, revives Six' central group in the Am. Journ. Aid1
a colossal Zeus sitting in guasi-profile to the right on a central throne ' not set quite Pa,a^aS
Many of the older authorities assumed a central Zeus enthroned en face with A ^
support the plinth of a heavy central figure. He proposed to find that figure m ,301-)
2 E. Pfuhl in the Jdhrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1926 xli. 169 f. 1 Der j-^st
fast genau in der Mitte des Giebels, die Grenze zwischen zwei Statuen. £>ie ejn'V°r"
The birth of Athena in art 691
ded next to Athena the extant torso of a god starting back in
^ecti0' ^a'm'3erg in Zapiski (Transactions of the Classical
£• 36 in A. 11. Smith The Sculptures of the Parthenon
''and , . Jar' and postulates at most a Nike held in the god's
The birth of Athena in art
motives directly or indirectly borrowed from the Parthenon.' In parti-
737 with fig. 668) as evidence that Pheidias filled the central sp ^
The birth of Athena in art 693
We may take it, then, that this disposition of the central group
Zeus. K. Schwerzek in his reconstruction (pi. lvii, 3) tries to minimise
'3 Feb 5,1 Put forward my reconstruction in a paper read to the Hellenic Society on
694- The birth of Athena in art
A second detail in regard to which I should differ from Sauer,
the Ath. Mitlh. 1891 xvi. 25, O. Walter in the /ahresh. d. oest. arch. /*«*• 19
1 Supra i. 259. It may be added that the Zeus enthroned in the eastern p pofos-
2 E. Curtius in the Man. ed Ann. d. Inst. 1856 p. 29 ff. pi. 5 = mv nS' yjas p. '1°
The birth of Athena in art 695
i N. Svoronos in the Journ. Intern. d'Arch. Num. 1912 xiv. 274 pL IS"', 4, 9, 10.
2 and' ?voronos in the J°"rn. Intern, a"Arch. Num. 1912 xiv. 273 pi. IS",
°n higw^*08 enthroned towards the right with a sceptre in his right hand and an eagle
tte»Vah f?"*6 m«'allion of Commodus, struck in the year 191 A.I)., a very similar
The birth of Athena in art
The central group thus determined is flanked by the axe-bearei
4 Note that Poseidon occupied a similar position to the right of the central group _
right arm was lifted up, not both as is generally stated. The difference in the marking^
And here I part company with my friend Mr Smith, who in the Brit. Mus. Cat- j^nds
surely mistaken; for not one of our vase-types showed Hephaistos in act to stn (
The birth of Athena in art 697
of the east pediment with Marsyas himself in a Hellenistic repro-
i&74 I.2 P" 7 P1- 2> 2> H. Heydemann in the Arch. Zeit. 1872 xxx. 96, R. Kekule ib.
<92j Xxvi nsn'oor 'Structural Iron in Greek Architecture' in the Am. Journ. Arch.
The birth of Athena in art
such figure? I make bold to maintain that we have. In I9°l
half-draped in an ample himdtion, which, as the folds at the back
So in the restoration proposed by E. A. Gardner Ancient Athens London '9
A. Furtwangler Intermezzi Leipzig—Berlin p. 29 flanked his central A ^
similarly derived from the west pediment of the Parthenon (D. Philios in the f ^
of considerable interest as evidence of a semi-draped Aphrodite in the fifth century ^
me in what was otherwise a concord of sweet sounds. And how do you rec0
The birth of Athena in art 699
the Parthenon. And, since she is seated on a rock in precisely the
' Sui "°S " Mfcr01' raP I PMtotfs r Wfife aripva 8' in dyaX/jtaroi | k&Wurra.
exta'H figur^. ' of tne eastern pediment of the Parthenon, immediately following the
The birth of Athena in art
on a rock in three-quarter position towards the right. A suitable
2 A fragment of this figure perhaps survives in a left thigh of marble (fig. 518: heigh'
frag. 6 pi. 13) to the boy E in the same pediment.
in the Louvre (j. Roulez in the Ann. d. Inst. 1861 xxxiii. 307 ff., ^
(3) A black-figured amphora from Italy (?), formerly in the Fould collection, now
The birth of Athena in art 701
we find Hera sitting on a rock in just the requisite attitude. I have
as a certain, but at least as a possible or even probable, figure in the
0"e is a large female head (height o-35m), which J. Six in the Journ. Hell. Stud.
appears to have worn a head-band or stephdne. And in both respects it resembles the
702 The birth of Athena in art
piece from any part of the building. Smith in the British Museum publications simp'v
2 Supra ii. 262 n. 4, iii. 184 n. 1 (1). The obverse of this vase is published in
704 The birth of Athena in art
a seated Hera with Hebe standing behind her. I submit that in
the Villa Giulia5, which demonstrably borrowed its three central
7 A red-figured kratdr from Ruvo, in the Jatta collection (no. 1093) (F. Garga
Sctilpture...selected from different collections in Great Britain by the
des Gesichts in der griechischen Kunst Berlin 1893 p. 61, C. Picard SC^P^1
The birth of Athena in art 705
SIght this might seem a yet more hopeless task. But in point of
and now preserved in the Bibliotheque Nationale has the head of
\n ^ ' P'1 41)- But Lysippos, as P. Gardner locc. citt. has urged, was alike in style and
r'stic of the transition from fifth-century to fourth-century sculpture in general.
E>enkm acsimile in red and black, the colours of the original). Fraenkel in the Ant.
yS Lai'Penter in Hesperia 19,3 ii. 81.
The birth of Athena in art
found in the west frieze of the Parthenon, where twice over a
2 It came to be used, not only for Hermes (C. Scherer in Roscher Lex. Myth, i- H00'
p. 119 pi. 27, 3), Hypnos (B. Sauer in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 2849 ff0> tlie wind'g°
fig. 16, E. Loewy The Rendering of Nature in early Greek Art trans. J- 0 £f.
the sandal-binding ' Hermes.' The statue in the Lansdowne collection (A- - Tparnell
The birth of Athena in art
that in the pediment of Domitian's Capitoline temple a similar
Hebe and Herakles, in the opposite wing of the gable. They are
It may be observed that one copy of the sandal-fastening Hermes, a statuette in the
suitable in size (height o-58m) (A. H. Smith in the Brit. Mus. Cpt.
The birth of Athena in art
1 For Agorakritos see C. Robert in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 882 (., G-
3 L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. Pet. 1875 p. 122 If. argued that this
loc. cit. K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 98 rejects the opinions of Step^ ^
4 C. L. Visconti in the Bull. Comm. Arch. Comun. di Roma 1887 p- 33° ' ^ 4.
The birth of Athena in art 709
Apollon appears in later works of art1, e.g. on a pelike found near
710 The birth of Athena in art
is seen advancing hastily from the right towards the central group:
1 L. Stephani Ant. du Bosph. Cimm. ii. 42 ff. pi. 57, 1—4 (in colours) = Reinach
3 P. Ducati in the Pom. Mitth. 1906 xxi. 114.
8 A. Furtwangler in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1889 iv Arch. Anz- P-
hundert wiedergibt, in die erste Hiilfte des fiinften Jahrhunderts oder wenigstens in _^
11 B. Schroder 'Artemis Colonna' in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. I»st- ^
inthePom. Mitth. 1888iii. 278 and K. Wernicke in Pauly— Wissowa Real-Enc. h. 14 3
The birth of Athena in art 711
in the hands.' I should prefer to think that the original type, taken
night through the air, but rather that of a person starting aside in
1 A. H. Smith in the Brit. Hut. Cat. Sculpture i. nof. no. 303 G, A Guide to
(•■■ Lethaby Greek Buildings represented by fragments in the British Museum
I have collected and sifted the literary evidence in the Class. Rev. 1906 xx. 367.
712 The birth of Athena in art
left, Persephone the goddess on our right, but further justifies us in
torch but, at most, holding a bunch of corn-ears and poppies as in
1 F. Studniczka in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsc/i. arch. Inst. 1904 xix. 3 ff. figs. 1—6 pi-
4 Paus. 10. 28. 3 (Polygnotos' painting of the Underworld in the Cnidian Lesche
5 G. Dickins in the Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1906—1907 xiii. 357 ff. figs. 1—23, 25 '2
oronze coin of Megalopolis published by B. Staes in the Journ. Intern, a"Arch. N'1'"'
The birth of Athena in art 713
Parthenon Persephone with corn-ears in her right
cation, first mooted by F. G. Welcker2 in 1817, doubted by
°f ease9, and that Dionysos occurs in a very similar pose on a
"''in. Comm. Paus. iii. 141 pi. BB, 22 ( = my fig. 527), J. N. Svoronos Les monnaies
'jjcien Gottinnen in schwarmeris:her Schonheit verbundene, Jiingling Iacchos/ id. Drei
A. Michaelis Der Parthenon Leipzig 1871 pp. 165, 168, id. in the Ber. sacks.
er good photographs in M. Collignon Le Parthenon Paiis 1909—1912 pi. 47.
einem, dem Dionysos, eigenlhiimlich ist'), A. H. Smith in the Brit. Mus. Cat.
714 The birth of Athena in art
him with a thyrsos in his right hand and nothing in his left, partly
1 A. H. Smith in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Sculpture i. 253 no. 430, 1, Overbeck *
Atlas pi. 4, 4 ( = Reinach Rip. Vases i. 47, 1) reproduced in my fig. 528, etc. y
The birth of Athena in art 715
triad in the opposite wing of the gable. Here again Fheidias took
Memoirs read to the Royal Institute of France on the Sculptures in the Collection of the
(2) Pan (C. J. Reuvens in The Classical fournal 1823 xxviii. 282). Cp. Svoronos
(4) Kekrops (E. Falkener in The Museum of Classical Antiquities 1851 i. 394 f.,
716 The birth of Athena in art
1 J. Roulez in the Ann. d. Inst. 1861 xxxiii. 310.
But J. Overbeck, who in 1857 took the triad to be the Kekropides (Gr. Plast'k1 >•
and iv Index s.v. Cttromancie, H. J. Rose in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religio11
The birth of Athena in art 717
stand up2. In the pediment the Fate sitting on a separate rocky-
Pheid ias conceived her in accordance with the strange Hesiodic6
Pp. 205—234 ('Kleromancy'), F. E. Robbins 'The Lot Oracle at Delphi' in Class.
. an<hng erect in parallel, pillar-like lines is architectural rather than sculptural: it recalls
^ In the Platonic image (ib. 617 c) Klotho uses her right hand, Atropos her left,
… hotter Knie—Abrahams Schoss' in ANTIAS2P0N (Festschrift Jacob Wackernagel)
718 The birth of Athena in art
(4) Hestia with Aphrodite in the lap of Peitho (E. Petersen Die Kunst des Phidt"s
(8) Hestia with Aphrodite in the lap of Dione (H. Lechat Phidias Paris 1924 p. H7''
imagined himself facing in the opposite direction. The sun would then have been on
malerei iii. 33 ff. pi. 126] ... It is true that the Greeks generally and Pheidias in particuI
retiring on the right (Pausanias, v. 11, [8]), and on the base of his Athene in the Parthen^
happy coincidence that on the Parthenon the sun rises exactly as in the sky at A''12"^
(cp. II. 7. 421 ff.), adds 'Selene auf der anderen Seite versinkt in Nacht und Nebel, 0
The birth of Athena in art 719
nte as the Dipolieia; in fact we have derived thence the startling
eiore the rising Helios, turns back her head to look at the actibn in the centre.'
Od ^ A6'n''S-' Eustath. in II. p. 504, 24 ff. TptToy(veia...Tj ihs if rplrg /njeds yevonivrq, in
H. Nissen in the Rhein. Mus. 1885 xl. 336 f.
The birth of Athena in art
of the last full moon in the Attic year1. But the ever-growing
is the Akropolis itself3: Athena must needs be born in Athens4.
2 Prokl. in Plat. Tim. i. 26, 18 f. Diehl.
Sculpt, p. 465 'The whole space enclosed within the border of the pediment is in ^
the gods as 'invisibly present in the atmosphere of the Acropolis' and that the easte'^e
in fact be of very recent composition (W. Schmid—O. Stahlin Geschichte der grtech'-f ^
The birth of Athena in art
spectator as it were in his own theatre1. Was it not hollowed out
1 Cp. the fourth slab inserted in the stage of Phaidros [supra i. 710 pi. xl, 4).
3 Not, of course, the postern-steps of the Helladic fortress (L. B. Holland in the Am.
Pans. 1. 19. 2 (cited infra p. 722 n. 3). P. Weizsacfcer in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii.
a 'ittle salt, and a piece of bread on a plate in a certain spot on the bank of the Ilissos,
'so those who are already pregnant come and rub themselves on a rock near Kallirhoe
}yjj.0rn 'n or<ler to decree its lot,' adding: 'I do not wish to engage in the controversy
722 The birth of Athena in art
not only to the central and side-figures of Pheidias' composition,
Persephone slightly larger in scale and decidedly more prominent
Soph. 0. C. 42 and ap. Tzetz. in Lyk. At. 406 £k tov (sc. Kp&vov) KaWko/xos yevero
4 Furtwangler Masterpieces of Gk. Sculpt, p. 466, citing A. Milchhofer in the J
~ A. N. Skias in the 'Erf>. 'Apx- 1901 pp. r-39, 163 ff. pi. t, J. N. Sv*wo»«
1895 during his excavations at Eleusis and is now in the Museum at Athens. yjbo
724 The birth of Athena in art
Kynosarges in the north-easterly suburb Diomeia, where he had a
having apertures in it, decked with myrtle-twigs, and attached to the bearer's head
Persephone in like manner is approached by a male daidouchos with two ^
column of Hymettian marble, found on the bank of the Ilissos to the east of ^etl in
E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 676, Hobein ib. xiv. 2296 p''^ 8+5
5 O. Gruppe in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. Suppl. iii. 926 ff.
The birth of Athena in art 725
p . on °» these seats see the annotated plan in W. Larfeld Handbuch der griechischen
'nscrib ^6V' XX' w'lere " 'lave cited a boundary-stone found near Thorikos
and r"Cke aus Grieche»land BaseI l857 P- 68. K. Keil in Philologus 1866 xxiii. 619 f.)
Kekro 'lckenhaus in the Ath. Mitth. 1908 xxiiii. 172 holds, rather unnecessarily, that
The birth of Athena in art
On this showing every figure in the east pediment of the
The myth represented in the Parthenon pediment is so peculiar
Athena meant Wisdom, located her in the breast, and said that she
p. 24, 43. Cp. Tzetz. in Hes. 0. d. 76. piel-
Chrysippum) Diogenes Babylonius consequens in eo libro, qui inscribitur de
W[th its highest part, the aither, and was thus enabled to work in
' n- von Arnim in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 774.
^ dfer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 3114, 3119 ff.J. yeviadai 0' ck rrjs tov Aios Ke<pa\ijs
fast ^ run in der Sprache bilden, werden auch frith personificirt, und kommen daher
Und d'0 ' natiir''cn' dass die Nation vvelche den Verstand in der Pallas personificirte,
E. Riickert1, and G. Hermann2 early in the nineteenth century,
that issues forth from him as, in Philon's theology, the Logos
Athenen angewendet, mtissen wir es streng verneinen, dass in ihr irgend menscW1
271) cites Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 359 t] 8c (ppbvriaLS 'kB-qva eivWera ravra KiKTijTaf V°v
of Aristokles and his 'cloud.' J. F. Lauer1 in 1853 was the first to
the thunder4. T. Bergk6 in i860, W. H. Roscher6 in 1886, and
'9 (copied by Eustath. in II. p. 1139, 54 ff.) aaXirlyyuv Si etS-r) ?f. irpihrq t] 'EXX17KI/C7;,
j ach 10 Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. v. 522 ff., Maux in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.
3°3 ff / -^erglc '■Die <jet>urt der Athene' in the Jahrb. f. Philol. u. Padag. i860 lxxxi.
in a pre-Greek myth Athena issued from the crest of Mount
1 U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff 'Athena' in the Sitz tmgsber. d. Akad. d. Witt-
gewesen ist. Eben dieses klingt mir gar nicht unglaublich, es weist aber in die Zeit,
griechisch zu halten, den Zeus in ihm fiir Ersatz des Olympos, der selbst einrnal
wurde in der Sage von der Geburt der Gottin das Plaupt.' t>y
7 W. Deonna 'La naissance d'Athena' in the Rev. Arch. 1912 ii- 3S0""3"''
on p 5^r,"es\U''geschichte der bildcnden Kunst in Europa3 Wien 1925 p. 62 with fig. 8
^orde ^S 'St vo'"i°mmen deutlich'), V. Miiller Friihe Plastik in Griechenland und
after ]j •^m'\ ^Anthropologic 1890 p. 352 with fig. 14 on p. 358 ( = my fig. 533)
primitive notion of paternity1—is to be found in the Greek type of
was in effect the Big Noise, the awe-inspiring Sneeze of Zeus ■
the sublime to the ridiculous, we are in a position to affirm that the
3 Examples of the sort may be found in the myths of Chimaira (Perrot—Chipie^ . oS
7 G. Ancey 'La naissance d'Athena' in the Rev. Arch. 1913 i. 209—2H- >aura>'
myth of Athena's birth as set forth in the Parthenon pediment
plane were in a sense paralleled by the rules of royal succession on
must in fact—if society is still in a backward stage—be put to
UP its abode in a younger and more vigorous frame. This rule is of
religious development. At least it can be expressed in terms that
Polk In C/"SS' Re°' 1903 xvi'- z6H fl- 403 ff" *' 1906 XX' 4'7' especia"y
drew near and smote him on the head with an axe. Whereupon a
scene shown in the pediment corresponds well enough with the
the killer in virtue of marriage with the late king's daughter ought
South-Italian beW-l'ratt/r in the Vatican (M. Bieber Die Denhmdler zum
Reichhold—Hauser Gr. Vasenmalerei iii. 182, 189 f. fig. 95. Earlier literature in
scattered enquiry may be gathered up in the form of a diagram,
from Asia Minor
taken to be a sea-god with a fishing-spear5: at first in conflict W
1 I first put forward this scheme in a course of Lectures on The Gods of A J^' Qt&f
Boiotia, as Professor Myres has recently proved, was overrun by Ionians in Pr^ .(ji
the 'Cleaver,' and accommodated in the Erechtheion1. Last came
the scene. Zeus himself lives on in her younger, fresher life.
outgrow its primitive phases and had by now reached a stage in
tne model; for in all probability the myth of Athena was the
Tig lr A- J- Evans in The Palace of Minos London 1935 iv. 2. 476 n. 5 remarks: 'The
(fig. 535)\ Leda's egg has been set carefully in a basket to hatch.
to Iupiter in Ov. fast. 3. 341 'Summos, ait ille, capillos,' he is relying on a vvoi
seaventie the Sonne might fetch, to knock his father in the head, as effoele, & of"0
found in schol.(B.)T. //. 19. 126. When Zeus in anger seizes Ate KefiaKijs \urapoir
If the foregoing analysis be sound, one element in the complex
n°t3. Even Aischylos, who in his moments of deepest insight
ar,d tells how Ouranos was overthrown by Kronos, and Kronos in
Rose in his stead is gone—
/'/erestlnyly handled by E. Pottier ' La vieillesse des dieux grecs' in the Antuudre de
11oral>et' 1>y tllC 0tricoli 1,ust• In short> brute force, youthful vigour, active benevolence,
That belief is involved in the plot of Prometheus Bound. Prometheus
Io In what wise? tell me, so it bring no harm.
how Zeus may escape the impending doom. Later in the same
In that same hour when driven from his throne
Against himself, a portent huge in might,
Behold a son to perish in the fray,
nowhere in the extant play are we told that Zeus was prevented from marrying The'15
3 Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 178 (cited supra p. 742 n. o), where E. Scheer rega
468, Eustath. in Od. p. 1535, 42 ff., Ov. fast. 5. 495 ff., Hyg.poet. asir. 2. 34'^aaSs,
comments of Kiientzle in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 1028 ff. and Sir J. G. Frazei
3. 11. 2of. In the Kypria it is Momos who suggests to Zeus rip QiriSos BvyT
Different in origin, but similar in development, was the myth of
1 On Thetis as 'Thessalische Seegottheit' see M. Mayer in Pauly—Wissowa Real-
2o°) in the Iliad, but does not occur in the Odyssey.
attribut \ Usener 'Eine Hesiodische Dichtung' in the Rhein. Mus. 1901 lvi. 174 — 186
Jies. f/^2' P' ^' Die Heitnkehr des Odysseus Berlin 1927 p. 190 n. 1) in rejecting
first1 wife of Zeus, surpassed in wisdom all mortals and immortals,
Zeus must necessarily be a late invention is quite unjustifiable. The episode in itself lS
digestive feats of Kronos. If it be borne in mind that the iImjtis of the ^tUto. was magica
1 have discussed the marriage of Zeus and Hera in two articles published in the CI"5 '
Supra i. 154 (note that the myth is localised in Boiotia), 181 n. o, 299* by
°ust his father—a danger averted in either case by an oracular
contents, gods and goddesses included: Athena, for example, in
Apion in the Clementine Homilies'1 sets forth a somewhat
(K B0'1*' fr"s' l69 Kern aP- Aristokrit. Manich. in the Theosoph. Tubing. 50
by Kronos, but in virtue of its own warmth drew upwards the finest
or head, this spirit set up a perpetual agitation (j>almds), in shor
fertile in resource (pdrimos) like his father. As a daimon, he
3 Supra ii. 1167. W. Kranz 'Diotima von Mantineia' in Hermes 1926 Ixi- 43/^.£ce
'Methexis und Metaxy bei Platon' in the Jahresberichte des philologischen ■
allegory may or may not have been invented by Platon1. In any
struck by Giovanni Cavino 'the Paduan ' (i 500— 1570 A.n.) in dark
a p^Ce °' n°fer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 2775—2778.
W. rj* ' V°n SaIlet in tlle Zeitschr. f. Num. 1881 viii. 118—120 with fig. ( = my fig. 536),
to reconcile both in the brilliance of a fresh and vivid personality.
*Athenai occasioned the plural Athinai habitual in later Greeka-
her virginity every year by bathing in the spring Kanathos nea
2 F. Matz in A. Mau Katalog der Bibliothek ass deutsckcn archaologischen
in "A0ws, a mountain which bore a name of Anatolian type (cp. K^ws, Kws> ^ aS n
thing happened to Athena, both in Argos and at Athens. The
Prompted the Greeks to bathe their goddess in river or sea.
°f the Akropolis rock. As such she would stand in specially close
famous olive in the Pandroseion4 (fig. 537)5. The antiquary
d s G- E. Marindin in Smith—Wayte—Marindin Diet. Ant. ii. 440 f., Mommsen Feste
bystanders, the fattish sacristan in full cry, but balked of his prey
anlike Tierwelt Leipzig 1909 i. 136, 139, F. Orth in Pauly—Wissowa ^,^''^"perJili
while Poseidon1 in hot anger flooded the Thriasian plain and laid Attike under
Akropolis, and in ancient times lent dignity to a somewhat barren
tiin attesle<^ priority. I should infer that the legend took shape in comparatively recent
j. teller—Robert Gr. Myth. i. 203 n. 1, F. Diimmler in Pauly—Wissowa Kcal-Ene.
p| 1 on°graphs include L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. PCt. 1872 pp. 5—142 Atlas
■882 ^' ^°hert 'Das Schiedsgericht tiber Athena und Poseidon' in the Ath. Mitth.
g'ves us in gilded relief a close copy of the central group (fig. 53S)2.
olive3 with a snake twined about it and a Nike hovering in the
1 Sir Cecil Smith in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1907 xxvii. 245 ff. with tig. 2.
hi \ °''ve~tree 's completely gilded. Athena (head broken away) and I'oseidon are in
t0(j,° ^rt in Hermes 1881 xvi. 60—87 argues that the scene shows Poseidon attempting
Scufa Wo.fragme'>ts of the tree are at Athens (A. H. Smith in the Brit. A/us. Cat.
Lei .* '4U a"d frag. 149 pi. 14 d. The latter already in A Michaelis Der Parthenon
« A'r ~*ci\ Smith in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1907 xxvii. 245 fig. 2.
symbolism current in antiquity, like the modern hoisting of a flag-
result are combined in one simultaneous scene. That may be so.
Imperial bronze coins of Athens (figs. 539, 540)4 are often cited in
Aen. 3. 46 (Romulus, captato augurio, hastam de Aventino monte in Palatinurn ^
mayor may not be in point (see 6. Cuq in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. in- 41
Athens = my fig. 540). A specimen in my collection is shown stipra p. 187 fig- 9 igJia V-
thing, Poseidon and Athena are to the left and right of the tree: in
as told by Apollodoros, not the myth as represented in the pediment.
and ^San'y a s,;atuary group; and the same is true of the minor antiquities in general)
des •f °Wn ^ee''nS's 'hat the minor monuments in question do not illustrate the group
1 G v°bm in the Ath- Math. 1882 vii. 53 ff.
1 L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. Pet. 1872 pp. 5 fig. 2, 134 f. (llel'mta^0's
4 (1) A small cornelian in the Dutch collection (L. Stephani in the Compte-ren
(3) A large sardonyx-cameo in Paris (C. Lenormant Nouvelle galerie w-^,0uillet
of three layers supplements the central group of Poseidon and Athena with two
another in the Villa Carpegna1 repeat the scene with the addition of
mere lodger in the ancient temple of
be seen and heard through an opening in the pavement, was the
from Aphrodisias in Karia, now in the Evangelical School at Smyrna. The olive, ^
1 Id. ib. p. 50 ff. pi. 2 a rough Roman relief, probably a sarcophagus-lid, in ttie ^
o'9om square, sunk in the rock about 1 "75m, within the extreme south-west corner ^e
really one, as when in the first half of the fourth century the tribe
Populace acquiesced in this slight simplification of theology. Peace-
The actual olive, token of Athena's triumph, rose from a cleft in
• 268 with n. on p. 473, E. H. Meyer in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 2849, Escher in
Vym, k.t.X cp. Plin. nal. hist. 16. 234 durant in Liternino Africani prioris manu
v, e"ands.' T. v. Heldreich in A. Mommsen Griechische Jahreszeiten Schleswig 1877
MeteV U"d der Stamm in eim'eer
imperial date1. In popular parlance it was dubbed sometimes 'the
except that his olive, instead of one cubit in two days, grows two
auch in mehrere Stamme durch nattirliche Spaltung. Mit grosser Wahrscheinlich"
en Palestine et en Syrie' in the Annates des sciences naturelles 1834 i- 173] s'e lD!1jej
vielleicht noch die Bliithezeit Athens gesehen hat, giebt es in Attika noch mehrere:'
in der religiosen Vorslellung der Griechen Munchen 1894 pp. 1—48, and L. Wenige
J On life-trees in general see Boetticher Baumkultus p. 163 ff. (' Schikksalsbaume
wild olive in the market-place at Megara: an oracle had announced
selbst wie die Schicksalsoliven Mop/a.' Kruse in Fauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xvi- ? 1
L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. Pe"l. 1872 p. 33 n. 2 would identify Zeus 1 ^
1889 ii. 208 thought to find the Phoenician "EX [more correctly '£1] in a whole o^^jj,
south-eastern Kypros (Ptol. 5. 14. 3). H. Lewy in Philologus 1892 li. 745 am j jn
lacking in courage, and impressed by the fact that the olive is called
step on from the time when the goddess was the tree, dwelt in the
34 Athens = my fig. 552). Fig. 553 is from a specimen in my collection (same dies as
4 *' E- Harrison in the Class. Rev. 1895 ix. 89.
narne e 1 S'oss recalls a curious passage of Nonnos, in which apparently Athena's
'A child of Earth he is, and in the earth he dwells.' Pliny3 too
Now the Akropolis, since it abounds in crevices and holes>
rock to protect the infant Erichthonios, who sits up in his basl<et
sicut serpentes parvi in Tirynthe (so J. Dalechamps for viiHnthe codd. Salnias
translated Cat-snake, probably originated from the way in which this snake stal
The scene recalls an early passage in the Ion1:
Wherefore Erechtheus' sons in Athens still
of Wo specimens in my collection will serve: Fig. 555 is a slender bronze bracelet,
Each f ^ 'S a th'ck silver brac,-let' one °ra Pair found in a fourth-century grave at Sinope.
6 p° snake with garnets serving as eyes and a thin metal tongue inserted in the mouth.
with a small hoard of silver coins ranging in date from Seleukos i (312—280 B.C.) t0
fig. 561) pi. 6 is a third of similar date, ending in busts of the two human-headed snakes
Graeco-Roman ring of penannular shape, ending in two snake-heads. The whole hoop 15
quibusdam aureis gemmisque in modum facturae serpentis, Phot. lex. s.v. 6<peiS
It is tempting to recognise the same two guardian snakes in
'nanos assures me (6 June 1936) that this practice still obtains in Greece, but he inclines
Possibly the myth of the infant Herakles and the two snakes, familiar to us both in
f en- 8. 287 ff., paus. ,. 24. 2, Hyg. fab. 30) and in art (e.g. the decorative bronze
/vn.for foes' not Wends. But see E. Kiister Die Schlange in der griechischen Kunst und
T. Wiegand1 held that they came from the eastern gable of the old
In this he is followed by G. Dickins5, M. Schede6, and the majority
western Hekatompedon gable a central group of lion, lioness, an
had already drawn the sound conclusion: 'At present...the central
fi ' H. Schrader in the Jahrb. d. Deulsch. Arch. Inst. 1928 xffii. JS pi. 3. » < = my
the goddess in her chariot to face the judgment of Paris1. A later
(supra p. 68 n. 2) and, far more thoroughly, by Turk in Roscher Lex. Myth, m- *?
by J. de Witte in the Arch. Zeit. 1867 xxv. 64 pi. 224, 2 (Reinach Rip. Vases i. +0J'J^./.
completion "HPa is possible, but less probable (Collignon—Couve op- ctt. i*.^ in
by Athena6, sometimes as a snake held by her in a basket7—a pose
1 M. Collignon ' L'Emplacement du Cecropion a l'Acropole d'Athenes' in the
the Old Temple was a terrace or precinct having at its eastern end something which
Kenaean" palace,' etc.). Older views in W. Judeich Topographie von Allien'1
Atherf '~ ^use')- Praep. ev. 2. 6. 2, Arnob. adv. nat. 6. 6 in historiarum Antiochus nono
Q-vay J1/ ^aSe °f an on<er'ng dedicated by the (phcboi of the tribe Kekropis in 334/3 B.C.
P^dia of l'1'.4?5 "S" 3°7 (Demeter). See further R. H. Kennett in J. Hastings Encyclo-
which actually lived in the Erechtheion. Herodotos1, describing the
it 'the house-keeping snake,' masculine in gender and therefore not
in the myths and rites of Athens is by no means easy to determine'
allowable to see in the crypt beneath the North Portico and in its probable extension
72 ( Hist. ii. 186 Jacoby), cp. Eustath. in Od. p. 1423, 8 fif. Detween
be the souls of the ancestral couple2. In the case of Kekrops3 and,
' '• 85)- Daebritz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 474 asks ' ist das etwa eine boshaft
th Same var'at'on between one snake and two (supra p. 772 n. 4) may be seen in
^ no. 1 (one), no. 1 (two), nos. 3 and 8 (one), cp. J. A. Hild in Daremberg—Saglio
'nteip 5 Partem draconis habuit, Serv. in Verg. georg. 3. 113 draconteis pedibus,
^- Arnel mbel°kipi relief 'P< Wolters in the BulL Co"'- HdL l894 xviii- *88 nS-'
what are we to make of a white-ground lekythos from Gela, now in
- H. B. Walters in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Vases iii. 397.
in the presence of her ancestral snake. Of course the early date of
°f Antioch in the third century after Christ,
cluster round the Akropolis-rock, almost all of them in close
J- Tambomino in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ix. 94 concludes that Hygieia 'schon
A- Korte in ihe Ath. Mitth. 1893 xviii. 245 ff. and E. Preuner in the Rhcin. Mus.
road from Sparta to Arkadia Pausanias saw standing in the open
of holes in the Akropolis rock. Of an evening the owls come out.
stare.' A colossal owl of white marble has in fact been found °n
3 This proverb occurs in various forms: yXavic"A6r)va^e (Aristoph. av. 301, Hesy
A0r)vas (Eustath. in II. p. 87, 45, Zenob. 3. 6, Diogeneian. 3. 81, cp. Diogeneian- V'n
'935 P- 503 (first in 1661 a.d.). ( j6
mentions a possible descendant in one QalSpos 'Aca0AiJ<rrtos, who helped to bu>
the centre of the west pediment of the Parthenon and quoted in support the bronze
relief, in which Athena as she superintends the building of the Argo has at he>^,^u;sh
(1) an older and better type in Louvre no. 4144 (G. P. Campana Anticlie opere in plastica
(2) a later, less satisfactory version of it in Villa Albani no. 181 (G. Winckelmann
( = my fig. j-j^ It Athens, 12 f. Berlin, 14 J. Anderson, id. in the
™» R- Mowat saw, must be read 'OMpma 5or' i.e. the Olympic games held in the year 274
^ S. Casson in the Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum Cambridge 1921 ii. 37, 253.
herself in animal form—thea glaukopis Athene'1. Whatever that
reproduced in my pi. lx. He tells me that the vase belongs to a group of local Cam-
" The tags yXavK&Tris 'Atirjvij and deb. yXavKwircs 'Aflfjuj are both frequent, alike in
by itself in nominative (//. 8. 406, Od. 6. 47), vocative (//. 8. 420, Od. 13. 389),
VWktjs daKaoaqs (cp. 11. 16. 34). Other contentions in C. W. Lucas De Minervae
• Jessen in tauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc. vii. 1404—1407. After all this stir H. J. Rose
95 p. 16 took aiymiis in Homer and later writers to mean 'vulture.' But Sir W. M.
ne ""^ «Ptt)^, I bpw&fav ri vebrna to. twv a\eKTopiSw». But H. Stuart Jones in the
would depend on local conditions. At Korone in Messenia, where
W. Thompson op. cit. p. 180. But E. Pottier in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1908 xxxii- 538
3 Paus. 4. 34. 6. C. Robert in the Arch. Zeit. 1882 xl. 173 mentions among objec
Athena in eine Krahe verwandelt (Ov. M 2 536—632...): das ist wahrscheinlich der
is perched proudly on the top of it (Sir C. Smith in the Joum. Hell. Stud. i. 202"^ g0
fig. 11 ('der Krahe'), S. Wide in the Sertum philologicum Carolo Ferdinaudo
a special relation to the deity (Miss E. M. Douglas (Mrs Van Buren) in /"'""'^c^
In the one case the owl on the altar betokens a sacrifice to Athena: in the o j
note ""her A. Kiock 'Athene Aithyia' in the Archiv f. Kel. 1915 xviii. 127—133, who
igi8S rare 111 Greece'), perhaps the shearwater (D'Arcy W. Thompson in the Class. Rev.
hailed as an omen of victory. In the Wasps'2, the old dikasts
in the Arch. Zeit. 1884 xlii. 162 f., E. Pottier 'La chouette d'Athene' in the Bull- Corf-
often used in explaining yXavKWTrLs.' But it is much more probable that yXavi; has
7 F. Imhoof-Blumer in the Num. Zeitschr. New Series 1871 iii. 4, 43 f. ph 5' 2 ' r2,
If the owl was indeed regarded as Athena herself in bird-form,
,4^° e ^e 'a chouette dans l'antiquite' in the Bulletin tie la Societi nationaie des
sr. • Wellmann in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vL 1064—1071 (distinguishing
ffaiuilx Tierwelt Leipzig 1913 pp. 36—45 figs. 17, 18 pi. 1,6, 8, 10, Taylor in the
Oxford « ewton ^e Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum
a pediment with akroteria. In the pediment stands an owl between
in the Am. fount. Arch. 1934 xxxviii. 420 n. 6 cites 35 more, and draws a —537
my collection (fig. 582)2, in which the red is an opaque pigment
wiser to compare the china mugs of our childhood inscribed in gilt
Athens in the excavations of 1886 and referable to a date preceding
6 Sir C. H. Smith in the Brit. Mus. Cat. VasesYu. 14, cp. p. 142 nos. E 152,—E ij24.
as demosion, 'a public (measure).' Near the first letter of this word
fourth letter of demosion, and in part concealed by it, is a second
1 A. Dumont in the Rev. Arch. 1867 N.S. xvi. 292 f., Sir C. H. Smith in ^
2 T. Burgon in the Numismatic Journal 1837 i. i[8.
^[H]^'0^ *K ^"'^'^ 'n'l'a' ^ and three stamps: («) owl in olive-wreath lettered
p ^>S: owl in olive-wreath lettered H^0, (6) Gorgdneion. Brit. Mus. Cat. Bronzes
in U)e 'u»her T. Thalheim in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 567 ff. and C. T. Seltman
1 J. N. Svoronos 'ITEPI TON EISITHPIfiN TON APXAIfiN' in the J0"'?'^
accidental, resemblance to a clay seal-impression found by Sir A. J. Evans in '9
2 J. N. Svoronos 'IIEPI TfiN EI2ITHPI0N TON APXAIfiN' in the Journ. In
down, a fire that blazed in the colouring of their beaks or glittered
3 Analogous modern beliefs are collected by N. W. Thomas in J. Hastings Encyclo-
ustratam urbem in annalibus invenimus, sicut L. Cassio C. Mario cos. (107 B.C.), quo
**■ 6- 28: see further Turk in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 345° ff-. supra i. 341). On the
0l»ght by one of the Pazzi family from Jerusalem in the middle ages and kept in the
of tne lml a"d Ule B!lPtistery- Here il is connected by a wire with a pillar set up in front
the " °ame' °" the success or non-success of its flight depending, in the opinion of
cooked its own eggs2! Viewed in this context the name Atthyia
the present year were freely prophesied' (Jessie L. Weston in Folk-Lore 1905 xvi. 182—1^4>
"Vogel," wie auch in co(c)tumix, das Keller Volkset. 51 als Muster fur die Bildung v0
obvertunt, ut si in ipsos solis radios lumina figere sustinuerint, in vitam reserventur,^
acitate. Dionys. opi/iOiatca (printed in the Didot Bucolici p. 107 ff. in the form
Palladius5 follows suit, and in his farmer's calendar, among other
thought that the divine power resident in the head of Zeus would
The equation seems to have struck the Greeks themselves in
First in Aisch. Eum. 827 f., cp. Pind. frag. 146 Bergk4, 146 Schroeder vvp
c»eunentor genagelt (Wuttke §165)', Taylor in the Handwbrterbuch des deutschen
and on bronze of Herakleia in Lucania4 and Amastris
imperial bronze coins of Akmoneia in Phrygia (figs. 592—594)7 an
a specimen in my collection. H. von Fritze in the Corolla Numismatica Oxford l9
A series of moulded terra-cotta pendants found in south Italy,
°an be little doubt that the owl spinning is Athena Ergdne5 in her
3 See P. Perdrizet in the Milanges Perrot Paris 1903 p. 264 f., R. Engelmann in the
' the nightjar is called a 'Churr owl' in Aberdeen and a 'Spinner' in Wexford.
a fourth by the throttle. Even so he would be in imminent danger,
horsed and two-horsed respectively. In the former a young
station of an owl's hoot, which in a poem by Thomas Nash2
(Sch n°matoP°eic names for 'owl' are common in the Indo-Kuropaean languages
figured ' ^Eazley in t,le Ant, Joum. Arch. 1927 xxxi. 348 no. 8 fig. 1 publishes a red-
wous on the vase, except for its human head, resembles in all
in Stephanus Thcs. Gr. Ling. iv. 1551c and in F. H. M. Blaydes on Aristoph- ^
illustrate the graffito KYYY from Browning's line in Andrea del Sarlo 'The cue
ceive that the Corinthian potter has here synchronised in an
in 'S Perc')ed a 'arge owl named (puKa (Roehl Inscr. Gr. ant. no. 20. 69, F. Blass
Uton^a -°S' found at Todi' and now preserved in the Villa Giulia (G. Bendinelli in the
Athen CS S "1£ 'r'Pod ^'om Apollon, Iolaos holds in readiness his four-horsed chariot and
warrior; for in that case it would, according to custom3, have been
Greek art was in its prime, and then—like so many other half-
ktllyba?) or counters we cannot say—were struck at Athens in the
Valeria, issued by L. Valerius Acisculus in the year 46—45 B.C.,
a Winnefeld Vasensamml. Karlsruhe-p. 16 no. 81 from Siana in Rhodes.
t099 f^1011 Monn- Sr- >'<""• >• 466> K- ReSlinS in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xi.
spotted as in some species of owls. There can then be little doubt
two spears parallel. Fig. 605 is from an example in my collection.
maxima et vis. sex earum genera: melanaetos a Graecis dicta [eadem in Valeria], mm
posed to bring good luck to their wearers, and is even found in
to rig°| lb- P- 161 pi. 26, 62 a cornelian in the Postolacca collection at Athens: owl
et ff„ no- 2 a bronze in the Bourguignon collection [Collection d'antiquitis grecques
a laugh and so heighten the prophylactic effect1. A bronze in the
The fourth stage in the evolution of Athena is that in which sh
p. xx, E. Babelon in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. ii. 1480 (., Furtwangler Ant-
3 A. Furtwangler in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 704.
of the evidence for an Athena winged in her own right1.
marked wings on her back. A bronze in the Museo Gregoriano
'he ^' *mh°°f"Blumer 'Die Fliigelgestalten der Athena und Nike auf Miinzen' in
g- M. G. Fougeres in Daremberg-Saglio Diet. Ant. iii. 1928 with fig. 50J5-
Greau1 into the Hoffmann2 collection and is now in the Louvre
meiner Schrift iiber Selene und Verwandtes Leipzig 1895 p. 21 n. 1, and in his Lex.
4 I. Roulez 'Minerve Courotrophos' in the Ann. d. Inst. 1872 xliv. 216 v2?>
hesitate to equip the goddess with wings. A scarab in banded
plained as her Gorgoneion seen in profile3.
now at Berlin, has a frieze of late sixth-century style, in which
°f one is still visible in the relief; the other was originally added in
Century bowl in the Faina collection at Orvieto (fig. 617)7 has
aiWjj Wa'ters loc. cit. says: 'In the field, three drops of blood (?).' Snakes of
t'le./a/C^!l'ln ^ Ant' ^mim- "'• 5" 10 Pi- 58 (Part °f wnicn = my fig- 616). id. in
pi, 7__^ "card and P. de la Coste-Messeliere in the Fouilles de Delphes iv. 2. 130 ft'.
*>th nl 1Vlet0 1888 P- 74 no. 150, L. Savignoni in the Rom. Mitth. 1897 xii. 307—317
are given to Athena on a small amphora found in Etruria and
ffi~ . e ft°m Kameiros in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris
x6anon without wings, holding a pomegranate in its right hand,
95 ix. 282). Mr Sikes' criticism is approved by PI. Bulle in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii.
p^." ' But in 384 codd. d.g.H.K.l. read vuK-qv. An leg. fltimrvi Netaj is elsewhere
'5—iffl ,oros of Athens (on whom see F. Jacoby in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii.
head and a pomegranate in her left hand (fig. 619)1. A white-ground
the current coinage of Athens—its position in profile to the right,
1 A. Furtwangler in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 689, id. Masterpieces of Gk- c ^
Athenian Vases in the British Museum London 1896 p. 24 pi. 14 (=t°y ^01
plainly popular1. In fact, some seventy years later, in 409 B.C.,
H. Bulle in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 311 concludes with regard to this cult: 'Er ist
\ ,'. ^legen in the Am. fourn. Arch. 1936 xl. 145 —147 with 4 figs.: 'The work of
het lH Slt"' This is orientated with the altar and bases found by Welter in the space
S S ^""husbild der Athena Nike' in the Festschrift zur jojdhr. Griindungsfeier des
at)tj ess from the neighbouring town of Side in Pamphylia: aiSri means 'pomegranate'
p. : US *jections: (1) An inscription published by P. Kabbadias in the 'E<p. 'Apx- 189/
(Furtw.eXlstmS temple are carried out in a style which points to a date c. 425 B.C.
by dedicating a fresh statue of Athena Nike, and this in turn was restored at some date
and indeed it is clear that Kimon cannot have had any hand in the building or equipP ^
Assuming then, as we have every right to do, that the pomegranate in Athena s e
that pomegranates occur in a Florentine spell against sterility in women)-
73), and in the Arcadian temple of Despoina (Paus. 8. 37. 7). Again, a pomegranate
29' 4). On the tomb of Menoikeus near the Neistan gate of Thebes grew another
fragmentary Laconian kylix in the British Museum shows a woman presenting a
„ 'a^e (Furtwangler Vasensamml. Berlin ii. 765 no. 2680, F. von Duhn in the Arch. Zeit.
W]l0 . Pomegranate as the food of the Underworld recurs in the myth of Persephone,
her ra' ,1 'fPresents Persephone with a pomegranate in her left hand and a torch (?) in
as Wejj Terracottas p. 93 no. B 126 Kos, p. 234 no. C 474), occasionally in her left hand
right hand*'' ^' ^' 142 n0' B 418 ^amarina) ■ or sne's seate^ wltn tne frult in ner
no. B 390 Tharros in Sardinia). Her priestess or worshipper similarly has a shallow
in her left hand against her breast and a flower in her uplifted right hand (E. Gerhard !P
in one hand, a sceptre in the other (Paus. 2. 17. 4: supra i. [34, iii- 65 ^'omegr3"'lt
grasped in his left hand and the fingers of his right hand raised and spread, while his head
granate in its outstretched hand (supra ii. 986 n. o).
Adonr' anc^ tne k°y was brought up inter aras, i.e. in the precinct of Aphrodite. When
^Xav „' . Jac°by) ap. Eustath. in Dionys. per. 530). It should be added that the
p. Ixxxi. Supra i. 305 n. 14). An archaic Greek bronze in the British Museum shows
rotfigurigen Stils Tubingen 1925 p. 59) is holding a branch laden with pomegranates in
with an inverted crescent in front of it and holds a pomegranate in her right hand:
Older than any of these is a clay idol (o-8om high) found in a small circular hut 0
a huge pomegranate growing on a tree in the king's garden (J. G. von Halm Gff
a shield bearing in relief a Gorgon's head, while with uplifted right
1 F. Imhoof-Blumer 'Die Fliigelgestalten der Athena und Nike auf Miinzen' in
in my collection. e(j
no. 47). Athena has a winged helmet also on a terra-cotta mural relief in the .Jftp
Among the finds made in a Scythian grave-mound at Alex-
1 Brit. Mus. Cat. Gems'1 p. 360 no. 3850 a fragmentary cameo in paste imitating 5^g0
3 Brit. Mus. Cat. Gems- p. 154 no. 1365 a garnet, in ancient gold setting; fr0111
6 L. Stephani in the Compte-rendu St. Ptt. 1865 p. 167 f. ,
Less learned, but more noble, is a fine Flavian goddess in white
nelmet of Athena Parthenos, a circular shield with a central
1 C. Robert in the Ann. d. Inst. 1884 lvi. 75—87 pis. I and K ( = my fig. 633) after
n'on with Teuthras, king of Mysia. On the myth in its relation to Pergamon see
in A m a Phot°graph by Alinari (no. 32721). Height 2-40'". See further L. Savignoni
figs W' Ke>'es 'Minerva Victrix?' in the Am.Journ. Arch. 1912 xvi. 490—494 with
tion of a Greek model of the fifth century' and in that respect
Their association might of course be expressed in a great variety
inscriptions (p. 494 n. 1) (add one literary reference, in Aetna 581) concludes:
5, 5" Strong Art in Ancient Rome London 1929 ii. 67.
i0t, 1' omssot in the Catalogue du Musee Alaoui {Supplement) Paris 1910 p. 57 no.
°thei- ha u"ral Crown- a shield on her right arm, and a cornu copiae in her left hand. The
Berlin4, and a fine bronze statuette of Roman date found in 1916
^lth an owl on her hand. She stands uplifting the owl in her left
• .„r's'°P'1- e1- 1092 f. Kai ixovSbKU t) 8eos airi) | in w6\cbis iXffeiv Kai y\av£ avrrj
MuS(i>^',^eonna t'le ^eVk Arc^- IQ29 '■ 281—284 with fig. 1 (head of Athena in the
Col]ectio^9J3—1926 pi. 25, 1—4, 5 — 10. Figs. 636, 637 are from specimens in my
Brit ^XTy^TiSoi 'Affijcat to a7aX/ia 7\ad*a fZxex if B. V. Head in the
Or, holding the owl in her raised right hand and the spear in her
in the act of letting the bird fly. And a relief in Pentelic marble,
Aphrodite5—in short, embodies the very soul of Athena.
5 London, 6 Berlin (3—6 with snake). B. Pick in the Index to Svoronos p. vl 5
3 H. Schrader 'Athena mit dem Kauzchen' in the Jahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst' r?
pi. 48. My fig. 643 is drawn (scale f ) from a cast in the collection of T. Cades.
Hellenistic fancies are not without some warrant in Hellenic
And here a point of some interest emerges. In the foregoing
j e ^a in a shell by a pair of swans (T. Panofka in the Arch. Zeit. 1848 ii. 300,
iv j B°hm 'Aphrodite auf dem Bock' in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1889
visible. form. Indeed, we have traced in some detail the stages
A curious confirmation of these claims may be found in a
Davis2, and now to be seen in the art-collection of Mr Sydney
her throat, and bracelets on her wrists. Lastly, in either hand she
2 In The Illustrated London News for June 13, 1936 p. 1047 with a full-page p ^
itself measures 19J inches in height, and is in a state of almost complete preservati0^^
examples in Ebert Reallex. vii pi. 143 Sun-god (4 pairs of horns) and pi. i45> ^ g j_,'Ar'
5 Sir E. A. Wallis Budge in his account of the Sippar relief [supra i. 203) ^Q\\c 0
strands and a dependent loop (C. L. Woolley in The Antiquaries Journal 19^ j ilfi
Plate 61
A Sumerian relief in baked clay :
are in relief, the lines on the palms incised1; the eyes were inlaid,
is \r ^' ^eltman nas suggested to me (Nov. 11, 1936) that the emblem in question
viii ' ''ner in J- Hastings Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh 1915
an[i ° Uganda, which was wrapped in bark-cloth, decorated with cowries and beads,
tillle °Ut °f sedge by the Ainu and used by them in their snake-worship especially at the
arch. /ymg yout" on tlle Boston relief (F. Studniczka in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch.
"Postcards of the plaque are procurable in Paris.
Her lions recall Kybele, the mountain-mother of Asia Minor; and
To this venturesome view Mr Sidney Smith demurs. In a recei^
' The plaque presents some very interesting problems in Sumerian relig10^
in D. H. Haas Bilderatlas zur Religionsgeschichte Leipzig—Erlangen 1925 v ' , , i#
Epiphanie der Sirene' in Philologns 1891 1. 93—107 with pi., W. H. Roscher ^^3,
W. Frohner, shows a Nightmare of the sort, assaulting her victim, in the ^^ej0i1'
thing pictured drives away the thing immaterial, a well-established principle in
slave-girl of the Night) whose characters you can discover in R. C. Thompson,
The strongest point in favour of your argument would be the association of
In answer to the friendly criticisms of Mr Sidney Smith I would
R. Engelmann in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1886 i. 110 S- y^' ^1^
the Egyptian Zeus Thebaieiis masquerading in a ram-skin3, of the
j0nie head with staring eyes. My belief is that in both cases the
g0. " Roscher Juno und Hera Leipzig 1875 p. 35, id. in his Lex. Myth. ii. 595 f.,
£nc. ; 16 eviJence for this is slight, but sufficient. P. Stengel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-
"""■'Sa T ' ^ Aristodemos' Messenian and Arcadian levies in 726 B.C.) yap r)
notion has met with some favour both in ancient and in modern
breastplate in subsequent encounters6. Or, Zeus at the advice
sto ^''k'nson 'ne Egyptologist went further in the same direction, and fared worse. He
bord B Walters in the Brit. Mtts. Cat. Bronzes p. 96 f. no. 627 says: 'The segis is
pseu<j <j°i- A. D. //. 15. 229, Serv. in Verg. A en. 8. 354. Mousaios/raf. 7 Kinkel ap.
This late recital includes some early traits. In particular, the monstrous ^oa'on a b''
figs. 513—516) and on the clay-sealings from Kato Zakro in eastern Crete (D- f \ >
1 Miss C. A. Hutton in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1897 xvii. 314 f. (citing W. Reichel
available for protective armour was a skin, worn as a cloak in time of peace, and brought
feathers and embellished with a plate of shell where the head should be, was exhibited in
covering used in ancient Athens as the ordinary dress. A slit was made in the back of
uctuis venenum: hoc nomine etiam Athenis in 'arcem non inigi, praeterquam semel ad
Farnell Cults of Gk. States i. 100 'It would be quite in accord with the ideas of a
jj Ses °f newly married women, probably to procure offspring.' In the concluding
scaly and the feathered. Apollodoros, in his account of the
named Pallas and used his skin to protect her own body in the
cod. B: words in square brackets are added from cod. A), Souid. s.v. aiyls (cp. Zonar.
1 Preller—Robert Gr. Myth. i. 120 f. ' Als Thierfell erscheint derm auch die Aegis in
Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 971 f. Miss C. A. Hutton in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1897
other serpentine, legs (H. Winnefeld ' Gigantenkampf auf einer Vase in Berlin in
4 Cic. de nat. deor. 3. 59 (last in the list of Minervas) quinla Pallantis, quae pa
Ampel. 9. 10 (last in the list of Minervas) quinta Pallantis et Titanidos filia; haec V'
shows the hero, hdrpe in hand, peering down a well to glimpse the
Tzetz. in Lyk. Al. 355 7} lldWajra rbv tdiov iraripa irTepbnbv vir6.pxovTO. koI fiiafavra
R- Reitzenstein in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 812 ff.). The Catalogue of the gods
early coins of Mallos in Kilikia (Brit. Mas. Cat. Coins Lycaonia, etc. p. 95 pi. 15, 11,
3 F. Gargallo-Grimaldi 'Perseo' in the Ann. d. Inst. 1850 xxii. 53—60 pi. A,
occurs e.g. in imperial coin-types. An unpublished bronze piece issued by Valerian i for
CP- fig. 658) shows the other. Kigs. 657 and 658 are from specimens in my collection.
in a simpler and presumably Attic1 form. Athena herself, not
who knows the language of all birds6. Anyhow, in view of the
In claiming that Athena's aigis with its Gorgoneion was thus
10 It is notorious that in the western pediment of the second (c. 580—57° B'C'^£r lio"5
black steatite now in my collection (fig. 659: scale f). It is Cretan
hideous face in the moon4, and an Orphic fragment dubs it
no«hern angle,"]*. Hampe 'korfugieberimd frUhe Perseusbilder' in the Ath. Mitth.
7 G. R. Gaedechens in J. S. Ersch-J. G. Gruber Allgemeine Encycbpiidie der
the storm-cloud, partly because the word aigts is found in the sense
roll of thunder6. A. de Gubernatis7 in milder mood makes Medousa
3 C. Dilthey in the Ann. d. Inst. 1871 xliii. 214. .g
5 First in Aisch. cho. 591 f. Tvravd de Kai ireSofSafiova Kaveixoevr &v | aiyiSw <PPa
H. Stuart Jones in the new Liddell and Scott s.v. aiyls.
8 F. T. Elworthy 'A Solution of the Gorgon Myth' in Folk-Lore 1903 xiv. 212
12 K. Gerogiannes in the 'E<f>.'Apx- 1927 — 1 928 pp. 128—176 with 31 figs- (suin
pQ to God in ancient Egypt Oxford 1934 pp. 253—255 with two figs.), his apotropaic
and ' ■ Wallis Budge From Fetish to God in ancient Egypt p. 254 'a slayer of serpents
period, from the Messara in southern Crete, with the head of a negro on one si<le <^
(L. Ross Arcliaologische Aufsatze Leipzig 1855 i. 109 pi. 8, i in colours (=rny ^ jn the
c. 600—575 B-c- (S. Marinatos in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1936 lx. 270 ff. pi- 29r
The beautiful type appears for the first time in the head
The tongue is red; the teeth, white. To be dated 450—400 H.c. (R. Borrmann in
tyrannicides, set up in the Athenian Agora in 477 B.C. Head in profile.
which gives the Satyric setting in completest form. Head full-face.
(4) A South Italian kraler{t), probably from Bari, in the Fontana collection at
lungen Berlin 1894 ii. 215—230 pi. 6, O. Jahn in Philologus 1868 xxvii. 16 pl> r' ^'
4 G. Glotz in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. ii. 1627. ^
rumque fuit spes invidiosa procorum | ilia, nec in tota conspectior ulla capillis | ParS 0f
'large-cheeked, broad-faced.' Nor would it be safe to see in it a mere euphemis'11
In any case, once introduced, the new type ran through a whole
1 The Medusa Rondanini in the Glyptothek at Munich is a mask of Parian marble,
'"iported a fresh element of interest in the pair of small wings attached horizontally
°und on tne Via App;a near Rome and formerly in the
. " less finely worked cameo in my possession (fig. 669: scale \)
formerly in the Laurenti and Blacas collections, now in the British Museum (C Lenor-
ln the Strozzi (hence known as the ' Strozzi Medusa') and Blacas collections, now in the
S1gnature of that Julian engraver (J. Sieveking in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iii a. 978 f.).
From a buff (?traces of black) moulded aryballos (height 4J ins.) in my collection.
ar»d snake-fringed Gorgoneion on two Etruscan kylikes in Leipzig and London (pi. lxv).
.. Fi8- 673 a bronze coin of Olbia, probably cast in s. vi—v b.c. (McClean Cat. Coins
reek coinage in bronze.
Fig. 676 a silver 'statir of Neapolis in Makedonia c. 500—411 B.C. (McClean Cat.
Fig. 679 a silver drachm of Apollonia ad Rhyndacum in Mysia c. 450—<r.'330 B.C. (cp.
Fig. 683 a silver piece of ten units from Populonia in Etruria c. 450—350 B.C.
Fig. 684 a silver piece of twenty units from Populonia in Etruria c. 350—280 B.C.
Fig. 685 (from a specimen of mine) and fig. 686 (from another in the Fitzwilliam
Caecus in 312 B.C., had allowed the flute-players to wear masks at their festival the
middle type and often shows a couple of snakes in the hair.
Fig. 688 a bronze coin of Amphipolis issued in imperial times but without emper°r s
Fig. 689 a bronze coin of Chabakta in Pontus issued in the time of Mithradates
Pheidiac(?) Athena in bronze, c. 450—440 B.C., the cheeks are still
reduction of the Parthenos, the head in the centre of the shield
effort of Graeco-Roman accommodation in the west. The British
These hot springs at Aquae Sulis are unique in the British Isles>
(Bologna head), F. Dlimmler in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 2014. ^er
the Bath still awaits excavation. Prof. J. R. R. Tolkien in R. G. Collingwood—flUt
discovered at Bath3, but also by an interesting passage in Solinus4
Sulinus I Matulri • fil | v-s-l-m. The name Su/inus, which recurs in Corp. inscr. Lat.
(2) Corp. inscr. Lat. vii no. 39 (deeply incised on fragments of an architrave in
(cp. Plin. nat. hist. 4. 102). in quo spatio magna et multa fiumina, fontes calidi opiparo
quae nunc Badus nuncupatur, fecitque in ilia calida balnea ad usus mortalium apta.
H. M. Scarth op. cit. p. 3 (after T. D. Whitaker(?) in The Anti-Jacobin Review and
°f coal in Britain.' To the same effect San-Marte (A. Schulz) in his edition of Geoffrey
service of mankind. The power presiding over these springs is Minerva. In her
Stall Street in 1727, close to the south-west corner of the Baths
in a glory of gold4.
barbaric vigour and both in style and in vehement character stands alrn°s ^
4 On the impression produced by golden statues see S. Eitrem in Symbolae U
interpreted. G. Scharf2 in 1855 declared that it is not a Gorgoneion
ar>d a ' fiery suffering expression8.' If in Rhodes the head of Helios
culpture> in the Journ. Rom. Stud. 1912 ii. 134 f. with pi. 4. On Phobos in relation to
Ihis would be a concession to Roman sentiment. In any sun-cult the Romans
Should we not expect to find that in the earliest extant literature
the pre-Homeric appellatives embedded in Homeric verse4 few are
6 A. Gehring Index Homericus Lipsiae 1891 p. 23 (almost always in the geI1'
7 The nearest she gets to it is in such phrases as 'Adrjvalij Koip-q Aids alyibx010
in Greek Religion Lund 1927, The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology Cam
Aristonikos of Alexandreia, a famous Homeric scholar who lived in the tun
If Athena in Hellenistic times ceded her aigis to Olympian
Euripides is more outspoken than Aischylos. In the Troiades*
Augustus and Tiberius (L. Cohn in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 964—966), was
Sundry later writers state that in the event Athena struck Aias
1 Verg. Aen. 1. 39 ff., Hyg. fab. 116. See further J. Toepffer in Pauly—Wissowa
K. Tittel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. viii. 996—1000 contends that Heron's life
C. T. Seltman in a paper on 'The Dismantling of the Pheidian Parthenos' tIie
Figs. 702 and 703 are from two specimens in my collection.
shows the same goddess as seen from in front, advancing to the
HiM S° by numismatic wrilers in general (B. V. Head, Sir G. Macdonald, Sir G. F.
brandished a spear, not a thunderbolt, and in this guise appears
in r.'), C. Seltman Greek Coins London 1933 pp. 223, 240 pi. 58, 2 and 3 ('a fighting
2 J. N. Svoronos in the Journ. Intern. d'Arck. Num. 1899 ii. 301 pi. IA', 9 a gold
During the presence of Pyrrhos in Sicily the Syracusans, by way of compliment to
Athena fulminant on the bronze coinage of Athens in pre-
1 The evidence, literary, epigraphic, and numismatic, for Athena'Irwvia in Thessaly
12 and 13, and especially the fine series in McClean Cat. Coins ii. 225 ff. pi. 176, 13—180,
similar types in imperial times ib. pi. 84, 29, 30, 36—42. Fig. 710 is from Brit. Mus.
4 See W. W. Tarn Antigonos Gonatas Oxford 1913 for the political situation in 282/1
8 P- Gardner in the Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Greek and Scythic Kings Index p. 181
iated the two in not a few Hellenistic cults5. A sample will serve.
'It seems to me that she was the deity actually foremost in honour, or
Bouddhique' in the Bulletin de I'Ecole Francaise d' Extrhne-Orient 1909 ix. 15 ff->
found at Niya in Chinese Turkestan, which is figured on the title-page of several works
Coins p. 558, G. Wissowa in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 2990, id. Rel. Kult. Rom? p- 255-
6 F. Dtimmler in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc.- ii. 2001 f., Gruppe Gr. Myth. & '
the Homeric warfare in her Father's armour. And as in a conjurer's hall Zeus
transacted. Hence she is nearest to Zeus, and, whatever be the matter in hand,
of which we found3 to be based, at least in part, on the curious
evidence for the worship of Zeus Hyetios, ' the Rainy,' in the
Jjy O. Schmitz 'Der Begriff ATNAM IS bei Paulus' in the Festgabe fiir Adolf Deissmann
Hesych. "Ti;s• Zeus opSpios. See M. Schmidt in ed.1 Id. in ed.2 prints T?js for
the Homeric warfare in her Father's armour. And as in a conjurer's hall Zeus
transacted. Hence she is nearest to Zeus, and, whatever be the matter in hand,
of which we found3 to be based, at least in part, on the curious
evidence for the worship of Zeus Hyetios, ' the Rainy,' in the
Jjy O. Schmitz 'Der Begriff ATNAM IS bei Paulus' in the Festgabe fiir Adolf Deissmann
Hesych. "Ti;s• Zeus opSpios. See M. Schmidt in ed.1 Id. in ed.2 prints T?js for
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §9. Zeus and the rain / (i) Zeus Hýes
locality where Zeus was called Hyes. But in the preceding gloss
expect them, in accordance with Thraco-Phrygian belief6, to have
onwards, but always in allusion to rain10. When Aischines, grown
he- airetXij f3pa8vv6vTwv Kal avotyvvvai Ke\ev6vTbiv. W. Dindorf in Stephanus Thes. G''
5 H. Usener in his discussion of Sondergotter was the first to distinguish this priniit^e
9 F. Jacoby in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xi. 591. 10 Supra ii. 275'
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §9. Zeus and the rain / (j) Zeus and the hail
Hail bulks big in modern folk-lore1. It could scarcely be other-
Similarly in ancient times the peasant had recourse to a singular
of extreme diffidence in view of the great variety of men's
*reek Ays, "a pig." ' Id. ib. n. 4 says that this suggestion was made to him in con-
I note one scrap of evidence which might be pressed in favour of Frazer's etymology.
^anship and is inscribed along the left side of the body in late lettering MYPTI N H0£ |
E. Fehrle ' Antiker Hagelzauber. Ein Kapitel der Geoponiker' in Alemannia
1. Let a woman in her courses exhibit her person to hail, and she turns it
vine, hail will do no damage, as Philostratos observes in his Heroikdsb.
Geschichte der byzantinischen Litteratur- Miinchen 1897 pp. 261—263, L. Cohn in
2 From the kcvtoI of Sex. Iulius Africanus (W. Kroll in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc-
Fehrle in 2T0IXEIA iii. 7 remarks that two manuscripts, a cod. Guelferbytanus
6 E. Fehrle in Alemantiia 1912 Dritte Folge iv. 16 f. was the first to point out tba
Pallad. 1. 35. 15 item vituli marini pellis in medio vinearum loco uni superiec a
8. And, if you take a tortoise found in the marshes and place it on its back
earth round it in order that it may not be able to turn itself about and
and dedicate the same in the vineyard when Lyra is setting, the fruit
marini vituli per spatia possessionis circumferat et in villae aut cortis suspendat ingressu,
Perambulet, et reversus eodem modo sic illam ponat in terra, et glebas dorsi eius obiciat
^ecimus,' on which see E. Fehrle in STOIXEIA iii. 13 n. 8.
H. Beckh in the Teubner ed. of 1895 prints without comment EtfXa iatpv-qvai
Palladius in the fourth century gives several of the foregoing
Again, bloodstained axes are raised in a threatening manner
worked in secret so that no pruner may be aware of it. Its efficacy,
knew the right spells to use6. At Kleonai in the Argolid official
Karbpv^ov. Els eKaorov de K\rjfia XPV ehal re Kal xfiircu, but concluded in favour of
and an interesting review of her book by S. Eitrem in Gnomon 1926 ii. 95—102.
suspicion that there is some virtue inherent in blood, which has the power to
built into a wall at Amaseia in Pontos bears an
2 T. Reinach in the Rev. £l. Gr. 1895 viii. 84 no. 24 bis with facsimile on p. 78.
facsimile ( = myfig. 715) TMipt 4|XeJtx«l*<HV- See further O. Kern in Hermes 1916 li.
deities (see G. Wentzel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 1464 f.).
Proklos1 in his account of the Boeotian Daphnephoria states
both rain and hail2. It is not surprising, therefore, to find that in
Keui (Thrakia Kome) near Pandemia and now in the Museum at
'AxiXXuvos 'IoynjWou koL XaXafiou (xaXafiov Ah: yaXa^lou £~). K. Wernicke in Paul}'^
3 F. W. Hasluck in the Journ. Hell. Stud. 1904 xxiv. 21—23 no. 4 fig. i, id. ii. i9°
chitdn and himdtion, standing with a phidle in his right hand, a
In the time of Dionysios—
those who repair to the god and reside in
It will be noticed that, in the matter of hail, Greek religion like
It remains to mention what is in some respects the most
1 In this respect the Rhodian Telchines (supra p. 296 n. 6) were exceptional.
'o cards in monochrome (set D 1) issued by the British Museum (Natural History) to
C in. 56
chitdn and himdtion, standing with a phidle in his right hand, a
In the time of Dionysios—
those who repair to the god and reside in
It will be noticed that, in the matter of hail, Greek religion like
It remains to mention what is in some respects the most
1 In this respect the Rhodian Telchines (supra p. 296 n. 6) were exceptional.
'o cards in monochrome (set D 1) issued by the British Museum (Natural History) to
C in. 56
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §10. Zeus and the meteorites / (a) The cult of meteorites
with the shooting-stars. But in popular belief they are very different,
impalpable powder, but reached the ground in some bulk, were
Much material said to bear on their cult in ancient Egypt has
und der Neuzeit Bonn—Leipzig 1922 p. 352 Index s.v. ' Meteore,' id. in Pauly—Wissowa
2 G. A. Wainwright 'The aniconic Form of Anion in the !\Tew Kingdom' in the
witness the one found by G. A. Reisner in the inner part of Anion's temple at Napat*
associate it with the weather.' He makes three further points in support of the sar>ie
Id. ib. 1931 xvii. 151 f. in a trenchant critique of K. Sethe Amun und die Acht Urgbtter
of Amun, who was Zeus' (p. 188). Since coins of Seleukeia in Syria exhibit both the
of F. Lenormant 'Zeus Casios' in the Gaz. Aixh. 1880 vi. 142—144 (id. in the Revue de
thunderbolt were all one and the same thing in religion.' He further dwells on the
iana, abounds in the rocks there and seems to be characteristic of the locality.
sends as a sign to men2—in short, like a meteor. And the Hymn
broken from it by its plunging and erratic course were carried in all directions
/(/.'Some aspects of Amun' in The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 1934 xx. 139—153
0rnphaloi, of which one at least suggests a fallen star in its material.'
E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc. iv. 2009.
lying there, a big one to be sure, yet little or nothing in comparison with the
Plutarch1 states that the great stone was still shown in his day by
improves on this: Anaxagoras in 467/6 B.C. had predicted the
predicted that it would fall in the middle of the earth. Yet another
recently fallen in the territory of the Vocontii, a tribe of Gallia
Wachsmuth, Theodoret. 4. 18) in H. Diels Doxographi Graeci Berolini 1879 p- 34*-
Bronze coins of Aigos Potamos, struck in the fourth century B.C., occasionally sh°vV
I think, mentioned in F. W. Hasluck's Cyzicus Cambridge 1910.
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §10. Zeus and the meteorites / (b) Baítyloi, Baitýlia, and Zeus Bétylos
Few terms in the nomenclature of Greek religion have been
Sanchouniathon of Berytos in his Phoenician history5 had more
animation recorded by Sanchouniathon both come out in Photios'
spec. hum. pp. 22—30, 36—85, 210—215, P. Gardner in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of
"09 n. o. See now the excellent article by Grimme in Paulv—Wissowa Real-Enc. i A.
• F- Moore ' Baetylia' in the Am. Journ. Arch. 1903 vii. 200 f. and form the subject of
was the neo-Platonic philosopher, who was in Athens at the time
'He says that at Heliopolis in Syria Asklepiades2 made the ascent of Mount
concealed in its garments, sometimes again carried in the hands of its
in the temple of Zeus.) He took it home with him the self-same night, travelling,
its appearance. It was, he says, an exact globe, whitish in colour, three hand-
* For such Xidocpopoi see J. Schmidt in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xiii. 774 f. and
9 An odd parallel may be seen in G. Pansa Mitt, leggende e superstizioni dell' At?***,
in his blasphemous way that different baityloi are dedicated to different deities—
' I too,' says the annotator, 'have heard of a daimonion of this sort in Greece.
aPpellative Symbetylos meaning ' Partner in his Baitylos*.' But the
the Ishumbethel of Elephantine. In which case the first element
So R. Dussaud in the Rev. Arch. 1904 ii. 257, O. Hofer in Roscher Lex. Myth.
O. Eissfeldt 'Der Gott Bethel' in the Archivf. Rel. 1930 xxviii. 20—22.
high) found in the sanctuary of the Palmyrene gods at Dui"a'
the 4th Legion Scythica Antoniniana, in fulfilment of a vow dedicated [this altar].
the inscription points to a date early in the third century A.D. But
colleague Mr H. St J. Hart points out to me that in Scripture the
some dialect (Phoenician?) in which the same connective ?<-sound
°n either hypothesis. But to cite11 in support of the latter view
1 See in primis O. Eissfeldt 'Der Gott Bethel' in the Archiv f. Rel. 1930 xxviii.
I- Benzinger in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iii. 363.
E. Meyer in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 1224, followed by K. Tiimpel in Pauly—
As is done by G. A. Wainwright in Palestine Exploration Fund: Quarterly State-
W. H. Ward The Seal Cylinders of Western Asia Washington 1910 pp. 193—195
fallen from the sky, picked it up, and consecrated it in the holy
the star of Ishtar and the crescent of Sin. It may represent, in a corrupted form, the
Hebriiische Archdologie3 Leipzig 1927 p. 316, O. Eissfeldt in the Archiv f. Rel. i93°
with the planet Venus, see F. Cumont in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 1777 f.
joined the poet in his cult of the goddess.
0rigin not only for the sacred stone of the Mother in her temple on
Sir G. F. Hill in The Church Quarterly Review 1908 lxvi. 133, 139 f., id. in the
E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc. ii. 925.
joined the poet in his cult of the goddess.
0rigin not only for the sacred stone of the Mother in her temple on
Sir G. F. Hill in The Church Quarterly Review 1908 lxvi. 133, 139 f., id. in the
E. Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc. ii. 925.
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §10. Zeus and the meteorites / (c) Kybele und meteorites
substance, of small size, easily carried in the hand, and rough with
on consulting the Sibylline books declared that at Pessinous in Phrygia, where
Deum fuisse Matrem? Id. ib. 6. 11, 7. 50 speaks of it as silex. The interp. Serv. in ve1*
the ship bearing it stuck in the mud of the river Tiber and could by no means
Cn. Scipio who had been general in Iberia and had fallen there. Nasica was
at the Marmorata on the Tiber-side and is now in the Capitoline
• He]big Fiihrer durch die offent lichen Sammlungen klassischer Altertumer in Rom3
angen 1926 ix_xi p. xjx fig. ,57, E. Strong Art in Ancient Rome London 1929 i. 43
second word Salviae is probably a mere case of dittography, though L. Bloch in
identify it with the small object on deck in front of the seated
limit of a thousand years4. The stone was housed at first in the
A replica of this inscription, brought from Rome to Verona (no. 131), is given in
in Orelli Inscr. Lat. sel. no. 2403 ('Velitris'), Corp. inscr. Lat. vi no. 494, Wilmanns
Navi Salviae to mean 'the Ship Salvia? associated in cult with the goddess whom she
0eo<pi\ei "Pwp.ri. A statue of Claudia in the vestibule of the temple of the Magna Mater 0"
Athens (Plout. v. Sol. 12). The object in each case was to maintain close contact wit
to Rome, would expire in 184 B.C. The importation of the Mater Idaea in 2051 at
Caci1. Here it remained for a good six hundred years, set in
I . e 'Pso iU° videmus in signo oris loco positum, indolatum et asperum et simutacro
Ser statue was still existing in the time of Theodosios the Great (378—395 A.D.), for
description of the baitylos 'concealed in its
central Europe towards the end of the stone
And B. Pick in J. N. Svoronos Les monnaies d'Athenes Munich 1923—1926 Index p-
p. 139 f. figs, a—c, V. Gordon Childe The Danube in Prehistory Oxford 1929 pP' j,
in an axe-hammer from the second city of Troy1 and serve to
vitreous paste. In short, we may venture to recognise a primitive
4 On Sviorris the 'pestle' in relation to Qviar^ the storm-god (?) see supra ii. 1022.
The additional examples here given are : (1) A bronze coin of Aspendos in Pamphylia,
P1- 7, 17 ( = my fig. 732) ACTT € NA[I] HN). (2) A bronze coin of Myra in Lykia,
ronze coin of Sardeis in Lydia, struck by Caracalla (fig. 735 from a specimen of mine
°n a bronze coin of Maionia in Lydia, issued in the time of Trajan Decius (fig. 737 from
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §10. Zeus and the meteorites / (d) The stone of Elegabalos
(fig. 738)2 or in front of the stone (fig. 739)3, seems to have been an
7i/3aXos, Hcliogalialus, Eliogabalus (F. Cumont in Pauly—Wissowa Rcal-Enc. v. 2279),
Frontone cos. ( = 199 A.D.), no. 4332 (Brigetio in Illyricum) deo Soli Alagabal. Ammudati
P; 357)- Cp. the star that appears in the field of FiS 741-
y Caracalla, showing the stone of Elagabalos at Emesa in a hexastyle temple with an
attribute plastically rendered in gold1, and in any case is to be
This stone of the Emesenes, as F. Cumont4 insists, was in all
by the troops in Syria (218 A.D.). He was saluted as Marcus
Nikomedeia, he appeared in public as a priest6 (figs. 742, 743)7;
1 F. Studniczka in the Rom. Mitth. 1901 xvi. 275 f.
4 F. Cumont in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 2219.
in fig. 742 suggests comparison with the horn set behind the Kabeiros on c01IJj]1jt
officiating in front of the stone to be set up in the Senate-house
the Palatine close to his own residence2, the other in some suburb
the Moon7. A relic of this temple may be seen in a pilaster-cap of
]gnem et Palladium et ancilia et omnia Romanis veneranda in illud transferre templum et
C R- Unger cj. typum) > Dianae Laodiciae ex adyto suo, in quo id Orestes posuerat,
1899 near the same spot1. The cap, a work of Septimian date,
placed in front of it. The scene is completed by Victory sacrificing
But these vagaries were terminated by his death in 222 A.D. The
Palatine. Huelsen loc. cit. p. 67 would rather refer it to a small sacellum in the Foru111,
6 Cp. a denarius at Berlin (J. Leipoldt Die Religionen in der Unnvelt des Urchr's ^
Elagabalus at Alexandreia in 221/2 A.D. (Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Alexandria etc. P-
temple (fig. 747)' or the stone in the temple with its two parasols
v^.. '• Lenormant in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Atit. ii. 531, F. Cumont in Pauly—
« Jj ?f an ancient ring formerly in the Charvet collection. The date € .z <t> = 253 A.D.
753)2. It stands between parasols, clad in drapery, with a three-
was given to the cult, when Aurelian in 272 routed the forces 0
columns are still to be seen at Constantinople in the church
in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 644 fig. 738, ii. 529 fig. 2618, Stevenson-" .jgji)^'1
Saint Sophia1. The Sun worshipped by Aurelian was in all
'Theusares, that is the god Ares at Petra in Arabia. The god Ares is
Adraa in the Hatirdn imperial bronze pieces show a hemispherical
1 H.Jordan—C. Hiilsen Topographie der Sfadt Rom in AlUrthum Berlin 1907 i. 3.
j> of the era used in the Roman province of Arabia= 174/5 a.d.), P- 168 f. fig. 38
Saint Sophia1. The Sun worshipped by Aurelian was in all
'Theusares, that is the god Ares at Petra in Arabia. The god Ares is
Adraa in the Hatirdn imperial bronze pieces show a hemispherical
1 H.Jordan—C. Hiilsen Topographie der Sfadt Rom in AlUrthum Berlin 1907 i. 3.
j> of the era used in the Roman province of Arabia= 174/5 a.d.), P- 168 f. fig. 38
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §10. Zeus and the meteorites / (e) The stone of Dousares
held in the hand of the city-goddess is none other than Dousares'
ancient pagan temple shows in relief the three stones on their
world2 and presumably stand in some relation to the 'asherim3—
1 C. M. Doughty Travels in Arabia Deserto? London 1921 i. 120 figs. 1—3 ( = my
2 See e.g. S. A. Cook The Religion of Ancient Palestine in the light of Archaeology
6 The analogy of Woodhenge and Stonehenge in the west suggests that the sacred
of their later equivalents. Some such evolution has in fact already been indicated and
himself in a particular place, with an abode, a body, and to enable the worshipped
to Neolithic times (see now P. Thomsen in Ebert Reallex. viii. 106—115 pis. 34—'37
right in thinking that the same whimsy gave rise to the genitive
Supra p. 907. 2 jr. Cumont in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 1867.
F. H. Weissbach in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ix. 2064 ff.
of Helios' epithet Antketos in connexion with him4.
2 Lebas—Waddington Asie Mineure iii no. 1907 (Bostra, in the first half of s. ii A.D.)
Philippus Senior COLMETRO POLISBOSTRA) as in another Alexandrian type
prelate in a noteworthy passage of his pandrion, ' A Medicine-chest
' First at Alexandreia in the Koreion as they call it—a very large temple, the
impressed upon it. They carry the image itself seven times round the central
1 A. Jiilicher in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 193 (374—377 a.d.), W. Christ
Sophie praise see O. Weinreich 'Aion in Eleusis' in the Archiv f. Rel. 1916—1919
Again, at Petra (the metropolis of Arabia, that is the Edom mentioned in
See further C. Lackeit Aion, Zeit und Ewigkeit in Sprache imd Religion der Griechen
philosophical synthesis of several elements, all derived from the near east—the Chaldaean
Aion. In short, it would appear that the cult of Aion was the product of a comprehens've
support B. Moritz 'Der Sinaikult in heidnischer Zeit' in the Abh. d. gott. Gesells^1-^
F. Cumont, too, in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v. 1866 writes: 'Dieses Bae'J ^
In the town of Elousa2 also the same thing takes place that night as happens
probably a mountain-range in Arabia (cp. Steph. Byz. Aovo-apr)- o-KorreXos Kal Kopvcpr)
1908 i. 49 hazards a Sumerian etymology Di1-sar-ra =' Allbesieger.' In any case the
281 ff., T. Noldeke in J. Hastings Encyc/opcedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh 1908
Cp. Kosmas of Jerusalem (s. viii A.D.) commentarii in Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni
£. D. Clarke eomparati in Bibliotheca Bodleiana adservantur Oxonii 1812 i. 43
Without accent) T77 airwv Trpoaayopevovoi ykiiaar]. F. Boll in the Sitzungsber. d. Heidelb.
°wer Egypt drawn up c. 200 A.D. by the astrologer Antiochos, in which Dec. 25 is
that at Petra in the fourth century Dousares was viewed as the
We are not then, so far as I can see, in a position to state
culte d'Aphrodite-Anahita chez les Arabes du Paganisme' in the Revue de linguistiV1^
blunders badly when in this connexion he speaks of ' der kleinasiatischen " Demete ,
aerolite and annually draped in accordance with an ancient marriage-rite. In her ' .
abound in novel suggestions, some of which deserve to be followed up; but they aI
Lucifer fallen from heaven2. If we were right in regarding the
black stone still to be seen in the Ka'bah at Mecca was in pre-
its early history6. Of these the most important is contained in
4 F. v. Dalberg Ueber Meteor-Cu/tus der Alten, vorziiglich in Bezug auf Steine, die
P'tch-like, worn and polished. Dr Wilson of Bombay showed me a specimen in his
esse cum pretiosis Paradisi lapidibus cum Adamo in terram demissum; ac postea—fiigt
in 1853, has described and illustrated the Ka'bah as decked in its
4 Falconnet 'Dissertation sur les Boetyles' in the Mimoires de littirature tire1
° F. Lenormant op. cit. ii. 128. 0 R. Eisler in Philologus 1909 Ixviu- J3
near the door and forms part of the sharp external angle at a height
' It is an irregular oval, about seven inches in diameter, with an undulating
border serves to support its detached pieces ; it is two or three inches in
1 On the injuries suffered by the stone at various times see D. S. Margoliouth in
measures some six inches in height and eight in breadth; it is of a reddish-black colour,
likewise set in silver2.
marked with a kteis3, and draped in a veil4, it was also on occasion
globular in appearance and unaffected by fire.
able only in a Latin version8 of s. v fathered upon an Arabian
unknown, but that most people believe it to extend two cubits into the wall. In his day
6 On Damigeron see M. Wellmann in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iv. 2055 '
earlier MSS., in Joan Evans op. cit. Append. A p. 195 ff. Where the texts differ I f°"°
likewise set in silver2.
marked with a kteis3, and draped in a veil4, it was also on occasion
globular in appearance and unaffected by fire.
able only in a Latin version8 of s. v fathered upon an Arabian
unknown, but that most people believe it to extend two cubits into the wall. In his day
6 On Damigeron see M. Wellmann in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. iv. 2055 '
earlier MSS., in Joan Evans op. cit. Append. A p. 195 ff. Where the texts differ I f°"°
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §10. Zeus and the meteorites / (f) The stone siderítes or oreites
bishop of Rennes, between 1067 and 1081, and in that form became
grounds to the latter part of the fourth century8, expatiates in a
The text of the last two sentences is defective and stands in need of emendation
in spite of Tzetz. posthom. 571 ff. Kai rbre nh "EXevos, 0(6(potTos fiavris a/x6fuoi>, j
bed and bath and food. Meantime he washed the wise stone2 in
it by the use of potent spells3. He lit lights in his hall, and dandled
it die down in wondrous fashion6. It was through hearkening to
Zeitpunkt oder an einera bestimmten Ort—an dem freilich nur in sehr geringer Menge,
be excluded at any period and in any region'), 591 n. 118, id. in E. Eyre European
1 L. Beck Die Geschichte des Eisens in lechnischer und kulturgeschichtlicher Beziehung
fallen, war schon in sehr frtiher Zeit bekannt; doch bildete die Auffindung solcher
indeed a meteorite like others already found in the service of
The name Akmon in this Idaean context raises a point of
That none might break? In the aithe'r and the clouds
tion of meteoric iron is in Plin. nat. hist. 2. 147 item ferro in Lucanis (sc. pluisse)
6 Eustath. in II. p. 1003, 13 ff. els Se t6v t6tov tovtov ttpocryp&tpovfft tlvcs Ka^ r°fitp^
indeed a meteorite like others already found in the service of
The name Akmon in this Idaean context raises a point of
That none might break? In the aithe'r and the clouds
tion of meteoric iron is in Plin. nat. hist. 2. 147 item ferro in Lucanis (sc. pluisse)
6 Eustath. in II. p. 1003, 13 ff. els Se t6v t6tov tovtov ttpocryp&tpovfft tlvcs Ka^ r°fitp^
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §10. Zeus and the meteorites / (g) Ákmon
F. Munter1 thought it not impossible that the meteorites in
R. Roth 'Akmon, der vater des Uranos' in the Zeitschriftfur vergleichende Sprach-
e passage belongs to the ' emblemata vetustissima,' which F. Jacoby in his ed. p. 87
■En 1 ^' ^mnese identification of the heavens with jade (A. E. Crawley in J. Hastings
1 2fi\ 3+9'' the Jew'sn belief in 'a paved work of sapphire stone' (Ex. 24. 10, cp. Ezek.
H. Reichelt 'Der steinerne Himmel' in the Indogemianische Forschungen 1913
3 The double axe of bronze, so frequent in Cretan cult (supra ii. 513 ff.), was Pre.°
thunderstone lingered in the by-ways of Greek mythology and
shall see in the next two sections) exhibits certain features of both
The stone siderites or oreites, wrapped in swaddling bands and
3 Hes. frag. fals. 6 Rzach ap. schol. Palat. in Simiae alas Amor. 1 p. 266 Diehl
Alkm. frag, in Bergk4, 103 Edmonds ap. Eustath. in II. p. 1154, 24 ff. "Aicfiwv 8e
thunderstone lingered in the by-ways of Greek mythology and
shall see in the next two sections) exhibits certain features of both
The stone siderites or oreites, wrapped in swaddling bands and
3 Hes. frag. fals. 6 Rzach ap. schol. Palat. in Simiae alas Amor. 1 p. 266 Diehl
Alkm. frag, in Bergk4, 103 Edmonds ap. Eustath. in II. p. 1154, 24 ff. "Aicfiwv 8e
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §10. Zeus and the meteorites / (h) The stone of Kronos
Hesiod1, our primary source, tells the tale in the following form:
she might in secret bear her dear child and might require the vengeance of her
Gaia received from her to nourish and to rear in wide Crete.] [[Thither she
the text as it stands in the critical edition of F. Jacoby (Berolini 1930). Sentences enclose
7 Supra ii. 549, 845. C. Picard in the Rev. Et. Gr. 1926 xxxix. 194 n. 1 objects
him in her arms she hid him "in a sheer cave beneath the coverts of earth
stone that he swallowed last3. This Zeus set up in the wide-wayed earth at
Ouranos whom his father in the Mightiness of his thoughts had bound. Grateful
Some said that it happened on Mount Thaumasion in Arkadia4;
c- 460—450 B.C., found in Sicily and now in the Louvre7, has for
Vat' 10 P'ace °f Poseidon (supra i. 181 n. o). But a different account is given in Myth.
p. ,tgBeazley Attic red-figured Vases in American Museums Cambridge Mass. 1918
white-haired1, who sceptre in hand and swathed in an ample
shows the sequel. Kronos in the same pose as before, only with
Kronos. He stands on the right, raising one hand in amazement
2 A. Rapp in Roscher Lex. Myth. iv. 95 is over-sceptical when he says : ' Verfehlt ist
4 E. de Chanot 'Cronos, Rhea et Nice' in the Gaz. Arch. 1877 iii. 116 pi. 18 ( = my
J- D. Beazley Attic red-figured Vases in American Museums Cambridge Mass. 1918
aler?'), fa Greek Vases in Poland Oxford 192S p. 44 n. 1 (such vases 'can hardly be
s'v des hochauftretenden Fusses in friihklassischer Malerei').
Hera Teleia1 stood on a square plinth decorated in relief with the
Praxitelean relief survives in a beautiful composition on the am
i. in, J. de Foville 'Les statues de Hera a Platees d'apres les monnaies' in the Rev.
Hera at Plataiai was built in the year 427/426 B.C. (Thouk. 3. 68), its sculptures must be
But the existence of this 'elder Praxiteles,' postulated by W. Klein in the Arch.-ep.
5 In addition to the bibliography given supra i. 43 n. 1 see now Stuart Jones Cat.
' On the veiled Kronos see M. Mayer in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 15^8—1563
in my possession (fig. 777 : scale #). The engraver has, quaintly
Harpe.' A. H. Krappe in his Balor With the Evil Eye Columbia University 1927
(fig. 779)1 which came to light in 1865 on the road from Osti*
exemplar), Mon. d. Inst, viii pi. 28, 3 (part of which = my fig. 779), M. Mayer in R° g}.
Rhea, in blue chitdn and red himdtion, presses her hands nervously
who, clad in a yellowish chiton and a blue himdtion, appears, stick
combined two moments in the myth—Kronos about to rend and devour one of his sons
the ritual of litholatry and in particular recalls the draped meteorites
in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh 1910 iii. 2o8b—209a,
in the Am. Journ. Arch. 1903 vii. 202 says: 'A comparison of these passages plainly
abaddiris,' lapis, quem pro love devoravit Saturnus, sed in usu hoc lion inveni,
ergo tradidit ei Neptunum, quem in mare submersit, et factus est deus marinus. secund0
pulveratum devoravit. deinde egestus et formatus est in speciem humanam et vivificatuS'
in the Thes. Ling. Lat. i. 43, 27 ff. abaddir deus dicitur, quo nomine lapis vocatur, 1l£lJl
and the ritual usage of a baitylos, were perhaps first fused in ancient
Further, in view of the relations between ' Minoan' Crete and
cll'od magis placet Bocharto...: nihil enim frigidius, quam lapidem, eumque talem in quo
in h A" ^' Evans ' Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult and its Mediterranean Relations'
' ",le found in the Little Palace at Knossos with its grotesque fetishes consisting of
£ull S"Pra ii. 189 n. 8. See also L. Lerat ' Trouvailles myceniennes a Delphes' in the
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §10. Zeus and the meteorites / (i) Zeus Kappótas
Pausanias1 in his account of south-western Lakonike says:
On the other hand, W. Kolbe5, writing six years later in his
E. S. Forster in the Ann. Brit. Sch. Ath. 1906—1907 xiii. 222 f.
^ Lebas—Reinach Voyage Arch. p. 32 pi. Itin. 25 ( = my fig. 781). R. Weil in the
Lidd'1^311'11'' ass'gned to the unknown verb dToo-Tpuffeo-rai. H. Stuart Jones in the new
think that a verb of unknown meaning in an inscription which does
aerium laedat, interdicitur. Hunc ergo in modum titulum verterim : "nequis decutiat;
bad leg—to rub it in "essence of thunder." This precious liquid was obtained by boiling
162.' [U. Kohler in the Ath. Mitth. 1878 iii. 163 published a base from Gythion,
M. Mayer in Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 1540 (.: Kawirorras for KaTriroTas (KaTairlva).
tention that Kappotas means 'the Swallower.' For though in the
involves the root pet- pot-, which appears in the verb pot-d-omai,
Rather, it should be borne in mind that the same root pet- pot- had
Fallen,' and that his stone was in all likelihood a meteoric block.
3 S. Wide Lakonische Kulte Leipzig 1893 p. 11 : 'In der Weise erklare ich den Zei>s
4 E. Maass in the R/iein. Mus. 1929 lxxviii. 7 f. : Ka7rirt6ras =' Herniedergeflogen.
7 H. Usener in the Rhein. Mus. 1905 lx. 12 'Vielmehr gehort ttut- zu Wurzel fteT
8 F. Solmsen in the Rhein. Mus. 1907 lxii. 337 ' Morphologisch ist diese schon^
Chapter II(continued): Zeus as god of the weather / §11. General conclusions with regard to Zeus as god of dark sky
lines, and explored in detail some at least of its ramifications. It
Starting from the primitive belief in an animate Sky, we
He dwelt in isolated splendour where the summit of Mount Olympos
One' might be seen to flash downwards in a dazzling streak10. This
Clouds, again, played a certain role in the ritual and mythology of
in Arkadia, in Thessaly, on the Akropolis at Athens9. Moreover,
Such in rough outline were the physical foundations of the cult
were quite without parallel in the pagan world. The fact is that
21 G. Foucart 'Sky and Sky-gods' in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and&, ^
people, and not least of the Jews. This took place in the Hellenistic
rnet in the solar monotheism of Aurelian11.
trie union of the Greek Zeus with similar gods in contiguous areas.
peoples of the Far East), 89—315 (The Worship of the Sky in Africa).
the fatal bolt fell was elysion and its victim enelysios, literally ' in
Armenios4, could stand at last on the axis of the world, the central
thunderbolt in either hand, a primitive storm-god, at Olympia was
' Protector of Pledges11.' In general it may be said that from the
head propped on hand in an attitude of serene16 meditation. ^e
propped on hand occurs also in the Roman numismatic type of a seated J
the cosmic character of such a god tended to find expression in
In all which happenings is nought but Zeus—
Siculus12 passes into a poetical commonplace. Aratos13 in his great
signs in the sky above and thereby determines the labours of the
R. Harder 'Prismata' 1 in Philologus N.F. 1930 xxxix. 243—247 argues that
10 i ' * leSS- 2- 7 'a love Musarum primordia'—sicut in Aratio carmine orsi sumus.
of heaven, in a fine ceiling-fresco of Nero's Golden House3. And
would serve. Thus handsome bronze coins struck at Nikaia in
adapted for figures of the Father and the Son in church-mosaics of
scandaleuse of Zeus13, however excusable in the heat of controversy,
and adaptability in the face of changing conditions. The earth'
Zeus, Father Zeus, thou reign'st in heaven above
speaks of her as seated at his side10. Euripides in the Melanippe
n- 2 cites Inscr. Gr. sept, i no. 3217 (a fragment of white marble from Orchomenos in
S' Shorey in J. Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh igr8 x. 801
^ a<f- 9 Diels3 ap. Simplic. phys. 24. 13 (Theophrast. phys. opin. frag. 2 in H. Diels
assessor to Zeus, but in the Trozades3 still couples his name with hers:
middle of all things that exist, proceeding by a straight path in the course of
which I command thee this day____It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall
See further G. Caramia 'Chi e la dea BA2IAEIA negli Uccelli di Aristofane?' in *'ie
4. 9. 7), and F. Ribezzo 'La AIkt) irdpebpos Atbs degli Orfici' in the same Rivista 19''
and ap. Prokl. in Plat. Tim. i. 315, 8 ff. Diehl iv he r<J Yopylq (523 a) trvvTdTroiv re aVf
avenger of all that falls short of the Divine Law—Justice, in whom may he that
'Now it is true that Anaxarchus, trying to console Alexander in his agony of
righteous and just; but neither correct nor helpful were the means he took in
Right and the oldest and most perfect of laws; but the ancients state it in that
was perhaps posing as Zeus Oromdsdes incarnate3. In late times
are stray hints and previsions in the cults of Zeus Meiltchios6, Zeus
his victim's kin and appeared in some far off village as a suppliant
that any day a god might appear in their midst in the likeness of
have ears to hear, in all parts of the ancient world. If for cultural
propagated in Phrygia and Thrace among a people who already
In central Greece Dios, Zemela, and Dios Nj>sos became
7 R. Browning Paracelsus 5 sui Jin. ' But in completed man begins anew [ A tendency
death4. It is notorious that the Christus Pattens, a play written in
Idaios in the fifth century had mystics, who by their sacraments
seems early to have taken on a solar character, but in the Hellenistic
Mt Zdgros or Zdgron in Assyria, passing first through Phoinike and then through Crete
nose who took part in his drdmenon, those who witnessed his drama, thereby became
Dn f'anc'ys in m's edition of that play (ed. 3 Cambridge 1892 p. Ixxxv) says : ' a large
Tarsos in his speech before the Areiopagos actually quotes the
and in the same context cites, perhaps from a lost poem by
statue of Zeus Olympios for the fifth-century temple in the Altis ■
1 G. Knaack in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 391 f. (' Wahrscheinlich wai ^
with English rendering and brief notes, will be found in H. Stuart Jones Select ^aSg ff.
among them, engaged in fighting the Amazons. The throne was
Perhaps typified fertility in the animal world; the Kpiva (supra i. 622 ff.), in the vegetable
4 H. Bulle in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 328 and 338 ('Es ist das erste bezeugte Beispiel
5 F. Eichler ' Thebanische Sphinx' in the Jahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst. 1937 xxx.
antarkes (cp. 6. 10. 6, 6. 15. 2), an Elean youth who won a victory in the wrestling-
Giove fidiaco' in the Bull. d. Inst. 1849 p. 74 f. = id. Kleine Schriften Leipzig—Berlin
in the Ath. Mitth. 1882 vii. 274—276, id. A History of Greek Sctdplure London 1883
In my restoration (supra ii pi. xlvi) I have assumed (1) that the four bars (Kat>6fes)'
legs (-jro'Scs) and beneath the bars; (3) that the pillars (tclovts), equal in number to the leSs
p. 669 with fig. 480). This would not exclude the possibility that, as in the case of AtheI)3
(cp. supra ii. 193 n. 2 pi. xi), Etruria, etc., and in particular has shown that in Dah°nl.'e
elaborate composition in gold. In the centre Aphrodite rose from
Egyptian chairs of state often have leonine legs and arm-rests in the shape of lions
Tut-ankh-Amen London 1923 i. 117 ff. with pis. 2, 62—64). In India too the lion is
(F. Edgerton 'A Hindu Book of Tales: the Vikramacarita' in the Am. fourn. Phil. 1912
I • Lowy in the Jahresh. d. oesl. arch. Inst. 1909 xii. 246 fig. 123, V. Chapot in
(Aisch"'36'''' ^e''CS °^ these forgotten or half-forgotten beliefs may be found in prophecies
of this group were a dozen deities arranged in pairs—on the left,
in his chariot, on the right by Selene riding her horse or mule.
in the half-light of the temple, to isolate the statue from the
'I am aware that the measurements of the Zeus at Olympia in point of heigh*
What this masterpiece really looked like in the full glory
4 S. B. Smith 'Der Zeus des Phidias auf eleischen Mtinzen' in the Arch. Zeit- 1
marble cult statue was made for the temple and stood duly in its place when the building
' Libon und Phidias' in the fahrb. d. Dcutsch. Arch.Tnst. 1923/24 xxxviii/ix pp. 37—48].
feld in Olympia ii. 22]...also damaged this statue of Zeus. By this time the praise of the
Under Hadrian, when art took an antiquarian turn (W. Weber in The Cambridge Ancient
Hadrian, now at Paris. It was first figured by J. Friedlaender in the Berliner Blatter
duplicates at Olympia and is published by R. Weil in the Zeitschr. f. Num. 1912
on the emperor by the Panhellenes, when he was present in person at the Olympic
(4) is a fourth bronze coin struck by Hadrian, also in the Berlin collection.
man in the street, the scholarly thinker, the religious reformer, the
in his spirit. And so, just as if he had been about to offer victims on the Capitol,
men, but as a worker in ivory to have been quite without a rival—even had he
' I maintain that nothing is ever so beautiful as not to be beaten in beauty by
4 E. Klebs in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 578 f.
aut Minervae, contemplabatur aliquem e quo similitudinem duceret, sed ipsius in nient*
€i ijfJM> 6 Zeus 5i ofifiaTwv id£\oi tpttvrjvat. and an interesting parallel in a letter fro111
whose likeness he drew. No, in his own mind dwelt an ideal of surpassing
whose goodness consists in giving of thine own self to men."'
siould yourself be near, to select the best; but seeing that good judges and beautiful
s not the colloquial £ 'ya9(, but a more serious use of the adjective as in Plat. Tim.
weary in soul, having drained many sufferings and sorrows in his
Yet, granted all this, continues Dion, in making a human figure
worthy of the god4? To which penetrating question Pheidias in his
is to know the human body in which these qualities reside, and
desire to honour and tend it near at hand, approaching it and
often in dreams stretch out their arms to the absent ones, so men,
this form of ours1. In choosing the human shape I have,followed
a special spot in Elis or Athens. You, Homer, wisest of poets, were
with that burst of stars, lingering awhile in memory as a galaxy of
hardly an extant marble or bronze in which we can trace with
Phidias' in the Rev. £,t. Gr. igij xxx. 105—116 regards this list of epithets as a Stoic
693 n- 3)- Bergk ad loc. conjectured that the next line in Pindar's paidn was Alicas
airavTijiv deov, cos 8i] Siktjs bvra 5-qp.wvpybv, de fac. in orb. lun. 13 ?) riVos ykyove Troin}Tiis
(sc. b Uivbapos) = Euseb. praep. ev. 13. 13. 27 and C. B. Hase in Stephanus Thes. G'•
241), and a bronze head at Vienna (H. Schrader in the Jahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst. iy
with the familiar attribute. Seneca5, for example, in defiance of
Strab. 353 (quoted by Eustath. in II. p. 145, 15 f.).
ws 2<t>V, to. avOpuTriva. F. Granger in his recent translation (London 1935) p. 89 renders
while Lucian1 goes much further and in a passage of bitter sarcasm
to your hand, has gone dead and cold, it seems ; never a spark left in it to
he was; there are you in your opiate-trance, never hearing the perjurers nor
When you were young and keen, and your temper had some life in it, you
had not the energy to wake the dogs or call in the neighbours; surely they
letting them cut his hair, with a fifteen-foot thunderbolt in his hand all the time !'
In truth that new conception was too exalted for a public
2 Schol. Greg. Naz. in Catalogns sive notilia manuscriptorum qui a E. D. Cln^e
future ages, born five hundred years in advance of his time.
used to sacrifice to Athena Ergdne1. Oil was poured out in front
p. 367 f. no. 536, 3 f., W. Dittenberger—K. Purgold in Olympia v. 555 f. no. 466, 3 f.
in the theatre (Corp. inscr. Att. ii. 1 no. 2gi=fnscr Gr. ed. min. ii. 3 no. 5072 of
(Dittenberger Syll. inscr. Gr? no. 42, c 129 f. in an Attic decree of c. 460 B.C. Kal r[bv
"•rX Similarly Methodios, bishop of Olympos in Lykia, who was martyrized under
4 H- C. Schubart in the Arch. Zeit. 1849 Zeitschrift fiir die Alterthumswissenschaft
was pierced by tubes or channels, which conveyed the oil in all
But graver dangers than slow disintegration were to follow. In
see C. Robert in Pauly—Wissowa Real. Enc. v. 2554) of vine-wood (J. Murr Die
3 B. Ashmole in The Cambridge Ancient History Cambridge 1930 viii. 689 f.
6 Yet see E. Groag in Pauly—Wissowa Peal-Enc. xv. 634.
Zeus, had perforce to substitute another effigy in his own temple
Zeus' golden tresses weighing six minas apiece. In 394 A.D.
Byzantion and set up in the House of Lausos6 among such world-
l°m the unsympathetic exultation of Zeus in the late Homeric theomachia {II. 21. 3S8 ff.
its exile was of no long duration. The Lauseion in turn was burnt
who ventured to portray the Saviour in the guise of Zeus. The
We have here a clear recognition of two main types in the icono-
On this and other conflagrations at Constantinople see E. Oberhummer in Paul}'
that, in the absence of authentic portraiture, throughout the first four centuries of ou>
Geschichte schliesst.' Id. id. p. 141 'Ich behaupte, dass in keinem einzigen Falle bisher
See further H. Holtzmann ' Ueber die Entstehung des Christusbildes der Kunst' in
Leipzig 1921, G. E. Meille Christ's Likeness in History and Art trans. E. M. Kirkman
Christustypus in der friihchristlichen Kunst' in the Strena Buliciana Zagrebiae 1924
1**8 ■q/j.S.s fivrtuoveveadai a$iav. tt\v yap alp.oppoovaav, rjv in rSiv lepS>v eiayyeXluv wpbs tov
llgne), J. Wilpert 'Alte Kopie der Statue von Paneas' in the Strena Buliciana
in which stress was laid on the majesty of the central figure,
puts its demolition in the time of Julian (361—363 a.d.), as does Sozom. hist. eccl. 5. 21
figure were piously put together and bestowed in the church. See for details E. von
on a wooded or bushy hillside with an open roll in his hand: below him sheep and kids
in C. M. Kaufmann Handbuch der christlichen Archdologie Paderborn 1913 pp. 717 7 5
1 J. Sauer in the Strena Buliciana p. 319 ff. 'lledet
A. Furtwangler 'Vom Zeus des Phidias' in the Milanges Perrot
who drew Christ in the likeness of Zeus, is one more reminder that
And what—it may be asked in conclusion—is the ultimate
• '88 ff., if. 1158, iii. 945). A. Alfoldi A Festival of Isis in Rome Budapest 1937 p. 38
I give as an example (or warning) a woodcut which appears in Alberto da Castello
Let us be bold to assert that throughout all ages and in every clime
Aischylos2 found in Zeus the only possible solution for the problem
greatly in error, the cult of Zeus took them one stage, one long
ever will sing in worthy strains.'
wounds in his hands and feet. The virgin, baring her breast in a last appeal (supra ii.
The Christian equivalent will be found in 1 Cor. 2. 9 and 10.
794 The owl °f Athena
Hellenistic times. Bronze coins of Pergamon (fig. 591)1 show an
owl on a winged thunderbolt inscribed AQHNAZ
NIKH4>0P0Y, ' of Athena the Bringer of Victory.' A
similar type occurs on gold2 and silver of Tarentum3
and on bronze of Herakleia in Lucania4 and Amastris
in Paphlagonia5, while small bronze pieces issued at
Athens have two owls face to face on a thunderbolt6.
Finally, Zeus himself has an owl, not an eagle, as his attribute on
imperial bronze coins of Akmoneia in Phrygia (figs. 592—594)7 an
on others struck by Alexandras i Balas at Kyrrhos in Syria {sup^a
ii. 15 n. 5 fig. 2).
Fig. 592. Fig. 593. Fig. 594.
The passage from the ornithomorphic to the anthropomorphlC
conception of Athena involves several successive stages :
1. Athena as a bird.
2. Athena as a bird with human arms.
3. Athena as a bird with human head.
4. Athena as a goddess with bird's wings.
5. Athena as a goddess with a bird for her attribute.
f and
1 Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Mysia p. 132 pi. 27, 13, cp. ib. p. 131 pi. 27, 11 ' ^
McClean Cat. Coins iii. 62 no. 7680 pi. 264, 6, Head Hist, num? p. 536- ^ 0g
a specimen in my collection. H. von Fritze in the Corolla Numismatica Oxford l9
p. 56 f. pi. 2, 25 connects the coins inscribed A0HNAZ N I KH<t>oPoY with
Nikephoria of 183 B.C.
2 Hunter Cat. Coins i. 68 no. 24. jg,
3 Carelli Num. It. vet. p. 54 pi. 115, 232, Garrucci Man. It. ant. p. 128 pi- 99' ^
Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Italy p. 202, Hunter Cat. Coins i. 76 nos. 96—100 P»' 5'
McClean Cat. Coins i. 92 nos. 642—645 pi. 25, 9 and 10, Syli. num. Gr. it- P
236 Lloyd. ,s,
4 Carelli AW. It. vet. p. 89 pi. 163, 68, Garrucci Mon. It. ant. p. 134 P1-
Brit. Mils. Cat. Coins Italy p. 234, McClean Cat. Coins i. 116 nos. 863, 864 pi- 3°>. " b
5 £«7. CW. Ccmu Pontus etc. p. 84 pi. 19, 5, Waddington— Babelon—Ke
Monti, gr. a"As. Min.3 i. 174 no. 10 pi. 18, 8. , jjfit-
6 J. N. Svoronos Lcs motmaies d''Athhies Munich 1923—1926 pi. 24, 60— /'
Mus. Cat. Coins Attica etc. p. 79 pi. 14, 3, Hunter Cat. Coins ii. 72 nos. 182, 1 ^'^foj
' Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Phrygia pp. xxiii, 9 f. pi. 3, 3 ( = my fig. 593) an<^ ^ ^\i0
fig. 594). Fig. 592 is from a specimen kindly given to me by Mr C- T. ^'^'usb8'1''
notes that the magistrates L. Servenius Capito and Iulia Severa are apparently
and wife, both holding priestly office under Nero.
Hellenistic times. Bronze coins of Pergamon (fig. 591)1 show an
owl on a winged thunderbolt inscribed AQHNAZ
NIKH4>0P0Y, ' of Athena the Bringer of Victory.' A
similar type occurs on gold2 and silver of Tarentum3
and on bronze of Herakleia in Lucania4 and Amastris
in Paphlagonia5, while small bronze pieces issued at
Athens have two owls face to face on a thunderbolt6.
Finally, Zeus himself has an owl, not an eagle, as his attribute on
imperial bronze coins of Akmoneia in Phrygia (figs. 592—594)7 an
on others struck by Alexandras i Balas at Kyrrhos in Syria {sup^a
ii. 15 n. 5 fig. 2).
Fig. 592. Fig. 593. Fig. 594.
The passage from the ornithomorphic to the anthropomorphlC
conception of Athena involves several successive stages :
1. Athena as a bird.
2. Athena as a bird with human arms.
3. Athena as a bird with human head.
4. Athena as a goddess with bird's wings.
5. Athena as a goddess with a bird for her attribute.
f and
1 Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Mysia p. 132 pi. 27, 13, cp. ib. p. 131 pi. 27, 11 ' ^
McClean Cat. Coins iii. 62 no. 7680 pi. 264, 6, Head Hist, num? p. 536- ^ 0g
a specimen in my collection. H. von Fritze in the Corolla Numismatica Oxford l9
p. 56 f. pi. 2, 25 connects the coins inscribed A0HNAZ N I KH<t>oPoY with
Nikephoria of 183 B.C.
2 Hunter Cat. Coins i. 68 no. 24. jg,
3 Carelli Num. It. vet. p. 54 pi. 115, 232, Garrucci Man. It. ant. p. 128 pi- 99' ^
Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Italy p. 202, Hunter Cat. Coins i. 76 nos. 96—100 P»' 5'
McClean Cat. Coins i. 92 nos. 642—645 pi. 25, 9 and 10, Syli. num. Gr. it- P
236 Lloyd. ,s,
4 Carelli AW. It. vet. p. 89 pi. 163, 68, Garrucci Mon. It. ant. p. 134 P1-
Brit. Mils. Cat. Coins Italy p. 234, McClean Cat. Coins i. 116 nos. 863, 864 pi- 3°>. " b
5 £«7. CW. Ccmu Pontus etc. p. 84 pi. 19, 5, Waddington— Babelon—Ke
Monti, gr. a"As. Min.3 i. 174 no. 10 pi. 18, 8. , jjfit-
6 J. N. Svoronos Lcs motmaies d''Athhies Munich 1923—1926 pi. 24, 60— /'
Mus. Cat. Coins Attica etc. p. 79 pi. 14, 3, Hunter Cat. Coins ii. 72 nos. 182, 1 ^'^foj
' Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Phrygia pp. xxiii, 9 f. pi. 3, 3 ( = my fig. 593) an<^ ^ ^\i0
fig. 594). Fig. 592 is from a specimen kindly given to me by Mr C- T. ^'^'usb8'1''
notes that the magistrates L. Servenius Capito and Iulia Severa are apparently
and wife, both holding priestly office under Nero.